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24/7, incontinence-desires and incontinence Baby 06/08/2020 (Mon) 02:50:45 No. 313
Anons wear 24/7 for different reasons: some have actual incontinence issues (please be kind to them), some *want* to untrain themselves and become incontinent, and some want to wear alone, not use them. Some want a diagnosis from a doctor to make it 'official', some want to 'come out' as incontinent to others and live like one (such as Kali or Serah), whereas for others it's more personal. There are lots of different reasons to wear 24/7. This thread is meant to be a resource for 24/7 wearers and untrainers, where we can collate all our collected knowledge. I'm also interested in medical articles, and so on: there is some medical evidence in favour of the idea catheterisation can cause a shrinked bladder and OAB, because one never has to wait to reach the bathroom. Could 24/7 have similar effects; is there a scientific background for what we do, or is it BS? >Do you wear 24/7, if so, how long? >What got you interested in 24/7, and more generally ABDL? Do you consider yourself leaning towards AB or DL especially? >Do you want to untrain? How will you/have you done so? >Who knows you wear 24/7? >If you untrained, do you honestly regret it? How has your mood about it progressed since you started? >If you don't wear 24/7, would you like to? Why/why not?
I’m wondering what has become of those anons who said that they were wearing 24/7 during lockdown... if they weren’t careful they might have started losing a bit of control. Any of you guys here? I’d love to try to untrain, but I feel like it will never happen. I’d be nervous of people I’m close with finding out. It’s a big fantasy of mine though.
>>332 I wet the bed beforehand (since I was a kid TBH), but since the lockdown I've been 24/7 and have indeed noticed a sustained loss of control. Don't know what I'll do when I have to return to school. >I’d be nervous of people I’m close with finding out. I think, even if one's not exhibitionist about it, there's still the chance others could find out, after all 24/7 means 24/7... even in difficult situations, like for instance at the pool/beach, at a social event, when a friend sleeps over, etc. I kind of have found it easier to talk about it with others now I see it more like a medical issue, an immutable element of me, than a transient fetish (that said, I haven't been too open about it, because no-one needs to know I think unless it concerns them). I've sort of misled those who know I wear and implied it's actual incontinence (a white lie which will become more true as time passes...) You could untrain bladder alone and leave bowels? That would make it a bit easier to be discrete, and bladder control issues have less 'stigma' attached than bowel I think (because a lot of adults wet the bed in their childhood--piss isn't that bad). Although, some untrainers on Tumblr have warned bladder incontinence can lead to bowel incontinence over time, that's what Serah experienced at least. In the end, I think no-one minds too much if their friend/brother/whatever is incontinent, it's a medical issue in their minds; no-one cares that much about those outside of themselves, TBH. What do you think?
>>366 >since the lockdown I've been 24/7 and have indeed noticed a sustained loss of control. Don't know what I'll do when I have to return to school. Sounds like someone will need to be padded! My biggest issue, I guess, is not that *people* will find out, I’d be most worried about my parents finding out, because they would get worried why I am suddenly having incontinence issues after never having troubles before. With friends you can explain it away easier, because why would they ever know? Though even with parents the risk is probably lower than one would think — especially if you’re living alone. I live with my parents right now and would never try this until I lived away with them. As for selectively untraining, it’d be something to think about, since urinating only would probably be easier to manage, but on the other hand I have to admit that I kind of like messing. Maybe I’d feel different in a 24/7 scenario though. How does one even date people when you’re untraining though? Just tell them your incontinent? I feel like it would be bad for getting a girlfriend
>>368 >Sounds like someone will need to be padded! No doubt! It'll be a strange experience to wear in such crowds, I'm sure it'll be fun :P >My biggest issue, I guess, is not that *people* will find out, I’d be most worried about my parents finding out, because they would get worried why I am suddenly having incontinence issues after never having troubles before I mean, you aren't under any obligation to go into tremendous detail about the supposed reasons why. If they have a fear you have a serious illness, say cancer, you can dispel that; but, there's no need to discuss precisely all the details. I said to them in a business-like sort of way, like it was completely normal, I've started to wear 24/7 now because I've had issues, and yes, I have a doctor. The general response is one of concern so you have to massage that and discuss how you *do not* have brain cancer, spinal issues, or whatever else. It was much easier once my parents knew, chiefly because the anxiety of them finding out is lifted, and it's part of your re-evaluation of yourself: starting to accept yourself as an incontinent person, and being comfortable with others seeing you that way. All the questions and so on, that at first make you a bit anxious as you grow in to your new 'role', later come to reinforce that. Say you had a newfound medical issue, say a side effect of a medicine, and now had to wear due to actual incontinence: would you be embarrassed to tell your parents, friends, etc? Yeah. Would you be able to avoid it? Not really. You can dither and delay... however I don't think you should untrain and expect you can keep your incontinence a total secret, especially if it's bowel incontinence as well as bladder. I felt much much better after I started being open about it to others, and was delighted with how soon it just seemed "normal", as if it was completely unremarkable. I would feel wrong if I wasn't truthful about it, given I am genuinely untrained now and it's something that affects my life quite significantly in some respects. >As for selectively untraining, it’d be something to think about, since urinating only would probably be easier to manage, but on the other hand I have to admit that I kind of like messing. I felt the same way, in the end I decided to untrain both. It is harder to deal with for sure, but over time it doesn't seem like such a burden as it becomes more normal for you. I mean, parents have to change their kids many times a day and eventually become desensitised to it, and I'm much the same way, but for myself. Then again, messing is a whole new ball game; you have to be able to deal with it in public, around your friends and parents quite likely, and also invest in swim diapers for swimming in. >Maybe I’d feel different in a 24/7 scenario though. I started to like to mess *more* once I started to wear 24/7, because the ick-factor slowly kind of evaporated. On the other hand, lots of ADISC members went in the opposite direction; you really cannot know until you try it. Personally, I like messing, I don't have a scat fetish or anything, but it just seems like a natural thing for me. Not sure how else I can go about explaining it. Doing a "trial" where you act as if you're untrained, i.e. mess whenever you feel the need no matter who is around or where you are (and it has to be *no matter who/where*--otherwise it isn't an honest simulation) could be a good way to see how it really is. (I started untraining bowel when I was in isolation so I kind of went the opposite way, by the time I started leaving the house again I had lost significant amounts of control--fun, but anxiety-provoking at first I guess. A shock to the system!) >How does one even date people when you’re untraining though? Just tell them your incontinent? I feel like it would be bad for getting a girlfriend It makes that aspect of life harder, for sure. You have to kind of be honest, otherwise the relationship will end prematurely and it'll be a waste of both your and her time. I wouldn't be too pessimistic though, incontinence is probably not a plus for girls, but isn't necessarily a dealbreaker, especially if you excel in other aspects. I started weightlifting and getting fit and I think that's been a good "counterbalance", I suppose. And anon... don't you secretly want to blurt out to girls you're still in diapers? :P Also, if you find an ABDL girlfriend, you're golden obviously. Look on Fetlife.
>>370 >Doing a "trial" where you act as if you're untrained, i.e. mess whenever you feel the need no matter who is around or where you are (and it has to be *no matter who/where*--otherwise it isn't an honest simulation) could be a good way to see how it really is. I’ll have to try that next time I get some diapers. I’ve done a partial version of this before for a few days when no one was home besides me where I just used them as soon as I felt the urge and found it fairly enjoyable, but I haven’t done anything in public or around others.
>>372 Well, I mean, it sounds weird but that's what life is like if you're untrained, so you need to be able to become used to it...
>>374 No, you’re right, if anyone can’t handle that they have no business trying 24/7
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I've always wanted to try going 24/7 myself, though a number of things hold me back: >Will live with parents for foreseeable future, much like >>368 >Terrified of the costs -- diapers, wipes, barrier cream, activated charcoal, etc. >Not so much scared that people will find out, so much as the inevitable patronizing reactions from people >I've also heard activated charcoal can react with some kinds of antidepressants and neutralize their effects, and I'd really rather not an hero anytime soon >Worried about discreteness; I'm aware a bulging shape under your pants is more discreet than a big wet splotch, but it's still terrifying to me. >Worried that once I start feeling the effects socially and physically, the appeal will wear off, and I'll be stuck permanently in an unenviable situation (though I guess I could just say I got reparative surgery, or something, so that isn't quite as bad). Usually, when I wear in public, I either go with the highest-absorbency pullups possible (Tena Ultimates are my go-to atm), or thin, cheap no-name diapers. Both of these are catastrophes waiting to happen if I go 24/7. On the bright (?) side, I'm eternally unpopular with women, tfw 27-year old kissless virgin so it's not going to be any worse that way, but I'd be terrified of co-workers, close friends, and family finding out. They'd always see me as "that poor guy who needs to wear diapers! I feel so bad for him!" I'm a very proud man, maybe even a little vain, so that would absolutely devastate me... and I would never be able to reverse the damage once it happened. It doesn't help that I tend to dress very sharply, so wearing baggy-ish pants to hide my diapers would be hard to get used to. One of my biggest dreams is to be able to work at home so I don't have to deal with that as much; I can't put into words how much I would love to untrain and just wet and mess freely with zero inhibitions... but it seems unlikely to ever happen for me. Good luck and godspeed to everyone else who is trying it; I wish you many happy accidents!
>>375 Yeah, I mean honestly I am concerned for all the ABDLs who've untrained in this pandemic and now have to face the fact their incontinence will continue on after the lockdown ends. Would you be comfortable telling others you're incontinent; changing in public; talking to your doctor about it; etc? These are all things you have to think about IMO. >>376 >Will live with parents for foreseeable future, much like >>368 True, consider however that once you start to wear 24/7, live with them or not, it's completely possible (I think quite likely) one of them will find out, and tell the other, and so on and so on... if you act like an incontinent person, you don't need to be ashamed of a 'medical issue', but you have to completely commit to the act. >Not so much scared that people will find out, so much as the inevitable patronizing reactions from people What patronising comments do you expect anon? People caring for you isn't necessarily patronising, although it does feel that way a bit sometimes (at least for me). I certainly was treated like a less mature person slowly over time as people found out--sort of a reduction in status. Not that I particularly mind >Terrified of the costs -- diapers, wipes, barrier cream, activated charcoal, etc. In the US, I'm sure the cost is tremendous, however in Europe/Australia/NZ one has to explain it all to a doctor and submit to possible tests if he wants to receive them for free... Swings and roundabouts, anon... >I've also heard activated charcoal can react with some kinds of antidepressants and neutralize their effects, and I'd really rather not an hero anytime soon You should check with a professional, but as far as I know charcoal doesn't neutralise the effect of medication unless taken at the same time as that medication... as I said, I'm unsure, be careful anon. This link could be useful, in it Serah discusses chlorophyll/charcoal to control the odor of messes: https://serah-in-diapers.tumblr.com/post/184808348935/if-i-remember-correctly-you-said-that-you-take#notes. >Worried about discreteness; I'm aware a bulging shape under your pants is more discreet than a big wet splotch, but it's still terrifying to me. Well, I mean, I think unless you can reconcile with the fact you could become known as 'incontinent' you shouldn't untrain. 24/7 means discretion is unachievable, because of the nature of incontinence (you could wet/mess wherever you are!), and also, due to the fact 24/7 offers much more chances to be discovered. If you have social anxiety or anything like that, then you don't want to be in a situation where you're too nervous to leave home because you're ashamed of it. I had to kind of 'embrace' the fact I wore, and that was key for me, yet it wasn't easy. Took courage. >Worried that once I start feeling the effects socially and physically, the appeal will wear off, and I'll be stuck permanently in an unenviable situation (though I guess I could just say I got reparative surgery, or something, so that isn't quite as bad). You should be careful then, as from what I've read it's difficult to retrain once one has started to have actual incontinence. I feel comfort when I wear, I imagine even if I had no libido I would still like it because it feels nice on an emotional level, so I think it will continue to hold an appeal for me. Good of you to be prudent. >On the bright (?) side, I'm eternally unpopular with women, tfw 27-year old kissless virgin so it's not going to be any worse that way, but I'd be terrified of co-workers, close friends, and family finding out. I'm not saying you should be an exhibitionist, but if you start with 24/7 you have to allow for the possibility that others could find out, even be the one to prematurely tell them in certain circumstances. What about it specifically terrifies you? I understand your apprehension on a general level but I'm curious about what specifically underlies it. >They'd always see me as "that poor guy who needs to wear diapers! I feel so bad for him!" :P >Good luck and godspeed to everyone else who is trying it; I wish you many happy accidents! Thank you! It has been an absolute dream so far. I hope you find your way, somehow, whether to 24/7 or some temporary experience that still satiates you a bit.
>>380 >if you act like an incontinent person, you don't need to be ashamed of a 'medical issue', but you have to completely commit to the act. The thing is, I would know that it was technically a lie. Even if I truly lost control due to untraining, that would still be a deliberate effort on my part, meaning I would have trouble justifying it, especially to people I care about. > I certainly was treated like a less mature person slowly over time as people found out--sort of a reduction in status. Not that I particularly mind That would completely break me. I'm generally considered to be very mature and well-spoken, and I've had more than one friend or acquaintance comment on my eloquence and ability to defend my arguments. My entire reputation would, effectively speaking, be on the line. It makes me pretty mad that people treat others like they're immature just because they have a medical issue they can't control -- one that has no real impact on one's personality or mental state (at least not in that way). >In the US, I'm sure the cost is tremendous I'm a bit to the north of the US, but yeah, just diapers alone would easily get me $1200 or so in the hole, not to mention other supplies. Then again, our dollar is absolute dogshit compared to the burgerdollar. >however in Europe/Australia/NZ one has to explain it all to a doctor and submit to possible tests if he wants to receive them for free Again, even if I became truly incontinent through untraining, I would know I did this to myself, and therefore, I would feel enormously guilty about essentially gaming the healthcare system for my own benefit. That said, I can see how others would justify it, and that's fine. >24/7 means discretion is unachievable, because of the nature of incontinence (you could wet/mess wherever you are!) Never before has something been said to me that sounds so incredibly thrilling, yet so inescapably terrifying at the exact same time. >If you have social anxiety or anything like that, then you don't want to be in a situation where you're too nervous to leave home because you're ashamed of it. Exactly. I'm a pretty radical introvert by nature, so I'd likely be constantly jumping at my own shadow for the first little while, and trying not to involuntarily turn bright red whenever I fill my diaper. I love the sensation of wearing and using, but the social element would quite-possibly overwhelm that comfort and completely distort it for me. >What about it specifically terrifies you? I understand your apprehension on a general level but I'm curious about what specifically underlies it. You probably have a better idea by now, but basically it's just the fact that I would go from a respected source of conversation and debate, to that dude who makes everything awkward because no one can make eye contact with him without trying to figure out whether or not he's had an accident. > :P You laugh, but I'm being serious. The feeling of wearing diapers is incredibly liberating, but the feeling of other people's pity is the biggest day-ruiner there is for me. I hate pity. I hate showing weakness. >Thank you! It has been an absolute dream so far. I hope you find your way, somehow, whether to 24/7 or some temporary experience that still satiates you a bit. I'm glad you're enjoying it; make sure to savour every second. As for me, for now I'm content just wearing during nights and such; quarantine notwithstanding, I would normally occasionally wear during shopping trips, when I could get over myself for five seconds lol. It's fun, but eventually I'd like to decide once and for all whether or not I'll go any further. We'll see lol.
>>384 >The thing is, I would know that it was technically a lie. Even if I truly lost control due to untraining, that would still be a deliberate effort on my part, meaning I would have trouble justifying it, especially to people I care about. If it makes it easier, it's a lie which would soon become true, such is the nature of what it is to untrain! You don't have to technically 'lie' as such, you can lead them to that conclusion without specifically saying it, at the same time I understand what you mean. I am not sure it is a very severe lie, if it is one. >That would completely break me. I'm generally considered to be very mature and well-spoken, and I've had more than one friend or acquaintance comment on my eloquence and ability to defend my arguments. My entire reputation would, effectively speaking, be on the line. It makes me pretty mad that people treat others like they're immature just because they have a medical issue they can't control -- one that has no real impact on one's personality or mental state (at least not in that way). I never felt the treatment was cruel or mean-spirited, more like simply treated as less mature because there's that subconscious association between incontinence and childishness I think. Especially since the treatment, at times condescension, comes from a place of care, not one of spite, I didn't mind too much. >I'm a bit to the north of the US, but yeah, just diapers alone would easily get me $1200 or so in the hole, not to mention other supplies. That is unbelievable! I'm in Australia and I would not be able, even if I tried, to spend that amount. Since $1200 is unaffordable, looks like you should consider cloth, or at least using cloth when you're at home. >Exactly. I'm a pretty radical introvert by nature, so I'd likely be constantly jumping at my own shadow for the first little while, and trying not to involuntarily turn bright red whenever I fill my diaper. I love the sensation of wearing and using, but the social element would quite-possibly overwhelm that comfort and completely distort it for me. I am highly introverted like you and rather self-conscious; although I was never diagnosed with anxiety as such, I think I fit the definition. However, I never found 24/7 to be much of an issue in terms of social wife after a little while; in fact, I felt liberated. I find it a bit hard to explain... I suppose it forces one to have a 'radical openness' that ends all sense of bashfulness, self-consciousness; and the fact those around me were all kind about it, if a bit infantilising, made it much easier. >You probably have a better idea by now, but basically it's just the fact that I would go from a respected source of conversation and debate, to that dude who makes everything awkward because no one can make eye contact with him without trying to figure out whether or not he's had an accident. If you really can't get over that, then untraining isn't for you, you just won't enjoy it. Are you sure you can't get over it? Honestly, incontinence isn't something to be ashamed of. >You laugh, but I'm being serious. The feeling of wearing diapers is incredibly liberating, but the feeling of other people's pity is the biggest day-ruiner there is for me. I hate pity. I hate showing weakness. That's completely fair, I understand where you come from. All I can offer is that 24/7 made me escape from that and did make me happier, but it is a rather unorthodox solution, and certainly I am sure each person would respond differently to the lifestyle changes untraining engenders. Being able to show weakness and reveal to others the most private thing about yourself is in some ways building up strength. At least for me. I laugh only because I do wonder whether you'd like other people talking about your diapers... nothing wrong with admitting you kind of want to be seen that way. That doesn't mean you necessarily have to pursue it, or that you should, but it's something I felt to some degree. >I'm glad you're enjoying it; make sure to savour every second. I still haven't tired of it! Even though it's become 'normal', I still feel happy that I can wear 24/7, so fortunate. It's so nice to wet/mess whenever, often unknowingly, as awkward as it sounds. I'm sure others won't understand, but it makes me happy... >As for me, for now I'm content just wearing during nights and such; quarantine notwithstanding, I would normally occasionally wear during shopping trips, when I could get over myself for five seconds lol. It's fun, but eventually I'd like to decide once and for all whether or not I'll go any further. We'll see lol. Yeah, I suppose what you can do is wear in public but not around those you know to have at least a small sense of what it's like. That won't be the 'full experience' but that's a taste of how it is to, for instance, wet/mess in public, use the bathrooms to change, etc. How did you feel when you were wearing on shopping trips?
>>384 The bottom line is, incontinence is really quite a change, but not that bad. I found the lifestyle changes positive in some ways. Don't worry too much. It's well worth it for being able to achieve your ABDL desires, for me at least
>>388 >I found the lifestyle changes positive in some ways Different anon here, but what were the positive aspects that you found in it?
>>386 Not who you're responding to, but you're still lying since you induced this handicap onto yourself. I can do a pretty good lie not too complex though, but I don't know about you, but if I slip up and think about it during the act, at this caliber without delusion, it can really fuck me up keeping the rest of the act in focus. Of course, you can delude yourself that you are incontinent and believe regardless how you got there, it seems perfectly fine since it's now in perpetuity. But that's a slippery slope of delusion and will fuck up your self-awareness if you don't constantly keep it in check. I never tried untraining and I don't want to due to the practicality, but I would think that this relies of consistent self-honesty or else it's going to break down or break you down at some point, plus there's the thought of close to permanent incontinence that would affect the breakdown if that were to occur. Yeah, you could lead them on and avoid the lie, but how sustainable is that?
>>386 >I am not sure it is a very severe lie, if it is one. Lying by omission is still lying. And I feel like you're perhaps deliberately overlooking the thing you'd actively need to lie about. Sure, saying you're incontinent would eventually cease to be a lie... but what about any time anyone asks how or why you became incontinent? I doubt you tell them "I really like diapers so I decided to wear them all the time and intentionally lose control of my bladder and bowels." I can almost guarantee you lie and say something like "I don't really know what the cause is, I just lost control gradually." I'm not judging, more power to you. Do what makes you happy. Besides, I'm in no position to judge since I'd absolutely do the same with no hesitation if I lived alone. And I wouldn't call it a severe lie since it doesn't really negatively affect anyone else. Please do recognize though that some amount of lying is necessary here.
>>399 >And I wouldn't call it a severe lie since it doesn't really negatively affect anyone else. babystar
>>400 I'm only aware of her mediocre comic. How did she harm people by lying about self-inflicted incontinence?
>>392 >Different anon here, but what were the positive aspects that you found in it? I feel less stressed, less anxious, more sociable. I've wanted to wear 24/7 since I was 13 or 14, so it's such a relief to be able to at last. In a practical sense, I had a small bladder since before I started--I had to pee around 1-2 times an hour, and this preceded ABDL desires (so I think it is real and medical, not mental...), so it's much easier to not have to rush to the toilet sometimes, or be uncomfortable while I waited, which was common. Still, the main reason overall is I love to wear, and against that all the downsides and impracticalities don't bother me too much. >>398 I don't think I am delusional, it could be that I didn't explain what I meant before as well as I could have. In fact, when I need to be I'm open with others about incontinence, both for ethical reasons and for personal reasons--it makes me more honest, and on a sub-conscious level, makes me come to terms with the fact I have no control. I know what you mean, however. >>399 >Sure, saying you're incontinent would eventually cease to be a lie... but what about any time anyone asks how or why you became incontinent? I doubt you tell them "I really like diapers so I decided to wear them all the time and intentionally lose control of my bladder and bowels. "I can almost guarantee you lie and say something like "I don't really know what the cause is, I just lost control gradually." I admit that it's a lie in the technical sense, but isn't it a white lie? It's not as if I want to take advantage of others--not like that aspie ABDL who pretended to be disabled and hired an actual carer to 'care for him', for his own sexual pleasure; he deceived others, took advantage--whereas what I do doesn't tend to affect others, it's personal to me, and if I ever discuss it with others it's more for social reasons than because I want to somehow use them or abuse them. I don't think I'm amoral either, I think most of us understand it's OK to offer a small lie in certain circumstances, however I understand others could feel different about it, and I don't disparage them. (I also feel like saying "I don't know what the cause is, it happened gradually" is different to, like, "I was in a car accident", or such like--is that fair?) >>400 >>401 Who is she? Never heard of her, is she a CWC-like figure?
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Rollcall, who here /24:7/?
>>401 She lied about the true nature of her condition to the NHS and wasted tax payer money on her fetish. >>402 She creates shitty diaper fetish web comics that do nothing for 100 pages or more. Not CWC like, but makes retarded decisions.
>>404 >She lied about the true nature of her condition to the NHS and wasted tax payer money on her fetish. Ah right, I remember that from that Metokur video (?) now that you mention it. That's sort of the exact discussion we're already having. She didn't lie about being incontinent and having a medical need for diapers as far as I can tell, she just didn't mention that the condition was self inflicted. I'm not sure whether that means she's done something wrong legally. Like I imagine if you intentionally blinded yourself the state doesn't just go "Yeah no, buy your own seeing eye dog, asshole". Does anyone know how that works, exactly? There's certainly an argument to be made for it being immoral, but using tax payer money for a typical amount of incontinence products to deal with a genuine albeit self inflicted medical need is pretty low on the scale I think.
>>405 Well, I think any person who blinded himself intentionally would have to be mad, then again the-powers-that-be I'm sure would call us mad. Then again, they've been amputating the arms of people with BIID for some time now, so maybe in the future I'll be allowed to get surgery to become incontinent from the government. In any case, I prefer diaper training as it's fun to lose control; I never will forget my first few accidents, that's when it really sunk in that this is how I am now :)
>>404 >She lied about the true nature of her condition to the NHS and wasted tax payer money on her fetish. The only problem is that she didn't hide it better tbh.
>>404 >>409 Any pages where I can read about her and the NHS? Sounds bizarre. How did the NHS find out she was lying; did she simply tell them?
If I decide to untrain starting relatively quickly, where's the best place to do a blog about it? I like this place but it's a bit small! The exhibitionist side of me is thinking reddit or tumblr.
>>420 Probably Tumblr. Make sure to let us know though
>>405 Tax payers didn't pay for her fetish and then all of a sudden they did. Regardless if they do or don't fund this, I don't give a shit what kind of relativistic fuck hole you want to use, she's wasting tax payer money on incontinence that didn't need to exist. >>419 I don't remember how they found out, but I think somebody reported her to them or something. You just need to lurk more to find out more about the degeneracy. That Metokur video had a good amount of information about it, but there's a lot of meta he's missing.
>>432 >she's wasting tax payer money on incontinence Tax-payers already give money to useless Jewish wars and anti-white propaganda, they deserve getting duped
>>433 >tax payers are getting fucked against their will already, so they deserve to get fucked more ?????
>>434 If you take the stance that free will exists, then it definitely isn't happening against their will. They consistently vote for it every 4-5 years. They have had plenty of opportunities to learn from their mistakes, but they never do. On the other hand, if you reject the concept of free will (which you should), then the whole concept of culpability breaks down. She can't be blamed for her actions any more than a rock can be blamed for participating in a landslide. Also, let's all take a moment to appreciate the scale differences involved here. One of those types of "getting fucked" is roughly 100,000,000 times larger than the other. Consider weighting your outrage accordingly.
>>435 "Man can do as he wills, but cannot will what he wills", as Schopenhauer said. In the end, I think the free will concern is an academic one; in the real world, we all move around and interact with one another as though we do have free will; that's how we treat each other. The reason I asked about that English girl and the NHS is that I think it's cool she was able to untrain herself to the point where she convinced actual doctors she was incontinent. I was able to do the same, however I had a documented 'poor record' of incontinence from childhood (not actual incontinence, but I had to piss at least once an hour, no matter what I drank; I had to have a lot of MRI scans [for what turned out to be a false alarm]--even when I was 12, I had the "bladder of an infant" I overheard). There's a species of humans who have poor control since childhood and no-one is sure of the reason, although it looks like there it could be connected to DNA and parents--thus, when the doctor went though medical records of mine and saw those little notes from when I was 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, etc, I think he presumed the 'incontinence' I had was related to that, and didn't even bother to order tests (and since I was only 18, he felt for some reason the risk of UTI from the test, that would make the incontinence *worse*, was too much). Still, most ABDLs can't make such a narrative, but it's still advantageous to mention it's been an issue since childhood, I think, given it soothes any idea it's a symptom of any sudden serious issue, and rather makes them think it's just the way you are--as my doctor said, "non-treatment is a perfectly fine option", the implication being that your life seems okay being incontinent, and treatment isn't looking very hopeful--here's a prescription for diapers!
>>405 >Ah right, I remember that from that Metokur video (?) now that you mention it. I really hate this. Some tool wants to monster a weirdo, and they can't just out and say "it's because they're a weirdo" because then all the other weirdos would band together, which would both cost the guy viewers and render his journalism impotent, so they find some tedious little detail to use as a lightning rod. Everyone pretending to care a whole lot about proper filing of subform 40618b like a bunch of bitter old soulcrippled Karens filing endless spurious HOA complaints against their neighbor's shrubs.
Hi, I've been 24/7 since the pandemic started but haven't had to ever wear in public much, as we've had the lockdown and so on. I want to continue with 24/7 post-COVID, and continue to untrain. Can someone advise me of how to find clothes sized to fit with a diaper? I'm thinking in terms of buying jeans and so on--I like wearing skinny jeans, but obviously I need more space in the seat if I want to wear it with a diaper and actually be able to use it comfortably (because I don't want mess to shoot straight up the back and cause a leak, or something like that). Should I consider sizing up (going from a 30 to a 32 inch waist) or move to a different (baggeir) fit? I am even considering women's fits, since women have bigger asses and the jeans are shaped to their curve? (I feel wearing jeans sized to fit a woman's ass, which is bigger than a man's, is pretty harmless if you do actually have a bigger butt; i don't think it makes you a tranny.) I understand obviously a diaper gives you a different figure and a bigger butt, which I accept, but I want to find a way of going about it that lets me look at least semi-normal lol And if anybody else has any general tips, about wearing in public, clothing, untraining, or whatever is related, feel free to let me know. Thanks
>>419 Watch the whole video, you won't be disappointed. https://youtu.be/KNz2ckWNjJM
>>366 I'd almost rather be incontinent and let it be a part of life instead of a fetish. But I have a friend who used to be a typical ABDL but lost control when she got paralyzed in a car crash. Now she only caths into a diaper when she's in the mood, and can't mess due to infection risk. She says be careful what you wish for. I also dated a girl who wore diapers 24/7 for wetting and messing from birth until she got surgeries at age 19 to fix it. We met when she was 23 and out of diapers. She was still ABDL but had some really bad experiences because of it, and it was an "only in the mood" thing. Though she said it wouldn't have been so bad except that she was prone to diarrhea from irritable bowel syndrome, so she'd have too many straight up blowouts. Pretty much everyone knew about it in school due to some particular incidents and she almost switched to homeschool but had enough supportive friends. She still had the reflex to pull down her shirt every time she got up to make sure the waistband of her diaper didn't show. She has minor leakage now but can use a poise pad, when she used to need Abena M4s with boosters. The surgery damaged her vagina somewhat and we had to use lots of lube during sex.
You're 100% incontinent, to the point that insurance covers quality diapers and you can show someone a doctor's note if you want. But: You're also impotent to the point that you need an injection to get an erection. Would you accept?
>>505 >You're also impotent to the point that you need an injection to get an erection. Dealbreaker tbh. Diapers and adult baby stuff is mostly sexual for me. I like the idea of 24/7 as a lifestyle apart from that but I don't know if it'd be worth it then
>>505 I'm also into chastity/tease and denial play, so yeah, I accept.
Today I accepted a job offer and did something crazy. The boss at my new job asked if I need any accomodations. I told her that I have issues with incontinence and wear absorbent undergarments to manage it. She was really chill about it and showed me the single occupancy toilet and said I could get extra long bathroom breaks. Looks like it's 24/7 for me.
>>515 Exciting step, anon. Did it feel awkward at all to say admit that?
>>517 Not really. I'm pretty comfortable talking with people about diapers in a medical way. It all started 5 years ago when I went to a drug store looking for diapers. I planned on being quick and quiet if they had good ones. They didn't, but the pharmacist asked me what I was looking for. I was upfront and she was like "well let's see what I can order for you". And at first she was bringing up pullups and I just let slip "I don't wear pullups, I wear diapers". She ended up ordering a case of Abenas for me, and I still go to them for my diapers because they ship faster. Today's conversation felt a lot like that.
>>508 Impotence and incontinence. Also for good measure give me a micropenis with hypogonadism instead of slightly below average.
>>505 No. ABDL isn't sexual for me--it makes me happy, but my sex drive is still directed towards typical sexual intercourse, not ABDL things--so I would find it horrible to be unable to have sex properly. >>510 Is it really a 'tease' if you become unable to have an erection? I suppose if you're into humiliation it could be fun, but it seems kind of sad to me. >>524 Why on Earth would you want hypogonadism? >>515 Good work! Did you plan ahead to tell her this, or did you simply decide then and there, and decided to take the chance? I remember I wanted to be 24/7 for a little while but was too overcome with nerves, until, quite like you, the opportunity simply presented itself and I went for it, which took me aback (like you, the person whom I revealed it to--my new boss--was completely chill and nice about it, and went on about accommodations and all the rest). That was the first time I had ever said it to someone I knew--there had been other occasions where I'd had to talk to checkout assistants, pharmacists etc (I can recall when I was 15, the self-serve checkout at the market, where I liked to purchase Goodnites, was closed so I had to interact with the person at the normal checkout--who probably couldn't care less, but I felt deeply awkward but also liberated at this semi-public admission of the fact I 'wet the bed' at 15, or whatever). It's become a lot easier for me to discuss such things as incontinence and so on since then, but that was a milestone for me.
>>525 >Did you plan ahead to tell her this, or did you simply decide then and there, and decided to take the chance? Decided then and there. I wore a diaper to the interview. I nailed said interview too.
>>405 Screw that, I pay for my diapers. I'm not trying to catch a fraud charge. I have a friend who is abdl but also incontinent due to nerve damage. The diapers insurance offers are absolute bottom tier hospital diapers. Basically tissue paper. He uses them for stuffers in his Bambinos. This is in the USA tho. Nhs might provide better stuff.
>>407 >They've been amputating the arms of people with BIID for some time now I thought you had to go to a third world country to do that.
Anyone have an explanation ready for how they became incontinent? Birth defect? Injury? None of your business? And then if someone has some knowledge of medicine, it could change to "why can't you cath?" Or "why haven't you had surgery?"
>>548 I was thinking to blame it on a bike accident. I kinda look like a biker, so it's believable. Caths could be super uncomfortable, and ineffective in case of bowel problems. There's no medicine, that can fix all kind of incontinence, and even surgeries have a dodgy success rate.
>>549 Yeah, I'm thinking a severe straddle injury. Can't cath because of bowel problems and uti risk. If someone's nosey enough to ask why I can't do bowel program I guess say I tried and didn't work.
>>548 'Neurological issues' or 'nerve issues', although I see no reason to offer tremendous detail. Best in most cases to be casual and not pretend to have too serious a health issue--for a person who experiences (or who at least pretended to experience, after all, we're on an ABDL board...) bladder incontinence, the answer 'small bladder' (which is comprehensible to most) is much better than, like, 'incurable birth defect', 'cancer', whatever the fuck. Lots of older individuals, and women, experience such issues and won't be too weirded out with a causal 'excuse' like 'small bladder', while 'defect' could create concern. >And then if someone has some knowledge of medicine, it could change to "why can't you cath?" Or "why haven't you had surgery?" I cannot imagine the circumstances where I'd have someone question me like that; in all cases, don't answer!--one shouldn't have to be berated like that.
>>536 >I thought you had to go to a third world country to do that. Not at all, it's now done in the developed world, where the patient has the 'legitimate' form of BIID. The first case in the UK along these lines was in the mid-1990s, and that was performed under the NHS with public funds. The patient was a woman whose mental issues completely cleared once she lost, I think the bottom of her left arm, which although it disabled her paradoxically able to live a normal life, albeit with only one arm, because she was no longer in emotional turmoil. It's basically legal to do whatever you want in medicine as long as you can justify it as therapeutic, and the doctor in the UK case I mentioned did end up at the Ethics Committee, where he successfully defended himself but brought a lot of bad press to the hospital thanks to the local MP, who was Conservative and conservative-minded. In most cases, BIID is the result of a personality disorder (a particularly severe form of attention-seeking behaviour) or a sexual fetish--in which case amputation wouldn't be offered since, sadly, and quite predictably, having one body part removed simply isn't enough for these people. But for those with 'legitimate' BIID, the removal of the 'offending' limb really does fix their sense of body dysphoria. There's tentative evidence supporting a neurological explanation for BIID, in short, that it's like a reverse phantom limb syndrome where the brain really doesn't think that limb that is there ought to be there. I am interested to see where medicine will go in the future with this, to me the ethical argument is quite clearly that the procedure is a good thing since it stops the patient's mental suffering and there are no other means. In the same way, just to circle back to ABDL, it's conceivably more ethical to allow people implants/Botox to reversibly remove their continence than let them untrain themselves. The success rate for untraining is really bad, not only for ABDLers, but for anyone who doesn't use those muscles for a long time--people who are in catheters long-term absolutely prove this. Retraining is very difficult.
>>555 A lot of doctors seem hesitant because it violates "do no harm". I know there's that one person who wants her spinal cord severed to be paralyzed. If I had the option of be ok with getting the nerves to my sphincters cut.
Here's a chapter from my life on the 24/7 experience as told by a now 33 year old woman. I spent a year and a half diapered truly wanting the 24/7 untraining lifestyle. This was about the age of 27, living on my own working full time, and a good career in IT. I was both trying to untrain bladder & bowel, and from start to finish never cheated (taking off diapers). I stopped because of a major life change, decided to move to another country (dual citizen) and start a new chapter in my life. Really wanted to continue wearing, but I decided ultimately I'd get grounded first and start over then go back to diapers. Mentally, I feared I might not be able to quit diaper and truly thought I had gone too far. Wetting had been automatic at this point, day & night, and messing was not automatic but pretty easy to start anytime I felt the need. My genuine experience quitting was running to the bathroom very frequently every hour for about two weeks, at night time I would wake up every hour or two to use the bathroom. Daytime control was fine, I could still "hold it" to my surprise, and experienced only occasional "dribbling" when I coughed, sneezed, or finished using the potty only to realize I was still leaking a little. Zero messy accidents, and no close calls on that end. Eventually, after about the third month, my day time control and ability to hold it was about every 2-3 hours I need to pee and desperately. I can remember vividly my friends commenting that I had to go to the bathroom every movie, even when not drinking anything, and it was true I very much needed to go quite a lot. Fast forward to now, some 6 years later I look back on that part of my life and smile, it was a fun experience and I do still desire to be 24/7, but I know it's nothing to toy around with either. My decision to go back one day if I do must be a permanent thing, because I know the damage it truly did to my body. I still to this day need to go very frequently to the bathroom, I still on occasion dribble when I cough or sneeze, or laugh, and at night time I wake up every 2-3 hours a night to use the bathroom. Be weary of what you put effort into, read and believe etc. I followed the 24/7 Diaper training guide and countless others written on DD and other sites. I feel a lot of it is so unique to one persons experience or slightly fabricated. I never experienced total loss of control in that time, just more an automatic response for bladder. And I found my body was still quite capable or retraining and getting back to norm in a sense. Bowel matters never really changed, just easier to go in public or whenever I felt the need. Maybe I didn't wait long enough? who knows if I had tried another year later or something. But I can 100% assure you, that the longer you go the weaker those muscles are getting and it is very permanent from my experience. Do I regret it at all? No. Do I plan to go back to diapers? Maybe one day? I kind of enjoy being able to wear tight jeans, cute shorts, cute undies and dating is one heck of a lot easier when you don't have to explain why this potential girlfriend is in nappies. Work is a lot easier when I'm not having to constantly change because my diaper is full. And changing in public was never fun, oh the noises.. Not to mention the saved $$$. But I do very much miss it, and if given the perfect situation & spouse who loved the fact that their girlfriend was incontinent I'd go for it. Who knows, life is short. May one day return :)
any known ways to induce temporary/permament incontinence or bedwetting? drugs or anything idc
>>560 Fascinating. Thanks for sharing. If I ever do get to that point, I'm not averse to using a cath and bowel scheduling for short periods where diapers are inconvenient. How much were you spending per month on incontinence supplies?
>>576 Catheter draining into diaper. Be careful, it can give you a UTI though.
>>576 If you're transgender and get GRS, you might be incontinent and can not do any of the re-training exercises.
>>578 I used Tena slip actives, and abena m4s at night. Later I moved to cloth diapers at night to save more money. it was around 150-250$ a month for diapers & cleaning supplies. When I first started it was about 3-4 diapers a day, later in the stages when messing was a lot more frequent it was 4-5 a day + a cloth diaper at night. Certainly not "cheap" ? but for my wage it was not a great big of an expense. Happy to answer any questions :)
>>576 Just keep using the diapers, no magic tricks or magic water pills. It's a very slow descent something like these stages for my own experience. I'll write a short description as I was actively "untraining bowel and bladder" Stage 1 - Hard to pee, have to really concentrate in any position, for me standing to pee was really hard, all the years of sitting to pee made it really hard. Guys might be the opposite? Drank two very large glasses of water at night and woke up, really had to focus to pee and get over worrying about peeing the bed. Stage 2 - Getting easier to when I feel the need let go, but if i'm nervous or shy very very hard. Bed time continued the two large glasses, woke up every night to pee the bed but a lot easier to just go. Stage 3 - When not nervous or shy, it's pretty automatic response. You feel the need, you can let go immediately. you're still in control of it. Bed time control was about the same. Stage 4 - Oh crap my diaper is wet, I don't remember when I last peed, this is happening a lot. Love it. But sometimes I still feel the need to pee and let go. Shy/Nervouse stuff doesnt really happen anymore I'm so used to this. Bed time - Oh I woke up wet, I didn't wake up at night! But it's only a few times a week, often I was still waking up but super easy to pee and fall back asleep. Stage 5 - Around the 13th month mark It was automatic, I didnt think about it at all, never. Bed time was the same, I just kept sleeping and waking up wet, and was only drinking 1 glass a night or none at all. So bowel movement stage pretty much mimic from my experience a bit but I never really experienced a true incontinence in that area, just very SUDDEN urges and giving into them super easily. Kinda like this. Stage 1 - incredibly hard to poop, omg so hard. In public, impossible but I did try, just couldnt do it and the BM would happen when I got home? Stage 2 - easier to poop at home, just feel the need and let it go? Outside/Public still really nervous but if I really 'force it" it came out. Stage 3 - Pooping at home is stupid easy, I don't really think about it just let it happen as soon as I feel the need. Outside it's pretty easy now, but sometimes it's not. Stage 4 - Sudden urges.. lots of them. Like I stopped 'feeling full" and needing to poop like we're trained to do. Instead it was as soon as the urge hit I let go, and they would come very sudden. I was pooping very very frequently, maybe 2 sometimes 3 times a day. --- The oddity of it all was that (read my prior long post) when I committed to retraining to make my move back to America and start over again I really feared it would be too hard to retrain. Mentally I thought I was incontinent, I experienced so much automatic behavior. But when I stopped wearing well my body still remembered how to hold it, it was just difficult. Like re potty training to give endurance and to where I am now some 6 years later I'd say I have about 60% of control compared to what I had before I ever started diaper training years and years ago. I do wonder if I had given it another year if it would be impossible to retrain or too late. But for my experience I wasn't totally incontinent at all. But I can 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt say that if you just wear and use them and stop holding it, those muscles will weaken and my guess is eventually they will stop working? who knows. I never made it far enough to find out. One day I'll find out maybe :) For now I just enjoy wearing them on occasion again.
>>580 That wouldn’t even be worth it, honestly. GRS is a disaster of a procedure. Trannies should just keep their cocks, they’re more desirable that way anyway
>>582 I bet you'd have to do serious retraining. Commit to kegels and scheduling voids. Gradually going from diapers to pullups to pads. I've heard from untraining guides that as you untrain your bowels, you start having multiple smaller messes as opposed to one or two big ones every day. Babies also poop more frequently so that makes sense. Often the mess comes about an hour after each meal. Did you take internal deodorants to decrease your smell? Any times where people probably smelled a stinky diaper? Ever leak in public? I think that's a really good sign that untraining is working. I think people who aren't fully committed will subconsciously hold it if they end up peeing while their diaper might leak. think I'd do well going 24/7 because I've handled some public leaks during trial runs.
>>582 I think a good way to get over worries about leaks is to use a bedpad as much as possible, especially when just starting out. Also plastic panties to catch small leaks. Perhaps go to a public but less-travelled place like a park and intentionally allow yourself to leak.
>>584 Retraining was very hard, a lot of constant running to the toilet (my prior post >>560 talks a little about it). Constant getting up to use the toilet at night (still to this day), only one or two bedwetting accidents. Wore panties, had a lot of ruined panties with dribbling early days. But nothing major surprisingly. To this day If I laugh, sneeze hard, or cough hard I'll dribble a little still.. Pooping was urge and just run to the bathroom, but no messy accidents. Some stains in my panties even after heavy wiping for the first four months or so. I've always eaten pretty cleanly, but I did start taking Nullo to help with the smell, found it worked but not all the way? A major thing with wearing diapers so much is you get used to your own smells, something I found early on when my friend asked if I had babysitted because I smelled like pee. To that day I started heavy cleaning every single day, lots of hot baths and epsom salt. No issues with smell after that. And Plastic pants really do help cover the remaining scents. Leaked only a few times to count, its something that you have to get used to. And after about 6ish months I feel I was going so frequently there was never any major leaks. >>585 My bed had two mattress protectors on it at all times, and I always wore a very thick diaper at night with plastic pants. Only had a few random leaks in the early days, after I started officially bedwetting it never happened ever.
>>586 Eating clean definitely seems like a good idea for the smell. During my trial runs in college I was vegetarian and almost vegan, and that combined with plastic pants cut back on smell. Vegetarianism was also good because I was regularly pooping 3x a day, which means 3x to practice and it was easy to push out, but firm so cleanup wasn't too bad. I know the nullo tablets are just chlorophyll, so a plant based diet with no fast food would probably help. I once had an experiment with an ABDL friend to see how bad my smell was to someone unaccustomed to my scent in a small room. He said it was "bad, but far from room clearing; like a mild fart" and smelled less when I wasn't changing positions, probably because the gasses were staying in my diaper and plastic panties. I once had to ride an elevator at school with a load to get to a bathroom (I would've taken the stairs but there was danger of leaking) and like 7 people got on and nobody freaked out. When I'm diapered at night I have a reusable bedpad and a plastic matress protector.
>>586 Did you shave your pubic hair when your friend made that comment? Pubes hold a lot of pee smell if you don't get rid of them. It's also good to shave your whole diaper area because it's easier to clean poop off smooth skin compared to hairy skin, and that cuts back on wipes and makes changes faster. I wax my diaper area with a home wax kit with good results. Nair for bikini area also works well.
>>588 I'm not hairy at all, but I did end up having a Brazilian laser downstairs (worth)That wasn't an issue ever. More just skin kept some of the smell. After salt baths more often the issue went away.
>>590 What cloth diaper did you wear?
>>594 babykins cloth diapers, really well made and adorably cute. Still have them to this day, they have held up all these years.
>>596 I'll have to check them out. I've heard that they are essential for side sleepers.
>>597 Plastic pants + thick diapers are +++ when training bedwetting. I don't have an ahem "stick" so I'm not sure if it's different for guys. And I normally sleep on my back. But early days I drank two very large glasses of water before bed, or 1 water 1 tea. I definitely needed a thick nappy or else my bed would be soaked im sure. After bedwetting started and I toned down water I could get away with my day diapers something I would do when not at home.
>>598 I have one and I sleep on my side so that can lead to leaks out the side, even with a thick disposable.
>>598 What were your daily-wear diapers? I know different people have different preferences.
>>441 I'd recommend sizing up, using a more relaxed cut, and most importantly, trying stuff on in the fitting room to get it right. And definitely don't be afraid of women's sizes.
>>602 Tena Active Slips & Abena M3s/M4s
>>606 Yeah if I do 24/7 Abena L4 will probably be my go-to diaper. I just wish they had an elastic waistband.
>>606 What brand plastic panties did you wear?
Anyone have an embarrassing fart while 24/7? You can't hold those in either.
>>608 I bought a bunch from babykins, most work the same, that and a tight fitting onesie helps keep the thickest diaper to a minimum outside. And gives you a nice butt 👌 >>610 Yes, after you get so used to going, toots come out whenever they please. Nothing I can remember from memory, but even when giving up wearing 24/7 I still have uncontrollable toots at times. Just not often. 🤷‍♀️
>>611 Didn't think of that about the onesie. I'm not really a onesie person, most of my pants fit pretty well over a diaper and my nice looking butt looks even nicer. I've never tried one though. If I go 24/7 I'll probably get a couple. They probably help keep the diaper from sagging; I just wear boxer briefs for the same purpose. Did you ever use a swim diaper? A public pool is one place I'd be hesitant to mess in, even with a swim diaper because they don't work 100%. But I have my own pool.
>>612 Never tried finding one that worked, During my 1.5 year stint of 24/7 I did go to the beach with friends, and didn't wear. Would just use the ocean :x
>>613 That's one way to deal with it lol. Ever get intimate with someone during that time in your life?
>>614 Found a local munch when I 24/7, had a boyfriend for a few months from the group but we went our own ways. We were both at different stages in our lives and he suffered from depression heavily. Didn't end the greatest. Outside of that time, not really no. I found it hard to date outside of the local "abdl munch" scene. Most guy's don't want their future wife to be in diapers? Let alone sexual stuff, what if I leaked/messed? And It would feel dishonest to miss lead them about something I love a lot in my life. Like I said in my prior posts it's part of why i'm no longer 24/7, I figure if I end up meeting the right guy then I might go back. otherwise it was a fun chapter in my life with some consequences to boot (weaker bladder) who knows, maybe I'll need them again as I grow older because of it. But fetish/fantasy and reality often don't intertwine like we'd love them too.
>>616 It might happen! I know a couple who was 24/7 for a year but had to stop solely due to financial reasons. I've read that if you're bowel incontinent and sexaully active, you're probably going to have an accident during sex at some point and you just have to clean up and deal with it.
>>616 >Most guy's don't want their future wife to be in diapers? tfw no diapered wife
>>619 Like I said outside the abdl scene. But you know it's kinda hard finding an abdl guy in the wild locally. And munches can be crazy. No, my thirties are a bit more tame these days haha
>>620 >Kinda hard finding an ABDL guy locally It seems like there are a lot around me. But many have something off about them (besides diapers ofc) like that depressed guy.
>>621 Anything is possible, who knows maybe it will happen one day :) for now I'm content enjoy a weekend diapered on occasion. Still frequent discussion threads, forums, stories etc ;) it's part of who I am and I enjoy it. That and I love giving a truthful experience which in the 24/7 discussion and less fantasy "icing" to other experiences. I didn't end up helplessly incontinent. But I only did it for 1.5 years, I did experience a loss of capacity, but who knows, maybe if my life had lead me that path for another year or two it would be truly incontinent. But I find it amazing that some people can claim to strap on diapers for months to a year and now helplessly incontinent. I just never experienced something I once believed was truthful myself. Lots of fan service fantasy in our kink circles :p
>>622 I suspect that it can happen in about 3 years. 1 if you already have issues with urgency/minor leakage/bedwetting.
>>623 Very probable :)
>>624 Did anyone outside of ABDL learn about your diapers to your knowledge?
>>625 Parents & a few close friends when I was wearing. Maybe a co-worker or two had suspicions? But they were too polite to ask and I'm sure assumed it was medical related. Told them it was bladder issues felt bad about doing so but it's a half lie no? :/ Friend took it well, and cared for me. My Parents were very concerned and wanted me to see a specialist. When I quit 24/7 I told my parents the truth, and they took it well. Just thought their daughter was a bit goofy but it never was brought up again. Still love em to death :)
>>626 I wish my parents were chill with it. Do you have FetLife, Daily diapers, or discord?
>>627 Discord, though i'm not posting it publicly :) i'll add one if it's shared
>>631 added
Is there any person here who had pre-existing incontinence who wants to worsen it, or achieve the "other type" of incontinence (#2)? I have moderate bladder incontinence for unknown reasons (but I'm sure it's real and not in the mind, as I've had it since before I was an ABDL; since when I was a kid). It means I don't have much notice when I need to pee, and I have to rush to the bathroom a lot (since I wear 24/7 now there's no need, but otherwise I would have to run); I pee around once or twice an hour, which I believed was normal until I turned around 15 and I saw the doctor on another issue, and mentioned it in passing... Will this bladder issue make it easier to untrain? I also don't want my doctor to be particularly worried I have brain cancer or suchlike, so I don't think I'll disclose I'm bowel incontinent (if I decide to pursue that).
>>651 >Will this bladder issue make it easier to untrain? I think so, since it seems to be weaker than the average person’s from the start, so I’d think it’d take less work
>>403 Started wearing late Feb2020 as a little celebration for other things in my life. Then Covid. Still in a diaper. From a fetish/lifestyle perspective, this has been GLORIOUS!
>tfw could have been shitting myself in diapers since February >tfw could have been a sissy almost full time Who /CoronaRegret/ here? Also for anons who just started wearing 24/7 back in February, how is your control now?
>>661 Same anon from >>658 My bladder control has changed but within line of what I'd expect. See, I've actually been wearing nightly (Except for travel) for years. Nighttime wetting hasn't happened during that time unless I was drunk. NOW, however, I'm waking up with a decently damp diaper, but I suspect I'm more partially waking up with the need to pee, starting, and since I'm a light sleeper anyway, that wakes me up the rest of the way. Usually I still have to pee, and it's 50/50 whether I get back to sleep afterwards. Daytime, I'm finding that "shy bladder" is still a thing, but it's been getting easier to start from any position. My sphincter is frustratingly strong, so I suspect I'll be able to hold for some time. I don't think capacity has gone down, but the perceived volume of my floods has decreased, so I wonder how much has changed. Jury's still out about whether I'll go back to underpants when I return to work. Wife and I are dancing around THAT topic...
>>651 >>651 Generally preexisting bladder problems will be a big advantage for untraining. I was in an old 24/7 discord that died, and I remember that people who already had OAB, bedwetting, minor leakage, etc lost control faster and more completely. Also it's easier to untrain your bladder if you poop in your diaper as well. Clenching your anal sphincter causes your urethral spinchter to tighten as well.
I've been wearing 24/7 for something like six or seven years now. I wasn't very continent before, but now I definitely can't hold anything. It was a bit of start and stop nerves before I committed, but I haven't regretted it. If you're serious about untraining, you should make bedwetting your first goal. Set an alarm to wake up two hours after you go to bed, every night. As soon as it wakes you up, stop the alarm, pee in bed without moving too much, drink a glass of water, and go back to sleep. A couple of months of this training and you will start peeing the bed. I've never met anyone who needed more than six weeks, but some people say eight to be sure.
>661 >Who /CoronaRegret/ here? In the scheme of things, a few months is a drop in the bucket. Don't let the lost time dissuade you; start now, if it is what you truly want (and it may not be--wouldn't you have started now if it's what you want?). >>665 >I was in an old 24/7 discord that died, and I remember that people who already had OAB, bedwetting, minor leakage, etc lost control faster and more completely. I have minor leakage now and I have to rush to the toilet to make it--and I did used to wet the bed--so I hope that makes it easier to untrain then! >Also it's easier to untrain your bladder if you poop in your diaper as well. Clenching your anal sphincter causes your urethral spinchter to tighten as well. I see, hmm. I will have to decide whether I can handle 24/7 for messes as well as for pee, since that makes it a bit more intense. Does that mean I have to mess as soon as I feel the need, like when I pee as soon as I feel the need (in order to untrain the bladder)? In other words, to become double incontinent? That makes the whole 24/7 experience a bit more complex since I'd have to mess in public, and in other situations where it's inconvenient (parents, friends, coworkers, and so on).
>>670 You don't have to.
I've had the desire for years now, but every time I've tried wearing diapers, it's a letdown. Many many objections, ranging from "man, diapers are neither really practical or comfortable" to "pursuing hedonistic desire is a fool's errand" to "bro, cringe". But then those experiences don't translate into letting go of the fantasy. I'm basically stuck with this obsession that doesn't seem to serve me in any way. Has anyone experienced something like that or does anyone have an idea what the best cause of action is? Not into masochism for the record.
>>680 all of those reasons are good reasons and that's why I don't do this, sure it can be nice as a fantasy, but then I jack off and it goes away so I can't imagine why you'd still pursue something like this
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Don't tell me this is you
>>735 you should spoiler this garbage also my captcha was bab hehe
>>735 We're better than this, right?
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>>682 If you jack off and it goes away for a while this might not be for you tbh.
>>669 Interesting idea. Bedwetting has been hard for me.
>>752 >this might not be for you tbh. if you mean a 24/7 lifestyle then yeah I know, I've never considered it, I'm not that dumb
>>752 Tbh when I jack off it my desire gets a lot less intense, but I usually kind of want to try it still. Before long I get more interested in it again
Hey, is it possible to untrain bladder and bowels totally but make it so that you shit on a schedule ie it always happens in the morning after you get out of bed or at night? Or do I just need to accept it's something that can happen anywhere, anytime? And is it still possible to use anal toys if you untrain or does it become uncomfortable?
>>851 You can absolutely make yourself mess more or less on a schedule by eating healthy and at the same time every day. Many fecal incontinent people are able to poop on the toilet by keeping themselves on a schedule.
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Decided to buy some disposables and start wearing more commonly. Still have not yet re-committed to 24/7. But testing the water :) Does feel fun to wear again.
>>88 Something quite cool about the stack of diapers hanging out on top of your clothes, as though it's just a normal part of your day, a part of getting dressed; this is way better integrated into day-to-day life than ABDLs who have entire nurseries etc. This is how a person with genuine incontinence would live, as if diapers are totally normal (which they ought to be, no point in tip-toeing around them and being ashamed IMO). Btw is that perfume next to the diapers?
>>890 Yeah :) One of my favorite brands for when I'm heading to work. I keep it in the closet so it stays cool/dark and fresh :)
>>891 ...what is the perfume? I used to be into perfumes and it looks like an indie brand I used to like but can't remember. Also at first I meant you stored your diapers in the dark to keep them fresh lol
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>>892 Wanderer Horizon. It's a pretty cheap perfume but it smells lovely and good for daily use at work then the fancy one offs :)
>>890 I keep mine in the bathroom cause that's where I'm most likely to need them at home. And yeah it is neat seeing someone who is 24/7 but wearing mainly as an adult.
I've been depressed for so long trying to put this fetish down. This doesn't even feel that sexual anymore, it just feels like... something I ought to be doing. I feel weird not having one on, as if I were walking around naked, or just something like that--feels weird. I'm going to go 24/7 to see if that is a way for me to resolve the tension between ordinary life and this damned ABDL thing, as the binge-purge cycles have upset me since I was 14. I do wish I was normal and not like this, but given I am, and it's unfixable, 24/7 seems like a good way for me to get over it and be able to act like a normal person, as I've been suffering mild depression over it for years. 24/7 is basically disabling since you're incontinent, with everything that entails socially, financially, etc. But I do feel I am more disabled by the psychological impact of these binge-purge cycles and the self-dislike that comes with it than by simply being incontinent. My mom has had urinary incontinence since around 40, and she has said she gets along in life fine now that she's used to it I honestly believe that for some of us we had an early life experience and developed a fixation with diapers, and to me it feels like completely a part of who I am. It doesn't feel like having a foot fetish or something like that, it feels like it's as much a part of me as my name or my voice. Like how Serah (who was a Tumblr untrainer, pretty cool chick) used to say for her diapers are non-sexual; although she finds herself more attractive wearing them, that's not because of the diaper itself but because it fits her self-image as a diaper-wearer (the same difference between being attracted to a girl's underwear itself and a girl in her underwear). Over the years I've scoured the psychological literature and tried to understand how ABDL comes about. The risk signs (overbearing mother, absent/severe father, anxious disposition) fit me but don't explain precisely how this comes about, since they are so general and ABDL is quite rare. That said there are at least 300,000 of us: they say for each subscriber on a reddit forum you have 10 lurkers without accounts, so 30,000 x 10 = 300,000. (I bet it's more than that as many ABDLs, not knowing the word for their desire, won't find any community unless it happens to come up fortuitously on Google.) So we are actually quite a major group but pushed nearly entirely underground. I often wonder whether in 10 years we'll be more out in the open; if we could be seen as disordered rather than perverted, that's still progress in my mind Anyway, if I end up going into psychology I'll try and study the origin of ABDL, both for my sake--I've wanted to understand why I'm like this for my whole life--and for advancing the status of ABDLs generally. I'm not "sex positive" or saying we should indulge in kink in a way that involves non-consenting members of the public, but people should be able to admit to this without being called a pedo. Admitting to myself I was ABDL was much much harder than admitting to myself I was bisexual. Thanks for listening and sorry for the vent, I've been having a hard time putting my feelings into words. If anything I said didn't make sense, sorry, I'll try and clarify
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This quarantine/shelter in place time has been so surreal. I work in the tech industry, so I've been working from home. Since March. So going back into diapers has been my way of coping, and it's allowed me to really examine this desire. I've been lurking here and on various other forums (Reddit, DailyDiapers) reading similar tales. I've found that I'm just more comfortable in diapers. I'm one of those individuals who's had this desire literally as long as I can remember. Since I was out of them, I'd wanted back in, and growing up I never understood why everything diapers and diaper-adjacent got me hard. So diapers got aaaaaall entangled in my sexuality as these desires persisted through puberty. But I'm in my 30's now, and married for 10 with a wife who is aware and neutral (leaning more on the positive side). Diapers have been a constant in my life, but I've never had such an opportunity to just... wear them ALL THE TIME. Something so simple, never been able to have more than a week or two, month on the outside, of consecutive wear. But I sit today, barring some unavoidable medical-based interruptions, back in diapers. And enjoying it to such an extant that I've begun... thinking... about continuing once all this Covid-19 BS is behind us. Because it's easy to go 24/7 when I'm just sitting around the house collecting my salary and smoking way more weed than is appropriate. I got a subscription to Tykables because it's a great deal, but no way in hell am I going back to the office with something that loud (in every definition of the word)! So who knows? I'm still using the toilet for #2, but maybe I'll start applying one of the various methods of "diaper training," to make things easier? Honestly, I'm looking at spending a large percentage of the year at home, I'm not going back to underpants during that time anyway, the thought of just making this permanent is... intriguing. So that's my answer... Lots of people using Covid to explore, it seems.
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>>927 I'm so jealous of (and happy for) all of the ABDLs who are moving to 24/7 at least for time during all of this. I'm similar to you in the sense that I've had a desire to wear diapers for a really long time, but sadly I was unable to take the opportunity. Reading all of you guys' talk about your diaper time recently is nice to hear though
>>918 Would definitely recommend 24/7 for this. I did 3 months earlier this year, stopped after losing interest, and have only worn one diaper since
Been 24/7 for about 4 months now, and starting to notice that my bowel movements are becoming much more frequent. I used to be the type of guy that went once a day or every other day. Now it's 2 to three times a day, usually early morning and an hour or so after lunch. My eating habits have not changed so what gives? Is this normal for 24/7?
>>961 From what I’ve read about incontinence this is perfectly normal, and the body gets rid of the poop a lot more often and shortly after meals
>>961 Yep that's a sign it's working! Instead of one big poop daily you can expect a smaller mess about an hour after each meal or large snack.
>961 >962 >978 I used to believe this was just a fantasy someone started, but I can confirm it's true. A friend of mine who's a doctor said that after a meal your colon gets to work due to signals from your stomach when you eat. It's only due to potty training we go once a day, because we close our rectal sphincter and eventually the colon relaxes, until it starts pushing more mess into your rectum. It's natural to mess after each meal. I find myself going once in the morning, right after I wake up, and about 45 mins-1 hr after I have my lunch/dinner.
I've always fantasized about going 24/7. I missed out on the first load of covid restrictions but am now in a position where I can try it out. I've bought several cases of ABU 4tape Bunny hops and am wearing the first one now! (Quick diaper review, love these! Great fit and hold loads. Brilliant diaper). I'm not actively untraining by following some guide or something but I'm 100% giving in to my diapers. So I'm curious to see where this goes. I'm really looking forward to see what this is like. I've never worn more than 3 diapers in a row and now I'm going to jump in the deep end and wear everyone of these. I may even top up my stash with some boring pharmacy ones if this goes really well. Can't wait to experience 24/7 for a few weeks at least. To anyone else who's on the fence, fucking do it! When else are you going to get an opportunity like this to force yourself back into diapers for a while? I'll report back in a week or so.
>>1291 >I'll report back in a week or so. Can't wait to hear back, anon
Hi! Actually incontinent here, I beg y'all don't do this if struggling with cash. I barely make it sometimes since I'm kinda poor ngl. The idea is kinda hot but remember, this is something that happens like, everywhere. Pissing yourself at a funeral is not fun.
>>1348 I am incontinent for medical reasons too (spina bifida occulta) and the above poster is correct. It's unbelievable how much it costs to wear 24/7.
>>1348 >>1371 Are cloth diapers just a meme?
>>1377 Cloth is pretty good for when you're at home, but you have to deal with the hassle of cleaning them and everything (cleaning messy cloth diapers is just as unpleasant as you can imagine). I know they're fairly common on the AdultBedwetting subreddit (cleaning up just pee is pretty easy, you can clean them while you're showering. Some people actually prefer cloth because they find them more comfortable (not me though) or fitting better. It is a meme to wear cloth 24/7, the idea of wearing cloth in public is just stupid. You would have to carry around used diapers with you until you get home
>>1388 I'm suprised cloth diapers aren't talked about for home use to reduce the cost of going 24/7 even if you don't have access to a washer without having to paying to use it. Initial cost would be higher than disposable diapers since you have to deal with plastic pants and prefolds. Seems like the cost of going 24/7 approaches near $2000 per year from what I read with other people's experiences.
>>1389 As you say, if you do use cloth it's still only for when you're at home. That means you're still spending a lot given you have disposables for most of the day, unless you work from home. Few people are in the position where they can financially justify wearing 24/7 but not wearing purely disposables 24/7 I think. Cloth is also less comfortable for people who didn't grow up used to them, and thus it's not something many ABDLs want I think. And yes 24/7 is expensive, even with government subsidies (which I get for being genuinely incontinent) it's a big expenditure.
>>1392 Trust me when I say wearing cloth is not an option outdoors. It's itchy, smelly, and incredibly obviously bulky compared to even the larger disposables. You also have to change way way more frequently, so get used to carrying a bigger diaper bag. Way more easy to just wear disposables. I wear disposables 90% of the time, and cloth for night time. Saves money and less of a pain.
>>432 >Tax payers didn't pay for her fetish and then all of a sudden they did. lets be real tax payers didnt pay shit, the UK, Canada, NZ AUS etc. are all running huge deficits most pre-pandemic were more than a decade off at current spending levels. (which would never hold as every Gov't spends and grows gov't more and more) you might ask why does it grow more and more, because the only way to remove deficits/existing debt is austerity measures, which means cutting most social programs for a period of time which doesn't tend to keep people elected. it so in these countries with multiple party systems you need to have a majority government and your solvency plan needs to be able to happen within a single term so 4 to 5 years in your country) but even putting that aside the pandemic BTFO'd most of those prejections and now most commonwealth countries are saying there is no current plan for solvency or decreases in spending. atleast in the past one could argue your future generations are picking up the tab, now current tax money wont even cover the interest on the existing debt let alone the future debt that has no ceiling. thats why i say everyone shouldnt mind this, if our own governments dont treat money/finances as real why should we? the Titanic's already sinking and there aren't enough lifeboats I might as well listen to the music while it plays so it's every citizen's duty to prevent any government money tax loophole etc. because they're screwing us so we screw them back because it's already too far gone to be fixed.
>>1404 Reusables at night can cut the diaper budget by 20-30%. Even more if you wear them around the house and don't go out much. I've considered saving more money by spending an hour or two just sitting on the toilet with no diaper, time permitting. It'll air out my diaper area and allow me to void without using a diaper. Similar to how many people manage fecal incontinence without diapers by sitting on the toilet until they poop. Unlike a bowel program, I wouldn't be using an enema or suppository.
Here's a diaper cost chart that's U.S centric.
>>1456 I’ve only worn like once in my adult life, but I’ve always wondered whether the ABDL diapers are the same quality as medical diapers in terms of how much they can hold, preventing leaks and just material in general. Can someone diaperpill me on whether there is a major difference?
>>1459 In general, ABDL diapers are superior in every way. There are exceptions, for example the megamax is absolutely fantastic.
>>1461 Interesting, I expected the exact opposite answer. I thought the only difference really would be the fact that ABDL diapers have prints on them. I have only worn medical diapers. I will have to get ABDL diapers one day. From pics I’ve seen they look a bit thicker too.
>>1422 >the only way to remove deficits/existing debt is austerity measures, which means cutting most social programs for a period of time which doesn't tend to keep people elected. That's not really true. All the qualified economists have been saying for years that austerity (as implemented) is utterly counterproductive. Cutting social programs just leads to even greater spending on policing and emergency medical care. You can cut those too, of course, but then businesses start moving away from your destitute, crime-ridden shithole. Of course it doesn't help that whenever a politician talks about the importance of austerity, they're simultaneously letting banks literally print money out of thin air and giving huge tax breaks to big companies. You can't reduce the government deficit with supply-side economic policies for much the same reason that you can't save a failing company by selling off all the productive assets and giving big bonuses to the directors. >if our own governments dont treat money/finances as real why should we? Now that's a more realistic view of things. I'd be far more concerned about the real energy and raw materials which are wasted when producing disposable diapers than the fake money used to pay for them.
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>>1456 Thank you for posting this for two reasons: 1. The more people see this the more people will know they will save money by buying more absorbent diapers which will give cause for people to care less about discretion (except of course when it comes to stains and odors). 2. It will show the websites that hiding the ISO capacity ratings is like hiding car mileage ratings: it's a crime against the consumer. Claiming the ISO ratings just confuse people is a cop-out, when in fact they can be easily explained by comparing the max capacity to highway mileage and expected capacity to in-town mileage as the latter will always be substantially less than the former. That, and the reason the ISO ratings are the standard is because capacity is subjective depending on how well you stay hydrated. Also, the Bambino Classico (Original) and the Bambino Bianco (Original) are 4000mL. I think the Teddy is as well, but the Bellisimo is supposedly higher capacity but I don't believe that capacity was ever revealed.
I don't get the shame, at all. Nobody cares about adult diapers outside the ABDL scene. You can wear them all the time and just not become incontinent if you want. Or even make yourself a bedwetter at no cost to your waking life. I personally want to forget what potties are and why they exist. They're connected to a lot of painful memories and I just want to be totally untrained in their use. I haven't used a potty in a long time and I've been working with hypnosis to slowly permanently forget. Today I had my first experience brushing my teeth and doing my morning mess without a single thought of what a potty is supposed to do, even with it being right there. For a while now, even when pressed, I cant describe how most adults go tp the bathroom using one. I wanna put this memoir somewhere before I forget for good.
>>1659 Almost everyone is brainwashed to believe that "diapers are for babies" and "if you still need them then you're just a big shameful baby" while they're potty trained. That attitude is never unlearned, instead reinforced when people get older and learn the elderly need diapers because they're decrepit and anyone else who wears them are sick and should be avoided. That attitude problem is almost never made to go away and the discreet selling point manufacturers use also reinforce it. People need to somehow be taught there is a major difference between someone in a diaper vs. someone in a smelly and/or leaky diaper. That and someone in a prominent (but not ridiculous) diaper deserves no more attention than someone who wears glasses or is in a wheelchair. The underwearness campaign is good but then there's jerks like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBwtSbM4N9w setting us back
>>1689 One of my friends is not ABDL. She had a low level spinal cord injury and can walk but is incontinent. She uses a catheter but has gotten a drug resistant bladder infection that almost killed her, and is very difficult to treat. She wishes she had kept wearing diapers like she did in the first few months after the injury.
I'm one of those going 24/7 during the quarantine. My daytime control and capacity seem unchanged, but I think I've started wetting the bed. Been waking up wetter than I'd rem,ember the past couple nights....
I do have incontinence going back to a fall when I was younger (sacrum). Quite lucky, from one pov, that I only lost continence because if I had fallen at a slightly different angle I probably could be paralyzed. Well, that happened when I was 11 and it's been 11 years now, so I've been incon for nearly 1/2 my life. Would I recommend it to every ABDL? No, I don't think many people can handle the hassle/embarrassment of it. Shitting yourself around people you know isn't great. And wearing diapers can impact your fertility. But if your ABDL desires are strong enough, it could be justified. Just make sure you can afford it--or get a diagnosis of incontinence, which will mean you can get free diapers (at least in Europe). I can give advice if anyone needs I guess. ABDL communities have been really good for helping me cope and finding practical tips about adjusting to wearing as a lifestyle and I wanna pass some of that knowledge on if I can.
>>2180 >Shitting yourself around people you know isn't great I would not mind that. :) >or get a diagnosis of incontinence Could you fake it? To get free money? Probably depends on country right >(at least in Europe). You are from eastern eu? (i am)
>>2188 >I would not mind that I mean, I would not mind if somebody sh*t himself while being around me. As long as he (or she) is wearing diaper . The smell from used diaper does not bother me either. But just farting into pants / underwear is absolutely repulsive for me. Weird that I can tolerate farting into diaper but not farting into pants.
>>2188 >I would not mind that. :) Good, because not having too much a sense of modesty about toilet stuff is a prerequisite :) >Could you fake it? To get free money? Probably depends on country right Yes. depends completely on country. Some countries will pay for "incontinence pads" ie diapers. I dont know them all. I know that Australia, new zealand, France, UK, Spain, and Nordics do. But you have to get diagnosed by a doctor. My Aussie friend told me in Aus you just get free money that you can spend on anything (but they can audit you and make sure you use it for proper purpose if they want). In other countries the health service prescribes diapers, and you get whatever brand you are given >You are from eastern eu? Western Eu. Not saying where because I don't want to be tracked >>2190 >I mean, I would not mind if somebody sh*t himself while being around me. As long as he (or she) is wearing diaper . The smell from used diaper does not bother me either. Well, I mean a lot of people are like that. Diapers are something medical so shitting into it will be excused by most people. Just my experience
>>2180 >>2180 Why don't you catheterize?
>>2180 Has the sacral nerve damage caused sexual dysfunction?
>>2180 How did you end up with that kind of damage just from falling? Was this like falling off a ladder, or tripping on the sidewalk? Do you not have any awareness over when you need to go, or just cant control it? What does that do to an 11 year old kid mentally? Sounds like it would be potentially devastating, but I hope it wasn't as bad as it might seem somehow.
>>2205 >Diapers are something medical so shitting into it will be excused by most people. Just my experience Holy wtf based
What do y'all do about diapers for exercising? I ride my bike a lot and while I can do it in a megamax it's easier if I'm wearing a pullup. Wanted to try ordering some gosupremes but they're like $1.50 each which seems like a waste for something I'll wear for maybe an hour. Are there better budget options? Should I just buy some normal cloth backed diapers?
>>2253 >Why don't you catheterize? Physically uncomfortable, risk of UTIs, but mainly because it's psychologically difficult, owing to a traumatic procedure which involved one I had when I was about 5. I didn't want whatever the nurse was doing so I got restrained. Catheters make me shiver now, even seeing one tbh. Doctors in general don't mind if patients manage with 'incontinence containment pads' rather than catheters, so long as you make clear it's your decision and not just because you don't know there are other options (as many patients have no idea there are options beyond just diapers) >>2265 >Has the sacral nerve damage caused sexual dysfunction? Unfortunately it has somewhat, but it's not too bad. In general I would call my sexual function "inconsistent". My girlfriend has been understanding about it. Once you've dealt with it for long enough, you work out strategies and ways and routines--for instance, using a vibrator, which has a very strong effect on me now--so it's not as bad as it was at first. >How did you end up with that kind of damage just from falling? Was this like falling off a ladder, or tripping on the sidewalk? I managed to fall while playing in the playground, but not in any spectacular way lol. Just an unlucky way. I can remember the pain being quite bad and being convinced I must have been bleeding or badly bruised, because that's how the pain felt. But there was no blood and only minor bruising, so it must have been a quite light fall. Speaking to my doctor I get the sense a lot of the people who have what I have got it from quite minor falls. People think you have to fall off a building to have incontinence, but it's not at all like that >Do you not have any awareness over when you need to go, or just cant control it? My awareness is poor, but I know how my body works so I, for instance, know roughly the time when I will go #2 (a certain time after I eat). >What does that do to an 11 year old kid mentally? Sounds like it would be potentially devastating, but I hope it wasn't as bad as it might seem somehow. Well, that's too big a subject to discuss properly here, it changed my life in some ways both large and subtle. All of a sudden I had to get used being dependent on other people, especially my family, or other institutions generally which was difficult when I was at that age when you're just becoming independent. So that took time getting comfortable with. I was going through an anti-establishment phase but needed to send a form and get approval to receive a key to use the disabled bathroom lol (they put locks on many of the new ones, because of vandalism--but I love the new ones because they have changing tables, showers, and locks which work almost 100% of the time haha). So it definitely retools how you relate to the world and authority I had the typical sadness about my state but it just passed with time. ABDL has been pretty good for me. The idea of someone wearing 24/7 voluntarily somehow makes my state (wearing involuntarily) seem better lol. And I enjoy being able to give advice and chat to other people about diapers without having to use euphemism or polite words for what is a dirty topic, or whatever. ABDLs don't treat me weirdly when I talk about incontinence (well, you get people who ask "how do I have an accident and become incontinent right now", which is annoying... if you want to become incontinent, ok, either untrain and wait some years, or see a psych and find a doctor who will operate there... or go to Thatland... but don't stick a screwdriver in your head like that guy on Adisc lol) My friends growing up supported me the whole way through and were exceedingly casual and normal about it. In that regard I'm fortunate as hell :)
>>2205 >Diapers are something medical so shitting into it will be excused by most people. Just my experience >Just my experience Lmao haha. Not wrong anon
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Who's ever used a changing table in a public bathroom (pic related)? (Either recently or in the past.) Any experiences, thoughts, tips?
>>2474 I feel like I would be to self conscious about going in there. If only there was a way to not be able to tell which bathroom people went into...
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>>2488 Hmm, well I don't think others typically watch for or scrutinize the bathrooms others use. But, yes, if you were around friends or whatever, and they went into the normal toilets, and you went instead into a toilet marked 'disabled', or even worse, 'change table', etc, you would lose a bit of privacy; they would know something's up. But you would also lose privacy if you changed in a cubicle, because the tapes can be noisy. I was self-conscious about them at first, yeah, but after a few tries I started to feel more normal about it, to the extent that, on the occasions when the door's locked, I've asked the nearby reception or whatever for the key without shame or whatever. If you act normal, others will act normal. Pic related is an accessible toilet at a football stadium in Australia, with slightly unusual semi-transparent door. I have used this when I visited. (Not sure how visible one are from the outside... but it was an unusual experience.) >If only there was a way to not be able to tell which bathroom people went into... What do you mean?
>>2457 >using a vibrator Where do you put it?
>>2525 >Where do you put it? Uh, where do you think...?
>>2562 Either the tip of the penis or in the butt to stimulate the prostate.
>>2562 How much do you spend on diapers per month?
>>2474 I use them all the time. >>2565 My prostate feels weird for some reason, it's a nice but a too 'rich' sensation if that makes sense. And it can be a bit awkward to do if one has bowel incontinence, in truth... I find the penis head much too sensitive to use the vibrator on. The underside and bottom of the shaft for me is a distinct sensation to the other parts of my penis; that's what I do most of the time. >>2566 $200. As the incontinence I have is untreatable, I receive a pension which covers much of the cost (but not that of wipes, lotions, etc). I could save a lot if I wore cloth while I was at home (that's what the anons here should do).
>>2567 Do you take any tablets to decrease the smell of your poop? How many times a day do you poop?
Hi everyone. Been reading through and thought I'd share my experiences with un-training myself. I've tried to go 24/7 before around 3 years ago but stopped after 2 months as my supply of diapers dried up and they became difficult and expensive to obtain. Since the beginning of December I have been 24/7 and only used the toilet to poop. The first few weeks were difficult and the bladder spasms were debilitating at times. Waking up in the middle of the night was common and leaking was a major issue as well as flooding was common for me due to the size of my bladder at that point. The second month was better but I still found myself clamping off immediately as I needed to void. I still battle somewhat with this but it is getting better as I am nearing 13 weeks diapered. If anyone says that wearing diapers means no more public restrooms, they are either a fucking liar or have never gone 24/7 before. I have found myself in a stall changing upright more times than I care to count. You get rather blasé after a while and walking out with a used diaper in a bag to throw in the trash afterward is not difficult for me anymore. I have found that sitting down makes it difficult to pee sitting sometimes. Usually I go for a walk when I am at the office and let go. Urinating is still a conscious decision most of the time but I am starting to have accidents as well and sometimes find myself peeing suddenly with little warning (was in the grocery store getting sushi when I lost it looking at the fashion sandwiches lol). I don't really know if I am peeing at night as I don't really wake anymore and 95% of the time I am wet anyway. I should try put on a new diaper before bed and see what it looks like in the morning I guess. I use 1 or sometimes 2 diapers a day depending on how much I have had to drink in the day and how hot it is. I pee less in hot weather. At this point I flood very little, I attribute this to the fact that I have been trying very hard to let go as soon as I feel the need to pee and been practicing reverse kegels whenever I am bored. I have noticed a huge difference in the quantity of pee when I go, I suspect my bladder has shrunk a fair amount. I spend around 540 ZAR a month for 48 diapers which usually is enough. Every change still gives me chills down my spine in a good way and I have no regrets in doing what I am doing. My wife supports me and my journey. One thing I must warn, I don't know if this will happen for everyone but its definitely happening to me. I am finding that my erections are weaker and its harder to achieve orgasm without my wife, pretty much the only thing I can do to cum is use my e-stim. Morning glory's are a thing of the past and stopped completely for me around the 9 week mark. TLDR version: At the point I am at now I think I have fucked up my control enough that I will probably have an accident without diapers, so I am in it for the long haul. No-body who knows me knows or if they do they have been to polite to say anything. Thanks for reading, if you guys have any questions that I may not have spoken about here then fire away. If you would like me to post when I am further along, shout.
>>2689 Don't know that I've seen many south african abdls, whats the diaper supply situation like there? >You get rather blasé after a while You're absolutely right in that stuff just gets easier with practice. Anyone nervous about committing to 24/7 should atleast wear in public for a while to see how easy it is
>>2694 Agreed, most people don't care nor notice. As long as it's tied up in a grocery bag.
There are a variety of Chinese brands that people have brought in themselves but most of them are crap. Also with the covid-19 pandemic, imports of plastic pants and cloth diapers from China that I used to get are nearly 100% more expensive than the products themselves so I cant get those anymore realistically (2500ZAR for a all in one that costs 300ZAR). Fortunately an enterprising young lady on Fetlife from SA seems to want to make onesies, diapers and stuff so maybe I will get some stuff from her when she gets going. Grocery stores like Checkers and Pick n Pay tried to stock adult diapers at one point a few years ago but other than Tena pads and pullups Checkers don't really have much anymore and Pick n Pay only have baby stuff so they useless to me. Specialty pharmacy's like Springbok stock a local brand named Clemens at 175 ZAR for 14, then your euro at around 300 ZAR for 14 Tena's and 450 ZAR for Molicare. Chain pharmacy's like Dischem have made their own which I haven tried before but look cheap and nasty. I use ones made by Clicks which do the job well and are realistically priced. Also cloth backed is the norm here, plastic backed diapers all but disappeared around 2 years ago. I think some of the Chinese oddities might be plastic backed but I haven't cared to try them again so I am not sure. Seeing as South Africa is the asshole of the world, most of the ABDL places don't import here and ones that do charge nearly the same amount as the product or more then you still have to pay duty on it. So for example to land some Rearz Safari it is nearly 2000 ZAR for 12 which is outrageous. I'm probably going to wait until I go to America on holiday and buy direct.
Anyone switch to breathables during the summer?
https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/topic/77740-i-faked-psychosis-to-be-put-in-a-mental-hospital/#comments >i have one big question, goerge, did you really believe you had a microchip in your armpit?
>>3145 Well, that thread was an utter clusterfuck of retarded replies to retarded posts.
>>3145 i always knew there were crazies on that forum, now there's proof
>>3145 this guy is fucked in the head, if true he belongs in that group home.
>>3145 >used nappy hoard He’s right where he needs to be now
>>3145 Kek at all the boomers laughing at him.
>goerge did he... misspell his own name? christ
>>2457 >but don't stick a screwdriver in your head like that guy on Adisc I know this was months ago but wut? That's a real thing that happened? Anyone have details?
>>2457 >My friends growing up supported me the whole way through and were exceedingly casual and normal about it. In that regard I'm fortunate as hell :) Thats good to hear. The idea of someone having all their friends turn on them over something so unavoidable would leave a bad taste in my mouth. >I managed to fall while playing in the playground, but not in any spectacular way lol. Just an unlucky way. I'm sure that you probably looked at a LOT of different options back then, but have you ever seen a chiropractor? While a lot of them I'm sure are not actually doing anything scientific, there are some who actually know what they are doing. The principal is sound; the "origin story" for chiropractic involves a guy who lifted a heavy box in a weird way. There was a loud pop in his back, and he was instantly deaf. He remained deaf for years, but was otherwise unaffected. several years later, some dude hears about this story, goes to see the deaf guy, determines that one of his vertebrae was misaligned in a really specific way that caused it to press on a particular nerve in *just* the wrong way. He had the guy lay down on a table, then applied a moderate amount of force in order to persuade the vertebrae to move back into the position it should have been. There was a loud pop, and the guy could suddenly hear again perfectly well. It was a one time thing, and he never had an issue with it again.
>>3530 >>3530 That story, much like all chiropractors, is fucking fake. Cranial nerve 8 (Vestibular Cochlear) does not in any way shape or form travel through any vertebrae. There is no possible way a chiropractic adjustment could have restored anyone's hearing ever. And much like many of the bullshit they claim, they can do it is all fake. You'd have the same amount of luck with Homeopathy to cure your illness that you would with a chiropractor.
>>3541 Hmm, interesting. Now that you mention it, it does seems odd that there would be any connection to hearing in your spine or neck considering that the path between your ears and brain doesnt pass through those areas. Kind of the point of having most of your sensory organs in your head close to the brain... My 2 main positive experiences with a chiropractor were actually not strictly related to chiropractic, they just happened to involve a chiropractor who actually had a good working knowledge of how your body is put together I guess. I played cello starting in middle school and through highschool, and somewhere in there I started noticing that I would feel fairly significant pain in my shoulder and back after 5 to 15 minutes of practicing. It got worse over time to the point that I basically was unable to practice, and would have been forced to stop playing entirely. My regular doctor thought it was "growing pains" but when it didnt go away, my parents eventually tried taking me to this chiropractor. They had an xray done, did some other stuff, and then did something with my arm (not entirely sure what to be honest, as it was a long time ago, but it involved a decent, but not uncomfortable, amount of force) and... nothing happened. The next time I picked up my cello, 15 minutes went by and there was no pain. 30 minutes passed, and still no pain. A week or so later it came back, and the process was repeated, but lasted a bit longer that time, and the cycle continued, but became less and less frequent each time. Eventually it went away entirely. A small caveat however. Years later, this same person tried to convince me that my spine could understand spoken english enough to respond to yes or no questions by producing slight movements. I was sure to confirm that they meant this literally, and not metaphorically, and when I did, left and never went back.
>>3545 >My 2 main positive experiences The other one was a sharp pain in my elbow that was fairly constant and bad enough to prevent me from sleeping on some nights, which my regular doctor also attributed to growing pains. (I was either 11 or 12 at the time) The same person put my arm in something like a lock, then popped it in the direction your elbow isnt supposed to move in with a single, short, sharp movement. There was an instant of searing pain, then it went away completely, and I never had pain like that there again.
>>3545 That sounds like what they would call a chiropractic joint adjustment I can't vouch for if it did or didnt work since I'd need more information. >>3546 If that cured it then it sound like either nursemaid elbow (extremely unlikely at age 11) or a loose body in the joint space. I am going to assume what you mean by pop in the wrong direction which could treat either condition depending on what they did. The funny part is that none of those techniques or treatments have any history in chiropracty they were co-opted by them once it became apparent insurance wasn't going to cover a medical profession where no one actually got better. The skill of a chiro is making any joint undergo cavitation causing a pop sound. That is about it.
>>3565 >joint undergo cavitation What exactly *is* that anyway? Ive been told its something like loose gas popping out of the joint or something, but that seems like Im misunderstanding something.
>>2495 Over here too those frosted doors have become more and more common at disabled toilets (the modern ones). I still can't understand the reason it's used over a more solid barrier. It's horrible for privacy, you feel all exposed, you can see the shadows of those on the outside. Especially when the toilet's at the end of a hall rather than down the side. I'm not sure how much you can see... one day, I should do a test to see how much is visible from the outside, whether it's a blur or whether it's worse than that. I've seen kids try to press up their faces against it to see inside.. The whole privacy situation for those with incontinence is unbelievable. And now you have disabled toilets where there's a button to unlock the door from the outside, in an 'emergency', but of course it works too in non-emergencies; I pray no-one ever uses it while I'm on the table in there
>>3644 Jeez, I got anxious just from reading that. That sounds awful
so im incon but coming from the other direction. bit of back story, iv always had awful constipation. well turns out my gut lies in an off way where all the solid gathers at corner on my left side of my belly, as such iv never been able to comfortably just push out mess cause by the time its shifted enough to do that its dry and very hard and no change in diet or supplement has helped with this. this has led me to be dependent on putting water up there to soften things up to let things pass. my solution was to every morning to add 1 bulb of water (sometimes 2) and just hold it as much as possible, this usually is about 10 mins and then i can go. but the issue i started encountering was the potential aftermath of a "follower through" and about an hour later i would get a slipping sensation and would have just messed myself. so i now just wear diapers all day mostly from kink but now out of necessity. now because im in diapers all day i usually just wet in them without a second thought so this has reduced my holding capacity to an hour or so, so im kinda stuck in them. i do wear them to bed but im not a bed wetter just yet. tl;dr constipation lead me to diapers full time
>>3902 Thats interesting, have any stories or elaboration? would love to hear more.
>>3918 well one morning i was doing my usual bulb of water and i didn't get very far with it but i was running low on time so i changed and got ready to catch a train. grabbed my diaper bag as i was kinda sure i may need it. i was there waiting at the platform, felt a slight runbling and ... blort... oh... train then arrives 30 sec later... ok ill just hop into the onbord toilet and change... OUT OF ORDER oh... spent 2 hours in a messy diaper with a tummy that i was not sure was gonna let me down again... it let me down again when i stood up to get off the train... *slip* T,T ok. ok, ill just use this station's single stall to change.... taken... so i deside ill just go to a coffee shop and order something and use their bathroom. finally i was able to change but i had 1 big messy diaper to discard and no where to get rid of it so i had to carry it around most of the day till i was able to find a suitable bin. was a bit of a rush tho but on a day i really didn't want it.
>>504 for me its kind of the opposite. i have issues with feeling defective. even if i know it isn't my fault i am disabled
>>3920 wow, thats certainly an experience! Its the sort of thing I would love to happen to me in fantasy, but not in real life with actual people if that makes sense. Like if I was basically the sole human being in a world/huge region that magically functioned normally, that would be awesome, as messing the same diaper multiple times (with enough separation that its not just a 2 stage mess) is a huge fantasy for me.but yeah, I definitely would not want to have that happen irl like that haha
>>3936 >Like if I was basically the sole human being in a world/huge region that magically functioned normally, that would be awesome, When I was younger this used to be my main recurring fantasy. I'd be able to go anywhere in just a diaper and T-shirt, acting just like a toddler and having "accidents" in my diaper whenever I got the urge.
>>3936 yeah its a bit hit or miss lately, whether im flushed out or end up getting another mess later the day lately. i mean just this last week when walking though town im like uh oh... stop to look at my phone and have to make pushies.
Various places
Various places have started having clear bag policies, like sporting events, concerts, etc. Has anyone had to deal with this?
This is my first time ever posting on 8chan but I've been lurking this board for a few months now. Have wanted to wear diapers like crazy but I don't live alone so I've never been brave enough to try them. Until today at least. I finally bought some incontinence pads from the local supermarket and the instant feeling of euphoria from feeling the padding was incredible. Just now I finally took the plunge and pissed in it, and it felt so good, no leaks, the padding got firmer, this is incredible and holy fuck I wish I could wear diapers for the rest of my life.
>>4970 Wow I’m getting some secondhand excitement from reading about your own! Nothing beats a nice and squishy diaper. Have fun, anon!
>>4973 So, here's a question, are there any negatives to just, sitting in this used wet diaper? Is it going to cause any health complications? What are the thickest and puffiest adult male diapers one could reasonably obtain from a supermarket?
>>4974 Just don’t keep them on for ridiculous amounts of times. I’d be wary about wearing them for like five or six hours straight or something crazy like that. I’ve never worn a dirty diaper for more than like an hour and a half or two hours. This is mainly to avoid getting a rash or anything. I don’t know if I’m being overly cautious though. This is even more important to keep in mind for messing. The only thing you have to worry about is getting a rash if you’re sitting in anything like this for too long, but like I said, it has to be a really long amount of time. It’s perfectly safe otherwise. >What are the thickest and puffiest adult male diapers one could reasonably obtain from a supermarket? Probably something from Rearz, I’d say. Otherwise the Abena M4 or the Tena brand isn’t bad.
>>4976 >Rearz, Abena M4 or Tena Damn, none of these were at the supermarket I went to in Australia, only Depend and something else, which is what I got.
>>4978 You’ll probably have to order them online. I’ve never seen them in person either and I live in America. They’re like medical-grade basically. The Rearz are for ABDLs too so they’re even thicker.
>>313 Welp, I guess I might as well respond to these OP quesions now that I post. >Do you wear 24/7, if so, how long? Unfortunately not possible for me. >What got you interested in 24/7, and more generally ABDL? Do you consider yourself leaning towards AB or DL especially? I've had a history of bowel overflow incontinence for pretty much my whole life, combined with a family history of bowel problems, encopresis caused by autism and my neglectful mother only half potty training me and not bothering to actually finish the job. As soon as I discovered ABDL I immediately latched onto it, not just for sexual satisfaction, but emotional, and while I would obviously like to not have these bowel issues, a growing side of me just wishes I was entirely incontinent and could wear diapers 24/7 unjudged. >Do you want to untrain? How will you/have you done so? I'd fucking love to but I don't live alone and don't really plan to, so that's impossible for me. >If you don't wear 24/7, would you like to? Why/why not? Absolutely, for reasons listed above.
>>4980 Looks like I'm not getting them then lol, I live with my dad and grandad.
There's actually a diaper shortage at the moment depending where you live. Makes me wonder what the thoughts are on going to cloth?
>>4982 Maybe in the future then! Any sort of diapers are nice to have
Umm, hi there, I'm the anon from a day or two ago that got to try a diaper for the first time ever and I've fallen in love, holy shit I wish I was medically incontinent because this is the fucking dream. I work from home anyway so it's not like I need to go outside and change in a public bathroom, I wish I could just freely piss and poop myself constantly and never need to change. I used a second diaper just now, and I thoroughly soaked it, it leaked slightly and these are the max absorbency pads I could get at the supermarket. I'm going to try and sleep overnight in these, the warmth and dampness is incredible.
>>5123 Try not to get a rash anon.
>>5123 It sounds like you are having fun, anon! How was your first messing experience?
How much do y'all spend on diapers in a year?
>>5345 Literally nothing as I don't wear personally. That said was tempted to grab a few but there's been a shortage of supply where I live.
So we are coming up to 2 years of Wuhan Fever. Any anons got stories to share? Got to be a few who were mad enough to go 24/7 during this period.
>>5345 Nothing at all. Like >>5451 said, I don't really have an interest myself in wearing diapers IRL
>>6753 I went a solid five months 24/7 early on but stopped when I got sick of it. It's weird - I'd always dreamed of about this kind of opportunity, now I don't care at all for it. Haven't gone more than two days padded since.
>>6753 Went 24/7 at the end of jun 2020, still going now. I had always wanted to wear diapers as underwear, so this has been absolutely perfect for un-potty training. In every other aspect of life, this pandemic has been really awful for me, so I'm glad one good thing came of it. Now I am considering how to deal with this at family/work events because we have resumed having those
>>6753 I have no stories to share. I went 24/7 for a few weeks but became bored of it quickly: it's more fun as an idea than in real life, personally. Since then I've worn on-and-off as I feel like it. I am more comfortable now in them in public or around others now, which is nice, but I don't want to full-time.
Well I finally had an experience of going involentarily in a diaper. Sadly it was mess, but still I enjoyed finally using a diaper for its intended purpose. For whatever reason I was having terrible gas and diarrhea, I didn't trust and of the farts so lightbulb moment put on some cheap depends and just let it happen
>>2205 Diapers are something medical so shitting into it will be excused by most people. Just my experience Fucking based.
I have to be honest, I have no idea what the point is of discretion for those who wear 24/7. For me, the entire goal of this was to become incontinent and live like an incontinent person. I don't think I need to be discreet beyond what the typical incontinent person would do. But am I ashamed if someone sees the waistband? No, these things happen. It's a little bit absurd to want to be untrained yet keep it a total secret. Real life doesn't work like that. Now I'm incon and have a diagnosis, stuck in the medical records forever... uni knows, parents know, friends know, and I couldn't be happier. It doesn't have to be a burden, it's a chronic health issue, that's it, I live life like a normal person, aside from the fact I have to wear 24/7. It doesn't make you an exhibitionist to wear like a normal incontinent person would, it is only exhibitionist if you take it beyond that. (Was easier for me to be diagnosed than it would be for others, based on the fact I had childhood incontinence, so it looks like I 'slipped back' into that... it doesn't create fears I have multiple sclerosis or things like that, which I think would be wondered about if a 'normal person' arrived at the doctor with bowel incontinence issues.)
Xpost >since about 3 months ago. So far my only break has been a 10 hr period on thanksgiving. Otherwise I wear to docs, grocery, etc. I still wear underwear to do a quick 30 min workout, and I leak only a little from tensing muscles. Learning to pee in bed in any position, easily, is finally coming along. Properly sized diapers help. I’m surprised with MegaMax’s performance for side wetting especially. Only a couple others work well without leaks like this diaper. >who knows Besides my daddy, only my best friend and 2 online acquaintances. I think. I am discrete and hygienic >incontinence I personally think it’s a tranny myth. You can’t get full incon just from peeing/dribbling as often and whenever you can. I’m still trying
>I personally think it’s a tranny myth. You can’t get full incon just from peeing/dribbling as often and whenever you can. I’m still trying I don't think it's a total myth, but I do think a lot of experiences put on the internet are fake. I think it would take you years and years to untrain. Have you felt less control since you started?
>>8627 Before covid I got pretty close honestly. I drank a lot of water and peed whenever. I listened to a bunch of hypnos while sleeping or even as a activity just spending about 2 hours listening and relaxing. didn't stop wearing diapers once. about 5 months in. I had a close friend over and I didn't want to wear around him. holy shit I was going to the bathroom constantly because my bladder musta been the size of 2 grapes. yeah, I had a constant feeling of having to go like I still had to pee even after I just went.
>>8636 What happened in the end??
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This is a very interesting thing I found while browsing Japanese twitter: https://nitter.net/Mh30eksLCbSGfaM https://dfree.biz/ It's a device which you stick to your body and it uses ultrasound to detect how full your bladder is on a 0-10 scale. It's intended for managing certain types of incontinence by giving phone notifications when your bladder is getting full, but the twitter account I linked is using it for potty untraining (逆トイトレ). Apparently the recommended setting is to notify at a fullness of around 6, but he has set lower and is using it as more of a reminder to wet his diaper regularly.
>>9225 Cool! Thanks for the link. I don't speak any Japanese but I sometimes see what those japanese ABDLs get up to on Twitter. They are much more intense about ABDL than westerners! Hardly any ABDLs in the West truly untrain My mom's got OAB and she had an ultrasound of her bladder but at the doctor's office, that is apparently done to know how long after drinking you should be peeing. If dFree works similarly but in a continuous way I can see it being really helpful for her. In terms of untraining it looks like it could work well to make you slowly decrease your bladder capacity, as long as you obeyed it (which not everyone can do, like if they're in public or around their family for example. I think that's a main hurdle in untraining). On that chart, does each slump after each spike mean one time he's emptied his bladder? It could work well for me, I become so enmeshed when I work I often neglect to wet (I hope to reach the stage where when I'm enmeshed in work, it's the reverse, I just wet without thinking!). I wonder if the bladder tracker connects to Facebook lol, I know a lot of girls who (for some reason) connect their period tracker to social media for some reason, which struck me as odd. There are also Tena electronic pads which can give you or your caregiver a notification when you've wet, that's handy only after you've untrained :P (TBH I've been interested in applying medical tech to untraining for a while. I'm considering trying medication to help me lose my control, because I can get access to almost any, but I need to think very carefully about the risks and benefits. I'd be willing to go to the extent of surgery if it was absolutely necessary. I can't really discuss this anywhere else without being called crazy, even though it seems totally rational to my mind. I'm at a good spot in my life where I want to embrace being incon, I've literally had 'incontinence dysphoria' as long as I can remember, really sucks :( Sorry for blogging)
https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/21/16/5445/htm discusses these ultrasound sensors. NB: SENS-U Kids is similar to dFree but marketed for those aged 6-16. Would have been nice to have had it when I was between those years.
>>9245 I believe each dip in that graph does correspond to an accident. The numbers at the top are: 37 minutes average interval between needing to pee (+1 minute from previous day), and 32 times peeing (+19 from prev day). That matches the number of falling edges in the graph. I translated most of his tweets (deepl.com worked well in this case) and apparently the device was pretty good at matching the real sensations he was feeling so it might work well for your mom. The only downside is the fairly high price. Depending on how it's designed it may be necessary to keep buying proprietary fixing adhesives. >>9246 That paper's really interesting. I had no idea the principle of operation was so simple. I assumed the ultrasound data returned would be much noisier and harder to work with.
>>8636 Yeah I needed to exfoliate thanks guys for all the suggestions I am glad to say my bladder is getting smaller again. Yay! I wake up in the middle of the night having to pee llike 3 times every night though
sneezing causes pee to come out now too! sorry if I'am posting too much I am just happy
>>9255 >sorry if I'am posting too much I am just happy Don't worry about it, I'm happy to see you progression. I don't comment much ITT because I don't have any meaningful experiences. I can easily go when wearing diapers but I'm not really looking to get incontinent because my lifestyle. Anyway, I like reading comments like yours. I wish I was incontinent because it feels so good to simply let it go. But alas, at the moment is simply not a viable option.
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>>9255 That might just be age. Mean you can shit yourself with coughing.
>>9247 Thanks for the link, as I wouldn't have heard of dFree otherwise. (I sent a link to my mom. She has OAB like me, doesn't like to wear protection, so she has a bit of anxiousness about how close is the nearest public bathroom, etc, it sucked because a lot of them shut down at the start of COVID which made her life hard) On another topic, as I said, I'm happy to use medical tech if it makes me untrain faster, and also, if you become incontinent it makes sense to others you would have an ultrasound bladder tracker on (even if you use it for the reverse of what it's meant to do lol). I'd still like to find out about potential medications which can cause incontinence, and things beyond that, if I needed to. I've arrived at a point where I want to untrain for both. I had bladder issues as a kid so I think that's part of the reason I developed OAB/stress incontinence quickly, but I want to be at the point where I pee without conscious awareness. 37 minutes interval is pretty wonderful, I am at a shorter interval but as I said I sometimes don't remember to pee when I'm occupied in some task. BTW: do you think one could make a device that works on the same basis as the dFree but for the bowels?
>>9286 That would be interesting but I am 26 tho. Hmm messing on a cough would be really an amazinng loss of control. I like the thought of that but I never really mess my diapers even though my mommy wants me to. The smell is just icky
>>9302 I doubt it can be used for bowels because there really isn't a way to measure how much you have in your bowels. unless MRI's or x-rays can become safe and portable i don't see any measurement other than "when was the last time you had a bowel movement?" I used to be a army nurse
>>9307 To shit yourself on a cough, is that a type of loss of control you want? Perhaps it scares you, but nonetheless, would you like to be untrained for messes too? TBH, if you're incontinent the smell won't be able to bother you, it'll be normal and your nose won't notice it that much at all (my experience). But I can't tell you that the same is true for those around you. Wear plastic pants, take charcoal pills, eat lots of fruit, and the smell will be much more faint. You'll have one mess after each meal, if you're incon
>>9255 I like hearing about people losing control slowly, don’t worry, anon.
>>9255 Any updates?
>>9308 I think the same ultrasound technology could be used. If it can see the pee in your bladder it can see the poop travelling through your bowels, assuming you position it correctly. The hard part is doing the object recognition required to distinguish between various organs, poop that's part-way along your intestines, and poop that's in your rectum, ready to be released. I suspect it's quite a bit harder than just estimating the volume of pee in your bladder.
Hey kiddos. Just found this board after 8kun went the way of the dodo and figured I'd do this here too for anyone curious. I'm incontinent, have been since I was 16. But even before that I was in diapers most of my life in some capacity, I wet the bed and had regular daytime accidents (at least 2-3 a month) well into my early teens and wasn't potty trained until I was 6. If you're curious about anything about living with incontinence, like routines, good diapers and how to live discreetly, or just wanna hear some stories, go ahead and ask. I will let you know up front, I have a lot of stories, but don't get too excited. Very few of them are really good, most of them end with the same punchline of shitting myself or leaking at the worst possible moment. Also, I'm super into unpotty training others. I'm a CG/Little switch, and I've successfully induced weak bladders and bedwetting with a few littles. So if you're interested in that, I can give some advice on untraining. Anyways, I'm headed to bed, I'll answer any questions later. Just drop em in the thread and I'll get back to you.
>>10837 How is it like interacting with normal peeps out in the wild ? have they ever been rude to ya?
>>10841 Not really. I've actually had more issues with ex-partners than I have with random people. The most I've ever gotten is someone saying that I smell bad, but they more than likely don't even realize it's because I shit myself. They probably just think I stepped in dog shit or something. The most shit I got was from one particular ex. I didn't develop the bowel incontinence until later in life due to a complication related to my original injury. Said ex was my little, and even though I was already urinary incon when we got together, once I became bowel incon he suddenly just stopped respecting me as a person. If there was any weird smell while we were out in public, he would immediately assume it was me. And he would make shitty remarks about how "we can't even go out shopping without you making it awkward." Like bitch, you think I intentionally did this? You think I want to shit myself in the middle of home depot? Like sure, bowel incontinence is cute and adds to the experience when I'm in little space, but it's annoying when I'm not in little space.
>>10837 Care to tell us on your techniques to weak bladers and specially about bedwetting please? Would love to hear about it
>>10895 So as far as weak bladders go, when I was younger and before the incontinence, I would always have a plan of action if I didn't want to have an accident. Which wasn't always the case, I've been into diapers for as long as I can remember. I've lays known I liked them. So sometimes I would intentionally have a bunch of accidents so my parents would put me into my bedwetting diapers during the day for a week or two. I didn't do that often though, as it also came with a sizable beating, and then when I was older (12-14ish?) it would result in a lot of humiliation. Which is almost definitely where my humiliation kink comes from. But, when I didn't want to have an accident, I would always plan everything out. I grew up in a small town, so I knew where every bathroom in every store was. And if we were gonna be out shopping for a long time, I would make sure to go potty at every store no matter how little I needed to pee. Which was honestly a bad plan, cause I never developed a large bladder. I was basically conditioning myself to have OAB without knowing it. Another aspect of living with a weak bladder is long trips. My extended family is all over the US as well as the UK and South America. So every summer we would go on a vacation to visit one of them. Having a chronicly weak bladder, I was always THICKLY diapered for any long flight or road trip. My family firmly believed in humiliation as a punishment, as mentioned before. So they made no attempts to hide the fact that I was diapered for trips. All the way until I was like 10-11 I think. I remember having my diaper checked in an airport once where my mom literally just pantsed me in the middle of the gate area so she could slip a finger in the leg band. I think I was like 7? On another flight, the trip to the airport was like an hour and a half, and my mom always diapered me at home so she wouldn't have to deal with diapering me at the airport. I ended up wetting my diaper on the way there, and I dint think anything of it. But when we went through the body scanner, it went off. This was ages ago, so they didn't have the full x-ray machines like they do now, had they had those, they would've seen that I was wearing a wet diapered and probably not made a fuss about it. They ended up pulling me aside until my mom got through and then they informed her that the machine had gone off on me and they wanted permission to go ahead and do a pat down. To which my mom loudly replied "he probably just wet his diaper, that's probably what set the machine off. He has a bit of a problem keeping his pants dry, so we keep him diapered for long trips. Although this is the first time he hasn't made it to the plane. Go ahead and pat him down if you want though." To which the the TSA guy just awkwardly did a half hearted pat down while I just stood there crying. I was 9 I think. Another time I had to do a day and a half of a two day road trip pantsless because I leaked during the first few hours and they "couldn't trust me to tell them when I needed a change." I have a thousand trip stories I could tell. All of which sucked at the time, but now as an adult I look back and wish I could experience it again. As far as bedwetting goes, I'm not sure what to talk about. I wet the bed. A lot. My parents forced me to wear plastic pants over my diapers because I often leaked. I was a side sleeper and with the amount I wet in my sleep my diaper often wasn't up to the task without some help from plastic pants. I had a plastic sheet, one of those old loud ones. Not the modern vinyl wimpy shit that's quiet and tears super easily. As an aside, does anyone know if you can get the loud ones anymore? I wanna get one for my bed, but all I can find are the quiet ones. I want that nostalgic loud ass crackling bedsheet that makes it impossible to hide the fact that I'm just a lil pissbaby. Anyways, bedwetting. I wet the bed well into my mid teens. Tbh, bedwetting didn't really affect my life all that much. Because of my parents insistence on humiliating me for a medical condition I couldn't control, most people in my life already knew about my diapers. As a result, I didn't have a lot of friends, but the ones I did have were the real deal. Ride or die friends. So I didn't have the stereotypical bedwetters childhood of avoiding sleepovers and stuff. I spent the night at people's houses. I had people sleep over at my house. I stayed weekends at friends places. And because they already knew about my diapers, and didn't care, it was just as fun a time as I figure most non diaper wearing kids had. I even spent a whole week at a friends place diapered 24/7 because I was being Punished and my mom figured having to be diapered at my friends house during the day could be part of it. Instead I had a blast and nobody cared. I was 13 for that one. If you wanna know specific things let me know, asking about something broad like weak bladders and bedwetting is just gonna result in me rambling like I am now, mostly because there's just so much shit. Also, just as a clarification, this isn't just like in your favorite fap story. I got humiliated a lot as a kid, but it was never baby oriented. I never got fed in a high chair or treated like a baby or anything, so if you have questions about stuff like that I apologize but you're SOL. I got into Little stuff later in life, my parents style of humiliation was mostly focused around making sure everyone knew I was the diaper boy and doing fuck all to hide my diapers.
>>10900 How were your diaper cases stored. We're they just left out in the open for guests to see or were they kept in a cabinet or something. Also your parents remind me alot of my own. Thank god I wasn't incontinent
>>10902 >How were your diaper cases stored. We're they just left out in the open for guests to see or were they kept in a cabinet or something. Also your parents remind me alot of my own. Thank god I wasn't incontinent I'm not the person you replied to, but I also had incontinence as a child (and my parents sound similar to yours and >>10900—my parents liked to humiliate me too, for a medical condition I can't control) so I could share. Mine would be stored out in the open, with a case on the shelf in the kitchen, alongside rash cream and other things of that sort, and the rest of the carton (we ordered in bulk) in the bathroom. I would often have little privacy back then, until I moved out.
>>10902 Out in the open. Always out in the open. If I ever tried to hide them I would get in trouble. One time I was having my best friend over and we were building something massive with lego and there was 7 or 8 packs of diapers taking up a bunch of space. So we moved them under the bed. I didn't think that would be a problem, this was my best friend, he's seen me in diapers a million times, he's even seen me get my diaper changed. And they were out when he got there, so it's not like I was hiding anything. But my mom didn't see it that way. She stripped off my pants and Diapered me right there, and then made me put the diapers back and revoked my pants privelages for the day. Which was stupid, the only thing that did was make it so we couldn't go outside. Big whoop. We had lego and Nintendo, we weren't gonna get bored inside anytime soon. It's funny, my parents insistence on using humiliation as a punishment resulted in it barely feeling like a punishment in most cases. The upside of your parents broadcasting your underwear to the world is that nobody is shocked when it's revealed what kind of underwear you wear. Like, if they hadn't already spent my entire life making sure everyone I knew already knows about my diapers, then that probably would've been the most traumatic experience of my childhood. Instead it was a minor inconvenience. Anyways, back to the question. The most common storage place was the living room. I came from a big family, so we bought everything in bulk. Which included my diapers and supplies. And if my mom found a discount or coupon? There'd be three or four cases at once. Most of the time the cases sat in a corner of the living room, my bedroom wasn't big so the diapers stored in my room were already taken out of the case so they could be stacked against the wall. Luckily I outgrew (or rather outwet) goodnites fairly early, and I don't know of any other manufacturers that makes printed diapers for older kids and teens, so my diapers were just plain white with a wetness indicator for most of my childhood. Idk what the brand was when I was younger, but when I got older I wore tranquility diapers as those were the cheapest in my size that would actually work for my needs. And even then, I still leaked through them often. But it's still embarrassing having a bunch of bags of "Youth Diapers: size whatever" sitting out in the open. Especially if new people came over. My parents would always find a way to broadcast that they were for me, usually by calling me over and asking me to take some of my diapers to my bedroom, no matter how stocked my bedroom already was. They also made sure to keep my supplies out in the open and all over the house too. It didn't matter where at in the house, rash cream, wipes, and powder were only a reach away. And if I was in diapers and my mom noticed I needed a change, it didn't matter where in the house we were or who was present. I would be laid down and changed right then and there.
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I don't have it in me to do this 24/7 I'd like to be a weekend wearer. I think 2 and a half days would be fun enough to get it out of my system for the week. Maybe wear when I get home from work, but still hold it in to keep control. >>10900 >>10952 I have a few things: >Do you hold any anger for them for punishing you that way? >Why were they so mean over something they knew was out of your control? >How old are you now and are they still shitty to you about it, if so would you tell them off? >Not that you'd ever tell them, but do you think it would fuck with them knowing their punishment made you like diapers more and also make other people want to like them more too since you help make littles out of AB/DLs? I like that kind of stuff in stories to fap too, but IRL I think that kind of thing would really fuck with me. Humiliation is a fun kink, but fucking hell I'm sorry you had to deal with that kind of shit growing up. And as far as 24/7 questions >How many times do you wet before you change when you're not home? >Do you enjoy being wet/wetting or is it mundane outside of littlespace? >I used to see myself as only a sub, but I'm becoming more willing of being as switch to not close myself out of finding a AB/DL guy. If I was to diaper someone what do you to to weaken their bladder? Is making them feel little part of it or do you find that's just the kink stuff a lot of us all like? Sorry if I asked too much feel free to answer any amount you like.
>>10955 >Do you hold any anger for them for punishing you that way? Absolutely I fuckin do. I moved out super early, I already knew by my mid to late teens that I was into abdl, and by then I had already become incontinent. So I found a local abdl and moved in with them before I even graduated high school. I then proceeded to have minimal contact with my parents for the next few years, I'd only show up for holidays and even then I'd skid them every few years. The last straw came when I was 21, I hadn't gone to a family get together in two years at that point. But I decided that I wanted to see my siblings so I went to a Christmas dinner with my family and some extended family. While there I needed to change my diaper because it was an all day affair and by 2 or 3 pm I was pretty soaked due to all the cider and other drinks involved. Well apparently during my change I didn't properly tuck my diaper into my jeans and about an hour later I was clearing up some of the trash left from the kids opening another round of presents from some extended family that showed up later in the day after they'd had their own Christmas morning at their place. While bending down to grab shit my diaper was peeking I guess and my dad loudly said "Oh my fucking God anon, you're still pissing yourself?! You'd think you'd have gotten that figured out by now, what self respecting person wears diapers at your age?!" Remember, I was fully incontinent at this age. And it was due to a spinal injury. And he was fully aware of that. He just did that to be a dick, there was no longer a pretense of "trying to get me to grow up" or whatever. I didn't talk to my family for over 5 years after that. The last time I even spoke to my dad was over Facebook messenger. He tried to guilt trip me into interacting with the family again cause my mom apparently missed me. I yolk him to fuck off and die and blocked him on everything. >Why were they so mean over something they knew was out of your control? I have no fucking clue my guy. I mean, I know it was about control, but that's still a really shitty excuse to abuse your kid. Like, I'd get it if I was a little shithead, but I was a good kid! I wasn't a picky eater, I kept my room clean, I did all my chores, I was a B+ or higher student, I even got a job at 13 years old to help put food on the table when times were tough. But no matter what I did to prove I was a mature person, I was always treated like a peice of shit. What I do know is that it's mostly my dad's fault. I never knew my actual dad, he fucked off when I was like 2 or 3, but before my mom remarried I remember her as being super kind and understanding, she never punished me for being a slow potty trainer. But when she married my dad, he started making her go to this hyper fundamentalist church that essentially brainwashed her into thinking that the man is always right. And not in the hot fantasy way like the whole "all women should be kept in diapers" way, like the topic on this board. But in the really abusive way. Turned her into this brainwashed cow that truly believed my dad when he said this was the best way to cure my condition, that the doctors don't know what they were talking about. >How old are you now and are they still shitty to you about it, if so would you tell them off? I'm 28 now. As far as I'm aware, they are still pretty shitty. The last contact I had with anyone in my family was in 2020, and it was a phonecall that lasted less than 10 minutes. And I'm not really too keen on trying again, especially now that my incontinence has gotten worse due to complications from my initial injury. When I was 25 I developed bowel incontinence and I really don't have the mental energy to find out how they'd react to that. >Not that you'd ever tell them, but do you think it would fuck with them knowing their punishment made you like diapers more and also make other people want to like them more too since you help make littles out of AB/DLs? I've thought about this a lot. It would be kinda fun to fuck with them like that. Just send them a pick of me and my girlfriend/little both thickly diapered and tell them "thanks to your constant humiliation over my diapers during my formative years, I now get off on this and have found others who also get off on it! Get fucked!" Or something along those lines. But ultimately I know that my family is super petty, and they'd probably use that information to ruin my life in some way. It at the very least would end up on a Facebook post where they go all "Oh woe is me! I tried so hard to raise a good kid, but I guess some are just destined to disappoint." Or some shit like that. >How many times do you wet before you change when you're not home? I have no clue. I have the kind of incontinence where I'm just constantly leaking little spurts at a time, so I measure my pamps in time spent and sogginess more than wetting. Lately I've been wearing Trests for work, so at most I change once a day, but with less absorbent diapers I change 2-3 times a day. I literally have to check my diapers like a baby because I literally have no clue how wet I am without checking. Which is kinda hot, ngl. But it also means that I have to always be thickly diapered if I don't wanna be changing constantly, and diapers are expensive. >Do you enjoy being wet/wetting or is it mundane outside of littlespace? I do still find it nice, it's like a constant reminder of my little side even when I'm not little. I'll check my diaper throughout the day or feel it start to get really swollen, and I feel this little twinge of happiness that no matter what I'm doing or how responsible I'm being, I'm still pissing myself like a little baby. Which then plays into the little space once I get home and have time to be little.
>>10955 >I used to see myself as only a sub, but I'm becoming more willing of being as switch to not close myself out of finding a AB/DL guy. If I was to diaper someone what do you to to weaken their bladder? Is making them feel little part of it or do you find that's just the kink stuff a lot of us all like? So, there's a couple things that help someone have a wet accident. For one, sparkling drinks. Seltzer, soda, kombucha, etc. Citrus and cranberries also stimulate the bladder. Also, if you have your little in your lap and you're trying to gently get them to relax and wet their diaper, there's a little massage you can do on their lower stomach, between the belly button and their junk, that stimulates the bladder. The spots right around where their belt would sit. If you gently press on that every 1-2 seconds, it seriously makes it difficult to hold their pee. But the best way to get someone comfortable with peeing and doing so regularly is consistency and comfort. When I'm unpotty training someone, I do everything in my power to make sure that avoiding the potty is so much more comfy and convenient than using one. I make sure they know that I've got them, that no matter what they're a good boy/girl for using their diapers, that I'm gonna make sure they get changed and that they don't need to worry about anything, their diapers and I have got them. If you can, give them lots of cuddles and lap time, especially when first starting out. It also helps to have a little training chart that rewards specific behaviors that you want to see in relation to unpotty training. For example, when I'm unpotty training someone, I don't want them to tell me when they're wet or messy. That's not their business, it's mine. I decide when they need a change, and I'll check their diapers when I deem it appropriate. So if my little is messy and comes to me for a change, I'll still change them and give them all the love, but they don't get a star on their chart, which might mean they don't get desert at our next dinner out. But if they just continue to play or do whatever it is that they were doing until I come and check their diaper, then the get extra attention and maybe some time with the buzzy wand, as well as a star on the chart and extra praise. As far as the last part of your question, it's really dependant on the person. Some littles I've had will have no problem with wetting or messing when deep in little space. Some are only like that with wetting. Others still get shy about it when little. But I have for sure found it easier to help someone use their diapers if they're in that childish mindset.
>>10900 > I have a thousand trip stories I could tell I would be interested in hearing more of these. When you were on a trip or something like that, would you know you had to go and just couldn't hold it? Can you describe times where you had accidents, like how it felt, what you were thinking, etc?
>>10977 I can talk about it for sure. I wasn't incontinent at the time, but I just had a really weak bladder and bowels. So I could definitely feel it coming, but I'd only get maybe a 5-10 minutes warning before I was wetting myself, 15 minutes if I really tread as hard as I could. To tell another trip story, one year my family went on vacation to Hawaii. The flight was crazy long, so I was double diapered for the flight. Normally my parents made sure I had an aisle seat, as while they had no problem with humiliating me about my diapers, they didn't want to deal with a messy accident on a flight. Well, for this flight, for some reason I was given a window seat. About 5 hours in and I can tell my diaper is soaked and I'm probably gonna leak. I tell my parents but they ignored me, which was pretty normal. They looked for any opportunity to embarrass me, and what's more embarrassing than a 13 year old who's not only in diapers, but uses them so much that they leak? Anyways, I turn back towards the window and zone out for a little while. A while later, (maybe 30-45 minutes? I can't remember.) I felt the need to mess. I told my mom, but my dad just says that I'm trying to make an excuse so I don't leak through my diapers. I try to plead with them, but they won't listen to reason. Eventually it gets really bad and I decide to just say fuck it, I'm forcing my way through, this flight still has an hour or so left and I don't want to spend it mucky and get a rash. So I stand up and try to force myself through to the aisle so I can rush to the bathroom. I almost get through before my parents can react, but my dad puts his arm out and catches me as I enter the aisle. The jostling from being stopped so suddenly destroys what little sphincter control I had left, and right there in the aisle I load the seat of my diaper. Which of course results in me wetting too, so now I'm leaking and messy and my parents are loudly scolding me and I'm on my knees crying and it's a whole mess. Eventually the stewardess comes by and asks my parents to get me under control and says that we're disturbing the other passengers. Which, can I just rant about this for a sec?! This is how bad shit happens in this world. People being apathetic peices of shit. I'm obviously having an incredibly traumatic experience and my parents are just verbally and emotionally abusing me out in the fucking open and this cunt of a stewardesses response is to blame me?! What the actual fuck is wrong with people. Like, you can shit on younger generations all you want, and they fucking deserve it in most cases, but at least they wouldn't have let that fly! Anyways, my dad picks my sobbing ass up and slams me back into my chair and buckles me in. I then spend the rest of the flight stewing in my own filth while trying not to sob too loud as I'm quietly scolded for being such a disappointment. And once the plane lands and I'm finally out of the seat, the whole seat is soaked in piss. As we're disembarking the plane, one if the stewardesses pulls my dad aside and talks to him. Idk what they talked about, but it made my dad furious. My theory is that they either charged him a cleaning fee for the seat I soaked, or they talked to him about how what they were doing was wrong. And you never tell my dad he's wrong. Either way, he stormed off and I got punished for whatever they talked about. I got pulled into a handicap bathroom, got my ass brutally spanked after I got cleaned up. I was then rediapered and carried out in just a diaper and a shirt. I spent the rest of the day without pants, and the rest of the vacation diapered. Which was hell not only cause it was embarrassing, but to any of you babies that live in incredibly humid climates, you know how sweltering that can be. I was chafing so bad by the end of our two week vacation. Plus, being diapered 24/7 for two weeks did a number on my already terrible control. It took an additional week or so after getting home to get close to the level of control I had before the trip. But at least I was home, where at least everyone already knew I was diapered and it was less embarrassing.
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>>10962 >>10963 >>10980 Thanks for telling us more, Anon. I hope they rot for what they did. If it were me I'd also disown them, move states and never contact them again. They got sick? Good, fuck 'em! Cancer? Hope it wins. I was lucky to not come from an abusive home, but a good friend of mine I met later in life did and it really sucks to see how even in our 20s it still followed him. I'll keep those tips in mind too for any little I date in the future. Do you find things like locks on plastic pants work since they're is no way out? I know it turns me on and many others on, but past that can it help be effective?
>>10980 That's legit crazy that they did that to you. It is 100% child abuse. In fact its literally a violation of fundamental human rights under international law. (to which the US is bound) I dont remember the exact wording, but it basically says you cant deny someone the ability to relieve themselves in a reasonable manner. In other words, you cant forbid someone from using a bathroom. I have no legal background, but honestly I could see a lawsuit of some kind being filed here, even years after the fact. I dont know what/if the statute of limitations on child abuse is, and I dont know if it would be considered a civil or criminal case, but if it would help bring you some kind of closure, you might pursue that. Especially since they made a big deal about letting everyone around you know, there would be plenty of corroborating evidence from people you grew up with, doctors, etc. I once witnessed a parent slap their kid. I don't think they were an abusive parent, but I could be wrong. I had certainly never seen them like that before. I also dont think they meant to, it seemed like a heat of the moment thing, and they pretty quickly had an "oh shit" moment after it. (it was in a car with myself and like 2 or 3 other kids in the car, I was an adult at the time as well, maybe 18 or 19) But that has stayed with me even years later. While part of me thinks that saying something at the time might have just made it worse/more awkward, theres another part of me that will regret not calling it out right then and there. It was a stupid thing, the kid was thirsty and was going to drink this day old soda that all the ice had melted in, and the dad was telling him not to because it was "pure sugar". He had no problem with him drinking the same thing the day before. If anything, it had less sugar than it started with, since it had been diluted. I came so close to pointing this out, to saying that was uncalled for. But I was a newly minted adult and just didn't have the balls to stand up and do something like that. Do you think talking about this, sharing these stories/experiences, etc, helps in some way? I don't want to cause further harm and force you to dig up things you would rather forget... Anyway... >I wasn't incontinent at the time, but I just had a really weak bladder and bowels. So I could definitely feel it coming, but I'd only get maybe a 5-10 minutes warning before I was wetting myself, 15 minutes if I really tread as hard as I could. So in that kind of scenario, did you just hold it until you physically couldn't stop yourself from wetting, or would you just go whenever you needed to, or something in between, like hold it for a bit then kinda give up? Also how did school work? Were you diapered at school, and if so did you still try to make it to the bathroom when you could? Did you have some kind of system or protocol set up with the school nurse to deal with wet pants and/or diaper changes? In general, if you were wearing a diaper, did you try to use the bathroom if you could, or just go in your pants?
>>10980 That's legit crazy that they did that to you. It is 100% child abuse. In fact its literally a violation of fundamental human rights under international law. (to which the US is bound) I dont remember the exact wording, but it basically says you cant deny someone the ability to relieve themselves in a reasonable manner. In other words, you cant forbid someone from using a bathroom. I have no legal background, but honestly I could see a lawsuit of some kind being filed here, even years after the fact. I dont know what/if the statute of limitations on child abuse is, and I dont know if it would be considered a civil or criminal case, but if it would help bring you some kind of closure, you might pursue that. Especially since they made a big deal about letting everyone around you know, there would be plenty of corroborating evidence from people you grew up with, doctors, etc. I once witnessed a parent slap their kid. I don't think they were an abusive parent, but I could be wrong. I had certainly never seen them like that before. I also dont think they meant to, it seemed like a heat of the moment thing, and they pretty quickly had an "oh shit" moment after it. (it was in a car with myself and like 2 or 3 other kids in the car, I was an adult at the time as well, maybe 18 or 19) But that has stayed with me even years later. While part of me thinks that saying something at the time might have just made it worse/more awkward, theres another part of me that will regret not calling it out right then and there. It was a stupid thing, the kid was thirsty and was going to drink this day old soda that all the ice had melted in, and the dad was telling him not to because it was "pure sugar". He had no problem with him drinking the same thing the day before. If anything, it had less sugar than it started with, since it had been diluted. I came so close to pointing this out, to saying that was uncalled for. But I was a newly minted adult and just didn't have the balls to stand up and do something like that. Do you think talking about this, sharing these stories/experiences, etc, helps in some way? I don't want to cause further harm and force you to dig up things you would rather forget... Anyway... >I wasn't incontinent at the time, but I just had a really weak bladder and bowels. So I could definitely feel it coming, but I'd only get maybe a 5-10 minutes warning before I was wetting myself, 15 minutes if I really tread as hard as I could. So in that kind of scenario, did you just hold it until you physically couldn't stop yourself from wetting, or would you just go whenever you needed to, or something in between, like hold it for a bit then kinda give up? Also how did school work? Were you diapered at school, and if so did you still try to make it to the bathroom when you could? Did you have some kind of system or protocol set up with the school nurse to deal with wet pants and/or diaper changes? In general, if you were wearing a diaper, did you try to use the bathroom if you could, or just go in your pants? >>10900 >I even spent a whole week at a friends place diapered 24/7 because I was being Punished and my mom figured having to be diapered at my friends house during the day could be part of it. Instead I had a blast and nobody cared. I was 13 for that one. So did you have to use them 24/7 in that situation, or could you use the bathroom like normal and just wear them and get on with your life?
>>11019 That was weird, it just double posted something instead of the new post I just wrote... What I was trying to write... >>10900 >I even spent a whole week at a friends place diapered 24/7 because I was being Punished and my mom figured having to be diapered at my friends house during the day could be part of it. Instead I had a blast and nobody cared. I was 13 for that one. So in that instance did you have to actually use them 24/7, or could you take them off to use the bathroom normally? How would that work out? Also what does the conversation between you and your friends sound like at the beginning of the week sound like? "Hey guys, my moms trying to punish me so I'm being forced to wear diapers all day for the week"?
>>10995 Absolutely. They could all die and I wouldn't even attend the funeral. I've washed my hands of them. As far as locks go, it's once again really dependant on the little. Some are into light bondage like that, some aren't. I'm super into that kind of stuff, and so was my last ex. So since I literally never use the potty and he wanted to diaper train, I straight up locked the toilet shut. I bought these adhesive locks with a metal cord and a key lock and attached them to the toilet and threw the keys in my gun safe. I also bought this locking diaper cover made of straight jacket canvas off this shop on Etsy, it used segufix magnetic locks. If he ever got really antsy about using his diaper and was begging to use the potty, but wasn't safe wording, I'd slide a suppository up his bum and then lock his diaper on him. He'd then have to sit in his mushy diaper until I decided he was ready for a change, and every time he would ask for one the time would be extended. Shit was so fucking hot. By the time we broke up he was a full blown bedwetter and had the bladder of a hummingbird. I think he still wears 24/7 to this day.
>>11012 I've looked into it, idk what or if there even is statute of limitations on child abuse, but even if I could bring them to court I'd want to wait till my younger siblings were old enough to fend for themselves. After all, they never abused any of the other kids. It was just me. I guess I was the example, all the other kids saw what happened to me and did everything in their power not to earn the same treatment. Plus all the other kids were the direct offspring of my dad, who was the ring leader in all the abuse, so he naturally treated them better than me. Fuck, there was even times where I would get beaten or otherwise punished for the kids bad behavior, claiming that I was a bad influence and that's why the kids acted out. As far as digging up past trauma, it's all good my friend. I wouldn't have opened up on this topic if I wasn't okay with it. Truth is I've now had a decade of therapy to work through this shit, and yeah, it still sucks to go through it again, but it's also kinda cathartic. Especially doing so with other diaper wearers/enjoyers. My therapist is super supportive of my little side, and has even done a session with me in little space to try and help drudge up forgotten trauma so she can help me work through it. But it's still nice to just be able to talk frankly about my experiences without the pretense of therapy. As far as your question goes, little column A little column B. If I was diapered I'd just let it go, being diapered meant that I was expected to use them. But if I wasn't diapered, I'd try to hold out till I could get to a potty so I could avoid punishment. Unless I wanted to be diapered, then I'd just let go. As far as school went, for the longest time I would try to tough it out. The school knew about my potty problems, so I had carte blanche on going to the bathroom. But by my second year of middle school, I just gave up and was diapered for school. But before that, when I was toughing it out, if I didn't make it and had an accident in my pants I'd just report to the school nurse. I had several sets of clothes that stayed at school for just such an occasion, and the school nurse took pity on me and wouldn't report my accidents to my parents. If I had an accident, I'd go to the nurse, she'd help me get cleaned up, then I'd be diapered and put into fresh pants. Then she'd wash my clothes while the rest of the day went on normally. Then I'd report back to her at the end of the day, she'd give me my laundered clothes back, and if my original clothes weren't dry yet she'd give me one of the other sets of clothes that was as similar as possible to my original clothes so as to not tip off my parents to my accident. But once I gave up, I'd just see her after lunch every day for a fresh diaper. Once high school started, I'd just bring a fresh change and supplies in my backpack and change myself as needed, as it was a new nurse and I didn't feel comfortable around her like I had with my middle school nurse. And I've already answered the last question earlier in this post, if I was diapered the potty was off limits.
>>11020 I would use my diapers as intended. I'm sure I could've used the potty if I'd wanted, since I was at my friends house and they weren't gonna tell on me. But I'd already started coming to the conclusion that I was into diapers in some capacity. Plus they were so much nicer than holding my pee and poo, part of having a tiny ass bladder is that holding it gets painful very quickly. As far as the conversation with my friends went, it wasn't really a conversation. I'd show up, we'd head to their room or wherever we were gonna hang out, and just hang out. Then once I needed a change I'd get my supplies out, my buddy would obviously notice and just ask how long I was being punished this time. I'd tell them and that would be the end of it. If it was my best friend he'd ask if I wanted help changing, but only if I wasn't messy. I'm pretty sure he was into diapers too, or at least into me, but if either are the case neither of us have had the balls to broach the subject. Maybe one of these days I'll nut up and bring it up, but honestly my fetish isn't worth a lifetime of friendship so probably not.
>>11030 >As far as digging up past trauma, it's all good my friend. I wouldn't have opened up on this topic if I wasn't okay with it. Thats good to know. Im glad you've been able to work through all this stuff and get help from someone! > if I didn't make it and had an accident in my pants I'd just report to the school nurse... Thats nice that she would do stuff like not report it, etc. Were those accidents pretty much limited to wet pants, or did you sometimes poop your underwear too by accident? When you started just wearing diapers to school, would you always just let yourself use them or would you try to make it to the bathroom sometimes if it was convenient? Did you frequently/ever poop your diaper at school? (speaking of which, how was your bowel control compared to your bladder control? Did you get any more/less warning with #2, or was it pretty much the same 5-15 minutes?) Also, would the nurse at the middle school actually clean you up and change you, or just provide your supplies and a private place to take care of it yourself? >>11031 >I would use my diapers as intended. I'm sure I could've used the potty if I'd wanted, since I was at my friends house and they weren't gonna tell on me. >As far as the conversation with my friends went, it wasn't really a conversation. I'd show up, we'd head to their room or wherever we were gonna hang out, and just hang out. Then once I needed a change I'd get my supplies out, my buddy would obviously notice and just ask how long I was being punished this time. Would you go off somewhere private before pooping yourself, (either to feel less embarrassed yourself or to not expose your friend to any odors, or some combination of both) or just right there in front of your friend? Id imagine you could pee pretty discretely, but Im sure they would be pretty much instantly aware of the other kind happening. Either way, when it was just you and a friend like that, would you feel embarrassed/humiliated, or was the friendship/trust strong enough that it wasnt really a big deal for you, like just a regular part of life? (while I never had any hardship remotely similar to what you went through, Ive always craved that level of friendship ant trust with others my age, knowing they had my back and would accept me no matter what) >If it was my best friend he'd ask if I wanted help changing, but only if I wasn't messy. That is super adorable on so many levels! Did you ever/often take him up on the offer? Was having someone help actually be useful, or was it kind of a "I appreciate the thought but there isnt really any way you can contribute to this situation" ? Like were you young enough that changing yourself was still kind of tricky or difficult? Did they always or frequently ask, or just some of the time? (not counting when you were messy) If you did let them help, what would the do actually? Like how would they help? Did you feel shy/embarrassed by that, or not really? What did your friends parents think about you being diapered (either just at night or during the day when you were being forced and/or "forced but I could probably get away with using the toilet for the most part but I'm just gonna use my diapers anyway cause its easier" to be in diapers 24/7? Did they ever help you with managing it (changing/cleaning up, reminding to change, helping you keep it as discrete as possible, etc), or try to give you a sort of safe haven/comforting/loving environment to escape to? Also, if you dont mind me asking, what was the medical cause of all this? You mentioned some kind of spinal injury, but I got the idea that it came later on in life. One other thing with both pee and poop accidents; when you were trying to hold it but didn't make it, would you get to a point where it was just too uncomfortable and you would just let yourself go (on purpose) because of that discomfort, or would you be so uncomfortable that you couldn't help but let yourself go (like you deliberately go in your pants, but only because the urge to go was so overpowering that you couldn't stop yourself from letting yourself go, even though you didn't want to), or would you hold it to the point where you physically couldn't keep it from coming out, no matter how hard you tried not to, like you physically were unable to stop it? (like where you never made the decision, conscious/deliberate or otherwise, to go in your pants, and despite fighting it to the last second, it happens anyway) >>10963 >when I'm unpotty training someone, I don't want them to tell me when they're wet or messy. [...] So if my little is messy and comes to me for a change, I'll still change them and give them all the love, but they don't get a star on their chart [...]. But if they just continue to play or do whatever it is that they were doing until I come and check their diaper, then the get extra attention and maybe some time with the buzzy wand, as well as a star on the chart and extra praise. This is one of my favorite scenarios, littles mushing their diapers and they continue playing/whatever and sit in it while the space around them starts to smell, announcing to all nearby what happened, until the CG comes to clean them up! (both in the role of the little or the CG) Hearing these stories from your childhood makes me want to go back in time and just give you a great big hug and tell you you're OK, its not your fault, help clean you up when you needed/wanted help, and generally take care of you and support you and encourage you and make you feel safe and loved the way all kids should feel! Im just really glad it sounds like you had a group of friends who could offer that to you in some way it sounds like. Sorry for the barrage of questions! I hope none of this is too hyper focused or just kind of annoying! If you want, feel free to break any replies into separate posts and sort of get back to the rest later, or even just say "I don't really feel like answering that" if you would rather not lol. I get like this some of the time where I suddenly feel super talkative and all that. (I think its a side effect of one of the meds I'm on, as it usually happens at a particular time of the day. Like it doesn't *always* happen everyday, but when it does, 99.9% of the time it happens at a particular time)
>>11047 > Were those accidents pretty much limited to wet pants, or did you sometimes poop your underwear too by accident? When you started just wearing diapers to school, would you always just let yourself use them or would you try to make it to the bathroom sometimes if it was convenient? Did you frequently/ever poop your diaper at school? (speaking of which, how was your bowel control compared to your bladder control? Did you get any more/less warning with #2, or was it pretty much the same 5-15 minutes?) Also, would the nurse at the middle school actually clean you up and change you, or just provide your supplies and a private place to take care of it yourself? I had messy accidents. They weren't as common, but they still happened fairly often. As far as when I started wearing diapers to school, it was decision made in defeat. I had a whole two+ week period where I had a wet and/or messy accident every single day. Previously I maybe had two, maybe three accidents a week, four tops. And on super rare occasions I had none. But as school got more and more stressful I started having more and more accidents. Which culminated in that two+ week period of every day accidents. At the end of that stint of time, I reported to the nurse for a change after a particularly bad wet and messy accident. By the end of the day I had completely soaked the diaper she had put me in, to the point it was near leaking. She then helped me out of my soaked diaper, but instead of giving me back my undies to wear home she diapered me up again and sat me down. She told me that I was just getting worse and that she thought it would be best if I defaulted to diapers, at least for a while. That way she didn't have to deal with so much disgusting laundry. But she made it clear that it was my choice, she didn't want to make it out to be a punishment or make it seem she thought less of me because of it. I was a little upset but I agreed, and that "for a while" turned into the rest of my school life. And to answer your question about trying to make it to the potty after choosing diapers, for about a month I tried. But I think I made it only once or twice that whole time, and eventually I gave up. I didn't even try to hold when I was at school, which further eroded my potty training and resulted in more accidents at home. As far as frequency of pooping, I've always been semi regular, I always have two bowel movements in a 24 hour period. But when they happen is random, within a certain amount of time. I always have one in the first half of the day, and one in the last half. But that could mean I poop at 8 AM and 8 PM, or that could mean I poop at 1 AM and 4 PM. I have definitely woken up messy many many many times. Which if I'm off work is very little space inducing and very intense, but if I have to work it's incredibly frustrating, not only because I now have to clean up quickly before work, but also because my head is being pulled into little space but I have to force myself to stay big for work. It's the headspace equivalent of blue balls, and if that happens I'm usually grumpy for the first few hours of the day. Anyways, to answer your question, I was good for at least two messy diapers in the morning a week when I was in school. And to the question about how much of a warning I got on my bowels, it was incredibly short. At most I had 10 minutes. Tops. And I was like that all the way until I ended up bowel incontinent. Even as an adult I messed my diaper quite frequently, I've had to leave work because of messy diapers quite a few times. And the last part of this block of questions, yes, she changed me. Initially when I entered middle school I was quite embarrassed that she even had to know about my accidents, and on the first day I had an accident. So I reported to her and she asked if I needed help. I was very indignant and told her "no, of course not! I'm not some baby!" even though the truth was at that point I had never diapered myself, my parents or older sister had always done it. Anyways, she handed me the diaper and the new pants, and I went into the bathroom to change. I did an absolutely HORRIBLE job. But I was too embarrassed to ask for help, so I just pulled the pants up and hoped I'd done good enough to make it through the rest of the day, or that the pants would at least hold the diaper snug enough to prevent leaks. Needless to say, within the hour I had leaked during the lightest of accidents. She did all the diapering after that. I'll answer the rest of the questions in your post in a little while, I just got off work and I need a change, my girlfriend probably needs a change, and imma smoke a bowl and get something to eat. If you have any other questions feel free to ask anyways, I'll get to them today, pinky promise.
>>11047 > Would you go off somewhere private before pooping yourself, (either to feel less embarrassed yourself or to not expose your friend to any odors, or some combination of both) or just right there in front of your friend? It depends on the friend. With my best friend as well as two other friends, I let it all out whenever I felt the urge. Especially if we were playing video games. There was no way I was losing a match of smash or Mario kart just because I needed to poop, at least with those friends. With the rest of my friends I'd try to be a little discreet, or if I had a messy accident before I could get somewhere discreet I'd change immediately. To this day my best friend doesn't give a shit (pun intended) as to what ends up in my diaper. We can be out drinking and I could be in a messy diaper for hours and the most he does is ask if I'm close to leaking and remind me to change before I ruin a seat. Or if I'm really drunk, he'll even make sure to force me to change, or on very rare occasions change me himself. Although the only times he's changed me while we're drinking is if we're already either at my place or his. >Either way, when it was just you and a friend like that, would you feel embarrassed/humiliated, or was the friendship/trust strong enough that it wasnt really a big deal for you, like just a regular part of life? With my friends, they always made sure to never make me feel embarrassed. Me wearing diapers wasn't weird, it was a part of who I am. All of them had known me since we were all in kindergarten, they had seen me continually fail potty training and be punished with diapers. So me being in diapers was completely normal for them, it was never really awkward. If anyone made it embarrassing, it was their parents making awkward comments before bed like "Oh, anon, do you still need your, uh, "protection"." To which I usually responded by saying I'm already diapered. >That is super adorable on so many levels! Did you ever/often take him up on the offer? Yes, almost every time he asked. It's always nice to have help, plus he's my best friend, I know he's being sincere. >Was having someone help actually be useful, or was it kind of a "I appreciate the thought but there isnt really any way you can contribute to this situation"? Like were you young enough that changing yourself was still kind of tricky or difficult? It was absolutely helpful. Like I said previosly, I didn't get the hang of diapering myself until well into middle school. So if I was hanging out at a friends house, I'd have to ask their parents to help. Which that was always awkward as fuck. So anytime my buddy offered, I gladly accepted. Even after I had gotten diapering myself down. >Did they always or frequently ask, or just some of the time? (not counting when you were messy) They asked most times we were together and I needed a change. Which is part of why I said I think he was either into diapers, or into me. >If you did let them help, what would the do actually? Like how would they help? Did you feel shy/embarrassed by that, or not really? It depends on the diaper. If I was just wet he'd do we whole deal: untape, wipe, rash cream, powder, and rediaper me. If I was messy, I'd go and clean myself up and then lay down so he could diaper me. He was very good at diapering me, it was always perfectly snug without being too tight. And while it was a lil embarrassing the first few times, it got pretty normal pretty quickly. Although I definitely felt a little shy anytime he touched me junk during the change, for obvious reasons. >What did your friends parents think about you being diapered (either just at night or during the day when you were being forced and/or "forced but I could probably get away with using the toilet for the most part but I'm just gonna use my diapers anyway cause its easier" to be in diapers 24/7? Did they ever help you with managing it (changing/cleaning up, reminding to change, helping you keep it as discrete as possible, etc), or try to give you a sort of safe haven/comforting/loving environment to escape to? I've already kinda answered most of this in previous answers, but they were usually pretty awkward about all of it. Until I figured out how to effectively diaper myself they would help me whenever I needed to get diapered before bed or if I needed a change. But they were super awkward about it, but that awkwardness came from a place of compassion. They never ever tried to embarrass or humiliate me like my parents did. But they kinda went in the other extreme of constantly tip toeing on eggshells, which just accentuated how weird it was for me to be diapered at that age. Whereas my friends made it seem like life was completely normal and for a little while I could pretend I wasn't the weird kid. >Also, if you dont mind me asking, what was the medical cause of all this? You mentioned some kind of spinal injury, but I got the idea that it came later on in life. I don't remember what the medical issue was when I was a kid, I know there was something because my mom took me to the doctor a bunch about it, but once she remarried my dad convinced her the doctors were stupid and I was just being lazy. He did the same with my ADHD too, claimed the doctors were just drugging kids for no reason and tossed all my meds. I spent my entire childhood with severe ADHD and no way to combat it. It's a miracle I even graduated high school. But as far as the injury that caused the actual incontinence when I was older, I was crossing a crosswalk and a truck ran the light and hit me going 55. I was paralyzed for almost a year, and had to go through intense physical therapy for another year and a half. But now, over a decade later, I'm at probably 80-90% mobility. I still have chronic back pain and I get shooting pains in my legs, but I'm at least able to function like a human being and hold a job. Granted not a very physically demanding one, but still. Gotta pay for those diapers somehow, I'm pretty sure insurance won't pay for Trests. >One other thing with both pee and poop accidents; when you were trying to hold it but didn't make it, would you get to a point where it was just too uncomfortable and you would just let yourself go (on purpose) because of that discomfort, or would you be so uncomfortable that you couldn't help but let yourself go (like you deliberately go in your pants, but only because the urge to go was so overpowering that you couldn't stop yourself from letting yourself go, even though you didn't want to), or would you hold it to the point where you physically couldn't keep it from coming out, no matter how hard you tried not to, like you physically were unable to stop it? (like where you never made the decision, conscious/deliberate or otherwise, to go in your pants, and despite fighting it to the last second, it happens anyway) The last one. I would hold out for as long as I could, and it would very quickly go from uncomfortable to painful, and then shortly after that I was pooping and/or peeing my pants. >Hearing these stories from your childhood makes me want to go back in time and just give you a great big hug and tell you you're OK, its not your fault, help clean you up when you needed/wanted help, and generally take care of you and support you and encourage you and make you feel safe and loved the way all kids should feel! That honestly sounds lovely. I definitely wish I'd had that in my life, it's taken a decade of therapy for me to stop believing I'm as worthless as my parents made me feel. Sometimes I wish I could just start all over again, but with an actually supportive family. >Sorry for the barrage of questions! I hope none of this is too hyper focused or just kind of annoying! Hey, don't sweat it kiddo. I opened up to questions, I was prepared for this. Besides, you've been nothing but polite, and I really appreciate that.
>>10980 Suddenly I feel alot better about being berated by my dad for wetting the bed and being called a baby
>>10900 >Having a chronicly weak bladder, I was always THICKLY diapered for any long flight or road trip. Do you have any stories involving messing or wetting your diaper in the car? Like some particular occurrence you remember? Not even anything that was super traumatic nessicarilly, although feel free to share whatever you like. Speaking of which, did you ever have accidents where you weren't humiliated for it on purpose, or was that pretty much limited to before your mom re-married? Like where your parents weren't absolute jerks and actually acted like they were caring for you? Also how old were you when that happened? >>11077 >To this day my best friend doesn't give a shit (pun intended) as to what ends up in my diaper. That was another thing I was gonna ask, but it sounds like you have kept in touch with him all these years. That's nice. >>11077 >That honestly sounds lovely. I definitely wish I'd had that in my life This might sound kind of weird, but that actually makes me feel a little better about myself. For years I've had this feeling around some kids, like I just want to give them a hug, hold them, comfort them, etc. For a long time I thought I might be a pedo or something, and honestly theres a part of me that worries I still am. But I dont want to "touch" them or anything like that. Part of me thinks its just my parental instinct partially kicking in before I have kids for some reason. That makes the most sense to me, but theres still a part of me that worries that rather than having this urge to hug/comfort a kid because they need a hug and to be loved and comforted, I instead feel that urge because I *can* comfort them, that I do it, at the core level, because I have the ability to do so, that I'm doing it for my needs, not theirs. Not that I've ever done anything wrong. The closest thing to "wrong" Ive ever done like that was when this kid on a boy scout campout was having a panic attack after everyone else was in bed, and I sat down with him and just gave him a hug after I realized that no words were going to get through to him. (If your not familiar with the BSA's youth protection policy, this [on paper and free of any context at least], is very much not allowed) And I think that was the right thing to do in that situation, but what worries me is that I *enjoyed* it. It felt good. > it's taken a decade of therapy for me to stop believing I'm as worthless as my parents made me feel. Im glad you got to that point, even if it took a long time! >>11077 >Besides, you've been nothing but polite, and I really appreciate that. Thank you, I appreciate that!
>>11088 >Do you have any stories involving messing or wetting your diaper in the car? Like some particular occurrence you remember? There's a lot, but there was this one story that sticks out in my memory. My family was moving from one state to another, and we decided to road trip. Problem is, the state's were so far apart that the trip was about a week long. I spent the whole trip in rather thick diapers, and after the first day my mom got tired of having to deal with my pants every time I needed a change. So after the first day my mom just packed up my pants with the rest of the clothes and I was pantsless for the rest of the trip. Didn't matter if we decided to eat in a restaurant, or decided to stay a night in a motel, I was just dressed in a shirt and a diaper. Which was kinda embarrassing, but my parents weren't hell bent on humiliating me for that trip, the diapers were more a matter of convenience so they didn't have to stop every hour and a half to two hours and risk a soaked seat. Don't get me wrong, they still did nothing to stop any kind of embarrassing interaction and I was still occasionally demeaned, especially when my sister would ask to stop for the bathroom and I'd get changed in the back seat while she was using the potty. My dad would usually take those times to point out that if I'd "just stop being lazy" I'd be using the potty like her, instead of getting changed where anyone can see me. I also wasn't forced to use the diapers exclusively, since I wasn't necessarily being punished. The nights we stayed at a motel I was allowed to use the potty before getting diapered up for the drive again. I actually have a lot of fond memories from that trip, and not just because I wasn't getting fucked with 100% of the time. My family had bought a big ass suburban just for that trip, and my dad spent a few weeks before we left retrofitting the middle console between the driver and passenger seat to put in a tiny CRT TV/VHS combo, and then hooked our N64 up to it and hooked the whole thing up to a power inverter so me and my older sister could play games during the drive. It was a lot of fun, getting to see a bunch of the US and getting to watch movies or play Mario Party 2 and Mario Kart the whole time, not having to worry about the potty or anything. >Speaking of which, did you ever have accidents where you weren't humiliated for it on purpose, or was that pretty much limited to before your mom re-married? Like where your parents weren't absolute jerks and actually acted like they were caring for you? Also how old were you when that happened? It was very rare. Before my mom remarried, I was pampered, and not just in the diaper sense. My mom just treated it like she got to have a baby a little longer than most, and because I was such a mild mannered kid it was really easy for her to just keep babying me. My mom remarried when I was 7 almost 8, and I slept in a crib all the way up until then, not just because she was babying me but also because I was a small kid and it was cheaper than buying me a new bed, especially since she was a single mom at the time and had limited income. But after the marriage, it was incredibly rare for me to not be punished for my diapers. The only times I can remember where I wasn't outright punished was that road trip and whenever I was really sick. There was a couple of times where I was super sick, like not able to get out of bed sick. During those times things almost went back to the way they were before my dad entered the picture. My mom would take care of everything, she'd help me eat, change my diapers, make sure I was comfy and she was very gentle and kind and caring about it. I remember I once forced myself to get sick so she would treat me like that again. >This might sound kind of weird, but that actually makes me feel a little better about myself. For years I've had this feeling around some kids, like I just want to give them a hug, hold them, comfort them, etc. I don't think that's weird at all. It's society that makes it "weird". Because of all these pedos and shit, the whole of society gets all up in arms if an adult male shows ANY level of kindness to a child. It's bullshit, but the assholes ruin it for the rest of us. But there's nothing wrong with comforting a child, especially one that's gone through/is going through a rough or traumatic time. I definitely wish I'd had someone like you in my youth, someone to comfort me. All I had was my one plushy that I kept hidden from my parents and later in life my older sister once she realized how the way I was being treated was wrong.
>>11109 Sounds like you'd be living it up like Brooks in the Colt3n comics if your step dad wasn't an asshole. Do you Think you'd still be abdl if your parents were more empathetic to your needs
>>11077 >With my best friend as well as two other friends, I let it all out whenever I felt the urge. Especially if we were playing video games. There was no way I was losing a match of smash or Mario kart just because I needed to poop, at least with those friends. With the rest of my friends I'd try to be a little discreet, or if I had a messy accident before I could get somewhere discreet I'd change immediately. Did any of your friends (either the ones you would go in front of on purpose or any other friends when you weren't able to get somewhere more discreet in time) ever comment/say something or react in some way when you pooped? Or did they just ignore it and act as if nothing happened? Also, I know you said they never embarrassed you, but was there ever any sort of good natured teasing?
>>11121 >ever comment/say something or react in some way when you pooped? For that matter, did you ever say anything? or just ignore it and get on with the game?
>>11120 Oh most definitely. I still would've been in diapers, I just wouldn't have been punished as much. I'm pretty sure that if you go through puberty in diapers, it's guaranteed you'll end up an ABDL.
>>11121 >Did any of your friends [...] ever comment/say something or react in some way when you pooped? Or did they just ignore it and act as if nothing happened? Most of the time no, some of them would ask if I was okay, but they generally ignored it. >Also, I know you said they never embarrassed you, but was there ever any sort of good natured teasing? My best friend would give me some friendly ribbing every once in a while, but it was all in good faith and was never mean. The usual lines were "homie, you freaking stink." and "dang! I didn't know diapers held that much!" or if I leaked: "I'm glad we're sitting on the floor, maybe double up for the rest of the night?" It would still make me blush a bit, but I generally liked it. It made my diapers feel normal, and like it wasn't a big deal. Just part of being me.
>>11122 >For that matter, did you ever say anything? or just ignore it and get on with the game? I most of the time ignored it, the most I'd ever say is "sorry for the smell" after the match was over and I went to go change. But that also depended on the friend, my closer friends I didn't even bother saying anything, it went unsaid that they didn't mind and that I couldn't help it.
>>11127 >>11128 >I most of the time ignored it, the most I'd ever say is "sorry for the smell" after the match was over and I went to go change. But that also depended on the friend, my closer friends I didn't even bother saying anything, it went unsaid that they didn't mind and that I couldn't help it. Being stuck in my own head about it makes it odd. For them it's likely almost never on their mind, but for me It would always be there. They might not know about the kink part and if they do I'd guess they don't want to think about that. I'd be mortified if my friends knew I was into it. Hell it took me over a year and half into dating my last ex to open up about it, but I have loads of trust issues. One of my friends suspects correctly that I like crossdressing. I'll be damned I'd admit it, but I'd rather that be the thing he thinks he knows than I like to wear and use diapers.
>>11131 Tbh, my friends probably wouldn't care if they found out I enjoy diapers. They'd probably come to the assumption that I developed a love for them as a result of them being a constant and a comfort during my rough childhood. Plus they've been really understanding of my sexuality/gender expression. I've been pretty openly queer most of my life, I'm pansexual so they've seen me date guys, girls, and non binary people. Plus I've always had a penchant for being feminine. Idk if I'd call myself nonbinary, just because that seems a little bit far, but I definitely have a very effeminate side. I also don't mind playing the roll of mommy if that's what a little wants. I can be mommy, I can be Daddy, I can be whatever makes a little most comfortable. All that I care about is giving littles the supportive and loving childhood I didn't have, and if letting them call me mommy helps, then fuck it. Also, cross dressing is fucking hot tbh. Gimme a boy who doesn't mind wearing skimpy lingerie over his bulging diaper, or a girl who wears striped shirts and shortalls like a tomboy. Shits fucking hot, idk why. Just don't come near my dick and balls with anything sharp. I'm cool with trans peeps, but it's a miracle my downstairs plumbing even works in that regard, given how much of it is broken. So imma keep it.
>>11132 What diapers did you wear back then vs what you wear now. I get that you can't wear the ones you want all the time but don't say depends or some shit. Post your fun, chill out diapers. I have a set of tykables puppers I love. Google searched pics of the diapers would be cool
>>11134 When I was younger, I wore a lot of different diapers, mostly dependent on what my mom could find for cheap. A lot of generic medical youth diapers, and a lot of tranquility ATNs. Nowadays I just wear whatever I want. I have a good job that pays enough that I can afford whatever I want. I haven't worn a cheap diaper in years. My goto cute diapers are Carousels, Tykables Unicorns and Camelots, ABU Peeks and Paws, although lately I've been addicted to the Gatorz. They put me in such a little space, since the cloth backing reminds me of the cloth backed diapers my mom bought a lot when I was really young. I also live near an actual ABU store (won't say which coast) so I can just walk in and buy my diapers without having to pay for shipping or wait on them. For work I mostly wear plain diapers and plastic pants, as I've had a wardrobe malfunction several times and the last thing I want is people to see me in a patterned diaper. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ashamed or anything, they're just my underwear. But there was one time it did happen and I was wearing an ABU Space, I had to answer a lot of annoying and awkward questions. So most of the time I wear either a white or black Northshore Megamax, ABU simple ultras, or more recently Trests. I've been addicted to Trests, normally I have to put a booster in my diapers for work if I wanna avoid the annoyance of changing a soggy diaper at work. Obviously doesn't help much in the event of a messy accident but still. But with Trests, I don't even need a booster. They can handle a whole 10 hour shifts worth of wetting! It's awesome. Also, the swell up super huge and it's so comfy.
>>11132 Mixing diapers and crossdressing is my jam. I look bad, but my last ex liked it ( the crossdressing) and thought it made me look hot so I'll take their word for it. I don't want to go too off topic, but we had a really strong connection on how far things can be taken without a safe word I can't really put it in words but we both just seemed to know what the limit was. If I was told "undress and put a skirt on, right now" I had to do it or I'd be spanked. I couldn't turn down having my junk touched. I "had" to let it happen and I "had" to return the favor. I can only imagine how far little play would have gone if we ever did it. I was warming her up more to the idea of diapers and diapering me, but life had other plans. The issue with finding someone not already into this is the risk they really don't want to deal with it. I explained if we moved in together I am likely to wear them around the house and use them. I was told "I'm not changing if it's number 2" and I was fine with that. Going 24/7 might have been pushing the limit, but I had no plans on being 24/7. I was able to work in being talked down to and having my pants checked at random. Having it whispered to me "I just need to make sure you didn't poop yourself...good boy" as she pats my ass made me rock hard. She never saw me in one, but said she bet I looked cute in one and would like see it. Sadly it didn't work out before that could happen. Where is the best place to look for people into this kink anyway? Back to some other questions. >Do you dress in a way to hide them from showing or are you beyond giving a shit at this point? >How do you muffle the crinkle? >Are you smell blind to baby powder to a point where people around you can tell, but you can't? >Does being incontinent effect taking showers? >Does being incontinent effect fapping or sex? >Have you had your own littles wet their pants outside of diapers? With the fapping one I more mean can you do that without wearing a diaper? I got a wand this week and used it on thew outside of my diaper and it made me cum buckets in like 20 seconds. Ever use a wand?
>>11137 > I don't want to go too off topic, but we had a really strong connection on how far things can be taken without a safe word I can't really put it in words but we both just seemed to know what the limit was. If I was told "undress and put a skirt on, right now" I had to do it or I'd be spanked. I couldn't turn down having my junk touched. I "had" to let it happen and I "had" to return the favor. I can only imagine how far little play would have gone if we ever did it. That sounds incredible, I one day hope to have that with a little or CG. I've only been close to that level of connection once, but then the little in question broke our dom/sub trust by not honoring the boundaries we'd set and also not safe wording when they should have and then blaming me for going too far when they had the power and responsibility to stop it by safe wording. Needless to say, the relationship didn't last much longer after that. >Do you dress in a way to hide them from showing or are you beyond giving a shit at this point? I only ever make an effort for work. I just do not care anymore if random people see or find out about my diapers. Just recently my girlfriend and I were celebrating her birthday and I was walking around downtown between bars with my pants low and my diaper high, little paws out for anyone to see. I just cannot be fucked to care. If other people can get away with boxers and having their pants around their knees, why can't I with diapers? They're just my underwear after all. But for work I put the effort in, just because I've had jobs find out in the past and since you're in constant close proximity with these people on a daily basis you just end up answering questions about it for months and months on end and that shit gets annoying very quickly. I'm there to make money, not talk about diapers. That's what 8chan is for. >How do you muffle the crinkle? As previously stated, I only worry about that for work. I have a pair of Gerrywear waterproof diaper covers that fit perfectly and are cloth on the outside but waterproof vinyl on the inside. And because they fit so snugly they do a good job of minimizing crinkling. And then I wear a Tykables plain white onesie as an undershirt, which adds enough snugness and support to make my diapers all but silent once my pants are on. Plus I always have a speaker clipped to my hip playing music, so even if I didn't do all of that, nobody is hearing my crinkles over the music. >Are you smell blind to baby powder to a point where people around you can tell, but you can't? Nope, but that's also because baby powd is my favorite scent and I do a lot to make sure I always smell it. I use extra powder in my pamps, I put it in my shoes to fight excess moisture, I use women's deodorant because Dove has a stick that smells like baby powder, I have baby powder scented shampoo and conditioner that I found on Amazon, my car had a couple baby powder scented air fresheners in it, and I'm looking into buying a diffuser so I can make my entire home smell like baby powder. So no, not only can every one else smell baby powder, but I can too. And it's great! >Does being incontinent effect taking showers? Yes but no. No in that I'm still gonna take a shower no matter what, but yes in that it can affect when I shower. I've had a few accidents in the shower of the messy kind and not only is that annoying to clean up, but then you feel like you need to take a whole extra shower to be clean. So nowadays I usually shower after I've had a messy diaper, to minimize the chances of dropping a deuce mid shampooing. >Does being incontinent effect fapping or sex? Yes. Absolutely. It makes everything much more difficult unless your partner has a piss kink. 90% of the time, sex for me doesn't involve penetration because it's just such a mess and it's impossible to be spontaneous when doing the deed requires a whole bunch of prep, like laying out an extra plastic sheet and/or a bunch of puppy pads and hoping they don't slide out of the way. So most of the time, spontaneous casual "sex" between me and my partner involves me humping the shit out of her soaked diaper with my own diaper. Luckily for me though, she does enjoy piss, so she's the first partner I've had that's been willing to give me head. Shits fucking awesome. But even with that we have to be careful too. Because the last thing she probably wants is to be blowing me and all of a sudden there's an exposed mess near her face. Honestly, the bowel incontinence has been the biggest issue with traditional sex, even when we are fucking it's either with the front of my diaper pulled down enough to get my dick out, or a hole cut in the front. Which seriously limits the level of penetration. I'm not small down there, but I also don't have a monster cock. And losing and inch or more to thick diapers seriously hampers the amount you can penetrate. >Have you had your own littles wet their pants outside of diapers? Oh yeah. All the time. It's so fucking hot. Especially with my current girlfriend, she's super into the whole "forced back into diapers" fantasy, so it's a frequent prelude to a night of diapered debauchery. Well go out for a walk or to grab some groceries, and she's expected to either piss and/or shit her pants. When she does, I then gently but firmly admonish her, fully slipping into the loving but disappointed father roll. Lots of "what did Daddy tell you would happen if you had another accident?" I've found that saying stuff like that out loud, even if nobody is around to hear it, is so little space inducing for her. So I make her tell me that she's going back into diapers, then I tell her to hold daddies hand as I walk her to the car. Then I make her stand outside the car while I take my time putting down a puppy pad for her to sit on. I kinda wanna take it to the next level and diaper her in the back of the car and then give her jeans that are too tight and just go back to whatever we were doing, but she's super nervous about doing that outside. Which makes sense, but still. It would be hot. But anyways, then I take her home, I gently get her all nice and cleaned up, and then I give her a spanking for not telling me she needed to go to the potty, before I thickly diaper her. What happens after that is usually adlibbed, sometimes we keep the scenario going where I just continue to treat her like a naughty little girl and we just have a comfy little Daddy baby night. Sometimes it results in me tying her up to the bed and having some fun. >With the fapping one I more mean can you do that without wearing a diaper? I got a wand this week and used it on thew outside of my diaper and it made me cum buckets in like 20 seconds. Ever use a wand? I honestly can't fap without a diaper anymore. At this point, I'm so used to flapping in a full diaper that I can't even fap in a fresh diaper. It has to at least be pretty wet. Also, yes, wands are fucking awesome aren't they?
>>11135 Have you ever pooped more than once in the same diaper? like a trest on the weekend sort of deal? Not just pooping and then 5 minutes later a little more comes out, but like 2 discreet, full sized poops. Its something Ive always wanted to experience but I almost always poop just once per day.
>>11150 >Have you ever pooped more than once in the same diaper? like a trest on the weekend sort of deal? Not just pooping and then 5 minutes later a little more comes out, but like 2 discreet, full sized poops. Absolutely. I love being mushy, so on my days off sometimes I'll pack a bunch of fiber into my diet and drink a bottle of magnesium citrate. Just spend the whole day loading my pamps every few hours. Or sometimes if I'm feeling lazy I'll just put a couple stuffers in a Trest and just wear it for a whole day, get one normal mess in the morning and then wear it till I have my second mess in the evening. It's so nice, and then if my girlfriend gives me diaper pats? I'm in heaven.
>>11147 Fapping in a wet diaper is fantastic. I like putting on audio files when I do it where I'm talked down to or whatever for it. All that stuff with your girlfriend sounds fucking hot. God bless.
>>11161 Bruh same. Having a sexy voiced girl or guy talking down to you about how much of a little baby you are for being in diapers as you buzz your soaked diaper is the fucking best.
>>11161 I wish I had a smaller dick sometimes so I could be dick shamed and diapered without it feeling forced
>>11158 >I'll pack a bunch of fiber into my diet and drink a bottle of magnesium citrate. Just spend the whole day loading my pamps every few hours That sounds like heaven to be honest.. Does magnesium citrate have any unpleasant side effects, like excessive cramping? How long do the effects last? Does it make the mess softer or watery? Not sure if you would personally be able to tell on this one, but does it *make* you go, to the point that its impossible to hold it, or just make you *need* to go, but you would still have control if you decided you didnt want to make a mess in your pants for some reason? Have you tried any other messing aids/tricks? Stuff like marshmallows, bananas, oatmeal, etc?
Followup from my post Here >>7952 I’m releasing little spurts every time I change positions now after consciously relaxing my bladder muscles for an hour. Happens several times per week. Daily wetting count is officially too high to count now, its always at least 20. (Excluding droplets / dribbles)
>>11168 >Does magnesium citrate have any unpleasant side effects, like excessive cramping? Before the bowel incontinence, sometimes. It causes random contracting, but it only gets uncomfortable if you try to hold it in. Before the incontinence, my bowels would contract but my sphincter would clench, causing cramping. But if I focused and forced my sphincter to relax, the contractions would force the mess put without cramping. But now I barely even notice it. My diaper just gets heavier and heavier, and my butt makes noises from time to time. >How long do the effects last? Depends on how much you drink. Most people recommend half a bottle, as at half a bottle most people are only fully effected for about 4-5 hours and then you have lingering effects for the rest of the day. If you drink the whole bottle, expect to be pooping all day and be accident prone the next. You'll also probably mess in your sleep if your sphincter is operating at anything less than normal. >Does it make the mess softer or watery? It depends on your diet. Part of the reason I massively increase my fiber intake is because if I don't the mess comes out very watery. But by increasing the amount of fiber, I can keep a normal, soft stool. >Not sure if you would personally be able to tell on this one, but does it *make* you go, to the point that its impossible to hold it, or just make you *need* to go, but you would still have control if you decided you didnt want to make a mess in your pants for some reason? I've kinda already answered this, but to be more specific, if you're not incontinent it just makes you need to go. Badly. Like, even if you have a strong sphincter, you've probably got less than 5-10 minutes to get on a potty if you don't wanna mush your tush. But for me? It just results in spurts of poo at random intervals. I may mess twice in 10 minutes, or it might be almost an hour between accidents. >Have you tried any other messing aids/tricks? Stuff like marshmallows, bananas, oatmeal, etc? Yes, but they don't really work anymore. My bowel incontinence specifically is tied to my sphincter muscles and the connection they make to my brain. The sphincter naturally wants to relax, but it's signals from the brain that tell it to contract. But in order for the brain to send those signals, it must receive signals that the bowels are full and that the sphincter needs to keep the mess in. That two way connection doesn't work for me. I cannot clench my sphincter even if I try, those signals do not get from my brain to my sphincter muscles. And I do not know when I'm about to mess my diaper, the signal to my brain letting me know I'm full never reaches my brain. And so the bowels just naturally push out the mess, or whatever is in there, into my diaper with no resistance. So I cannot do the marshmallow trick, the banana trick, or really anything up the butt anymore. It doesn't stay in long enough for it to do anything. Same goes for suppositories and enemas. Which fucking sucks, as I loved enemas. But now, unless I put in a butt plug, they just come out immediately. And a butt plug ruins the fun of not knowing when you're about the explode this one big mess into your diaper.
>>11189 Im definitely gonna have to try this. What kind of stuff do you eat for fiber?
>>11194 Oatmeal, fruits and veggies, as well as fiber supplements. There's fiber gummies that I take on a daily basis too keep my poops soft so they come out easier, as I lack the ability to push out hard messes and a hard enough poo can actually get stuck and cause constipation. You know the poops I'm talking about, the ones that feel like you're giving birth and your butthole is about to be torn in two. I could just use a drinkable fiber supplement, but I like the gummies cause they remind me of Flintstone vitamin gummies from when I was an actual kid. But if I'm upping my fiber, I still take those as well as these super high fiber biscuits from metamucil. You can buy all of this at Walmart or whatever you local Kroger is.
>>11189 If you want to use a suppository (and I know it can be good for an incontinent person to use one in some situations), you should be able to stick it in there while laying down and then peristalsis will sort of suck it into your bowels as long as you don't stand up. Every taken nullo tablets?
>>11422 >If you want to use a suppository (and I know it can be good for an incontinent person to use one in some situations), you should be able to stick it in there while laying down and then peristalsis will sort of suck it into your bowels as long as you don't stand up. I'll have to try that. I always change standing up so the only times I've tried a suppository was also standing up, which just resulted in it sliding out either before I could get the diaper on or very shortly thereafter. Thanks for the info! >Every taken nullo tablets? Yes, but they don't work very well on me, gives me wicked gas and indigestion. Plus it makes my pee smell rank as fuck, which completely negates any reduction in smell from my poops. Besides, I have a piss kink, so having gross pee all the time is a nogo.
>>11575 It's also worth mentioning to lay on your left side when inserting a suppository, as it will help your colon take it deeper. Also hi, fellow incontinent anon.
>>10837 wouldn't mind a rundown of your tips and tricks to turn people into helpless bed/pantswetters. :)
I take all medications via suppository when I can. I suffer 2-3 severe headaches each month which lead to nausea so it's hard to swallow tablets of asprin and paracetamol. (I also take ketamine via suppository.) I believe a suppository also delivers more of the drugs into your bloodstream more quickly. I'm surprised I don't hear more ABDL discussion of their childhood experiences of medicine delivered this way, because it was all I knew as a child/teen. You should indeed take a suppository on your side, I sometimes take them legs up in the diaper-change position too (just more practical since I wear full-time). Anybody else who wears only for wetting started to suffer fecal urgency? I am hoping this doesn't develop into bowel incontinence. I can hide pretty well the fact I'm wearing when I'm just peeing in them, it's harder messing and I have to change immediately. I've had a few times I've just lost control over the past few weeks, normally associated with having an early breakfast (I don't know why??)
>>11714 I don't think any parent goes: yep I wanna shove a pill up my kids ass and trust that they don't immediately run to the toilet to try and instinctually poop it out. That's probably why you don't hear many suppository stories
>>11714 Yeah, after a year of 24/7 wetting I started having messes too. It's easier to manage if you enema out before going to work, but sometimes it just happens. I'm at peace with it, it's okay, but I don't really know how to prevent it besides deliberately timing meals and things.
>>11714 Only 6 months in, and I think I have increased urgency after drinking coffee. Feels like one wrong move will lead to not making it to the toilet, which has only happened once.
>>11715 >I don't think any parent goes: yep I wanna shove a pill up my kids ass and trust that they don't immediately run to the toilet to try and instinctually poop it out. That's probably why you don't hear many suppository stories I don't know, I think the suppository's less common than it used to be especially in the English-speaking world. Maybe it will come back because it's a superior way of delivering medicine especially when the patient has nausea and can't swallow etc When I was living in France I saw them advertised much more openly than I did England, where they are really advertised only for infants (but like I said, you can get almost any medicine formulated into a suppository, and this is what I do). Growing up, my parents knew no other way of giving medications or taking temperatures than rectally (my dad was a doctor and my mom a nurse, so both were pretty businesslike about the human body, no room for dignity or privacy or anything, because they saw stuff like this everyday). I would never try and deliberately poop it out because then my fever or whatever was making me sick wouldn't get better. I remember that my mom would make me wait for a few minutes in the position I was in which made sure I wouldn't unintentionally release it >>11723 >Yeah, after a year of 24/7 wetting I started having messes too. It's easier to manage if you enema out before going to work, but sometimes it just happens. I'm at peace with it, it's okay, but I don't really know how to prevent it besides deliberately timing meals and things. I hope I come to peace with it, it isn't something I expected when I started to wear full-time. Much harder to explain to people and discretion becomes a thing of the past I guess. Making me rethink how to approach wearing 24/7 >>11727 >Only 6 months in, and I think I have increased urgency after drinking coffee. Feels like one wrong move will lead to not making it to the toilet, which has only happened once. Okay, I'm hopeful I don't progress to full bowel incontinence. You said you've only had one incident where you didn't make it, which isn't too bad, but have you had many times where you had to rush and only _just_ made it? I would say I've had to rush most of the time before I go poop in the past little while. It's only a few of those times I didn't make it, because it came too suddenly and I couldn't resist, or I was too far from a restroom
>>11760 I'm the anon that's at peace with it. I'd say i have an accidental mess maybe once a week, and it's not really feasible to hold it if it's not firm, but it hasn't worsened. For the most part i just mess or enema into my diaper on purpose now while i'm at home, easier than having an accident later. I very rarely use a potty.
>>11760 >have you had many times where you had to rush and only _just_ made it? Well it has been a concern. I attribute it primarily to my ADHD nature of constantly finding something else to think about even if I realized I really needed to use the bathroom 5 minutes ago. Rarely does this happen with #1 because I'm basically diaper training with a whole bunch of focus on making that as effortless as possible. With #2 tho, I'd rather not, as it means having to walk to the restroom and untape. I try and use the toilet every morning after changing out of my night diaper -- as a preventative effort. The one time I messed myself was probably a combo of accelerants like coffee, lack of fiber, and my repeated abrupt squatting while cleaning. While still slav squatting, I felt that the poo I'd been trying to hold for about 1 minute was happening, now.. I stood to untape myself as I was already in a bathroom but it was too late before standing. Recently, yes, I can feel my shit at the gates of my sphincter which isn't my normal needing-to-go feeling. It honestly feels like things partially opened somewhat, but my subconscious clench reflex is holding it in limbo. That obviously necessitates a toilet trip, but once again I get to this point by ignoring my body, usually. Today I had no issues, I could even hold for a bit so I don't think I'm in dangerous territory.
Has anyone ever made their own stent or bridge to bypass the bladder valves? Seems less risk than a catheter for infection by more for complications, like it getting stuck. I've been thinking about it a lot but really no idea where to start.
>>11878 I make my own stents. I cut down a Foley to make the basic stent. Basically, the foley catheter is cut at about 5 inches in length (perfect size for me but maybe not everyone). Using a very thin tube, 2 cm brass tube to plug the new filling line into the foley, and a luer lock connector on the outside. This allows me to use the original balloon to keep the stent in place. It is thin so I have to inflate / deflate very slowly to avoid high pressure bursting the tube. The cut end of the foley gets a ferrule from a brass compression fitting to make a 'bump'. This helps keep the stent from migrating into the bladder. I also connect two high strength 25 lbs test fishing lines to the stent. These act as security and retrieval lines. This is so I won't have to go to A&E for care when something goes wrong. I use a knitting needle with a dull tip inserted into the stent as an inserting tool. I have to use lidocain lubricant to numb things up before putting it in or taking it out. The large size from the ferrule is hard to pass otherwise. I also soak the stent in 80% alcohol for an hour followed by ten minutes in boiling water to kill the bad stuff. This I do right before insertion. I usually leave it in for a few weeks at a time. I have no control at all while using but control comes back quick once removed. I have never had an infection using this but have had dozens of infections over the last forty years or so with foley type catheters. Your experiences may vary. I want to read others stories doing the same or trying though. I haven't found anyone else who does this so I would like to learn more about others who do.
No idea if this thread is active but, I'd like to be unpotty trained?? I don't know what your stance on taking on new folks is but, if you're willing to talk about it more elsewhere I'm quite curious
>>12116 I would like to know more about your process, if you have a visual step by step.
>>12169 Not >>12116 but also interested. I read a lot about others doing this on dailydiapers. Also saw somethings on reddit but can't find it now. Maybe to cautious to try it but still want to. Wish I could just buy one like the Spanner stent. On dailydiapers there is a dedicated discussion to it at h**p$://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/topic/51022-my-experience-with-stents/
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No. 12189 That all seems a bit much, to me. I do something a bit different. I'm going to do a shameless plug, but I've been trying to untrain for awhile now. https://diapered-fox.tumblr.com/ Its a blog I'm doing about my progress. Scroll through the B.S. cute stuff I reblog and find my cath cage posts. I defiantly wouldn't use fishing string, as it is made to deteriorate after it gets wet.
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Anyone know where Joys of Bedwetting can be found free online? The ISBN is 9781549928246 and it is a book on the positive aspect of being a bedwetter. Would love to find a pdf or ebook version.
Is making yourself constantly dribble in your diaper a genuine way to be functionally incontinent over time? Any better methods? I have a really strong bladder and wanna fix that without catheters/stents.
>>12741 I'm pretty sure that if you frequently urinate your bladder will reduce in size, which is arguable a step towards incontinence. Even most incontinent folk usually have their bladders fill to some degree before releasing, they just don't have control over the "when" part.
I think the dribble is the way to go I have been 24/7 - messes for about 3 months I do think I dribble or little spirts though the day but I do have moments when I have to focus and relax my bladder for a small flood in the morning at times. Starting to feel the cost of diapers tho. I bout 200 of the xp5000 and gunna try a few dry24/7's as I hear some good things from them I just wanted the Velcro diapers for feeling small. Anyone else got a way better absorbency per diaper, Diaper?
>>12744 Yea that's why I said functionally incontinent. I tried the whole just relax and go whenever you have an urge for about a year and it got me nowhere. If I'm not able to hold on my pee for longer then 30 mins I think that's about as good as it gets for me. >>12747 Rearz mermaid tales hold a ton and the cost per diap isn't too bad change twice a day so only about 6$ a day + rearz diapers are super soft inside.
>>12692 I searched on library genesis and readfrom but didnt find anything. Perhaps it might be in some other similar collection?
>>12854 I have been looking too since I saw it posted here. Nothing found where I can DL without buying. I don't have any problem with buying if I could find it in an actual store and pay cash but don't really want amazon or other vendors cataloging this purchase with my other interests. Amazon: h**ps://www.amazon.com/Joy-Bedwetting-different-view-bedwetting-ebook/dp/B07695TF5W/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr= AB Discovery (publisher): h**ps://abdiscovery.com.au/the-joy-of-bedwetting/
>>12759 From what I've heard, it's hard to untrain from normal continence. At most, one can reduce the level of control. Most of the ABDLs I know who were able to untrain themselves to the point of actual incontinence had control issues either as a kid or in their adult life. Or at least were chronic bed-wetters. I was a late trainer (4 or 5 I think) and bedwetter into adolescence. I also take a particular medicine which is linked to overactive bladder/mixed incontinence (prescribed for me for a medical reason). I pee a few times each hour as far as I can tell, small amounts. Haven't used a toilet for a while now.
>>12868 You could buy a visa pre-paid card in cash and use that perhaps?
>>12908 Would still need to be shipped to my home. If it were in a local store, more easily purchased with relative anonymity. The pervasiveness of surveillance makes Orwell sound like an amateur. I have been very careful to keep certain things segmented from my 'real' life - this is one of them.
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>>11878 I like the idea of stents to be temporary incontinent. They can be removed. Without a doubt or questions I would rather it be permanent though. I would have surgery in a heartbeat, if I could find a doctor to do it... I'm not so good at making things so don't want to try my hand at stents. But would buy either of these if I could find a source.
>>13035 Maybe get a PO box then? You could at least get an ebook purchased with relative anonymity, just create a new email identity and whatever else you need to buy that.
>>13036 where did you see these from?
>>13039 Google search
>>12868 What I did was buy a couple Amazon gift cards then set up a fake account and ship to an address of an unoccupied home nearby. When I get the notification that it's been delivered I drive over and pick up my goodies
>>12868 Do you know any place where I can upload the book to? >>13058 There are still great risks and potential for exposure of someone trying to stay under the radar. If it is a book, available as an ebook, better to buy it online with a gift card as >>12908 suggested. Conduct the whole transaction via Tor, using email accounts created for that purchase only, and then deleting everything once the books are downloaded. (mail2tor, proton, and others are options). The only issue I ever have doing it this way are sites that use Amazon or PayPal to sell (a VOIP SMS number is generally not allowed, and a physical mobile phone will give a good idea of the users location).
>>12692 I have uploaded The Joy of Bedwetting and a few others to The Imperial Library and Just Another Library. You will need Tor to access but they're available for download. The Joy of Bedwetting at Imperial Library: kx5thpx2olielkihfyo4jgjqfb7zx7wxr3sd4xzt26ochei4m6f7tayd.onion/book/qK_y9-qByhEs7mn6
>>12759 I told my wife about the kink a few years ago and she bought into it. Started diapering me more and more often. I wasn’t trying to become incontinent (or even functionally incontinent as you said) but I think, if there’s such a thing as I training, that’s kind of the mentality you take. The more I started wearing casually around the house and to bed, the less I thought about peeing. Then, one night, I woke up mid-pee (luckily diapered) and it scared me. Not long after, my wife and I came home (not diapered) and I was beyond pretty drunk. I woke up the next diapered and it was soaked. That scared me more lol I love the “idea” of becoming incontinent and living the fantasy but fantasy is fantasy because it’s not reality. I have a career, social life, aspirations, etc that’s not worth incontinence. That being said, that’s just me. I get why anyone that’s an ABDL would try it. It’s not a fetish that can be satiated in one night. It’s a lifestyle.
>>13095 Yea I get that I I already wear and use my diapers around everyone in my life. I'm sure some people have noticed and not said anything, I know I've had small leaks and stuff in the past on occasion, don't know for sure but I wouldnt be devastated if they found out or anything and would likely play it off as medical related without going in to too much details if asked. It's far past just a fetish for me. In the past when I've gotten ashamed and taken breaks from 24/7 it's been hell for me honestly. Big depressive episodes, unreliable at work, just hating everything. So it's kind of the opposite, wearing 24/7 for me has had a very positive impact on my life. My main motivation for wanting to be functionally incon is I can just say in all honestly I need to wear protection otherwise I will be sitting on a toilet all day. I tend to be very honest about stuff but I can't just flat out say I enjoy pissing and shitting myself.
>>13089 Not the guy who originally wanted this but thanks, Im gonna take a look at it later on.
>>13074 Library genesis >>13058 >>13074 Lmao if you are this scared to buy some fucking book, just forget the idea of untraining
This has been a fantasy of mine since I was very little. I didn't even know what incontinence was then but I've always wanted to have no bladder control. It just feels more natural more of who I am to just go when I have to go. I hate holding it in. Lately been trying to find a doctor who would be willing to perform a sphincterotomy on my external urethral sphincter. I have a few thousand saved and now just need to find the right doctor. Anyone have this done or contemplated it?
>>13822 imho, the best way to go about it would be to pick up some meds that cause incontinence and help you untrain. A sort of HRT for incontinence, so to speak. Cardura and other alpha blockers would be a good start, as they'd reduce the natural muscle tone of your bladder and make your first bladder sphincter useless, so you'd have to go very often. After that, an anticholinergic to prevent the bladder from moving too much, combined with a diuretic medication to increase frequency, would render someone mostly incontinent without an invasive surgery. If this sort of therapy were continued for a year, atrophy would probably take over. Faster if you managed to keep your bladder relaxed. Cardura and some anticholinergic drugs should be available in online stores like inhousepharmacy or whatever, and you can get diuretic tea or diuretic supplements at any rite-aid. I'd say give that a try, it shouldn't be too expensive, before going on to pursue surgery. If you do pursue surgery, it'd inevitably have to be mexico or thailand, but I have heard of people getting it done in either place.
>>13822 There was a guy on Daily diapers i think it was that actually pursued this with great effort. After several tries finally got a therapist to sign off on it. But the urologist was concerned it would have the exact opposite desired effect. Not sure where that ended up.
I've been 24/7 for years with my CG. Today they put me on the toilet for the first time in forever and waited for me to go before I could get off. I gotta say the whole experience was TERRIBLE. The seat was hard and cold, and my legs started to go to sleep because of the pressure back there. Plus I couldn't really MAKE myself go, I kinda had to but the whole time I was like "this is stupid I should be making in my diapers somewhere comfy" and when I finally did go, there was no satisfaction or warmth spreading in my crotch, it was just...bland. It really reminded me why I chose to return and stay in diapers. She wouldn't tell me why she had me sit on the toilet though, better not be some attempt to make me be potty trained again because fuuuuck that. Just letting you all know, we made the right choice, 24/7 is the way to be!
>>15143 >be me >at play party >there is a no messing rule >couple is there. Guy has is 24/7, actually incontinent from back injury but wears diapers by choice instead of cathing and doing bowel routine >to get around the rule against messing, she gives him a suppository and has him do it on a baby potty. >sitting there, soaked diaper around his feet. >hear a long fart come out, followed by the unmistakable plop of a turd. >”what a good boy!” >gets put into Rearz princess
>>13858 not sure if playing around with drugs is a good idea either. Like both surgery and drugs can be very dangerous, i would go for the surgery though as im on mood stabilizers ad most drugs seem to have a complication with them, heck i cant even take carbon pills to make my messes smell less cause they will also absorb the drugs im on. But if you have a doc and a therapist then to monitor you while you test out the drugs then I think it would be a better idea.
>>13858 Do you have any personal experiences? What kind of anticholinergic drug you meant, there seems to be various kind of them. >>15194 >heck i cant even take carbon pills Which is pretty fucking logical since carbon pills absorb medicines and are used to treat overdoses, poisonings and such preventing the poison sink in your bloodstream
>>15223 Yeah, I've done this in the short term with cardura, oxybutinin, and spironolactone. It makes it incredibly hard to hold pee, to the point that a sharp intake of breath will instantly make me wet myself, let alone a sneeze or cough or physical activity. After about a week on it I started wetting the bed, which persisted after stopping with less frequency. If I had kept it up for a month, I'm confident there would have been more permanent loss of control. >>15194 It's hard to talk about any potential medication interactions, but these medications have highly specific uses and actions. Both act on the paraysmpathetic nervous system and their action should be limited; a diuretic should work with everything, you can get that through a supplement if you wanted.
>>15250 Sounds fun, what made you choose those meds? I'm on Quetiapine and fetzima, the quetiapine has a chance to cause urinary incontinence but I think it's only a 4% chance or something. Sadly I don't have that issue. Could be if I increase the dose higher (I'm only on 250mg / day) I could produce that reaction but then I may cause other problems besides the desired effect.
>>15250 >>13858 >anticholinergic, oxybutynin these are used to prevent incontinence from OAB so I'm surprised it's being recommended to help here I have a dyssynergic bladder and was prescribed oxybutynin to prevent spasms and hold a higher volume of urine. I was self-cathing at the time and often I couldn't void at all without the catheter because of the oxybutynin. after confirming I wasn't hurting my kidneys with the dyssynergic voids I switched to diapers, cut the oxy and started taking tamsulosin, which sounds a lot like cardura
>>15286 I understood that his idea was to use alphablocker to make spincher more relaxed and anticholinergic to make it's movements slower so the result would be stress incontinence. I'm not a doctor and have no idea how safe this combo us but sounds reasonable to me and seems to work for him. Even though oxybutynin is officially used to treat incontinense, in this case it's used _off label_.
>>15286 The difference between poison and cure isn't dosage, it's disease. You had an excess in the first place that oxybutinin was addressing, more muscle tone than necessary, causing spasms. In someone with a healthy, ordinary bladder, ti will relax it beyond what it needs to be, taking it into a low muscle tone state with frequent accidental voiding because the tone isn't enough to hold back a sudden spike in pressure. If you have OAB, or severe bladder spasms in your case, these medications may actually just restore ordinary bladder function. I'm not sure what to advise in that case.
Just had my first accidental mess. I wasn't expecting it in the least. I felt a little pressure in my stomach and was kinda groaning about it, not looking forward to it at all, and was just headed to the bathroom to shower it off when it was done... and it just happened as soon as I stood up. I don't know how to describe it. I thought it was fine, and then the floor just... dropped out. I freaked out hard. I'm fucked. I'm fucked.
>>15850 It's not so bad once you get used to it. First time I found myself messy at the office, for example, was pretty nerve wracking to say the least. I got on with clean up and carried on with the day and that was that. It's been pretty rare since but each time has been easier than the last. Tho now would be the time to back out if you don't want it getting out of control.
>>15194 >heck i cant even take carbon pills to make my messes smell less cause they will also absorb the drugs im on. Have you tried chlorophyll pills/capsules? They are supposed to have a similar deodorizing effect but it doesnt interfere with nutrient medication absorption (as far as I know at least. If you are taking stuff that is critical that it not be interfered with check with your doctor first of course) From what I hear, it removes a lot of the bad odor and sort of replaces it with a plant-like smell (some have described it as cut grass). It also tends to turn your poop green to some extent. I got some a while back but only ever took it like once, and I think you have to take it for a few days or something for it to have any real effect so I cant say first hand how well it works.
>>15897 I tried holding it today after that reality check. I managed to hold it for a bit, but I couldn't do it well enough to get to the bathroom reliably. Even when I was at home, with an unoccupied bathroom, I realized I was going to mess before I could get out of the diaper and sit down. This is the way things are going to be, I think. I'm going to keep trying for a bit, but I don't think I can recover much.
Anyone take the plunge and do some laser hair removal or electrolysis? My CG and I are looking into doing it to help keep my diaper area smooth and clean permanently. Shaving is becoming a pain in the ass and we want something that will last a few years or hopefully forever. Any advice is welcome since we don't know much about it.
>>16317 It’s expensive. Do laser and keep the money saved for diapers.
>>16029 Is your goal to lose control or gain it back?
>>16394 Yeah but laser doesn't seem to be permanent and could require touch ups to be done every few years. Wouldn't it be better to just do the whole process once and be done with the hair growth all together?
>>16317 I just use Nair every month. The first time was a little harsh and had some sensitive skin for a few days after. It gets easier with time though. I would considered electrolysis though if it was cheaper. Laser won't work on me at all with bright blond hair.
>>16421 Yeah I tried magic shaving powder for awhile, it was okay. It's scary using it on your privates the first few times and nothing sucks worse than washing it all off to realize it didn't get all the hair or you took it off a spot too soon so it didn't burn that patch off. My hair is your standard black hair on white skin so I know laser would do okay on it. I just hate the thought of having to go back after a few years when I'm like 40 and reveal my junk to some young stranger again. Or I pay for the cheaper option and in the long run it turns out to cost more because of touchups and repeat visits. From what I've read though laser is a lot faster and cheaper than electrolysis. Even each session and how much sq in of skin they can treat at one time is better, and from what I've heard laser is less painful than electrolysis.
>>16401 Initially, lose control, but I've waffled on it a lot lately. I kept taking breaks and wanting to air out and so on. It just... kinda snuck up on me when it finally started happening.
>>15850 I wasn't sure that was even a thing that happened
The debates on whether you can train yourself to be incontinent or not are wild Does anyone with no prior problems succeed in becoming unaware of when they pee etc? It doesn't actually matter but it is fascinating because everywhere online you read about it, the arguing is intense
>>16442 Post the links to these debates, I would like to read them. >Does anyone with no prior problems succeed in becoming unaware of when they pee etc? That's how it went with me, of course it may be different to somebody else. Been wearing diapers for nearly 10 years. It was mostly occasional but that changed in 2020 because the lockdowns. For a whole year I was almost 24/7. I said "almost" because I don't mess much and didn't wear to visit family and friends. In 2021, everything mostly returned to normal and I was back in boring underwear most of the time again. I didn't have any accident or close call. The only difference is that I pee more often, like my bladder shrink a bit and that's it. So, I don't think someone without prior problems can become incontinent by habit alone. For that a person would need surgical intervention or to suffer some kind of muscular/nerve damage. Conditioning, on the other hand, is completely possible and that was what I managed to achieve, going automatically when in diapers. Takes a lot of time, though.
>>16442 >>16448 It definitely takes a lot more than just wearing diapers all the time. Bedwetting training, at least, is entirely possible, but again requires a lot more than just wearing. I'm not sure how much muscle atrophy is possible for just conditioning, but that wouldn't necessarily be the goal. Probably easiest to condition and instant response or hypnotize for a belief in incontinence.
>>16460 >It definitely takes a lot more than just wearing diapers all the time No, it mostly boils down to wearing diapers every time you can and not holding your pee. People over think this too much. I suggest you read this article: https://understanding.infantilism.org/precontinence.php https://archive.is/lJCLe >Muscle atrophy For a muscle to be atrophied you have to not use it for a long time. That's what astronauts go through in long times in space and that's why they have to workout in orbit. How to NOT use the muscles related to micturition and have them atrophied is the question for those interested in incontinence. Most likely we're all using these muscle involuntarily even when fully conditioned to just let go. >hypnotize Didn't work for me but that doesn't mean it won't work for others. What's your objective? If it's to become incontinent, consider it carefully. Go some time 24/7 and see how having to wear diapers all the time can be a heavy burden in all senses.
>>16484 >Didn't work for me but that doesn't mean it won't work for others. Only if they think it does golden feather.
ok i'm starting with the incontinence training thing as outlined in that 12 month program and within a day i'm kind of understanding the concept. when people say they pee more frequently it feels like its just your bladder relaxing and releasing the excess. so its never entirely empty. that's what it feels like. and the pooping thing is very different too, just letting it kind of automatically find its way out and mentally not trying to stop or to force it. i feel like over enough time this could easily become a kind of subconscious thing that you might not register.
>>16588 Good luck on your training. Keep us updated on your progress. I have two questions for you: Are you planing to also become fecal incontinent? I would advice against it, it's hard to manage and easily noticeable. Are you wearing diapers 24/7? If not, always remember to go to the toilet as soon as you feel the need. Don't hold it in. Lastly. >bladder relaxing and releasing the excess Also the idea is to shrink the bladder. If it's never full, it'll atrophy a little. Don't worry this is not permanent as far as I know. If you change your mind later your bladder will return to its original size.
>>16599 24/7 yeah, just in a good spot to try this out as a lifestyle not sure on the fecal part but i'm just experimenting for now and it hasn't bothered me to the point of not wanting to do it yet but its just a bit gross to handle now and again
>>16621 >just in a good spot to try this out as a lifestyle Go for it. Like I said in a post before, I took my chance in 2020. Wearing diapers all the time got in the way of my life-style later, so I toned down a little. I'm glad I gave it a chance, though.
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>>16588 so far there's remarkably little to say other than i'm still doing it and changing messy diapers sucks. but i feel like its gone from gross to increasingly routine. >>16599 >If not, always remember to go to the toilet as soon as you feel the need maybe working from home i already did this a lot unknowingly because the 'small amounts but often' thing might have been happening before i even tried this
>>15963 >chlorophyll pills those have vitamin K in them, if you take them regularly you will start getting blood clots in the lungs. happened to a friend of mine.
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>>17708 i'm actually a bit bored of it but i'll keep going. more concerned that i'll get caught at some inopportune time even though i'm usually using the non-abdl ones that don't make much noise. i don't even get off to it as much but i think its fulfilling some emotional need. freud would have a field day probably. it is still kind of fun, really fulfills that abdl fantasy where you're regressed/regressing and whatnot.
>>18231 Keep at it anon! Any progress btw?
>>18254 i think about peeing a lot less before doing it, not at all an automatic process but just easier to do in diapers. hasn't caught me off guard or anything but i don't really hesistate before doing it. i actually recommend avocados for messing if anyone wants to do that, the smell's not even half as bad that way. oatmeal isn't my thing personally and messing without a lot of pushing is way easier now.
Just out of curiosity is anyone trying or attempted to do 24/7 for nofap? If so any hints/tips?
>>18231 only significant update since starting peed in my sleep once was eerie it says if you don't wear a diaper to bed it won't happen i vaguely hope that's true
>>19446 Sorry to break it to you but it actually might happen. Your body isn't aware of you wearing a diaper or not while you're asleep. Diaper dependent anon.
>>18231 I think it's surprisingly common that it's not strictly sexual. It certainly isn't for me and others I know who are into it. It's like women in general, honestly: sometimes they're sexual, sometimes they're not. Sometimes you want to do the lewds, sometimes you just want to do headpats. But I think my primary desire/motivation for diapers is more emotional than sexual. Like the banner image says.
>>19603 suffering from success there's some key things on there that are just dumb though hypnosis is and has always been a scam for example and the best anyone could get is a placebo effect where they mentally convince themselves its working maybe but i doubt it can compete with routine use of diapers until you don't think about it deliberately not going near the toilet helps cement the mindset for it too i guess, like you've got nowhere else to go but your pants
>>19620 Placebo can get you far, but I know what you mean. It at best gets you started and can help change perspective. I really want to try not going near an open p***y anymore. How'd you shape your life around it?
>>19637 i can only give protips but ideally you have few social obligations and don't go outside much, and the first thing you need is an adult diaper disposal system and some plastic sheets for your bed. making sure where you sleep stays nice is a huge priority. really any advice that applies to an incontinent person applies to people who want to be incontinent it will be really expensive to pay for diapers and some of the things you need unless you finesse a doctor into diagnosing you incontinent and that comes with brain scans and testing and will be a massive ordeal so if you have money don't do it. finally getting used to changing your own dumpy diapers takes getting used to, really it stinks. urine is nothing honestly but poop's just obnoxious you will get a rash doing it at some point so have some sort of ointment. i think ideally you want to be stealthy so actually a lot of abdl products are just garbage. you don't want to answer the door smelling like zinc cream so ideally try and find scentless creams and wipes just to make you feel more normal doing it. in your free time you can have as many props as you like but i guess you need to make living ordinary life as painless as possible while doing it. betterdry plastic backed diapers are the best non-abdl disposable brand easily but not discreet really so they have pullups too. abena products are terrible. i guess you'll have to deal with people maybe noticing but there's no need to just go all out with it, treat it like some embarrassing medical issue (and it would be in most contexts) and just don't bring it up and if pressed to explain just don't bother or blame it on a prior injury. in your guaranteed alone time you can just do it all with impunity and wear or do whatever you want but remember some day you'll probably have to go to a wedding or funeral in a diaper and that's going to be miserable. actually i don't know if i even recommend this at all unless you personally want it that bad but if you keep using them, don't hold on and keep yourself distracted. also you could laser off your pubic hair, i already did that
>>19639 Weird as it is, I haven't found it all that disruptive to my life. I don't stay in messy diapers very long, so rashes don't tend to form. The most skin irritation I get is chafing, which there are scentless ointments for. I still work a real job 8 hours a day, and don't get found out very often. I'm diagnosed incontinent by a doctor --in the end, while they will run many tests, none of those tests are testing for 'this person is faking it'. If you say you can't hold your bladder, they'll believe you. I stopped feeling ashamed of wearing a diaper to social events after a while. Now I don't even feel normal if I don't wear diapers to work --it's risky, in my opinion, when I could get distracted and just wet.
>>19641 i'm actually really glad to hear that, it might all be a bit more natural to me soon hopefully i think its only been 2 months and i'm still paranoid about a lot of things
>>19643 I've been at it for five years. I'm more functional now than I was before I became incontinent, honestly. It does get better, and I know you hear that all the time, but we're talking about something a lot more... specific. I've been found out as wearing diapers plenty of times, but literally nobody cares. Why would they? It took me ages to realize, but even if they see it, nobody is going to make a judgement about it. My dating and social life haven't been affected very much either --it's an issue that we bring up in a relationship early, but it's never been a dealbreaker for anyone I genuinely loved.
>>19645 what diaper brand/type do you recommend or use daily? i like those betterdry ones but there could probably be better ones
>>19668 You really have to experiment to see what fits you best. Confidrys are the only thing that really works for me at night, but another incon friend of mine hates them and says they always side leak. Take a month to go hard on variety and experiment. You should always have separate daytime and nighttime diapers, though. In daytime, absorbent capacity is second to chafe resistance and solid tapes(no one wants to deal with a popped tape in public, trust me) because you're likely to mess before filling one up. Nighttime diapers need high absorbency, and should feel a little large on you so your pee has space to wick without going out the sides or top. Both diapers should make you feel safe and you should trust them. I personally need that plasticy noise to feel safe in a diaper, so confidrys suit me perfectly, and even when I wear cloth-backed I tend to add a little strip of crinkly plastic just to get the noise. Right now I'm wearing boosted confidrys at night, with an extra bed pad under me that doubles as my changing pad when I'm home. During the day, abena L3 cloth-backed have never chafed me and their absorbency never runs out before I end up messing anyway. The weak leak guards don't matter because I tend to dribble more than flood nowadays.
filled the back of my diaper thoughts?
>>19710 sorry the thread is so dry its basaically academic i wanted to make a stupid post. i'm waking up wet a lot. its probably medication that helped though.
>>20707 What medication are you taking that made you wake up wet?
>>20740 they're not specifically doing that but occasional SSRIs
After waffling on this a long time, I'm ready to commit. My bladder has always been a little weak. I wet the bed occasionally, I have to rush to the bathroom frequently. I've even messed myself a few times. But going for hardcore incontinence is a ways away. What advice do you have for someone just starting out?
>>20802 Ive been 24/7 for a couple months now. I started holding my pee and only let it out in short bursts. As far as messing goes I just take a magnesium pill if get the urge and it usually comes out. any other questions lmk :)
>>20802 its actually such a big topic i don't know what specific thing to tell you fundamentally its simple disposing of your underwear and clothes that don't fit with your diapers feels like a big significant first step. keeping your lower half exposed with only a diaper to remind you that you wear only them now is big. its a series of mindgames really
>>20893 I already spend a lot of time at home wearing diapers and t-shirts because I have to wear them to bed, so it doesn't seem like that big of a shift. Honestly, the more I do this, the more I realize it's not that much of a change. I already have to wear a lot of the time.
Might be starting a fully remote job that will triple my income. Been fighting off the intrusive thoughts telling me this is the best time to stop wearing boxers.
Okay. I've got enough evidence collected to really put this together now. I've been working, with a couple willing people, on a medication regimen that causes incontinence. It's a pretty common side effect of various drugs, so there's choices, but I've found a good mix that is fully legal to buy from overseas pharmacies in vanuatu or whatever, not very expensive, and is effective. The ultimate result, after having a few people try it, is that it will make you *very* leaky within a few days, easily peeing yourself if you sneeze, causes bedwetting and full on accidents after a week, and results in varying levels of permanent incontinence after 2-3 months even if you were to stop taking it. The effect should only be urinary. It's hard to tell how much was affected by people's desire to become incontinent and just not holding it. It's best to assume that it is an important part of the process to be wearing diapers and using them. It shouldn't be taken if you're on certain antidepressants or have low blood pressure, but those are the only two real contraindications. It should be safe for almost anyone else to use, although you should absolutely research potential interactions with anything else you are taking. I'm not your doctor and can't give you proper medical advice, I don't have your blood tests or anything else about you. This is also not currently recommended by any doctor, but it DOES work, and if it gains enough traction it may yet become a thing we see prescribed. It's pretty simple and cheap, too. Doxazosin mesylate, or any alpha blocker really, at a low dosage causes the internal bladder sphincter to relax. Combine that with an anticonvulsant like gabapentin --also really only a low dose is needed, in the area of 50-100mg daily-- to reduce the reaction of the external bladder sphincter to sudden urges to pee. At that point, nothing is stopping your bladder from just emptying itself but your own manual effort, which we deliberately stop through diaper training. You also have the option of a diuretic, to help you train non-reaction to flow, but it's not necessary and it's better to just stay hydrated unless you have fluid retention issues like edema. Because this is only necessary for a short period of time, the longer-term side effects aren't a serious concern, and you can easily get enough medications to make yourself permanently incontinent for about $100. It's crazy to me that no one else found this out.
>>20945 Wow this seems amazing. What is a low dosage for the Doxazosin? May I ask how you found out about this combo?
>>20945 If you can post more proof of your evidence, I'd gladly pay the $100 bucks.
>>20956 The 2mg Cardura tablets worked for doxazosin. This is based on some personal research into it and my own time in med school, which I then tested on myself, and then a couple others just to be sure it wasn't all in my head. >>20957 I can't really post much proof without making myself legally liable, but you can look up what I'm saying and verify it yourself. Doxazosin is an alpha blocker that will relax, among other muscles, your internal bladder sphincter --this is a well known and acknowledged aspect of it, and was even called 'incontinol' in its development stage because of this noticed phenomenon. Gabapentin is the one that's a more difficult sell, and it seems to work the least consistently. It's method of action isn't perfectly understood, but incontinence is a common side effect particularly in people who already have other parts of the bladder system dysfunctional, such as people who are deliberately relaxing their pelvic floor muscle all the time or who have dysfunctional internal sphincters. What it's mostly doing here is preventing your external sphincter from reflexively closing back up and tightening when finishing urination or when noticing an involuntary urination, both things that are hard to consciously prevent.
>>20945 How long does it take to make effect? Honestly I only want to try it occassionally like a weekend or similar, paired with hollowed plugs to simulate incontinency. Also, how dangerous is to take a 300mg Gabapentin paired with 4mg Doxazosin just for a day or two? I ask this cause it's the only presentations I can find online in my country.
>>20980 First non-deliberate wetting was 3 days in, for me and one other person, and 4 days for another. Unusual urinary frequency happened on the first day --going as often as every 15 minutes, and being able to pee deliberately at any time even if only a few drops come out. Second day often had stress incontinence set in, with leaks and minor accidents when sneezing or coughing, and third day had weak-flow wettings of 4-5 oz that failed to engage the detrusor muscle, leaving some urine retained in the bladder to continue to leak or dribble. It is possible to consciously stop that from happening for another week, though.
>>20985 Hey anon, I'm crazy enough that I've already been diaper training for a year now, so I leak often but trying to finish strong. I inferred a lot from your previous postings and got ahold of cardura + hyoscine already. Whaddya think?.. I can get gabapentin. Yet to begin the meds because I have healthy blood pressure already, and I posted earlier in this thread about going 24/7 sans gym. Not sure how more than a pull-up at the gym is going to work.
>>20985 this is absolutely groundbreaking news. Will be monitoring this thread for more on this but if it really is as simple as described here you could literally be looking at a short enough window for someone to accidentally become permanently incontinent just in a binge cycle and not even realize there won't be another purge cycle. O_O
This is amazing, Imaging getting a week of vacation and deciding you can just be incontinent for the whole time and then back to normal... Game changing to be honest.
>>21005 by the sounds of the effectiveness of this regimen, I think doing it too often might be much less temporary lol
>>20985 How long until going back to normal after stopping medication? Let's suppose I only take the meds for 3-4 days just for a full-time diaper week and then stop so I can go to work normally without incontinence effects after said week. Also, I second >>20980 : my blood pressure is normal and I'm not into any antidepressants. However, I'm not really sure how it will affect me if the dosage is higher than 100mg Gabapentin/2mg Doxazosin. Will it screw my bladder at a no return point or the effects will be stronger for a whole day?
>>21002 I wear cloth-backed diapers at the gym, with a fair bit of bodyglide(a sort of roll-on lubricant like a deodorant stick) and it causes me no particular issues. Hyoscine is an interesting anticholinergic. I've got no data on if it works or not; gabapentin was actually a bit of a lucky breakthrough, because although incontinence is not a *listed*, effect, and doesn't appear in practice with everyone, it does happen frequently and particularly to people who are already suffering from mild incontinence, such as what we're doing to ourselves here. If you want to try hyoscine, contribute back with what you know. Gabapentin isn't too expensive and not very problematic at the doses and schedule length we're working at, but if something with fewer side effects like hyoscine works, we might well switch everything to that. >>21005 Definitely don't do this and plan to not have long-term effects. The bedwetting that sets in after a week does *not* go away when stopping.
>>21023 To go on with what I think makes gabapentin effective, although I'm 100% hypothesizing; Gabapentin as a proper anticonvulsant probably stops the reflexive last-ditch response of the body against incontinence, the sudden tightening of the pelvic floor and external sphincters in response to sudden pressure like a sneeze or small leaks. If you're used to wearing diapers 24/7, you probably recognize this feeling as what happens when you try to walk in the middle of wetting yourself; it reflexively tightens up. Gabapentin seemed to soften this reflex even at small doses, and combined with the general will to *not* have that reflex happen and desire to wet... This would explain why gabapentin's incontinence side effect doesn't appear in people who have no bladder issues. That reflex is a last ditch effort against stress incontinence or leaking, something you don't actually get unless you have a problem to begin with. >>21022 I stopped after a week for three days to measure effects. It took about 2 days for the effects to wear off at all, and even then I was noticing much higher urinary frequency and frequent stress incontinence; plus I was still wetting the bed. After a month I stopped again to measure effects, and got mostly the same results, plus a very unpleasant bladder spasming. I stopped after three months again, and haven't taken any of them since. No function's come back; I leak a small amount(2-4 oz) every 15-30 minutes, unbidden, and trying to stop it is uncomfortable and results in low flow or dribbling but the flow continues. I also added a diuretic, stool softener, and *very* mild laxative to my regimen, but I don't think they helped much. I do have occasional issues with bowel incontinence, but other people who did this and didn't use their diapers for BMs had no issues, so I don't think this affects bowel continence meaningfully. If you are going above 50mg gabapentin, it should still be fine. You can cut 100mg tablets in half for safety's sake. I actually took 200mg tablets at the start but slowed them down after a few days. Stopping gabapentin after a long time can be risky, but at these low doses the worst it will do is give you insomnia for a few days. Going up to slightly higher doses might mean you have to ease yourself off it, petering off doses by cutting tablets, but you'd only need to do that for about a week.
>>20945 You are using multiple prescription medicines, that were not prescribed for you and you do not need, for sexual fetish purposes. The side effects of these drugs is providing you pleasure, while their main uses are being disregarded. The side effects of the drugs you mentioned are unusual heartbeat, chest pain, shortness of breath, painful genitalia, throat swelling, difficulty swallowing or breathing, blue-tinged skin and fingernails, and seizures. Please take a step back and consider your health and circumstances before deciding what to do next.
>>21031 Almost every side effect you listed is a possible side effect of caffeine.
>>21031 >>21032 The medications we're using are as safe as medications get, really. Gabapentin is prescribed regularly for very minor issues like twitches, and is considered one of the safest medications of its kind. Of course, you're right. Playing around with body chemistry is risky, and something I don't recommend doing. But if you're going to do it, don't be the first person to do it; I'm extending that courtesy to others here so they can benefit from my insanity.
>>21031 Shut up faggot, let people enjoy things and destroy themselves
Talking on medications, is there any drug to make you more dumb/childlike?
>>21048 I've asked this in diaper threads on half-chan before and the consensus seems to be either shrooms or MDMA but regular old alcohol will do the trick too. I seem to recall someone mentioning powdered booze to get the drunken effects without actually drinking
>>21048 >>21052 Seconding mushrooms, highly recommend. Gives you a curious, happy, childlike mindset. Go for a lower dose (1-2 grams) if that's what you're trying to achieve.
>>21053 Fun fact, it's generally completely and totally legal to buy shroom spores for "scientific purposes" and can even buy them online so long as you promise you won't use any number of the online resources that tell you how to grow them into actual shrooms.
>>21054 Way ahead of you my friend, lucky to live in one of the very few decriminalized areas where you can buy spores at your local smoke shop.
>>20945 super interested. only thing is, it looks like gadapentin is sold for pets here legally but not for people, specifically in 50mg tablets. i'm probably not that desperate at all and know the quality checks wouldn't be the same but is there actually a difference if those were used? just curious honestly, buying the actual human kind online won't be hard probably
>>21025 Would you mind answering a few questions to help establish fidelity? How big was your sample group? What were their current levels of control prior to the medication regimen? Was everyone intending for permanent results? Did everyone wind up with irreversible results? Thanks ahead of time for any questions answered!
>>21090 there could be a difference but i doubt there is. there have been a ton of stories about people who dont have insyurance going to pet stores and buying antibiotics and stuff that are meant for pets for themselves because the one from the pharmacy is stupid expensive for no reason.
>>21090 Yes, because Pfizer and J&J obviously have a pet only medical manufactory with pet only machines for making pet only medicine, where they suddenly decide to stop washing their hands and spit on everything, while still having enough checks to make sure your dog doesnt die of the medication they now suddenly lick before they put it in the bottle so they dont get sued. All of this even though they still went out of their way to buy 2 sets of the same manufacturing machines and had to build additional manufacturing space, and establish laxer rules for this other facility, instead of just using the same line they have for their human medicine.
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>>21093 >where they suddenly decide to stop washing their hands and spit on everything ok i laughed but it was the same reason they told people not to use ivermectin for horses pls forgive me ok
>>21101 The day everyone realizes you dont need a prescription to buy medication is the day the medical monopoly collapses
>>21102 Everywhere I checked said a prescription was required for both the medications mentioned. I’m scared to even attempt
>>21106 When I said you dont need a prescription I meant you can just pick up the pet store equivalent otherwise you can just do as the original anon stated and just pick it up at an online vanuatu pharmacy, same place all the discord trannies buy their HRT.
>>21106 The trick is to avoid using search engines from big tech companies because they will only show results from places that require prescriptions. How long does it take for both cardura (doxazosin) and neuronntin (gabapentin) to expire? I'm thinking of buying them now and holding on to them until I can try this during the summer.
>>21110 If you go by the manufacture they claim 1-5 years. If you go by the research 10 years+ (ongoing) If you go by the army 30 years+ Unless it is something that requires refrigeration and is shelf stable it will probably outlast you.
>>21110 I’ll see what I can do. I’m a complete square and I haven’t ever done anything SCANDALOUS like this in my life so I really don’t even know where to begin. The upside is just too good for my damaged brain to ignore
>>21093 Can confirm; I used to work in the medical supply industry. It's one line babies we don't give fuck the only that changes is the packaging. Got to keep the bosses happy by not slowing down production. And got to keep the customer happy by getting the product out yesterday. Meanwhile you stand there making sure the duct tape and bond-o hold the machine together and hopeing to the powers-that-be that the bubblegum put the was put on last night otherwise the air line might blow cause it's drier then your moms pus.
>>21091 Four people, including myself. All had reasonable control prior to taking the medication, but a desire for incontinence and some experience wearing diapers 24/7. Everyone was intending for permanent results, but we weren't sure if the results would stick after discontinuing. All four ended up with results that stayed indefinitely. It's been a couple months since then and the damage hasn't undone itself or petered off in any way.
I'm loving reading your guys experiences. I like the fantasy of being incon but it would screw my life for good. I do exercises and have an active routine. That said, I did some basic research about doxazosin and gabapetin and they look safe in small dosages FOR ME (I'm not talking about anyone else, do your own research). In case I have the opportunity, I'll try it. Not now. Bad news are I don't live in US and these medications require prescription like most of you noticed. One time I had to buy a medication without prescription, one drugstore actually should me without questions. Regarding the others, when the guy asked me for the prescription, I said I forgot and would be back with it but never returned. Also, buy in cash, just in case.
>>21119 Wow. So would say all 4 of you would have identified as “Fully Continent” just a few months ago? Insane to think the window from “Continent” to “Diaper Dependent” can be undone so quickly.
>>21124 its probably all bullshit
>>21127 I actually wouldnt have believed the original anon if he claimed it took longer than a few days.
>>21124 Cyanide can make a living human into a non living human in minutes It's not too far fetched to think some medications would make people incontinent in a couple of months I'm skeptical but i want to believe
>>21025 >>21093 >Gabapentin My 5 minute research shows that incontinence is a side effect of the drug, and ceases rapidly after you stop using it. Furthermore, it's a rare side effect that occurs on people who could have or develop incontinence issues. I wouldn't recommend using this to provoque diaper dependency. Over time, simple "diaper training" should work fine. Diuretics like tea, coffee or alcohol would help ease the process much cheaper and safer.
>>21140 The combination of it with an alpha blocker is the interesting part, not the gabapentin itself.
>>21140 It ceases rapidly if the use is stopped immediately, but in combination with diaper training it makes things a lot faster.
>>21124 In practice, it only takes 12 months to go from 'continent' to 'diaper dependent' with very consistent training and only mild herbal diuretic help. Knocking that down to 3 months is pretty feasible with the aid of things to relax muscles and remove the most persistent problems in the way of training --wetting while asleep and reflexive clench responses.
Has some of you guys use Furosemide as a diuretic? For what I've been reading, it's used only for patients with heart related medical operations, but I'm curious if using it without prescription can be a good or bad idea. I know we are messing with a potentially harmful drug, but since Gabapentin-Doxazosin can be permanent and it's relatively safe, I was wondering if taking such powerful diuretic can be a good temporary option for occasional incontinent roleplay.
>>21202 Dont bother with diuretics. They cause you to piss out more salt with leads to: a) An risk of electrolyte imbalance that could kill you if you dont replace your salts and/or b) Your diaper will basically leak after a few uses because your urine is so damn salty the SAP breaksdown.
Would fruits, such as papayas, work instead of alphablockers? I'm also really scared to fuck around with an anticonvulsant. I don't take any medications whatsoever as-is, but I am worried what it could do to my brain
>>21202 Diuretics don't feel good to take and don't help you at all in becoming incontinent. Just skip them.
>>21214 >papayas Yes, they work too well which is why all Mexicans wear diapers
>>21216 Lol, so a quick google said that, but a better search gave things like green tea or cranberries as an option; that's assuming the goal here is to improve urinary flow
>>21214 >>21216 >be mexican >be into diapers Huh, my mother gave me papaya to as a laxative. It works okay I guess. If you want something even stronger you can get spanish lime or yellow mombin. These two work better the more you eat in one go. Obviously not as good as actual laxatives, but it's 100% natural.
>>21141 So Gabapentin + Doxazosin (or other a-blocker) = Incontinence? Both require prescription on physical stores, but hilariously do not when buying online. Gabapentin is relatively cheap, but alpha blockers are expensive. Tamsulosin I found out to be a cheaper alternative. Might give this combination a try in a few months. >also Is anyone here a chemist or doctor? Could we be onto something or are just dumb babs? So what if we find Incontinentin™? Would we buy it like trannies buy wholesale hormones?
>>21241 Only an idiot would state if they work in medical online if they actually do, especially when discussing illegalish things. I will at least say the original anon's theory is probably the most believable of any suggestion to become incontinent provided to date, in fact it may actually answer some questions regarding why some hospitalized patients that were continent before arriving, end up in need of diapers after their extended stays.
I still can't for the life of me find any site that sells Any Alpha Blockers nor anticonvulsant in the USA without a prescription, including pet stores. And I'm too rarted to figure out what sites I should actually order them in that aren't shady or that might get me on some watch list. I'm dumb enough to gives this a try for experimental purposes, but I really need to be pointed in the right direction
>>21255 you wont find any us pharmacies either online or physical who will sell without a script. why would they when they can lose their license and go to jail? checl reputable canadian or other overseas ones.
>>21023 Alright well, started tonight. Same regimen but 20mg buscopan 2x daily instead of 100mg gabapentin. Some notes for when I eventually update here: BMI of 20, mildly active, no health concerns, on low dose stimulants for adhd. Been training already for 1 year, 12/12 now, used to be 24/7 which ended March 1 of last year. >It's hard to tell how much was affected by people's desire to become incontinent and just not holding it. I suspect 80%
I'm considering using Beta-sitosterol instead of an alpha blocker, and I had found a otc muscle relaxer but forgot what it was called, will need to look again
>>21214 >I'm also really scared to fuck around with an anticonvulsant I would say gabapentin is a painkiller. Anticonvulsive properties are just a nice side effect making it also useful for treating epilepsy. For both uses much higher doses are used than <100 mg anon recommended. For recreational use, doses usually start from 1000 mg going up to 2500 mg.
>>21522 Fair enough; only other issue is obtaining it though ;;
>>21524 Isn't there any local tor imageboard? Or whatever is the way weed and such is bought in your country. I think you could also use pregabalin but with lower dose as it's more potent
Any results so far?
>>21522 Gabapentin is really nice for muscle pain at low doses, yeah. Funny enough, I started using it just because my bladder was hurting a lot(due to my actual medical incontinence) and it kinda is doing what he said it would.
>>21598 >my bladder was hurting a lot does being incontinent make your bladder hurt?
>>21632 Probably depends on the actual cause of the incontinence, especially since incontinence is typically a symptom, not a disease in of itself.
>>21632 >>21633 It depends on the cause. For me, it's a lot of 'I don't have enough time to make it to a bathroom in any case, but the muscles still are trying, and it just ends up... hurting.
>>21635 Hi I'm new to 8chan so forgive me if I screw up this reply. Did you really wet the bed after 1 week of using this prescription method? Were you wetting every night after permanently? I purchased the meds and they should be arriving soon.I've been practicing relaxing my pelvic floor while in and out of diapers with some success. I don't clench after I void most of the time now and I can hold a relaxed state for over 10min. I've always wanted a way to implement diapers into my life and bedwetting with this method and my training might be the ticket. My brain is scrambling with excitement thinking of all this.
>>21657 In any case test the medicine individually in small amounts before testing them both. Your body processes many drugs differently if you combine them. Please post your findings. I'll be trying Gabapentin and Tamsulosin in a few months, and I'll record my findings. Please bear in mind we're not professionals and you can overdose yourself easily
I've waited more than a few years for the magical "diaper pill" to exist so I'll definitely be waiting a bit longer, but monitoring this thread carefully. Hoping that the people here that have ordered their stuff report back here. It will definitely be helpful to see fully continent, not-currently 24/7 individuals reporting back. If it works even on those cases this could be groundbreaking.
>>21678 I'm definitely not a medical professional but I think Tamsulosin dosage is always 0,4 mg. I mean, it's delivered via capsules taken once a day and it's the only dosing available. I had it prescribed due to bladder problems and only noticable effect was dry orgasms (no cumshot) for some time. I haven't tried gabapentin but 100 mg mentioned in thread is very very small dose.
>>21726 I wish the original poster would come back and answer some more questions. Currently waiting on gabapentin to be delivered. In the mean time I'm just practicing relaxing my pelvic floor every chance I get and diapering everywhere I can (within reason). Im fairly confident this is the winning pill combo given the how alpha 1 blockers and gabapentin works. But what do I know I just Google stuff and obsess over this junk cuz diapers I guess?
>>21735 If you don’t moms, what would you describe your current control to be? You said you’re “practicing relaxing” so I assume your current control is near 100% continent and not diaper dependent? I’m curious for reference sake before you start the pills.
>>21739 I have a shy bladder and pretty anal retentive so I'd say my control is awesome! keeping relaxed down there was a learned skill and has helped me enjoy diapers greatly. My hypothesis is if I keep relaxed like I've been doing, drink lots of fluids, and take these meds I'll lose some sort of control temporarily if not permanently. I have about a months supply of each med and the plan was to try it for a week.I'm really in this for the bedwetting but I'm starting to get cold feet. I keep reading about spiraling loss of control. Once you start bedwetting as an adult there's really no going back and it'll eventually lead to daytime accidents something that I'm not sure I can get behind at the moment. Temporary daytime accidents from the meds? Sure I'm down! More permanent loss of daytime control down the line? Kinda scary and still processing what I want. Having the meds right now is like holding the keys to a world of new experiences but it's a scary jump.
>>21740 #notadoctor but a week sounds like it'd be still reversible if you're paying attention to things. As far as the original commenter was commenting anyway it seemed people were actively untraining with the meds. Not like I know anything though so report back if you do take the plunge. Daily updates I think would be infinitely more helpful for cases like this rather than the generalized summary we currently have.
Say, do these drugs still work for females? Doxazosin is used for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia. Further investigation says it relaxes the muscles of the bladder and prostate. I suppose it relaxes the muscles of the bladder and prostate because in males they are very close, but what about females? Does the absence of a prostate make a difference?
>>21750 The fact that it is prescribed for BPH is irrelevant to its intended effect in this particular case. At its essence it is a smooth muscle relaxant, and is used for applications where that is helpful. So seeing as how the urinary system is quite similar for men and women, it should work for females the same as men for this particular application.
>>21436 Alright so 10 day follow-up or however long it's been. I switched to the regimen exactly as described after day 4 or 5 as taking all the hyoscine was a chore + that's actually prescribed to treat OAB. Switched to gaba agonist, now I have better bladder control than I've had in the last year (probably still due to hyoscine).. Not exactly intended effects here. I believe again this is a case of a tranny discord trio attempting to delude others after themselves, into prescription drug magic. I'll keep on it cause I have nothing to gain or lose really. I had more leaks just from going whenever I was wearing. >>21734 Yes, 100mg gabapentin is a minuscule dose. Turns out I do know pharma.
>>21789 Thanks for reporting back. It's possible the hyoscine just doesn't work for what op described since the poster (and others in the group) used doxazosin. I have the meds on hand right now specifically for this experiment but I'm just focusing on my untraining on at the moment before using them.
>>21805 You are misunderstanding. I have been taking 2mg doxazosin for the last 11 days now. All that changed was hyoscine -> GABA agonist. I am never posting here again due to wasted time by captcha
>>21840 I hate to ask you to post here again, but I'm going to ask you to post one more time. Where else is this discussion being held? It is good to share this information and I am following this thread closely. Glad for all the info so far, fwiw...
>>21845 This is really the only place I've found this discussion wish it was more active.
I also wish it would be more active but I think there might be legal problems speaking about ordering drugs for this purpose online on big Plattformen like reddit. My best guess is to make a public discussion group about this topic on telegram.
Oof trying to wake up the thread here. Anyone currently diaper training right now?
I am!
>>22047 Not exactly diaper training but doing reverse Kegels (not clenching my bladder muscles and letting them the most relaxed I can).
>>22047 Not necessarily training, I never post on this thread just curious about peoples positions. I might have some insight y'all might be interested about. I believe I am in the holy middle ground of abdl incontinence. I have perfect control when it comes to bed-wetting. Meaning I can choose more or less when to wet the bed, what that means is that when my body feels comfortable with the idea of wetting the bed meaning I have some protection on, whether its pullups diaper or even just reusable bed pad. I never wet the bed "unintentionally" or by accident. I have a relatively small bladder and can get in those accident prone situation easily when wearing but never wet my pants by accident either. This is why I believe strongly that incontinence is achievable mainly by conditioning. (Obviously medical incontinence is different.) I posted an potty re training thread on 8kun before it closed, when I was actively training to untrain in 2020. Since then I've been able to dip back into that continence level more or less at will. What I think is the most important is to practice wetting anytime and trusting your protection. If you cannot take a piss while you are walking you will not experience accidents or things like bed-wetting. Trusting your protection is huge because if you're worried about leaks your bladder wont relax as much as you think. Training for a 2-5 weeks by wearing 24/7 and peeing as soon as you feel the urge regardless of where you are / even if you are naked is probably enough to be able to get to a level where you will be able to wet the bed and simulate an overactive bladder / urge incontinence.
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>>21845 It comes up every now and again on the other chans
Some people fom Dailydiapers forum (iirc) have tried to achieve incontinense with TENS (electro stimulation device) by applying the pads in various places. Results were generally poor but someone actually managed to get constant dribbling. Anyways, a year ago or so I bought a Body clock classic tens with the sticky pads. It definitely made some muscles in my stomach contract heavily when increasing current but nothing about bladder/spinchter. I tried all kind of pad placements I found online and even on medical research documents but none of them caused incontinence. However, I have later noticed that there are incontinence treatment devices with basically same output as regular pain relief models but with anal probes. Anyone here tried those probes? I'm not a doctor but those interesting nerves going to urethral spinchters like sacral nerve could probably be more close at anal and theres also prostate. If nobody here have tested anal plugs, maybe I should give them a try. At least it's likely going to feel good :3
>>22066 in my experience, and the experience of a few others i know, that level of bedwetting control is an illusion - keep playing and you'll wake up unintentionally wet sooner or later
>>22863 That's kind of my point. Its been 3 years now and never had an issue, im sure if I drank alcohol it might be a different scenario but so far I'm good. My gf knows about my kink and probably wouldnt flip out as she has waterproof sheets if I were to actually have an accident anyways.
For an update on the cardura/gabapentin combo. A friend and I started on it at roughly the same time. Friend just doing gaba, me doing cardura and gabapentin. We both had mild continence issues and a history of frequent diaper use, so that probably skews things. Friend finds it way easier to pee and much harder to hold, and it basically cured their overactive bladder. After a week they don't feel confident going on long car rides or to work without a diaper. There's definitely some logic here. As for me, it's turned my moderate incontinence into complete incontinence. I can still consciously hold it, just not for long enough to make a practical difference for bathroom use. For the most part wetting just... happens by itself without having to tell it to, and I leak small amounts very frequently when sitting down, lifting things, sneezing, etc. There's something here, for sure. I think you need to have some problems to begin with, self-induced or not, for it to work, but it really does knock you off the edge.
>>22978 Any affect on night time continence?
>>23054 I went from wetting the bed a couple times a week to every single night consistently. Friend went from waking up with painful difficult to deal with bladder to waking up and being able to immediately wet and fall back asleep. A definite effect, but it seems to be a stronger effect depending on how incontinent you already are.
>>22978 >>23057 I'll try the Gabapentin/Doxazosin combo to test how effective is with a normal bladder. I have no bladder issues and I have no diaper dependency (my economy and family situation doesn't allow me to use diapers consistently), so I can be a good test subject for beginners who want to experience induced incontinence.
>>23057 Why hasn't he attempted to also take Cardura?
>>23061 I tried it, every time I did I'd get really harsh migranes. I'm gonna give it one last try and if it happens again I know it's linked to the cardura. I've really only used it about three times so far, and only half a pill. I haven't noticed if the cardura really does anything for me other than the headaches. The gaba has been helping me a lot more since I was having muscle tension problems and it fixes those, and I've lived with pretty harsh pain whenever I have to pee as long as I can remember, most likely undiagnosed OAB. The gabapentin completely removes that pain and makes it harder to hold it for me, and I notice I tend to actually empty my bladder when I pee rather the frequent small kind of hurty ones I had prior. Makes me nervous to not have diapers on since I'm not used to how it feels now, but the gaba is making such an improvement and a difference for a lot of things for me I'm planning to just keep taking it regardless. t. friend, got shown the thread.
>>23058 How long do you plan to take it? Current results seem to require at least a week of consistent use.
>>23063 Your friend should see a doctor. If peeing is painful there might be some issue with kidneys and those issues can be lethal in long run
>>23079 Pain isn't when peeing it's when holding it, still planning to see one though, yeah.
>>23076 Since incontinence was only a fantasy I had, it honestly scares me that I might end up being actual incontinent, so I'll try the meds 2-3 days, and then abruptly stop. That will demonstrate if the Gaba-Doxa combo is the DLs magic pills.
I'm this guy: >>23090 Instead of doxazosin I'll try tamsulosin, since it's way cheaper and easier to get here. Thing is, it's 0.4mg per pill, and it suggests taking one per day. Also, I've got access to some meds of a relative and I've found some tolterodine, which according to Google is an antimuscarinic and it's useful at treating OAB incontinence. Should o try that one either as a Doxazosin or Gabapentin replacement, or should I stick to the original plan? Any medical anon can help me at this?
>>23103 >Instead of doxazosin I'll try tamsulosin, since it's way cheaper and easier to get here. Thing is, it's 0.4mg per pill, and it suggests taking one per day. Also, I've got access to some meds of a relative and I've found some tolterodine, which according to Google is an antimuscarinic and it's useful at treating OAB incontinence. Should o try that one either as a Doxazosin or Gabapentin replacement, or should I stick to the original plan? Any medical anon can help me at this? Tamsulosin (Flowmax) is a better choice, less risk of cardiac complications (but still not zero risk - so take care). Either can cause risks if eye surgery is ever needed - so make sure if you ever get eye surgery that the doctor knows you take or took it. Tolterodine decreases bladder contractions. You want the opposite effect, which comes from bethanechol. Taking all of these has risks though. All have significant effect on the peripheral nervous system and interactions between them may be serious. You need to make sure you monitor your blood pressure heart rate and such while taking. If low heart rate or low blood pressure, stop. Same goes for dizziness or lightheaded when standing. I am curious to know how a combination of tamsulosin, bethanechol, and gabapentin effect ones bladder control.
>>23111 >You need to make sure you monitor your blood pressure heart rate and such while taking. If your blood pressure becomes even close to low, you'll feel it when you stand up after some laying on bed. Measuring tends to show significantly higher values if you are tensing so I wouldn't recommend that
>>23111 I'll take one pill at a time in separate weeks. First will go tamsulosin, then gabapentin. With the last one I'll start taking a quarter instead of the whole thing, since I bought the 300mg presentation. If things go smoothly I'll double up and take half a pill and stop right there, I don't want to die for some drug made for hypertensive patients. Once I got my data I'll take both pills, but I'm not sure if take them at the same time or maybe after one hour. Any anon who tried doing both can help me at this? Since I'm not prescribed I'm basically in a minefield.
>>23139 Take it as the package says. If you don't have the package, you can find same info online. Both same time, it's not a dangerous combo.
>>22531 Oh look its my post in the middle. never thought i'd be screencapped. just found out 8ch was back and saw this thread. Im on a quest for urge incontinence as I love the feeling of sudden need to go and losing. heres some updates So about that detrusor stimulation it does work and is easier to perform over time. I will warn that i have ibs so doing this does cause bowel contractions for me at least. you have to "lean" into it by very slightly releasing your bladder but the urge will hit and overwhelm you unless you really try to stop it. Also it will last longer and having issues the rest of the day is likely. As a WARNING, dont do this lying down.I tried it very gently as a test but i felt a weird feeling nearish to my kidneys so i dont recommend it as backflow can kill you. as for meds being posted i stumbled upon Bethanechol. its used for empting the bladder by cauing detrusor muscle contractions and bladder spasms. it also apparently has a long action time. really stuggling to find any pharmacy outside the US that sells it. not vanuatu nor mexico. still on the hunt to see if i can aquire some. So far with my ibs/oab issues im basically only 1 or 2 steps away from having a poor toddler level of control. At the point now where Im getting my life in line so i can go full 24/7 urinary and fecal urge incontinence. by the end of the year I should be messing myself like a kid who just couldnt make it
>>21845 I'll post as I'm here to answer/read others. Been on regimen for 2 months now, with changes which I will describe. Important to note again that I'm 12/12 due to work day and office setting. Not 24/7 unless it's a weekend. The regimen as it began for myself included hyoscine, which was a mistake. Taking that medication will practically fix my urge incontinence, which is ironic. I cut it out as described earlier. About a week ago I took a couple doses for one evening as an experiment and it had the same effect, stopped feeling any urge to urinate and had more of a normal schedule. I stand by the opinion that the 100mg gabapentin is such a low dose that it might as well be nothing. I've tried a more potent gaba agonist occasionally, flualprazolam, and I take a small dose because it has a half life of around 30 hrs and it's just going to ruin up your sleep if you get used to that (or any gaba agonist). You could have a drink twice a day and get more from that than gabapentin. That drug is/was so widely prescribed for a range of things, and it is frequently found to do fuck-all. Most patients scale up to taking grams of the stuff within a month. I really fail to see how it could aide in the regimen. The less drugs the better, I say. As far as my results so far, my doctor visits during February showed that 2mg cardura was decimating my blood pressure. I felt fine, maybe a little sleepy towards end of day, but I was experiencing the worst "my leg is asleep" bouts if I sat up from a position for too long. Switched to 1mg per day taken in the evening two weeks ago. Progress is the same I'd say. Once I'm diapered in the evening, I naturally pee pretty soon, and after that the muscles are kept relaxed so I'll begin dribbling or leaking throughout the night into morning. I have to admit it's a nice, tickling feeling to be wetting subconsciously. I still attribute a lot of this progress as the natural outcome from my year+ of practice. I do wear protection during the day for stress incon, don't consider it really wearing though. I will tell anyone else considering meds, take note that every anon already has some form of incon or has been training for a longtime. You will just get side-effects if you expect magic.
Hey this might be kind of off topic but dose anyone know any medication that can cause temporary lose of fine motor skills or force somebody to crawl
>>23202 It's called alcohol anon.
>>23196 >I will tell anyone else considering meds, take note that every anon already has some form of incon or has been training for a longtime. You will just get side-effects if you expect magic. That's why I was kinda flooding the thread asking for some safety tips. As I stated before: I have no bladder issues, no diaper training (as in consistently using them, not that I never used them previously), and no severe heart diseases. It's a risk I'm willing to take to avoid idiots dying due to the meds trying to achieve permanent incontinence.
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>>23202 I had to crawl after taking Soma (Carisoprodol) once: I took it about two hours after dinner and the effect was for a short period of time. I don't recommend using muscle relaxers in combination with really thick diapers however, as you can permanently damage your joints
is everyone dead from the meds lol
I took gabapentin 100mg/doxazosin 2mg for a week and didn't die. I didn't end up incontinent either. I also went 24/7 at the same time to really judge the effects, if any, for myself. Going in i'd rate my continence pretty high. I've done 24/7 before for a month at most, the main thing from that is that I'm pretty comfortable going in a diaper at home and some public places. The main effect would have to be the distinct light headedness first few days, and trouble sleeping first few nights. Dont fuck with this if you have a history of blood pressure issues or do some strenuous activity I guess. It had me pretty lethargic at first but leveled out after that. Second would be it maybe made it somewhat easier to relax and pee often in small amounts, and more often feeling an urge to pee. This may have also just being 24/7 and peeing at the slightest urge I don't know, I think there was a couple of intances where my bladder didn't fully empty during a pee that I could feel. Third was something of an anomaly on the final day. I decided to go to work in underwear only, as a test. It was a pretty usual day, back to normal, tho i was being sure to fully empty my bladder each pee. About twenty minutes after one such pee I feel the urge building again much sooner than other times. Another twenty minutes and it's almost unbearable, so I decide to go pee. By the time I get to the stall it's the strongest urge to pee in living memory, and honestly seems like if anything had got in the way I'd have lost control. I haven't noticed anything else in the two weeks after stopping the pills and 24/7, as if it never happened. And I've been logging before and after to confirm. Overall for me the effect is subtle, could very well be placebo, and definitely way less dramatic than that other anon made out, but I still have stacks of these pills so will probably dabble at this again sometime.
>>23196 Another update. Took some time off the regimen, about 3 weeks, but I started again 6 days ago… I think I’ve finally done it. This dosing schedule is lower than any I previously tried, just 10mg hyoscine + 0.65mg doxazosin taken together at bedtime. Previous experiments with the hyoscine must’ve been too high because I was following guidance for other things. The lower dose of cardura has cleared up any side-effects, and my bladder doesnt feel like exploding from having a high volume of pee at once. I’ve also happened upon some cannabis, using that for the first time in a long time, once nightly. During my entire day there are rarely warnings or any sensations before becoming wetter. Doesn’t matter what state or position. I’ve noticed my diapers are very full now with seemingly not counting that many pees. The benefit of going this way is that everything wicks very efficiently. I’ve decided to go back to 24/7 regardless, instead of wearing minor protection for leaks during the day and still using the toilet several times. There may be a mental component to recent progress. Figured I genuinely am happier this way and I remember my previous 24/7 fondly. I had no issue keeping it up then for 6 months, so I’m already familiar with the changes I’ll need to make.
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>>25126 I hate when that happens...
>>16588 hello, i'm back, it took this long to surprise brap myself. that did catch me off guard with peeing i think i could still make it, i still notice it and still have to make a conscious decision about it basically but its not easy to get to a bathroom
>>25633 How long now is that for you? How has it changed your day-to-day?
>>24800 How did you even get this medication?
What happened to this place? It's a ghost town in here. OAB anon reporting in. Did a ton of homework and tried various things to no avail. I did however find out than many folks with OAB and Urge Incontinence did acquire it through a UTI. Seems like a Strep B UTI had the highest success rate. Anywho I did what anyone in a bad bout of BIID would do. Seems that I ended up giving myself an asymptomatic/silent uti not a full one. No symptoms just stonger pee for a bit. Total pain in the ass as I need to clear that up to try again or continue further. No clue as to why its asymptomatic as science itself has no real knowledge or info on this. Also for those that are after incontinence, please really be sure it is what you want and take anything posted (like unperscribed meds) with a serious dose of reality. Anything people do or talk about here is going to be a permanent maiming.
>>35550 >There is some in Mexico. I made an order in June but it never came. Tracking info made it to a USPS center in LA but stopped there. I'm guessing it was seized. Could have just been lost or stolen but since it did have prescription bethanechol they kept it. I never tryed to ask or inquire because I was going to pretend I didn't know about the package if it did show up and they tryed to question me about what was in it.

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