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Anonymous 03/05/2025 (Wed) 16:11:13 No. 469595
Why are white bois like this?
>Muh dick I hope when the times come with no whites and thus no food, you niggers start eating each other, you retarded apes will cut bits off you to eat to keep you fresh for longer, and they cut your shit color dick and eat that in front of you first
>>469601 Cringe third world insult
>>469602 Your life is cringe, you got a point?
>>469602 >>469602 Also you know the 3rd world is the future of everywhere, right?So the 1st world can't be all that great to give way to it, so it isn't useful as a standard.
>>469604 >coping in realtime
>>469607 Everything everyone can ever do is cope I'm just wondering why everyone loves the 1st world when it is the antithesis of your phenotypes interest
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--Shre nazg golungranu kilmi-nudu, Ombi kuzddurbagu gundum-ishi, Nugu gurunkilu bard gurutu, Ash burz-durbagu burzum-ishi, Dagh burz-ishi makha gulshu darulu, Ash nazg durbatuluk, Ash nazg gimbatul, Ash nazg thrakatuluk, Agh burzum-ishi krimpatul, Dagh burz-ishi makha gulshu darulu.--
Why are hapas like this >>469595 ?

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