/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Wearing Pre-Used Diapers Baby 06/17/2023 (Sat) 13:45:11 No. 26696
Art, stories, pics and vids of people wearing pre-used diapers. Whether forced to wear your siblings used diaper to save money, or taking a messy one out of your pail because you can't go without the squish for 5 minutes, all used diapers are welcome here!
>>34051 Nice, thanks for all the great content!
Diaper Quest also has a ton of used diaper content as well
>>34375 Care to share some or link any examples please?
>>34376 Ah it's a game, I see.
>>34377 Yeah, it'd be a little hard to link specific examples but not infrequently the game will put you in situations with someone else's, or your own previously used, diapers. Worth a play honestly.
Pony used diaper sketches.
not sure if this is on topic, but what could i use as a substitute for poop that could fill a whole bathtub?
>>34631 "Your imagination" haha. On a more serious note, most people's favorite poop substitute is oatmeal, but I can't picture that being cheap, or easy enough to dispose of cause it's definitely not something I'd try washing away.
>>34613 Thank you! These are great!
Super cute
>>34632 I've never tried it, but I've heard dehydrated instant mashed potato mix is a really good poop substitute when wearing a diaper. That would probably be relatively affordable to fill a bathtub with but I'm not sure how well it would wash away.
>>34770 It washes away easy. Way easier than oatmeal. Just dissolves in water. I filled a diaper full of instant mashed potatoes. It's a decent poo substitute.
>>28202 because your our brains are broken
>>34856 Build your own diaper Diaper Type >Panties >Pullup >Baby Diaper >Medical Diaper >ABDL Diaper >Diaper suit Wetness >Dry >Damp >Soggy >Sodden >Leaking >Pooling Messiness >Clean >Skidmarks >Small Lump >Full Seat >Messy front and back >Full to the brim >Overflowing Age >Just taken off >Still warm >Couple of hours >Yesterday >Couple of days >A week Who used it >I don't care >Man >Woman >Loli >Shota >+Multiple People Feel free to add stuff/suggest some more options to add.
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>>34860 So fucking hot!
>>34860 >Panties >Leaking >Small Lump >Still warm >Woman
Thr legend SteadyNoon has brought back their incredible story Stumbling Blocks here. Features 2 sisters in diapers with one bring made to wear the others dirty diaper. Quite hot! https://www.omorashi.org/topic/100527-stumbling-blocks/#comment-2177133
>>34860 >Diaper suit >Sodden >Overflowing >Just taken off or still being worn if we can both fit >Woman
>>36646 Cute!
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>>36958 Oh hey I submitted that premise to Hyro, I really should have posted it here earlier. Maids in preused diapers good.
Anymore stories on this subject?
>>37638 Yeah, I'm still looking, have this pic though
>>38251 Thanks!
>>32757 This was good, and I wrote several chapters as expansion for it, then Windows crashed/corrupted and I lost it. I'm going to re-write the thing, as it's a really good base for diaper-corruption
>>38901 I look forward to it!
>>38901 Sounds awesome!
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Which do you find hotter, being put in a freshly used diaper, or one from the pail?
>>39184 Both are equally hot to me!
I love messy diaper swapping
We should get some more art from Hyro. My prompt won. Aqua from Konosuba wearing one of Megumin's used, very messy diapers. Diaper in Megumin's colour scheme easily visible under her short skirt. "Kazuma, why do I have to wear Megumin's diapers?" "Because you soaked though all yours and spent all our money on booze, useless goddess." "But Kazuma, Megumin really explodes in these and they stink... wait KAZUMA!..."
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