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Vidya Gaems

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/v/idya Summer/Beach Art thread Anonymous 07/05/2024 (Fri) 20:31:53 Id: 708e56 No. 986760
Post /v/idya characters in beach attire and the like. We used to have artdump threads like these on an annual basis but this place caught the gay so let's change that. If you want to request season-appropriate art the drawthread is next door >>986513 yes OP pieces are from a preexisting thread
I remember that one nigga that posted the senran girls all years. I miss him and my gals. Have some Assuka
>We used to have artdump threads like these on an annual basis but this place caught the gay so let's change that. Are you referring to the threads about volleyboll spin-offs in the vein of dead or alive xtreme? I made those, I didn't make one this year because I figured people would call me a faggot for making the same thread again. >>986764 The guy who posted something like 2000 pics of SK girls? Also me
(178.45 KB 780x1200 Swimsuit_special_1.jpg)

(201.62 KB 780x1200 Swimsuit_special_2.jpg)

(166.89 KB 780x1200 Swimsuit_special_3.jpg)

(290.66 KB 780x1200 Swimsuit_special_4.jpg)

More street fighters.
Fairly sure the rules was something like 2 posts of lewds per thread but this is a special thread! Surely Mark can't have a problem with bikini babes in summer can he?
>>986769 Bikinis aren't lewd, girls need to swim after all.
>>986770 yeah, see this guy has got the right idea!
Why do I have a Wakfu character in my fighters unsorted folder? I nee to clean up my shit one day but there is like 70k files in here.
>>986812 Thank you for your service.
>>986809 >pic 3 webm related
(618.41 KB 4030x2203 -8 beach.jpg)

(1.07 MB 1920x1080 -8 beach mobs.png)

(183.05 KB 1120x700 Ao beach 2.jpg)

(114.07 KB 657x479 Ao Beach 1.jpg)

(199.81 KB 1280x720 Ao Beach 3.jpg)

(2.46 MB 1600x1800 1392777180915.jpg)

(210.86 KB 500x666 E1shVSkVoAEfVRI.png)

(214.61 KB 500x666 E2hDIyiUYAIurFv.png)

(248.39 KB 500x666 E2hEEwxVgAEeWIW.png)

It is really fun when you get official art that fits the thread.
(180.24 KB 950x1200 22.jpg)

(137.65 KB 1553x1121 6654_-_Bikini_Color_trish.jpg)

(256.42 KB 720x960 77631780_p0_.jpg)

(157.25 KB 663x1000 1375149201410.jpg)

(4.10 MB 3383x2512 E3CnFygVIAYYY-Q.jpg)

(326.07 KB 600x900 E5YeI_ZWEAQsyYJ.jpg)

(1.94 MB 1399x2170 FDxxRsgVcAEVrx3.jpg)

(121.31 KB 850x401 FFCt2biVkAA5aPM.jpg)

(276.12 KB 2048x946 GRDYB76aQAA5all.jpeg)

I feel like posting mobile shit might be cheating a bit.
(1.49 MB 320x180 Liru petting.gif)

>>987038 For a while now
I wasn't sure which version to post so you get both.
>>987049 >>987051 TORPEDO TITS
(261.57 KB 648x833 gieg.jpg)

(6.50 MB 960x540 Aigle vs Aisha.webm)

(4.04 MB 960x540 Aigle vs Dixie Clemets.webm)

>>986766 >The guy who posted something like 2000 pics of SK girls? Also me Dog bless fellow Senran lover and 2d enthusiast.
Someone post pics of Ayumi Stuart. The helmet stays on please.
(289.86 KB 1200x678 Dolphin_wave.jpeg)

(240.25 KB 740x429 WCCFwaverace.jpg)

(630.62 KB 874x1240 junko 3.jpg)

(287.91 KB 1200x1694 1395860542803.jpg)

(290.96 KB 1262x1818 1398971856497.jpg)

>>987365 >Wave race Dont have any pictures. Sorry. Take this from the gamecube version and a dolphin wave pic in stead.
(365.99 KB 1424x1444 carol bikini.png)

(785.75 KB 2000x1414 Nobeta ocean.jpg)

(381.18 KB 666x848 squating inkling bikini.jpg)

(61.78 KB 698x1000 Yumi pose 2.jpg)

Thread needs more loli so here's some
(132.36 KB 723x1000 Sayaka 1.jpg)

(243.59 KB 900x1332 Ashley beach cute.jpg)

(908.92 KB 2031x1300 Iris Micro Bikini.jpg)

(150.65 KB 599x1025 Iris.png)

(129.45 KB 770x1200 Cirno bikini.jpg)

(117.70 KB 787x1200 Yo Kai bikini armor.jpg)

(231.32 KB 1024x1024 Annemarie bikini.png)

I already ran out of lolis in bikinis. Kinda surprised I don't have more.
Maybe just poor filenames making it hard to find stuff. Whatever.

(183.88 KB 850x1155 Shantae beach.jpg)

(354.00 KB 1000x1141 Shantae string bikini.png)

(199.58 KB 356x256 1437716995523.png)

(97.78 KB 1441x1034 20220401_140553.jpg)

(735.05 KB 2482x3510 20220709_234317.jpg)

(588.24 KB 2251x3508 20220630_070959.jpg)

(115.54 KB 675x800 20220415_142350.jpg)

(801.45 KB 1668x2224 32b9d91858ae04baba4ed1c3e36c65a4.jpg)

Jesus christ. I think my dick is broken.
More brown ladies at the beach.
>>988130 >That Ms Fortune & Felicia Man. I want this.
(98.93 KB 640x800 UR59.jpg)

(98.15 KB 640x800 UR77.jpg)

(97.59 KB 640x800 UR_8.jpg)

(168.71 KB 1024x768 Vacation_Crimson_Gals.jpg)

(405.70 KB 3000x2247 u.jpg)

(77.26 KB 562x546 Sipping.jpg)

(197.73 KB 1024x768 Team_Homura_Water_Park.jpg)

(410.64 KB 1484x2200 SenranAsukaHomura.jpg)

(229.37 KB 1920x1080 Senran Kagura Ten.webp)

(1.04 MB 1818x2820 siki 7.jpg)

(143.33 KB 1473x892 MiraiGuard.jpg)

(98.79 KB 640x800 LR33.jpg)

(98.96 KB 640x800 Leo_x_Yuyaki.jpg)

(396.52 KB 640x800 kbro.jpg)

(249.94 KB 636x900 Hibari_Haruka_3.png)

(204.22 KB 850x1105 Hibari_x_Minori_1.jpg)

(90.26 KB 612x802 haruka beach.jpg)

>>993454 >>993458 >>993462 >>993463 I miss this gals like you wouldn't believe
(96.52 KB 650x650 GA.05367.0008.jpg)

(156.57 KB 1280x1010 God Takaaki.jpg)

(909.70 KB 3840x2160 grope.jpg)

(36.36 KB 369x1200 haruka.jpg)

(51.41 KB 715x707 haruka at the beach.jpg)

>>993464 Me too bro. Me too.
(66.24 KB 650x650 GA.05367.0005.jpg)

(55.45 KB 650x650 GA.05367.0006.jpg)

(38.38 KB 650x650 GA.05367.0007.jpg)

(349.10 KB 1600x2048 FOziWzIX0AQzaNk.jpg)

(140.36 KB 1550x1414 FOzP0pMXsBIWtlM.jpg)

(625.38 KB 2048x2048 FOY7kgUWUAY0Ohh.jpg)

(249.44 KB 1280x1280 FOTcPbhWUAU2I8W.jpg)

(126.77 KB 728x1000 FOULlbhVIAAb8Bo.jpg)

(108.41 KB 640x800 FOs_57dXsAIlXmV.jpg)

(104.14 KB 640x800 FOs__g5WYAISa7r.jpg)

(89.72 KB 753x1063 FOrABXvXsBg6CLP.jpg)

(107.01 KB 798x1000 FOs4HBZWYAAibr3.jpg)

(215.08 KB 1280x960 FOs4HwpWQAoITwg.jpg)

(177.42 KB 1024x768 FOs4IEgXIAcmYjy.jpg)

(98.34 KB 640x800 FOs8MegXEAQFpLF.jpg)

(10.42 MB 2470x3510 Kasumi7_26.png)

This thread is number 1.
>>995703 Post shotas in this style pls.
(236.43 KB 500x700 God looks down upon you.gif)

>>996809 "Faggots are mentally ill indeed," is all that comes to mind when you look at those adorable lolis.
(280.84 KB 511x384 gauntleg2.png)

Just remembered we already kinda had a summer games thread. Not that they should be merged or anything. >>970566
(1.32 MB 1920x960 Zofia.jpg)

(242.36 KB 1280x720 Ys 8 Beach.jpg)

(223.14 KB 1536x2048 xenoblade_bitch.jpg)

(529.38 KB 1920x1080 wallpaper peach.png)

why is there so much porn?
>>1005647 Where do you think you are?
(3.16 MB 960x720 Aisha.mp4)

>>1005647 The female form is not porn dear anon!
>>1005707 It's not. But most of the pictures here sure are.
(188.37 KB 854x1196 1.jpg)

(716.54 KB 2026x2865 2.jpg)

(1.16 MB 2895x4096 3.jpg)

(1.68 MB 2895x4096 4.jpg)

(1.19 MB 2326x3499 5.jpg)

Reviving this thread because while it may be autumn, in other regions things are warming up. At least around the equator. Some observations I've noted when seeking out new pieces to post are that 1) there's not a lot of art where the subjects are actually enjoying themselves and doing beachside activities, the beach is just two stripes of tan and blue, 2) the setting is dominated by gachashit in recent years (even the Atelier pieces I'm posting are to promote the Resleriana summer event, thanks Soyny), and 3) man do new artists suck in artistic aptitude.
(1.01 MB 3840x2160 vivian bikini mishap.jpg)

(413.53 KB 1280x1024 dragon quest beach.jpg)

(492.88 KB 2100x2700 pokegirl beach.jpg)

(533.05 KB 1326x2048 shantae beach 1.jpg)

(1.19 MB 3635x4033 shantae beach 2.jpg)

>>1058729 I shall remind you all this thread exists.

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