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Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 23:58:27 No. 462883
What is the end goal of the typical thot/egirl/whateveryoucallem? What happens to them when they get old? I feel like they get -- at most -- 10 years before their bodies betray them. Then what? I dated an art hoe once, and she had a Cam4 (this was a long time ago lol). She was chronically unemployed, of course, but I know dudes on her Cam4 would buy her things to wear on camera, and might send some money sometimes. But it wasn't a sustainable thing and even in the two years we were together, she gained weight and FOR SOME REASON shaved her head so she just ended up looking like a fat dude and she lost most of her followers lol. That's when I left her too, so I don't know what became of her. But if I know women, that seems to be the typical path -- be all hot at first and then when you find someone, let it all go immediately. But again, not sustainable if she's with any self-respecting dude who's going to deserve better. I know there's a FEW whores out there that make a fortune off OnlyFans, but you'd have to be a fucking retard to think that's the norm...
>>462883 They choose that lifestyle and you're dumb if you fall on them again.
>What is the end goal of the typical thot/egirl/whateveryoucallem? Most of the time they don't have an end goal. Or if they do, it is unrealistic and won't work out. They choose to objectify themselves online because they can't figure out a goal in life. And because they are already a bit emotionally and mentally unstable enough to consider such a career, the possibility of earning money and getting attention from thousands of people online tempts them to become egirls. They don't think far enough ahead to have some sort of overarching goal. They just go from one trend to the next, like living paycheck to paycheck, constantly fighting to get a bigger portion of the viewer pie. They don't want to think about the future, it scares them, being responsible makes them nervous, so they just bottle it all up and continue dancing, dressing in skimpy clothes, and bouncing around. This is why you see egirls just drop off the face of the internet, have a meltdown, or do drastic things like gain weight. If they had self control, self respect, and cared about their future to make goals, they wouldnt be e-whores. The ones you see make a fortune off of OnlyFans or the ones that have millions of followers? They just have a bit more time than the others. Soon their bodies will get weaker, uglier, just like everyone else. And they'll realize they never built any foundation. It really is like being an actual prostitute.
>>462885 It isn't exactly like being a prostitute because prostitutes might look forward to get out of the prostitution vicious circle of a snake eating its own tail.
>>462886 I was mainly referring to the similar self destructive behaviors of being an egirl and being a prositute, as well as how careers in both tend to decline fast when the body beings to weaken and age. Usually faster because of their lifestyles. But some do leave when they see the chance, true, they have a realization and escape when they can. I'm sure there are a few egirls who have done the same. For their sakes I hope so at least.
>>462885 Totally agree with this post. I'm surprised we haven't seen some sort of crisis yet. Middle aged women with no income or prospects.
>>462887 I don't know either but I know prostitutes who didn't get raped have many chances of getting a normal life.
>>462905 Are we supposed to know what this is
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They become game journalists
>>463676 Why are you using a crossboard link for a post on the same board?
What is the point of watching those Sluts when Porn is free?
>>462883 They get replaced by young cuties, then go die alone and crying lmao. Also, they don't make any fortune. They literally spend all the money overnight, and end their lives in debt and poverty.
>>463783 heehee okay good
>>463781 None. Simps are mentally ill failed men who worship women. Their goal is not to watch them naked or porn. Their goal is literally to talk to them, give them money and tell them that they worship the femoid parasite.
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>>462883 >What is the end goal of the typical thot/egirl/whateveryoucallem? You've made a grave error in overestimating their ability to think that far ahead. They think they'll be young and hot forever, and by the time they realize they're past their prime, it will be too late. To quote a certain youtuber I enjoy, "The Wall is undefeated."

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