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Eroge Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 23:23:34 Id: 4fd5ee No. 1040653
Last thread is on page 12 and beyond the bump limit, but eroge marches steadily onward. Just at the beginning of this month, Monster Girl Quest:Paradox Part 3 finally released, making the game complete unless I missed something about them extending it to a 4th part. Available here, https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01114724.html I do not yet know where to pirate it, but I'm sure it will crop up one of my usual sites around when translation is finished. Still being actively translated, you can follow translation progress here, https://arzorx.wordpress.com/ Given Part 2 took 3 months from the date of release, I except this one take at least that long, if not at least 4 months, as it's larger. In the meanwhile, I'm sure there's anons learning JP that may still enjoy the game, or may even want to contact the current team to contribute to the translation in the coming months. Also mentioned at the end of the last thread and currently in development with a free demo is Princess Reconquista. Play a (totally not) Central/South American Princess and fight off your white (totally not) Spaniard conquerors in a pixelshit action game. Makes the mistake of losing being the method of accessing many scenes, but you can also tempt your enemies and watch other girls get BLEACHED. https://sorry-carl.itch.io/princess-reconquista Last thread >>819339 https://archive.is/CEm8b Someone else archived it just 8 hours ago. What a coincidence.
Anyone know of any games like the ones Bousoft makes but don't have incest or loli shit in them?
>>1044864 There's also kanji reading minigame that could not be translated, so it's unfortunately replaced with just typing in words that you can see spelled out in front of you.
>>1044853 >Second day, >Make fat stacks >Spend another 90% of it on overdue payments Lmao. Allegedly MC is almost not in debt anymore though.
>>1040679 Before moving onto Black Souls 3, the creator wanted to make a few other games to develop his artistic skills, since he thought they weren't sufficient enough to express whatever it is he wants to express for BS3. To that end, he planned on making an assassination-focused game starring Red (titled DEAD RED HOOD), and some other game with the four princesses from BS1. He's currently still working on Red's game, and it's been taking him far longer than he expected to finish the illustration work. His last ci-en update is from over a year ago, but he made a post on Twitter only a few months ago confirming that he's still working away at the illustrations.
>>1045405 His art is rough as hell, but it sets the right mood for the games.
You can bring the rabbit girl with fat thighs to orgasm via headpats.
Fluffy manticore loli dreams of being a big titty lioness.
The COURAGE to shove your dick in a girl's face.
I'd like you to know you can post several images at once
>>1047405 I'd like you to know that all posts have clearly visible time stamps, and those posts are mostly hours, if not days apart.

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>>1044644 I really like Hinako. Addendum: holy fucking shit, I like Hinako. I was going to just post some half-assed caps, but her expressions are just too great, so I'm grabbing the sprite files from the game folders instead. It was very hard to decide which ones I wanted to keep and I still ended up with 19 of the 32 sprites.
>>1051142 >haha you're a pedophile x3 Loli games are so fucking weird man they don't even hide it
>>1051158 That's actually pretty unusual. 99% of time you see pedo/pedophile/pedophilia used in any kind of loli media, it's the translator translating lolicon into it, which isn't very accurate for multiple reasons, but most of all, because the Japs have their own, non-corrupted-loan word for pedophile. Here though, there's no ambiguity whatsoever, unless you want to argue the translator made up the latter line entirely.
>>1051167 It's probably because she got that kindergartner aesthetic. You see ぺど more often in that context. >>1051142 Her little knotted tail is fukkin' cute!
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>>1044650 >Kikurage Wew no wonder she calls you a pedo. Kikurage is the king of kindergartners. I wish he would make a game from his old Alice Kindergarten setting.
>>1043417 Seethe, If history was written by the victors, then the children of Bolivar can speak the truth.
>>1052010 >>1052010 are you STUPID? SHUT UP SHUT UP WOOT TELLS YOU TO SHUT UP THIS IS THE BEST GAME DESIGN. I WANT TO WIN THE GAME BUT DONT YOU GET IT I NEED HARD DIFFICULTY The game has to be hard, OTHERWISE I WON'T PLAY THE GAME, I MUST FEEL GOOD WHEN PLAYING. If they made taimanin hardcore difficulty like Mushihimesama Futari or/Donpachi, I would play the GAME then.
>>1052010 It's the worst when you have to fail to see the porn, I hate how the furry transformation RPG is the only one to get this right. You fight and fuck your enemies. >>1053002 what did he mean by this
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>>1053175 >I am white <be genuine developer <effort from your part <different from experience I <deescrining <it is more or less feel empty
Does anyone know of a good loli mod for ck2?
I found something. Apparently for some reason a Japanese programmer got Viper GTS to work on a GBA emulator. I've tried encoding it myself but I just can't get it to work. Apparently line 257 of the python script when compiling the text docs can't open the game files because they're encrypted or something? Maybe someone else will be more successful. All you need to do is put that file in gbfs\data and the use make.bat and it should work but like I said, errors everytime. https://github.com/akkera102/gbadev-ja-test/tree/main/127_viper_gts_gba https://files.catbox.moe/meqf7f.7z
Rhya's Crusade just released. It's a pretty fun little Contra-Like with lewd content, though there are a few ways in which it's different. RC brings the grenade mechanics from Metal Slug into the game, and unlike most run & gun games, you can select between your standard gun and your power weapon - letting you save them for more dangerous enemies or tough situations. You only get one life, and can only take three hits (which strip off your armor) before you die, but continues are infinite and you do get a checkpoint or two per level - so while it can be hard, it's not too punishing. At least I don't think it's that hard yet, but it's getting mixed reviews on Steam right now largely because people are upset that there's gameplay in their tiddy game. How dare they. Although there is lewd content when you get defeated, the vast majority of the adult content is locked behind either finding secret areas in the levels, or from defeating bosses. So it's not like it's rewarding you for losing, and at least some of the lewd content is locked behind Normal Mode - so you're actively punished for being a huge pussy and choosing Easy mode. I suppose my biggest criticism of it so far is that there's really only one lewd scene per level featuring Rhya - while the bulk of the adult content is from the secrets you discover that you have to exit to the game's gallery to view. These don't feature the protagonist or antagonist that I've seen so far, but seem to be video logs from random rape/experiments the antagonists are committing across the galaxy. That, and you can't switch your aiming direction while crouched. Not a huge deal, but when you've found a good spot to duck incoming fire, you may end up taking a bullet or two to the face in order to stand up, change direction, and crouch again so that you can hit new incoming enemies.
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Would you fine gentlement help me out identifying the game these audio files are stolen from? Much appreciation! Filenames should be preserved.
>>1072251 Mega Samus?
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>>1073057 40 hours or so and I finally finished it. Overall opinion: Grimderp. The story is needlessly grim with things like end mode and when the Emperor was threatening to purge the entire ward in Rooklook just because Sarasa spoke up in Orphe, that's when I knew it was stupid. Polca surrendering was out of character and that ending just undid everything the player did because King Exit has to fit into the time line. It's Grimderp and you shouldn't play it.
Is there any erotic AI game that doesn't crash when you try to do kinky stuff already?
>>1074246 Try running a local adventure model? I've personally never had an issue. Assuming your computer can run LLMs.
>>1073914 for those of us in the thread who cannot recognize a game from a screenshot, it is Demons Roots https://www.kaguragames.com/product/demons-roots/
It finally has a release date. Some time in mid April. Hopefully Anubis will restart development soon now.
>>1075035 Ehhh, it's some generic furry game? There are a billion furry eroge, I don't know why you're shilling this one. Even if it's a decent game, there are also a billion retro metroidvanias. It's been a saturated genre for well over a decade, there's no want for good games and I doubt some cheap porn will be anything special gameplay-wise.
>>1075246 The gameplay was pretty decent. Also the Steam version is going to be clean and he's just going to have a lewd patch elsewhere. >I don't know why you're shilling this one My ulterior motive is I want the game to do well enough that it justifies him finishing and releasing Anubis which was incredibly fun and there aren't a whole lot of Maze of Galious clones out there. I've played the Anubis demo all the way though several times and I need more.
anons help me out here. is there any game like https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ204320.html?locale=en_US where you are a dude instead? nearly everything I find is either an ugly bastard raping people or a beta getting raped I am looking for just a pervert finding other perverts and having sex in a sandbox, corruption is a bonus. so many such games with girl protags, but none with male protags. I blame monster girl quest for cementing beta rape victim protags.
>>1077969 closest game I could find that was released in the last decade was some html weg named incubus city (pretty good game but not really an eroge) (pretty good for those with impregnation fetish)

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