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Another MMO Thread Anonymous 10/16/2023 (Mon) 07:00:36 Id: a1e7db No. 897003
The last one is sinking off the board, and the previous attempt at a new thread was done by a faggot who could not contain his shitposting. What the fuck have you been playing lately?
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Turtle-WoW released the alpha version of their client being playable in Unreal 5. Full release in 2025 turtle-wow.org/remastered
>>1055917 How the fuck did they manage to make WoW look even worse?
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>>1055917 >Built to include custom tools, allowing our team to expand on the Mysteries of Azeroth easier. I'm curious about this. Can they make new ui elements without requiring mpq files now? >Action Queueing, so your DPS is no longer dependent on latency. Thats actually really interesting, I wonder how that works- >Packaged with a proprietary anti-cheat which renders all existing botting and cheating software worthless Into the trash it goes.
>>1055917 >>1055924 Turtle WoW is run by the private server mafia. There's a LOT of shady shit and incompetence at play on that server, as such I strongly recommend anons to stay the fuck away from it.
>>1055917 >>1055924 >those graphics >that lighting MICROSOFT, HIRE THIS MAN!
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>>1055991 >private server mafia Story time?
>>1056017 It's just 2-3 retards that were in charge of multiple servers over the years and did retarded shit like sell maxxed out characters and gold. Some roastie called shenna or whatever the fuck. It's not particularly interesting. I'd steer away from turtle-wow and WoW private servers in general just based on the fact that there are widely known RCE vulnerabilities in the client by now and their server was compromised and exposed everyone to said RCE awhile back.
>>1055991 Sounds like popularity disease. Not my ragnarok/lineageII problem. Last time i enjoyed an mmo it was tera online so i can't weight in much, but if turtle wow was ever in cuckchan circles (especially /vg/ ones) it may die suddenly.
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BLUE PROTOCOL is getting binned in about 2 days (thanks DEI and ESG) and that private server project looks like a huge scam so I figured it would be fun to organize a raid on here. You will need: >JP IP address >Windows 10 with Japanese language pack (if VPN) >Streaming client like Moonlight (if cloud) Method 1: VPN What a lot of foreign BP players use, however you will need to use or set up a server on your own since Scamco detects a lot of popular VPN IPs and ban them. Method 2: Cloud What I use since I'm on Linux. You can buy a server instance in Tokyo or Osaka and set u https://cloudypad.gg/ (Docker needed) to automate it or you can rent airgpu which will be more expensive but more convenient as well. Keep in mind you will be paying for the time it takes to start up your instance. Steps >Create a Bandai Namco ID with a JP IP. Important: set the region to Japan or you will be locked out. Use a Japanese alias during creation to be safer. >Install BN's launcher from BP's website. >Through said launcher, log in. >Install BLUE PROTOCOL (60GB). >Go through intro and character creation, and you're in. Note: again, input a katakana or kanji name, romanji names get targeted for bans. I would not recommend installing translation mods as that increases your chances of being banned. Expect to get banned a lot. Good luck, also feel free to discuss other MMOs here.
Edited last time by Mark on 01/17/2025 (Fri) 01:33:52.
>private army no
>>1061771 more like the game is dying in 2 days and this is the last chance to do anything fun with it
Nigger the old thread isn't dead quite yet. >>897003
>>1061771 >>1061838 Could be fun to do, what do you guys think?
>>1061857 Well SHIT and I checked the catalog too, can this be merged with that thread then
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>>1061863 Oh no, is this gonna reset my ID AGAIN?
>>1061868 What a horrifying thought, theb you can't call someone a (1), ignore whatever they said, and be a raging jackass. I'm sorry, thats real rough. But hey don't worry, you can be a smug prick tomorrow!
>>1061868 Doesn't seem like it, no.
>>1061872 Well that's a relief.
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Assuming my times aren't mixed up BLUE PROTOCOL right now is undergoing maintenance until 12:30 PM JST, and will close up proper 10 PM JST. Still time if people want to play it.
>>1061768 all the hoops id have to jump though to play a game for two days arent fucking worth it, also none of your fucking webms work on my browser, why do you have to use fancy encoding methods rather than the older, more accessable ones?
>>1062229 That's called a skill issue, as I use an extremely outdated version of Waterfox that is slowly losing access to various sites due to fags updating them to requiring newer software and shit, and the webms load fine for me. >inb4 palememe
>>1061869 This is the problem I have with MMOs in general, it's filled with attention seeking morons that just stand around doing nothing all day showcasing their clothes and gay dances.
>>1062239 >>inb4 palememe LibreWolf.
>>1062239 Try Basilisk.
>>1056054 As a Turtle player, if you want other reasons to avoid Turtle, there's a few. >During last year's Easter season, they did a limited-time event where they sold easter eggs on the cash shop that held random items. The playerbase was more than happy to chew them out on this, though it more or less blew over. >On the note of the cash shop, the latest major patch expanded the options of P2W-tier items purchasable through it, including a portable stable master, an extra hunter pet slot, and a portable forge/anvil. >The most recent round of class changes made certain specs significantly different from their original 1.12 iterations. Survival hunters are now a proper melee spec, Shockadins were killed off, and Discipline Priests were changed to a holy DPS/Support spec, to name a few. The reception to these changes were pretty mixed overall. This one is really a matter of personal opinion. >No shortage of woke retards on the server, though the moderation is surprisingly relatively impartial, and they can be largely avoided through ignore lists or exiting /world I still enjoy the game for what it is, but there's plenty of valid reasons to avoid it, aside from what was listed in previous posts.
>>1062461 >On the note of the cash shop, the latest major patch expanded the options of P2W-tier items purchasable through it, including a portable stable master, an extra hunter pet slot, and a portable forge/anvil. All of those are basically useless in vanilla. So unless shenna did some custom change to give any of that utility that just sounds like retarded paypiggy shit. I just don't play private servers because it's a massive security risk.
BLUE PROTOCOL EOSed as I was in Chapter 5's final dungeon. Apparently there were 7 chapters in total so I wasn't able to clear the story in one go, though I made considerable progress. One of the last missions I did entailed playing security for an idol concert. Might have an extended writeup later. TL;DR Scamco tries to make fantasy Scarlet Nexus a MMO with some light soulslike and BOTW influence, forgets to make it a MMO. From what I heard its costume gacha did not work out in funding further development which is a pity as its visuals are its strongest suit (though TAA is bad in this title). It probably could have found an audience in the West IF Scamco hadn't tried to neuter it, it's extremely casual-friendly and isn't aggressive as a live service (which probably led to its downfall). Star Resonance won't be the exact same either, although the story got extremely muddled (again sudden idol concert arc) and I never got attached to the cast despite the good character design. Idk if Scamco will keep the benchmark and character creator up but I will link it regardless https://blue-protocol.com/download/benchmark
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>decide to try out the Angmar legendary server in LotRO since I have VIP >get my ass obliterated by a wraith (lesser version of what Nazgul are) at level 15 because it spawned when I killed a boar This is actually pretty fucking fun.
I've been wanting a MMO experience but didn't want to play some ancient game so I resubbed to XIV Probably going to unsub after finishing Dawntrail though because I can't convince any of my friends to play with me and I'm definitely not interested in roleplaying
>>1063934 My condolences, Anon. My friend and I played through DT together and it was a miserable experience but at least I had someone to shitpost with while we were both bored out of our minds during the MSQ. I can not and do not envy you having to do it solo.
>>1063948 Yeah I haven't heard a single nice thing about woke lamat so it's definitely going to be an experience
https://www.lotro.com/guides/lotro-64-bit-transfer-faq-en Big shit happening with LOTRO soon, anyone who played on Brandywine with me will want to move to Glamdring once it opens up as that is where the kinship is being moved. Here's an oddly Jerma-like River-Hobbit for your troubles.
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I'm 32 years old and I have never ever played MMORPG in my life. What game should I play to get /v/ certified MMORPG experience™?
>>1075766 The age of the MMO is over. Play Xenoblade

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