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Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 02:47:21 No. 465721
your mother is ashamed of you
>>465721 The new Iron Man is looking pretty good.
>>465721 about what? she already knows about the /ss/ porn. maybe she saw what was in the "do not open" folder ....
>>465721 Isis, fuck you.
>>465721 If you're talking to me then say my name.
>>465721 Women are irrelevant. Men rule the world.
>>465749 That's sick. You're sick.
>>465721 So? My mother's opinion on me is irrelevant to me She is a woman, they can't view reality accurately plus my father was a junkie, plus I would better off dead due this being the decline of civilization, so i have nothing to thank her for
>>465721 Like this loli isn't telling me anything I don't already know.
Apologies in advance, there will be a lot of reddit-spacing used below, I just want this post to be easily legible. The promotion or discussion of certain ideas is forbidden for a reason, usually be because the idea will win out should its supporters be given the freedom to talk about it on a platform. The early years of 4chan had allowed discussions of race under the assumption that the racists were being prevented ftom making their case due to it being offensive, rather than because their worldview was both offensive, and more likely to win in a debate against all alternative views. They had assumed foolishly that just because an idea fell out of fashion, that it was an idea which was indefensible, instead they found that the idea was actually better at outcompeting alternative views when permitted to make a case, respond to critiques, and issue critiques of its own against other views. Their case was that yes, things would be better for white peple if they were racially supremacist (here defined as putting the good of their race above that of other races). More specifically, that white people can and should assert their complete dominance over other races, because it would be in their own best interest to do so. So then we got /pol/, and you know what the real-world impact of that was. Supporters of sexual degeneracy will win out if permitted to speak because, like the racists, their positions are better at making their case, defemding their positions, and attacking all competing perspectives than any alternate view that could be argued, it is for this reason that they should be silenced, like the racists, all they need to do to wun the debate is be allowed to talk. We've learned our lesson from what happened after we allowed the racists to speak, breaking ot down to the fundanentals, their position was that white people should consider themselves above other races. Well, the sexual degens are making the same case, just in relation to other demographic distinctions. Many pro-pedos say the same for adults in relation to children, what they are saying is that society would improve if children had no rights and were adult property until puberty. The furries (zoophiles) make a similar case in relation to humans vs other species. Necrophiles do the same for living vs dead. ("No they don't" yes they do, the problem is you lumping ideologically distinct groups pushing for a similar policy together, ignoring all the dofferences that set them apart. Kind of like how a lolbert or cuckservative will say that national socialism is the same as communism because both supported some similar economic or social policies. Then they use the positions of communists against the nationalists and vice versa. In my case, you know which degens im referring to, the kind who hate fags and faggotry aka male homosexuality, and who also hate trannies. These guys like masculinity and defend it against perceived attacks, in fact, a large part of their position is rooted in a desire for male well being, via their dominance over the female sex, these guys are all about dominance and supremacy, white / other races, adult / pre-adult stages of development, human / other species, and male / female). In the broader sense, this is not a conversation about sex so much as it is about the personal benefit of placing one group above another, and arguing that it would be better for those with the power to assert this dominance if they should do so. Incest advocates are taking eugenic and geneocentric positions of racists to further extremes, and talking about the idea of mixing forms of love that we assume shouldnt be combined (its encouraged to mix friendship with family or romance, but not to mix together romance with family, these guys ask why, then go on to address the answers they receive with a response). Mysogynists would be pedos if their ideas of male supremacy were taken to their logical conclusion, racists too, why would it be [the shapeshifting shill of darkness] something, but not to fuck it? The degenerate leftards want to legalize their depraved fetishes by making themselves the object of their interest become equal to themselves. The degenerate rightoids want to legalize their depraved fetishes by making every group aside from the one they belong to vastly inferior to themselves. One side is full of fags foids and troons, the other side hates faggotry and trooning, and thinks women should be in their bedrooms/kitchens, naked and pregnant with their next children. OFC this is hyperbole.
>>465962 Didn't read but looks schizo, and schizo is based
>>465962 Didn't read your post and yet webm related BTFOs it anyway.
>>465977 Kys pedo
>>465975 Not affiliated with those commie fucks, im a pretty big fascist, big on supremacy and competition and maximizing the good of those like myself, but i am also a libertine. For me, the meaning of life is to bring about the creation of the ultimate lifeform, a being that could thrive to the greatest degree in the greatest range of environments. Such a creature would be a highly technological species that places the interests of its most fit members above all other concerns, especially the good of less fit members of its species. I despise anyone who has moral values, most especially those vices of "equality" or "fairness" or "justice" or "compassion", which are most-hated by me. Such dysgenic "values" should be stamped out. These fuckers will say "Lesser being X can consent", I say "X is a lesser being than myself, its consent (or lack thereof) has no inherent value to me".
>>465975 fags are a caste in society that is culture oriented, but they won't carry it out if they aren't forced to not fuck each other
>>465995 >I despise anyone who has moral values And that's why pedos deserve nothing but a painful death. I rest my case.
>>466016 Take a good honest look around and see where "moral values" has led you. You're living in a kike-run totalitatian dystopia where dysgenics abound and this is late stage "morality", its all because of communism and christianity, two flavors of the same "one rule for everybody" poison, and it comes with the equally toxic idea of assessing ones actions by comparing them to a set of abstract standards, rather than to the practical long term outcomes of them as it relates to your personal benefit. The slave moralities have led us to ruin because they prevent discrimination, partiality, tribalism, favoritism, take your pick of a word for it, the slave moralities all mean applying some single set lf rules to all people and valuing everybody in roughly the same way. All lives are worthy of preservation, all people are equal and should be treated fairly, all happiness is important, we can judge people by their actions, but not by some other standard (like their race). I believe the common root behind all our problems is that we consider the female sex, other species, other races, and Democrat supportings to be worthy of rights and protections, they are all not. They should be property, not people, and outside of the purview of the law, except as the property for whom the law should apply. For anyone or anything that is of an earlier development stage (age), phenotypic typology (race), species, or reproductive role (sex), they will be like slaves in that all their protections come from being the property of those that claim ownership of them. In this world only those who put themselves and those they love ahead of 99.99% of other beings will see any measure of significance to their existence during their lives, "evil" people thrive and if you look at history. Our compassion should shared with anything we deem deserving of it, but the law should be reserved for those sharing their age, sex, race, and species. What I am asking for is for you to let go of ideals and instead embrace practicality and the pursuit of your own long term personal benefit. If something is a better idea, it should be only because you'd end up more satisfied in the end for having had done it, I am not encouraging the reckless chasing of hedonistic impulses. Let me ask you this: what do you think the meaning of life is? Because I think it's already quite apparent what all organisms should consider to be the purpose of all living things. The purpose of your existence, and the existence of all living things, is the pursuit of the creation of the ultimate lifeform, a population of creatures that could thrive (calculated by happiness, survival, and reproductive success) in to the greatest degree in the greatest range of environments, such a classification of beings would be a highly technological species that places the interests of their most fit members above the good of its members with lesser fitness, such a species would have the extended phenotype of technologies which would allow for the greatest range of habitation, and a eugenic mindset that orients their species toward continually increasing their genetic fitness.
I ain't reading all of that gay shit. Take your meds fucking faggot.
>>466020 shill detected
>>466017 >The purpose of your existence, and the existence of all living things, is the pursuit of the creation of the ultimate lifeform t. Shadow the Hedgehog
>>466067 coldsteel teh hedheg "teh, nothing personnel kid"

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