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Pink-Diapers Baby 10/06/2024 (Sun) 00:44:34 No. 41086
A thread dedicated to the artist Pink-Diapers.
Stop making artist threads
>>41087 Why? Is there any more possibly relevant kind of thread for an imageboard?
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>>41091 Just stop making faggot art threads jesus christ. The last three threads are tranny tranny tranny. This whole fucking board is turning to trash.
>>41091 Be better off just make an imagedump thread.
>>41106 How about you make a thread about an artist you do like?

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>>41106 Cry harder
>>41106 You realize that you have the option to not enter the thread, right? >>41108 It's nice to have some organization though
>>41086 Genuinely one of the worst artists in the western part of the fetish,and God is that saying something. I'm not sure I believe in talent, but I absolutely do believe in negative talent. For some people, the harder they try the worse they get. >>41120 > You realize that you have the option to not enter the thread, right? What are you even trying to say other than that if a person is in a thread about something they're obligated to being positive about the subject? Anything beyond juvenile platitudes like "if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all"? Anything? You get that this is an image board and that is not how image boards work, right? I'd like to think you'd get the gist of that by now after making how many threads like this?
>>41106 >being anti trans in 2024 Imagine being this much of a degenerate fuck. Off yourself.
>>41129 Everyone is inherently anti-trans. Nothing is going to stop a child from pointing out a trans person in a crowd as being out of place. It's natural to look at the black sheep of the herd, and make judgments about how they have mentally deranged themselves into thinking they are what they are not. Our brains work to recognize patterns, and our genetics determine our sex. You cannot undo how you were born, and scooping on/off pieces of yourself to resemble what you are not is a defilement of nature. If someone has to tell you that you're not supposed to think what you're naturally thinking, then they're a degenerate, literally by the definition of the term. >Degenerate: Having declined, as in function or nature, from a former or original state. Morally corrupt or given to vice. But hey, it's *insert current year here* consoom propaganda, and allow society to corrupt further.
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>>41126 literal temper tantrum. No way you're not underage It's funny cause he has no guts to talk like that anywhere not anonymous. Anywhere, even non abdl circles, you'd get rightfully slaughtered alive lmfaooo
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>>41132 >If someone has to tell you that you're not supposed to think what you're naturally thinking, then they're a degenerate, literally by the definition of the term. I'm actually literally laughed out loud reading this. Good job
>>41141 >admitting they laughed hard at being degenerate It's 2024. More people laugh at you than the other way around retard. It just so happens that you're in an echo chamber here on a very conservative friendly part of the web. Speak your words and thoughts out in the real world and watch how quickly your friend circle and professional life disappear. Must suck huh? Knowing that deep down you're someone that everyone around you would hate if you let that side of you out. But keep on keeping on if you want anyone with a brain to dismiss anything you have to say. Good job!
>>41132 >18 year old logic freshman in college logic Congratulations. Come back when you have more life experience. The world doesn't work the way you think it does. Your kind are outcasts past the age of 30. Hate breeds hate, and no one with an actual family has any room for the shit you spew.
>>41158 Kill yourself, Tranny.
>>41132 >If someone has to tell you that you're not supposed to think what you're naturally thinking, then they're a degenerate, literally by the definition of the term. Are you seriously arguing that all internally based thought or emotion is automatically correct? That really doesn't work and just encourages people to be impulsive hedonists with no concern for other people's wants and needs or maintaining a long term functioning society that would allow that sort of hedonistic behavior in the first place.
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>>41157 >>41160 Awww is that all you got?
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>>41170 One liner, and posts more shit artist. >absolute troonsanity
>>41126 >What are you even trying to say other than that if a person is in a thread about something they're obligated to being positive about the subject? Anything beyond juvenile platitudes like "if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all"? Anything? You get that this is an image board and that is not how image boards work, right? I'd like to think you'd get the gist of that by now after making how many threads like this? So you're not only going to go into threads you don't like, you're going to bitch about your choice to enter the threads and then bump those threads by complaining about it? You really are a retard, aren't you?
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What if an art thread were made that wasn't exclusive to one artist, then someone in the thread asked for Pink Diapers' art, so you could have one, consistently active thread where we can all get the art we want and people don't bitch about a bunch of specialized threads bumping other ones off the board
>>41179 Yeah, a general art and artist request thread is better than having who knows how many artist threads clogging the catalogue. Think that was pointed out with the last thread like this. The new BO apparently deleted the last artist thread OP made so hoping he'll at least lock this one of it isn't purged. I can maybe see individual artist threads making more sense for artists and authors that have a lot of content like PieceOfSoap or Sketchman and update regularly, but even then it kind of pointless and cluttering to have single threads for them. Maybe, what with the patreon purge and kemono not doing well for alternatives, we could do something like a general site rip thread or something for various artists on Pixiv and Subscribestar?
>>41160 >most insults That's what I thought. Cooked.
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Does someone have some of Pink Diapers comics with female characters? Like this one?
>>41187 Do it.
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One of this artist's works that I've always wanted to find is a regressive sequence involving Gwen Stefani. But so far I've only found one single poor quality screenshot.
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>>41212 Did some reverse image searching and I managed to find a higher quality version.
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