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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

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Channers who get families and stop posting Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 17:33:13 No. 467061
Should be charged with dereliction of duty to the hivemind. Stop it, get back to posting. Stupid ass.
>>467061 >Channers Normalfag spotted. You're trying too hard to fit in. Get the fuck off of imageboards, nigger.
>>467091 salty schizo
>>467091 I HATE you. I've been a channer since 2006! I didn't like how fast /b/ was! It was too fast!!!! I moved to 420chan quickly!! But Kirt was a nigger!!!! So I moved to 8chan! Then Qniggers arrived and I moved here! Lick my balls youngling!
>>467148 Yeah, I'm sure you've been le channer forever. Get the fuck out of here. You don't even know the lingo. You sound like when an indian calls on the phone and says "Hallo sar, this is Tom, from Texas."
>>467061 >channers
>>467181 You NIGGER!
>>467061 Imageboards are a dying genre. Shit like Discord and Xitter has won. It simply offers a better flow compared to posting in threads. Halfchan is all about generals now. Most other threads are coom bait, cuck bait, schizo rants and Xitter/Reddit screencaps. Not worth the attention. Single-thread boards are the only viable format for an altchan these days. Many of them stem from halfchan generals. Regular threads are obsolete. If you want posting, you run a single thread, as simple as that.
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>>467229 It is also a generational thing. The good ol’ days of oldfags funposting are now but a distant memory. Things changed for the worse with Gaymer Gayte. Only cucked faggots kept posting on halfchan after that, and now the shitposters who migrated elsewhere are either doing grown-up shit or scattered on a handful of boards. Sad times.
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>>467232 >Things changed for the worse with Gaymer Gayte Every time we go on some retarded moral crusade it makes things worse.
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>>467239 True, not even the few lulz and amusing characters we got out of it was worth it in the end. Outside attention only ever leads to an influx of faggots and spastics. May as well go through old, archived threads and screenshots, ’cause there are no funny posts and shenanigans anymore. 8chan was lightning in a bottle, a second golden age, after the long and steady decline of halfchan since Chanology.

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