/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Genderbending Baby 11/09/2020 (Mon) 22:12:22 No. 1819
Any boys turned into girls wearing diapers or girls turned into boys wearing diapers.
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[Otona no Youchien] Seiten Shoujo Bangaihen ~Ikihaji no Omorashi Shuugaku Ryokou https://e-hentai.org/g/300188/80c89a8694/ https://e-hentai.org/g/337175/c8afab290d/ [Chijoku An] Oshiego ni Itazura Shita Sensei ga Lolikko ni Sarete Hazukashimerareru 2nd and 3rd image is the only diaper content. https://hitomi.la/cg/oshiego-ni-itazura-shita-sensei-ga-lolikko-ni-sarete-hazukashimerareru-english-1452117.html I guess you could also include Ranma 1/2. Seems to be a case where the amount of stories is much greater than art.
Really? I see way more art than stories for Ranma. Any examples?
>>1825 Sorry I was referring to genderbending stories in general. There seems to be a lot on sissykiss though you would have to sort gender transformation ones from the cross dressing stories. Also I just remembered those Brenton Tarrant gender swap pics.
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What would be your ideal TG/AR or TG/ABDL fantasy or scenario?
>>1887 I think it would be really fun to be a diapered 3-4 year old girl. I could play princess games all day, and then mommy can take me to the park to play. Bonus points if I have an accident and she changes me while I'm lying in the grass. On the more sexual side, I think it be hot to be transformed into a diaper girl and kept at a frat house or something. They would take care of me as long as I "took care" of them, like having to swallow loads of cum just for a diaper change.
>>1887 Regressed to my teenage years. From there my transformation caused incontinence issues so my parents put me back into pull-ups. Im gradually treated younger and younger. At sleep overs my friends insist on babying me by putting me in diapers and forcing me to suck on pacifiers and drink from bottles, even at breakfast they put me in there little brother or sisters high chair and proposition my parents to be my babysitter. After a bit of time my parents give up on trying to repotty train me and put me back into diapers. As this happens my room goes from a room fit for a toddler princess to a flow blown nursery.
>>1887 Oh man just getting to grow up again and make all sorts of new and exciting mistakes sounds great. Add to that it would be the ultimate fix for my current mental illness and its basically an ideal fantasy already. Maybe a ddlg based high school polycue eventually.
About 16-18 with a dominant daddy twice my age. Daddy would constantly be toying and rubbing my princess parts teasing me until I beg for his cock.
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>>1887 I think I'd like to be turned into a 6-8 year old little girl. Old enough for diapers and other babyish treatment to be very humiliating, but still young enough to not be judged harshly by society. My potty skills would be a bit worse than other girls my age, but not drastically so. If I was careful to use the toilet regularly I'd be able to stay dry at school and only wet my bed about once a week. I'd be adopted by a couple of lolicons who'd enjoy treating me like a toddler. They'd be very kind, loving and supportive and they'd never do anything that would really hurt me, but they would have total authority over me. They'd decide what clothes I was allowed to wear, what toys I could play with, whether I could use the potty, and pretty much everything else about my life. They'd listen to me and usually take my preferences into consideration, but if they wanted to take me shopping in just a short T-shirt and extra-thick pampers I'd be powerless to stop them. Sometimes I'd be allowed to act pretty much like a girl of my age, although even then I might still be prohibited from doing certain "big girl" things like wiping myself after going potty or eating with a knife and fork. Sometimes I'd be given big girl panties to wear but told not to use the toilet, then I'd get scolded and changed into diapers in public when I ended up having an accident. Occasionally I might just be diapered, restrained, and made to spend the whole day as a 6 month old baby.
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>>1900 I like yours. Id be 12-13, but my parents use diapers as a punishment for misbehaving. Depending on the severity i could be treated like like a toddler where my panties are taken away and made to wear pull-ups at home, and forced to ask my parents every time I need to potty and they watch me. If I get a bad report card from school I could spend my nights in a crib, in diapers with early bedtimes, feed from bottles and a highchair, i get changed only twice a day for a few weeks at a time.
>>1911 That sounds like it would be really fun too. Imagine, after weeks of hard work to keep your grades up and follow all the rules they announce that you're going to be allowed to wear big girl panties again. But, instead of giving you your old panties back they take you shopping in the toddler section of a clothes store. You're only allowed to choose from the panties aimed at little girls who are still learning to use the potty - the kind with extra padding and very infantile decorations - and even then they veto a couple of choices as being too grown up for you. From then on those are the closest you come to owning a pair of big girl panties. They even force you to act excited and grateful every time you're allowed to wear them, and you're subjected to regular panty checks throughout the day.
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>>1887 I want to be a 4-6 year old little girl who wears diapers and still does a lot of immature and babyish things. I don't have any elaborate fantasies, but I like to imagine wearing brightly colored and frilly dresses, playing with other girls at the park, or just playing with toys and stuff alone. My caretakers would be very loving and encouraging. Simple but I love to imagine it.
>>1900 This sounds perfect to me, honestly. The humiliation of being a diapered "big girl" but also the sweet loving comfort of being babied is my ultimate fantasy.
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Got some fresh content.
>>4662 This is amazing, if only places like this really existed for kink purposes
>>4663 If asylums weren't such black mold, dilapidated, spook infested shit holes a bdsm club converted from an asylum would be awesome.
>>5055 >black mold, dilapidated, spook infested shit holes Don’t forget the asbestos!
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>>1887 Got to have a lesbian dom couple as my caregivers. Living with them full time in my own nursery, them babying me during the day then making me there play thing at night. They would take me on public outings in humiliating outfits and diapers on full display or so think under my cloths the bulk cant be ignored.
>>5064 >lesbian dom couple Are you looking for a pegging spitroast?
I have been thinking of watching little girls’ cartoons to help me regress. Any good recommendations? Anime or otherwise
>>5069 Daria
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>>5069 Ojamajo Doremi Slice-of-life mahou shoujo about a group of elementary school girls. I'd say this one has the perfect combination of cute, childish styling and engaging, intelligent writing which can be enjoyed by an adult. Ojamajo Doremi is well worth watching even if you don't plan to regress. Cardcaptor Sakura Mahou shoujo featuring elementary school girls, but this one leans more towards a monster-of-the-week (MotW) format. CCS is another well written show with fairly broad appeal. Miracle Girls Twin sisters in middle school solving everyday problems with magic. This one is much less well known than Sailor Moon (which came out around the same time) but personally I prefer it, mainly because it sticks to a slice of life format. Mewkledreamy A mahou shoujo show all about middle school girls with cute magical plushies. This is definitely aimed at the younger end of elementary school but the writing is surprisingly good so it's good fun to watch. It leans very much towards the slice-of-life end of the SoL-MotW scale. Precure You've heard of Pretty Cure right? It's a very long running show with a standard monster-of-the-week formula. Think Sailor Moon, but aimed at a younger audience. Most of the seasons have totally new characters and settings so you can jump in more or less anywhere. Rilu Rilu Fairilu This one is undeniably a show for preschoolers. There's not a great deal to hold an adult's interest, but it scores very highly on cuteness and babyishness. Not all the seasons have been subtitled yet. Magical Idol Pastel Yumi Another cute and fun SoL mahou shoujo show about an elementary school girl. There are two other related shows (Magical Emi and Creamy Mami) by the same studio, although I haven't got round to watching them yet.
Stop!! Hibari-kun! :^)
>>5084 >>5092 Thank you so much, anon. My mind is going to be filled with little thoughts for hours and hours with all of this! I will have to begin watching soon and embrace my loli self <3 I will post an update with one of the first things I begin if anyone is interested
I am pretty sure a lot of these shows features trap shotas.
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>>5097 I'm definitely interested in what cute anime other anons are watching. If we want to discuss it properly though it might be a good idea to create a new thread. It's a bit off topic for this one.
>>5115 Good idea! I can set one up here in a bit
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Anyone writing up an TG ABDL stories? Its such a rare niche.
>>5340 I really wish there was more of it. Sex Transformation and ABDL are two of my favorite fetishes. Looking for actual gender bender ABDL material can be difficult as well since most stuff tagged doesn't actually involve proper physical transformation. Not that I can't appreciate some good traps, but it's annoying when most TGTF/ABDL stuff is actually just sissy feminization and crossdressing or man faced trannies posting their nudes.
>>5340 Why not just try writing your own? That's what I did when I found there to be a severe lack of positive childhood diaper love stories.
>>5340 I'm a """writer""" so here's something I threw together as a sample for the direction I'd go with that concept. Unfortunately, I have to sleep now and I wasn't able to write up to the part that would involve the diapers part. https://pastebin.com/ky333s1h Taking too long to get to the diapers/good part is actually one of the biggest demotivators I have for writing something.
>>5357 I added more. Diapers are now in play, but still no actual wearing. Summary: A child with gender uncertainty goes to a therapist(who is a succubus) for help. This "help" will eventually involve wearing diapers and full gender transformation, but for now it's just setup.
>>5340 I wrote a couple of TG/AR stories https://ararchive.com/public/9136
>>5513 >both forced transformation shame
>>5513 >>5562 I like forced transformation because it feels more humiliating and the struggle adds some tension. If they want to be the baby it's not as fun. Working on one with some consenting transformation but it's a struggle for me I admit.
>>5562 >not liking mindbreak-tier forced gender transformation and regression Cringe
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Writing several. 1. OG Baby Kush > stoner teens stumble onto a weird dispensary ran by a weird old lady. Different strains cause Different effects like Baby Girl turns one boy into a little girl. Reality alters around them to make there predicament seem normal. > expert thief is hired to steal research data from a wealthy women nobody has seen in years. Burgler is captured by the women and us given several doses of whatever the research was turning him into a baby girl. > little sister meets a mysterious stranger who gives her a coin that grant wishes, however the coin has a price. Use it for good and good things come your way use it selfishly and end up on the receiving end of all the torment you cause. The older brother became the sisters play thing, first become a big sis, then little sis, then baby sis then back to big sis but with diapers.
>>5903 Interesting. I'd love to read the second one
>>5913 I got inspired by Lady Dimitrescu. A bit of back story is the welthy women is the daughter of a famous chemist who died. The company that hired the thief had been after the formulas he made years before his passing after being refused to sell any of the formulas or accompanying research notes by the lady. I think an interesting twist would be for the lady to also be one of the experiments. Hence her freakish size.
Thought I'd just share this pixiv profile. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/1476115/artworks Enjoy fags.
>>1955 Just FYI, Walmart and some other stores make *big* girls' clothes these days. I'm over 6' and like 230lb and can fit into a lot of it. Got a pack of Day of the Week panties, some bright and cheerful training bras, a nightie, a floral dress, some shorts I honestly like so much I've sometimes considered wearing them out, etc. So if you ever did feel like living out that fantasy even a little bit, there's a place to start.
>>10056 Can we please leave this thread for stories and art as it has been? There's already a couple threads for discussing and posting real world ABDL trannies here. Look in the catalog and use them. This thread has not been about real world trannies and cross dressing discussion so far and it hasn't really been brought up here. The closest is >>5341 , mentioning tranny and sissy galleries and stories not being tagged properly making good fiction and art harder to find. Most of us aren't interested in actual attempts at this because of how bad the results are for most and a realistic awareness of YWNBAW. Nearly all of us into gender bender stuff are aware that sex transformation is not something that ever will live up to the fantasy or be a reasonable reality. This is no more realistic than any other physical TF related fetish that will never happen in real life an we know that when discussing it in terms of fiction. At best you're trolling, at worst you're an idiot, delusional, or some sort of deliberate groomer. There's enough of this online already. Go back to Reddit if you're going to start trying to convince real world men to dress like little girls because most of us find it creepy as fuck, see it as an attempt at grooming, or just a disturbing or annoying reminder of will not be reality. Sorry for the rant, but just fuck, it's so frustrating to be reminded of the problems and unrealism of gender bender fetish by someone suggesting a six foot tall or greater man start crossdressing. It wouldn't bother me here if it didn't come up online so much of some tranny butting in with real world suggestions and examples or offenses in discussions only on fiction of the topic.
>>10057 I'm not that anon, and I generally agree with the idea of keeping 2D and 3D in separate threads, but that's where my agreement ends. If "you will never be a woman" is true then "you will never be a baby" is even more true. The exact same arguments apply against all AB play, yet there's still a thriving market for adult-sized baby diapers, baby clothes, and even baby furniture. Yes, the constraints of the real world suck, but we just have to do our best to have fun despite them, at least until technology improves. Personally I think that some combination of kigu masks, upscaled furniture, and augmented reality glasses should be able to get us 90% of the way to full suspension of disbelief, but as you say, that's a discussion for another thread.
>>10085 Lets just hope brain transplants eventually become possible, as well as growing a non-sentient human body. That leaves the minimum possible age you could transplant to to be about 5 to 10 years depending on your current brain size, as before that age the brain is still rapidly growing.
BuckieABDL seems to have deleted his media accounts and purged content for some reason. Does anyone have the rest of of his Natsuru and Kämpfer art? I've only got these two saved, but I remember there was about half a dozen images at least. The stuff with Natsuru had some decent mental regression art. >>10085 I'm pretty sure the difference here is that ABDLs generally aren't obviously roleplaying in public (those of us who do are usually discreet about it such as hiding diapers under normal clothes) and aren't trying to convince others to do so online constantly and other places or very obviously intruding on conversations about fictional scenarios with RL stuff. Most people don't care about someone with a personal ABDL nursery (and a lot of us here are certainly envious of people who have the money and time to spend on that) or roleplaying tranny and feminization in private, but a lot of people tend to have a problem with those things noticeably being done in public, trying to convince others to do so openly, and getting vilified for not playing along with that kind of thing due to how political tranny shit has become. It's really more about trannies having a habit of inserting themselves where they're unwanted or not relevant to the conversation and often trying to shame others when they have a problem with it. I understand the other anon's frustration with this because of how common it is, especially online.
>>10103 You should really try to be less paranoid. Not every post about sissy stuff is part of the big bad tranny conspiracy. Some people do just want to roleplay in private.
>>10103 Only one I have saved.
>>10103 >>10103 These were the only ones I had. My Deviantart scrape of his work was from 2020 so it doesn't have everything. Anons usual posted his works on /aco/ so you should be able to find the rest in the archived threads or by asking for someone to post the rest of his works.
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Writting a TG ABDL story about 3 friends who win a trip to a vacation. Turns out the freevtrip is a cover for human trafficers who specializes in training girls into niche slaves for clients. At the hotel they are ambushed and abducted and turned into girls. Two of the friends fully transform while one gains the looks of a girl but retained his manhood. He is made into a sissy. Of the other two one suffers no side effects from the transformation and is sent to be trained as a regular sex slave. The last suffers incontinence and is made into a baby slave.
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You might be interesting on this story, it's about a teenage boy who ends up in a reality where everybody treats him as a teenage girl. He still has his male body though. https://paste.ee/r/iaqxU https://fictionbranches.net/fb/user/belchest
>>32840 Dear god, can you please give a source? Are they all from the same Patreon?
>>32864 First three are from Wishberri/JamJarMonster, last two are HofBondage. Ones in this post are from MentalCrash.
>>32873 Thank you!
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Rare but good genre. I'll try to post what I have.
>>5340 wait, is that MommyKat as the tied up baby in the picture? who is playing Mommy in that scene?
>>32936 >ranmastorycover_by_inkuhime_dedy1w1-fullview.jpg This suggest this has a story going along with it by someone called Inkuhime, but I couldn't find such a story. Does anyone else know more about this?
>>33000 I haven't thought about this guy in ages. He was old school when I was just starting to look at this kind of thing. Surprisingly the anglefire site is still active. https://www.angelfire.com/anime2/omutsu/stories.html
they had made a deviantart account a few years ago and started posting some new art on it as well as reedited version of some of the stories form their angelfire page. However it appears they have deactivated their deviantart account at some point in the last few onths.
>>33006 They got deviantart purged.
>>33003 >How the hell is that old ass website still up? That's a gem find in my book lmao. Let me know if the creator rejoins deviantart or another site. >>33000 also your image broke lol
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