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B-ACK-hmut Anonymous 05/21/2023 (Sun) 13:35:19 No. 443600
Russians just took the city of Bakhmut and the western media is coping by calling this a Ukrainian victory. ITT: we laugh
>>445504 This is a comedy >dumbass Benn Hill soldiers getting their feet blown off in the most retarded ways >drone operator doesn't even notice they get phosphor bombed >more foot loss due to retardation 5 mins later Really there's no loss even if they all kill each other.
>>456719 >Joost Klein will win Some tranny won, some tranny was always gonna win.
>>459522 It won't it'll just get shittier and they'll put up with it, this whole thing is a waste of time, money and resources, nothing is to be gained that'll be worth keeping by the time it's 'done'. Ukrainians are fucking Russians weather they like it or not, and if they don't like it so much they want out then they need to do it themselves with no outside help cos they can't keep that turf *without* perma outside help so that means eternal aid(s) comping which means America goes bankrupt, again. End all foreign aid, cunts need to learn to swim or sink.
Mechanical warfare is wasteful and dysgenic but it isn't going to go away, the faster a population is allowed to adapt the better off it will be
>>459474 >Basically the boundaries of the Soviet Empire but without all that poverty-driving Communism shit It would still be a poverty-diving empirebecause Russian can't exert passive power like USA or even China do. If a country from its sphere of influence moves away they don't know other way to bring it back that isn't brute force. >>459529 >Ukrainians are fucking Russians weather they like it or not, and if they don't like it so much they want out then they need to do it themselves with no outside help cos they can't keep that turf *without* perma outside help so that means eternal aid(s) comping which means America goes bankrupt, again. I don't disagree, but the war as a whole isn't about Ukranian Sovereignty but spheres of influence. The thing is, Ukraine is not going to russified if Russia keeps blowing them up and of course everybody else would help them if that means fucking up with Russia.
>>459529 >Ukrainians are Russians The argument people use to make this could also work in reverse, in fact in makes more sense in reverse. But ultimately it doesn't matter because Russia couldn't actually take over any other Slavland countries even if they wanted to, when people think Russia they think USSR and when they think USSR they think Warsaw Pact. The Warsaw Pact was genuinely a military alliance to be reckoned with, the Russian Federation is a failing kleptocracy with a bunch of Soviet surplus. They realistically can't put up a long-term war just based on the economics alone. >End all foreign aid, cunts need to learn to swim or sink. The US wants to destroy or at least de-fang Russia and they see this war as a way to do it, if they'll waste trillions in Afghanistan they'll spend ten times more in Ukraine and that's a reality most don't want to accept. Honestly there are much bigger wastes of money the US does. Have you ever read the Chinese analysts' take on the war? A lot of them predict Russia will ultimately balkanize regardless if they win or lose the war, which is why some think the Chinese government is buddying up to Russia recently, it's positioning to do a land grab in the case of a collapse, there's territory Russia has that was traditionally Chinese.
>>459541 At fucking last, someone who actually understands it. USA is just supporting Ukraine because they want to defeat a potential rival and of course Ukraine would throw itself to "the west" because Russia is a shit colonial power, they would starve them to death and refill it with siberian monkeys if they ever had the chance. But in broader terms this is a spheres of influence conflict, which Russia is losing because they can't use any method that isn't direct military action. > it's positioning to do a land grab in the case of a collapse, there's territory Russia has that was traditionally Chinese. It would be really funny if China used the "I'm defending the chinese people living in historical chinese land" casus belli to invade Russia. By the way, Russia is also holding former Japanese land, they should get some of that too.
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fuck rassyia and vatniggers
>>459683 >last image Why is that so fucking true? Go to Latvia or Estonia, full of Russian immigrants who hate the west but choose to live there. I asked one of my coworkers why they didn't still live in Russia considering they never shut the fuck up about how much better is and the bitch reported me to HR.
>>459685 >Go to Latvia or Estonia, full of Russian immigrants who hate the west but choose to live there. Probable either russification plans or as much as they hate the west, it's better than living on Rusia.
>>459529 >Ukrainians are fucking Russians weather they like it or not If a Ukrainian says he is Ukrainian and not Russiam, then he isn't Russian. It's that simple.
At the end of the day both are slavs who develop male pattern baldness in high school and hit the wall at 20. Their dick sizes are about equally small.
>>459683 >degenerate west Not everyone it's obsessed with identity politics, between live in a warzone and see a pride flag sometimes the choice it's not that hard.
>>459803 incels like you don't have children, you don't understand that your child would have to exist among more and more niggers and arabs, while other whites around him are turning into lgbt freaks by the time they turn 7 year old also, any country will be a warzone in this century. technically every country including yours is a warzone right now as well, but it's a cultural and ethnic warzone with the mission to erase ANY dissent. jews want to make new castes, and the more dangerous you are to them, the less you will have under nigger and muslim oppression. jew don't even have to live in one country with you to do that unlike in the past. europe already ceased to exist. none of europe countries except maybe britain to some extent are independent. jews will do another world war. if you are rooting for ukrainians to murder as much russians you are fucking retarded and coping because your own country went to shit and were never independent since medieval times
>>459809 This shit was planned for like a century and your people just right now react to it.
>>459522 Well it was on track to stabilize by 2030, but then some dumb ass sent ~500K of his male citizens (along with other conscripts from other nations they duped into fighting for the glory of a NATO/democracy & Western rules based free russkiy mir) to grab Ukraine, and with mostly international sanctions, loss of petroleum refining capability (those pesky long-range khokol drone attacks), HIMARS, ATACMS, Storm Shadows, and soon to be Taurus missle strikes inside Putin mafia controlled russkiy mir, could be any time this decade https://www.ankasam.org/russia-on-the-brink-of-a-new-demographic-collapse/?lang=en
>>459809 >incels like you don't have children The post you responded to is very normie and blue pilled.
>>459803 The population that is stupid and thinks races should not matter is not being selected for, moreover they will not so in the future if there is any whites left, they will not be chained to your retarded outlook
Idk if that dude is capable of panic. He seems pretty reptilian cold blooded https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-XBhZ-r6WA
The Kremlin said that? Sure they will be able to do that! 👌 🇷🇺 💸💸💸 https://dzen.ru/a/Zms8yINlOGbMZz18?is_autologin_ya=true&sso_failed=blocked&uuid=49c76561-3d0c-4f9e-9120-c2a0386df6fc Back to the days of 200 Rubles to buy a dollar, just like the Soviet Union never ended. Way to go Putin, that kind of progress is called регресс (aka regression: https://ru.wiktionary.org/wiki/regression)
Is Konsztantyinovka-toretszk the new Backhut? Seems like its the Russians goal.
So many pro-putin whores lmao
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>>459685 White people in Balkan disappeared by the shini curse jinxed by bolsheviks, it's all mixed race golems who will apprehend the gentile for questioning the holohoax.
Oh what is this Vova... No more boxes! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oToxyjP95c8
Nice, Khokols get all the land back Russia stole from start of Soviet Union days! https://m.youtube.com/@Kanal13AZ/videos
>>443600 ha, let see how war go lately, uh, Russiya leave Syria, Assad in Moscow now, Russiya soldiers fleeing Syria, and look, lots of Russiya weapons blown up in Ukraine and Russiya, and North Korean soldiers are fucking useless, die en masse like idiots https://t.me/s/russianocontext so when Russiya starts collapsing who wants to bet Pootin and Assad flee to Pyongyang? LMFAO
>>443600 >wojak Retarded numale spotted.
>>443600 Let us see what news today from great Russian victories in Ukraine Oblast https://www.youtube.com/@Kanal13AZ/videos I must start Telegram too and try not to laugh too hard
>>443600 its like watching a honey badger destroy a bear!! https://www.youtube.com/@TheMilitaryShow/videos I know I must not enjoy watching the bear destroy itself battling the honey badger, but I cannot tear my eyes away ... 😲 🇺🇦🛩️💣🏭💥🔥💀 🤣🖕🏻🇷🇺
Der Russe muß sterben, damit wir leben
>>468380 Dude. That channel does nothing but claim Ukraine is winning no matter what happens. I support Ukraine too, but I'm not high on copium. The fact is, Russia is slowly eating away Ukrainian territory. You don't win wars by lying to yourself.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedovshchina >russians more like pidarussians
I Wish for you to join russian army anon
>>468380 if there were like 2 minutes id click.

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