/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Baby 01/18/2022 (Tue) 18:19:54 No. 8215
Anyone have some CatDoll ABDL content?
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Please put it in a messy baby diaper
If someone owns one of them inflatable diapers please put it on the doll
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c'mon, guys. Why do they all look like children? gimme some blow-up/real dolls in diapers
>>43381 These are all super cute. Is she yours? If you're looking for suggestions, a potty chart on her wall would really add to the toddler-bedroom feel.
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>>43407 Sadly she's not mine, she belongs to senderbud on allthefallen
>>43377 Don't take this the wrong way, but why not opt for an infantilised bimbo waifu?
>>43427 Why don't you opt for a muscular hairy husband? Because you wouldn't find that attractive? Well there's your answer. If you want to survive on the internet you need to understand that different people have different tastes.
>>43433 Does your taste happen to be children? Cause wtf
>>43465 Yes. Is this your first time on an imageboard or something? Go type "lolicon" into Google and have your mind blown.
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>>43530 impotent rage is so funny
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>>43537 Says the dude who preys on defenseless, naive children.
>>43542 >preys on children. They actively aren't As someone on a fetish board, you should know that attraction and action are not the same
>>43542 i wouldn't say i 'preyed' on you by laughing at you but at least you admit what you are
>>43542 Threatening to murder people just because they masturbate to drawings and dolls doesn't exactly give you the moral high ground here, you know.
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>>43543 And how long until that attraction becomes action? >>43548 >>43563 Get in line, Pedos.
>>43564 >>43542 >>43530 Lol cope harder. Post more dolls
To close to being a pedo or a rock spider
>>44702 >>44695 Then post some RealDolls, anon.
>>8215 hopefully this swill kickstart thread again
Got any wearing messy diapers? Think I saw one on thisvid but can't find it now.
>>44752 Woulda loved to see that
>>44744 It'd be cool, but this is a niche within a niche, So I doubt it will.
>>44896 Yet, here you are, anon
>>45052 >people are wacking it to plastic!! kill urself
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More catdoll stuff.
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>>46656 Jeez, this is the hottest cunnie on a doll i've ever seen. It's just purfect... I wonder what it feels like, without the face this pic would feel illegal...
>>46811 didn't aged well
>>8543 I love the babydream brand, the fact that the dips are wett and those panythose are just perfect! It triggers so much in my brain <3
>>46811 Yeah cat dolls can look pretty realistic especially if you get the right angles.
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