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diapers that no longer exist Baby 01/17/2024 (Wed) 13:53:05 No. 33488
just found out that dry 24/7s have been discontinued. i know i'm late, but this was my favorite diaper of all time. bigger, thicker, and more crinkly than other diapers; discreetness wasn't a factor, just absorbency and comfort. the all-white design also felt more fetishy than printed AB diapers. the only thing i didn't like was the lack of a landing zone for reusable tapes. wish i had known about this earlier so i could've stockpiled some cases. post about your favorite diapers that no longer exist.
>>33488 I also wore these for years but they started to go downhill and become less absorbent the last couple years. Try Trest for the crinkliness and all white with landing zone. MegaMax also great replacement but very silent. Both are much more absorbent and more comfortable. I miss the all white Goodnites from my teen years.
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Molicare Super-plus and the og Abri X-plus
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The best lightweight diaper for texture, crinkle, and sealed fit. Wish they'd bring them back!
>>33531 this was my favorite 3 tape diaper, never got a chance to try it!
>>33488 I still have over half a pack of them, something must have been fucky in manufacturing as they have literally no SAP in them so they are useless. I kept leaking until I realized this, good thing ABU started making Simples during this time.
>>33488 These first came out in 2009 IIRC. I actually was able to order two test versions while I was in collge... although I'm not sure what became of it in the years since. I'd forgotten about them, and my memory never matched what I looked up to find again. I remember two diapers that were made for the super incontinent. As in, there were no pants that could hide the massiveness of these behemoths. The wicking was not good, but where it lacked in total overall absorption it lived up to in name. I swear, it felt bone dry in there *despite the leak guard currently failing due to an over-accumulation of pee*. I wonder if I would've had the methods to document that any better at the time...
>>33488 Secure Plus were really good in the mid 2000s, I think I got them before Bambino happened, but the plastic was super soft like the pampers I remember with just enough absorbency to use for a few hours, then the plastic got weird, like "shopping bag" texture, less absorbency, they just got bad, same thing after paper pak got attends, got worse every year, thank goodness for all the abdl producers or i might have just given up the fetish eventually
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>>33675 forgot the pic, also Dr. P's were available in the us for a short time in like 2008/2009 with the pink and blue hearts, smelled fruity when you wet them
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These fucking things. I went on a search for the absolute worst plastic backed diapers and these took the cake by far. A single wetting and the whole things just fall apart. The plastic was also very light and flimsy so when you wet it really REALLY showed. Putting an actual incontinent person in these would basically be abuse but I enjoyed how terrible they were. Sadly they don't seem to exist anymore in favor of cloth backed diapers which are a dime a dozen.
>>33527 Molicare Super Plus still exist but with some minor changes. They have the same design except they are no longer purple but blue and they dont say Molicare on the tapes. Here is what they are now: https://www.parentgiving.com/products/molicare-super-plus-overnight-adult-diapers?_pos=1&_sid=40107e0ad&_ss=r
>>34145 Honestly your best bet to possibly still find these are small local pharmacies. The local one I went to had like 5 or 6 packs of the larges so I bought them all up over time. Personally I love how the plastic feels on the cheapy medical brands,
>>33531 Though it is prolly do to the age but I have some and the tapes are trash. The plastic is nice though. I think I still have a pack of large sealed.
>>35626 Also wanted to mention that I still have like almost 2 cases of them sealed :3 Prolly the wildest find though was last year while just scrolling through random medical supply websites I came across a site, based out of Chicago, and they had some real old stuff still posted. They had the brochure advertising the OG Molicares and then saw that they had Molicare Super in stock. I sent an email and asked and they said that they had 2 cases of them still in Medium. I paid $60 a case which included shipping via UPS. Bruh, they were made in 2005 and they had just been sitting in the back of a warehouse for nearly 2 decades and as such they are super compressed. They are not as thick as the Super Plus and the cut is a lil odd but other than that they are decent.
Abri-Form S/M/L/XL 1-4 has all been replaced with Abena Slip
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Bear hugz from changing times. They were one of my go to diapers for bedtime but randomly got discontinued. Now even finding them online is difficult. Also, the old peekABU diapers. I don't care what ABU says, they changed the quality of this diaper. The plastic seems thinner, they don't hold as much, and the inner layer sticks to me now causing rashes. Just a crap diaper now, I'd say it's on par with preschool diapers. Dayum shame.
>>35639 >I don't care what ABU says, they changed the quality of this diaper. The plastic seems thinner, they don't hold as much, and the inner layer sticks to me now causing rashes. That ain't the only one. I think the dino ones also got the downgrade. The plastic feels like Northshore, which I never much liked. Also the wadding seems to slide around and bunch up. ABU definitely has some quality issues going on.
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Mydiaper nacht and similar, they were quite good
>>35649 These may not have been as good in terms of absorbency or texture but I think the prints were the superior version of the PeekABUs. The one diaper I've always thought about trying but will likely never get the chance is the vintage Attends. Anecdotally I've heard that era of adult disposable was pretty lit because there was no precedent for adult diapers at the time so the manufacturers just took the specs for baby diapers and sized them up. Meaning that the earliest runs of the Attends disposables were really just baby diapers but without prints and sized up and with extra tapes added. Sounds wonderful.
>>35641 Meanwhile, I've got no objections to what I'm experiencing with Tykables' diapers.
>>35653 I'm actually loving rearz at the moment
Does anyone know if Carousel v2 mediums are available anywhere trustworthy? Haven't seen them since before Christmas.
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Anyone remember these diapers? Probably one of the first abdl diaper.
>>35723 they were always too expensive to me, like $5 or something a piece, pre-bambino times when you could get that or more Attends for less money
>>35723 classy comforts! i remember those.
>>35636 I have not seen XL offered anywhere though I have not been looking since I wear M. >>35723 I still have like 2 or 3 somewhere. I have heard from a friend that apparently Abena at one point had a diaper with 6 tapes.
>>35723 I hated these we need more normal plastic diapers none of these faggot baby faggotry
>>35802 How don't be such a little fussykins. I bet you'll make such a sweet pretty little faggy baby in your fag pampers. :3
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Don't know how true this is and I'll likely never get to try it, but I've heard before that the really early runs of Attends, were back when they were the first adult disposable diapers made, ever. The industry didn't have any standards or examples for what adult disposable diapers should be like at the time since no one had done it before. As such, the idea of everything being super slim, discreet and low-quality wasn't the assumed practice for making adult disposable. Instead, they used the only other model for disposable diapers they had at the time, which were baby diapers, meaning that the early runs of Attends diapers were literally just the models for baby diapers but with no prints, scaled up to adult proportions, and with more tapes added. I've felt for a long time that what I really would love to experience is 80s/90s baby diapers scaled up to adult proportions and it sounds like that's the closest we've ever gotten to it.

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