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Minecraft: dungeon crawler edition Anonymous 03/04/2025 (Tue) 20:42:08 Id: 24c381 No. 1077164
Notch's new game, 'Levers and Chests' Current website https://bitshiftentertainment.com/ Empty as of posting. Bitshift Twitter https://x.com/BitshiftEnt Not much posted elsewhere.
This thread legitimately just made me realize that Notch isn't dead. For some reason I was convinced that he died years ago, not even kidding, I think I got him mixed up with TB in my head.
(74.57 KB 640x793 PSP.jpg)

Oh wow, he's actually doing it? He said he was "cooking" for awhile but I didn't expect anything to actually come of it, Notch hasn't been in gamedev proper since 2014 and he's had a horrible case of not shitting on the pot. This looks almost exactly an edited Minecraft screenshot an anon made years ago. Does anybody know what I'm talking about? It made Minecraft look like a DOS CRPG. I like the art style a lot, it really captures that old CRPG look while being fully 3D. It's kind of weird how well it does it actually, but I guess voxels work better as substitute for pixel art.
So, is this game less about crafting and more about retro dungeoncrawling?
Notch finally got off his ass? You know for being a billionaire he could have at least hire an artist, fucking icons look like minecraft and the textures are eye gouging, it's like squinting so hard at a pixelated picture trying to make out what it is.
(8.13 KB 223x288 COMING.jpg)

>Notch is going back to his original idea for Minecraft Fucking insane, I won't make myself hyped because Notch isn't remotely the same person he was in 2009 but I always hated the direction Minecraft went.
(810.86 KB 1920x1080 Wurm.jpg)

Also it's funny how much this looks like a Notch project, if you're at all familiar with this work this just screams "MOJANG"
unlike Minecraft I like the artstyle
>>1077170 >it really captures that old CRPG look while being fully 3D First game I've been genuinely interested in for a while. Hopefully it turns out ok.
I checked his account, he's actually been posting screenshots of this for months. It seems like it hasn't been getting reported on.
why dont he just make minecraft 2 fucking fat lazy faggot
>>1077182 >Guy who made the best selling game of all time is making a new game >Somehow this isn't newsworthy Really gets the noggin joggin. At least it shows he isn't bending over for them.
He has a lot of interesting devblog stuff, he's toying around with his engine a in some posts and making it generate fractals. I forget that Notch was a legitimately talented programmer who used to partake in coding challenges, Minecraft made him so fucking lazy.
I wish he finished his space game.
>>1077187 That's really neat looking, hopefully it's optimized well :D
Is there video of it?
>>1077187 >human warrior Those ears say otherwise
The world looks reasonably nice, especially for a WiP alpha. I'm not quite so sold on the mobs. >>1077261 Maybe humans in this world have pointed ears. Like Hylians.
>>1077261 >>1077264 Maybe its just placeholder art and Notch hasn't added elves yet?
>>1077261 >>1077264 >>1077300 He said in the post nothing in the image is final, so they're placeholders, yes.
(1.47 MB 1280x720 Levers.mp4)

Oh, and it turns out there is footage of the game.
>>1077314 I'll hold hope on them implementing a semi-realtime mode or better animations in the game. It looks too static otherwise.
>>1077317 Yeah kind of reminds me of a sort of procedural generated Grimrock or something.
>>1077317 >>1077319 It's a roguelike dungeon crawler from what I gather. It's not a huge project, it looks like this is much more in the scope of his hobby projects than Minecraft or Wurm. Regardless, it's nice to see Notch back into gamedev.
>>1077164 >wizardry but blockshit That reminds me I never played proper wizardry, only JRPG "Wizardry" with anime skin like Class of Heroes.
>>1077325 Early Wizardry plays a lot like the combat in Dragon Quest, itself being a fusion of Wizardry and Ultima III, but as a maze dungeon crawler. This looks more like a Dungeon Master clone.
>>1077177 I find it interesting that creative people, or people in general, either keep trying to do the same thing over and over or just make completely different stuff.

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