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Japanese learning thread Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 17:21:19 Id: 595618 No. 729151
I have no idea how to bake this thread I'm just copying from zchan thread pls help me. Archive of previous thread - https://archive.is/rJ3Wh Step 0. Resource Acquisition Go here to get Anki, a flash card program: http://ankisrs.net/ Here are some suggested decks: Core2k/6k: https://mega.nz/#!QIQywAAZ!g6wRM6KvDVmLxq7X5xLrvaw7HZGyYULUkT_YDtQdgfU KanjiDamage: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/748570187 Kana: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1632090287 Tae Kim's grammar: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/242060646 Other Resources RealKana: http://realkana.com/ (alternate version) https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/kana.html Click the column of characters you want to study and type the corresponding romaji into the box as they appear Kana Invaders: https://learnjapanesepod.com/kana-invaders/ Space Invaders/Galaga style clone. Type the romaji to shoot the kana alien KanjiVG: http://kanji.sljfaq.org/kanjivg.html Simply plug the character in and instantly get a stroke order diagram Forvo.com: http://ja.forvo.com/ Type in a word or phrase to hear a native speaker's pronunciation Tae Kim's Guide to Japanese: http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/ Great introduction to Nipponese, you can start here to learn basic grammar and vocabulary KanjiDamage: http://www.kanjidamage.com/ Learn Kanji by using mnemonics and radicals Mainichi browser extension: http://mainichi.me/ Learn a new vocabulary word every time you open a new tab JapaneseClass: http://japaneseclass.jp/ Learn Nipponese by playing games (requires registration) DJT Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/ [YOUTUBE VIDEOS] JapanesePod101: https://www.youtube.com/user/japanesepod101/videos Namasensei: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqJ5wU4FamA&list=PL9987A659670D60E0 JapaneseVideocast: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX6kjDZDLD_dNyrkdvTRKVKIJRo4g7xFD From previous thread Gonna leave these here for those that belieb
[Expand Post]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKg23ZFURX0[Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJG9kpqTRmU[Embed] The Guy with mega of japanese dub movies Use the decoder below to get the link & key. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOVpjekI1VWtGdlF3PT0= X1FrMmpJaVQ0aXpZVGhYS241UGNMUQ== The unironic links guy For beginner/early level: https://www.youtube.com/c/ComprehensibleJapanese For more intermediate levels: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh-GhnQ7qDQmS6Bz3pGc1Mw https://www.youtube.com/c/nihongonomori2013 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCeJ3pQYFgvfVuMxVRWhoA
>>1038051 >Immersion is key? it's not everything. seeing things in the wild in context, figuring out what situations an expression is used in, and recognizing patterns from experience is nice, but drilling greatly speeds up the acquisition process. for example practice sentences with a structure, like A代わりにB (A may be true, but on the flipside, B) >このカメラは安い代わりに、画質が悪い (while this camera is cheap, its it takes poor quality pictures) >このスマホは高機能な代わりに、値段が高い (this phone may have high specs, but it's quite expensive) >この町、暮らしやすい代わりに、遊ぶところがない (while this town is pleasant to live in, there are no places to have fun) of course, sounding natural is another goal, and I don't know of any ways to attain that other than just imitating natives (and don't just mimic media blindly) and your second biggest enemy will be figuring out how to say what you want to say (phrasing, words, expressions, etc.) and discerning the differences in usage between similar words (e.g. 適宜, 適切, 適した, 相応, ふさわしい) >>1038599 language learning is not a cumulative process where everything builds on what came before. people have their priorities, but there's no reason you have to learn "in order" >>1038934 for grammar the strategy is generally to look up stuff in reference material as you go
Does anyone know of any JewTube channels with old-timey Japanese documentaries? <For example, here's and old wartime propaganda film about the battle of Shanghai. And here is where you can find the other three parts: https://yewtu.be/channel/UCn9FAE_0LK34Gy_StBXT_FQ
I'm just going to bump this thread by asking if there's a guide to translating phonetic sound effects in manga to their English contemporaries?
>>1069070 Aren't they usually in one of the kanas? Just learn the kana. And maybe look up what japs use as sounds. EIther hirakana or katakana... Which I find actually weird, that they would be so inconsistent in using these for sounds.
I've found that for an n5-4 like me, old issues of famitsu off of archive.org make for pretty good reading material.
>>1070377 Er, actually tested and passed N5 or purported? What of NHK Easy?
>>1070547 > actually tested and passed N5 or purported? N5 isn't a medical condition you need a certified medical professional to diagnose you with, lol
>>1070547 No I passed it. I slowed down a lot and didn't go for the n4 last december though but I might go for it in the summer.
>>1070547 I could probably read nhk easy but I don't know if I would find it as interesting. For it and famitsu I still have to look up a lot of words though.
>>1070694 Oddly, the one thing keeping me from taking N5 is my schedule. I seldom have much in the way of sick days to use. >>1070695 You (still) use Anki to put those works in or have you reached recall just by seeing them out in the wild over and over? I imagine that's doable with Famitsu.
>>1070709 So I went through the kanji transition deck and I'm now about 65% through the kaishi 1.5k. Right now, when it comes to words I find when I'm reading, I don't add them to the deck because I figure I'm already taxing my memory with the new words that are already in there. So if I pick up new words when reading then cool, if not then I'll put them in the deck when I finish it. Also bro you only need one day to take the exam. Unless you have to fly somewhere to take it I guess.
>>1070710 The state I live in does have a test center. Unsure if I'd pass it as IRL shit keeps throwing off the absolute focus and time required to consistently study. By study I mean either trying to read something machine assisted for a couple of hours a day or find some pirate stream of a Japanese channel and hope that auditory immersion is a thing because fuck if they don't talk at lightspeed. I was gifted a lifetime subscription to Rosetta Stone (I really hope she got that at a discount) but reports on that being any good range from mixed to negative. May as well eke out time to try out the audio parts so it doesn't go to waste.
>>1070711 >trying to read something machine assisted for a couple of hours a day or find some pirate stream of a Japanese channel and hope that auditory immersion If you just want to see if you can pass the N5 then you don't need to do that stuff. Like eventually sure, but for the n5 the first 12 genki lessons and some vocab will get you through.
>>1070710 >Right now, when it comes to words I find when I'm reading, I don't add them to the deck because I figure I'm already taxing my memory with the new words that are already in there Anon, language is a life skill, and "taxing your memory" is kind of the point as your brain is a muscle that doesn't work and learn unless your push it. The only way you can "overexert" yourself is if you're doing more than the standard 10 cards a day. Even then, you should begin recognizing how the kanji play off each other when when it comes to vocabulary. >>1070711 > By study I mean either trying to read something machine assisted for a couple of hours a day or find some pirate stream of a Japanese channel and hope that auditory immersion is a thing because fuck if they don't talk at lightspeed. Just pull up a Japanese podcast, stream, or video on JewTube, NicoNico, or FC2 and listen to that while working. And starting reading hentai only in Japanese and add a Japanese news source to your feed: https://infogalactic.com/info/Japanese_newspapers Even set the devices that you can to Japanese. It's not that hard. Unless it's entirely in kana, then you're fucked at the moment. Also, you're not suppose to recognize it all.
>>1070733 >if you're doing more than the standard 10 cards a day I thought the default was 20 since that is what Anki usually defaults to, and here I am doing 33 new cards per day(3 decks 11 cards) and after more than half a year (with some breaks here and there) my mental state is nearing breaking point, but it's hard to say if it's because of how much I learn or not. >inb4 why 33 and not 30 Well if you do 30 per day that means 900 per month, so if you just add 3 more cards each day, that's 1000 per month.
>>1070733 Nah I think I'll do this the way I want to.
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Got no clue if they belong here, but I might as well post them to raise post quality here.
>>1070835 Nice anon. I'm going to repost them on a certain thread on /vb/.
For some reason famitsu seems to be read from left to right. Are other japanese magazines like this?
>>1071836 The text or the entire magazine itself?
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>>1071837 You can see page 24 on the left and 25 on the right and they're clearly meant to be laid out that way.
>>1070558 Wrong. N5 is a terrible condition, often terminal. The cure is reading imouto incest light novels and doing Anki reps every day.
>>1071836 Yeah looking at pictures of physical Famitsu mags, it looks like they are left to right. IIRC most magazines there are right-to-left, but there are some that do left-to-right. Just up to whoever makes it.
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>first two paragraphs are a complete waste of page space Famitsu is a fuckin rag.
>>1072164 Alright I finished it. It's one of the worst reviews I've ever read. I mean I don't understand it 100 percent clearly but even despite that it's completely awful. He spends the first half of the review introducing himself and then the next quarter giving vague impressions of how the game made him feel, then goes on about how while his friends were amazed at the graphics HE was amazed by the sound of the bell the famicom disk system could produce. The only thing he actually mentions that makes me think he played the game for more than 5 minutes is that he says he liked the gleeoks sprite but he probably could have just seen that in some footage or something. He finishes the review by saying the game is kind of hard and that the protagonist is weak so I suppose it's possible that he could have played the game but not been able to get very far. The stupid thing about this though is that zelda had been out for multiple months at that point so it's not like he didn't have time to go through it or something. It seems like they just got someone who didn't play the game to just spew bullshit over two pages of the magazine to fill space.
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>>1072218 The more things change the more they stay the same huh?
So it turns out that the English speaking countries are not the only one's who still use "retarded" imperial measurement systems. Allow me to introduce you to the JAPANESE units of measurement, the 尺貫法: https://infogalactic.com/info/Japanese_units_of_measurement Yes, these are important as they are still in use. I hope this revelation greatly improved your day.
>>1073207 I haven't heard of any of those being used other than the ri but that's fallen out of use since it's roughly the distance a laden man can walk in a day.
Sorry, an hour not a day.
Waste of time when translation LLMs exist.
>>1073216 They can't translate racial slurs properly.
>>1073217 お前はバカなニガーだ。
>>1073218 Someone see if open ai will translate that and say the freedom word.
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>>1073221 >Someone see if open ai >open ai
>>1073216 Games are a waste of time when drugs exist.
>>1073207 They're just used for esoteric cultural shit. Canada and the UK use Imperial on a casual basis 100x more than anyone Japan uses their old measurements. >>1073216 Why cook my own food when restaurants do it for me?

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