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Political warning Baby 05/25/2023 (Thu) 13:18:36 No. 25836
Left diaperdfagsnand right diaperfag thread Let's see how long before this becomes a flame war
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>>42089 >Blue red whatever if you shill for one side you're actually part of the problem. >Vote Kamala if your IQ is above 70.
>>42193 >missing the point >being this retarded >meme from a decade+ ago Trump voter spotted.
Make that money these next four years everyone
Since Trump wear diapers we could say that /ourguy/ won?
>>42262 Kamalafags are currently shitting their pants so I think it is a win overall.
Diapers are tax free in Nevada now by the way
>>42212 I'm not even American, go jump headfirst into a noose
Now that Trump rules the universe your are all going in the pamps and then going in the crystals. Put them on dumb babies.
>>42262 There is no proof Trump wears diapers, though at his age it would not be a surprise. On the other hand, Biden has been video taped multiple times over the past few years assuming a pose parents of toddlers know all too well. His mental fitness has been called into question for years; it is not a stretch to say that people suffering from dementia also have continence issues. I don't hold this against Biden and I don't think he should be mocked; but I do believe that those who held him out as "fit" should face punishment for elderly abuse. Thankfully, we have been unburdened by what has been...
>>42293 >Now that Trump rules the universe your are all going in the pamps and then going in the crystals. Put them on dumb babies. I tried to read and what you write but burnt toasting smell now I am... Do you even English?
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Noticed that sagefag stopped posting for a day to cry about the American election. Let's enjoy this silence period while (((they))) sperg out in this grieving interval.
>>42296 You were absolutely bullied in highschool no doubt about it. I'm here for it though. Watching you lose your mind when I'm not even making comments invalidates any future thing you have to say. I don't post every day because I don't think about this board or the people on it every day. Something I think you'd (memes and banter aside) be better off for as well.
I just want to take a moment to ask for someone to explain this story during the election?
>>42303 Rumors circulated that Trump "smelled" and some people concluded that he is actually incontinent and has to wear diapers. In response, some Trump fans decided to wear diapers as a sign of support.
>>42302 Take a mental health day off, I hear a bullet administered straight to the brain works wonders :)
>>42303 The democrats put out rumours that trump wore diapers then paid actors to do a photoshoot pretending his supporters wore them as a show of support. Its similar to that one where they paid people to hold tiki torches at a trump rally.
>>42311 Yeah, no dude. Own your shit, I get you're fucking swimming in a sea of conspiracy theory bullshit but you're not fooling anyone on that one. Diaper don's long been an insult.
>>42313 > > I know its an insult. Duh. I was just pointing out that democrats dressed as Trump supporters in order to try and promote it.
>>42314 >>42311 If there are crazy enough people in Trump supporters to storm the Capitol, there are crazy enough Trump supporters to wear diapers
>>42321 >>42314 >>42311 Yeah and the dems also paid actors to dress up as republicans in trash bags and call themselves garbage too right?
We're gonna kill the jews We're gonna kill the niggers Hi Ho the Dario We're gonna kill the spics SING IT WITH ME
>>42321 True, but the feds were retarded enough to instigate the entering the capitol and storm in as well, undercover. Not to mention the cops on video taking down barricades, ushering people onward, and escorting people around the interior. not saying Trump doesn't have some retarded supporters, but there was a lot of false flagging going on I wouldn't put it past the dems. They staged and bought off nearly everything in their campaign so much so that its probably more likely this was them to at least from all the stupid blatant shit ive been seeing from the dems these last few months believe whatever you want tho
>>42311 >Getting paid to wear diapers cause of politics This really makes it feel that we're only a few memes away from making the Padded Reich real.
>>42309 Do you know that from experience? You give off "my mommy was killed right in front of me so I act out in aggression on the interwebs" kinda vibes. No flame, just pity for ya honestly. You are quite honestly memes aside... really sad and I feel sorry for you.
How would we stop the padded movement devolving into divided political parties?
>>42333 I'm swimming in self-made money and have fantastic living parents. I come here to laugh at you.
>>42359 >telling me about your real life because I tilted you >your life is great but you mention your parents as a point of pride rather than falling back on your own accomplishments If you really were successful you'd have made it a point to tell me exactly what it is you do instead of being vague. You live off mommy and daddy. And that's fine. I wish I had that option. Just know though that those that work 9-5s feel far more prideful about their lives than you ever could about yours no matter what you type. >laugh at me The irony here is fantastic. You uh, do realize I namefag to bait retards like you to fixate on me so I can turn around and laugh at you for being so fixated and angry yes? I'm playing chess and you don't even have a checkers board. It's over. Just walk away.
>>42351 >>42351 under the Mommy Party >this party wins through a combination of terrible work/life balance conditions, rampant socio-economic crisis, extremely high cost of living and simply just a crumbling standard of living thoughout the whole world with no possible possitive outcome to its inhabitants >ads talking about a promising future with a maternalistic/paternalistic approach, a kind-pastel-gentler fascism >destroyed working class spirits individuals start to buy into the idea of letting go of their adult responsabilities as they see no end to their miserable existance >when party assumes power all citizens renounce self autonomy >they no longer can decide what to wear, what to eat, how to live, how they will spend their time >although all work activities are slashed by 50% to adapt to new infant-like routines on day-to-day lives indoctrination through different media is constant >cartoons, childrens stories, comics and alike, everything is designed to reinforced a simple message "Your Caregivers know best, trust your Caregivers" >expressions of independence and adulthood are gradually erradicated more and more >"littlezens" are given drugs to lower libido drastically >"littlezens" who put up a fight and throw tantrums are sent to re-education camps to be broken through LSD and other hallucinogens. Drugs that lowe libido are not provided anymore and instead, littlezens are constantly stimulated and kept at a high arousal state. While continuosly bombarded with propaganda with sensual tones to condition through arousal since they are likely to have forgotten what porn was like >as 90% of the citizens are deemed babies, reproduction of the species is left to remaining 10% of the Daddy/Mommy politicians. >eventually the growth of the population cannot keep up and humans start to dwindle, cloning facilities are funded to try and revert it >radicalized babies relentlessly attack those facilities as they claim it occupies a lot of time of their Caregivers and they are supposed to be playing and taking care of them >radicalized baby cells are found and dismantled through lobotomies and extreme babyfication >this just ignites the revolution even more, more protests and more radicalized littlezens start showing up >eventually they overpower the ruling class of politician Mommies/Daddies and lobotomize them as payback for their fallen camrades >as time goes by they realize that the entire world has been relying to much on Mommies/Daddies that they dont know how to make society work >society crumbles to the ground as the entire world is just a bunch of overgrown babies >Humanity goes extinct. under the Diaper Party >this party wins through the discovery of a new energy source that revoluationizes the world, used diapers >diapers and diapering supplies will be heavily subsidised >incontinence is not only suggested but enforced >bathrooms and sewage plumbing are completely erradicated from the planet, plumbers are picked one after another and killed >people are supposed to fill their diapers and deposit them in pipes who replace where the toilers used to be in the restrooms >the government demands a daily "filled diaper" quote to be met by every citizen >failure to meet the quote is registered, by the third strike, the citizen is put through surgical intervention to make sure they are forever incontinent >this filled diaper economy pushes the boundaries of human technological advancement to unimaginable extremes >humans start colonizing other planets travelling using used diaper powered reactor-engines >we make contact with other civilizations and we enslave them and demand they also provide a filled diaper quota >those who cannot do so as their anatomy does not work similarily to ours are simply made to work in the diaper mines >humans become the biggest intergalactic empire to ever have existed but eventually fail to find a proper solution to the drawbacks of wearing 24/7 which eventually ends up killing or ruining sexual development and sperm production >Humanity goes extinct. under the Horny Party >this party wins due to the constant bombardment of sexual political ads subtly brainwashing the voters *specially those into ageplay, abdl, dl, littlespace, etc* >devices or products to enhance sexual pleasure will be heavily subsidised >society spirals down into a constant coomer state since constant arousal is not only suggested, but regulated and enforced >orgams sessions are mandatory to all citizens, 5 times a day in 30 hours sessions >different sessions, have different arousal focus which lend itself to exploring other sources of pleasure >men who refuse the exploration of prostate or nipple orgasm are put in hormones regime to decrease their penis centered pleasure center
[Expand Post]>prostitution becomes the number 1 business in the world >after the world succumbs to coomer brain, society crumbles down. >Humanity goes extinct
here are my politics: human beings are not fit to rule themselves, they should be forcefully regressed and babied by an AI dictatorship ruled by nannybots. that is all.
>>42363 I own my own family-sized apartment, I have a 9-to-5. My parents are proud of me. I make more money than you have ever seen despite not even being American. Stay mad, boy. It takes me a minute to check in here, trigger you to shits, and leave. And type less, it's embarassing.
>>42415 >baited this easily Imagine lying this hard to someone that thinks you're fucking worthless. Trash.
>>42389 Your politics are based. I hope you don't end up settling for a human dictator over an AI one though... It's all too common
>>42421 >"I was just pretending to be retarded!" Have fun being poor and balding :)
>>42469 >proving me right with every reply
I hate that I liked this more than I should.

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