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Battlefield Anonymous 02/10/2025 (Mon) 06:49:17 Id: 59c6aa No. 1069887
Can we have a battlefield thread? There is a new one coming out that's supposed to be "return to form". I started on 1942 way back in high school and went back for battlefield 3. 4 was okay after they patched it. I'm cautiously optimistic about the new one coming back and being good. Thoughts?
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>>1069887 I love how the "Battlefield Labs" initiative is basically one big "We don't know what the fuck we're even doing anymore, so here's a perpetual beta test". Haven't played a Battlefield game that I really enjoyed since Bad Company 2.
>>1069889 A lot of people see bad company 2 as the last good one. I played 3 and 4 and enjoyed them but 4 took awhile before they fixed the bugs. I heard good things about 1 and V but the older setting didn't appeal to me. I really sure hope they listen to the community and also make maps centered around rush.
>>1069889 >labs Wasn't that just the 2042 beta? >>1069887 I really did not like 3. 2 was good, as a paid mod standalone. Otherwise, I played some Play4Free and pushing everyone off the carrier with a transport helicopter was fun.
>>1069903 >Wasn't that just the 2042 beta? The way it sounds, it's a lot more fundamental than just a beta for the latest entry. They're going to allow the community to playtest snippets of stuff they're working on even early-alpha and let their feedback guide development of the game in-progress. They're even billing it as a "Collaborative Community Development" project. It has the potential to be a grade-A shitshow if it doesn't work out, so it might be worth keeping an eye on.
>>1069894 >A lot of people see bad company 2 as the last good one. Yes, and no. I did hear good things about Hardline, but it's also so far removed from the concept of the other games.
>>1069887 Battlefield 2 best Battlefield
(1.86 MB 1920x1080 BF Labs.webm)

Here is the preview "gameplay" of the new battlefield. Seriously doubt this is gameplay. But at least it looks like battlefield 3/4 style.
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>>1074201 I don't trust EA to make anything that's not shit and 3 and 4 were mediocre as fuck. The difference being that back then I didn't have much alternative for medium sized war games outside of mods like Project Reality/Darkest Hour or dumbed down janky trash like Red Orchestra 2 (at least Rising Storm was fun). Thankfully that's not the case anymore so whatever the fuck this is, I won't touch it, even if it 's not complete trash at launch, it certainly will be with subsequent updates due to all these trash AAA companies wanting GAAS trash. Why support something decent which I doubt they can even release these days if I know EA will inevitably kill it with their kikery?
I like BC2 but it really is so much different in how you play tactically from BF2 (which is my favorite). BF3 and 4 feel exactly the same as BC anyway so when people say that BC2 was the "last good one" I don't really know what game they were playing, unless they just mean Battlelog bullshittery ruined it (which is true). Also it is interesting when people say "BF* was good after the terrible release" but that was true for nearly all of them. BF2 and 2142 were glitchy messes at launch, and I'm fairly sure 1942 was as well. And of course nearly every Frostbite one definitely was. >>1074207 This, and honestly after the BFV and BF1 virtue signaling and EA in general being shit, why would anyone with half a brain even run back to them like a battered wife? I'd say the only thing that will get me to look at them again is have BF2 and 2142 come back with official servers, but you can play them on 3rd party servers so why bother. Plus after the Star Wars Battlefront re-release fiasco I don't trust them to not fuck Battlefield 2 up if they did do it. Shout out to /bfg/ who I gobbled up BF3 and 4 games with until the exodus, miss some of those fuckers
>>1074227 BC2 has slower movement, higher weapon spread, smaller maps and higher destruction with a complete lack of planes and way less vehicles that don't auto heal. It's a more about smaller action packed matches and getting closer to the enemy outside of snipers obviously than later games which are just about getting the most broken upgrades and abusing them until everyone else quits.
Tried the delta force game out. It's free on steam. It's like battlefield but not quite as good. It's okay. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EbgPH_71UU
>>1074207 >Thankfully that's not the case anymore Can you post a good alternative? I don't know of any.
>>1074387 >Ravenfield >Battlebit Remastered >Hell Let Loose >Squad/Squad 44 >Isonzo
>>1074412 >>1074387 Forgot EasyRed2
>>1074412 Does battlebit still have active servers?
>>1074433 Yes it does
Leaked gameplay footage from the battlefield 6 labs: https://youtu.be/nIMuhxveN1Y?si=vIXJ2m5CjEGWogzR
>>1078220 >Screaming women Dropped
>>1078238 Talk about breaking immersion

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