/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Animations/drawn gifs that include diapers Baby 11/02/2020 (Mon) 12:51:02 No. 1768
from anything literally that you can find, from anime, from cartoons. from your favourite hentai artist (western or eastern) furry, human. loli, adult. edit, original. anything is allowed as long as it includes padding and is animated
>>31296 Probably got like Merunyaa and got bored with the abdl fetish
>>31296 >So on the top Literal who?
>>31322 That implies that Merunyaa was actually good in the first place
>>31322 she didn't really get bored, more like she realized there was more money in other fetish stuff and diapers are actively off putting to people not into it
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>>31331 I mean, you're welcome to post images of folks you think are better. Everyone would probably like that. But you won't.
>>31349 Like 90% of artists are better. But you probably aren't satisfied with that answer are you
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>>31370 And yet you can't post any one of them. Kys.
(1.96 MB 720x1006 4IeDz5Sgy8YFGaq7.mp4)

Found something good for all you Miku fans ;)
Bumping this
bumping this to see if this is still updating.
>>35150 This isn't 4chan. This thread has been going since 2020. Stop bumping without content.
>>4962 Where can I find the original unedited footage of the video?
>>35179 Its in the name of the video retard
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Did BO delete a post? Not the anon who posted it. Was wondering if it's just the shitty 3DCG diaper or another reason why.
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>>41260 You mean this one?
>>41264 Yeah that one. Fair do's if the new BO doesn't like people posting twitter links. If he doesn't like people posting what they're into; even if it's shit, it'd be cooler if he just calls that anon a fag.
>>41265 Well there is no proof the BO would do something as petty, gay, and retarded as delete a post just because he didn't like it. So unless there is some evidence I will choose to believe the BO isn't a faggot that would abridge free speech.
>>41266 Yeah nvm, checked the logs, new BO is not a content policer; makes me happy.
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>>41267 Wait, like the internet archive or something? Curious what logs are floating around here all public n such. About to learn something new here I think.
>>41275 video doesnt play
>>41303 I'm not sure why it's doing that actually... possibly because it's so short, I didn't realize that when I uploaded it. Anyways, before you click on it just click on the link at the top of the image, that'll cause your browser to download it. (For some reason it won't download after you've clicked on the thing)
(8.62 MB 1920x1080 21raod.mp4)

I'll make up for the last one hopefully with this, though it's also an MP4 so if it doesn't work too it's the file type I'd think
>>41315 Who did this one?
>>41318 I actually didn't know, but I had an instinct and it was correct. LPHooves: https://www.deviantart.com/lphooves/art/Animation-Non-Non-Biyori-Regresss-967650712 They also have a discord.
>>41324 Was wondering what is up with LpHooves. They had a pixiv which randomly disappeared and don't seem to post anywhere else.
(1.22 MB 1080x1267 cat alladin gif.gif)

>>41333 they have a discord where they post no art, and when they do it's just shitty edits of anime,done in like ms paint or something, then act like the red pilled bastion of the community and it's just the 4chan /aco/ threads 2.0, where the same dudes who post and argue on the /aco/ threads, do the same thing in that discord and they just kinda sperg out in there and talk shit on evey aspect of abdl from artists, to content creators and attract the biggest sperg lords ever , not knowing theyre kinda the laughing stock of the community, its kinda funny to go in there for a good larf if you ever bored.
>>41339 The great filter...
>>41339 Wow, now I kinda wanna join. Got a link?
>>41401 >too lazy to check the dA link www.discord.gg/VRC6DR3BKT
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