/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Cartoons in diapers Baby 07/09/2020 (Thu) 21:05:11 No. 496
Being ian
(280.89 KB 514x638 Remzi Wearing A Diaper.png)

Found another one from Kral Sakir!
>>39192 > Kral Sakir link?
(532.53 KB 1006x1026 Dragon Wearing A Diaper.png)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_zuQWKnLGw The latest episode of Boy & Dragon comes out!
>>39082 Or that's just a glowing belly.
>>23888 I've been watching through Tiny Toons lately, and this one really stands out. Max is by all indications an elementary school boy, a giant vacuum pulls his clothes off, and he's just wearing a diaper underneath. It's weird because it's played off like an exposed underwear joke and there's no other attention called to why this kid is diapered.
>>39420 Oh my god, yes exactly! This one has haunted my memory for a really long time since I first saw it as a little kid in the 90s. I always wondered if there was some thing with people wearing diapers and it being normal. Or if it was like a rich person thing? Maybe that's why I've always had an association with diapers and decadence.
It's not a cartoon, but this came from the game "Crash Tag Team Racing" on PS2/PSP. This is the only one I can find cause some of them are blurry.
>>39089 In this episode at 4:15 Rocko is playing in a crib and gets mistaken for a baby due to his size. Wish it was a longer scene and more to it https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4yz8ly
This thread inspired me to go looking for an old episode of Dennis the Menace where Dennis was locked to a chair and being force-fed sugary food, there weren't nappies involved but I remember him looking like a big baby. Probably early 00s. Anyway, couldn't find it but did find this: https://youtu.be/0u8fDdRhLaM?si=zjlnHekHvbJ-52tE&t=436 Nice to see the seeds of ABDL memories are still being planted :P
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The Lurkers in Jak & Daxter wear cloth diapers.
This thread has hit the bump limit we should probably make another onelimit we should probably make another one
Oops sorry stupid message glitched out and put it twice
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx6naBni3w8 There's an episode of Bearee that involves diapers.
Bugs Bunny is indeed an ABDL in this episode of Looney Tunes Cartoons, Blunder Arrest.
(997.45 KB 629x948 Zeke Wearing A Diaper.png)

Found one from Zeke's Pad.
(1.71 MB 2719x895 Dinko Wearing A Diaper.png)

Have you watched Pet Alien? One episode has Dinko wearing a diaper.
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Which episode is titeuf / tootuff?
(11.90 MB 4589x3642 Baby Vinnie.png)

This is from Biker Mice from Mars 2006. The episode's called Bringing Up Vinnie. Yeah, and 4Kids TV has some of the good stuff cut out.
>>41233 any diaper usage?
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>>43667 context?
(3.86 MB 3608x1214 Gobi Wearing A Diaper.png)

Have you watched the Netflix movie, Over the Moon? Gobi looks cute in a diaper.
(16.05 MB 6225x4076 Branch Wearing A Diaper 2.png)

This is the only official image of Woody Woodpecker wearing a diaper.
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What do you think of the Zig & Sharko style diapers?
It's from the Patrick Star Show episode, Squidina's Holidaze Special.
(2.30 MB 1936x1276 NotEnrique.png)

Have you watched a show called Trollhunters? There's a character named NotEnrique. And he wears only a diaper.

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