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/vhs/ David Lynch Marathon

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Stream Thread 14: Album Cover Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 13:30:06 Id: ea8d63 No. 1033161
https://8chan.tv/ Post link to your streams here. Any subject: Games, movies, anime, art, programming, politics... whatever you like! >How do I stream? ∙ Register an account at https://8chan.tv/. ∙ Go to My Channels under your avatar icon, top right. ∙ Create a channel, click on it and then the ⚙ icon (channel settings) to find your stream key. ∙ Install OBS Studio https://obsproject.com/ and paste your stream key to Settings/Stream, set Service to Custom and Server to rtmp://8chan.tv/stream/. Some emails may not work when registering. Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo (and maybe others) have issues with Cockmail and won't receive the verification email. If you insist in using these emails or have already registered using one, email sudsshit@proton.me for help with your account. Max supported bitrate is 3500 Kbps. Set Keyframe Interval to 1 for lowest stream delay. Ask here if you have further questions and also on >>>/site/1519 Last thread >>990608 And remember. HAVE FUN!
Short LEGO Star Wars stream (about an hour) https://8chan.tv/view/dabdc13a-c303-489d-9793-76d395b262fd/
Playing some more UFO 50. Might play something else just because fug it. https://8chan.tv/view/50687c10-7275-4870-81fb-dcfed1cbc52a/
>>1070495 Chewed through the shit, stream's back up, baby. https://8chan.tv/view/50687c10-7275-4870-81fb-dcfed1cbc52a/
Thursday 2/13, 10AM Central Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 season 2 episodes 6 through 10 Friday 2/14, 10AM Central M.A.S.K. episodes 56 through 60 Saturday 2/15, 10AM Central to 12PM Central Shenmue 3 Sunday 2/16, 10AM Central Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin episode 2 https://8chan.tv/view/ef835af0-caad-4ee0-bd79-60f85ae35d2b/
>>1071245 That Mario segment was amazing. They had to blur him like a JAV cause Nintendo would absolutely sue the show into the ground if they could. Even the Japanese know how litigious Nintendo is. Figs are $150 if you want one. https://japan-figure.com/en-au/products/max-factory-figma-the-brave-yoshihiko-yoshihiko-beard-version-limited-figure There's also other merchandise that was produced. https://www.suruga-ya.com/en/products?keyword=+Brave+Yoshihiko&btn_search= Primeval tomorrow.
>>1071289 As requested: Walkthrough "Final Adventure" (v1.3) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2966296878
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>>1071351 Thanks anon.
Impromptu stream: Open Fortress, maybe more https://8chan.tv/view/dabdc13a-c303-489d-9793-76d395b262fd/
Your next line is, "What's the schedule for next week, Temp?" Monday: Michael Clayton (2007) Tuesday: JoJo: Phantom Blood (2012) Eps 7 - 9, Battle Tendency (2012) Eps 10 - 13 Wednesday: Skip Thursday: The Hero Yoshihiko: The Seven Chosen Ones (2016) Eps 5 - 8 Friday: Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) Had a few legal dramas left over we can check out. Glengarry is about only the two top corporate employees surviving with lots of foul language. Clayton is about a lawyer who uses loopholes to help his clients get a payday. Continuing Jojo by finishing Part 1 and starting Part 2 Battle Tenacity with Joseph. Part 2 is the same series as part 1, up to 26 eps. Stardust Crusaders will be later. And more Yoshihiko. Had trouble finding a theme this week but I've got the next few weeks planned out.
>>1071351 It turns out there is a clue to the scriptorium vaguely telling you how to solve the cloud>insect>ogre>power puzzle, but it was so nonsensical at the time I didn't bother trying to remember it or write it down since I was tired of the modder's shit. You're supposed to make a connection between the unknown messages being encrypted and this Encryptor guy mentioned. This is the exact wrong way to do a thing.
https://8chan.tv/view/20e4fe2c-b547-4db3-9cda-9ab1b848722f/ Doing RE2 Arranged Mode cause I can't sleep.
Joey's Castle (Tabletop Sim) with Nick and Temp https://8chan.tv/view/dabdc13a-c303-489d-9793-76d395b262fd/ this is a board game about fentanyl
>>1072212 Temp wins!
As requested: Let's Stream Final Adventure [DE] 47 Garnodat erwacht (Stream 24, Teil 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIYm8QUkF10
>>1069138 What's the schedule for next wee-- Gah. Apparently this movie is about the 1972 Ford Pinto, that infamous shitbox that would rupture if you ran into the back of it. https://8chan.tv/view/c2436d74-582d-4619-8d84-d6729acede45/ >>1072255 It's not really about winning or losing, it's interpreting the rules along the way to have the most fun. That was great, I encourage anons to play next time Alpha streams it.
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>>1070122 MONDAY NIGHT NICKER Tonight's the night. We're pissing on the moon. Starting at 7pm cst. God have mercy on us all. https://8chan.tv/view/25c2fcb5-1fa2-4bb6-a15f-20c21e57b3c0/
>>1072327 oh for sure, it's like Whose Line. Everything is made up and the points don't matter, but it's fun to keep score anyway
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>>1072415 I don't know if I'm cringe, but I know I had fun. I hope you guys did too. I also have no fucking idea how to render still but that's a project for a future Nicker.
>>1072591 Part 2 has some of the best music, Overdrive especially. Yoshihiko Thursday.
Tomorrow is the VNS stream at 1 PM Pacific/4 PM Eastern
>>1072703 Stream is live: https://8chan.tv/view/f664ceb8-3b9d-480b-bcdf-c95f1711043a/ Show will start in about 20 minutes.
Thursday 2/20, 10AM Central Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 season 2 episodes 11 through 15 Friday 2/21, 10AM Central M.A.S.K. episodes 61 through 65 Saturday 2/22, 10AM Central to 12PM Central Shenmue 3 Sunday 2/23, 10AM Central Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin episodes 3 and 4 https://8chan.tv/view/ef835af0-caad-4ee0-bd79-60f85ae35d2b/
Running new(er) hardware. Join if you want to watch a test stream. https://8chan.tv/view/50687c10-7275-4870-81fb-dcfed1cbc52a/
Streaming grimrock in about 2 hours.
>>1071596 Streaming as much as I do takes Brass Balls, Anons. And ABC: Always Be Commenting to drive engagement on a stream. Al Pacino, Ed Harris, Kevin Spacey and Alec Baldwin. Lotta star power. Also ending Claymore. Got a new series already after it. https://8chan.tv/view/c2436d74-582d-4619-8d84-d6729acede45/
Shortstack stream masquerading as video games. https://8chan.tv/view/ce21dc53-8352-4744-8666-2d23881b1b2e/
>Me, I want what's comin' to me. >Yeah, what's coming to you? >This week's schedule, Chico. And everything thing in it. Monday: Scarface (1983) Tuesday: JoJo: Battle Tendency (2012) Eps 14 - 19 Wednesday: Skip Thursday: The Hero Yoshihiko: The Seven Chosen Ones (2016) Eps 9 - 12 END Friday: Carlito's Way (1993) Some more Pacino this week. The legendary Scarface, then a decade later he'd reunite with Palmer for Carlito's Way. It's been awhile since I've seen Scarface and haven't seen Carlito so should be entertaining. Continuing Jojo with Joseph, just 6 eps this week week. Expect the Pillar Men. And finish Yoshihiko, I'm looking into those other series to see if they're worth a watch so I'll let you know later. Replacing Claymore is Samurai Champloo. I keep forgetting this series exists and I haven't seen it in a long while, so now's the time.
Streaming Cursed 2 Hardcore Mode. If you want to watch a redheaded, leather jacket wearing pseudo asshole protagonist run around and defeat an eldritch god with the power of a hammer, a double-barreled shotgun and a crusty dish rag, you're welcome to watch. https://8chan.tv/view/50687c10-7275-4870-81fb-dcfed1cbc52a/
>>1073386 ISP suffers from terminal case of THE GAY™, cannot stream without 50% frame loss, sorry.
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