/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Hypno Thread Baby 07/16/2020 (Thu) 00:39:36 No. 559
Share Files, or discuss your experiences. Found any files that really brought you into little space? Any that went too far? Share you experience! :)
There was a hot video of a guy crossdressing and messing his diaper as he watched some sort of diaper hypno but now I can’t find it. It’s a shame because I wanted to know if anons knew the file
>>568 You can't just say something like that and not post the video, I'd have preferred you never even mentioned it
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>>591 I'm thinking it might have been deleted. Just after reading your post I went and spent five or six minutes looking around Pornhub for it again. It was an amateur video and the guy had like one vid on his channel. It was a guy crossdressing. Not a top-tier one but not a gross one either, he was diapered and sitting on the floor, sucking on a pacifier while watching sissy hypno in front of his laptop. He lifted his butt up and then messed the diaper and then sat back down on it. I came to it several times so I'm very sad that I can't find it now, especially since this thread made me look for it. To actually contribute to the thread though, here are a few good vids that I enjoy: >Diaper Training Hypnosis https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5c404f26a59ad >Diaper Brainwashing Tape https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5c8eb050c85d9 The first one is fun to mess too. I really wish though that there were more explicitly sissy related ABDL hypnos. Little girl regression is my favorite
https://iwantclips.com/store/730497/Dominavictoria/2078031/Uncontrollable-Wetting-Messing-Trance 80$ ... I cannot believe the asking price. But if anyone did spend a case worth of diapers in $$ and wants to share let me know
>>667 Fuck you’d expect something to work perfectly for a price like that but I highly doubt it
>>668 Lol, I'm sure it does nothing. If you want hypnosis you have to find an actual trained practitioner of it, which is kinda expensive but the results certainly can be worth it for some. Just be careful with it. You're messing with your mind (haha)
heck thats my art <3 glad you like it <3
>>7068 Nice to see you around Now bend over and prepare for a spanking
Recently experimented with eating three geltabs and watching every abdl hypno video I could find both xxx and non-xxx, through the hypno I was encouraged to thickly diaper myself, cage myself, and of course plug and fuck myself. I turned into a drooling stupid mess by the end of the last video I had queued. I was then convinced I could not change my very thick diaper until I had: 1. Taken myself out for a walk in a skirt that didn't do much to cover the diaper while continuing to listen to hypno. 2.Until I have consumed the 5 beers I had in the fridge and soaked my diaper. 3. Made myself cum by only fucking myself with the 8in dildo I had plugged myself with. Oh also I did not let myself go home until I had achieved all of these things :) Had to be one of the most intense orgasms of my life, I came my brains out after bouncing up and down on the dick in my diaper. Then I punished myself like a good slut by hiking up my skirt for the waddle of shame home. When I got home I removed my diaper and cage and had the second most intense orgasm of my life lol Tldr Ac1d and Brainwashing yourself into submission coupled with a cock cage and diaper is amazing
>>568 >>593 Fuck that sounds hot, I don't suppose anyone has said video?
>>7457 I've never been able to find it again. Especially since Pornhub deleted almost all of their content. It's very sad, because that sort of video is really rare. I should have downloaded it when I first saw it. >>7444 Sounds like a very hot time! I love how stupid and horny I get after a lot of hypno
I have this random idea thats stuck in my head; basically it's your typical baby brainwashing scenario but something goes wrong or its only half complete or whatever so the target is still a functioning adult but they have strong baby tendencies and urges
any recommended file? something like wet echo or similar? I liked that type of file
>>7444 where did you find the hypnosis files?
Has anyone tried these files yet? If not, I might take the plunge and come back with results. Very curious.
>>8645 I assume like shit if no one has pirated them. Never seen or heard them in 8chan/kun.
>>8645 I wouldn't bother, she used to pose for pictures years ago, then went away suddenly, and now she's back with another grift, just like panda/papaya/ava/annie/whatever alias she's using this week. The files might be okay, but I wouldn't expect anything therapeutic from it, hypno-mommy is better for that stuff
Another good link from 8kun topic so I don't keep having to look for it. https://archive.org/details/RegressPadded/
Thank goodness I found this thread! I remember sharing the google drive files of sweet dreams back on 8kun. Does anyone have the diaper theta hypnosis video or audio that used to be on pornhub? Its currently on thisvid but you need to be friends with the uploader to view it. I'd love if anyone knew!
I'm looking for Hypno-Mommy's paid files. Her free stuff is good but the other files are way overpriced for me. Anyone got them?
I had one real good regression experience with hypno once. I can't for the life of me remember the video or clip I was watching. Some sort of audio hypno. Whatever it was, by the time it ended I felt so weird and dazed. I got out of my chair and crawled around the room and started playing with some legos and sucking my thumb. It had a magic feel to it that toys don't usually have anymore. I giggled alot as I played, and then it gradually wore off. It was a good memory. The most babyish I've felt though.
>>8645 yes i've tried two from both groups and they suck ass at the price. They're like 7 to 15 minutes a pop and it's just like bargain bin asmr. trash. Do not buy.
Anyone know of any good hypno files with actual ejaculation triggers in it? I usually have to use non-ABDL stuff and twist the fantasy in my head.
>>7460 Hehehe me tooooo
>>8358 All over the internet, I keep a tab of what I find in my browser and a playlist on my YouTube
>>9354 Hypnoskunk
>>9555 It's on aHR0cHM6Ly9rZW1vbm8ucGFydHkvcGF0cmVvbi91c2VyLzE2MDI0MDg0 Most of it is subliminal stuff, does not really work for me. But you can give it a try for sure
>>9564 wow thank you! that place has certainly lots of things hosted there I was not aware this was being used to share things.
Anyone have any good messing hypnosis?
>>9564 What does that mean?
Is there any more files by this person? I haven't found them anywhere.
>>9890 they're on iwantclips, idundee3, beware most of them are text to speech besides the Sheila clips, though the tts aren't horrible, if you're not expecting it, it's jarring
>>9895 Nice! You don't happen to know where to get them for free though, do you?
If I can share my experience with hypno. Last August I found a rather large file on 8kun. Listened to a few that encouraged night time wetting. It really worked on me. The bad thing, I was wetting even on nights I wasn't wearing. Weed was always involved on nights I wet, but I suggest buying bed protection. Something highly rated to keep your mattress dry. IDK if being high was why it happened, but I haven't listened to a file since maybe Sept-Oct and It has taken until maybe Late Jan for it to stop. I get high every night for sleep, so im pretty sure it was the hpyno that pushed me past the breaking point. I think I listened to the same file maybe 4-6 times before it worked.
>>9968 Was it that 1hr8min long "Bedtime Hypnosis" session on Soundcloud? https://soundcloud.com/user-933365543/bedtime-hypnosis Not sure original source.
This does sound familiar. I just remember the voice sounding very dull, female, and the further it went, the more I heard in the background. Lets say she said 5 long paragraphs in total, well when she finished with one then it would repeat in the background while working on the 2nd, then 3rd and so on. It was prob intensified by me being high.
It was called wetting the bed, by Ember Larimar
Can someone help me identify who made ARP_EPISODE_X files? She sounds like Val (BGFM)
>>10352 Those are Dream A Little files. There are a couple of episodes with Val as well though.
>>10193 wtf is this production quality? i can't jerk off to this, i'm too busy appreciating it
>>10193 Would love to know whose voice is the main one in these, they're incredible
Does anyone still have the $wee+dre@m5 - Hypno+ic Mi5+ series? They have been up in the collection folders, but I've lost them after a purge, would be great if anyone could re-up.
>>10361 Thank you Anon. >>10369 YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdWJXVmthV0ZtYVhKbExtTnZiUzltYVd4bEwyODNNR2g1TVc5ck4zRnlZalIyTmk5VGQyVmxkRjlFY21WaGJYTXVlbWx3TDJacGJHVT0=
Thanks a bunch, much appreciated
>>10374 I've been looking all over for this but I don't know how to use your link! Help please?
>>10613 get a new gimmick, dude
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There was a pointed pic at the 6@5e of its handle.
Try thinking of analog horror stuff and deciphering hidden lore from them.
>>10193 https://thisvid.com/videos/regressive-fever-dream/ this one's private but just add the guy if you have an account >>10365 sounds like larkin but i'm not 100% sure
>>559 anybody have any nicole doseis files? btw here is audio RPs, I know its not hypno but I didnt want not share anything
>>11100 Key: hZ_IrJPoxyAojwWNruNedA https://mega.nz/folder/wJ0wxJwT forgot to post link lol
Anyone has the files from here? https://www.etsy.com/shop/ABDLHypnosis?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=1079223370 I don't think I've seen them in any of the folders here.
IWhat are your favorite files/Is there any abdl hypnosis file which worked surprisingly well for you?
>>11104 my man
>>10365 >>10990 It is mommy maggie who also does captions. She used to frequent these threads as well. the only for mommy clips real name is Mommy's Silly Dumb Baby Hypnosis and is just mp3. She has a patreon with plenty of caps and mp3 files. She posted this "Hey there everyone! This is Maggie from Maggie's Cappies So honestly I've been super into diaper hypnosis porn ever since I started getting into this fetish. I've been VERY hesitant to try any kind of file though for literally the past decade or so, because I was so worried about what would happen to me if I hypnotized myself. Like, would I actually slip into a baby mode forever? Would I really lose my potty training? We all have actual lives away from this fetish, so I never wanted to take the risk. A couple months ago I decided, fuck it, let's just do this. And I've fallen in love. I'd say 7/10 times I masturbate now while I'm under some kind of trance. It's been an immaculate experience, and I love trying any file I can get my hands on. So, I thought to myself, why don't I make hypnosis? It might be kind of shitty at first, but with constructive criticism from the community, hopefully I can actually make it into something hard hitting, and actually worth a download. I was that kid who had no money and couldn't get any quality shit for free, so I went on sites like this and prayed people would throw out their own purchased shit for free. So, I guess in a way, this is me paying back the community. I'm not gonna post all of my hypnosis for free here, but a decent amount of it. My ultimate goal here is for you guys help me make my files better, so that I can make the highest quality hypnosis for this community. Whether that be through script critiques, audio pointers, or even straight up ideas. So below is my first file. It's mostly a Fem dom regression file, with some potty training amnesia, and wetting suggestions. PLEASE let me know what you think, and how I can make this better for everyone. Thank you so much for even listening. Again, this is my first try, so go easy on me! (PS If you want to support me, head on over to my patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Maggiescappies) https://mega.nz/#F!qIUn1KpK!n23YKxwAS7OMbeDrbbUuOg" Back in 2019. here's the thread, https://8kun.top/abdl/res/73171.html
>>10365 >>10990 Here's the clip with full audio file where she sais it's mommy maggie. https://www.keekass.com/videos/53893/mother-mistress-brainwash/
I'm sad there is no diaper hypno as powerful as sissy hypno. Sissy hypno can change you powerfully over time. I've never found anything like that with diapers yet
>>11824 Very cool! Unfortunately the mega link in your post seems to be dead, but I'll definitely be giving your work a look :)
Does anyone have Bambi Daycare and Bambi Babytalk.
>>12004 how can you be this stupid
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Can just be posted hypnosis stuff instead so the thread does not get closed because of this pic.
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Why si so hard find good files?
>>12104 hypno-mommy just uploaded a handful of new ones, I'd recommend them and i listen to almost everything https://hypnomommy.gumroad.com/
New ABDL hypnosis creator on Youtube, "Bambi's Daycare" (no connection to the synth voice "Bambi Daycare" file in the Bambi sissification series). https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn2Uy6TRuQOcZFpkthUT2VA/videos I'm 99% sure that it's original content, not the best sound quality but it's a promising start. ASMR Little Space Induction - Deeper Trance Hypnosis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWxz7-pfLYs ASMR Age Regression | Hypnosis | ABDL | Little Space https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=981ktQqk0UM ASMR Forced Pee Degradation | Hypnosishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBCaNNntC9Y
>>12179 there's a new maker too, https://diaperedbombshell.com/hypnosis/ols/products it's text-to-speech, I bought the shitting ones but it didn't really blow my mind with good diaper hypnosis, you've got to consider: the fantasy element, the therapy element, and the sexual element, idundee3 put out a good one recently, where you get institutionalized in the abdl ward, the first half was really good, then you get raped with text to speech in the back half
Does anyone have any good sissy hypnosis to share?
>>12183 > idundee3 put out a good one recently, where you get institutionalized in the abdl ward, the first half was really good, then you get raped with text to speech in the back half I'm sure those visualization-heavy kinds of files work well for some people but I prefer ABDL files that are more focused on feelings and physiology instead of fictional narratives that require too much visualization. For regression In particular, I prefer the open-ended style of visualization where you draw upon your own memories to fill in the blanks (i.e. "imagine yourself when you were five") instead of specific scenarios (i.e. "you are five, you are at an amusement park with your friends and you are riding a roller coaster for children with only a few small bumps. All of a sudden you need to pee but the roller coaster is slow and it might be minutes before you can make it to the bathroom. You try to hold it in but it starts leaking out.").
someone has Bambi daycare.
>>12206 Is that last scenario from an actual file? Because that sounds like something I would be into
>>12615 No, I made it up as I was writing it but now that I think about it, that "you need to pee but you're stuck on a slow amusement park ride" scenario would kind of work as an ABDL file.
There was a really amazing diaper hypno / popper video on xvids awhile back (like 6 months to a year) but it got removed because it had shota. Does anyone have that?
Really need the Hypnotic Mist Series. All of it. IF someone has it D:
>>12834 There is a zip with a direct link that still seems to work already in this thread. search for text 'sweet'
>>12853 bless you, i need to brainwash myself into pooping and cumming in my diaper nonstop. It's the best feeling in the fucking world.
Lets see if we can get some more hypnosis files on here. I bought the Advanced Diaper Wetting Hypnosis file from etsy (Jay Loveson) Honestly kinda fucked me up. I can't wear diapers anymore without pissing in them unknowingly. Really did it for me: https://mega.nz/file/6FlXRRbA#ch4o4sOjZAAkGptRa1qlhJ_4csqft749OwJYEyeIzCI Anyone got new files?
>>12952 I had a good effect out of this one, after a few loops, I felt more like I was leaking than peeing https://hypnomommy.gumroad.com/l/erasing-potty-training-loop
Can post that one for hpyno mom if you have it. Erasing Potty Training - Hypnotic Loop
>>12952 Here is the Regression file from the same artist. Seems like the etsy might be down now. Key + mega UkMxVE0wRXlVRkpzY0VOeFNGaHZhV3RKUzJkT1ptUXlNWG8yTFhwRlZuRjZZbEJKT0Y5ME5GSkdVUXBvZEhSd2N6b3ZMMjFsWjJFdWJub3ZabWxzWlM5M01VcDZlV0pwVXc9PQ==
Can repost that it is hard to tell what copy and past.
>>13306 >>13311 serves me right for trying to make it secure. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdmR6RktlbmxpYVZNalJDMVRNMEV5VUZKc2NFTnhTRmh2YVd0SlMyZE9abVF5TVhvMkxYcEZWbkY2WWxCSk9GOTBORkpHVVE9PQ==
That is not even workable anything.
im looking for librarian, adult anxiety.
>>13491 check on kem0n0.p@r+y
>>13581 I'll trade, I got a bunch, I never subbed to the Patreon before so I didn't realize I missed a bunch of exclusive stuff she really sucks at replying to messages I sent her one to all her accounts about a dysfunctional listing 2 months ago and nothing
>>13629 Can't you just upload your files to Mega so everyone can benefit?
Mega is a lot easier to use rc baby because can not figure out how to use the link you posted.
Thank you for telling me how to do it
No probs. And just to remind all - I'm posting two of HypMoms ludicrously expensive files for each previously unshared Nicole Dosei abdl file posted.
Anyone know the name of the lovely Mommy in this vid wearing the polkadot dress? Or even have more of her content? https://anonfiles.com/15l6d8u7y8/mdlb_breastfeeding_Search_sorted_by_popularity_-_VideoSecti_mp4
Here one of here Wetting the Bed is as Easy as 123 https://mega.nz/file/8oZzBIhC#QdTfVC2LLlaLa-7EXbH_zF3-lcb0Oaj0QpQUJsWPV-8
Here is another one I have Inconsistent Incontinence https://mega.nz/file/N8A1FSQI#Vk2XAgk2-uiMYXNc_C9pjPlrO6zNpqiXnCRjDgEGha4
thank you two for being kind and giving back to the community :')
No worries (although I'm not quite sure the legalities of publicly sharing purchased content so I will likely delete my posts after a week or so - grab 'em while you can). My thanks go to the little one who shared kem0n0.p@r+y. Such a valuable resource! Please do support the content creators where you can, but for now, keep the flood coming :)
Here's two more from Nicole: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdlRVeFdhbmhVU2tzak5GUmtMWGh4U214UGNWQmtVMGxDUjJGblZqVlZaSFEzUmpjMldIaHhkblJUVkhNelNubDZabUozTUE9PQo= YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdk1HSXdWVk5SVkVFalduRXpTWHBzUkdRMGVWSlVhbEJvVVVoNGNWcFRRelJ0VnpSYWJXMURiMHhEVkZCVFRERlhhVkpRY3c9PQo=
>>13786 Whoops, sorry. Thanks for all sharing! Here's two more: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdlRVdE5SMWRMVVZRaldtSmZZV0pQT0RGTWEwNHROMlF0T1ZSdlVHNWtUVXBoZFMxT2JtbHViR054UW5ScU1rcHdWRmhSWXc9PQo= YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdk5WZHJlVkZSVTFralZqbFBVV3N4UTA1UE1YSkZhSFU0UTFOTmNsaENaMUZzVDNwTFFrRnJjakJMUXpORlRqWlNVVWxaVlE9PQo=
another one. yeah, k3m0n0 does come handy sometimes although it's mostly fu22y stuff... aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL3QydTF0ZHVleWIvQnJhaW53YXNoZWQtQmFieS1Cb3ktTmljb2xlLURvc2VpX21wMw==
>>13791 Maybe force of habit from earlier days/sites?
>>13793 Also think "Baby" is the default username, and there might be some sort of recognisable remnant when links are just encrypted once?
You have to decode once, copy the decoded Data and decode a second time.
Time to be little aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvQmYxM2dJckEjUzdzM0JpY1d4cGlKRGhwc1VqTmxTTTFXUHVoMFJDR0NBMHJjdVFrX0VsUQ==
R35157 R39235510n aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL1AwUzN1M3UweTAvUmVzaXN0X1JlZ3Jlc3Npb25fLV9OaWNvbGVfRG9zZWlfbXAz S111y dum8 l17713 B48y aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL2IxVGF1OHVleTMvU2lsbHktRHVtYi1MaXR0bGUtQmFieS1OaWNvbGUtRG9zZWlfbXAz Also do we have any |-|ypn0m0mmy messing content?
what kind of format are those links to the files?
B4byt4lk 4nd b3dw3tting aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvNGFzanpSUVMjb1ZyUnZjRzY1Wi13ZUxCSW9URl9tZ3R2a3RGaXUzcWgtb2hxRmZ3dXNQZw== B3cm1ng b4by1sh aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvUkNNQm5CN0sjbENRVzIzZVF3Vk1PN2lLZlI0OXA2T2E1Z2tYNTBzNmxTeEN2Y00wNGg2cw==
RC, any way to contact you besides the details for f95zone that you posted before? The site won't let me send messages. Thanks for all the files so far!
>>13705 I believe that those did not get shared anon. Specially "Stop Resisting" sounds amazing.
>>13843 Can you contact me via Matrix (chat protocol) at my username: @baby:catgirl.cloud You can sign up for a free account without email verification through https://element.catgirl.cloud . The same website also works as a web interface for a chat client. Then just start a new chat with @baby:catgirl.cloud
Thanks all for the posts. Can't add cause you already have more than me. RC some of your anon files didn't get shared. They were disk image files. Unless I'm stupid
Apologies for any files that didn't work. Not sure why that might be. Thanks all for the shares and info.
>>13924 >>>13932 So Anonfiles is a little annoying in that it likes to download fake shit and pop up windows. I got all the files that were posted (That I didn't already have.) Best Advice I can give you is to click the download button on the link that is posted after decoding, then close whatever window pops up, or cancel the download, and click on the same download button a second time. That should download the MP3.
>>13924 Two Solutions for You. First is an Adblocker, Second is to use JDownloader2. I prefer the Second one, its easy to Copy the link and start the download without visiting the Site of any Hoster. So You got no Problem with Fakeads like on Anonfiles.
Many files bas64: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9jQ2tDMVpZQyNkY3E0NXlZS3dQUGxta0F4Z0xuSEJ3
>>14023 Hasn't this been online for quite some time already?
Not much there I haven't already got, but still a big share. Many thanks.
Does anyone have the baby girl transformation, Nicole. Here baby booster below https://mega.nz/file/xwBU1bRL#dlCS7SkDP-VabTyeBPaEouHBi-3QArhtJJPcaXvMCCs
>>14037 Indeed. But the unsorted folder contains what was shared here
Still a better share than all the lurkers contributions. Better to praise than piss on imo. Encourges more.
>>14120 Do you have a list of what you have/want as far as trades go? Might be able to make something happen.
WANT: any Nicole Dosei/american au pair abdl content previously unshared recently. HAVE: Full collection of BeGoodForMommy, DreamALitte, and several more HypMom audios.
https://www.reddit.com/user/SHEONE/comments/i669rj/shes_the_perfect_mommy/ https://www.reddit.com/user/SHEONE/comments/iivit8/how_can_i_forget_my_good_boy/ More immersive than hypnotic, so apologies if this post is out of place, but Sheone creates some incredible high quality audios in her nurturing style. Her library is free and well worth checking out if you haven't already.🍼 https://www.reddit.com/user/SHEONE/comments/i6880j/sheones_audio_library/
>>14132 >dude fell in love with whore #2883493823849383839
>>14138 Whores want your money, but Sheone's wholesomely free of charge! And amazing. If you like her, another worth check out is Karina Nectarina. https://www.reddit.com/user/KarinaNectarinaAudio/ https://www.reddit.com/r/GonewildAudible/comments/npvri0/f4m_mommy_thinks_youve_been_neglecting_your_penis/
Hypnotic Mist 101 Diaper Delights aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL041bjZtOXdheWIvSHlwbm90aWNfTWlzdF8xMDFfLV9EaWFwZXJfRGVsaWdodHNfTVAzX21wMw== Librarian Adult Anxiety aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL2pkbDdtZnc5eWYvdGhlbGlicmFyaWFuaHlwbm9fYWR1bHRfYW54aWV0eV9tcDM= Librarian Baby Babble aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL240bTZtM3c3eTgvQmFieV9CYWJibGVfU3VibGltaW5hbF9tcDM= Pretty sure this stuff is new~ I have all of the librarians abdl files if there's any in particular anyone wants. Thanks for all the sharing! Hope to see more stuff here soon <3
>>14140 That first file makes me drool
>>14140 Thank you! <3 chad.
>>14023 Cool setup. Thanks for posting all this.
>>13306 does anyone have anymore from this hypnotist??? both of these worked better on me than most files do so if theres more lmk!!
Anyone have any Jenny DeMilo files?
I've been using the track called Bedwetting Conditioning and it's been pretty successful. Just in the last week, I've wet the bed twice with zero prior efforts to do so. There's plenty of alcohol involved and drinking a ton of water right before falling asleep, but I think the hypno track is giving me that extra push that I need. This last night, I don't even remember changing, but I woke up in underwear, remembered I went to bed diapered, and when I went to the bathroom I saw my soaked diaper sitting in the bath tub. I wish I would have put on another diaper instead of underwear, for real protection of course, but also because it would have been like getting my diaper changed at night without remembering it. But on the flip side, all my clothes this morning were inside out, so I guess I'm a little bedwetter who can't dress himself right. I'm pretty excited about continuing with this.
Does anyone have other abdl files from Jenny Demilo?
I have some I can share that some of you may not have, but I'd like to have access to tinybeehive (Jenny DeMilo) as no one has shared those before.
>>14448 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9Zd2hTSExUYiNVOG1DTE5aZzF3Uk1EOVdGOGtuQnVR One of these might be new to you.
keep sharing, please.
I would like to share however I'm not sure how to incrypt things like you guys do since I'm relatively new to it. I can share a mega Ling to your emails if you have one.
Just post the mega decrypted code add-on.
>>10624 What does this mean?
>>14486 If You're still looking for files from Nicole Dosei, here is what I got. Not sure what on here hasn't been posted, so I figured I would just list what I had. I have a ton of stuff from Hypno Mommy, but any chance you have files not on here by Nicole and we could swap a few? Thanks Here's what I have: ABDL Toddler Regression Hypnosis Age Regressed baby Girl - One Hour Baby Booster Baby Brain Baby Training Babygirl Transformation Babysitter's Diaper Discipline Babytalk and Bedwetting Becoming Babyish Becoming Mommys Baby Bound and Deeply Regressed Bound and Diapered Brainwashed Baby Boy Coerced Wetting Couples Therapy Daytime Wetting Diaper Dependence Dinnertime in the Nursery Doctor Mommy Enchanted Bedtime Story 01 Enchanted Bedtime Story 02 Enchanted Bedtime Story 03 Enchanted Bedtime Story 04 Holiday Baby Regression Hypnosis Hush Little Baby Inconsistent Incontinence Lucid Dreaming Dream Nursery Mommy Nurses You - Then Drains You Mommy's Baby Mommy's Control Mommy's Nursery Mommy's Rules Multi-Layer Diaper Brainwash No More Big Boy Pants Potty UnTraining Resist Regression Silly Dumb Little Baby Special Treatment Strong Mommy Such a Good Boy
[Expand Post]Sweet Sissy Baby Time to be Little Tongue Tied Uncontrolled Wetting VR Nanny Wet Yourself Hypnosis Wetting the Bed is as Easy as 123 Xs and Os
Can you post Babygirl Transformation, please?
>>14571 Great post, thank you. A few gems in there. Even found one by Nicole. Thanks for taking the time to share!
Here is Bambi Daycare for everyone I know it has been requested before. https://mega.nz/file/lt5CkIIT#bomUEFaeEOmwIlE8dKYy4FD5NKd086bh4lPwJYV1Un0
>>14584 So on your list of HM files, there were a few I didn't have. And a few more that I think I have, but under different file names. I figured I would just post the list of HM content I had in case there was anything in there there you might want as well. Also, did you have anything by Nicole that wasn't on my list. I thought I had seen a post from you that mentioned a few of her files, including Stop Resisting, but I might be mistaken. I can start uploading stuff in a few hours once I get home. Any preferred method of delivery? At any rate, here is what I have/need/might need from HM: Don't Have: Freeze and Wet Yourself Story Time - Frog and Toad Go to the Movies Giggle Monster Dominavictoria_Regression_and_Wetting_in_a_Stroller Trick or Treat Wetting Dominavictoria_ABDL_Wetting_Accident__Punishment Possibly have under a different File name: Deep ABDL Regression - Regress until the end of the end (Regress Until the end of the Day?) Dominavictoria_ABDL_Sleepy_in_Nappies Humiliation Wetting.mp4 (Pants Wetting Boy?) Nap Time with Mommy Wet Your Bed Tonight Wetting Your Pants at School - Fantasy Hypnosis 1 (Undwewear Inspection?) You Wet Your Pants - Hypnosis Illusion (You Didn't Make it in time?) Everything I have by HM: A Car Ride in Diapers ABDL Hypnosis for a Nap-time Wetting (No Music) ABDL Regression + Identity Building ABDL Regression until the end of the day ABDL Trance - Diaper Change Babbling, Wetting, and Messing Hypnosis Baby Talk and Wet Yourself for Mommy Bath Time + Diaper Change Bedwetting Hypnosis Blushy Accident Brain Experiment - Wetting Fantasy Breast Worship Hypnosis Caught Wearing a Diaper Comforting Bed Wetting Fantasy Covert Hypnosis - Feel Shy and Wet Yourself Covert Hypnosis - Your Bladder is Getting Weaker
[Expand Post] Dark ABDL - Covert Regression + Wetting Hypnosis Dark ABDL - Deep Forced Regression Dark ABDL - Helpless Diaper Curse Dark ABDL - Hold Your Pee Until You Wet Yourself Dark ABDL - Job Interview Dark ABDL - Regressed at a Party Dark ABDL - Spasming Bladder Curse Dark ABDL Fantasy - A therapist forces you to regress Diaper Reassurance Diapered Sleep with Hypno-Mommy Diapers are Your Reward - Positive Reinforcement Hypnosis Encouraging Covert Trance - Regress and wet yourself with Mommy Enforced Diaper Discipline Fantasy Erasing Potty Training - Hypnotic Loop Femdom + Diapered Fantasy Gentle Coercive Hypnosis - Do you want to go back into diapers? Halloween Party - Lockable Diapers Fantasy Hypno-Mommy Non-Patreon Hypno-Mommy Patreon Hypnotic Bedwetting Training - Wetting the Bed Awake Hypnotic Incontinence Mantras I Tickle You Until You Pee Memory Play Hypnosis - False Memories of Accidents Memory Play Hypnosis - Wetting Yourself in the Car Memory Play Hypnosis - You Were Always a Bedwetter Nap time Wetting (No Music) Nap time Wetting (With Music) Next Time You're Alone You'll Wet Yourself One Week Chastity Hypnosis One Year of Hypnosis - One Year of Being a Baby Overflowing Bladder Hypnosis Pants Wetting Boy - Humiliation Hypnosis Permanent Loss of Bladder Control - Part 1 Permanent Loss of Bladder Control - Part 2 (Deepener) Permanent Loss of Bladder Control - Part 3 (Final Stage) Playground in Diapers Quarantined in Diapers Regress and Mess Reverse Potty-Training for 3 hours Sleepy Baby Hypnosis Stress Relief - Bladder Relief Hypnosis Strict Age Regression - Punishment Strict Mental Reinforcement - You Are a Diaper Wetter Subconscious Bladder Sabotage Subliminal Track - Stay Diapered All Day Surprise Wetting Trigger Temporary Loss of Bowel Control Hypnosis The more you try to hold it in, you more your bladder loosens There is No Escape From Diapers Toddler Regression Uncontrollable Wetting and Messing Underwear Inspection Fantasty Wet Yourself - Background Subliminal Hypnosis Wet Yourself In Public - Hypnotic Training Guide - Part 1 Wet Yourself In Public - Hypnotic Training Guide - Part 2 Wetting Encouragement - Hypnotic Loop Wetting Messing Little Girl Wetting Trigger - Wet Yourself at the Bathroom Door Wetting Triggered Obedience to Mommy Wetting Yourself in Front of Your Babysitter Wetting Yourself in Mommy's Arms Wetting your Diaper in Public - Fantasy You Didn't Make It In Time! - Wetting Accident You Lose Potty Privileges for a Week You are Mommy's Baby (1 Hour Effect) Your Mommy Girfriend Diapers You
Is this going become a trade thread or are we all going to share like before?
>>14614 you are just flexing at this point
>>14571 thanks a load for that, sadly I bought most already, but that one personalized to Brandon was really hot, HM usually sounds super bored when she reads the scripts in her general public files. I have some wmm and other pay files that don't pop up too much, I'll put them in Mega folder soon >>14614 my interest is piqued at One Year of Hypnosis - One Year of Being a Baby Strict Age Regression - Punishment Reverse Potty-Training for 3 hours Wetting Triggered Obedience to Mommy Wetting Yourself in Front of Your Babysitter Wetting Yourself in Mommy's Arms Your Mommy Girfriend Diapers You
If anyone has can post everything they have from hypno mommy be much appreciated as well as everything from Jenny demilo. (Tiny behive) I don't think I have all of that
>>14639 Here's a link with what you mentioned above to get you started. I'm traveling without the best connection for a while, but I can try to get more stuff uploaded soon. aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9KYlZYeExoYiNyb2RfeVZERjNkdl9Ja1VnaUtNWjNB >>14615 >>14619 Someone offered a trade and I was interested enough to reply. We're doing it in a way that everyone else can get access to. Neither of us has any obligation to do this in a way where anyone else can get access to it....
I'm not into hypno but guys, just create a torrent of whole folder and share here. No need to upload everything by hand. Also it's more private, just seed it 100% to someone willing to seed more and then quit, your ip is only available to 3rd parties that time you seed vs. uploading to filehosters who will store it for months
Does anyone have Escape from Your Crazy Ex - ND I have the 2nd file in the series I would love to trade I have Attempting to Escape from Your Crazy Ex
every time I get a new file I like to share it because it way gives back for what others shared.
Well I have videos up for trade if anyone is interested, I know this is the hypnosis board but...
I don't see why the video could not be posted if deals with the topic.
Also that's basically everything I have
Could I please have Subconscious bladder sabotage Strict mental reinforcement -you are a diaper wetter Uncontrollable wetting and messing Wet yourself in public 1 and 2 Enforced diaper  Discipline fantasy You were always a bedwetter Femdom+diaper fantasy Gentle coercive hypnosis-do you want to go back into diapers? Spasming bladder curse Diapered sleep with hypno mommy
>>14670 Check the mega link I posted, added those to the folders.
Can anyone post videos from (Domination for your own good) New (pampered penny) (Matrix fendom and fetish world) (Taboofactory) (Findomm princess zaara) (Indian princess pramila ganguly) Or anything that is somewhat forced diaper related? If I buy stuff I will always share here! 🤙🏻
Would anyone happen to have the bowel weakening subliminal file from hypnomommy?
Put the files on MEGA - dumb niggas!
>>14745 Fair enough. Thanks for the 2 new ND files. I got an account on Element. Didn't see your username listed anywhere though. How would you like me to message you
Can anyone post a batch of videos like I did, granted some of night have some of them but only on got posted
Does anyone have some new stuff?
I asked for videos...
Does anyone have any recommendations for files aimed at feeling little but not to the point of feeling like a baby? I just want something to help me get into little space of a little boy, but most hypno tracks focus on diapers, pacifiers, cribs, and that stuff. My favorite lately has been the My Little Lullaby Little Feelings, but I would love if anyone had any other suggestions for me.
Wow. Gave you guys stuff and asked for some stuff and you guys post BS how am I suppose to be generous if yall can't be.
Hello I'm looking for hypnosis that makes you afraid of the potty. Can anyone give me suggestions?
Unpotty Training supralime but it pay on thier. https://www.warpmymind.com
>>15154 This isn't a swap meet, mate. Post or don't, no one owes you shit.
>>15154 I am very grateful truly I am, but sharing in the hopes of getting something out of it its not cool bro. Share because you want to and it might inspire others but dont share EXPECTING stuff.
Sharing some stuff that's more on the Daddy/Boy side if anyone is interested YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOXdTRTFVTUVSYVRDTTJURVZHWkhGbVNXaExMUzFmY0ZsQldFbFFORXRu
Why are there so few ABDL hypno files with ejaculation triggers? Cumming into a diaper seems like such an easy sell for this kind of thing.
>>15679 I think WMM has a couple of free files linking cumming/diapers but I dont know if its triggers or simply linking/locking arousal to diapers specifically.
>>15679 Several of the diaper hypno videos on ThisVid have ejaculation commands
Does anyone have Mixtrix stuff ABDL-wise?
(254.86 KB 1280x989 1619287374142.jpg)

>>15780 Any recommendations?
>>15805 yes and it's all absolute shit.
>>15805 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci90WEUxblk1YiN0TmctYXZsalExbWRwYThMS3pic0Fn
I don't like loser one but she does do some decent normal abdl ones.
>>15881 is she the one that created the clip for like ABDL TV? that is a dope idea, I would not mind checking that one out with a hotter, nicer woman.
>>15901 ABDL TV? I'm curious.
>>15901 >>15928 Theres a video on thisvid i cant see cause i dont have an account, cant create one for now apparently, then friend the creator. I cant find the link i saw on twitter. Someone apparently mixed hypno into the background of a sophia the first episode. Sounds fun.
>>15929 That'd be brilliant. I wish there was more content like that with subliminal hypno mixed into the background. You're just playing a video game or watching a show and getting blasted with tons of suggestions and images in the background.
>>15928 Oh wow. I'm not really into content like this, but at the same time a JOI disguised as an ABDL kids show seems super intriguing to me.
does anyone have Mixtrix videoes instead of the loser's ones to share?
is this dead?
I hear a baby crying
>>16185 >be deep into abdl hypno >dont realize you are actually babbling and weeping like an actual baby if can still understand words anon, congrats, you are living the dream
>>16200 There there, try not to upset yourself. Let's pop your paci back in till you feel you can cope better.
>>16290 ABSOLUTE legend!!! thanks a lot anon!!!
Would anyone mind reposting bambi daycare?
>>16290 Wow that is some bad audio, and very clearly a man
>>16322 I don't really expect someone who's never touched a woman to know what a real one looks and sounds like. But come on anon.
>>16323 It looks like she has one of those fake chests for body suits
I'd really like to hear about peoples experiences with hypno. Has any 24/7 dl hypno actually done anything for most? I've tried, and do wear actively but I don't feel it's left me without control
Sitting in a nice, warm, mushy mess in my diapers right now. Have been listening to diaper hypno every time i wear and i feel my embarrassment leaving me and enjoyment of diapers increasing. It's a wonderful feeling. I might go out in public in them this weekend.
>>16346 Thanks so much!
>>16365 Insert 10 frozen marshmallows in your bottom, wait 35 minutres, then come back and talk about loss of control. Or maybe just try 5 for a more baby sized experience. I did 10 thinking I was empty inside, and that the marshmallows themselves would just be fluffy cute poop in the diaper. Awww, cute poop! Couldn't have been more wrong. Totally wasn't expecting what happened next, or how long it would go on for. I was no way empty!! It was very belittling. The urgency, the near inability to stop it, the mushy consitency, the surprise, the amount, it coming in 2 huge warm waves of delivery. I loved it, and did it again the next day, with no side effects other than very babyish feelings. Dunk the marshmallows in cold water for easy insertion. 🍼
Anyone had any success with the mind master or sarnoga files? If so, how long did it take?
>>16397 Takes as long as u need. It's all voluntary.
Dude I like how you're having convo with yourself. You post alot of things that arnt even remotely good. I saw you had posted somthing good in the video thread though. If your able to keep that going I can continue to shovel some stuff you might like into the threads but I'm not gonna shovel in good material if others don't have somthing. Because than all that is given to the thread is old BS that can be found online.
I like the fun time show. You posted that so I shall post one others may like. Let's keep it rolling
Diaper cock shrinking and orgasm control
No More Big Boy Pants 2 (Custom Request) nicoledosei https://mega.nz/file/NsxDgAaJ#rDsGZpyWp-E4ih8rFYw6vBlo15t4jin1GfBHSjTfqVA
Here's one. If you have any videos that'd be cool. Different hypnosis files are cool! Didn't have the last one you put. Thanks. https://mega.nz/file/FGw1TQJT#TNai_VubluU_4dHDxeUaJ0iHHxy4IRgrrnrIzG_ZXfU
Do you have any pampered penny vids? You have email we could email eachother stuff if you want.
Let's keep em rolling!
>>16518 are you asking because you want to trade? or get the videos? anyways, this is an hypno thread, not a video thread, please be so kind as to KYS
Has anyone accomplished anything close to penis shrinkage as a result of hypno? At face value it sounds ridiculous but the fantasy is incredibly red hot to me, especially when combined with diapers.
Let's keep them rolling. I have more to share but you gotta post than will
>>16539 You dont have to believe me because I am random stranger in the internet, but I did experience some shrinkage, lost 1 inch basically. The thing that scared me the most is that my balls used to be "normal" just hanging, nowadays I cant remember the last time I remember seeing my balls actually "hanging" , they basically remain in my sack which is constantly pulling into my inside. Also, when I orgasm they contract even more into me, I think I should probably have that examined because this shit is becoming a bit scary.
Diaper Dependence & Reassurance ABDL Age Regression Mesmerize Trance Brat Girl Pramila https://mega.nz/file/Up5liKpQ#KRzzrrzySBsl6GkdhAEx5FwLnrph-I9c_YzZy6uya08 Regress to Your Weakness Katherine Dire https://mega.nz/file/E45HxTjK#mGZ24hAutHyRYn-0s250Fbkx6pY3rG0XkyYMzsOqb8I
>>16544 Thats pretty hot. Mind Master series?
Childlike Envy Learn to covet the activities and habits that children get to enjoy carefree every day. Find yourself slowly losing interest in any adult activities and habits and desires that you might have had as you find yourself giving in more and more to your childlike envy. https://mega.nz/file/N5ITFC4b#pRk3CDUqZ1CPpFTc9njMOePs0_9bJqNEMe6H3yqw4nk
>>16553 yes, this shit is not so much hocus pocus I believe, I started to fucking crave it, thats what got to me I think
Ehhh anything better?
anyone have Baby Bantling nicole dosei
Does anyone have the bowel weakening subliminal from hypno mommy?
>>16586 What's with the numbers?
let's try to take it 2 times as serious as one time sixtyfour ;)
>>16552 Any chance you have Katherine Dire's "Potty Untraining" file? looks interesting!
Been interested in that one to
Does anyone have more files by Pramila other than the two that were already linked (Diaper Cock Shrinking..., and Diaper Dependence...)? It seems like she has made quite a lot of diaper related files.
I couldn't get past Pramila's Indian accent
>>16646 To each their own I suppose. I really like the themes and style. My only complaint is that her files (at least those that have been posted here) are quite short.
Post somthing up that is hot and new to the thread and I will feed it. Remember as much good content you put is how much I will put.
Here is a bit to get things going YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOXNNMEpHYTBwRFdTTXpkM1kxWVV3MlRsSlJaa3c0UkdaM1ZUbGphakJS
I'm sorry but all of these were previously already put on this thread.. :/ I can't take that as a trade. I will take videos as well.
>>16770 Thank you for sharing. There were a couple things in here I didn't have!
>>16770 There were a couple there that hadn't been posted, so many thanks. >>16772 The audacity of your comments when everything you have posted has been grotty, low quality garbage.
>>16770 Thank you! Theres some new ones here for me, and i love the theme.
>>16799 When you're dealing with a namefag you should never set your expectations of decency high. Especially when that name sounds like some Chinese knockoff bra company.
Does anyone have tinybee hive stuff that only thing not seen really posted?
>>16770 I love baby girl/sissy baby theme ones, thank you!
So fucking 🔥🥵 thank youu
ive seen this get spread around a fair amount recently and im wondering does anyone recognize the file that its describing?
It sounds dangerous drinking to much water can kill you by removing the salt from your body causing water poisoning.
>>16903 Sounds like Champtheotter’s bladder training file. You can check the script for it on WMM
>>16906 that is true, but, like, a normal adult would have to drink around 6 Liters of water in a short period of time to be anywhere near a dangerous dose.
>>16906 >>16938 It's worth mentioning that you would fill physically ill and an urge to vomit long before you damaged your body with salt loss. This is the body's natural response to overhydration. Just listen to your body - if you feel like stopping, stop.
>>16939 I think the parents of Leah Betts might disagree with you there
>>16939 From what i remmeber of nat science class, that feeling from body will work, but if you are drunk or too drunk it overrides getting taht feeling.
>>16942 Gee, I guess I had to explain, "you probably won't be able to make rational judgements to stop if you are on ecstasy". Not only that, but ecstasy will mute your body's feelings of sickness, making it harder to feel, and ecstasy reduces urination, making it harder to get rid of water. I mean, I know everyone here is a baby, I just assumed that was implied.
>>16945 This. Just smoke weed or take magic mushrooms like a normal baby butt looking to melt into a giggly widdle puddle pants
>>16945 Who are you quoting? The article you just read? Today we call it MDMA and you're trying too hard, poppet.
>>16950 I don't get what you want with this disingenuous approach anon. Let's recap what this conversation has been >Nooo you can't drink water it will literally kill you >>Actually, a normally functioning body will warn you when you take in too much water >Yes but what about this ONE TIME a person died while doing drugs in the 90s!! >>That was probably due to the drugs. >Uh actually you're using the wrong drug word! And you weren't supposed to research it!!! Just to fuck with you I'm gonna drink some water tonight... and stop when I no longer feel like drinking water. Oh shit! Imagine my mortal peril!
>>16906 Gee thanks, I'll try to reduce how much I breathe as well. Don't want to get too oxide in me!
>>16978 ...as it becomes evident minors have entered the chat, the sharing stops. Gee!
Hey, anyone's got latest MyLittleLullaby Leaky Diapers ? Please :)
>>17007 aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL3UweWJzMjg2eWQvTGVha3lEaWFwZXJzQk9ZXzMzYl9tcDM=
Thank you so much
Does anyone have Baby Bantling by nicole dosei
>>17016 hey!! do u or anyone else possibly have the girl version?
>>17060 dXJsOmh0dHBzOi8vYW5vbmZpbGVzLmNvbS9JNnIxRDk4ZXlkL0xlYWt5RGlhcGVyc0dJUkxfMjRjX21wMw==
>>17088 tysm!!!!!:D
Does anyone have Baby Training Thumb Sucking Time to be Little
Time to be little aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL1E1TDdhMkEyeTkvVGltZV90b19iZV9MaXR0bGVfbXAz
Baby Training Thumb Sucking by Nicole dosei. That one post is not it.
Does anyone have Hypnotic Mist 5 - Baby Girl ? bab girl here looking for it, not wanting the "sissy" version
>>17386 Sounded like you were asking for 3 files, and there doesn't appear to be any thumb sucking file available on the t2bl website. Have u got a link?
So, a few days I was listening to the "Wetting the bed is as easy as 1, 2, 3" file by Nichole the Au Pair girl. I really felt so helpless, and I wet and messed myself on command. I had some stomachache too, so that's why my bowels were weak too; but since it all happened in the moment, it really did hit hard.
Does anyone have Giggling Wetting Drooling Baby mp3 by nicole
there's a new yt channel with some tracks, little too weird for me, but you might enjoy https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCrGXJ4EoLx6T7JOBBbpWIiQ/videos
>>17916 Is it original material or just excerpts from the 2-hour long Bambi Daycare file?
>>17938 it is original material.
>>17916 Thanks anon I like the weird extreme sissy diaper stuff
>>17986 same here! do you have a favorite one? recommendations?
anyone have Mommy Nurses You - Then Drains You ?
possible someone has Wetting the bed is as easy as 1, 2, 3 and would like to sahre?
You able to share that "Wetting the bed is as easy as 1, 2, 3" file ??
So I want to give some hypno files a shot again, tried like forever ago and it worked.. not so well, probably a file not too well suited for me. I'm interested in those temporary ones, stuff like crawling, diaper using, maybe mental regression, stuff that is limited to a few hours or so, nothing permanent, no trigger or something. Anyone got anything like this? Something that works well, or that needs to be tested? Also preferably really cheap, I'm not in a great financial situation, free would be ideal but I take whatever I can.
>>18277 deep forced regression by hypnomommy is probably the last time I felt convinced by a hypno file, also I've been trying some Personalsbymael, they're cheap, they sound like shit at first but some have subliminal layers, after listening to this one a few times on loop https://www.etsy.com/listing/1285727437/abdl-pee-bladder-incontinence-hypnosis I started back on the carefree peeing groove, she has a high needs baby one that sounds harsh because it has some ear piercing frequency, but it's got the theme that I like of being reduced to a helpless baby
Well that was a waste of £12.
>>18281 Can you share the Personalsbymael files pls?
We++in9 +he 8ed i5 @5 3@5y @5 123 aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL0g2azBQZERheTkvV2V0dGluZ190aGVfQmVkX2lzX2FzX0Vhc3lfYXNfMTIzXy1fQW1lcmljYW5fQXVQYWlyX21wMw==
>>18294 aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL0UzdWFSN0RkeWYvSGlnaE5lZWRCYWJ5VGhldGE2SHpfbXAz RIP your ears
Try to enjoy. I didn't make it passed 5 minutes
>>18304 I listened to the whole thing. I didn't like the smoke detector tone, which I can only assume was added to "enhance" the hypnosis, but I could tolerate it after a few minutes, especially once the background music kicks in. The file needs another content warning, even for those of us masochists who can put up with the high-pitched frequency: after the induction, she spends a lot of time trying to get you to focus on traumatic experiences and anything that makes you feel negative about yourself. It's setting up for a payoff about needing someone like a "mommy" to comfort you but, if you're like me and you're already self-loathing, it's probably not a good file to listen to. It's a pity because I like her accent (is it Pramila G?) but the smoke detector beep and the focus on your own negative emotions makes this one I don't think that I'll listen to again.
>>16552 The Reassurance part uses the exact same language as HM does in her diaper reassurance file (which happens to be my favorite file -- if you're not into AB stuff and like hypno as a way to relax it's great -- free on WMM). Wonder if there's a script they're both working off of or it's blatant plagiarism. Speaking of which, if anyone has reassurance or enjoy diapers without little/AB elements stuff I'd be happy to trade if I have it/potentially buy a file of your interest (within reason - no HM $80 shit) and post it.
>>18353 Thanks for the warning. May I reward your sacrifice with this, if you enjoy her. I however, do not. aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL2Y1WWVmMUVleWMvTW9tbXlTcGFua3NIdW1pbGlhdGVzWW91X21wMw==
>>18304 I should probably point out that you can make this file more listenable in VLC Player (yes, I'm a boomer who still uses VLC) in "Audio Effects". 1) View -> "Show Audio Effects Button" (if it's not already visible) 2) Click on the Audio Effects Button 3) Audio Effects -> Equalizer (click in box) 4) Click on the scroll down menu that has "Flat" as the default. 5) Switch from "Flat" to "Headphones". 6) Click on "2 Pass". The smoke detector tone is still a bit audible but it's in the background. This is just how to do it in VLC, other players will vary.
>>18357 >reassurance or enjoy diapers without little/AB elements stuff Are these specific files? Or are you looking for files which are reassuring/make you enjoy diapers in general?
>>18374 Thanks. I did already have a tinker with VLC but but it made little change. I may retry with your settings. Couldn't be without VLC's AB repeat feature.
>>18387 I was referencing two specific files: "Diaper Dependence & Reassurance ABDL Age Regression Mesmerize Trance Brat Girl Pramila" and "Diaper Reassurance Hypnosis" which you can just download on WMM and is most likely in other folders in this thread. The second part of my post is me looking for files similar to these two.
I've been lurking this thread for a while and I'm not much of a chan/imageboard person anymore. All of you babs are heroes for collecting these files for anons like me. I've yet to find any files in these threads though that truly warp my head and make me feel like the drooling incontinent toddler I want to be. If you have a file that can help me here, please assist me :) I'm looking for the best of the best... behavior modification, forced regression, etc. Make me have no choice but to suck my paci like a good girl.
>>18305 I thought it was going to be earsplitting or something. Wasn't that bad at all.
>>18405 you might enjoy aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL1k0ZmNTOUU3eWMvRXh0ZW5kZWREaWFwZXJXZXR0aW5nVHJhaW5pbmdfbXAz Not sure if it has age regression, I do not think so, but overall it's a great file. Was shared here before if I remember correctly
>>18430 hypnosis files only work as well as you want them to, deep down. I think if you collect every hypno file that somewhat fits your desire, and make them into an endless loop to listen to while you sleep, you might get the best effect.. assuming you REALLY want it to work though.
>>18281 Sounds interesting, but not exactly what I personally am looking for. To me its important for it to be fixed time, like a few minutes or hours or smth like that, nothing that can in theory have a permanent effect with a trigger or anything. Thanks though, might give it a try anyway.
>>18545 those are w/ fixed duration aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL1o3dmZqYUY2eWQvWW91X2FyZV9Nb21teV9zX0JhYnlfMV9Ib3VyX0VmZmVjdF9tcDM= aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL2hkdzFqN0Y5eTQvRGVlcF9BQkRMX1JlZ3Jlc3Npb25fLV9SZWdyZXNzX3VudGlsX3RoZV9lbmRfb2ZfdGhlX2RheV9tcDM=
>>14453 Could you please shaer >>14481 This no longer works could you re up I've seen the previews on YT and I desperately need the full things to listen to while I sleep
Any hypnosis that involves training potties? Bit of an odd request, I know
>>18596 >aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9Zd2hTSExUYiNVOG1DTE5aZzF3Uk1EOVdGOGtuQnVR Yes it does....?
>>18627 It does? What am I doing wrong?
there's a user on hypnotube with diaper videos, the edits are original, but the audio is from other stuff, I couldn't really get into it because 95% of the videos there are about sucking dick https://hypnotube.com/user/bebeomicron-69851/
>>18717 Thanks. There's a couple of decent ones hidden amongst them. I liked the nurturing audio with the american accent. Anyone know who that might be?
The overlayed audios in this file. Anyone know the name of the more quiet voice? https://hypnotube.com/video/mommy-doms-31344.html
>>18717 what if I dont enjoy sissy shit though? is there any of those videos that dont have feminization/sissy/bbc references? >its rethorical, I know that site too well sadly
Here are 2 of the older, handful of abdl files Ke1''s m1ndwarp got, if anybody wants them. Did not manage to access the descriptions atm, it seems like ke1 took her files off warpmymind and her website is offline right now. Found them sorting my archive, please be aware that these files can be pretty intense, also this creator seems to be strange at times. aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL0JjYWZoM0hieWYvR29vZF9CYWJ5X0FnZV9SZWdyZXNzaW9uX0RpYXBlcl9UcmFpbmluZ19NUDNfbXAz aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tLzVjWDFnZUhjeWYvR29vZF9CYWJ5X1Rob3VnaHRfVHJhbnNmb3JtYXRpb25fTVAzX21wMw== aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL0RhYTNoMUg2eTIvVGhlX1BlZV9QZWVfUGxlYXN1cmVfVHJhaW5pbmdfRXhwZXJpZW5jZV9tcDM=
>>19233 These are really good. Thank you for making my weekend. Are there more files from them out there? I never heard of them before.
>>19233 These are too sinister sounding for my taste, but the warpmymind website is a good find I hadn't discovered, so thanks for that.
>>17916 this one has been quite active on youtube. many new videos have been releasing nearly every week. very feminine type of hypnos. now even releasing sort of "story" or "scenario" based hypnos which are a favorite of mine
>>19233 I started shaking on ARDT but then my alarm went off and took me out of it and now I can't go as deep anymore :(
>>19233 random questions because I has the dumb. why does the download come out as a hard disk image file? how can i make it a mp3 file or something? are Harddrive image files safe? will ABU become a good company that wont copyright the term ABDL?
>>19327 if you clicked download, a pop-up window opened and gave you the download, that's not the file thats a random pop-up, anonfiles doesn't open anything else when you download the real file
>>19324 I've had shaking on some hyn0m0mmy stuff before - I found the shaking really distracting, I thought it was just me.
Shaking babies is no joke
>>19330 so the Good_Baby_Age_Regression_Diaper_Training_(MP3)_mp3.vhd file is safe? just strange to be a .vhd file
>>19369 I ignore all posts using anonfiles. 99% sure they are literally viruses.
>>19403 >not understanding how basic pop-up ad windows work jesus fucking christ the zoomer generation is truly something
>>19410 The poorly engraced neckbeard displays his troubles again. Bless.
>>19369 These files were uploaded as .mp3, I don't know where you got a .vhd file. >>19403 Where would you upload the files then? M3ga, v0la, etc. are all equally as bad if not worse. >>19410 this.
Bab girl here, I've been wearing 24/7 for a while now and wanted to see if Hypno would do anything for me. It's been a long time since I've sat on a potty, and I'm using my dips for everything. Really I was wanting hypno to help me actually stop focusing so much on my own down there and just let things happen. To try and just stop realizing I could control things if I wanted. And for it to just be automatic all the time instead of sometimes I have to focus to make things happen. Too many files to pick from I went for Hypno Mommy "Uncontrollable Wetting + Messing Hypnosis (Permanent) " file somebody had shared. I started on the 1st and over the last 21 days have been listening to it after I get off work in the afternoon and right before bed. The file is long, and I decided to cut out all the parts on the diet portion to make the file just close to an hour instead. Mainly cause I already eat the same way as she wants anyway (fruits & veggies). So far over the last 21 days I feel it's helped a little in what the file has offered. I'm a little leakier than I was but I'm not really sure if anything else has happened. I've also noticed that I'm now falling asleep halfway through the file and sometimes not waking up. I guess I'm too used to or comfy with listening now. Is anything else going to happen? Not sure. I fully want/accept everything the suggestions offer me. I've never used Hypno before but It's helped... kinda. Not sure Hypno is a magic pill, but it at least helped me feel comfy doing the same thing I was already doing. My experience so far. I'll keep using it for another month or so and check back in. Maybe new changes, maybe not.
>>19591 If you want to improve your hypnotic experience, try to start with more basic files, like trance training and maybe introductions from youtube, practicing this will make it way easier to achieve your goals. Try switching up the files a bit too. As soon as you are used to going into trance, hypnosis can become much more intense.
>>19594 Same poster as above :) Do you have any suggestions? Or other files to try out? Also, how do I know when I'm in trance? So far I just feel calm & listening. Though lately I just start falling asleep lol.
Looking for Nicole Dosei files that aren't in the archive org dumps. >Baby Camp Bedtime Story >Dreamland Nursery >Potty (Un)Training - 24 Hours >Baby Bantling >Lockdown 01-04 >Unethical Therapy: Bound and Deeply Regressed
>>19591 honestly, the best results I've ever had were with the ancient foradultbabies incontinence set, like the instructions say, listen to the clearing and hypnotic tracks(both at first, then just the 2nd tracks as you progress), then loop the subliminal or sleep learning at a very low level throughout the day and in days you'll probably notice a difference, I would be at work, then I got pins and needles feelings throughout my bladder sporadically throughout the day, If I didn't have to do physical labor all the time I'd give into it and wet, but that's life, I remember one weekend after using the tracks a lot, waking up on a Sunday afternoon with a thoroughly saturated Abena and not really realizing it was THAT wet, but no sense of urgency either, a real easy feeling
>>19595 try ones like these, I did listen to files like those to get started. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmqXfdKzVys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCGzD8jQVVs As far as science goes, the main ‘Depth of Trance’ stages are light trance, apparent somnambulism and true somnambulism, you can look those up if you are interested. I would describe the feeling as being neither awake nor asleep, almost like a dream state. If you are falling asleep, try not to listen late in the evening and focus on the story/suggestions, imagine they are actually happening, and relax.
>>19616 Found those, haven't seen the other files anywhere yet. aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL20zWDZTOUkyeWYvUG90dHlfVW5UcmFpbmluZ18tX05pY29sZV9Eb3NlaV9tcDM= aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL280WDhTZElkeTIvTHVjaWRfRHJlYW1pbmdfRHJlYW1fTnVyc2VyeV8tX05pY29sZV9Eb3NlaV9tcDM=
>>19634 I don't think the untraining file is the 24hrs version.
What do you all think is the strongest file for both wetting and messing? I want to be totally and completely untrained. A helpless, wet, messy baby. Any files you can suggest? I'll loop whatever you send me 24/7/365
>>19653 this one can be pretty intense if you are into it >>16346 also this folder has some good files >>16770 (decode twice)
Does anyone know if being ESL can hinder being affected by a hypno script tin english?
Does anyone find some of these files to be scratchy or tinny? >>19677 It shouldn't be a problem for abdl stuff, due to the baby talk/simplistic language. The tone and music should still have the same effects
>>19671 My primary issue with Bambi daycare is the suggestions that I won't be able to speak and use my legs etc etc... Yes, that's true helplessness but it scares me a bit and tbh I still need to have a job and shit to stay alive. Anything like this that just focuses on babyish behavior/wetting/messing?
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So, I have decided to go through with the whole MindMaster Baby train program. Has anyone had any experience with those files?
>>19702 I've gone through the whole regimen. The baby behaviors didn't stick very well, although they did help set up a mental route to get into little space really quickly, but the incontinence ones definitely did serious damage to my ability to control it and ultimately led to me starting to wet the bed. Actually, I guess some of the baby behaviors did stick. I do like plastic crinkly sounds a lot more than I used to(which kinda makes sense since I associated them with safety), I have stuffed animals, and I tend to hang around with a pacifier in my mouth most of the time at home.
>>19703 How did you through all of them?
>>19653 like I said, use this, start with clearing, hypnotic, and loop subliminal/sleep learning all day, you'll notice https://archive.org/download/ABDL-Hypnosis/ABDL%20Recordings/Complete%20Incontinence/
>>19703 Diff anon here. How long did the files take to do damage to your control?
>>19711 One at a time, on repeat for a few days before moving on to the next. It did take up a lot of time. >>19751 I wet the bed for the first time a couple weeks in. It's hard to say when it really started damaging my bladder control --i just didn't even think to try to hold it until after I was done with all the files, but when I did try, I could only hold my bladder until I got distracted and then it'd let go by itself.
What are some good files to listen to for uncontrollable wetting only while diapered?
>>19702 I listened to the Baby Behaviours one years ago. I acted like a baby for 10 mins. The other one, the Bladder, I remember I was washing the dishes...then out of the blue I wet myself. They do work. You have to be committed.
>>19233 This is art.
>>19702 Speaking of mindmaster. What happened to the guy from 8kun that was remaking the files into video form with spirals and text? He made 4 files and never finished the others because he said he was busy. They were pretty kino tbh and I would like one of the poopy diapers file
>>19763 after how many weeks did start the next file? How has it affected your life?
Btw someone has those videos or files from mindmaster?
>>19813 He made 4? Interesting. I only have this one: aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL2EzODJBY0o4eTkvMS5fQmxhZGRlcl9SZXRyYWluaW5nX1YxX21wNA== I would also have liked a messing one, no file has worked for me so far...
Anyone tried one of these? Sample sounded great https://www.etsy.com/shop/sissyhypnosis
>>19591 I know it’s been a hot second, but does anyone actually have the file they said they used? I can’t seem to find it, and it sounds like it could be a nice listen
>>19908 YUhSMGNITTZMeTloYm05dVptbHNaWE11WTI5dEwyWmhOMlZRWmtveGVUSXZWVzVqYjI1MGNtOXNiR0ZpYkdWZlYyVjBkR2x1WjE5aGJtUmZUV1Z6YzJsdVoxOXRjRE09 I'm fairly sure it's somewhere in this thread but here you go again just in case it isn't.
Anybody have some stuff from Etsy been dying to try some of them. If you guys could hook it up I'll post a few things that aren't in this thread :)
>>19998 Haven't seen that many yet, the only "good" Etsy files that have found posted here so far are these 2 by J4y L°ves°n: aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL3IzdzNlMks2eTAvRXh0ZW5kZWREaWFwZXJXZXR0aW5nVHJhaW5pbmdfbXAz aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL3MzdzhlNEszeWUvcmVncmVzc2lvbndpdGhiYWNraW5nX21wMw==
I've had pretty good luck with autohypnosis and creating my own triggers to induce incontinence... but I have a problem where the word randomly comes to mind and causes an undesirable trigger. Sometimes it even shows up while I'm dreaming and I'll wake up incontinent. Any advice?
>>20287 Think actively about what you desire, and when. Make this clear to your mind (again). If you do not desire your trigger affecting you, it will not.
>>20299 That's been part of the problem. When I think about when I want to be incontinent, my genuine desire is 'always', and I'm only compromising to 'sometimes' for practical reasons. Even if I were to stress out about it, it just doesn't seem to relent.
>>20349 Sounds like you have ideal hypnotherapy sessions to induce this and now you’re regretting it. Most hypnosis just keeps me in a daze and I don’t end up going potty at all. Any suggestions for a hypno baby?
>>20368 I really had to do it myself, in the end. I'm a lot better at autohypnosis than I am at being hypnotized. The setup for me was to make sure everything was in a somewhat dissociated part of mind that takes over and runs just the diaper-related part of the show when triggered, and would naturally fall asleep over time. The ideal was to also forget what a potty was during that time, but I couldn't manage that much, only a semi-personality that makes me wet and does changes.
Okay so I have this very effective diaper training hypnosis however I don't have the other 2!! If anyone can please share the other 2 files that goes to this one you are my hero!!
>>20485 Never seen this one, seems interesting. Do you know the author?
>>20485 I don't know who the voice is but she's reading ChampTehOtter's third Diaper Training script
I have absolutely no idea... was soo good though be a real shame if I could never find it. I have here a file you guys might like got it from etsy I have a few other but want to see if other will share to.
Lines?? I'm confused.
>>20496 https://www.patreon.com/hypnobombshell/ for $15 a month you can get everything, it's not really effective for me, but it's easy on the ears and she covers some pervy topics too
>>20617 >tts at highest tier fuck off
any new Dosei files? been a bit since I have seen any
Anyone have the latest Champtehotter files? the next one should be public in less than two weeks, but just thought I’d ask
Anyone have files that are NOT focused on bedwetting/diapers/incontinence and just focused on wetting yourself in trance only?
>>20787 I thinn yoy've got on the wrong board
>>20787 There's quite a few bouncing around, actually, mixed in with the others.
>>20787 That's basically every file from HypnoMommy
Here are all of the 4ypn0 b0mb5h331 files. https://anonfiles.com/47s5m1Nby7/B0mb5h331_rar
>>20827 holee shit anything good tho?
Early Christmas present for everyone Nicole Dosei new Diapers for Dummies. https://mega.nz/file/ZohmzbpS#VNV_XWUJB10f1NsvKCEGaDZMRJVRsEbzLkYM5tmLORg
>>20846 elaborate, please. I've never heard this before
Even if she was left by her biological it does not mean got real mother love from someone else in her life.
Hence the word "assumption", but her comments made her loss and longing quite apparent. However, I only wish her well so will delete my post so as not to dissuade others from enjoying her content.
>>20881 good luck on that shithole
My experience as a skeptic over the last ~4 years of listening to many, many files. I'll just put the results at the top and tips below. Results: I've become very good at wetting diapers without thinking about it. Once I'm in a wet diaper, not going automatically requires concentration. Additionally, when I put on a diaper I'll feel the same conditioned need to go that one might when entering the bathroom. It has also broken down barriers around messing; I'm one of those "messing isn't for me" people, so that was a surprise. It has also genuinely helped with flattening binge/purge cycles. Those are the only "real" impacts, but it's been plenty of fun along the way. On some level, I wanted all of those things; I feel like hypnosis was just an avenue to get different parts of myself on the same page. I think those describing major changes, especially online, are full of shit. The only way I can see hypnosis causing major change would be participating with it in-person so they can adapt their approach, with someone you genuinely trust, and with agreed-upon intentions. From files? I sincerely doubt it. Tips: If you want hypnosis files to "work" in any capacity, you need to practice falling into trance. If you haven't ever been in a trance in response to a file, try finding different inductions. Worrying about whether you're falling into trance or not during a file is a pointless distraction; just focus on the audio. Once you learn to trance and learn to recognize you're in trance, hypnosis is a lot more fun. The first time I find a file I'll listen to the suggestion portion in its entirety. From experience, if I'm in a good trance and I hear a suggestion I think is ridiculous it'll drag me out of it immediately. Sometimes I'll still listen to files with ridiculous suggestions, but I expect nothing to happen and have never had anything happen. It's more like a guided relaxation / fantasy with no lasting impact. Most of Dosei's files fall into this category for me, and Hypno-Mommy has files intentionally in this category. They're fun but not typically what people think about when they think "hypnosis." Audio quality and word choice matter a lot. It's especially distracting in trance if I can hear background noises (like a pet moving), or the hypnotist chooses words I'd never use. ChampTehOtter falls into this category -- I think his audio is high quality, but his word choices and emphasis is distracting for me. If you find a voice you like, with a style you like, and learn to trust their suggestions as what you want both fully alert as well as in trance, that's the ideal. Fiona Clearwater's bedwetting files are about as good as file based hypnosis can get imo. Wish she had more diaper stuff. Vive has a lot of varying inductions, which is good for finding out what works. (Fiona Clearwater's is available in most hypno threads, including this one, and Vive you can just Google.)
>>20925 Yeah, my own experience with hypnosis mp3s is that, unless it's intended to do something relatively simple like giving me a hands-free orgasm or something even more simple like just relaxing, they never work as advertised right away but listening to wetting files often has gradually eroded my inhibitions over the years. It's not to the point where I actually have become incontinent, I think I'll never actually have a total release wetting experience unless I put on a diaper (at best, I can manage a few small squirts) but, over the years, I went from only being interested in one-time wetting experiences to actually enjoying imagining being regressed and diapered for an hour or so and even being curious about messing which I too never thought I'd be into. I wasn't even into the idea of being an "adult baby" until I listened to some wetting files like Project P.I.S.S. that had regression suggestions, and I likewise wasn't interested in messing until I listened to that "Bedtime Hypnosis" file on Soundcloud that I didn't realize also had messing suggestions. My living situation prevents me from actually wearing diapers even just as a once-in-a-while thing but I suspect that, if I did put a diaper on, I would fully wet myself and possibly even soil myself.
>>20827 Thanks nigga
>>20827 >those id3 tags bruh
I tried something completely different, as these files just don't work and I simply can't manage to trance. I created a small audiofile with simple comands like: Wet yourself, You can't hold it, Pee on purpose, relax your bladder muscles, and so on, made them first and second person via a good tts, played first person in the left ear and second on the right, made it a subliminal high frequenzy with a nyquist plugin, and kept it on loop for hours and days. It actually, even though I coulden't hear anything exept a high pitched sound when the volume was extremely high (don't do that for too long), had an impact on me. After the first day of listening I needed to go to the toilet more often than usual, on the second day less pee came out when on the toilet, on the third day I had a small accident before I made it to the toilet, and on the fourth day I actually had an real accident. I felt a extreme sudden urge to pee, went up to go to the toilet, andhalfway through I simply began to pee without beeing able to stop it. But I had to stop looping the file and everything returned to normal after 2 days. I guess that was a rather brainwashing attempt and not hypnosis per se? But I'm still not sure if the file actually worked or if I just, well player along?
>>20976 Well, yes. Hypnosis works like that. It makes you play along without thinking about it.
>>20719 The answer was "no" but the "Big Kid Test" file is now available to the general public for free on Champ's Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-hypno-file-75009659
Today I entered a midly deep trance. I peed myself in trance. I relaxed to the point I managed to relax my bladder muscles. When I woke up I was barely aware of how much I peed. Soaked my pants real good. Felt good. Had trouble getting into trance, I've finally been able to get it right. Gotta be honest, I would love it to be more mindless and remember less, though.
>>21142 How did you do it? I feel like entering trance is the hardest part tbh
>>20827 Any more of these files, or are these the only ones. They are my cup of tea. Thanks Anon.
>>21157 At the time I posted those it was a complete collection. They've added a couple new files but they're not too interesting, one of which being waking up as a baby on Christmas and that's already passed.
>>21164 All the same, thank you for your kindness, Anon.
>>21143 Don't know how to describe it. I listened to the audio very intensely (?) making sure to ignore everything other feeling. Do try to slow down your heart before listening to the audio. I also pictured everything the audio said and just followed along. Additionally I tried to relax my muscles by thinking about it, keeping movement as close to nothing. Not even making the effort to pee. My bladder was full, so at one point I relaxed it so much I just started leaking.
>>21142 What file?
>>21191 Hypnomommy - Have a nap-time wetting
>>21143 I go into trance regularly and hypnosis has worked for me for what I wanted. If you need help going into trance try meditation as its a fairly similar mental state. Then head back into hypnosis and go back to that mental state
>>21236 cant find it can you post it? Im looking for a file like this
Does anyone know of any files to help my gf get more into babying me? She's open to it but nervous
>>21253 Enjoy checksum: aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL2Y4NTQyY1A2eWMvSGF2ZV9hX05hcC10aW1lX1dldHRpbmdfV2l0aF9NdXNpY19tcDM= >>21274 For your gf or for you? For you I can recommend many of "mommy's boy" files from WMM. There are others like that from hypnomommy (You are mommy's baby) or Nicole (Stop resisting your mommy). For your gf, nothing.
>>21279 Looking for something for my gf, thanks for the suggestion though
>>20976 u need to share that lol
>>21291 Or an easy step by step on how to do it ourselves
>>21304 Find one of those realistic text to mp3 tools online. Create easy to follow lines like these for example : You will relax your bladder. You can’t hold it. You will simply let go and wet yourself. You won’t stop it. and then create the same ones in first person I will relax my bladder. I can’t hold it I will simply let go and wet myself. I won’t stop it. Of course you can create anything you like but make them short, in your language, avoid words like incontinence because you don’t actually know how it feels like to be incontinent, and don’t make too much, keep the file under 1 minute. Then get yourself audacity and find the “silent subliminals” nyquist file and add the file or the command into audacity. (google should tell you everything you need to know how to do that) Now, create 2 mono audio tracks inside audacity and pan one to the left and the other one to the right ear. Put your created audiofiles from above in them so that the left (or right) is first person and the other ear third person. Basically your right ear is first person and your left ear third, but always the same line! I personally switched from third to first each line but maybe you don’t have to do that. Now, after you two tracks are done, convert them to at least 41khz (google should also have a guide on how to do that) Last but not least, use the nyqist subliminal tool to convert both tracks into silent subliminals. Find out what your hearing rage is and what your headphones can play back and select your desired frequency; I used 16khz. Make them loud once and check if you hear a high pitched sound, if yes then you did everything right if not either your file does not work, your headphones cant playback your frequency , or you can no longer hear things that high (ageing is a bitch) BUT! Don’t have them loud all the time, make them like 80% at most or you’ll might get hearing damage for real! (You might not hear the words but the sound is still there) Now, after everything is done, loop them for as long and as often as possible, and if everything works you might actually begin to notice changes, but It might take days like it did for me. I’m really interested if it actually worked, maybe I just acted like it did and it really didn’t, I don’t know. I hope this helps and I would love to hear if it worked for you too. But be aware, if it actually works, I don't know how permanent and how drastic it could or will be! So do it at your own risk!
I'm broke as a joke, does anyone have premium to download and share this? https://www.warpmymind.com/index.php?gadget=HFiles&action=GetFile&file_id=16969 aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tL04wSDFyYVEyeTgvTWluZGxlc3NCYWJ5VHJuc0JFZ3JfbXAz
cirigiel put out a new video with audio links in the description https://hypnotube.com/video/lucid-drips-37052.html
found another one on yt, it's obnoxiously loud and the channel looks shady, but eh youtube.com/watch?v=LuynzukqtqA
>>21538 Even if I believed that subliminal audio did anything, I'm not going to listen to a horrible song in a language I don't understand that seems to be completely drowning out the subliminals behind it. At least with >>21527, I can make out that there are subliminals even if I can't quite make out what they're saying. I can only hear subliminals for like the first second of that "Helicopter" song.
>>21554 yeah, like I said it's bad, but it's something out there, I like looping the 6 minute delta track for the other one because I can leave it on and forget I left it on, a lot of theme have a stream sound(bc pee) or a varying degree of grating sound so nature is a nice change. I like the idea about modifying dreams because I've had a handful of vivid ones and I'd like to have more, like wearing a diaper at the mall or at a playground and not having any fear, not that I'd do that irl, but I enjoy the thought
>>21566 Even if I want to listen to subliminals, I'd listen to them under nature sounds. I can't imagine listening to a three minute song (even a song I liked) on a loop for hours. Frankly, even if it was nature sounds, I think I'd want something a lot longer than the three or four minutes those two videos linked most recently are. The subliminal itself can be short but I'd want the sounds masking it to be at least half an hour long, if not a full hour or more.
Most of these files are good for relaxing and training, but what about for actual fapping? Where are the abdl themed JOIs? Or maybe a CEI? IIRC, Dosei had one or two of the former.
>>21369 Can you post the one you made?
>>21604 Won't work for you; the file is not in english. Also, I have found out that if you're not fully aware what the file says before playing it, it has little to no effect at all. Also also, I have found out that there are nearly no long time effects, when you stop playing the file the effects vanish rather quick. But this could come from how I word my phrases.
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>Feels bad man >tries to free up space on computer for hypnosis files on flash drive >flash drive breaks and now my entire diaper stash is gone >MFW
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>>21630 Just spent 6 hours downloading. >still feel like I'm missing half my collection
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>>21676 >wow! someone on the internet doesn't care about an opinion!
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>>21554 WOW both of these videos absolutely melted me. I zoned out and just sat there dribbling for hours the first time I put it on loop. More like this please!
>>22135 >>>21554 Sorry, replied to the wrong post ID. Cirigirl98's hypnotube videos.. I want more shit like that
>>21527 Does anyone have a download of this?
>>22148 thank you, that was a nice read
Does anyone have any mommy Maggie cap stuff?
>try hypno for years >literally never works but do it for fun >try >>21527 >doesn't work but like the type flashy stuff so I keep watching it for a bit every day for a couple days >just started listening to it while in bed right now >started peeing after a couple loops even though it's usually really hard for me to pee laying down >didn't even feel that hard(usually when I listen to pee hypno I get a strong urge to pee but nothing comes out) >just got a slight urge to pee and it started coming a couple seconds later Bros. Does anyone have any files similar to the one posted here >>21527 ?
>>22470 Just play wetting hypno and have a seperate page open with water running sfx
<hypnotube is 99/100 times sissy gay shit <im not trying to be offensive, it is shit Was disappointed to find such lack of diverse content.
>>22695 Thats a fair assessment. However <damn i love that sissy gay shit Anyone got more sissy diaper hypno? Hell, I'll consider dropping some cash to share some if folks can point me at somethin that makes my cheeks hot.
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Are there any artists with files I can download from K3m0n0 P4rty?
there's a new maker https://alittlehypnosis.com/audio-files I bought the bundle, it seems high quality (dude hypnotist), but I'll have to give each a try
Please don't tell me this thread is dead. Even hypno type style videos should be welcomed. I have stuff to share but atleast post something, nothing has been posted for awhile
Would you be so kind to share those file please?
Anyone have this one?
anyone know anything about this? only public upload from the user on thisvid usually anything with furry or animated is a write off for me but this one is a favorite https://thisvid.com/videos/daddy-stallion-sissy-diaper-trainer/
So a lot of these links were taken down, especially the mega ones. My computer crashed and now I lost a lot of vids like Sweetdreamshypno 5 and 6, as well as a lot of the hypnomommy and nicoledosei files. Anyone know how to get those now that the previous mega links on this thread are dead? I feel so out of the loop on how to get abdl files these days lol
>>22794 I'd love to hear this
>>22794 whoops site is down
aHR0cHM6Ly9rZW1vbm8ucGFydHkvcGF0cmVvbi91c2VyLzE2MDI0MDg0 Librarian has been updated
How about some updates from anyone following a hypnosis program? Particularly keen on hearing from people on or who have been on MindMaster's Baby Training series.
>>22973 Why would I want to listen to a guy during a hypno sesh? Women's voices are a gift.
Any suggestions for visual stuff only? I have a few diaper compilation things, but I just want a video of thick padded soggy and messy butts flashing in front of my eyes while I listen to whatever file I want.
>>22998 Wanting a female voice consider is fine, and for erotic hypnosis makes sense if you find it sexy and attractive. fantasy. A male voice can hypnotize you just as well. Do you want the result or the fantasy.
>>22973 I've been training off and on for over a decade. The Mind Master series is very good. I trained with that for some time. Used all the files. I even created several Mind Melting Machine sessions for some of his files. As with all the different programs I've trained with, long term, they have all left changes in me. Here and there, small things, wonderful things. Just find a trainer whose voice massages your brain. Then repeat. Repetition works. Psychic Driving.
>>23018 What is the most dramatic quantifiable change you've noticed in that time? I've listened to Baby Train 2 enough times to be convinced I want an impotent baby sized penis, but I've had a hard time believing it's possible though hypnosis. (ngl I would give almost anything to have a baby penis)
>>23022 I wasn't sold on the whole small baby penis at first. But yeah, going 24/7 would be easier without having boners every now and then
>>23050 You don’t really need anything for this, just point down and hump till you cum over and over as frequently as you can. Eventually you will cum soft and not even get hard anymore when your horny.
>>23119 I have been doing this for over 15 years, can still get rock hard so yeah... thats not super accurate.
more deep messy programming is desired and required
>>23011 I want to listen to a woman, because the voice puts me at ease to be hypnotized. No one wants to be hypnotized by fat groomer.
>>23176 I kinda prefer men, actually. Sort of like a doctor-voice explaining to me what my situation is going to be from now on.
>>22794 would you be willing to share a fileor two please
Does anyone have hypno mommy Bowel Muscle weakening they can share?
>>23438 seconded. This file is like a white whale for me
>>23438 > >>23443 Here You Go: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdlkxaGtVbmhCVTFralMxcGlSazVpVjFobWRFUllZVTVyYjBJeVMzRk1aM2RmYTNvM1drNVNVRUl6Y0hsdk1HUjJVSFZhTUE9PQ==
>>23455 Thank you kind person!
>>21369 Finally getting back to responding to this. My gf has been listening to some subliminals we made together, and it does seem to be working! She's still nervous, but is teasing me/calling me her baby boy etc. Thanks for the info!
>>22857 Can someone teach me how to download these?Thanks in advance.
Does anybody have the complete dpf 1 serie? clearing 1 & 2 hypnotracks 1 & 2 subliminal sleep Would be fantastic to have un upload
>>23506 Glad to hear that it worked for you and your gf. Might I asked what your subliminals meant to to? It sounds like you both tried to make her, see you as her baby/one to be taken care of, or rather be more accepting of it.
Would you be ok to share the one you made with your gf, please? That sound like a perfect file to try.
aHR0cHM6Ly9kcml2ZS5nb29nbGUuY29tL2RyaXZlL3UvMy9mb2xkZXJzLzE1VzJaYjFOUTN4b1Zxa0NRVDZqNDZUZUJyUTBTeDJyWQ== kei abdl files; strong and repeated exposure will lead to habits forming. you have been warned but you will ignore it
>>23558 wow great file saddly I don't think they have any of their files are out there anymore. Is there any full incontinence hypno from them or anywhere I would be able to find more?
>>23562 These are private files I've had for almost eight years. All of its gone besides two places on the internet and the link I shared. I have around 15 or so files that arnt online but I was asked by Kei not to share.
>>23567 tell them to drop a store I was looking to buybut if they are wanting to keep their works privite that's okay
>>23558 What ever happened to Kei? I remember their site and it dropped off the net. All the warpmymind files gone. Did they just decide to stop creating work? I remember their being one I had long ago that did my head in for a mind virus & diaper love.
Do you have Mind Control: Baby Brain by kei?
>>23572 They have had breakdowns before where they have deleted stuff but this one feels more permanent. I have been listening to their files for nearly a decade and honestly the last one was really freaky for me with some weird personal experiences. I dont really plan on sharing the other files I have unless its a trade, the only reason I am sharing these is I traded for Kei's Fairy Crown file.
Smoked a lot, fried my brain, went deep into trance with Hypnotic Mist. I love the feeling of my diapers so much. I wanna be diapered forever.
>>23540 I don't have the script on me, but it was a few lines of you enjoy being anon's mommy, you enjoy putting anon in a diaper etc, just kinda anything we could think of lol >>23550 Sorry, it has my name so it probably wouldn't work for you. If you follow the instructions the other anon posted though or find a youtube video, it was pretty simple
>>23642 it expired just use mega or anonfiles
>>23693 https://anonfiles.com/3eubL9e6z3/1659469918254_BrainWipeHypnosis_2_mp3 I hope the file works now Baby Brain Wipe Traditional You have to be careful when listening to the file if you don't want it to shake your brain
>>23700 I really do want to shake my brain. No complains there. Thanks
Does anyone have stuff from indianprincesspramilaganguly they could share
What do you think is the best Website for Diaper hypno videos? Since my thisvid got randomly deleted
>>24089 Wow this was good. Whats the name of the person doing the audio? Do they have other audios as well? Thanks for sharing!
>>23904 Pretty sure that is GovernessX / The Proprietress.
More messing content is wanted and would be appreciated.
does anyone have my little lullaby's messing diapers? babybea says its what got her into messing (which is so hot), link to that vid in the video thread
>>24428 Here is all the MLL I have YldWbllTNXVlaTltYjJ4a1pYSXZkRFIzZWtWVVFVTWpXbEphYzFReFJucERVbFZtY2xoTVIzZGZjSEp4UVE9PQ==
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Anything new come out that's worth checking out in terms of loss of control?
>>24728 Seconding this. Kemono has almost no hypnosis files.
Anyone have Erasing Potty Training by Hypŋ0 /\/\0m^^y?
>>14631 hey, does anybody still have this Bladder Curse file featuring the name Brandon? I uninstalled updates on Chrome and reinstalled them and the thing wiped out my whole download folder, syncing? idk, 2 years of downloads vanished, I'll upload some uncommon shit in return
Does anyone else have more hypno mommy files they could post?
>>24895 Thank you so much!
miss the days when this thread had a new update every day :(
>>25289 frankly, there's a lot that's not good, that moreso aims to be sexual and good stuff that people pass on because it's not racy enough, like I could share a lot of the crap I've bought on etsy, but it's basically a waste of your hard drive space
>>25320 Well... I DO have lots of hard drive space to waste, if you feel like you wanna share..... just sayin'....
Could you share what you have, please?
It wouldn't be a waste of my hardrive space! Please share!!
Same I have a 1TB hard drive with a lot of free space so it would not be a wast.
Here what I have from esty you can have. https://mega.nz/folder/k1QC2bRQ#9hqtgNvgiR2fWpF42nZ8lg
So in your opinion, who do you think makes the best hypno files in terms of wetting and messing? On a hunt for something that render me completely incontinent...
Does anyone else have some stuff they can share too?
>>25507 Any source on who made these? I'm loving the "Deactivating Adult Behavior" one!
>>23528 You should be able to just click on a post and the downloads will be listed.
>>26024 I did some digging on Etsy, and here is what I was able to come up with for sources: AgeRegression.mp3 - Like Many of the ones below, seems to come from this shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LittleHypno, but I can't match the length/description to a specific file. BabyBrainedBrEnergz.mp3 - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1440213332/abdl-baby-brained-hypnosis-baby?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=baby+brained&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&organic_search_click=1 babytileTendencies.mp3 - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1444485542/infantile-tendencies-brainwash-hypnosis?click_key=5bcdbd1b3bdb0986aafaf43f23c81e24143edba0%3A1444485542&click_sum=438abe2e&ga_search_query=infantile&ref=shop_items_search_1&crt=1 BedwettingReinforcementHypnosis.mp3 - Not sure if this came from Etsy. Definitely one of HypnoBombshell/Stella's files. Her patreon is: https://www.patreon.com/hypnobombshell/ DeactivatetheBladderEtsyAudio.m4a - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1346820806/abdl-adult-baby-bladder-hypnosis?click_key=925caf46d98634f136491d399c3baf1c4e42d2a2%3A1346820806&click_sum=661391ae&ref=shop_home_recs_4&crt=1 MindlessBabyTrnsBEgr.mp3 - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1440213332/abdl-baby-brained-hypnosis-baby?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=baby+brained&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&organic_search_click=1 REGRESSIVEHYPNOSISAUDIO1-DEACTIVATINGADULTBEHAVIOUR.mp3 - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1200297748/regressive-hypnosis-session-1?click_key=d883f24f01cb4a86165004c35891d47a6e152e8b%3A1200297748&click_sum=1c8305c5&ga_search_query=deactivate&ref=shop_items_search_1 UnpottyTraininggg.mp3 - UnpottyTrainThetaWvs.mp3 - These 2 both come from the LittleHypno Etsy shop. The dialog is the same, but the file lengths are slightly different. The 2 files below seem to be video and audio versions of the same script, so I think one of these is the audio from the video file. Not sure which is which though. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1447095590/unpotty-training-hypnosis-incontinence?click_key=20dbbef51ca3bbf465c9b2f5732ffc95c85c8a45%3A1447095590&click_sum=a8b73cce&ga_search_query=unpotty&ref=shop_items_search_3 https://www.etsy.com/listing/1437628688/unpotty-training-hypnosis-incontinence?click_key=ca894ae7ffe1524bb9d50664f92cde5ec4ef340f%3A1437628688&click_sum=2c349e04&ga_search_query=unpotty&ref=shop_items_search_1&crt=1
>>12104 Are there any audio files out there like this image? I just want a gfd mommy to encourage me to let go of the pee I've been holding and to flood my diaper and cum without touching myself. This image is literally perfect, I just wish there were a long audio of it.
>>21527 There's an alternative version of this in the description called "lucid drips delta". Had this playing for a Saturday morning from 0900 to 1400 while padded in tykables new unicorns and a onesie from tykables as well under my clothes. Around a week later I'm having way more thoughts about padding up, I don't wear much normally.
>>26047 Do they pay you per post?
Does anyone know who reecorded this and how to commission more from them?
Anyone have wetting and messing by Jenny Demilo?
>>26289 Thanks 🙏🏾
can someone post some esty stuff for hypnosis?
I have been trying to figure out how to use these hashes for days.
>>26338 Read the thread, bruh
is this thread dead
>>26476 yes, threads no longer get bumped after 500 posts
>>26476 >>26508 Someone made a new thread here 26509
>>26780 Wait, did the formatting wrong >>26509
Anyone have bambi daycare series?

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