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Vidya Gaems

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(1.48 MB 1920x1080 xonotic.jpg)

Anonymous 02/22/2025 (Sat) 01:09:42 Id: 02e269 No. 1073435
I don't know how to start this so uhhh HOLY SHIT IMPROMPTU XONOTIC GAMENIGHT Download here: https://xonotic.org/ Connect to here: I'm posting this on multiple vidya boards since all the users on them are pretty cool (jannies notwithstanding) also sorry about the ping, i am hosting this with a yagi antenna for my network connection from, ur sparts friends
Edited last time by Mark on 02/22/2025 (Sat) 01:16:49.
(658.21 KB 220x243 CR toast.gif)

(885.30 KB 1733x1200 cuckchan 2024 3.png)

(48.03 KB 285x423 Janny Tranny.png)

God Bless /sp/
>>1073438 I really hope Football man is in the new Fatal Fury rather than a cameo
And my computer is getting repaired, damn.
>>1073438 Neat art
1 homo on rn
>>1073435 You made this thread too early, try again next week with a specific time.
server's back up for the weekend, same ip
>>1078241 For how long? Last time I tried joining it wasn't up
>>1078249 it should be up until next monday, but yeah sry for not mentioning the gamenight time GAMENIGHT WILL BE AT 21:00 UTC TODAY AND TOMORROW
>>1078256 Alright great, thank you
>>1078301 I don't know who that is

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