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Is there any point potty training women? Baby 02/23/2022 (Wed) 12:02:25 No. 9436
Throughout the life of a girl there's hundreds if not thousands of ways they can easily become incontinent. Mean if you go through the ages: -Early childhood >Bladder not really developed enough to be fully continent -Teenager >Start having periods that causes incontinence -Early to middle adult >Pregnancy causes incontinence -Late adult >Menopause, enough said -Old age >You get the idea About the only age group for females that would benefit from potty training are in their late childhood stage and chances are they are a bedwetter. Be far simpler and easier all round if they were never potty trained. I am aware that this would produce logistical problems as there would be too much waste to justify disposables. They would have to be restricted to the young and infirm while the rest of womankind would need to get used to the idea of being in reusable cloth. Still it would solve the problem of trying to cater to their unique feminine problems while providing a solution that does not beat about the bush.
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>>9436 That's why I love this place. There's two active threads actively promoting diaper-fascism and now this one. This place is asking the real goddamn questions. This is one of the many reasons why throughout history women were generally caretakers and homemakers up until the last century in western society. It made less sense for them to be able to navigate public spaces/travel. Ever been to a large public event with women? Or an extended road trip? Same thing, but in previous time periods it would have been even more of a problem since there would have been virtually no infrastructure for it and the impracticality of women's clothing. You see the attached image here? It's from a blog post that got passed around the ABDL space back in the 2000s. It's a woman who was on a scientific expedition in Africa or the Middle East but the long overland travel through the desert and lack of facilities meant she decided to start wearing diapers when traveling. Just in general I think this would be the right move for society of course.
Hate to burst your bubble; but the vast majority of female incontinence is stress leakage (i.e. stress incontinence), where only a small amount of urine is released during coughing, lifting heavy objects, etc. These instances of incontinence are usually temporary as they are relieved after giving birth (in the case of pregnancy induced stress incontinence), practicing Kegel exercises, or in rare instances surgery might be needed to repair/strengthen the pelvic floor. Even cases of refractory stress incontinence, pantyliner pads are more than sufficient for managing the issue (except perhaps the most extreme outliers). Adults who need adult sized diapers to manage urological issues usually have urge (e.g. overactive bladder), or functional (e.g. sever dementia) incontinence. Men far outnumber women regarding instances of urge incontinence, where men and women are roughly equal when it comes to functional incontinence. So, if you are making an informed argument for which sex should not bother with potty training - it wouldn't be women. However, the prevalence of incontinence requiring long term diaper use in either population is so low that this is a non-nonsensical proposition to begin with.
>>9450 You ignore all of the cultural benefits that would arise from permanently assigning all women to wear diapers. But besides that. I don't think OP's point was that women are prone to permanent incontinence. We all know that's realistically rare for everyone. And yeah, actually requiring full absorbency adult diapers is not a real thing for most adults, but that's not the point. Given that leakage is so common with women, and that there are so many products marketed specifically to women which are diaper adjacent, including menstrual pads, the idea is just that it should be fully embraced and we should admit the infantilization of women is a normal and natural thing.
>>9436 >Is there any point potty training women? Yes, to deprive them of diapers. Hell they shouldn't get diapers in the first place. Fuck femoids. They are not worthy. >>9450 Correct
as a woman, i agree. i gave up on toilets 5 years ago and never looked back since. if i ever have girls, i'll never potty train them
>>9459 YWNBW
>>9450 >>9456 This suspiciously sounds like the Ara Patrol trying to deflect such an idea as it would seriously cripple their power. Well it won't work. They'll learn to be good wivies and have to return to the kitchens where they belong, but not before get a long overdue spanking to know their place. In time they'll learn to love having padded behinds if they don't already secretly crave it. The reign of terror from the Aras will then finally be over.
>>9472 >this suspiciously sounds like the Ara Patrol Idiot. Women only have as much power as you allow them to have, there is no "reign of terror", sounds like wishful thinking from a stupid simp, if you think this then you don't get diapers either, you can go in the gas chamber with all the women who resist what we really need, which is enslavement and breeding programs.
>>9444 Women wore skirts back then for obvious reasons. If they started leaking all over it'd at least be under the skirt where nobody would notice unlike a pair of trousers where everyone would immediately notice. Women only started wearing pants in the 50s, when was the first water proof plastic pant invented? 1947! coincidence? I think not
>>9487 This isn't entirely wrong. Historically women wore skirts partly for practicality of this point. There's also that continence issues and genital problems used to be more common for women than now in developed countries and even now in less developed countries currently primarily due to stuff like tearing and scarring resulting from child birth and not having doctors to fix it. Aside from the reproductive after effects skirts also accentuate the hips and figure for women. Hourglass figure in women, exaggerated or not, is pretty much universally considered attractive which was the point here. In cases of hoop skirts and corsets this was intended to exaggerate it even more so. I don't exactly agree entirely with this thread outside of ABDL fantasies (I do enjoy fantasies where all girls are diapered though) but stereotypical male and female clothing historically did have functions ranging from practical to intention of sexual attraction, be it cleavage, skirts, corsets, codpieces, muscled armor, or just padded clothing to exaggerate the figure. I do like the fantasy of all girls being diapered and infantilized, but also there is some reasoning for historical stuff related to both male and female clothing.
>>9489 Have you also noticed how well the female form suits the diaper compared to men? Seriously compare male and female butts in diapers and you'll see how the diaper shapes perfectly to a girls behind. It like they were designed to be in diapers from the get go.
>>9466 >YWNBW i'm not a tranny
>>9493 sure you're not creep, keep typing your pedo fantasies with one hand
>>9471 lmao girls really do belong in diapers.
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>>9491 It's true. Women are literally designed to wear diapers. It unironically should be a piece of normal female clothing for all ages.
>>9525 I bet if you were to look up the skirt or dresses of most women you would most definitely encounter a diaper rather quickly. Though real question is a diaper more noticeable under trousers or a dress?
>>9586 A dress would make it easier to check if your girl is wet, but it would probably be more noticeable in a pair of pants
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>Look up pictures of Ukrainian refugees >It's just women being given baby and incontinence products How have we been so blind?
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>>9666 gymnastics in diapers sounds hot but unreasonably difficult for the athletes.
>>9671 it will be really bad for us if science invents hyper-thin space age diapers for this reason.
>>9671 What pull-ups are for.
>>9436 Ugh another thing women get that AB's would love. They could already walk around in cute basically child clothes and it's pretty acceptable. They don't have a dick that gets in the way so they can fit into smaller diapers easier. Now they can just claim any of these reason and use it as an excuse to wear diapers and nobody will really question it. Sometimes I wish I was trans so I could just swap genders, sadly all I am is a Bi male who has no intention or reason to claim otherwise and no desire to be a sissy. I just want to wear cute little boy clothes and diapers all the time without having to explain it away to family or society in general. Hopefully my doctor finds some nerve pinching or something in my lower back that I can tell my family is the reason I'm wearing if they ask.
>>9884 and don't get me started about how skirts are the ultimate little attire. Breathable, easy for CG to check, and when the diaper peaks out from under it it's one of the hottest things there is. BAH
>>9884 >>9885 Women are meant to be infantilized and kept in diapers. I think that's part of the reason that there's such a big overlap between sissies/trans people in this fetish. Men want to be women in regards to their diaper fetish because it just feels more natural and acceptable.
>>9900 Not a tranny, but I understand this. I only find girls (and occasionally futas) in diapers attractive. I experimented a bit with low quality medical diapers in my teens, but I stopped wearing diapers myself primarily because I just do not find guys in diapers attractive, including myself. It comes off as a bit cringe to me even though I like dudes in other contexts and don't have a problem with others into that. Sex transformation, age regression, and ABDL are my top three fetishes though and I understand the appeal of combining them. If actual sex transformations (real world trannies don't count) and age regression was possible like what we see in various fiction I'd certainly jump on the opportunity. The most frustrating thing is that of those only ABDL is something that can happen in real life and I'm only interested in it involving the opposite sex.
I've talked about this before on other sites and I honestly think market research agrees, even if society doesn't. Overall, there are precious few years where the average anyone, male or female is reliably potty-trained. To the point where not even little, tiny accidents happen. There is some research that indicates boys are more likely to continue to wet the bed for longer. But girls, they *might* manage 24/7 control sooner than boys, but they lose 24/7 control much sooner. Science bears this out. And they're more likely to end up with minor accidents throughout their fully potty-trained phase. And the folks in the incontinence business recognize this. They pushed Depend to basically EVERYONE a few years back. Then they focused on moms. Research indicates that the main thing that keeps basically 90% of adult women out of diapers, before they get super old, is stigma against it. So they make all kinds of shit like pads and Impressa while slowly trying to breakdown that stigma. They've lately been pushing pads hard because girls already accept wearing them a few days a month and so it's an easier sell. It's "not a diaper" even though it serves the exact same purpose. Did you know that Goodnites currently has pads for girls that are clearly rebranded Poise pads? They're geared for kids and teens who either have outgrown the full pullups style GN's or just feel like they have. Between Huggies, Pull-Ups, Goodnites, Poise, and Depend, Kimberly Clark seriously has an incontinence product on the market targeted towards literally. every. single. age group of female humans at this point. They have most of the market covered for males, but just slightly less so. Because there's slightly less need. Potty training, especially when it comes to girls, is at best extremely temporary, and at worst, kind of a myth. Honestly, I kind of think the free market is on the cusp of getting almost everyone into diapers for one reason or another. Between the folks who want it and the folks who want a cheap buck out of anything they can manage, there's significant market pressure to convince people, especially girls, that potty training is a lie.
>>9666 girls coming into puberty peeing sounds hot
I say no, don't bother potty traning them. They are better of when they are diapered forever.
>>9666 We need to get some Japanese artist to make a JC loli pissing herself during a gymnastics routine while some perv photographs and films her from the sidelines, fucking her afterwards and putting her into a thick diaper.
>>9949 You've given me hope, anon. Women literally never stop being potty-pants babies.
>>9949 >Honestly, I kind of think the free market is on the cusp of getting almost everyone into diapers for one reason or another. Between the folks who want it and the folks who want a cheap buck out of anything they can manage, there's significant market pressure to convince people, especially girls, that potty training is a lie. Already happening in Japan which is probably related to why of East Asian countries they seem to produce the most ABDL content and the only non-English speaking country ABU has a regional store and website for. https://pictolic.com/en/article/why-young-and-healthy-japanese-women-wear-diapers https://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-buzz/adult-diapers-surprising-trend-among-japanese-women-172721799.html According to the articles the reason for it is a combination of avoiding work interruptions and not wanting to use public toilets. There's also that Japan actually uses more adult diapers than baby diapers which is also partly a result of the country having lower birth rates than other countries and a large elderly population. https://www.marketplace.org/2016/08/29/japans-changing-culture/
>>10025 We so need that cultural change in the westen world as well, but a stronger version where the whole of the colective female population just gives up on the idea of potty traning. Then just allow themselves to return to the lives they should have lived all along. diapered and un-potty trained forever. And the idea of potty traning females goes the way of the T-Rex all together.
>>10027 The whole idea of women's rights should be completely extinguished. If someone brings it up in serious conversation they should be laughed out of whatever public position they find themselves in. The entire concept has only existed for the last 200 years of human civilization at most. If you ever wonder why you can't find a woman who's willing to engage in the sexual acts you find desirable. The real answer to that is because human society was destroyed 100 years before you were born. We will never be able to adequately recover as a species until women are legally classified as children and stripped of all rights and privileges.
>>10032 >The whole idea of women's rights should be completely extinguished. If someone brings it up in serious conversation they should be laughed out of whatever public position they find themselves in. I totaly agree with this statment. The same public humiliation treatment should be given to any who guggest that we should potty train our females again. >The entire concept has only existed for the last 200 years of human civilization at most. If you ever wonder why you can't find a woman who's willing to engage in the sexual acts you find desirable. The real answer to that is because human society was destroyed 100 years before you were born. That is some diamond solid facts, that has turned out to be 100% true. >We will never be able to adequately recover as a species until women are legally classified as children and stripped of all rights and privileges. I think the same, all females should be legally classified as children and stripped of all rights and privileges, even bathroom privileges.
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>>10032 xD you people. look at more "ancient" civilications. The vikings had pretty much total equality between men and women.
>>10036 >believing this feminist meme They should have been diapered. Anything else is an abomination
>>10036 >>10037 I've heard this idea talked about by people before and it's kinda just... not true? Throughout all of human history women tend to have the domestic caretaker roles, and men tend to have military/hunter-gatherer roles. The idea of gender roles tends to be much more strictly reinforced in primitive societies. Even if there are cases of female warriors or women and men having 'equal rights' by primitive standards. This whole idea of gender roles being an arbitrary construction by society has really only existed as an idea for the last century or two. And even if it is something constructed by society everyone seems to think that there's no other reason for it, other than that men want to keep women oppressed, without examining why these gender roles might have been created in the first place, the practical purposes they serve, and why human society thought it was necessary to perpetuate them for the last several thousand years across all cultures. Besides, that's not what we're talking about anyway. We're talking about if society would benefit from not potty training women, and I think the answer to that is a resounding "YES."
>>10043 >Without examining why these gender roles might have been created in the first place, the practical purposes they serve, and why human society thought it was necessary to perpetuate them for the last several thousand years across all cultures. >Besides, that's not what we're talking about anyway. We're talking about if society would benefit from not potty training women, and I think the answer to that is a resounding "YES." Then i have a few questions now when we have come to the verdict that females shouldn't ever be potty trained in their lives. How do we create such a large seismic cultural shift on mass within the larger normie population? What should we do with the allready potty trained females? What kind of social stigma & strong social pressures and enforcement mechanism should we apply to perpetuate this shift so that it lasts long into the future? Should the females be allowed to change themselves or must the be acompanie by their fathers, husbands or state social workes to take care of them and change their diapers for them?
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>>10048 My ideal fantasy situation is that we establish a worldwide authoritarian government, where all resources are very strictly controlled and the human population is kept low with a ratio of females:males of 10:1. All women would be either regulated to personal harems based on your station, or educated and taught to serve in pleasure palaces for men who lack the social standing for large harems, but still want to enjoy multiple women from time to time. In this scenario, all women being diapered is part of the way the society operates. Despite being the majority by population. The cultural reinforcement of their subservience in addition to the practical dependence they have on diapers, helps to perpetuate the patriarchal society. But to address your questions I see there's two ways we go about getting diapers for women normalized in the modern day. 1. We just let capitalism take it's course, as the previous poster has pointed out about there being some market incentive to normalize women wearing diapers. When unfettered capitalism is allowed to go nuts on something like this they can cause some really crazy cultural shifts. Couple this with all of these modern trends with young women that mixes cute childish personas with sexuality, I don't think diapers are too far of a stretch with some things. It shocks me how many female e-celebs embrace all these cutesy childish things with their sexual personas. Look at how popular LittleForBig is with normie women, even though they actuall sell ABDL diapers on the website. God I wish I was born 10 years later. This new generation of guys is lucky as fuck. 2. Come at it from the other direction. Embrace the red-pilling of America and try to encourage traditional male-female relationships. Most people (male and female) are already fed up with the modern situation caused by feminism but don't really know how to address it or even how to identify it. But if you can get people to understand gender roles in a more real, traditional way, I think that can also be coupled with the same trends taking place in youth culture. Make monogamy sexy. Show women wearing diapers and being in sexually submissive roles as something hot and desirable for women. As much as women want to feel empowered by sexuality, it always inherently revolves around what attracts men to women, and this is the answer.
>>10050 >My ideal fantasy situation is that we establish a worldwide authoritarian government, where all resources are very strictly controlled and the human population is kept low with a ratio of females:males of 10:1. All women would be either regulated to personal harems based on your station, or educated and taught to serve in pleasure palaces for men who lack the social standing for large harems, but still want to enjoy multiple women from time to time. In this scenario, all women being diapered is part of the way the society operates. Despite being the majority by population. The cultural reinforcement of their subservience in addition to the practical dependence they have on diapers, helps to perpetuate the patriarchal society. I for one am not a fan of mankind intefering with nature when it comes to birth ratios. I am of the old traditional Let's Destiny our overlord all migthy decide that part. >But to address your questions I see there's two ways we go about getting diapers for women normalized in the modern day. 1. We just let capitalism take it's course, as the previous poster has pointed out about there being some market incentive to normalize women wearing diapers. When unfettered capitalism is allowed to go nuts on something like this they can cause some really crazy cultural shifts. Couple this with all of these modern trends with young women that mixes cute childish personas with sexuality, I don't think diapers are too far of a stretch with some things. It shocks me how many female e-celebs embrace all these cutesy childish things with their sexual personas. Look at how popular LittleForBig is with normie women, even though they actuall sell ABDL diapers on the website. God I wish I was born 10 years later. This new generation of guys is lucky as fuck. 2. Come at it from the other direction. Embrace the red-pilling of America and try to encourage traditional male-female relationships. Most people (male and female) are already fed up with the modern situation caused by feminism but don't really know how to address it or even how to identify it. But if you can get people to understand gender roles in a more real, traditional way, I think that can also be coupled with the same trends taking place in youth culture. Make monogamy sexy. Show women wearing diapers and being in sexually submissive roles as something hot and desirable for women. As much as women want to feel empowered by sexuality, it always inherently revolves around what attracts men to women, and this is the answer. I think a combination approach of 1 & 2 would be for the best. With 1 being for the females & 2 being for the males. That said, there are still 3 questions that needs to be awnserd. <What should we do with the allready potty trained females? <What kind of social stigma & strong social pressures and enforcement mechanism should we apply to perpetuate this shift so that it lasts long into the future? <Should the females be allowed to change themselves or must the be acompanie by their fathers, husbands or state social workes to take care of them and change their diapers for them?
Funny to see you talking about "perpetuating patriarchy" and "enforcing subservience", but subconsciously you make it clear that you're just another frustrated virgin simp. Go seek psychological treatment for your sociopathy, incel... Serious...
>>10062 Cope
>dude trapped in peter pan syndrome daydreaming his utopian fetishes telling others to cope cope yourself loser, get a grip in life
>>10065 Seethe. Lurk more.
>>10062 >>10065 Dude how the fuck can you be taking anything posted on this board this seriously? Do you really think people are advocating for patrols of fascist anime girls? Or a diapered monarchy?
>>10062 >>10065 This >>10081 . Maybe its time to go outside (not just outside of your room either) and get some fresh air? This is a fetish and if you can't distinguish fantasy from reality then you've been spending too much time looking at screens and not enough time in the real world. People can have a sexual interest in this idea without being political about it. I don't know what your end goal with these posts are, but its safe to say that no one is finding you correct, clever, or funny. Go back to halfchan/pol/ with your ignorant ranting.
Why stop at just diapers? Fellas, if you're gonna treat a woman like a child, go all out. Ban her from seeing R-rated movies, put a parental lock on the TV so she can only watch Sesame Street and the Disney Channel, and replace all her music with Kidz Bop and nursery rhymes. If she's a good girl, spoon feed her! Try and get her to eat more purees and less solid food so her messes can be nice and mushy. She answers to you. You are in charge. Her job is to be cute, fill her pampers, and birth your children.
>>10116 >Kidz Bop It's like jamming screw drivers in your ears for most if you have to be around it. >R-rated movies And deny the pleasure of her caretaker cuddling with her because she thinks she braver than she actually is or actually likes scary movies despite the distress and even using her diapers when scared? It's basically the equivalent of the stereotype of going on a date involving a horror movie and getting the enjoyment of the girl clutching and snuggling her partner when things get a bit too intense. There's an appeal to her being able to do some things on her own when necessary and being just enough of a big girl she overestimates her abilities and wanting to come to her caretaker for cuddles and comfort when she over steps. There's also the appeal of an ABDL girl having a balance between maturity and independence that she needs punishment sometimes when overstepping, but in most cases has understanding why she needs that discipline and where the boundaries are and perhaps even enjoying getting punished occasionally. Another idea I like is some women being mature enough to take care of other girls, but being aware that they could get reduced to diapers as punishment for severe enough problems. Part of that is that I like the idea of more mature women being Mommies and doing things like breastfeeding less mature girls and on some level showing them what they could have if they tried a bit harder even if they don't really want that or are incapable of that level of maturity. There's also the appeal of tomboys in diapers as well. Honestly my fantasies involving this kind of thing is there's a spectrum where most girls need diapers or pullups, but a few are adult enough to care for other girls, motherly enough to want to do so, and even potentially a bit aggressive of their positions to knock down other girls to babyhood and keep them their to secure their own positions, but knowing that men are on top. Ideally I think the natural gender ratio for this set up would have something like 3-6 females for every male so a part of it is a harem where one woman is dominant but takes care of a few other girls for her dominant man or more mature and motherly women not having someone to take care of due to the lopsided gender ratio but using other girls as an outlet and use as proof that they're big girls and a guard against being forcibly diapered themselves. Another idea related is that most girls don't potty train until their thirties or only after having children so only younger girls and women are usually diapered 24/7 and it's a sign of womanhood and being a mother not to use diapers. There could also be a rare few males in this world that aren't man enough and get babied and feminized because of it.
>>10118 >And deny the pleasure of her caretaker cuddling with her because she thinks she braver than she actually is or actually likes scary movies despite the distress and even using her diapers when scared? It's basically the equivalent of the stereotype of going on a date involving a horror movie and getting the enjoyment of the girl clutching and snuggling her partner when things get a bit too intense. That is so true, besides thoes horror movies would make sure to give them alot of scary nightmare resulting in alot of wet & messy diapers when they wake up. That in turn will make them know how much they need thier protective man to take good care of them & keep them safe. >There's an appeal to her being able to do some things on her own when necessary and being just enough of a big girl she overestimates her abilities and wanting to come to her caretaker for cuddles and comfort when she over steps. >There's also the appeal of an ABDL girl having a balance between maturity and independence that she needs punishment sometimes when overstepping, but in most cases has understanding why she needs that discipline and where the boundaries are and perhaps even enjoying getting punished occasionally. I fully agrees with this. >Another idea I like is some women being mature enough to take care of other girls, but being aware that they could get reduced to diapers as punishment for severe enough problems. Part of that is that I like the idea of more mature women being Mommies and doing things like breastfeeding less mature girls and on some level showing them what they could have if they tried a bit harder even if they don't really want that or are incapable of that level of maturity. There's also the appeal of tomboys in diapers as well. I like where this train of thoughts is going, please continue with it. > Honestly my fantasies involving this kind of thing is there's a spectrum where most girls need diapers or pullups, but a few are adult enough to care for other girls, motherly enough to want to do so, and even potentially a bit aggressive of their positions to knock down other girls to babyhood and keep them their to secure their own positions, but knowing that men are on top. Ideally I think the natural gender ratio for this set up would have something like 3-6 females for every male so a part of it is a harem where one woman is dominant but takes care of a few other girls for her dominant man or more mature and motherly women not having someone to take care of due to the lopsided gender ratio but using other girls as an outlet and use as proof that they're big girls and a guard against being forcibly diapered themselves. >So long as the gender ratio is something nature just do & that it isn't selected for by humans, then i am fine with that. Otherwise i have to say no to this. >Another idea related is that most girls don't potty train until their thirties or only after having children so only younger girls and women are usually diapered 24/7 and it's a sign of womanhood and being a mother not to use diapers. This is the idea i like the most, if they gets potty trained att all. Like the subject are never brought up, when they grow up & no atempts of potty train them is ever even made at all. But whenever they wet & mess their diapers, they get extra love & some treats + rewards for doing so. Making sure that thier brains conect the feeling & the act using their diapers, then get changed as something great that they love to do, because it makes everyone happy. Their daddies or caretalker should also strongly punish them if they tried to potty train themselves. With alot of spankings, laughing at their atempts making sure that they feel as weak and small as possible. Even letting them go an extra long time with their full diapers. So as to make sure that their brains conect the prospect of potty training as something extremly bad that should be avoided at all coast. >There could also be a rare few males in this world that aren't man enough and get babied and feminized because of it. This makes sense, because we cut out the females from the greater world. Males have to pic up the missing workload. Giving them no room for slacking off & any such behavior should be strongly punished.
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>>10116 Also remove those disgusting tattoos with something more appropriate. Obviously temporary because who would tattoo a baby?
>>10119 Ive been writing out a scenario pretty similar to this, albeit with some distinct differences, one of the main things being its tied to a biological change that's happened within living memory, so society has adjusted, largely for the better, into some kind of fully-automated luxury communism (or just some kind of collectivist social democracy, meh) in order to fulfil peoples needs. The general gist is in this universe girls potty train much slower than boys and are categorized by how long it takes them. 20%ish manage it early childhood and are viewed as pretty much equal to men, with similar tendencies of being domiant, assertive, ect 50% manage in late childhood and are therefore viewed as inherently submissive/subordinate, but still live relatively ordinary lives, but are probably considered ineligible for most leadership roles. But its the remaining 30%* who enter adulthood either as bedwetters or almost entirely untrained that are treated as little more than slightly larger children** and for whom dating and marriage are essentially just babysitting and adoption respectively. Particularly cool to think of the alternate reality versions of fiction and culture this would create; what would Mad Men or Harry Potter look like? Mainstream celebrities would do interviews shilling for their goodnites ; or for the even littler ones, their caregivers would give humiliating exposes on their charges diaper needs as the “star” blushes on mommy/daddies' lap and hid their face in their hands . Buzzfeed articles titled “10 diaper brands Zendaya wore filming DUNE ; number 7 will shock you!” ect * Trans girls are represented at the extremes of this so theyre either the early trained dommes or the most heplessly untrainable diapergirls of the bunch ** The biological change fundamentally links potty-trainability with physical development. In this reality, if you walked into a room of twenty somethings you could tell which adult had a bedwetting chart on her wall just by looking for the flat-chested petite girls, even if their garishly infantile clothes and the telltalle bulges of training knickers and much thicker ones of diapers didn't give it away (which is definitely would)
>>10129 I think this is an very interesting story idea. However, i would change a few things here and there. 1. The biological change that's happened, was caused by the great pandemic of 1918 but it lost its effect during the year 1981, Making it so, that this is just a wide spread firmly semented cultural thing at this point that nobody even questions. 2. The ratio. I would change it so that only 1‰ of the females manage to potty train before they starts school. Then have 1% only mannage to do so in their very late teens & only 10% in total manage to be potty trained at in any stage of their adult lives. This would create a caste system of females. With the Alphas being the Top 1‰, the Betas being the Top 1%, the Gammas being the Top 10% & The Deltas being the rest. With for the very worst cases of the females & failed males being referd to as the Omegas.
>>10116 This naturally follows of course! Their girlhood cuteness and innocence must be preserved
You arrive at your workplace. A 22-year-old woman skips to your desk wearing a cute baby dress and a thick pink diaper. She giggles behind her pacifier and bats her eyes at you. You smile back at her and undo your belt. She drops the papers she was carrying, kneels down, and services you with a submissive “Yes Daddy!” All the women around you are dressed similarly, and they’re all good girls for their Daddies. Women in the workplace are better than they’ve ever been. God damn, I love stuff like this.
>>10173 The world would literally be perfect if that was real. Fuck.. I want it
>>10173 Pff, Women at the workplace? Shouldn't they be either babysat at home or being put into daycare?
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>>10194 Even better. They just populate all offices as disposable play-objects for men.
>>10197 Like a moral boost thing for the employees? Like a, work hard & get rewarded kind of thing?
>>10194 We’ll say some are mature enough to be cute around the office, and some have to be completely taken care of
>>10207 I still think that they shouldn't be around the office. They could do all sorts of things that will make them end up hurt & it would destract the workers. So, no females at the workplace it would have to be.
>>10210 Just keep in a daycare area near the office, and then they can be used to entertain employees and help them relax. Productivity would sky-rocket if cute adult baby girls were used as an incentive.
>>10217 >Just keep in a daycare area near the office, and then they can be used to entertain employees and help them relax. This is an idea that i can stand behind. Also, i think that their diaper chages should be public & that the employees have the option to change them too. So that it is not just the staff that gets to change them. >Productivity would sky-rocket if cute adult baby girls were used as an incentive. Sounds logical, e would have to limit the time there for the employees to about an hour each day. Otherwise the productivity would sky dive, thanks to people no longe woring & just staying to help the adult baby girls.
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>>10048 Well as we've seen with Afghanistan the Taliban have created the perfect depotty training regime. The real thing is subtly pushing diapers on the female population as widely accepted and that acting babyish is cute. >>10050 You mean like we are just watching the downfall of Western society regressing into diapers willingly? Like puts me in mind of than tranny catboi at high school who everyone suspects wore diapers. >>10116 Women would never be happier although they need some responsibilities. Women have been getting a free ride for too long that some discipline needs to be enforced on them. >>10210 They also can get up to no good in an adult setting. They need a daycare. Honestly this is where robot nannybots would come in. >>10218 Then again could make good for morale. Imagine a female CEO getting her diapers changed during board meetings and her butt being paddled during stockholder ones, lots of entertainment to be had there.
>>10280 >Well as we've seen with Afghanistan the Taliban have created the perfect depotty training regime. The real thing is subtly pushing diapers on the female population as widely accepted and that acting babyish is cute. The question is, how do they do it & how would we apply it to our nations aswell? >They also can get up to no good in an adult setting. They need a daycare. Honestly this is where robot nannybots would come in. That is so true, females shouldn't be allowed to walk around by themselves without a either a male guardian or a nannybot near them at all times. >Then again could make good for morale. Imagine a female CEO getting her diapers changed during board meetings and her butt being paddled during stockholder ones, lots of entertainment to be had there. Pff, female CEOs that was a funny one. The nearest that post they will ever get is to have either thier daddy, brother, son or husband be the CEO instead of them.
>>10285 >Pff, female CEOs that was a funny one. The nearest that post they will ever get is to have either thier daddy, brother, son or husband be the CEO instead of them. They would make a great mascot though. Imagine each office having their own special babygirl to advertise?
>>10328 >They would make a great mascot though. Imagine each office having their own special babygirl to advertise? That would be an excellent idea. I imagen that different diaper companies & diaper brands would sign cotract with these companies. In the form of sponsoring and product placement of the diaper brand they have signed the contract with.
>>10280 >Then again could make good for morale. Imagine a female CEO getting her diapers changed during board meetings and her butt being paddled during stockholder ones, lots of entertainment to be had there. There's a certain appeal to this, the juxtapition of immature diaper girl and professional such as a woman who's good at her job and has some status and respect for it, but still being in diapers and having babyish tendencies or being a submissive ABDL in in her off hours and a professional woman at work, even though she might also be diapered at work as well. I could see someone like this having a secretary or personal assistant that also acts as a nanny, changing her diapers and feeding her (possibly as a wet nurse if also female), and making sure her more immature behaviors don't interfere with work. There's also the appeal that she might run the risk of being demoted or fired if her immaturity gets out of hand and interferes with work forcing her to be permanently put in a nursery perhaps.
One of my biggest personal fantasies: woman CEOs (and all female workers) being demoted to little girls by their male underlings. Absolutely sublime.
a world in which all CEOs are femoids and a. Misogynist Communist revolution occurs in which the CEOs get publicly humiliated.. Hmmm i think im onto something here
Fun fact If you tickle most women they easily piss themselves That's how weak their bladders are.
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>>10394 I would be a tankie if this was the narrative they were pushing.
>>10394 Just imagine an enema run where a bunch of fem CEOs are tasked with running an obstacle course, at the end of which there is a potty where the first CEO who makes it to the end and uses it, gets to stay potty trained. The kicker though if they expel their enema into their diaper they are disqualified and thanks to an assortment of babyish traps very few if any get to retain their potty training.
>Recently saw pic related for sale It's happening anons!
>>11448 Where did you see it?
Anyone here ever heard of Thinx before? It's meant to be an alternative to tampons and pads for women's periods. However, it's actually just upfront about the fact that it's literally absorbent underwear. None of it is very diaper-like at all in terms of appearance, but yeah... it's literally absorbent underwear being marketed to adult women as a normal thing for their lives. When I saw it I immediately thought of this thread lol.
>>11816 Reminds me of the girls that supposedly wore pullups to deal with heavy flow periods.
So that Johnny Depp case really is proving that women are not fit for anything but diapers.
>>9436 More boys wear diapers at all ages than girls you dolt. You clearly have no understanding of how women work
>>32342 The red sage for subject automatically makes me think this is the same dumbass ranting in the cringe thread earlier.
>>32342 Found the girl who can't accept that she needs to be thickly padded.
>>32344 No my 4chan muscle memory just kicked in, bit of a nigga moment on my part I know >>32365 Nah I'm a guy and 100% accepted I need thick diapers
>>11816 >Thinx period underwear was supposed to be ‘non-toxic’. Now customers feel betrayed https://archive.is/WT1lG
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19 bio F, I fuck myself daily to this post
>>32378 Clearly only period panties that girls should wear is the pull-up!
>>33640 19 bio M, I fuck myself daily to posts like this
>>33654 >>33640 I'm both of these posters and I fuck myself daily when I post like this.
Women should be forced into doing diaper porn the same way men are drafted into the army.
>>33693 There are already calls that the West will need to consider reintroducing the draft. It is clear women should drafted as well or if they refuse be drafted in diapers.
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>>33697 The idea that women are considered 'adults' on the same level as men is absurd. We've been living with this farcical notion for a century now and it's time to admit that women don't, and can't function and think on the same level as men. The idea of women being effectively children was the accepted norm throughout most of human history in most cultures. We need to return to sanity and institute policies that effectively regulate women to that status for their entire lives. Women should never be potty trained. They should be constantly reminded of how infantile they are with clothing and behavior. Their education should only consist of maintaining a household and pleasuring men. Society will be finally on the right path again when every man has a cute, obedient diapered housewife who doesn't know how to read but does know how to fill her diapers, give a blowjob, and cook a steak.
>>33705 It is interesting to note that before feminism it was not uncommon for women to be spanked by men like they were children. Women must have frankly enjoyed it as they were statistically happier in these days. While spanking is seen as barbaric could see them being eased into padding before assuming their rightful position on their knees and over the knee.
>>33735 I work in finance now but I studied Psychology as my Undergrad in college and I gotta tell you that there were legitimately Psych journals in the 40s and 50s that discussed men interacting with their wives as though they were parenting guides. The idea of disciplining women with spankings and punishments, enforcing proper behavior, etc. used to be commonplace. Modern women may not want to admit it but this is absolutely a part of their psychology. Spankings are perhaps the single most common fetish among women, as well as being directed by a dominant man. Women may consider themselves above it in the modern day but on a primal, fundamental level they know they would be better off being disciplined by a man, kept in diapers, and being told what to do.
>>33735 >>33761 It was also common to beat them. Just do that. Save the diapers for attractive people
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>>33761 Worth pointing out that historically men disciplining their wife and daughters was tied into the husband and father also being responsible for the behavior of his wife and daughters. There's plenty of criticism of feminism (especially third and fourth wave feminism) and in reality of men still being expected to be independent, responsible, and controlled, but at the same time not allowing men to actively enact that independence, responsibility, and control on others while vilifying them if they try and still not entirely expecting the same of women. Apologies if this going beyond the fantasy, but there is a legitimate criticism here. It's been criticized and joked about repeatedly over the decades, but As Good as It Gets (apparently quoted from John Updike) summed it up well. "How do you write women so well?" "I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability."
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>>33768 Are you that guy who's always in these threads saying that women are disgusting and don't deserve to be in diapers but men do? Two things: 1. If you're gay and you don't want to see women in your scenarios that's cool bro. Nobody reasonable should care. You can just admit it. 2. Even though it's not normally my thing I kinda do like the idea of a scenario that still has all the misogyny and regulating women as second class citizens but also has the men as the ones in diapers. Not enough scenarios regulate the diaper changers and caretakers to be the subservient roles. Let's have some sexy women in high heels and a nurses outfit changing my shitty diaper and giving me a blowjob, and if I don't approve of how she's cleaning my ass she gets punished.
>>33770 You got that right, you got that going for you. The thing that makes female bejavior worse is when you understand they're not children, they're grown. That's why they deserve harsher treatment and less freedom than kids especially. For example I wouldn't even spank a kid. But adult femoids? Cat o' nine tails that hoe >>33791 1. Guilty as charged. I also see diapers as a luxurious, something only men deserve. 2. Ayyyyyy, I could compromise for that. The men in diapers getting served by women can be hot, you are exactly right that there's not enough capitalization on female caretakers as a servile role.
>>33791 >>33793 >weak beta males wanting to be diapered and dominated by women Such "men" will be turned into anime girls come day of the stroller!
>>33808 >every whim catered too by servile femoid >"dominated" L + anime isn't real + no hoes + no ass + no cash
>>33809 Just wait till you discover that the Ara Patrol is real.
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>>33793 Maybe you or I should start another thread for this gaybro. Since this thread is meant to be about how women logically belong in diapers and regulated to child status. Unfortunately my straight coomer brain is always imagining women in diapers but I could get behind some equally misogynystic role-flip scenarios. >Guilty as charged. I also see diapers as a luxurious, something only men deserve. This actually sounds wonderful. Diapers as a luxury. Something too valuable and enjoyable to be wasted on women.
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>>33808 Source of the image? The art looks good and the subject seems like a science fiction anime i have yet to see.
>>33811 Just wait till you get some bitches. >>33813 Perhaps, I dunno if there's enough material about that for a new thread. Diapers as a luxury makes sense doesn't it? They are so good and comfortable and having your diaper checked and changed must be nice.
>>33813 Go home dumpsterhuggies
>>33826 Dumpsterhuggies wouldn't post straight AI porn
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>>33826 >>33830 I'm not dumpsterhuggies and they're not my images anyway. I took them off this twitter I found and was just using them because they fit the theme of the messages. The twitter was @PaulaPampers
>>33823 Fate Grand Order, it’s a gacha game.
>>33825 >Diapers as a luxury makes sense doesn't it? Is this a thinly veiled Grace thread?
>>34020 No it's not, shut the fuck up. Your lame other board mascot is a femoid.
>>33791 >>33813 Hey guy, wanna give me your Discord, I'd like to talk more about this type of shit
Came to this thread to say we need to gas the gays and get women back in diapers!
>>33640 stop lying tranny, women dont actually exist
Sometimes I bully AI chatbots with a scenario wherein a patriarchal government has come into power and outlawed female potty-training and mandated the use of diapers.
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>>36184 Does that get good results? I've tried some similar stuff and I only get the most bland responses/reactions from the chatbots. To be fair I haven't gotten too in-depth with figuring out AI stuff but I want it to give me more elaborate detailed responses and help with worldbuilding and none of what I've seen so far shows it's capable of that. Also, is that your image? It looks good. You have a DeviantArt or Twitter/tumblr/etc.?
>>36185 Long-form stuff is definitely tricky. Pygmalion is the only thing I've looked into that gets close. I just stick to short-form with character.ai though. It's not like women write out long paragraphs so it fits what I'm going for. Also no, not me. Source: https://something-misremembered.tumblr.com/
>>36186 God his stuff is the best.
>>36186 Kind of surprised /abdl/ content still being posted on tumblr. Thought they had purged everything?
>>36256 they did but in the last year or so its had quite a large resurgence actually tbh its a pretty good source of smut again however annoyingly searching for stuff like 'diaper' and 'abdl' isn't allowed
>>36264 It is a shame they went to begin with. Tumblr contained a lot of mental illness.
its so obvious that most of you have never interacted with a woman for more than two mins. if anything men are fucking disgusting and cause most problems, lets just put them in cages and fix society.
>>36338 Sounds like the widdle girl is having a temper tantrum! It’s okay little one, I know this kind of thread makes you feel all sorts of fussy and upset. But the sooner you accept your inferior place in life, the happier you’ll be.
>>36338 If you think this thread is anything other than fap fantasies I don't know what to tell you. Absolutely don't understand how you can read some of the shit in here and manage to take it this seriously. But.... I unironically think that women should have legal rights stripped away. I legitimately believe that women should never be potty-trained. Women's education should consist solely of home-ec and how to sexually pleasure men while wearing diapers. All of these are my real, actual, opinions and this post can be held against me in a court of law if I am ever found guilty of some sort of coup or insurrection to establish a diaper-patriarchy-fascism in the United States.
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>>33791 >>33793 >>33809 >>33813 >>33825 I've been thinking about writing a story set in an ultra-patriarchal world where women are in a subservient role to me but men are the ones in diapers and attended to by women. Imagining stuff like men having maids at the office to change them or clean them up, and if they feel like it they can just freely piss in their faces while the females just smile and take and it ask for more. Don't know if I'm brave enough to go full-crazy-misogynist with it though. >>34625 My Discord is abdlextra if anyone wants to hit me up there.
The natural order is for woman to have padding between their legs and a cock in their mouths. Prove me wrong!
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>>36352 >Prove me wrong! I can't! You're too fucking correct!
>>36377 Meant to respond to >>36360
With potential water shortages in the future using the bathroom may become a luxury we cannot afford. Therefore it is important for women to start doing their part now!
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From a /gif/ thread on the other chan.
>>38215 Sounds like an anon that has posted in this discussion. On that note I kind of wonder how many women are closet abdl these days like closet spankos. Considering how childish women have become would not be surprised if it is a fast growing fetish with young women.
>>38218 It seems more common. I feel like I can think of a handful of young women I see pop up in the fetish, post some diaper content, and then disappear after just a few months.
>>38215 That post is completely wrong, diapers are a phallic symbol and external genitalia are way better than them. More men wear diapers than w*men as well. Way more people like cock in diapers than anything else and love it way more passionately. That says something.
>>38256 This is either a girl or a feminine man (basically a girl) So adorable when they deny a girl’s place.
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>>38218 also they believe they have a chance to create an army of simps and a solid income when in their normal vanilla life they are just MID or slightly above average, LittleFantasy for example, she's cute and pretty because she delves into ABDL otherwise she'd just be average
>>38465 To be fair LittleFantasy is definitely raising her profile by being ABDL, but I definitely get the impression from her that she is actually into all this stuff. A girl who's actually, enthusiastically into diapers, and has that come through, goes a long way to turning me on.
>>38524 oh 100%, she seems kinda chill, and she appears to not stick to doing collabs just one person which is smart because how things shift so quickly you never know, I personally love the scenes she does with Fae, my fave from ABdreams What I meant is that she's not particularly hot or beautiful, she's pretty but nothing out of the ordinary, is precisely her being into ABDL which automatically makes her highly desirable.
>>38526 I like babybea the most, she is so real and down to earth, a bonus point is she actually messes and likes it, it's not some diapermess/diapered online stuff where it's either fake as hell or only done for clicks
>>38432 They will be first on the changing matts come day of the stroller! >>38465 >>38524 >>38526 >>38528 First they do it for money, next they realize it is where they belong!
It’s kinda crazy how the Venn diagram of women’s sanitary product ads and baby diaper ads are increasingly overlapping
>>38432 >>38612 N-nuh-uh! >*dribbles precum into diaper*
>>38708 How so?
>>38711 Well I saw an ad for period pads recently and it was all about how they stay in place overnight and it featured a woman sleeping in various positions, just like how diaper ads say your baby can sleep in any position. At one point it even had the woman with her knees tucked under chest like how a baby sleeps
>>38713 Why are we potty training women again?
>>38713 My girlfriend wears northshore pullups at night when she's on her period. She didn't think it would work but found it to be quite effective of eliminating leaks while sleeping. It's a plus they're pink.
We see now that """they""" are smearing tampons with heavy metals allegations undoubtedly in a push to get more women to adopt the totally-not-diapers period pads alteredstates' universe will be a reality within a generation
>>38744 How long till she wears 24/7? >>38796 It was never a question of if but when!
>>38744 You know what you need to do.
>>38744 >decide to look up diapers for periods >come across this What the hell? These are literally pullups?
>>39199 Googled it and felt like these are some rejected prototype for an abdl pull up that somebody bought to try and market it in India and China as a legitimate non-fetish product.
>>39212 I would not be surprised if that is the case. There's a big market in Asia for adult diapers.
>Find random article about transmen i.e. women who want to become men >Says that they have a higher rates of incontinence >Check sauce >They're taking testosterone and its making them incontinent Kek, it really is no matter what women try their inevitable fate is to end up in diapers! https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38662108/
I can't believe there has been so little discussion of the issue of pregnancy. Almost all women wear some kind of protection immediately after giving birth for up to a few days. Further every woman experiences a decrease in bladder capacity to some degree and suffers the increased stress related to constantly needing to find bathroom when out and constantly getting up to pee at night. Many women do have accidents while pregnant and wear some kind of pullup or large pad. Clearly the answer is mandatory pregnancy diapers. If your partner is pregnant it's your civic duty to keep her in diapers for her own good, and the good of the child. The decrease in stress from just being able to pee when needed will make for a smoother safer pregnancy.
>>44640 I’m not into pregnant women is the reason. Diapered or otherwise. I like the idea of this being a tradwife meme scenario though. Like everyone knows women lose bladder control during and after pregnancy. The traditional role of a woman is to be constantly ready for pregnancy and child rearing. Thus the obvious solution is to just keep women diapered 24/7 in preparation.
Women prefer others to be in control, but there also those who like having someone to take care of. Would society and female mental health improve by assigning women who have an overwhelming subservient desire into becoming babs for women who have an overwhelming maternal instinct?
Women should aspire to become trad diapered wives.
>>46538 My ideal ABDL word is one with 90s style aesthetics for diapers and baby products, coupled with 50s style sexism.
>>46601 I had a look for images that might fit the aesthetic you are looking for. Best could find are a few pics from Kobi.
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>>46612 I love the diaper brained Stepford-Wife character that Kobi did. Sucks there's only like 4 images of her and that Kobi basically abandoned diaper art in general. There's some other padded housewife stuff out there, but my ideal aesthetic would be 90s style everything + modern technology + giant oversized baby products everywhere + the sexism of a stereotypical 1950s setting. If I could find some artists who were open and I actually liked their stuff I'd love to have some stuff done to flesh that out and visualize it.
>>46639 I love these

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