/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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ABDL Video #04 Baby 05/28/2024 (Tue) 13:47:11 No. 37359
Old thread isn't bumping anymore: >> 33125
The link to the old thread above isn't working. Try this one: >>33125
>>37361 Last four links and first and third don't work. The abs folder link works but it's been emptied
Contributing to the thread. Some Daisydiapered, and some Natalie Mars stuff: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOHdUemhHZWtKRVF5TlBXVVF3Y21wa05HMUphMEZhWDJsdFNWaDBOVU5S
>>37373 Damn I wish Natalie still did ABDL stuff
>>37379 Wonder why she did so little
(56.78 KB 839x472 IMG_9030.jpeg)

Would anyone happen to have Larkin Love - Magic Control Imposed Femdom? I’ve been looking for a while and was sure it was posted before. Pic related is a screenshot of the video
Got a bit of an odd request. There's a video from years ago I've been looking for, it was a girl with dark/black hair and big boobs masturbating in a wet diaper. I know that's not super specific, but I forgot her name and what site she was on, though I think she might've been in a couple diapermess videos. She kind of looked like >>37381 but I don't know if that's her.
I have also a request that seem to appear nowhere. Im looking for video of girl humping masturbation. I have a preference for humping teddy bear.
Lf anything sleepylittlecutie related
>>37387 I don't have it on hand, by madilyn (not sure what site shes with anymore) has a video of just that.
>>37396 Godsend sir thank you very much.
I need mybaebee messing videos like you wouldn't believe
Looking for anything femdom, much appreciated. Here is some femdom that hasn't been posted recently. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp0TDBaeFJtZENRamRT
I'm surprised I can't find a giant stash of asiandiapercutie. I've been looking around for a long time
>>37401 There's plenty of torrents out there for her content.
>>37402 I haven't done torrents in forever so I don't know where to look tbh
>>37404 Goddamn I wasn't expecting that. Thank you so much
>>37401 something about her has always felt off. Like she is being forced to do it.
It's Fetish Alex, she's from Germany WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdFdWaENiMkl6Vm5wYVV6VnFZakl3ZG1KWE9XdGFWM2g2VERKYWJHUkhiSHBoUjBaeldsaG5lRTlVUVhjPQ==
>>37396 sleepylittlecutie is new to me. Any more vids would be amazing if anyone has them.
Could someone post miss panda pants stuff? Lost mine. I can Post sleepylittlecutie stuff (11.5GB)
>>37404 After a while it got to some VERY sketch stuff so I would be careful.
>>37430 What do you mean?
>>37430 ??????
>>37404 The rocketstarrs.io torrent has been in my transferlist for over 7 months..... 0%
>>37404 Is my huge abdl pack torrent still being seeded? Damn.... wasn't expecting that...
anyone have anything from Skylar Sparks aka Diapered Skylar?
any of you have any baby bea stuff?
>>37441 >Is my huge abdl pack torrent still being seeded? Damn.... wasn't expecting that... > No its not.
>>37424 I’ll do some searching if someone else has some please post sleepylittlecutie is one of the best
Thanks! By the way, is there another way to post my mega content without using the checksum encryption in the links? My MPP folder was locked by mega because of a copyright complaint, that's why I asked for her content. Don't worry, I'm going to post sleepylittlecutie content.
It's me the one who asked for mpp content. I ripped almost all faplex content: https://easyupload.io/8yhxi6 pass: ZnVja21wcA== (need decryption)
>>37467 thx, fyi you made a copypasta mistake and use the encrypted string instead of the decypted string as the password
>>37466 looking forward to it
https://easyupload.io/z9gffl First part, could not upload all the stuff because of free account limitations and daily quota. Will post the rest soon.
anyone got anything from theabdaycare?
>>37471 Wow incredible stuff looking forward to the next part
I'm looking for lil-miss-romance stuff. Willing to share more stuff for it. 700GB of stuff on my mega account.
>>37471 Sorry i think this is SugaryLittle Not Sleepylittlecutie
I was suspecting off messing both girl material, wait, I will on the folder.
This is the folder I have on my mega account...
>>37477 yeah thats sugarylittle still post cause she's amazing as well
Does anyone by any chance have this video? Would be very appreciated!
>>37433 >>37434 The searches starting pulling results that sounded like pedobear content so I just wanted to warn others.
Even the Kitty ones? I blieve these are SLC. I will post but my quota for easyupload.io is already spent... Anyway, Lil-miss-romance would be nice. Anyone?
>>37485 Yeah I believe those are sugary little as well but no weird I’ll search my stash and see if I have lil-miss romance
>>37477 >https://thisvid.com/videos/enema-masturbation-big-mess-and-humping/ Please share if you're able. She looks super cute.
I don't know who is she, neither have her stuff...
this is all the sleepylittlecutie i have YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOXdWSFJYV0ZGeFF5TmljVEZCUmt3d2RVNUZiamt6Y0dOUlNGTkZZbEpC
>>37510 Godlike drop anon thank you
Miss Beanie, she changed her nickname but I don't remember the current one.
anyone have a debrid service and could generate the link for this? I tried free debrid services but they didn't work https://rapidgator.net/file/cc1c483ecda59a0e33fb8423acfaf914/3JMSydICmpIwLp288O.zip.html
LittleKathy has good messing vids. Anyone have her stuff?
I have, 12.8GB. Can post if after seeing the Lil-Miss-romance stuff. Anyway, since it's not safe to use even checksum protected mega links, I need to wait to restore my upload quota.
babycookiekat or poopypwincess? Older stuff that has been deleted?
I have several old poopyprincess too. Again... Waiting for my upload quota return and some material I asked before, Lil-miss-romance.
>>37534 ive seen miss bennie/ bennieandthejets i think i have her saved as layla jets
>>37479 WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scHdZa2RWZGxwVVdtOVNiV3hUVTJ4RmFsTllVbGxWUms1eFRGVlNiMU42WkVOa01GWm1XVEJ6TUdOR1pHRk5SbFV3Wkd4c1Uxa3hVa2RoZW1zelZtMHhNVkZzY0cxTk0wcExUVUU5UFE9PQ== Enjoy
Anyone have any ella raine stuff? Livestream archives would be especially appreciated
Anyone have any faye taylor / mydiaperdiary videos?
>>37503 Pretty sure this is Pissy Missy. @pulluppoofs on twitter.
>>37641 Does she have a video archive?
any messy ella raine
Anyone have Kylie Brooke content? Can't seem to find her stuff anywhere
>>37380 There's a fair bit more out there but the content is scattered to the winds. Probably some of the hardest abdl porn to track down these days.
does anyone have the video that goes with this? I don't remember the title, but it had a baby girl and boy being cared for by this hot nurse
>>37684 Do you want the VHS?
>>37633 seconded, there was one with sunnylittledays a while back that I can't seem to find anywhere
>>37695 You can rip VHS
>>37708 I know, I was joking because it looks really ancient
there was a significant dump of mindlesslydiapered in 54FF but I could not find this one, does any one have this by any chance? https://www.manyvids.com/Video/2929780/pov-encouraging-you-to-regress-with-me
Hey everyone. Does anyone have access to the Rocio videos at this link? If so, would you mind ripping them and sharing them here? https://thisvid.com/members/4576167/ As an act of good faith, here are some videos in advance WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9UQlBSVFYwVFd4T1dsRjVUbEpYVmpsNlVtMDBNR0pITURWTldFMHpUbTVXVTJWWVJrSk1WbFpT
Anyone have something from clementine? https://scatbook.com/princessofpoop
>>37359 Where is sauce for OP's picture?
Anyone have an ID on this person from "MMM diapers "videos? Called Christopher in the video.
Been desperately searching for a Pampered Penny video where it's a sissy punishment video where she changes him on the kitchen floor, pretty sure he is wearing a dress. I used to have this, somehow lost it. Think I got it from here, anyone know what I'm talking about or have it?
(1.01 MB 913x1368 0.png)

anyone have stuff of bug from theabdaycare1 ? have rarified things for trade from sanwapub, omutsucompany [pic] and some jff things
>>37759 she's hot AF and when has scenes with her chubby Mommy it just gets better, I think I saw a random video of her in thisvid but its not a great one, would love to see more of her content as well
>>37828 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvcjJablNKb2EjTmw5WGlTRlFDNmxCaWN0TENOWm9vT2ZsenptT1drc0l5clRIdEktWGwydw==
>>37840 Holy shit man thank you! Got any requests? I have a pretty good collection.
Do you have any sissy related content?
>>37863 No problem! Do you have anything recent from lilbabiejade on JFF?
Anyone have this girls stuff? https://x.com/just_nicknatss?s=21
Does anyone even have anything from lilbabiejades JFF at all?
>>37867 Nah sorry about that man. She looks great though, hopefully someone delivers.
>>37872 she and superbaby are fucking top notch bro, I would love to see more of their things leaks but for the mean time... This is the only thing I got from her, one of the hottest videos I've found, but only because I did the deeply regress vibe she has, might not be everyone's cup of tea, also keep in mind its shit quality. WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsc1dWaE9OV1JZUW5OaU1rWnJURzFzZGt3eldtOVpiVEV6VDBFOVBRPT0=
>>37896 hehe found another one actually, enjoy dudes WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsc1dWaE9OV1JZUW5OaU1rWnJURzFzZGt4NlduZE9lbEl3WW1jOVBRPT0=
one last one of bbjade and one from suprbb also >>37759 stumbled upon these just now, fuck I wish there was more of her around WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsc1dWaE9OV1JZUW5OaU1rWnJURzFzZGt3eU1IWmhNMUl4V1RJNWRRPT0=
>>37872 I can't even find their JFF. You have link?
Does anybody have a collection of Sugary Little and peachypoppy recent videos?
>>37896 >>37897 >>37899 None of these work. You might want to mirror to mega or something.
>>37923 I just checked and they worked so... yeah... check better.
>>37926 Each one just leads to a 2KB file.
Anyone have some (messy) pulluppoofs content?
>>37928 dont know what to tell you, I re downloaded 2 of them and they work ok, must be something on your end
>>37928 I downloaded all of them, no problems.
>>37928 I’m having the same problem. Can anyone put up a mirror?
Does anyone have rip from https://justfor.fans/LITTLEFRENCHIES ?
>>37942 I thought that was another name for studio of Charlotte and the other french ABDL girls
>>37948 No it isnt. Their tumblr is littlefrenchiesabdl
Anyone have anything from twitter @princ3ssofp33 or @diari3sofababy (same person)?
>>38052 based, thank you. more?
https://mega.nz/file/1DcWERRT#GAfzu49crQxGpVkDKkHNLP6kzgskOKpSJMse4mma9v0 From ThisVid. Anyone know who this is? Looks like the JFF logo blurred out, can't find her at all on there though, thought it was pulluppoofs, but nah. Shame because i'd 100% get a sub.
Anyone have any Catherine Walters POV vids?
>>38156 bro she's supper cute, I love it when cute girls get that haircut
jesus effin christ, Dahlia is like a fusion of Bubbles and Lolette, I hope she does a lot more videos WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsc1dWaE9OV1JZUW5OaU1rWnJURzFzZGt3eU1IWlBSRkUxV2xkR2VBPT0=
>>38156 bloopuppy or something similar to that
>>38162 Bang on, thanks man. I'll post some stuff in the next few days
>>38162 Also goes by Faen Wilde
this guy fucking gets it https://x.com/Mr_SuperBaby/status/1802766022413607299 anyone has any of his vids? friggin lucky guy getting to play with so many different mommies
>>38096 Looks like Sophia little from the thumbnail.
Does anyone know which video this scene is from? Who are the two girls? Or if anyone has the video available? Thanks! I'm adding some videos https://easyupload.io/pkbaw0
>>38217 Others may know better, but it looks like Adult Baby Source
YUhSMGNITTZMeTkwYUdsemRtbGtMbU52YlM5MmFXUmxiM012WkdsaGNHVnlMV2RwY213dGQybDBhQzEyYVdKeVlYUnZjaTg9 one more for yall, hope someone else finds more of her, shes so cute
Does anyone have something from littlediaperidol's JustForFans?
Have any of the more recent Sugary Little Luna story videos being shared?
Does anyone have any Cheshire videos?
Does anyone have any Lilbabyfae videos?
>>38306 i second this
Here is what I have, feel free to post anything missing WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDBUREZ2TTJKRVFrSlZXR2hG
>>38360 For whatever reason I was prompted to log into mega for this link. is this something new from mega or just a bad upload?
>>38361 I think they messed up the link. I am logged into Mega and nothing comes up.
Posted in the last thread but finally got Bunker to stop giving errors when uploading videos by tweaking the settings, so I'm reuploading the mega link I posted with some fresh new videos to boot. Includes stuff from Sugary Little, littleprincessbug, DiaperMess, reeserosemary, a honestly overpriced trance Goldilocks audio, and Scarlet Rose along with some other assorted videos, pretty much all from either clips4sale or manyvids. Also have some abdl books along with the paw patrol potty training one but they're all ripped from Anna's library so they're not exactly rare content. Can still upload if someone wants them anyways though. Here's the link to the videos. YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwwcFRNVlF3TjB4RA==
>>38379 Solid stuff, really appreciate it. Would love to see the abdl books when you can.
>>38403 Here. YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwwcFRNVlF3TjB4RA== Also includes the potty patrol book and some potty training charts for those who are into that.
>>38404 I very much am, thanks a ton.
>>38404 Seems to be the same Bunkr link as before, I'm only seeing videos.
>>38407 Must have not copied the link even though I thought I did, you're right, both links are the same. Here's the correct one. YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwxWkdUVlJOUjJGVQ==
>>38409 Much abliged.
>go to thisvid to make account to share videos and get private ones >Ooops! New member sign-up is temporarily closed. Please check back later >bastards
>>38414 honestly, I have an account and I have uploaded a couple of things to make other people accept me when submitting for friend requests, the UI is awfwl, lots of gross guy stuff and heaps of intense scat, it literally feels swimming in shit sometimes to find a decent video or two (which there definitely are dont get me wrong) I wonder if dp-vids is at least better since it caters mostly to ABDL so I dont have to deal with second hand fagness
>>38409 Is there an easy way to download all these in a batch off Bunker? Haven't used it a ton, and was hoping to not have to download them all individually.
>>38419 Check Cyberdrop
Thisvid used to be a good place, but as previously stating the last few months has become nothing but a cespool for male scat videos. Dp-vids is still a good place to find videos, but the site is overrun with ads, the ui is utter trash, and if you want to search a person's private videos, it shows 3 videos with an ad everytime you try to click to the next page.
>>38417 whats ur account? ive uploaded stuff on their as well
Merry Christmas in July peeps. My car died and have to buy a new one so to cheer myself up I dropped the money on the subs for the site. They only last for 60 days and they have a download cap of 15gigs, which for the vids really is not an issue. I do not think much if any of this stuff is floating around out there so take the time now to download. V1ZWb1UwMUhUa2xVVkZwTlpWUm9OVlJWVWtKTlJYaFZVVmhvVFdKVlduSmFSbVEwVFVac2RGSnRiR3hYUlRVeVdrWm9TMkZzY0ZST1YzQnBUV3BDTWxsc1pGZGtSbXgwVm01c2FtVlViSGRaYlRGVFlrZFdSRTVYT1d0U2VrWjY Vm14b1QySkhUbkZpTW1SVVZsaG9NbHBITVZkU1YwWllVbTVrWVZkRmNEWQ VmxWa1IyVnRUalppTW1SV1VqSjRSMVJZY0VaTlJsWllVbEU V1ZWb1UwMUhUa2xVVkZwTlpWUm9OVlJWVWtKTlZYaFZVVmhvVFdKVlduSmFSbVEwVFVac2RGSnRiR3hYUlRVeVdrWm9TMkZzY0ZST1YzQnBUV3BDTWxsc1pGZGtSbXgwVm01c2FtVlViSGRaYlRGVFlrZFdSRTVYT1d0U2VrWjY Vm14b1QySkhUbkZpTW1SVVZsaG9NbHBITVZkU1YwWllVbTVrWVZkRmNEWQ VmxWa1IyVnRUalppTW1SVVZsaG9NbHBITVZkU1YwWllVbTVrWVZkRmNEWQ
>>38457 Your account has been used from too many different IPs or countries and may have been compromised or shared. That was quick
>>38461 >Wake Up > New Share, sounds like its gonna be good > It's already nuked.
>>38462 To folllowup, while it would be cool if anyone wanted to make a bunkr of what they got from the site, idrgaf , but if anyone finds they got the video pic related came from, its been my white whale.
>>38457 darn it I would have loved to see the cringy regression clips, I love those
>>38463 Is that Felicity? It's hard to tell.
>>38467 It was talked about on the old "collecting" thread. I thought it looked more like sunny, but yes, hard to tell and since the site lasted for years hairstyles ect change. Last reply relevant to it was "so think it's likely sunny+ maria 12/13/14 https://2004-01.adultbabysource.com/discipline_tour01.htm or it might also be so i thinks its sunny+maria 14/15/16 https://2004-01.adultbabysource.com/md_tour01.htm or seeing as the numbers 14 overlap and the outfit of maria seems to be the same it's whole big series ... but it's part of some zip archives and not part of the members area so you need to pay it or request it from a kind anon that might have it or knows how to find the url ..."
Looks like Sunny based on those thumbnails. Anyone have more of her?
Anyone have anything on her or know her name?
>>38468 man, Baby Felicity and Mommy Fionna were top tier, specially because she could carry her around like that, top tier stuff
>>38471 I think she was probably the most petite ABS model? Did they ever do a set of her in pullups or baby diaps?
>>38470 https://justfor.fans/babystarabdl Hasn't been very active lately
(1.44 MB 500x208 giphy.gif)

>>38474 She's one of the many, many ABDL girls who burned bright for a little while and then quickly disappeared. Since all of her JFF stuff is still up I've thought of subscribing to it so that it can all be archived. Otherwise it'll just be lost.
>>38486 I would be happy to subscribe and share the files myself, but I don't know how to download files from the site ever since they made the update a few months ago.
not the same anon from the last thread, but can anyone get the version of this with sound? that would be nice. the only result that hasn't already been deleted is here https://thisvid.com/videos/girl-messing-tena-diaper/
anyone knows wtf is wrong with dp-vids.com ? I created an account but cannot reset the password, and it wont let me create a new one with other emails either, friggin annoying, it is not much better than thisvid UXwise but there is a looooooot less disgusting stuff at least
>>38511 theres a way to gett he private videos without an account u just inspect the page and look for the link
>>38511 I'm super happy so much content is on that website. That being said, the website is shit. An obscene amount of popups anytime you click anything. Their search feature is garbage. And yeah I've had issues with the same thing you mentioned.
>>38523 I know its pretty shit but damn it, thisvid is just a bit too much with with extreme scat and vomit gay shit around, at least this one is just a shitty UX thing anon
>>38525 I will agree with you there my friend. Thisvid's content is horrendous.
>>38462 It was adultbabysource so might not be that dissapointing
>>38534 thanks anon, those were a nice trip down memory lane
>>38537 >zoomer detected anon its way passed your bedtime
>>38542 Bro, all of that garbage is 20+ years old and is low tier trash what the fuck are you smoking there's like maybe 2 people here that give a fuck. >zoomer detected Holy autism.
>>38513 Is that possible if the page doesn't load (or show) a video?
>>38544 You obviously are not classed enough to enjoy where the fetish has come from.
>>38541 No prob, it was really fast to download the content since they made all of the photo sets zip files that you just one click download the set instead of having to go to each pic and manually save each one.
Hi, i got these vids from Ella Raine. Im challenging everyone to add more of her's stuff (and not the easy things that you can find anywhere). YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOUJUbXRHVW1GcFN5TjVlVVJPTW1wR01tUk9lVTVFV2pOaWVXZG1hMU5C Impress me if you have better footage than these.
Anyone have any thing of this model Kimmy? She played such a wonderful pathetic loser type but I can't find who she is outside of these Aunty Donna vids. https://l.clips4sale.com/clip/1842855/128m-kimmy-and-aunty-donna https://l.clips4sale.com/clip/1905570/128s-kimmy-and-aunty-donna
>>38563 Your folder is locked behind a pass key
>>38500 MissLucyMorningstar
>>38419 Not aware of any methods apart from opening each one in new Tabs. I could reupload things people want as a zip, but to would break being able to preview everything before you download. There's a bulk downloader on GitHub but it's been archived and won't receive any more updates so I have no idea if it still works.
>>38542 yeah off by a generation or two there champ
>>38548 I've seen all this content before, 20 years ago. It's outdated, been passed around for years, and is quite frankly mediocre garbage. You're the only one who gives a fuck. You're like one of those weirdo kids who is fixated on 80s technology in highschool when the rest of the normal non-autistic kids are playing around with their Androids. Fuck off back to boomerville.
ABS might be ancient and formulaic but the longer forced regression videos with breastfeeding hit all the checkmarks for me and barely any other studio I know of makes content like that. I'll bear with the awful accents and poor video quality.
>>38642 I'll take the Aussie accents over whatever the fuck they have in those wetset videos
I recently lost years worth of files with my external hard drive biting the dust, so hope y'all enjoy some of the leftovers I was able to keep: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9IaGtlbWcwVWtWUk0xVjVUbmhUYWxaUFlVZEtSVkZZUmpWUFZqbHVZVlpXVDJGWFpITlpWbFpD
>>38563 this was already shared previously, and you did not get these videos i did :) nice try though
>>38649 This is a fuckin top-tier dump, good stuff anon
Longshot, but did anyone ever get any customs or exclusive content from Sundoll? As in, things that are not available anywhere or in any of the mega dumps/torrents that have been going around for years. I have some I'd be willing to trade if this is the case.
Guys if you wanna pay to see a diaper girl do whatever you like them to do, there is one I have been seeing cam2cam on stripchat. Her account name is Extremely_Dirtyy and if you like messy or wet action with orgasms I do recommend her. If you want I have some vids of her I could share here but most if not all are messy
Does anyone mind dumping her stuff? https://justfor.fans/d_subby
>>38620 the only results I found about her were from her patreon, which was taken down in the big ABDL purge. is she around anywhere else?
>>38639 At least I have contributed something here unlike yourself
>>38534 nice try, but your trojan was picked up by my antivirus
>>38703 Who the fuck uses antivirus? Bro just call it a night
>>38649 thanks for this great share and sorry for your hardrive , i feel your pain
>>38698 a good deal of her stuff has been posted on 8ch previously, just take a look around
If someone has Domination for your own good/Katherine Worthington vids pls share, they're great but only a few of them are public. I can offer nearly everything.
>>38649 Already nuked before I had time to download it,is there some kind soul to reupload it?
Does anyone have any of Dani Pica's diaper vids? specifically the boss blackmail one - but any other ones where she is dominated/humiliated would be great. Happy to post a few others in here that aren't up anywhere in return
>>38739 to clarify, the ones I have aren't of Dani Have a rarer Sanwa one, and some newer videos from the past few months
>>38704 anyone who cares about their PC and the data stored on it's drives, and their personal information...
Hi, did someone have video from zaradiapergirl, she's amazing tank's
harddrive failed, there's only 1 video I cared about. Was posted here a thread or two ago. It's around a minute long, think it's just some random twitter user or something who didn't have any other videos or at least not many. Girl looked around twenty, says something along the lines of "I might as well ruin this diaper even more" then takes off her pants, unsnaps a onesie, takes off a cover, and reveals one of the most visibly messy diapers I've ever seen, then messes in it.
>>38700 Likely she had a falling out with her BF and purge her content herself. Oh well.
Anyone have videos from KittenVuittQn? Messing generally but thankfull for anything!
>>38754 Do we know who this is? And if so does anyone have any more of her? Especially looking for messy content
>>38698 maybe if i knew how to dl from jff
>>38754 yep, that's the one i was looking for, thanks >Sorry about your hard drive. Thankfully it was failing for a while so I got everything I cared about off of it I just forgot about this video
>>38698 FYI in case you're not aware but Little Livi is a trans female.
Anyone have any videos of sissies or femboys with cute little cocks getting their diapers changed and/or played with?
>>38766 Fake female, got it.
>>38688 >>38688 Yes, I have one of her customs though I found it. I never saw it anywhere else. It's a pretty gross scat vid though. If that interests anyone I will share the link. Please post whatever sundoll you have - it's a shame there isn't more of her available.
I would be interested if you don't mind >>38772
>>38772 I see, unfortunately scat is a no-go for me. As i'm the only person who has these vids, i'm only willing to do trades for other ones. They involve pee but not diapers since at the time I got them, this wasn't a kink I had.
>>38772 I would be interested too. here's what I have collected of Sundoll over the years, I'm not sure if any of these was an exclusive: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOXhTVkpWUkZGTFF5TmhMVE10YVVaUFExUXpOMWhsVm1KTlJsY3lRbEZS
>>38801 Nice collection, Ive seen them all but since you shared and since it's not mine anyway here's the link (its gross though lol): https://thisvid.com/videos/daddy-s-cumdoll-custom-scat-vid2/ Here's two more you didn't have that I found in another thread: https://thisvid.com/videos/diaper-girl-has-some-fun/ https://www.omorashi.org/uploads/monthly_2024_02/SUNDOLLINTENTIONALLYUSESHERPULLUP.mp4.3469cf69754112592ffb7db6b536b5c0.mp4 Can we get any more in here?
>>38739 I've got four, two of them meet your criteria. WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9VZGhWR2hDWld0S2JsVnBUazlPUjBadlYwZEtNVkZzWkdaV1ZXaHhVVEZHTVZaRlJsWmhha3BD
>>38762 https://justfor.fans/Bitsybatty Here's her JFF sadly she doesn't post many vids.
https://thisvid.com/videos/diaper-change11/ Good change, dont know where others are
Am I being trolled or does every video from thisvideo.com say "html5: video not found"
>>38860 They work for me. Maybe it's a region-blocked thing? Or are you on a really restricted internet service. Like a work Wi-Fi?
>>38810 Is she bald in any of them?
>>38863 Imagine watching this shit at work
>>38860 if im on any vpn connection i get that error
>>38860 It does that, just refresh the page until it works
>>38757 >KittenVuittQn I hope for the same too!
>>38755 it would be FAR more likely that patreon administration deleted her page. there was a hugely controversial mass ban against ABDL creators, under the reason known as every ABDLphobe's primary weapon: pedophillia. this lead to a mass exodus of artists to subscribestar and RL stars to justforfans. it was odd to me that Lucy didn't migrate over to the latter site with the rest of that group, but she's apparently from Germany, so there would be the possibility that she moved over to a site more popular in her country or continent
>>38871 Nope, because she deleted her tumblr, and he blocked everyone affiliated with ABDL on her tumblr.
Not asking for this particular video to be posted or any others but does anyone have recommendations for other videos like this one? https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/186259/28881529/ready-aim-fire-4k I'd love to find Mommy content where the Mommy/babysitter gets peed on during a diaper change? Or getting cum on her during a diaper change? In general would love to find more ABDL mommy content where there's a bit of degradation of the caretaker and she's really grossed out but she's struggling through it and taking care of the baby anyway with love.
Anyone have anything at all by ABDL spanking? New willow video looks kino https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/187185/29464063/willow-bathed-spanked-fed-and-diapered-mp4
Anybody got this dude’s private vids? https://thisvid.com/members/1130005/ Or webcam vids in general, they’re so hot.
YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOVhVWEF5YmtzMFVpTnFjMkZ3U2pSR1pIYzNNblJzYVV3eFVWOUdTSGwz A bunch of old vids from the DG site.
Anyone have this one vid of readymade?
>>38964 "Readymade"? Its from herDiapers.com before it was shut down. No idea where you got "Readymade" from unless you're referring to the content that the guy who ran diaperedonline.com bought from herDiapers.com when it was active to seed his site and put it into a folder called "Readymade" (as it was 'ready made' content, not stuff he produced). Not sure if its one of the attached, probably not as I can't do a 'find image in video' search right now, but these ones the same hair brush in according to the search I did on that.
>>38973 50MB limit... posting another after h264->h265
>>38973 huh, the more you know.
>>38964 >YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOVhVWEF5YmtzMFVpTnFjMkZ3U2pSR1pIYzNNblJzYVV3eFVWOUdTSGwz https://www.omorashi.org/files/file/15154-herdiaperscom/ https://www.omorashi.org/files/file/15163-readymade-party-is-over-herdiaperscom-archive/?tab=comments#comment-35976 first link has some of her content as well as some clips from a few of the other girls on the original herdiapers.com (long since defunct) site. Second link i believe is all her content.
>>38973 Odd. I remember posts from herdiapers saying "readymade is my daddy.". Never looked much into it
>>39003 A+ Stuff. Any more from her?
I've been trying to find this video for a few years now and have had no luck, so I figured I'd ask here. It used to be on jizzbunker and spankbang and was called "maria kindnapped and diapered," with the spelling error. All you can find when you search it are mirrors that take you to jizzbunker when you try to watch them. It had Aaliyah Taylor and obviously Maria who I only know from other Aaliyah videos. I know some people have Aaliyah Taylor videos saved so hopefully someone here has it.
figured out how to get around dp-vids private videos - open video, right click -> inspect -> type contenturl into the search bar and then copy the corresponding url
>>39012 Was this Maria? If not can you post a link with a photo of her? I've got a few AT videos, but it's not a well organized folder.
>>39048 Just create an account, most people dont require friends to see their private videos
can comeone provide a dl-link to this vid, please? https://thisvid.com/videos/old-lady-with-wet-diaper-in-public-toilet/
>>39012 Is it this one? Thumbnail looks right. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdmQwUm9RMEZFZDBvaldreGlUVXB6YzFOR2QwOVRYMWhxWm01NmJsSXpaMWQ0U0dSTGIzZE1la2hyUmxOVU1rSXlORTF2TkE9PQ==
Is there even a way to buy Sanwa content outside of Japan? This preview video of this gets me diamonds, but it sounds like they only accept Japanese cards. https://www.sanwapub.com/products/detail.php?product_id=26721
>>39104 You are a god, thank you!
strange request but does anyone have babypickles walking around and talking to people something about being so open is nice
Do someone know a way of scrapping LGNU/FRDiapergirls videos from their site? I'm ready to pay for a month and to share it here, but I'm not going through manually inspect and download each video one by one.
>>39111 YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwySTNWSFI0TjI5MA==
I think I've posted most, if not all of these links before, but just combining them all into one post. YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwwRlVXbVZrWmpacQ== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwzQnNZMEpMY0UxTw== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwxVXhTV3RVYzFJeQ== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwySTNWSFI0TjI5MA== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwzazFWVlV4UzFSWQ== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwwVTVaRGhIZWtGQw== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwwSjRkV015VjFGdg== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwzcHZURmxZWVc1Ug== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwyVjZRVXA2UjJKMg== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwyMXhiVWR6UWxCcQ== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEx6aHhVSGhSWVVKTw== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwzaERXVkozZVV4Mw== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwzUlBNR1pyVVdSUQ== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEx6bFZUbVJYYTNGeA== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEx6bFZUbVJYYTNGeA== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEx6SlJaR2g2VUhGcQ== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwyOWhlbWcxU0ZSTQ== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEx6UlhRVGxXY1c5Qg== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwyZGFVMVpYVWxkWA== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwwcDZNRFp3YURaUw== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwzaEZVMlZKYTNwSQ== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwwaFJOV1pTZDFSVg== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwxUkhTSHB3ZFdwMg==
[Expand Post] YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEx6SkVVV3RQT0c4MA== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwyWnZUV3c1ZW1aMg== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwzQTVaR2RVVkVaRA== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwySTBVVFZwTkc4dw== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwzazVPVVZHZW0xcA== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwzTjBNVmhvU0hoUw== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwwaHZablp5UkZaVw== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwwMTRSRWhuUm5oQw== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwwaEVVak5yWjJ4dg== YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwwSmpXbnBsYTBzeA==
Messy chubby masturbation Anyone got sauce? https://thisvid.com/videos/girl-mess-in-diaper/
>>39112 >>39113 You, kind sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
Wow thats great! THANK YOU! but: how to download from bunkr? the site itself is flagged as malware when i try to dl something. thx
>>39116 The site is horrible for pop ups, I fully amount. Best way to handle the downloading is opening the link in a new tab. If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel, just click the link using the scroll wheel is easiest.
>>39116 >>39119 Or just use an automatic downloader from github, like Cyberdrop
>>39101 This is video that directly follows the one that I'm looking for. I've found this video here before but can't find the one preceding it, which is the one I mentioned above.
>>39112 While I really appreciate the link,this is only a portion of their videos, and that's why I would love to find a way to scrap the site. It's based on the model centro API, but I've yet to find a way to efficiently scrap it, so if someone have a clue,I'm all in.
>>38157 Looks like her videos were taken down from C4S, anyone have any or know where to find them?
looking for some ABDaycare content. Specially those with Bug. Thanks
>>39111 Its not a scrapper but itll make things faster. There is an extension that can enable right clicking so you can then right click and then save video as. https://webextension.org/listing/allow-right-click.html
>>39111 Also forgot that in combo with the previous extension also use "Save Image to Downloads" so that you can just save the image without the extra dialog boxes.
>>39113 One hell of a lineup there, fella. Thanks :,)
Does anyone have flbabygirls 200 - diaper model? I used to have it but lost it at some point
>>39223 YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdk5GUkNWRVJEY1ZNalVGQTJXbTR4UW1SRFJUTTFPRFJJTUdRMGVFcEJielEzUTI1NFpHb3pSVkpVTTNaUldrRlpiR3hNVFFvPQ== I am looking for "288 Halloween Costume" or "279 Learn Your Lesson". They are difficult to find, but just in case...
Does anyone have old jav/japanese stuff with messing? I remember seeing some nice ones at Thisvid, new ones would do too but I get the impression newer abdl javs only focus on wetting
So like no one has a way to download videos off of the current version of JFF? I've tried a few different browser extension things to get it and nothings working. Photos are easier but still not convenient. If anyone has a good solution for this I will post some ABDaycare stuff and maybe another one.
>>39238 https://jav.land/en/series/6ydl9r.html You can find MOST of the diaper stuff on that list. There's a few outside of it, but should still help.
>>39245 I'm working on one, it works but tends to miss parts of videos, especially longer ones. As much as a minute over a 10 minute video. I can write a quick workaround that keeps retrying videos until it gets it all, but I'm leaning towards writing a new library to handle the video downloads as opposed to the one I found online.
>>39113 Is the 'maintenance vid' message from bunkr an actual maintenance message or is that them soft locking you because you've used too much bandwidth?
Anyone have any new vids from Am i Mer CuR y?
>>39233 based anon, thank you. I lost all my fld vids, so I don't have those, rip
>>39245 I've figured out a way to get the videos in the old format/media player if that helps. That's how I've been able to get some of my old stuff back after my external hard drive died. I'm happy to share if that will help you but am reluctant to just put it out there for the sake of having it out there. It's the only method I know works at this time, and once it's out, I get a feeling that JFF will patch it quickly. You will have to subscribe to the user you want to download videos from though. If this does help, my only ask is if whoever uses it would mind sharing any FLDiaperGirls vids (preferably good quality vids with Autumn or Gwen) or ABDL/Lesbian vids from Dixie Comet (preferably good quality vids with Ashley, Cadence or Zoe). It's not a requirement, but I would appreciate it.
Has anyone had the chance to steal this? https://thisvid.com/videos/bedwetter-needs-protection/ Thumbnail is promising
>>39254 I would appreciate it and I'll try to share what I have if I can figure it out. I think the old format/media player would be more likely to work with some extensions I'm trying to use to download videos. I already have a couple subscriptions I'm paying for. I just find it infuriating that they make it so difficult to download or in any way interact with the content that you pay for on that platform. >It's the only method I know works at this time, and once it's out, I get a feeling that JFF will patch it quickly. If that happens I just think it's crazy that they are so quick to update their site and put draconian restrictions on everything but at the same time never bother to fix the bugs on the site or make it more user friendly. So many issues and this is what they focus on.
>>37359 I am in search of that ABS Movie Forced into Diapers in which a woman diapers, breastfeeds, do some other things and in the end bottlefeeds her husband after he wet their bed. Anyone have it?
>>39254 Does this work on new videos or just the ones old enough to have been in the old player?
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 These are the instructions. I hate to encrypt it like this but I really don't want this to get out there because I have not seen anyone else figure it out and post about it online.
>>39266 It's worked on all videos for me, including those that have been posted after the updates.
>>38090 Seconded
>>39248 Yeah not really what I'm looking for, it doesn't let you search especifically for diapers and old movies don't seem to have made it in the site, only ACZD ones apparently
>>39248 https://www.javlibrary.com/en/vl_label.php?l=kmya found a better website for searching them up, only problem is finding them now
>>39254 Keep an eye on this link, currently uploading now YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwyOWhlbWcxU0ZSTQ
>>37359 >>39285 Thank you a lot anon! Does anyone have any other videos of women diapering/babyfying/breastfeeding (and specially bottlefeeding) men?
>>39267 Works great thanks for that. Went ahead and ripped all of the SL low tier vids. Have about 100 of her vids now, gonna put them in a folder and share for sure.
>>39295 Unfortunately not much of what I was hoping for but I appreciate you sharing either way. >>39338 Glad it worked for you, and look forward to seeing what you share :)
>>39255 >crazy that guy is an asshole
>>39113 I've been waiting for a good upload. Thanks for the list!
>>39113 Has anyone been able to download or view any of the diapered tgirl vids? >>YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwzazFWVlV4UzFSWQ==
>>39413 Bunkr has been on "maintenence" mode for a while now. My guess is they might be getting shut down.
Here is about half of the SL videos you can get off her lowest tier i was able to rip. If anybody has any playpentot that would be nice to see. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOXVlbGt5VTBsNVdTTjJWa1ZEUTBacVlWcDRNbE54YlZsV1ZVZ3RWV0pC
>>37359 Does anyone have that "Stepmother won't let you grow up", with Goddess Brandon?
Anyone got any good videos with people wearing and/or using ABU DinoRawrz? kinda obsessed with that diaper right now, even had to order myself some..
Anyone have Stage Fright Stiffy Before Sissy Baby Pageant by Penny Barber?
Can anyone please give me a hint, where I can download this: https://www.javlibrary.com/en/?v=javlijrh74 Thank you very much.
I am once again coming yo you to ask about daddy and little boy stuff. There was a great few videos someone shared before but i lost my old phone.
(146.22 KB 1707x2560 WDN-1.webp)

(134.28 KB 1707x2560 WDN-3.webp)

(118.02 KB 2560x1796 WDN-6.webp)

(397.74 KB 1707x2560 WDN-7.jpg)

(138.92 KB 1707x2560 WDN-8.webp)

Anyone got the acompanying video for these photos?
>>39560 I actually asked the site about why they dont have a subscription site like everyone else and they said they want to limit theft of content.
Although it prolly doesnt support subscription based sites I thought I would share something that I came across as I am sure it will prove helpful to some: https://github.com/RipMeApp
(54.97 KB 428x600 adultbaby-dreamer-nr-10.webp)

anybody got some shit like this?
Somebody have a link for aczd-161?
>>39697 https://baby-doll.shop/Adultbaby-Dreamer-Nr-10 No idea if the shop is legit though
(181.59 KB 800x536 parathd01534pl(2).jpg)

looking for this one a long time, not into granny stuf but this seems intersesting, someone have it and share?
>>39682 Thanks for this ripper. However, it does not seem to support ripping picture galleries hosted on Piwigo system. Does someone know ripper for such?
>>39734 shop is legit baby-doll has always been rather janky
If anyone has literally anything of BBWs, especially messing content I'd super appreciate a link
i want it but i can find it, anyone can get there hands on it and upload this? https://www.pcolle.com/product/detail/?product_id=222609653fa23527821
(181.19 KB 520x394 213149_5.jpg)

forgot the picture
Does anyone have lana locks?
>>39757 Just wow that they are still trying to be around. If only they would just sell their old content from the site.
>>39967 damn, do you have any more of her?
(742.87 KB 1857x1171 Baby_Em_Diapered_in_Public_1+2.jpg)

(431.36 KB 1857x1171 Baby_Em_Diaper_In_The_Shower_1.jpg)

(471.38 KB 1857x1171 Baby_Em_Diaper_In_The_Shower_2.jpg)

(467.13 KB 1857x1171 Baby_Em_Diaper_Upskirt.jpg)

Does someone have BabyEm videos? I have these, but they are downloaded from vk.com and their file size is not optimal at all. WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9VaGFSMUpYVmtWM01sZFRUVEJpTUZJeldtMXNSMDFJV21wV1JsSjVUMVJqTW1SRmFEWmtWMVl6
>>38164 Well only took me 5 million years, but I finally got off my ass. Got some decent stuff, nothing too crazy. Here's some of it. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOXFlbmhHUTFwaVlTTmpSRFZCUTNabVJ6QjVNbU5ZWlZSMU1FbFhkVGhC
(177.57 KB 1600x2400 0001-IMG_9695.webp)

>>40205 quick question how'd you rip these from jff? I did screen captures once but forgot to record the audio right and now live in regret
Back in the tumblr era there was a girl that would commonly post videos of her shitting herself. She went by "Partyinmypullups" or something along those lines. She had a patreon at one point with videos. Does anyone have an archive of all her stuff? I've literally never seen someone post her stuff even on old 8chan even though she was popular on tumblr. I've also asked throughout the years and never got anyone responding about her.
>>40226 Did the same, Nvidia screen cap, turned the bit rate down in the geforce experience settings to the minimum (10Mbps) so the videos aren't multiple GBs
(488.40 KB 1080x1540 20240907_094448234.jpeg)

Anyone know who this is? It's a video from this is but it's privated so took a screen instead.
somebody have dvks-045 and dvks-012?
What website do you guys use do decode to get the videos
>>40226 The fastest way I've found to rip JFF is to first go to their page and put every video you want to download into a playlist, which doesn't too long. than go to your profile page and go to playlists. Have the chrome extension bulk media downloader installed and just flip through every video in the playlist. I can load up pretty much hundreds of videos in minutes. Click on the extension icon, make sure the video check box is the only one check and download all the videos.
>>40205 I thought it was @softest-babie but then I remembered she took the FtM pill and got a bit messed up, another big tittied tomboy ruined
>>40289 Oh dear, yeah I just checked out her Tumblr. Random replies to people saying she's not female lol. Jesus Christ what's wrong with some people.
>>40303 Thank you so much
>>40303 Uhhhh yes, it makes it harder for the stuff to get taken down
Anyone have stuff from the past year from FRDG?
>>40300 Yeah bro, big sad she got trapped in that shitty brainwashing cult, its clear she was already dealing with heavy mental problems, you can tell, I am glad she did not cut off her massive tits, but still, her Daddy got fed up with all those hormone mood swings probably and realized it wasnt worth it no matter the epic boobs. She hits the right amount of cute/hot ratio for me for sure, wish she did JFF *so it would get leaked*
That’s mommyandbabydino off of justforfans
Couldn't resist. Had to put it here. https://youtu.be/EqUsdUFUvsM
Any one got videos from LittlefrenchiesABDL of? https://www.tumlook.com/littlefrenchiesabdl
>>40303 >Is there a reason to keep up this annoying checksum decoding? Scrapers that auto report links have been a lot less active since people started encoding as a countermeasure by default. If everyone stops encoding it's just going to happen again. It's best practice among good chanizens
Anyone have any MissLucyMorningstar ? struggleing to find anything. thanks
Someone has clips from ABDaycare? https://justfor.fans/theabdaycare1 The previews on X looked good https://x.com/TheABDaycare1
>>40723 i LOVE this studio. i'd sub if i wasn't so broke right now. i like that they do the 2000s ABS style of triple layering that makes the diapers look so poofy and bulbous and THICK.
>>40723 never understood the bonnets instant boner kill and ive never seen a baby past the boomers era wear them
>>40734 They are cute
>>40734 If we dressed them like parents dress their babbys now, it would be cargo pants and tube tops
Anybody got an archive of Little Kathy?
>>40734 Thank you, I always thought the same. Most of the "baby" stuff people always put on is an unrealistic caricature and an instant turn off.
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>>40734 i mostly agree, most of the cases it will look like a caricature, but there're exceptions ex >>40723 WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9VNVJNbWhVVWtWc2NWVnBUWGRpTVdoWVVUQlNTazVzWjNSYVJXeFdXakpPYkZkdVRsUmlNa1pD
>>40736 .... ?
Does anyone know where I can download the clip"penny barber Diapered Sissy Valentine"
>>40734 as someone born in the early 2000's, i grew up seeing them frequently in cartoons so i like them. they're accompanied with an embarrassing vibe
>>40734 When I was a baby there were no bonnets. It was bucket hats and knit caps
>>40762 found it here aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub21vcmFzaGkub3JnL2ZpbGVzL2ZpbGUvMTQwNDctYS1wZW5ueS00LXlvdXItdGhvdWdodHMxNDAv
Thank you😃👍
>>40761 I think they are saying that's a more modern way parents dress them instead of bonnets
>>40804 oh i get that it just seemed like a boomer reaction to bonnets being called out but ive never seen a tube top for infants so that seemed random af cargo pants sure when they dress toddlers as small adults but literally cant even find a listing or image of a tube top for babies
>>40830 I wish there would be more leaks of little baby jay and superbaby, their little space is right up my alley
There used to be a long video that was bad quality on ThisVid of a sissy being changed and played with, he would make a lot of baby sounds. Does anyone happen to have it saved? Also a short video of a diaper change – the title screen said something like "I'm a little Pampers boy"
Annyone have mommyandbabybruce stuffs?
>>40922 Theres a decent amount on omorashi and saff but its not organized or titled so you might have to dig.
Does anyone have videos from LittlefrenchiesABDL? https://www.tumlook.com/littlefrenchiesabdl
Does anyone knows where can i find a video where a couple poop in their diapers? It starts with the wife on the legs of her husband that starts to masturbate her pussy and then she starts to poop in her diaper. After that, she starts to s*ck his dick of the husband. Then he starts to poop in the same diaper of the wife. I found this video sometimes ago on Dp Vids but now i can't find it on that site. Do you know guys what's the name of that video or where can i find it?
>>37380 From what I've heard, she wasn't really into ABDL, but happened to be really good at acting in ABDL vids.
>>40916 Would it be this by any chance? https://vk.com/video288684164_456239046 Not my kind of thing but sound similar
>>40796 Fuck should I have been spending way more time on this site? Didn't realize there was so much kino.
>>40990 That's not it, but thanks for sharing. It was at least a 20+ min video, he was laying in bed and she takes off his diaper cover while he cries throughout the video. At the end he is played with in a pink(?) shirt and has a bonnet on. A user by Squirtking118 on ThisVid had it uploaded I think, I checked the wayback machine but I didn't see a thumbnail for it even.
>>40916 The other video was on YouTube for a long time, titled Diaper change by mum by a user Nenejonassoon1993, it has since been removed
Does anyone know a way of bypassing omorashi.org download limit or have an archive of the site content? There's a lot of hidden gems here but fuck the download limit.
>>41013 Unfortunately nope. This one you posted it's another one. But thanks, because now i found a new video ^_^
>>41015 I bypass it by using a vpn to login to different accounts.
>>41040 Yeah it work but it's so tedious.
asiandiapercutie Something I've always wanted to try siterip Anyone know a download source or this?
>>41056 Someone pointed to some torrents earlier in thread for her, but no seeders last I checked.
Was hoping someone had some older stuff from defunct sites
>>40830 Who is this?
I really hate videos where the girl puts on a really fake sounding high pitched voice
Baby Bea said she would retire for now, we should make an archive
Anyone want to share MommyandBabyD and TeenyAurora? Especially, MommyandBabyD!
>>41191 Same
>>41322 that's unfortunate, i really love her. not even as a diaper girl, just the vlog content where she seems to be a really cool person.
Does anyone has Videos of PlayfulPrince with his GF? The old Vids from PH
>>41347 littlestkittenx she also goes by SophiexxLittle now
Been a while since I subscribed to JFF, I see now that they have improved their javascript....and it appears to be very difficult to access videos for downloading Anyone have a trick or APP that they use to download?
>>41395 >>41395 This is bait
Not Bait...its a fucking question. I had been a JFF (Sunshine) Member previously and had no issue with video downloads. Just joined Abdaycare and no matter what I try - can't download them.
>>41419 Okay, well, the answer is in this thread already. Just gotta know where to look.
>>41326 kill yourself parasocial faggot
>>41438 Hey, you responded kind of aggressively to something that is really benign and trivial. Are you doing okay?
>>41438 >being this mad over a very innocent statement You are the only one anyone is laughing at. No one else made a bigger fool of themselves.
>>41438 Not sure I've ever seen "parasocial" used on the chans to mean much of anything except "sToP LiKiNg wHaT i dOn'T LiKe!!!"
>>41438 >>41446 No, in this instance, he used it correctly. Parasocial just means one sided. Since this is a perceived relationship between >>41326 and an online sex worker, that counts as parasocial. His jimmies being rustled over it is weird, though.
>>41438 why is parasocial bad?
>>41449 Well, parasocial relationships tend to be unhealthy. After all, one party is investing emotion into a relationship whereas the other person is merely getting a paycheck. Being in a parasocial relationship causes folks to have a warped view of reality. Look at Swifties for an example.
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>>41448 >No, in this instance, he used it correctly No, no -- he used it the same way as every other screeching shitflinger does. "I see you have a positive inclination towards <named entity on the internet> and I take umbrage to this fact". There is no implicit one sided relationship here being aptly outed. It's just not "cool" to like content creators of any kind on the chans: streamers, bloggers, w/e. Which is why I made the post I did, and it still stands despite your impotent attempt to contradict me. Nigger.
>>41450 i am not 'investing my emotion' into the 'relationship', my emotions are not so scarce that every time i feel something there is some kind of cost to it. i also don't pay for her content. comparing swifties to some anon saying something positive about someone they jerk off to demonstrates a warped view of reality. imo, anyway.
>>41452 I'm not looking to contradict you, I'm just pointing out the very clear definition of a word. Here's a link to a dictionary if you don't believe me. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/parasocial If you still feel like the word parasocial doesn't fit in this context, then I would recommend Reading Comprehension Classes. >>41454 Hey, if you're not investing any emotion into a parasocial relationship, then more power to ya. I should mention that I didn't call anyone out specifically, so your inference that I was speaking about your relationship is telling. You may want to double check to make sure you're not in a negative parasocial relationship.
>>41456 You STILL do not understand the person that you're replying to despite the pains taken to explain it. No where did I say "HE'S USING THE WORD WRONG >:(". The point is that the word is applied so broadly and so readily it has become near meaningless. Quick test of your reading comprehension skills: if I say "Starbucks normalized drinking a milkshake a day" and your first instinct is to respond "Starbucks doesn't sell milkshakes, they sell coffee" then rest assured you are in fact as much of a retard as you seem. Same thing here.
>>41456 > I'm not looking to contradict you, What do you think you're doing when you start a post with "no"?
Anybody worked out how to download JFF stuff, seems no point to sub if you can't rip stuff
>>41477 If you said 'X company normalized Y product' when I know that X hasn't ever sold Y, then it wouldn't be retarded to say 'X company doesn't sell Y, so how could that be?'. Perhaps you've been going through life assuming those around you are retarded when, in fact, you are just failing to state your claims completely? >>41479 I understand your confusion. When I say 'looking to contradict', I mean that contradicting you was not a motivation I have when I post. Yes, your point is contradicted by the definition, but I'd argue that your post was contradicted by the dictionary, not me. Another flaw in your reasoning is that there are plenty of statements that can start with 'no' that don't contradict the post they're responding to. For instance, if someone asks a question and the reply starts with no, that's not a contradiction, it's an answer. If you all want to keep this discussion going, I'm more than happy to. Linguistics and Semantics are a couple of my favorite topics, but I get the feeling you're just responding because you somehow feel lesser for not having people agree with you. That's a perfectly valid way for you to feel, but it's pretty self destructive. You probably have more enjoyable things to do, don't you?
>>41503 Thanks Anon, good stuff.
>>41484 I was using a some JFF ripper from github. It was working perfectly until my account mysteriously started to error when adding any kind of payment method... even crypto :/ I think they caught on and shadow nuked my account.
>>41503 Sorry to beg, but i dont suppose you have the "Diaper regression and pizza" video they did? Looks really good.
>>41514 account with restricted access bro, that video is not public, host it somewhere else
>>41456 why are you such an insufferable faggot
>>41513 Sure here YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdk1sSmFNR2xoWjBzalIxSmhiekI1V0c5U04xUllVMVJWU1RNMVdrTmhURms1VTNKSk9IcGlVRWxaTVd4VVJVOTJhelJ4VlE9PQ==
>>41529 Thanks King, french is weirdly hot. Also their pizza looks really fucking tasty
>>41527 You realize every time you reply, you're technically suffering me again. Because of that, I'm clearing not insufferable. As for the faggot part, I wish I was gay (as life would be WAY easier) but sadly, I'm cursed to love only women. Thanks for continuing to suffer me. I enjoy the interaction.
>>41529 You're a hero. I've been dying to see The Diaper Breakup pt 1 & 2, I'll make sure to upload something in return today.
Am I missing something because putting most of these into a checksum decoder just spits out gibberish?
>>41542 checksum decoder*
>>41543 Why the fuck is this word filtered?
>>41543 The base of your solution lies in the third console that could play Mario.
>>41545 Yeah, I know what you're supposed to put them into, but it never fucking works.
>>41546 Then do it again(!) and don't be an idiot.
>>41547 And trying for like six months and maybe one in 20 actually spits out a URL. You don't need to be a cunt about it.
>>41548 I'm trying to help without outright spilling the beans, read carefully and try. it. again. until it works.
>>41547 >>41549 Consider suicide
>>41550 Oy vey, fuck you too bud! If you can't figure this out then you might as well take your own advice. Jezus christ. Trying to help someone out but get confronted again that this kink community is filled with absolute nutjobs. Go touch some grass.
>>41548 Real room-temperature IQ moment here. Can't believe you're so dumb you can't even figure it out even with >>41547 spelling it for you. Don't worry, though, you'll crack the thing right after figuring out how to tie your shoes.
>>41551 Shut the fuck up, nigger. You are doing it wrong. Here are your options: >RTFM >GTFO
>>41548 this is why you gatekeep the newfags. beggars and assholes, the lot.
>>41541 Last one im posting YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdmRtUm5hMUpNWWtJamFGWkZNakozVTBScWEySkxhRk50WkdSc2RFWkhaMWd6YWxOM1lXRjJkWGxKZWtweFYwY3hYMnQ1T0E9PQ== YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdk1tTkphMGRVYjBramFVNHhRa3h4WDFCRlNHNWpWa05LWVdSalUxcHVaMFl0VTBwcVpIQTNVM3B4WjFOclpEWldTRkUxT0E9PQ==
>>41570 Thank you anon. you are a hero
>>41548 Ok so if you say that it sometimes work .... i don't know what you're doing but assuming you're doing it correctly you should know that sometimes you need to do the exact same with the answer a couple of time until you get the actual url... as long as you see letters and numbers and optionally == at the end just repeat the process if you see strange characters like question marks or something you're doing it wrong
Is there really no better option than a site that randomly cancels your downloads at 100% then makes you wait 6 hours to try again?
I leave for a week and I come back to like two people sharing stuff and some other douche bags calling each other niggers, WTF. >>41570 Nice uploads, just super large file sizes though >.>;;
Anyone have the diaper punishment vid of this chick doing the dishes and soaks her diaper and it leaks all over the floor before she leans back against the sink and goes to town?
>>41596 Shut up, faggot
As long as the quality is good, the file size is more then fine. i have a 500 MBit connection and 8TB disk space dedicated to DP. @Uploader ANON is this a screen recording or the original file from publisher?
>>41616 Original
>>37831 are you still interested in share/trade? i already shared one video here >>40756 i can provide more
Any Binkie Princess archives floating around?
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yes indeed. will share those omutsucompany vids this week. Recently subbed theabdaycare1 but accidentally ripped them without audio.. if you have the vids from either of these two I'd be aces.
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>>41632 as promised. enjoy. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOUdSVTFUUWxrMlV5TnRjRFUwVVRsVlVGaEpOSGxoVWpGZk5rVjBSMWRu
>>41674 Wonderful
>>41529 Do you maybe have the video nice flatmate? I would be super happy :)
>>41604 You are one of only 2 people on this board still replying to people like it's 2008. Maybe you should look in a mirror and reflect on how absolutely stupid you look. Get off the board.
>>41711 >crying about words No, you leave Faggot
>>41711 Go back to Reddit, tranny
>>41711 no balls, but plenty of bitching here
>>41711 Yeah, there's like one living 2008 troll trope running around and just shitting on all the threads. Let me pass down an ancient saying since the dawn message boards; don't feed the trolls.
anyone ever checkout or sub to theabdaycare? their stuff looks pretty promising
>>41719 it's really funny. Most people who hate trans are really just insecure about themselves. It's well documented. They are worried about them finding a trans person attractive as if that would demolish their own sexual identity. Let me explain why that's silly. You have no sexual identity, unless you count your hands. No woman, or men, or in betweener would want to get stuffed by people who make it their entire identity to brag about how much they hate other people.
>>41830 > They are worried about them finding a trans person attractive as if that would demolish their own sexual identity. Surprising to no one, this has yet to happen :)
>>41830 I mostly hate trans people because a lot of them are pedos
>>41830 you forgot to hit the sage button
ITT: We make up a bunch of bullshit to justify hating trans people with zero statistics or peer reviewed studies. Jesus you're so fucking desperate in here it's sad.
>>41861 People say diaper people are pedo, people say democrats are pedo, turns out, with actual investigation, it's mostly republicans, priests and cops. Who would have guessed. Still not drag queens, or trans.
>>41719 I fucking love it bro. I absolutely love it. I love seeing this transition on chan boards over the last few years. It used to be your kind were the majority. hurrdurr hate trannies hurrdurr. Look at this. Look at how absolutely cooked you got here not just from me but from multiple people here. Your kind are no longer welcome here. I am not even the biggest advocate for the whole movement, but frankly you are far more degenerate than any of them could ever be. I get off knowing that you are probably sitting there wondering why you got completely shit on for stating an opinion that you'd have been praised for having just a few years ago. And I'm absolutely here for it. Off yourself because that's the next logical step in your life.
>>41861 >SOURCE? >STUDY? >STATISTIC? >>41875 You talk too much, Onideus
>>41886 >still thinking I'm Onideus years later >rent free Yikes.
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>>41892 >makes bullshit statements about observable phenomena >can't handle being called out >thinks meme is get out of jail free card from accountability Ahh, a tale as old as time.
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>>41895 You understand nobody likes you, right?
>>41895 >>41890 >>41875 >>41861 Every fucking time I come on this board you're shitting the place up complaining. Either die in a fire or shut the fuck up, nobody cares about your personal crusade.
>>41898 >>41899 Take it up with the mods then faggot.
>>41892 >wah wah why don't you just accept what i'm saying at face value and don't think critically
>>41898 Literally not even samefag lmao ur mad tho 🤣
>>41899 No? You mad bruh?
I'm sure you all talk about things really important but can't we go back to just posting fucking video link?
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>>41914 Honest question, why is it that you wait until the argument is pretty much lost to cry about getting back to the thread topic instead of saying something mid-argument?
>>41922 Buddy, not everything’s about you. Some of us just want to share videos and fap without wading through your endless monologue. I clicked expecting content, not your latest rant. Give it a rest.
>>41925 Lmao, wasn't even making it about me, butthurt much?
>>41925 You can't even fathom the fact that multiple people are memeing on you right now. You got caught thinking I was samefagging when I'm not. It's just that your opinion is trash and people hate you. Period. Walk away. You're cooked retard.
can you retards shut the FUCK up no one gives a shit about anything you're talking about this is a DIAPER FETISH FORUM if you're not talking about diapers GO THE FUCK SOMEWHERE ELSE. where do people get their content these days? when i was young i couldn't access paysites and dreamed of the day i'd have a credit card and be able to, now the traditional paysites kind of suck. frdiapergirls and abdreams are okay, ukdiapergirls and diapergal have kind of gone downhille, adultbabyxxx has been bad for a decade now. seems like specific JFF models are the way to go, but it feels like a huge lack of variety for the price of one subscription. unless it's a channel with content i LOVE, it just isn't worth it. channels i like: -charmingdiapers -mommyandbabyd -theabdaycare -mavieabdl basically, they either need to have GOOD diaper sex/fucking videos, or have really really thick disposables. it's amazing how hard it is to find either of those things now.
>>41348 Still interested in this… maybe someone has some in his Folders
>>41944 I understand what ya mean. No one makes diaper sex videos!! Like trying to find a fucking needle in a hay stack…but I Will say I love Sophiexlittle and princessofpees content, they have some hot ass videos
>>41964 CatABDL has some diaper sex videos, and her stuff gets leaked on Thisvid, dp-vids, and OmoOrg all the time.
>>41944 I've yet to see any theabdaycare stuff leak. I'd like a sample before I consider giving them 20 dollars
How to see the links please?
>>41989 checksum
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>>41911 >emoji on an imageboard
>>41989 Base{Commodore, Nintendo, x86_**}
>>41708 Yes, I do here YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdk5rMWFSbFJLUTBFalNEZEpaa1oyYzNaR1preGFSVXR2VVhCWGVVOXZhV2h3T0dkR00xWnZTM1ppUjFvd1JGZ3RaR1ZaWnc=
>>41989 Jesus fucking christ, there aren't that many types on encoding in the world and this is among the most common ones.
>>42001 Do you have access to the videos Journalist in diaper part 1 and part 2?
Oh, does somebody have some Spanking diaper videos. Like the ones of Mommy Sarah Spanks. If someone can post please.
not sure if anyone will know what im talking about but im looking for an older video of two japanese women and one is dressed as a baby with a bonnet and breastfeeds from the other woman
>>42029 I'm looming for DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO Maybe you have this one ?
>>42059 Should be in the folder now YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOHlRbmRITTBKRVVTTm5SemQxTlhwRWRrcEpTM2RGYkVSZmRHeEtYMnRu
>>42060 Thanks for all your uploads, you are a hero! Do you have the "bad flatmate" part 1 and 2 videos?
>>42094 In the Folder
>>42094 you can find all their videos on omorashi btw
I'm trying to locate a video with about following script: - young lady is shown in her hotel room with her clean Tena Slip Maxi diaper under her skirt - she goes to a concert - she comes back from consert and back to hotel room - her completely soaked Tena Slip Maxi is shown - she lays down on bed and her diaper is opened, revealing booster diaper which is also completely soaked - she gets clean diaper and they go on, continue the night I know I have that video on my collections somewhere, but I have no idea how to search it. Does someone recognize, who the model was? Or pointer to some website, which has that video, so I can then search it from my collection using the video duplicate search.
>>42258 sounds like a onemoretime99 video
>>42264 You were right, thank you :) Here are my (few) Onemoretime99 videos: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOTVTVTU2TTBvMlV5TlhkMEYxZWpKS2IzVTBNV0k0YTJwa2RYbGlaRmxC Does someone have more?
>>42308 Do you have DIAPERED SUITCASE, DIAPERED PLUMBER, Shopping Toys in diaper or Charlotte and Lucy diapered in music? Also, I have a bunch of videos here. Id be more then happy to upload something that you dont have!

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