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VTubers Anonymous 12/14/2021 (Tue) 00:42:04 Id: 0e4815 No. 9225
Post any stuff you got involving Vtubers
You know you want to post all the vtuber content you find…
Takamori tickles where you at
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Wondering if it would be too much trouble to ask for someone to either Color the Korone one, or translate the Nijisanji Sara image
>>3440 We have threads for that
>>4208 >that Marine pic When did that one get tled? Do you have the other pics in the set? Thanks for sharing, I hadn't seen the translated before today
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>>4679 No clue, must’ve been on the other board :/ here’s the full scene tho
A Vtuber called Lia Mitsurugi did a stream where she played Fall Guys and every time she lost she got tickled for 30 seconds + some more depending on donations. A lot of tickling, but most of the time the laughter doesn't sound very good. Don't think she was completely faking it, but I'm guessing whoever was tickling her was going really easy on her and she was doing some acting. Full Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIitc4lh-mM Just the tickling (age restricted lol) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cn0GJJdLLb8 There's a lot of actual tickling with vtubers, but I don't really feel like searching for it right now. Marine seems to like it quite a bit.
>>5226 I've never been a fan of the whole "punishment" game when it comes to Vtubers since you can't tell how legit it really is concidering we can't see anything past the avatar. Tickling that happens out of nowhere is much more believable and I've went around saving a few moments when it happened. (Or at least for as long as I've been stuck on this rabbit hole for.) https://youtu.be/1gcOybGS2Ns (PekoMiko) https://youtu.be/5Wi_xG2S7LI (FlareMarine) https://youtu.be/krTY5Y4iRaU (KanataKorone) https://youtu.be/XIVA4Vew7sw (Crossick) https://youtu.be/MhCE8Nl9pPY (Okakoro 4:55) https://youtu.be/wM35K9NqGFo (PatraDaze 11:30)
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The lack of Suisei tickling is honestly disappointing.
>>5737 this is the only other one I know ;-; gif sauce: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/86669473
Enna talks about her ticklish spots: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dkqPtRaJpM4
>>5975 I went back to the original stream and the clip doesn't have everything. At the she said that if she ever has a in person collab with one of the other nijisanji girls she'll tickle them and then the viewers can clip that shit. I doubt she'll actually do something like that but still worth mentioning.
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>>5888 Cool finds. Aaand that's about it lmao. Not just Suisei tickle arts, it looks like there aren't that much art compared to other fanbase. Or I might just be wrong
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>>5737 Just for you, buddy.
>>7249 Dang, this one is great, thanks! Do you have the source for that? SauceNAO not yielding any result
>>7255 https://twitter.com/wintermute_0000/status/1461515914889760773 They usually do DiD or vore, but occasionally tickle pics too, and their stuff is pretty awesome.
>>7261 Ooohhhh that's the same artist who drew the suisei pic I posted above. Apparently the one you posted is not on pixiv
https://kemono.party/patreon/user/20136640/post/51338698 Projekt melody likes tickling. Sweet.
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>>7542 I keep being amazed by how retarded most people are when I see them react to this fetish. Why is it so hard to grasp why tickling can be hot? It's a way to dominate, humiliate, and tease your partner. It can be playful or torturous. It makes the other person laugh their ass off, and I'm pretty sure almost all people enjoy seeing others laugh. Out of every fetish I can think of, this one should be the easiest to understand.
>>7553 "I was totally cool seeing a cute girl restrained against her will and fucked by a holographic penis made by a floating robot, but when that robot started by tickling her, that was kind of weird. Really took me out of the whole thing until the real sex started. I truly don't understand how teasingly touching somebody could possibly be a turn on/"
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>>7561 Tickling > sex.
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>>8672 Well that was fast, the HORNY was very strong with this one.
>>8673 Gen 6 is a bit of a hot topic right now so it doesn't surprise me that some artists get art of them out there Asap
Surprised this didn't happen before after seeing how many Vtubers put their feet on the table due to a trend. https://t.co/oawn2KBrCJ
>>8934 Is that a dude or a chick? I actually can't tell
>>8940 a 'nonbinary' individual. Probably has a penis.
>>8941 So a dude
>>8943 Judging from the bone structure I'd say a female. It's a cat/elf person, does it fucking matter? I'd stick my dick in it and I am not even gay.
>>8934 God damn, that's a good laugh for someone who's acting. Doing convincing laughter on command is no easy task.
>>8947 >not gay >would fuck a guy anon...
>>8934 for those interested there's a second clip in that link titled "exploiting Mim's weakness" and it has a shot of tummy tickling and more of that laugh. it's not a bad laugh, either...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjRI4dBtk10 Y'know I think this Mim person might actually be one of us. Not even secretly.
>>8947 >Judging from the bone structure You do realize that the vtuber avatar isn't really what the person looks like right?
>>8952 It's just some autistic tranny.
>>8997 truly, one of us
>>8997 cranky cuz they gave you a boner aren't you
Some super minor mentions, but I'll put them here anyway. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tjKRMlFSJU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKJbDwcDGK8 at 1:26:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qK45v08x0oY at about 44:00 In "A Way Out" there's a part where you have to interrogate someone, Millie and Mumei's first idea was to tickle him until he talks.
>>9021 The fact that Gura brought this up with no prompting and it was Mumei's immediate reaction when seeing a torture scene makes me feel like I want to be at the mercy of those two the most.
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>>9333 hey retard, theres already a thread >>9232
>>9340 Yes hello sir, that link redirects me to this same thread, I'm guessing they got merged together and the images at the top got shoved along up there.
>>9333 Any idea who makes these?
>>9368 nvm I’m high as shit and didn’t even look. thanks though man
Finished commission I got from a Japanese artist a while back. They never uploaded it and went completely radio silent afterwards when I asked if they like it/are gonna upload it/if I should share it with credits or without... I still feel like it's too good not to share, so please enjoy Fubuki and Okayu by an anon Japanese artist :D
>>8952 >>8934 It’s like one of those male lees on reddit who try so hard to be giggly and cute that he forgets he’s a grown man with cock and balls. Pretending to tickle each other with anime characters is… another level of autism. I’d only really expect a group of ditsy girls to do this lol
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>>9997 Artist for second pic?
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>>10714 KandenRem
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>>9994 >grown man with cock and balls LMAO what a random thing to bring up Wtf does his genitalia have to do with anything?
>>13253 >genitalia doesn’t define anything
>>14077 Thinking genitalia somehow defines how anything about your personality should be is some absolute clown shit though.
>>14083 Facts Femboys have cocks and balls and are unfathomably based
Of course the V-Tubers thread devolves into a fucking gender sexuality argument. Never change, fellas
>>14104 8channers just bein 8channers
>Sees vtuber thread getting bumped >"Oh boy, more vtuber tickling!!!" >Sees arguments about genitalia instead >mfw Fine, I'll do it myself
I knew what this thread would be like before I even opened it. Embarrassing lmfao.
>>14233 8channer act like be a relatively normal, well adjusted human being challenge [IMPOSSIBLE] [COPS CALLED]
>>14102 Femboys are superior because they do it purely for sexual desire. Women today are lazy and dont give a fuck about trying to look girly cus they know they have pussy and thats enough for simps. Truly femboys are the real chads.
There's an indie vtuber debuting. Apparently she's a tickling succubus based on loose translations. Whether or not she will do tickling content, it's interesting. https://youtube.com/channel/UC7LBS4Hdnh6Q-p0hR46Q9kw
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>>14288 Well hot diggity.
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>>14289 Dog!
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twomario never misses
>>14333 Those are some really big feet, like, bigfoot level. Who is the vtuber getting tickled? I don't recognize her.
>>14335 Based on the cap it looks like Calliope.
There's been a trend recently where twitch vtubers have been making personal tier lists of fetishes. Most of them blew off tickling and put it in WTF/no comment tier but Nyanners just quietly put it in B and moved on. She burst out laughing shortly afterwards but it could have been about something else.
>>14883 Wew lad I'm gonna need a clip of that
>>14890 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1302267629?t=15h37m50s It's not anything that interesting, she doesn't talk about it at all. But at least it looks like she's aware it exists unlike most of the other vtubers.
>>14908 You beat me to it. Snuffy, Rosedoodle, and many others put it in either “trash” or “don’t care” tier Nyanners is the ONLY one to put tickling somewhere notable
>>14914 >Snuffy I'm so betrayed. I crushed on her so bad. How could she do this to me?
>>14917 >>14914 Wasn't Nyanners the one into the whole getting humiliation/embarrassing kind of deal? Wouldn't really surprise me if she put it there based off of that...
>>14908 Well there you have it lads. We're B tier. I can live with that.
Am I stupid? I feel like tickling really shouldn't be that hard to understand, at least not as hard as vore or scat. It's non-painful, physical touch that can be playful and torturous, and there's a power play element between the ler and lee. I feel like if some of these people just sat down and thought about it for 2 seconds it would start to make more sense to them.
Vtuber tickle stans when they're put in fucking B tier and get nerdgasms over it. Actually pathetic, its not even S tier, just average kek.
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>tickling is childish and cringe poster was right and all girls think our fetish is trash vs >all these cute vtubers are ticklish as hell and hate it because they're terrified of how badly they'd lose their shit under tickle torture
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>>14973 >get nerdgasms over it >in response to "I can live with that" Literally who are you talking about? There wasn't a single overreaction except yours
>>14288 I love her already lmao. She said in her debut stream she wants to become 3D and play games while getting tickled.
>>14989 >two reactions >"There you have it lads, I can live with that" >"I feel like tickling shouldn't be that hard to understand" >that's somehow "nerdgasms" and someone not having tickling as an S tier fetish is "actually pathetic" Makes you wonder why some people go out of their way to antagonize others over utter nothing like this. Also, fuck people having their own preference for fetishes, aye? That attitude there is the real childish and cringe. >>14996 What a terrible moment to not have learned japanese. Doubt anyone would translate/highlight her streams. Pain peko.
>>14989 >>15028 True sorry, I misunderstood the point. Thought it was more like praising nyananana for actually acknowledging it instead of just being fine with it.
>>15028 >Also, fuck people having their own preference for fetishes, aye? That attitude there is the real childish and cringe. That's not what I meant. Idc if they don't have the fetish, that's one thing, but they act like it's this absurd ridiculous alien concept that only psychopaths could be into when really it makes a lot of sense if you think about it. There's a difference between being into something yourself and understanding why other people are into it even if you aren't
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>>15029 It's alright, it can be hard to tell apart jokes from serious derision sometimes. But yeah, at least Nyanners got something out the fetish instead of nothing. Maybe we'll see someone place tickling on their S-tier one day (IIRC, Melody also enjoys tickling, and she has at least one animation that opens with her being tickle tortured, so...) >>15032 I'm sorry; I wasn't actually refering to your about "fuck othe people having their preference", I was lashing out at the other anon, which turned out to not have been appropriate to their original intention, clearly. Seems like the childish and cringe one, at the end, was I. I think most people actually do see tickling as "childish and cringe", though, in the sense that it's not exactly an alien concept, but something so odd and more commonly associated with inocuous, innocent playfulness that they think that surely must be very fucking wrong for one to consider as an actual fetish. In a sense, maybe they don't see it as a "serious" fetish, even? "It's the thing you do to make people laugh and annoy them" and such, failing to consider the BDSM aspect of it because they don't even realize it's a thing; like you said, if they actually stopped to consider how it could work, maybe they'd rethink their view. Maybe all they need is someone to give an explanation and example, if they haven't figured this out by themselves yet. That's my two cents of armchair psychology, at least.
>>14917 Anon, I’m about to break your heart… but just listen to her reaction when she sees tickling is a tag https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1298425438?t=02h14m29s
>>15044 She put orgasm denial and strap-on in the never seen it tier. I wouldn't feel so bad about tickling being there as well, this is some vanilla ass pussy
>>14539 Amelia is a switch confirmed- >>14974 That's definitely what's going on here, they fear us- >>14996 Who is this queen-
>>15682 >who is this queen See: >>14288
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Bros I found my tickle oshi The art was actually retweeted by the vtuber herself what a gigachad
>>15761 Tickling seems to be her main focus, from ASMR to doing Roleplay involving tickling. Might donate a SC or two once she gets monetized, if only so that she doesn't graduate too soon
>>15763 I was actually the first one to mention her here haha Imagine an EN Vtuber like her. I'd coom.
>>15761 Which vtuber?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltmuo8luuCE Starts 2 minutes into the clip, involves more than half of the HoloID branch.
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>>16529 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvplyHdDZA0 she actually did do a stream where she played a game while being tickled for her 1 month anniversary. Wish I spoke japanese but the model and voice are cute.
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Apparently Nyanners threw tickling all the way up into the B tier when rating fetishes. still hoping the VOD pops up somewhere to see if she commented on it at all. This is just from a highlight vid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1NzL-KRFJ8
>>16957 She didn't comment on it. Just kinda silently put it up there without addressing it iirc
>>16972 thanks, saves me the wondering.
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Ywn be tickled by the horny pirate captain Ywn tickle big tiddy oneesan lady knight What's the point?
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The punishment for not putting tickling in S tier has arrived.
Tamaki tickling Mishiro https://youtu.be/L4ml8moHk3o
>>18187 >stop not my feet >doesn't move them Tickle slut spotted
Desire to see art of tickling Mumei's "freakishly large" feet: very strong https://youtu.be/JwpS_nKhzQ8
>>20022 Interesting statement. I only know of these girls what they present on their streams, but depending on how Mumei thinks of herself, "freakishly large" could mean anything from size 8 to size 12. Her response to the question leaves me assuming that Gura is the smaller of the two, which makes sense because while the height of the character does not always match up to the height of the talent, Gura specifically always gave me "short hellion" energy. Mumei also "feels" like she would be a short person, but we don't know shit about that. She could be a tall lanky bitch with goofy looking feet, which of course we would love. I dunno maybe it's obsessing over a line she said mostly as a joke to keep a meme going but it's just fun to think about this kind of thing when we're given the nod to.
>>20022 I'm surprised that I haven't seen any tickling art of Council considering one has a bare midriff and two are barefoot.
>>20024 >tall lanky bitch with goofy looking feet Yes please, give me my lanklet owl girl with long skinny ticklish feet. I didn't even know that was the dream, but now I know, that's the dream.
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>one of the only amelia pics has her being beheaded >feelsbadamefags
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>>20309 I just pretend she has a bucket of cold water she has to hold up or something.
>>20316 What the fuck is wrong with people though, the artist draws tickling just fine why did they just have to ruin it.
No idea what the source of the screenshot is. >>20030 There's some but nothing from any of the major artists. Vtuber tickle art is surprisingly rare in general.
>>20499 It's definitely scarse but slowly piling up more and more. OmegaZero did a few of them but the full versions are by email only. >>20499
>>20551 Yeah Omega's gotten pretty militant about Kemonoproofing his stuff lol
It would be a dream come true to have Gura captured and tickled like this.
>>21547 While I don’t watch her, her design has me DIAMONDS. More bullying of her is needed.
>>20343 Probably because their main fetish is chopping body parts and not tickling https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/13817671/illustrations?p=1
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This one is IRL tickling but the girl has a vtuber avatar that she uses regularly. The videos are about an hour each and she's doing some tickling challenges. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGvxsLWPH-o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZEqMabDvqo
Gonna start a deep discussion here: What Vtuber(s) would you tickle, or like to see be tickled, and why would you choose them? In other words, who's your tickle-Oshi? Convince me yours is the best girl.

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>>21907 Might be pretty normie but 1 million percent Calliope Mori and Ouro Kronii from Hololive EN. Two confident, tall, tsundere MOMMIES who get flustered as shit when they're teased/bullied. You can't tell me they're not unbearably ticklish. The type to insult you and rant and rave about how they'll beat the shit out of you when they escape, but later dwon the line they eventually become girly giggling messes who are begging you to stop.
>>21908 *down Typo but my point STILL STANDS
>>21908 My choices are the same as yours. These two are so beautiful, hot, confident mommies and the idea of tickling them until their shouts and demands become squeal and pleas is just too hot~
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Enough said.
>>21908 >>21910 These two definitely. It's so much more satisfying tp tickle someone with a tough, stoic image into a hysterical mess and their outfits leave their pits exposed so you can do just that. Kronii would be my preferred of the two since she's usually so emotionless and her laugh is very nice. Not really a big fan of Calli's. >>21907 If I was to actually have a tickle session with any Vtuber, my 1st choice would have to be Marine since there's a 99% chance she'd be into it. Maybe Nyanners too since she rated it moderately high on her tier list. To go along with that, I'll add my own question to the discussion. Which Vtubers do you think might be into tickling as a kink or it's at least something they'd be cool with trying?
>>21907 I want to tickle Senchou without a second's hesitation. 1) Her laugh is divine and I could listen to it all day. 2) Her interactions on stream with (I think it was) Flare suggest she really is ticklish. 3) She seems like she'd at least be open to giving it a go. Which I guess also is an answer to >>21914.
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>>21914 I know Mim has an actual tickling fetish, which is funny bc he got quite a few people, who were probably clueless that he actually found sexual pleasure in it, to indulge him in it and act for a while that it was just an inside joke >>21908 >>21914 >>21912 Wonderful picks! As for mine, I'd actually like to see Annytf, Haruka Karibu, and Snuffy get tickled. I don't know what it is, but their design and their voices are just all so cute, and their laughs are even more adorable and can probably cure cancer. I mean, if a girl snorts when she laughs really hard, that's a bonus and a half let me tell you.
>>21921 ps. not saying that it's bad he did it or anything, I respect the hustle. I'm saying that if other vtubers have tickling fetishes, time will tell
>>21907 I want to see both Ewiwa and Selen bullying Lui after seeing this picture. Alternatively, I want to see more Elira and Selen pics because there are exactly Zero of them being tickled. Elira has a blessed laugh and if you have watched a 30 second clip of Selen you know she’s inhaling laughing gas with how often she laughs, and I want to see (and hear) more of that.
>>21907 In no particular order, Mori, Suisei, Marine, Korone. Suisei makes me unbelievably horny, Marine is both ticklish and might be into it. I generally like both Korone and Mori in the first place. Mori admitted to being really ticklish while Korone got tickled multiple times on stream with explosively loud results each time so I'd expect both of them to be a blast. Though if I had a choice, I'd probably get half of Hololive girls
>>21930 God damn it, when is he gonna finish that Mori pic?
>>9952 It looks so great. Who's the artist?
>>21907 Tough question, if I had to name my top 3 from both JP and EN/ID (Hololive since that's what I mostly watch) it would likely go EN: Gura, Moona and Mumei Gura because I can't deny that the amount of foot art of her that there's been and just how fitting her character is to be in these kinds of situations. (Also admitted to having ticklish feet https://youtu.be/QFpcl3_wzTc) Moona because of her explosive laugh that she has, somewhat similar to Calli and Kronii on being someone that's cool and collected most of the time but was stupid ticklish that she hid in the bathroom out of fear when the ID girls started asking who was the most ticklish out of everyone during an offline Collab.(https://youtu.be/ltmuo8luuCE) And Mumei out of personal preference, just kinda love her laugh and has admitted to having big feet. Just wish there was more tk art of council. (https://youtu.be/CWcJTEgrieg) And For JP it would be: Fubuki, Haachama and Korone Fubuki because of her unique laugh and personality, she's always been seen as someone composed and prideful by most Holo members so seeing that just shattering with wild laughter would probably be the most embarrassing moment on her life. Haachama because feet, she pandered the whole foot thing to the point that she actually wore fanmade stocks during her stream, kinda hard to not want to see her be in that situation irl (https://youtu.be/KRNpx_knGZs) And Korone because obvious reasons, she has an explosive contagious laugh that just makes you wonder how far and wild it can go. She's already been tickled multiple times in the past during streams so there's an already an idea of how ticklish she is. (https://youtu.be/krTY5Y4iRaU) (https://youtu.be/MhCE8Nl9pPY 4:43 timestamp)
>>21933 I agree, honestly. This is a really good take on Calli, I love the pose she's in and her expression, and the high heeled shoes dangling on the stocks right between her tickled feet makes me fucking diamonds.
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I also forgot Bae. Little rat admitted she's so ticklish she can't stay still during massage. >>21933 I wish, that pic is probably the single hottest Vtuber tickling image for me personally. Scrunched toes are a great detail there. I absolutely love to imagine teasing her while she's laughing helplessly like in the pic. >>21945 Fubuki is another great pick, her laugh is adorable. And I just want to add that I imagine both Gura and Mumei would have lots of fun being ticklers. Mumei in general has that slightly devious personality and loves messing with other people, she feels like she'd have ton of fun exploiting other people's weak spots. Gura straight up threatened to tickle others multiple times. Her personality just begs for a situation where she starts tickling someone else but ends up tickled herself.
>>21950 >Gura straight up threatened to tickle others multiple times. Related: Gura talking about how tickle torture would be her preferred form of torture if she needed to do such a thing, for almost no reason. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tjKRMlFSJU
>>21933 I'd pay him to finish it god damnit, we need more cali tickling
>>21952 Man that smug gaze makes it so much hotter.
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This thread reminds me how much I want to see most Holos tickled. >>22007 She plays 'little brat' character perfectly. And little brats need to be punished.
>>21929 I remember you said you wanted to write non RWBY stories, thats a pretty nice idea for one
>>22515 That is true, I do want to expand. That said I atleast want to have a picture of the three done to have a baseline of what I want to write about. All I know is that Lui is most likely going to get bullied. I don't even watch her, I just like her design.
>>22541 Vtuber wise it might be better if you based the story off their character lore rather than their streaming personality
So Bao VTuber is hyper ticklish and has a big tickling kink. She’s not completely against feet but not a big fan. You can find Bao IRL online too if that’s your thing. Muni is into her feet being worshipped but hates tickling. Shylily is into tickling a little bit. So kinksters, do with that knowledge what you will. https://youtu.be/niw1x3SDIXc
>>23057 Is there more to this? Bao says tickling is cute and a pretty normal kink, but she never says anything about how ticklish she is or that it's a really big thing for her.
Searched her twitter for funsies and she mentions how ticklish she is here in an offhand way so guess we got our perverted imaginations to work with https://twitter.com/baovtuber/status/1434388879755386886?s=21&t=GnUHLj_G7DAAwP21tPZTUA
>>23062 She's definitely brought up her tickle kink before since Numi knows about it, but I don't know if it's in a stream or a personal conversation.
>>23057 am I the only one or does shylily sound just like veibae? like her laugh in the video is almost like veibae's laugh
This is the only public thing of Bao’s feet from like a year ago. Blue toe nails to match too. There’s like no tickle or foot art of her VTuber or irl out there. Got that great ticklish tummy picture in the tweets too. Numi no tickle art but she’s shared foot art before just like a few days ago. Lily not sure on either but she does have an accent very similar to Veibae. Even her mannerisms.
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Here's some pics of them that they've shared on twitter for those who are curios Going from left to right: Bao, Numi, Shylily.
There’s some old photos of Bao with no face sticker too.
>>23063 Any clips of either of them talking about it?
Not sure about clips but found an old thing from years ago where she mentions she loves tickle fights, so her tickle kink probably only grew over time. https://twitter.com/baovtuber/status/792120645828026368?s=21&t=wOZbfa8oxw3btO92I41NvQ
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found the best navel tickling content and to make it even better it's with Subaru will post a translation if you are interested
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and here's the rest btw do you think subaru is aware of the obsession people have with her navel? i would love to see her reaction to something like this
Myth off-collab is happening but unfortunately for us they're not too keen on skinship. The closest moment we got so far was this https://youtu.be/3wsiJVzv9vg?t=4636. That said, Mori lying about not being ticklish is cute.
>>24031 Don’t think this is the correct timestamp Also I love how Holo ID/Holo JP will be filled with foot fetish material and tickling but Holo EN is crickets. Feelsbadman
>>24068 The time on the link is correct but it doesn't take you to that part of the video for some reason. Just divide 4636 by 60 to get the time you need to skip to, but the clip is nothing interesting. Gura tries to tickle Calli a little but not enough to actually get a reaction. Honestly, the yuri baiting that Hololive Vtubers do a lot can really get on my nerves so I'm glad Holo EN seems to be acting more normal during their off-colab.
>>24031 It's around 1:17:15 for those who can't find it.
https://mobile.twitter.com/pavoliareine/status/1526261907812143104 not sure if there was any tickling on streams during this trip, or with any of the Niji EN ppl that met up recently too
>>24259 Nothing for Reine/Kiara, I remember Kiara mentioned she doesn't like being tickled so she probably shut down any Reine's attempts. HoloID girls are much more touchy-feely with one another compared to HoloMyth so sometimes they talk quite a bit about tickling-related experiences like here https://youtu.be/iGw1sSJ5MGs?t=3968 (1:06:05 if the timestamp doesn't work)
https://youtu.be/GvHjwORdrYY Nyanners 100% has a tickling fetish and I'll refuse to believe otherwise.
Anyone got any of Omegazero01's Hololive shit?
>>23968 if you're still offering i'd be interested in a translation
does any1 have good nyanners art
>>25778 The only two Nyanners pics have already been posted in this thread. If you want something better you'll have to commission it.
>>25792 And shortly after I say that this drops. Aza seems to have a good amount of Vtuber fans on her patreon.
>>25760 sure there you go! pic1 Eh? Wait what is that!? You are kidding right? Wait that thing looks dangerous!! eh? The tip is rubber so it's fine? That's not the problem!! Also what is this pose!? waitwait i really don't like this! pic2 please stop for a second! i'm serious stop!! i'm scared! i'm scared! where do you want put that? It won't fit! If you put that in my navel i'll break!! Hey are you listening to me? Please stop! Please stop! I'm begging you!! pic3 ah!! Wai-!ahahahhahahahahha!!! hihihihiih!! tha- thats enough right? don't move it slowly!! don't do that with my navel entrance.. ihihihihihih!!♥ The slow movement is...♥ o-ok! enough! let's stop it here ok?♥ I said let's stop it... hyaahahahahhaha!!!♥ pic4 oh this is bad... you are actually trying to push it in... little by little... Subaru's navel... is getting spread apart... ghhh!! if this keeps going it'll reach the bottom! if that happens my life as an idol is over!! I won't let it in! no matter what! Guys.. my fans... Subaru... Subaru will... Subaru will never lose!! I will come back to all of you with my pure body intact!! pic5 i can't!! i can't!! i can't!!!♥ stopitstopit!! i'll die!!♥ i'll die!!♥
[Expand Post]My navel pussyyyy!!!♥ hiiiiighiiii!!♥ please stooooop!! I'll do anything you want!!! aaaaaaa!! please!♥ stooooop!!♥♥ pic6 1 hour later i'm sorry guys... Subaru has been soiled... they fucked my navel i came so many times with it... now subaru can't get married anymore...
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>>26075 >pirating from Aza-chan...
>>26076 >>26075 pls ubdaet tkgeek pls...
>>26076 >>26078 Wrong thread retards
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>>26076 I just post Vtuber tickling that I find online. https://ramune.fanbox.cc/posts/4195689
>>26662 Artist?
>>26683 i know the first one was made by Damurican and the last one was made by Navel Lunatic, don't know for the middle ones tho
https://www.deviantart.com/rwbygirlsaresocute Some recent Holo stories I've seen being written, they're cute and well made based on the girls personalities
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Vtuber with tickling fetish She deserves more love from us guys Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7LBS4Hdnh6Q-p0hR46Q9kw/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/grisugram
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She makes ASMR tickling, all in japanese
fuck vtumors
>>27505 >you’re on a fetish board with 98% anime tickling content
>>27504 Wait, really? Can I get a link?
>>27520 Disregard that, sorry I'm retarded
>>27099 >>28671 good shit, personal favorite is the irys one speaking of, why isn't there much/any tickle content with her yet?
>>28809 Probably because of her model. Atleast, that's why for me. That shit looks really, really look quality and like a Playstation 1 tier character honestly. >>28671 As for his stories, I suppose the reason why they are so good is because they are the only hololive stories on DA.
>>28810 honestly her design has really grown on me, i like how she looks the model is ass but the concept is cool, i like the way she's drawn in art for mvs like see the world
>gamer dragon vtuber >armpits exposed in new outfit >tons of armpit art >well known for always fucking laughing Bros… how do we have no Nijisanji tickles?
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>>28972 This was posted today.
>>28972 Try being a fan of independent Vtubers. Pretty much zero chance of there ever being any art unless I decide to commission some myself at some point.
>>28972 Based Selen Enjoyer. I've commissioned an artist once for her but no tickles. Though not an armpit fag unfortunately. >>28973 Fuck, I saw. >>28975 No.
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>>28973 Bit the bullet for my Beloved
>>28987 This is just gonna awaken an endless need to see more niji girls getting tickled, isn’t it. Fuck Tbh if that guy who was doing all the Hololive stories on DA should do some for the Nijisanji girls too.
>>29015 I might know a guy who could do Nijisanji stories. His Oshi is Selen. Issue is just getting his ass into gear. I’ll see what I can do to get him to do it.
I certainly have some ideas for Hololive and Nijisanji tickle content. Work has started up for me, so it's more a matter of getting drafts written up and finetuned.
>>29034 I remember reading your works a few months back, the screaming in silence story really stuck out to me as one of the best because it felt like one of a kind since the victim in that story was mute but the entire built up around it, plus the setting and the details in the story made it an enjoyable read from the beginning all the way to the end. So I'm excited what you can brew up with Holo/Niji if you're planning on writing something for it. If I can give my two cents on it I think most stories that I've read regarding Vtubers work off better when they're based off their lore + personality setting, rather than their streamer life, but thats just a suggestion, if you can make it work with something you already have in mind then power to you
>>28987 Also happen to have this, anon?
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>>29095 Not the same Anon but a fellow Nijisanji Enjoyer. I'm glad to see my Beloved Selen here though. Here is Pomu getting in on the action for you.
>>29096 Many thanks! Nijisanji EN is underrated so here's to hoping there'll be more
>>29098 I agree. I would kill for some Elira/Selen stuff. Petra would be massive as well.
>>29096 Pomu deserves every second of this. I don't know what it is, she just has that attitude that makes me want to hear her beg for mercy. I'd like some more VOMS content. We get a decent trickle of Pikamee here and there, but I really wish we could get more content for Tomoshika and Monoe. There's also the new girl and guy who were introduced recently who have been going under the radar, and I definitely wish we could see some of the guy, he's cute.
>>29033 Send him a Selen laugh compilation
Here is the rude french bitch
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Finally more Suisei tickling
>>29932 We are truly blessed
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>>23057 More about Bao and tickling, here's a stream where Numi, Bao, and Yuzu rank the manga tags. They get to tickling at 3:57:25 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1597555598?t=03h57m25s
Bao is just begging to have tickle torture art made of her. She probably looks at the stuff too. She can be a real brat and is a complete horny dog too, so perfect combo.
>31705 Bao is just cute, I say we make her our mascot and tickle her mercilessly
https://beta.character.ai/ ai chatbot has a few vtubers on it, and it's a really good ai for tickling. I recommend it, although i'd try to experiment around because not all of them are fully functional. Amelia Watson from @trun25554 and Fauna from @anonymoos both had good responses.
>>31809 Tried it out and I agree it's pretty good. I tried out the Gawr Gura and Mori Calliope
>>31809 >>31816 As someone with an equally massive foot fetish, it's bad at incorporating it with tickling. It does tickling though I will admit.
Making Bao the mascot would be so fun. She has some pretty wide feet irl from the few pics of them, so lots of room to play with. Her and VTuber model are torment material Grade A.
>>31816 I tickled mother nature so hard, and she was so happy, that animals showed up and joined in on the tickling. Man
https://youtu.be/gBiIBnucAms Mio confirmed ticklish. Subaru tickles her at the end and her laughter's great.
You have a box, a vtuber, and their feet. Which Vtuber are you choosing?
>>34079 Suisei, Marine, Calli.
Definitely would want Bao the Whale, Numi, and Calli’s feet in the tickle box to play with.
>>34079 Calli, Kronii, Polka, Noel, probably Gura and Laplus just to see how small their feet are, Vesper, anyone from VOMS but especially Pikamee or Monoe. I think those are my big ones and I don't want to seem greedy.
>>34079 what is that from?
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>>34079 I'm torn. Marine has a laugh and a personality that's just supreme. But Gura has admitted outright to having extremely ticklish feet. And then again, Mumei talked about having feet so long she worried they were "freakish." Those are definitely my top contenders.
>>34138 >But Gura has admitted outright to having extremely ticklish feet. She's also talked about subjecting people to tickle torture if she ever needed to get information from someone. Massive switch energy from Gura (but maybe her being a lee is a little more non-con)
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https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1659069197?t=0h18m12s Just a super quick mention from a stream I saw. I don't think it really means anything but she's talked wanting to tickle people before, some person in chat asked if she has a tickle fetish and she kind of responded.
Oh yeah, forgot Korone. The doggo is so ticklish getting her feet in a box would lead to your eardrums getting blasted but it's totally worth. >>34147 I remember at some point Gura had a bit of a weird streak where she brought up tickling several times over relatively short period and then stopped. Probably saw comments or clips and caught herself >>34138 Marine is just perfect for this. Whether you imagine her being into it from the start or being confused or getting into tickling as you keep going, it's great.
>>34154 >I remember at some point Gura had a bit of a weird streak where she brought up tickling several times over relatively short period and then stopped. Probably saw comments or clips and caught herself I certainly don't think "Gura has a secret tickle fetish and just suddenly decided to go mask off about it for a brief moment", that seems like we're assuming stuff that isn't there. I would like it if it turned out Gura was officially "one of us" but I'm not gonna claim she is just because she mentioned tickling on a few streams.
>>34156 Maybe Gura saw some tickling art of her and was like "the fuck is this lol?" So she brought it up as a dog whistle to see how many of us where lurking in chat. I bet she 100% has seen at least some Vtuber tickle art and is at least a little curious
>>34156 I was mostly thinking in line of >>34168. She probably saw a few pics of Holo members while searching and it got stuck in her head for a bit. But sadly, the only "one of us" seems to be Bao.
https://shonenjumpplus.com/episode/316190246979647936 There's a tickle scene with Chloe in chapter 3 of the official Holox manga!
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Here's an AZKi
>barefoot >one of the biggest holo’s >does ASMR >cute laugh >absolutely 0 tickle art
fallenshadow needs tickling correction
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uF_oEvNAbPY&ab_channel=MikoCh.%E3%81%95%E3%81%8F%E3%82%89%E3%81%BF%E3%81%93 The christmas collab had a board game and some of the tiles in it had one of the girls tickle another. There's timestamps in comments, 21:14 for Polka, 30:10 for Flare and 53:08 for Noel but they couldn't get Noel to laugh
>>36730 Finding out Polka is ticklish enough to laugh like that is the greatest gift anyone could give me that isn't Polka feet pics.
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Also I hope someone who knows Japanese understands better but I think when they tickle Flare, they note she doesn't react when they go for neck/armpits but she screams when they touch her thighs and I think says her feet are her weak spot? Until I'm corrected I'm going to believe this. >>36753 I can give you a few though you've probably seen them.
>>36730 >suisei wasn’t tickled man… I’m glad the others got tickled but, suisei…. we were so close
>>36784 >Until I'm corrected I'm going to believe this I'm not fluent by any means, and it's hard to hear with them all screaming at the same time but it sounds like they first try a spot I can't identify, and then the neck. Flare here says "try to find it?" (探してご覧?) in kind of a playful/flirty tone which I personally find pretty hot. They then go for the knees, and she makes no sound at first then laughs a little. But at 30:21 I think it's Noel who says "the soles?" (足の裏?) and right after Flare starts screaming. It does sound like either Polka or Flare then screams "it's the knees!" (膝が!). So I can't tell which it is at that moment. Miko mentions that Flare's armpits did not seem to be ticklish and after that Flare mentions her soles being a weak spot (足の裏が弱い). For Polka it sounds like Suisei says she went for her armpits, and Polka says that Suisei was violent in how she tickled her. For Noel it sounds like they say they just fondled her tits rather than actually trying to tickle her which is too bad.
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>>36833 I read Miko made the board. She should put more tickling tiles next to ensure Suisei doesn't escape. I'll just believe she's deathly ticklish until I get any confirmation. >>36879 Thanks, seems like my anime-knowledge actually served me decently. And can you blame them about Noel? There may be many ticklish girls around them but there's only one pair of Noel-sized tits in Japan.
New NijiEN wave came out a little bit ago, I feel like they’re super adorable and need some attention Which one would be the best lee, ler, or what tickling-related theories do you have of them? If you haven’t heard much of them I’d suggest you check them out, it’s the best new wave in a while
>>36938 I can't help but wonder for the one in the middle... Which side is more ticklish?~ Between her dyed hair and stocking on one leg, I'm curious!
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>>36939 they’re all super cute, the first has an adorable Japanese accent, the bottom is quite sadistic, the middle is also Japanese I think (they’re still EN wave tho)
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More Sui-chan tickling art! >>36833 >>36892 This artist was really disappointed too that Suisei didn't get tickled and drew her getting tickled at the sugoroku
https://youtu.be/ogPsoOLMP18?t=3385 Korone being deathly ticklish isn't really news but it's always fun to hear her laugh more.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhNy4LZkEbI Based Kiara gave us official Korone TK
My Kingdom for Saruei pics
Here’s Pomu talking about someone who brought up tickling repeatedly in chat, it turns into a really cute segment (starts at 2:23:50) https://www.youtube.com/live/hGXD9nU8KC4?feature=share
The tickle fetishist whale posted and deleted this as a joke but idk if it’s really a joke since she’s a furry and a tickle fetishist lol
>>41824 I wanna tickle Bao now
>>41824 She was streaming with a friend yesterday and lost some challenge so she got forced to tweet this. The friend picked the picture too, so she either knew about Bao's kink and wanted to really tick her off or it was an incredible coincidence.
>>29059 Could've sworn that Fubuki one was animated at one point
>>41856 The animated version is on the artist's fanbox https://dimensist0.fanbox.cc/posts/4958558
https://youtu.be/ccCWrmfO8yM Snuffy ticklish bellybutton confirmed 👌
>>41889 I say we go ask every vtuber and just every content creator or internet woman in general if they have a ticklish belly button, we need to demand this information and interrogate it out of everyone. And we need to get every detail possible every instance of there belly button being tickled in their life and how ticklish and all the facts. If you aren't with me you're a fucking cock sucker.
Pomu can’t get pedicures because they tickle https://www.youtube.com/live/V6nP-CYGbRA?feature=share (at 3:17:40) We’re winning bros
>>42062 I don't think we're winning until we figure out who has a ticklish belly button or not you son of a bitch
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efABPzIqDns Bao clip where she gets exposed on stream and starts acting really awkward and defensive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPk1g0c1qk8 Nyanners clip where she gets tickled (kind of) on stream. I don't have clips for these but Nyanners also mentioned on stream that when she was in school she got tickled by another girl to the point where she had a panic attack. Also, one of Bao's friends, Numi, is incredibly ticklish. They had an off collab a while ago during which Bao grabbed her foot and Numi started laughing and begging Bao to let go. The entire thing was only about 5 seconds long, which is why I didn't really bother getting the timestamp and linking it here.
>>42325 That Bao clip is surprising me with how upfront it is. It felt like Bao couldve gone more in depth with what she sees in the kink, but held herself back bc it's the interwebs
>>42329 She always gets really flustered when it comes up so I'm sure she just wanted the topic to change as quickly as possible. Kind of funny when you consider how open she is about literally any other sexual topic, but I think a lot of us are like that too. There's another, much smaller indie vtuber I know of that brings up tickling a lot, but I'm not sure if I want to say who she is since her audience is small enough that if a couple of people from here decided to act up in her chat it would be very noticeable.
It’s not likely to happen but not impossible our favorite tickle lover whale could do this. https://twitter.com/lewdligu/status/1633901347899621409?s=46&t=6Kqk6ZRifJwqBPy9w580MQ
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Sencho is build for tickles~
>>42469 Autistic morons like this are the reason why women into tickling stay away from internet communities.
A chuuba I watch just ranked tickling as one of her favorite tags in a member's stream, but since it was member's only it feels wrong to reveal publicly who it is, but it made me like her even more
>>42617 Which company was it from?
>>42628 Idol Corp
>>42629 Right, guess I'll watch her more from now on, she's been on my subbox ever since I saw her use the feet prop for the donathon but if she's slowly being converted into liking feet more thanks to the memes then I'll be there to witness it
>>42081 Good thing we’re both winning then https://youtu.be/mObfnDRY71I
>>42861 Here's the thing, if she has a ticklish belly, it could be argued that her belly button would be ticklish too. Work smarter, not harder.
https://youtu.be/T5hZjuajmTk?t=3333 Subaru tickled Koyori at Subaru's favorite raffle cards. Unfortunately, Koyori seems to be resistant to tickle (as she informed herself) and we couldn't hear much laughter. Subaru seemed like she tickled her neck and armpit. Good news is that, Subaru rejoiced when Koyori got tickle card, saying she loves this (to tickle someone). And, Subaru herself informed that she's awfully ticklish. Funny part is that it's Subaru made this tickling card, not thinking chance of herself taking this card and being tickled.
>>44342 that comic is hot, got a source?
>>44342 So nice to see Maria tickling
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There's a new small vtuber corp called EIEN that popped up a couple of months ago and apparently all of the members have answered how ticklish they are and what their worst spot. I only found where 3 out 4 said it, not going to list the times in each stream but you can find where it was said by clicking the button with 3 vertically aligned dots on the right side of the screen right below the video, pressing "show transcript", and then ctrl+f and searching for tickling. White - feet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quuENz-ikPY Green - hips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP_oAycvt5k Blonde - everywhere, if you tickle her for a bit then you can just hover your hands over her skin and she can't stop laughing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUyrbYYy9RE
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SOMEONE FINALLY DID IT. Surprised there is not more of her yet since she has a tickle fetish and has talked about it multiple times now. Now someone needs to put the horny whale in some stocks and let some wolves go to town licking her soles.
>>45781 i refuse to believe that bao is not actively part of the tickle community
>>45313 Too bad that the green one is leaving. She was the most fun. And as a footfag she had that one asmr that I didn't save that I liked.
>>45871 There's already a vtuber thread lol
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>>46154 This guy seems to be drawing a lot of Hololive tickling stuff with some pretty impressive results (a lot of likes too) https://twitter.com/koichichikata?s=21
>>46429 He's hit 20k likes and half a million views with some of these, and strangely it seems like he blew up in popularity with his tickling ones. I saw that at least Marine and Flare have retweeted and liked his pics, maybe he got noticed due to a Holo member.
I've seen about 15-20 vtubers do one of those fetish tier lists and I thought I would just post the overall results here: 4 (Bao + some smaller vtubers) rated tickling at the top 3 (Anny + small indies) put it somewhere in the middle and said it's situationally a turn on but the person needs to stop before it becomes too much Melody said she can understand what's hot about it but she's too ticklish and can't handle it Nyanners put it roughly in the middle without saying anything Everyone else put it at the bottom Obviously no one in Hololive has done a fetish tier list but Subaru, Marine and Reine definitely seem to like tickling
>>46880 It would be a shame if someone were to tickle torture those vtubers until they agreed to put tickling at the top where it belongs.
>>40415 I feel like its so close to being good but something's holding it back idk what
>>46880 Melody giving the objectively best answer as per usual.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPhlFo6lGzo Pomu talks about tickling starting at 3 hours 9 minutes. Says that tickling is the worst punishment she can think of and she knows it's a fetish but she doesn't really understand it. Then she says she can tickle herself around her knee and does it for a little bit.
>>47340 her feet and belly are confirmed ticklish… I’d like to see Pomu in the tickle room
>>47359 With how ticklish she is honestly it makes my foot fetish go into overdrive just to want to hear her squeal while enjoying her toes
>>47378 her laugh is adorable as well, I can only imagine
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I don't know if Jaiden counts but she has a Vtuber model and ScreamPunk art recently did this with her model design
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>>47656 Oh fuck yeah I really like that
Autistic as fuck idea but we’re starved for content (at least a *variety of content) and I wanna see what kind of shit you all can put together with this template. Insert your fav This is such a Deviantart thing but it works with Vtubers
>>47340 this, but with Pomu
Here’s a vtuber who does irl streams where she gets tickled a lot. https://m.youtube.com/@HiinaTenshouin
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4LmSJLq9bE This is from a feetcam stream Finana did a long time ago. At 52:05 she mentions she's ticklish and asks her collab partner if he knows that tickling is a fetish.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rN6ozt4Z--Y Great tickling from latest Hologla.
Any love for Honey Goblin? She’s genuinely adorkable with the cutest voice and quirky personality. Plus her virtual model is insanely detailed animation wise compared to a lot others I’ve seen.
>>49665 Absolutely, huge fan of hers, would love to see her tickled.
>>49665 Not into monster girls but her voice and personality are cute. Holos hog about 90% of vtuber tickle art so don't expect her to get any unless you commission it, some of the biggest indies on twitch could say they're into tickling and they'll get 1-2 pieces at most.
>>49662 holy shit thanks for sharing or i wouldnt have known about this. finally, tickling in hologra and with kiara too. its a great day.
>>49665 This thread now only exists to pressure as many pieces of Honey Goblin getting absolutely destroyed out of artists as possible. We will not stop until Honey has so much tickle art that even she notices
>>49665 >>49671 >>49816 hard agree, love to see her get it in these outfits specifically
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>>49816 I am willing to support this movement
>>49903 Thank you for your service! That's very cute!
>>49903 draw her belly button being tickled now
>>37069 Source?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6zhInkkJ-s Anyone seen this? Honestly i bet it's just one of those stupid png feet streams and im not paying for it
>>49997 You're kind of close, it's a stream where I think she's molding her own feet in a 3D studio program. (So not her actual feet, just what they would look like for her character) Her members content doesn't have any actual tickling involving her, it's either ASMR tickling towards the viewer or just talking streams during lunch. Actual tickling that involves her as far as I know are these two streams. https://www.youtube.com/live/8MDdgQVAhkM?feature=share https://www.youtube.com/live/tvplyHdDZA0?feature=share (41 min mark) I think she has something planned involving roleplay... But honestly it just feels like the usual obligatory members stream so her members don't leave her.
>>49999 That's disappointing, i expected more from a Vtuber based around tickling lol.
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I'd like to see Nyaru tickled. She has a cute laugh.
Now this is a quick call to artists in this fetish community that roam this board, but a new gen of Hololive EN Vtubers debuted recently. If there was ever a time to take advantage of that hype and gain a quick wave of exposure, it would be now.
>>51132 especially Shiori
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>>51132 not a want, but a need fr
https://youtu.be/V_64ifaBopk?t=1456 Koyori being tickled by other HoloX members at official channel, having to endure laugh.
I'm gonna post this link to her upcoming stream because this thumbnail is *chef's kiss* https://www.youtube.com/live/pTA6HqQAe24?si=a5ghEy3lwGKoJ75z
>>51929 Here's hoping she finally realized that people only want to see her tickled, there's only so many ASMR streams she can do before people turn away. The last video she did she had some kind of self tickling roleplay scenario going on, which was fine although the laugh she was giving felt a bit forced... At the end of the video though she was talking about using some kind of head massager to tickle herself or something? Not sure but we'll find out tomorrow I guess. That being said... if anyone can donate to her if she actually does end up doing some tickling stuff involving her then I'd ask people to do it since that would probably motivate her to focus on that kind of content more.
>>51930 Additionally she posted this on Twitter, which I don't know if anyone can translate but it seems like she'll be tickled based on donations she receives during the stream.
i dont think it techinically is, but im willing to count this as tickle art. artstyle is really cute and also... kronii tickles are god tier.
trilingual loli
>>52085 God, I hope that either Nadako really does suck at tickling, or A-chan was ready for it and was able to better resist what sounds like a retaliatory tickle attack, because if A-chan turns out to actually not be ticklish, I'm going to walk off a bridge.
Fubuki has the best laugh in Hololive and she deserves a proper tickle
https://youtu.be/T593ZDbGwgs?si=GV_wjke6_jqOsMgV A-chan finds out Nodoka is ticklish and takes good advantage of the situation lmao
The fact that there's seemingly zero Pipkin Pippa tickle art is honestly a crime. Considering how it's a well known fact that she has a giant crush on Colress, I'd love to see a pic where the latter is using Pippa as a test subject for tickle-related experiments.
Will agree that it does surprise me that more Tickling artists aren't taking advantage of the opportunity of drawing Vtubers for their art, Hololive specifically has a massive following and any art that's made about them that involves feet will guarantee you at least a few hundred follows. What makes it even better is that these Vtuber girls are still real girls and have genuine laughs that makes it easy to imagine how they would be laughing if they were stick in a situation that involved them being tickled. LITERALLY YESTERDAY Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive was talking about how she loved getting massages and couldn't live without them but absolutely hated having her feet touched because of how ticklish they were... A scene people would LOVE having a mental image of yet no artists step up to draw it lol https://youtu.be/Rt0npOBOVE4?si=BU3vf5Qu_Mqm1Re1
>>52331 It's definitely disappointing how little vtuber art we get, and it's weird since they've been dominating the regular fanart scene for a while now and a good number have talked about being extremely ticklish, liking tickling or gotten tickled on stream. And on the ler side, here's Veibae talking about how she'd be an amazing torturer, tickling her victims until their mind breaks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTjUqItY738 Starts at 20:27 And an indie vtuber who talks about tickling her fans when she meets them at a con. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9zwa4uLTWM Starts at 1:05:27
>>52398 God I wish Veibei would tie me up and tickle me mercilessly
>>52398 >>52331 Then commission it? Never got why people just don't take matters into their own hands.
>>52401 She's tickled her boyfriend on stream before and judging by the reaction she's pretty good at it. >>52402 I might, but now that everyone is on patreon I don't even know who's doing commissions anymore. I've been thinking of looking into ai art since I've seen people get some good results with tickling pics, but I'd need to do it myself by making lora since the services you can subscribe to online don't know how to draw tickling or any vtuber that isn't a super popular holo. My current computer is really though so I'll probably need to upgrade before I can do that.
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>>52402 Yeah anons, just commission shit yourself.
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>>53379 based on juniper actias
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>>54571 Lees talking about how they'll get the ler back while they're being tickled is the peakest of peaks holy shit
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>>55028 Both of these pieces are unFATHOMABLY BASED
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Not tickling but here's a lesser known vtuber whose also a hentai artist, Kinkymation
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Some indie vtubers talking about how ticklish they are: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1943186474?t=1h5m0s https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1951789429?t=0h33m31s Nyanners talking about a tickling fetish video she was trying to find. Click on show transcript and use ctrl+f to find the where she mentions it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bH7kC0B_jRE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JdJkoKL73s
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>>17738 >>17972 i am in desperate need of more towasama tickles
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>>57518 Tenma face ふわふわ i want to hug.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGjG1w-sBIQ FuwaMoco confirmed ticklish, both of them. And Fuwawa promises to get Mococo someday. Artists, that's your cue.
Wish this one had a story to go with it
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>>57520 >the fact that the idea of being called out for having a "teek-lish fet-ish" does something for me Hmm.
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If you've ever wondered if your oshi is ticklish, here's a list based on clips, streams and the like that I've gathered over the years because how am I gonna enjoy the artwork if it's not canon. If I missed some non-obscure ones, add them here
>>59332 It might take a while but do you have videos or timestamps with the examples that say shown on them?
>>59332 Very thorough, I was actually planning on making something likes this but it probably would've had less than half the vtubers on it. Is the asterisk supposed to mean anything? Here's some more off the top of my head that I don't see on the list: Trickywi - said she can't get pedicures because she's too ticklish Lucy Pyre - said she's extremely ticklish and that her older brother used to bully her by tickling her way too much Olivia Monroe - constantly talks about tickling other people but admitted she's extremely ticklish herself. Has pointed out her armpits and butt as tickle spots. Veibae - hasn't explicitly said "I'm ticklish" but has mentioned she hates being tickled Smaller vtubers (sub 1k viewers) but I'll still mention them: Yoclesh - said she doesn't like being touched around her stomach and waist because she's really ticklish there Nina Saotome - said tickling is her biggest weakness Changes to positions: Nyanners, Melody, and Numi should probably move up to "Very Ticklish"
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>>59332 I didn't know we had proof of Korone's ticklishness, today is a little bit brighter for us ticklefags.
>Selen not on that list :(
>>59332 Pippa is ticklish? When did she reveal that?
>>59336 - You can find Korone all over YouTube, usually victim to Okayu's tickles - Luna has been tickled multiple times when off collabing with Subaru and Choco (one older example: https://youtu.be/9MFoG7A76oY?t=152) same goes for the other two actually - I can't find the blonde vtuber one, possibly deleted (it was a 3D stream with a very obvious tickling thumbnail, good luck) - Aqua https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRx8EBa5gVA - Ayame https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4lym1QNXYA - 2 nijisanji girls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG4LQR_UDzs - Mel https://youtu.be/9bkKurtHyjs?t=3431 - Pekora and Miko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gcOybGS2Ns - Mio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBiIBnucAms - Gundou Mirei got tickled a lot by Hoshikawa and vice versa but those were deleted from twitcast since she graduated (anyone got them?) - Polka https://youtu.be/uF_oEvNAbPY?t=1273 - Nabi mama was a korean clip I can't find anymore, but she got tickled in an off-collab - Okayu https://youtu.be/J2fpWRBzHQE?t=1576 - Shion (not major) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRpuQSpwjbg - Mumei (not major) https://youtu.be/Kt45oQP-7yU?t=3944 - Kobo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhDsvjdlN60 - Patra (can't find rn but she had an off collab with charlotte) - Mifuyu https://youtu.be/VhGZ9VyB8x4?t=1839 this has also happened once before - Kson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyjB_j_QTU0 - A chan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T593ZDbGwgs >>59337 Thanks! I realized after I'd made it that Tricky and Olivia are missing, among some others that are smaller vtubers >>59355 Not specifically that but she said this: https://youtu.be/S8aifIOFQts?t=2168 Sorry for the wall of text
>>59359 On the contrary we need a bigger wall of text, all Vtuber feet/tickling mentions need to be recorded properly. I'll put the timestamps that I have later
>>59332 Does shown mean they were tickled on stream? I’m curious cause I can’t find the clips of Nihmune or Enna Where did Millie and Petra say this at too? Ty for the yard work bro
>>59374 Numi's been tickled by Bao a couple of times. The video for the first time no longer exists, but during an off collab Bao grabbed Numi's foot and she immediately burst out laughing. I have a link to the second one, but there isn't a big reaction since Numi is trying really hard to stay quite. You can still hear her giggle and see her model smile to match her facial expression though.
>>59332 >Anya, barefoot, not ticklish Why even live Also I desperately hope that A-chan was just in a situation where she could easily resist the tickling and has an actual weak point. I need A-chan to be ticklish with my whole life.
>>59374 Yes, "Shown" = Happened on stream Millie was stated to be ticklish by Enna in the popular "ticklish places" clip, but after that each time Enna talked about tickling Millie she described it as "She doesn't feel anything" so I think she's ticklish but can hold it in, thus why I put an asterisk on her. Petra talked about having ticklish legs both on Twitter (https://x.com/Petra_Gurin/status/1526600271509323776?s=20) and in a collab (https://youtu.be/dIhEfBoUChk?t=6343) For Enna, she got tickled by her roommate multiple times: - https://youtu.be/Ak0Pffnn1lo?t=56 - https://youtu.be/H1eDyAGoqhM?t=1260 - https://youtu.be/fZrAtYYJzlI?t=10500 - https://youtu.be/PKzGGJMCEmA?t=10324 apart from this timestamp, it happens again at 2:54:40, 2:56:02 and 5:22:16 you're fucking welcome btw <3 For compensation I want that deleted numi clip NOW
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>>59393 Here's the clip with Bao grabbing Numi's foot. I'm interested in those Akirose and Hoshikawa clips if anybody has those
>>59420 Thank you! Here's the source of Akirose's placement, along with Matsuri and Mel. I have the link to Hoshikawa's one but it leads to nowhere as both VODs has been deleted, however you can find portions of it on YouTube containing some touches and mentions: https://youtu.be/A8xTkofckII?si=1WaMUGHiYTJMXcEK https://youtu.be/PKr1NBzhJqA?si=jGwQlO3t0Im0tZRQ https://youtu.be/BiVk07oQZRY?si=qh9FmS4tNSqeUqll (EN subs)
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>>59435 Thank you friend you are a saint. Here's another clip of Kson painting her own foot. I also came across this variety show featuring Aki, Choco, Utako, Lize and Patra where they did a tickle pose challenge, but I cannot find the full episode. Here's a clip of a couple of the scenes from their youtube channel: https://youtu.be/watch?v=LBMxPH1HJCs
https://www.youtube.com/live/DzP0jXgOC4I?si=kux6Ip30g6zMS_Tr At 55:04 Shion starts using a tickle beam spell to tickle the other girls. At the end the spell backfires on her, everybody gets tickled and laughs uncontrollably.
>>57950 Okay these two tread that line between delightfully foreign and brain damaged. Honestly couldn’t stand their voices after too long.
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Nomura akane. That's all I'm gonna say. Have fun.
Tier list guy here with a tier list question - does anyone have the cultured tag tier list stream that bao did with numi and yuzu a while back? I hate Twitch and its no VOD shit really
>>60231 I've also been looking for that one and as far as I'm aware it no longer exists. Best I can do is this image of Bao's top tier, some of which is meme rankings.
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>>59347 don’t worry anon she laughs so much because she’s having her feet tickled all the time
so much lolicon, is this a free forum or a loli forum?
>>60580 Whoa is that the only Irys tickle art so far? We need more
>>60592 Yup, I saw it. I'm happy for her, it's wholesome, and happy news for us too
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi2Bp7u7-is Another Vtuber admits to having a tickling kink.
>>59332 dont ask me what I'm doing in this thread but I literally dont know who any of these are, I just jerk off to art of them. anybody able to run me through all of the names here?
>>60946 Major companies involving Vtubers are Hololive, Nijisanji and Vshojo (which are the ones that have the Vtubers with the most drawings) so I would recommend looking into those if you're curious about Vtubers. If you want to be a bit more specific then HoloEN, NijiEN and Vshojo are the ones that are English focused Vtubers if you're not interested in Vtubers that speak any language other than English. So If you look into them and find one Vtuber model that strikes your fancy, just put their name on YouTube and you'll get a ton of clips of how they are in personality and as a streamer.
>>59359 Adding to this Here's one of Korone getting tickled by Okayu https://youtu.be/MhCE8Nl9pPY?list=FL6Ex6AEU6oX3AJJ6vrdlGcw&t=295 Here's another Korone getting tickled by Kanata https://youtu.be/krTY5Y4iRaU?t=30 Here's another one Subaru being tickled by Okayu: https://youtu.be/OAJWpgzXQFM?t=321 Here's another one of Patra being gettting completely wrecked by her friend after waking up from having a sleepover https://youtu.be/wM35K9NqGFo?t=696
https://x.com/NomuraAkane/status/1746130917272223884?s=20 Figured this one might be worth mentioning, found this random Vtuber on Twitter that seems to be into the fetish. Unfortunately I don't watch her streams due to her mic sounding like an Xbox mic, but her Twitter is worth keeping an eye on since she commissions art of her Vtuber model being tickled
I can’t believe that for the years while we had had Selen and Pomu, there was only one piece of tickle art for each of them
>>61664 You're right. It doesn't exist... Anon...you high?
>>61668 Looks like she deleted it, given the reactions I've seen
>>61664 Well, I mean... it's Haachama. I refuse to be surprised by anything she does. I'm sure her poor manager was frantically trying to get her to delete the tweet.
I'm surprised and disappointed people didn't do more pics of her getting tickled, after she did that one stream with her feet locked in heart-shaped stocks. I wish I could find that stream again…
This stream was such a tease lmao, too bad it went private. Maybe it went members only, guess I'll join to find out. I used to be a member and superchatted asking her to step on my face. She called me a pervert on stream, best money I've ever spent!
>>61489 I want to watch one of her streams live but she always starts too early, 6pm there but +12 hours in the US. She's really inexperienced, I'll be hoping that she learns the ropes a bit better and manages to pop off. Might get to a thousand followers before May. 🍀🤞
>>61993 nah do it to someone who deserves it like elira
>>62000 It's okay to give Doki a playful tickle, but no mercy to Elira or Enna
>>62001 >>62000 >“bad guys win” scenario of Enna & Elira tickling Doki >tickle interrogations >“kidnapped by evil corporation” I mean the possibilities are godddamn endless
>>62088 >“bad guys win” scenario of Enna & Elira tickling Doki Unfathomably based. Would do something like that if I wasn't lazy.
>>62095 would do something like that myself if learning to draw didn’t take forever (but goddamn does coomer shit motivate me to practice)
>>62088 damn that's hot
Last pic is from that Vtuber girl I mentioned a few posts back, gonna promote it again so she gets more followers and hopefully motivates her to keep commissioning art of herself being tickled https://twitter.com/NomuraAkane/status/1759314371992265112?t=iIxO8T3aRIczVaRVS8Uw_A&s=19
Begging for someone to make tickle art of this 10/10 meal https://x.com/VexTheSunEater?t=DsGad2W3-hP0oR4ecBPamQ&s=09 She needs to be absolutely fucking ravaged. Please.
>>63386 She doesn't have feet, anon.
>>63398 My brethren in Christmas. I say this as a footfag myself. There are other places to tickle
>>63398 Even then, who cares? The artist can just easily replace her snake lowerhalf with a normal body. Just like the monster musume girls have gotten before in tickle art.
>>63405 No, there aren't, that's just communist propaganda.
Do any of you have a susei MMD video? She starts off in her socks and they get taken off eventually. I think i found it on VK but im unsure.
Anyone know how many times Melody has used the tickling duck on her 18+ streams? I know of the first time only. Is that the first and the last?
>>64359 I have no idea what a tickling duck is, did she actually tickle herself on stream?
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>chuuba I like just talked about where she's ticklish Starting to regret never learning to draw now... I'd take the comm route but my bank is weird about processing online payments and I don't want buyers' remorse
>>65475 Ashamed beyond words to talk about her here since she is absolutely too pure and genuine for lewd, but I'm not the person who asked her so the responsibility isn't all mine. Pillowdear answered the wings on her head which is painfully adorable to imagine, her feet, armpits, and waist. She's most known for being a yandere, so it's hard to imagine an in-character situation where she's the one getting tickled. Almost changed my mind posting this from sheer guilt, but I saw a chatbot of her so others have probably done worse to her image.
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>>65477 Are you being ironic or stupid?
>>65477 Lol you're fine, I was just curious to see if it was a Vtuber I knew or not
>>65477 If that is your real attitude, please go to a therapist or something. Parasocial relationships aren't healthy at all.
>>65477 I'm really glad Pillow is ticklish. She's adorable. I'm the one that asked the question.
>>65483 I have more attachment to her since she's relatively new to vtubing and she was the first I truly enjoyed watching as an ASMR enjoyer since she focuses on that. I want to protec >>65486 So prou-I mean, dissapointed in you, brave anon.
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>>65499 >I want to protec Anon idk how to tell you but people lusting over her won't change anything. Go outside and meet a real woman or man.
Real talk can we stop going around asking girls if they're ticklish? It's very much becoming a known kink and it's so cringe when I have to watch them call weirdos out if you're gonna ask them at least have some creativity
>>65502 >Go outside and meet a real woman That's the best part, I can't. Anyways, there's other people online I have who care about me back so I'm grounded in reality, don't worry about me >>65503 True, I cringe when I even see those questions at all.
>>65503 I pretty much doubt tickling is a known kink, anon. For one, ticklefags (I assume) are on the lowest end of representation per population. I see those questions in the same light as I see the cringelords who unironically ask if their favorite vtuber enjoys headpats or similar shit, they clearly have a severe case of the tism, but I doubt the common folk associate that kind of questioning with any kink, much less a niche one like ours.
>>65505 I don't know what curse or force of nature keeps you without the capability of meeting women, but please, for the love of God, at least try.  I promise women are less scary than they look at first glance.
Any love for Pumpkin Potion? Just discovered her like a month ago and fell in love instantly. She’s genuinely funny and charming and has an adorable laugh. Plus it’s apparent she’s got to be at least in her late 30’s so real milf energy too. https://youtube.com/shorts/AUMXn5i8W-c?si=Dc0OvsKU2CstBBwZ
>>65513 Oh yeah, she's great. I love her. There's a ton of potential with her old-school look. Hell, we could probably just throw her into any old Olive Oyl scenario.
Shiori and Nerissa just tickled each other in a twitter space. Here's the clip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOprEkCC0jE
>>65525 Agreed. No confirmation on if she’s ticklish but she has mentioned having overly sensitive skin (and red hair which could imply ginger status) as well as a general aversion to being touched but that could be for any number of reasons. Regarding ideas for art, she has a love affair with cartoon villains and is openly bisexual so having her in the clutches of some sexy female cartoon villain as a willing playtoy could be pretty hot. I just love her because she’s different from so many of these vapid uwu 20 something Vtubers that are just obnoxious to me. Nearly pissed myself laughing when she did an improv erotic RP about ordering the oriental chicken salad at Applebees. Unrelated but this shit just makes me laugh https://youtube.com/shorts/sHiu2D4gHZs?si=XPKNaIXJUEe9w6xk
>>65536 Nerissa saying she isn't really ticklish until her spot gets found is pure cinema. Godbless.
>>65536 Just saw this on gelbooru and I'm 100% convinced it was made due to that clip.
>>65536 blessed nerissa tickles ...wish shiori was more ticklish though... maybe rissa didnt reach the right spot
>>65582 the video makes me think shiori is the sort of gal who doesn't react at all to upper body tickling but shrieks when her feet are touched
>>65582 She got tickled in the youtube off collab too and didn't react, but trust me when I say that this is the behavior of someone who's hiding it. She wants none of that cuz she's about to spend a week with Nerissa lol
Biboo confirmed not ticklish, with Rissa being the most out of the 3. Fuwamoco have tickled each other before, but unsure how they compare to Risaa
>>65982 Speaking of that, it doesn't take a genius to be able to tell that Nerissa tries to mimic Bijou's voice but gets sneak attacked by Shiori in the middle of it https://youtu.be/d47xMBTxETs?si=ZpR5Df5H3v2N8XTY
>>65982 I'm here to save the day (again) and tell you that she is just really good at holding it in https://youtu.be/ZQkgm-59tzY?t=33728 Gotta love when they lie about not being ticklish but I'm surprised she didn't fold with how they described touching her lol
>>66011 Did you really just post a 9 hour long vod without a timestamp?
>>66018 The timestamp is there, you just gotta click the link itself
>>66011 Would you look at that :)
>>66184 God bless you, Shiori
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Don't think I've ever seen Iofi tickling art before
>>66563 advent giving us the most tickle content from any hologen, peak and yet still no shiori tickles... some day...
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Ina mentioned in the latter half of her Content Warning collab stream that her mom used to tickle her to wake her up. But you didn't hear it from me.
Here's a bunch of links to streams with notable mentions of tickling. In case anyone doesn't know, just view the transcript of the video and ctrl + f to find where it's mentioned. Vei https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTjUqItY738 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtmRlkfJi9U Squ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9zwa4uLTWM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu47oHYv8U0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVSiAjdxG54 Nyanners https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPhKOZJMSj4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bH7kC0B_jRE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JdJkoKL73s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DymwPPevlI0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1_t_NPg0Ys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT055bLWU7k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3KOfcGI5eU Melody https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0BVvpNae44 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2qByE4pOks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJzakvT4Dgg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSxOin5bxec https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxPXWIPsJxw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIeEn0PKjWQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoyK6liOBKM Nina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krxbR4ezr6I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSemgNL_OJI Olivia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryXQQLd7ACU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3v9jrGraZ0A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eujBFQhwBQ4 Bao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rp5lbyisow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFNL4uYad5c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7rz0Bv0vhk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVNrBu1UO2c Numi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asxGMBOBxdA Lucy Pyre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwghXPKYtaM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3834JEk7jRw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OI5gjlCn-o Reiyu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-Z-lCRCsG8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUPD8uK1hIo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0E3X_OuAa4 Anny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isWQSKJjCAM
[Expand Post]Saruei https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8snpPexjy0w Cottontail https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6jcaCjVgOY Megalodon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZe7y5lz_KA Nekrolina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGUvNOYHIM0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nR3zRDlLVW8 NinoEgyn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDmri1jTb5k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sVlgFQ7qwQ Pillow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLBpSDo_pR0 Nerissa+Shiori https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFWlTfVoa5c MataraKan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zUjka0zwP8 Ember https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljw0qy6adbg Pippa https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2165358547?t=3h49m57s
>>67058 You're a real one for sharing all these. I haven't seen some of them so I'll definitely document them. While we're at the document, I've been collecting literally hundreds of mentions ever since I found out about the video transcript existing, hence why I was able to put together that tier list from a while back, which by now needs a bit of updating. I have too many scenes to link but I've been thinking of making like an Excel sheet where it'd be easier to put them. If anyone has a good idea of a site or tool where I can separate them by different categories that would be best. Also, dw cuz Pippa is ticklish. I don't know what it is about them being able to hold everything in lately, lol
>Vei 20:40 (1) https://youtu.be/VTjUqItY738?t=1240 44:40 (2) https://youtu.be/PtmRlkfJi9U?t=2680 >Squ 1:05:20 (2) https://youtu.be/i9zwa4uLTWM?t=3920 47:50 (2) https://youtu.be/cu47oHYv8U0?t=2871 1:14:45 (1) https://youtu.be/rVSiAjdxG54?t=4445 >Nyanners 1:32:15 (2) https://youtu.be/nPhKOZJMSj4?t=5535 1:09:55 (3) https://youtu.be/bH7kC0B_jRE?t=4195 2:19:10 (2) | 2:36:10 (3) https://youtu.be/8JdJkoKL73s?t=8340 | https://youtu.be/8JdJkoKL73s?t=9370 kinda all over the place (1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DymwPPevlI0 3:07:10 (2) https://youtu.be/Y1_t_NPg0Ys?t=11230 1:05:50 (4) https://youtu.be/n3KOfcGI5eU?t=3950 >Melody 3:06:30 (1) | 3:38:15 (2) https://youtu.be/B0BVvpNae44?t=11190 | https://youtu.be/B0BVvpNae44?t=13095 53:55 (3) https://youtu.be/B2qByE4pOks?t=3235 7:50 (3) https://youtu.be/bJzakvT4Dgg?t=470 59:10 (1) https://youtu.be/aSxOin5bxec?t=3550 22:55 (2) https://youtu.be/bxPXWIPsJxw?t=1375 1:17:10 (1) https://youtu.be/NIeEn0PKjWQ?t=4630 1:53:20 (3) https://youtu.be/OoyK6liOBKM?t=6800 >Nina 58:10 (2) https://youtu.be/krxbR4ezr6I?t=3490 | hot 1:18:10 (1) https://youtu.be/qSemgNL_OJI?t=4690 >Olivia 53:20 (2) | 1:17:55 (3) https://youtu.be/ryXQQLd7ACU?t=3200 | https://youtu.be/ryXQQLd7ACU?t=4675 33:30 (2) https://youtu.be/3v9jrGraZ0A?t=2010 | hot 49:55 (2) https://youtu.be/eujBFQhwBQ4?t=2995 | hot >Bao >seems like a legit lee 38:25 (2) https://youtu.be/2rp5lbyisow?t=2305 13:35 (1) https://youtu.be/EFNL4uYad5c?t=815 31:10 (3) https://youtu.be/BVNrBu1UO2c?t=1870 | hot 2:50:50 (?) https://youtu.be/R7rz0Bv0vhk?t=10250 | idk this one is cringe >Numi 38:00 (4) https://youtu.be/asxGMBOBxdA?t=2280 | hot/cute >Lucy Pyre 1:39:55 (3) https://youtu.be/LwghXPKYtaM?t=5995 1:58:45 (3) https://youtu.be/3834JEk7jRw?t=7125 1:01:50 (2) https://youtu.be/1OI5gjlCn-o?t=3710 >Reiyu >she seems really REALLY into being a ler 1:20:15 (3) https://youtu.be/E-Z-lCRCsG8?t=4815 | hot 16:05 (3) https://youtu.be/aUPD8uK1hIo?t=965 | hot 2:22:05 (3) https://youtu.be/F0E3X_OuAa4?t=8825 | hot >Anny 2:55:15 (2) https://youtu.be/isWQSKJjCAM?t=10575 | cute
[Expand Post]>Saruei 42:50 (3) https://youtu.be/8snpPexjy0w?t=2570 >Cottontail 32:40 (2) https://youtu.be/f6jcaCjVgOY?t=1960 | hot >Megalodon 2:23:15 (2) https://youtu.be/IZe7y5lz_KA?t=8595 | hot >Nekrolina 3:04:20 (2) https://youtu.be/uGUvNOYHIM0?t=11060 | cute (Olivia) 1:29:40 (2) https://youtu.be/nR3zRDlLVW8?t=5380 >NinoEgyn 1:17:30 (2/3) https://youtu.be/oDmri1jTb5k?t=4650 | hot 1:08:15 (2) https://youtu.be/1sVlgFQ7qwQ?t=4095 >Pillow 33:50 (2) https://youtu.be/oLBpSDo_pR0?t=2030 | hot >Nerissa+Shiori 13:20 (4) https://youtu.be/VFWlTfVoa5c?t=800 | hooooot MataraKen 4:11:15 (2) https://youtu.be/-zUjka0zwP8?t=15075 >Ember 38:45 (2) https://youtu.be/ljw0qy6adbg?t=2325 (1) talking about tickling (2) talking about their reaction to getting tickled/ticklishness (3) talking about tickling fetish (4) getting tickled
>>67096 I literally have no clue who any of them were but did this on and off for a little while (forgot to add this to the post) Nina, Olivia, Bao, Numi, Cottontail, Megalodon, Pillow, and whoever is the more ticklish one in Nerissa+Shiori would be the best lees imo Reiyu obvious best ler
>>67097 Bao needs to be put in one of these for mentioning tickling so much. Or I need to learn how to draw
13:59 https://youtu.be/AJiXMFUpVgo?si=YXyXutneVfVNo_ue SmugAlana wanting to tickle an AI
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beribug just got side-tracked in her metal gear stream talking about fetishes, and tickling came up. hearing her say tickling and tickle so many times… hwhjsjsjdj https://www.twitch.tv/beribug around the 1 hour mark
>>67812 Not worth sitting through ads just to hear the word a few times.
>>67819 fair. so basically, she talks about the “tickled” documentary a bit, wildly overestimates the amount of tickling the average person can handle (several hours, lmao), and confirms that she’s ticklish, especially on her feet. she also reveals that her older sister used to frequently pin her down and tickle the shit out of her.
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i need to see her get fucking obliterated
>>67826 This is the fashion equivalent of crack cocaine, and somehow it ends up still feeling mid. It requires talent to fuck something up this much.
>>67832 Not as bad as Tidus of Squaresoft Fame. But yeah, that looks retarded as fuck.
>>67834 Bro, those shoes alone are more of a crime against humanity than anything Tidus could ever accomplish. Yeah, he looks like he has three or four different outfits into one and looks goofy as fuck, but at least it looks like a mix of NORMAL outfits (in-universe) instead of this abomination of zippers, cat-themed clothing, and shit that looks as if it was cut in half just to put even more shit into the space that somehow ended up unocupied in that already over-the-top outfit, all that without even mentioning those power gloves that look right out of a cheap steampunk novel just on top of it all.
>>67826 I can't tell what her real hair color should be.
>>67836 Maybe she's taking the Kingdom Hearts route of vomit inducing zipper approach.
>>67869 You say that as if she was the one that designed it lol, it was made by her mama which also also made Rin Penrose, Debi Debiru and some shadowverse illustrator
>>21930 I didn't know Korone got tickled on her streams! Does anyone have any clips or links? Also, does anyone know if our favorite Filipino Frank Boy, Filian, is ticklish or has been tickled?
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>>67826 Forget about the wannabe Loli and instead welcome the Automaton battle maid >>67876 Here's the clips I posted before about Korone being tickled >>61191
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>>67877 automata would be pleasant to feel. And anything to make the maid not so lazy
>>67812 Which video exactly?
>>67913 Fuck, her laughter is so hot...
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have two juniper actias commissions. nude piece by clancey366 (twitter @clancey366) and the two-parter is by baby___chi on reddit.
>>67065 Are all of the links gathered in a single file? Do you mind sharing them through mega or some other file hosting site?
>>68130 They are *being* gathered in Excel. The list is fucking humongous so it'll take a while, but here is a preview of it. Currently I'm at B on the alphabet, so it's not nearly ready to upload. I'm making this cuz I'm sick of having to go back to unorganized notes that I make every time I come across something. Also, yes, I know I'm fucked up for this.
>>68137 Jesus that's a lot of effort, I'm genuinely super impressed. I just put mine in a notepad file with the links gathered under the vtuber names.
>>68138 Same, but that got old quick cuz my notes turned into a giant wall of text. Then I started using discord to send it to myself and well, that's inconvenient too. So at least this way I know wtf I'm looking at.
>>68137 Bro even rated them
>>68137 Forgot to ask yesterday, but could you drop that first Anny link here in the thread? I'm guessing this is still months from being finished and I'm really interested in hearing that one in the meantime.
>>68157 https://youtu.be/gfWTma6tBu8?t=1837 I also need to update that tier list sometime soon. A lot of new stuff to add
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>>68137 This is serial killer tier effort.
>>68201 At least they're doing that instead of killing people afaik
https://youtu.be/rBYoG1EwZN8?si=4AD8-kRrnKjtjEX3 Rikamii 7:30 He doesn't like it which just makes me wanna do it more
>>68201 The funny thing is I'm the furthest thing away from a serial killer dawg. It's just degenerate horny fetishist tier effort. I was planning on keeping it to myself anyway and not publicizing it
>>68213 Sir, it would be a great contribution to this community if you did publicize your finished list You're doing the lord's work, and I salute you
>>68201 normalfags will see some of the most vanilla autist behavior and start thinking of serial killers
Marine tickles the Vtuber version of anime voice actress Sumire Uesaka (warning: very lewd)
>>68459 I feel like context is missing to this...
>>68462 It's the punishment game from a little competition they did, and Sumire lost.
>sees a vtuber do that kink tier list >tickling is nowhere to be found as an option >there are plenty more niche kinks I can’t stay strong
I have a few things to drop off. First, Kaela got tickled in a bunch of off-collabs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDBtyN-2tJI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5YDZ0pMCaM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tB5bJ_ZW-lo Second, Marine was in a collab with two other vtubers where they did a competition to see who can hold on to a bar the longest while the contestants got tickled. Sadly Marine didn't really get tickled, they just kind of sniffed her, although she did let out a few giggles. https://youtu.be/Wtr4iQTLm7M?t=6061 At one point (https://youtu.be/Wtr4iQTLm7M?t=6218) I heard her say "tickling fetish" in Japanese so I used Google translate on the transcript and this is what it gave me: "I have a fetish that I like. There are tickling fetishes in this world." I don't know Japanese so I don't know if she actually said she has a tickling fetish, maybe someone else can confirm.
>>69413 She said something like "Don't worry Himehina, there is a fetish for this kind of thing, a tickling fetish exists in this world." but she did use the word "like" but she might be referring to the past segment when they talked about fetishes that they liked. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if Marine likes something like this considering how often she brings it up
I'm disappointed they didn't tickle Marine, she just seems like the type that would be really ticklish (and would totally enjoy it). I was so looking forward to that…
https://youtu.be/_NY42m1Xpas?si=3PUg9n_4swb1g-8i A vtuber with a tickling fetish? Interesting… She says she got tickled on other live streams and discovered she enjoyed it.
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Numi and Bao (fromNumi’s twitter). Didn’t realize they needed to get wrecked so badly actually. Maybe something like this pic of Ado where it’s a persona vs irl thing would be a good idea for vtubers who’ve shown their irl selves
>>70252 This was commissioned by Dirty Dan for sure. Not saying it's bad or anything just he prolly did commission it.
>>70258 I don’t recognise the art style and there’s no watermark, is that the artist?
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Numi and Bao need it bad. Bao’s a tickle fetishist anyways. Here’s some shots of their feet too, and Numi used to be into foot stuff in her early days. Bao’s got big feet it was said during her stream in Japan months ago. They got delicious bellies too~Numi’s foot is the left one in the BK toe holding one, Shylily the other.
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Numi/Shylily feet one since file didn’t load with the rest.
is there any art from the new Justice generation like Raora for example?
Stream just ended, but your favorite grim reaper just gave us a treat and a half. Stream: https://youtube.com/watch?v=aq-uAtTNCTs&t=5531s Tickling start: https://youtube.com/watch?t=5874&v=aq-uAtTNCTs&feature=youtu.be [Context]: Calli is having a stream where multiple Hololive members come in and visit her hotel room, at one point Kronii and Irys come in and they're usually very wild together, they both sit in a chair that's very tight for both of them to sit on, Calli comments that she feels bad that they're sitting on that chair while she's sitting on a larger chair and sitting "like Santa Claus" does. Kronii and Irys go and sit on each of Calli's legs like a kid would do with Santa Claus, fast forward a few seconds and Kronii starts tensing her legs to see if she could get a reaction out of Calli and proceeds to ask "does this tickle?" Calli says no and then proceeds to just say "Nah I'm more ticklish on my feet... I don't know if I should be telling you that though..." And even adds "oh no, the art..." As if already expecting what would come out from revealing such a thing. You can practically hear Kronii and Irys grow devil horns after that and the sounds of them teasing Calli's feet was very clear and Calli even proceeds to point out the specific spots on her feet that were ticklish. Artists I'm not sure how many of you lurk on this place, but if there was EVER a time to jump into this opportunity, it would 100% be this one. I always wondered why Calli was the one Vtuber that for the most tickling art out of everyone else, but after this she 100% deserves it.
>>71129 lol as much as that third image looks like Nerissa, she's actually an Arknights character (Qalaisa) - you can see the Arknights tag on the source. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/121529131
>>71190 Honestly I did realize shortly after I saved the pic but the resemblance is close enough that I like to pretend that it's actually Nerissa lol especially since I never played arknights
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>>71141 Thank you for bringing this blessing to my attention.
https://x.com/shirakamifubuki/status/1828834669544321328 Another cute one. Most of this is FBK making very questionable sounds as Okayu massages her, but at the end you can hear her go "kocho-kocho-kocho" and FBK instantly explodes.
>>71389 Amazing noises coming from best Fox, apparently she has to ask Okayu to do this every week because she's too shy to do it with a professional massage parlor.
>>71488 >>71491 Best part is that her laugh is so engraved into my brain I can already hear it...
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https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/122450908 I also happened across a few extra mentions, most of these are super minor but I might as well post them in the thread Onigiri - says "but everybody likes getting tickled" kind of sarcastically, then someone in her chat says he hasn't been tickled in forever and she responds with "that's actually pretty sad" https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2230887085?t=3h46m35s Ember - got tickled so hard she threw up, has hated tickling ever since that happened https://youtu.be/flrIhYQluMg?t=393 Kitanya - just talking about tickling and how ticklish she is https://youtu.be/yyumtgqhTDg?t=1638 Runie - talks about how she used to get grounded to her bed and used to tickle her bellybutton for hours for fun. Her chat calls her weird and she doesn't get what's so weird about it. https://youtu.be/dlK8U_mya3o?t=8281
so Gigi is ticklish according to Cecilia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=839mkWcZ5GE
There still isnt any art of the new gen?
>>73608 Nope, which is kinda surprising but I guess there hasn't been a moment that inspires artists to make art of them being tickled.
This one is kind of old, I'm surprised no one has mentioned it. It's is a huge off collab between the NijiEN girls where two of them get handcuffed, blindfolded and tickled. Unfortunately, one of them doesn't seem to be ticklish and the other one's laughter isn't that loud either, but still a great clip. https://youtu.be/qhs-08212w8?t=4492 - first time tickling gets suggested https://youtu.be/qhs-08212w8?t=4729 - tickling part
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQhaBSWSt9Q This is just cringe, I love how they talk about tickling so openly, but pretending to be tickled over a png feather and low quality gifs of hands tickling you is just sad.
>>73938 >Mimcubus Brother can you not.
>>73938 It's been so long since this stream that Mim is now a she LMAO
>>73614 >Millie’s mind immediately thinking the loser should get handcuffed, blindfolded, and tickled She needs to be hooked up to a tickle machine and left in it for a week.
>>73938 ...getting tired of these shitty duded taking up our feet space...
Fresh out of the box (Yes it's Amelia Watson but reincarnated) If there's any artists out there that feel like being merciful I'd be eternally grateful for any art that comes out of this cute mouse.
>>74749 I'm really surprised by this. Since she technically didn't graduate from hololive and said she will come back from time to time, it's a really strange situation.
>>74750 It's confirmed that she'll appear for the Hololive Expo, also she'll be in Calli's upcoming myth song, so technically she'll make appearances every now and then, just not as a streamer. It's basically Hololive's method of losing a member but not giving her up to another Vtuber company that is in direct competition against them.
Small tickle fetish mention when two vtubers were talking about Totally Spies. https://youtu.be/ejbfWCc4Q0c?t=8168
>>74842 Timestamp?
>>74844 Just click on the link instead of opening the imbed, it's at 2:16:08.
>>74845 Thanks. The girl on the right sounds like tara strong.
https://x.com/i/status/1851060396217811378 "Your favorite monster under your bed, because I tickle your feet while I'm under there." God, I'd kill to have Nerissa and her sister double team me with tickle torture.
>>68137 Just wanted to ask if you've made any progress on this?
>>74969 I got lazy and didn't update it in a bit, but it's also because I keep finding more and more mentions and it's hard to keep up. I do have quite a few entries so far, but I'm not sure how or if I can share it when I'm planning on adding to it. In fact I'll start right now
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https://www.youtube.com/live/f7vPMO3NxLY?si=luKyW_qWnNy7Me-A?t=1120 you don't get to see it but at 18:40 but new Holomem Niko gets her feet painted with a brush in her debut stream, and it tickles her Pics drawn by Pompmaker
we need more kobo tickles, kusogaki needs punishment
Does Fallenshadow have any ticking art? Never seen any but I stopped watching her a long time ago.
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>>75993 If she does then I've never seen any. Sad too because she'd be one of the perfect candidates.
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Hoping someone may have these in a higher quality.
>>77839 Fuck off with that AI garbage, we don't need that here.
Apparently another vtuber made comments about oiling up and tickling Bao's feet so someone ended up drawing this.
>>78733 is there a clip?
>>78767 Timestamp please?
>>78768 Just click on the link instead of opening the imbed.
>>78767 instant throbbing erection
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really need more of the new holoEN girls
>>79743 so fucking true. both advent and justice girls are such prime lees! its a shame theres barely anything out there for them in terms of tickle content, especially since advent in particular have gifted us with multiple clips centered around tickling </3
>>79743 >>79151 I see my commissions are starting to make their way here
Who is this Akane person? They seem harmless enough but I see them everywhere getting commissions and I feel like I'm out of the loop. Are they well known or do they just throw their money at every artist?
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I forgot to add my screenshots but they get commissions a lot. I'm just curious.
>>79788 As far as I know, Akane Nomura doesn't have a huge audience, she just likes tickling and commissions a whole lot of art. I doubt she makes anywhere near enough money from streaming to pay for that.
>>79797 She does lol, her simps give her plenty of money to afford all of this.
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I decided to make a few of my own tier lists since it's been a while since the last one. I'm nowhere near as dedicated as that last anon so this isn't anywhere as thorough, just some stuff off the top of my head, but there are some things on here that are missing from his list. Blue outline - seems to have some kind of interest in tickling Red outline - has said tickling is a fetish for her, a turn on, or has rated it highly on a tag tier list
>>79929 Last anon here, nice list! I would definitely like to see the proof for a couple of the new entries here. I'll come back later today with a few of my own findings because some placements on this list need some updating. Thanks for the hard work anon o7
>>79983 Ask which ones you'd want to see, but some of them might be from Twitch vods that are gone by this point.
>>79990 I'm curious about yocci, shondo, saruei and the girls surrounding marimari. And also Polka unless it's that one giant new years collab cuz I know of that. My adjustments: Shylily is super ticklish: https://youtu.be/y6KhiIzGZTk?t=3896 Giri too: https://youtu.be/ZzfihJlqqOE?t=10989 (follows claims of girl_dm not being ticklish anymore) Happy to say Sinder is indeed ticklish: https://youtu.be/C53YYyjhhs4?t=15123 but I would like to know where she denied it (since this one is obviously a gag) And Pippa is ticklish too but she's probably going into the Resistant tier since Lumi failed in doing so: https://youtu.be/xUf71dRCWqo?t=3087 imagine unlisting it as if it's going to escape me pfff I'll be putting all of these in the spreadsheet too
>>79997 oh and chromu please! i also see a png of her tier list so please tell me it's somewhere out there
>>79997 Unfortunately all the ones you're asking for are ones I don't have a link to since they're old mentions from Twitch. Yocci was just a quick mention that she doesn't like people touching her stomach area because she's ticklish there, nothing too interesting. I don't watch Shondo but I've seen people who do mention that she hates being tickled multiple times, so she's probably said it in multiple streams. Saruei said she's interested in BDSM but would never actually try it because she's terrified the guy tying her up would tickle her while she's defenseless. Twitch vod is gone but it was fairly recent (within the last 4 months I believe). It might be on her archive channel but I didn't find it when I looked. Could've just skipped that specific video by accident though. Girl on the left of Marimari is Beribug and she actually talked about tickling fetish for a while, which was triggered by that Japanese version of the Metal Gear torture scene where Snake gets tickled instead of electrocuted. She said she'd consider doing tickling videos for enough money but would have trouble handling it. Girl on the right is Nimu, a Spanish speaking vtuber. She actually got tickled on stream and laughed like crazy (might qualify for very ticklish). Polka is from the giant collab, so nothing you don't know. Chromu is from the tag tier list. Vod is nowhere to be found as far as I'm aware but her tier list has been posted elsewhere and she placed tickling in her second highest tier. Sinder did a tag tier list on her fansly where she did basically the same gag as your clip. I know it's a joke which is why the tier is "Supposedly not Ticklish". Chances are everyone there is lying about it. https://coomer.su/fansly/user/717101518569873409/post/729816904658591745 (03:08:50)
>>80003 Bummer. I really hate Twitch for deleting VODs. I even remember seeing that Saruei rant and now there's no trace of it anywhere. I guess I'll have to tryhard it. Thanks for all the info!
>>79929 clip of fillian mentioning it?
which stream did amelia watson insinuate it? The only clip I is she talking about who is ticklish
>>79929 Do you have the proof for cecilia? Where is said that she is ticklish?
>>79929 >mint and shondo... i beg where
>>80551 >Mint Just ctrl + f "Pomu" and you'll find them in this thread
>>80578 Mint would never talk about anything like tickling anyway. She hates us
>>80578 just imagine the ghostly giggles
>>81123 Cecilia definitely has a fascination for tickling at this point, the Collab just started and her first instinct was to ask Raora If she's ticklish. And also asked Mumei about it and pressed her it she was ticklish https://youtu.be/KaA4Gewc8w0?t=34552 And also tickled Gigi when they were supposedly together in Japan during arm wrestling (though Gigi denies she lost and it does seem like Cecilia made that up) https://youtu.be/IEodEE6Sbg8?si=fAzO_fh9iCsZ8LqZ I don't think it's a fetish thing, but more of an icebreaker kind of deal, since Cecilia is known to be pretty extrovert and isn't scared to push past the comfort zone of the other Hololive girls in order to get them talking.
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If no one's going to try and scientifically find out where Biboo is ticklish before I lose my mind I'm gonna have to pull a Thanos.
I also got this article off of a Japanese website where some guy has been collecting mentions for vtubers, most of this stuff isn't new or too exciting but there's a few good clips in there (Raora mentioning she's extremely super ticklish and some other). 【Holo EN】 FUWAMOCO https://www.youtube.com/live/Ux-LD0uM0YQ?si=8ENRvryn9d2U8RnO (6:26) https://www.youtube.com/live/DjnwwLIZdKw?si=KKNKF_khTxyE0Dfu (1:12:19) https://www.youtube.com/live/3PFyuPcp-Fw?si=zZtPXzu0KT2eNi30 (2:58:57) https://www.youtube.com/live/VrD5vI_hpRs?si=vjmKfpn96XaSSqsy (1:47:07) https://www.youtube.com/live/Y1_TrjK0090?si=OgerYJBwpvhJoZvU (2:11:43) https://www.youtube.com/live/vco43BSneQU?si=WBSqCUrBQXtYo_hl (3:00:32) https://www.youtube.com/live/7v8s3ITgpLA?si=k4dBnGkci5tSrv-a (1:56:52、2:19:22、2:28:51) https://www.youtube.com/live/tQ9PWGMTkXo?si=7A_FTzFaIl8VSjeV (1:09:26、1:14:42) https://www.youtube.com/live/ajHtwrw3pZo?si=K5auUorx8bKBfjgh (2:33:45) Takanashi Kiara https://www.youtube.com/live/r9ORdU0cDhc?si=AyLvZQiKPgaRUPcY (1:53:02) https://www.youtube.com/live/27ShFArUF6A?si=qcsqWsHuuUEYQJPW (1:48:49) https://www.youtube.com/live/2SwmNlif4QI?si=L9b8TcCzlLcgAh_c (3:20:11) Mori Calliope https://www.youtube.com/live/aq-uAtTNCTs?si=SUrH6HU52Ydo6pqG (1:37:55) https://www.youtube.com/live/2DuCTivGi4I?si=tAmxmNU-7Cz8fUwz (30:51) https://www.youtube.com/live/q3E1AYthjWw?si=ERdOYv84MVaPop2d (3:37:37) Koseki Bijou https://www.youtube.com/live/ZV47e39yyMU?si=HKJKqNTlBOKYHLnr (3:17:42) https://www.youtube.com/live/G0ZndoA_U7A?si=tffHvAbM0wzXcxwQ (24:12) Shiori Novella https://www.youtube.com/live/LTIq_0ykLVA?si=378S9PuqWkUv_xYa (2:08:54)
[Expand Post]https://www.youtube.com/live/beOA7f3EV9o?si=x03vmFpB6RhYM4ul (13:40) https://www.youtube.com/live/As_Hp-WEzcs?si=ml-mcvhomzZq1Do4 (34:44) Cecilia Immergreen https://www.youtube.com/live/GPOZbcBz_xE?si=YlgwVhD-KMIdkqNF (1:25:32) https://www.youtube.com/live/993FrK34KiI?si=vgfyyINmPaGx40G9 (2:01:07) https://www.youtube.com/live/RK6_8WCcIDA?si=B3elGXpTKYSfpKIY (3:14:57) https://www.youtube.com/live/BxFmIPk15cI?si=U5d1wl3vuKR3z_SE (56:19) https://www.youtube.com/live/SAdndMvNK98?si=AF7_bn6zhduNHrfa (1:41:32) https://www.youtube.com/live/SQHkrCWoVMc?si=BUQGtcbOzxBEHM-k (15:46) Others https://www.youtube.com/live/BTCy_B3g3KM?si=8xDouWSVu3IFdEZz (53:03) https://www.youtube.com/live/h58GDofFy_8?si=lqKVJ4_1X5M1INe5 (1:42:02) https://www.youtube.com/live/PJtapc2_7ok?si=4cNA7WJ23sOFUL4L (1:50:36) https://www.youtube.com/live/urMWdWlzDCw?si=NyzzShsyNChyezcT (40:17) https://www.youtube.com/live/onEp_9enFXk?si=-2iylDehqpUt9PmY (1:31:53) https://www.youtube.com/live/gPMp1cwedak?si=GfgWCsBSVGjwpTpk (1:38:55) https://www.youtube.com/live/99a2uYVxXi0?si=R7Fjc6csKKnC4g3j (29:50) https://www.youtube.com/live/9GTlWDJlw3U?si=e1QVs5OkOEXF1oez (1:43:53) 【Holo ID】 べスティアゼータ Vestia Zeta https://www.youtube.com/live/3Qa61eNHwXc?si=iH_Q9ndfx8esgnV1 (1:22:44) https://www.youtube.com/live/gp32mNsiTUQ?si=cFAlmT9oTyjzDPBA (16:01) Pavolia_Reine https://www.youtube.com/live/9dle45P5MjM?si=1aDzuySuKtW3d9HA (10:07) https://www.youtube.com/live/P1rg7Tymgj0?si=HDLIRW1dapJHHBy5 (20:45) https://www.youtube.com/live/1ZccyjsPsKM?si=EULLRP_rytOTAw-V (20:51) https://www.youtube.com/live/aLei4gQSVBQ?si=PY3Q712LuXnifumN (5:12:08) Kaela Kovalskia https://www.youtube.com/live/qEB7PUckZC0?si=YUj_yjP6auyo7OuV (27:47) https://www.youtube.com/live/2eFsGHta1x8?si=Ouo6A0Myj8ZcTmOl (4:41:39) https://www.youtube.com/live/Grxn-XL7bHM?si=gZnfqprEa_awaFsM (47:50) https://www.youtube.com/live/HqboSxUOabo?si=WTX6qNy_nTsf0PEF (1:52:59) https://www.youtube.com/live/yK461D2tC2Q?si=Vb4P1CJ3Uj_TpdEm (20:06) https://www.youtube.com/live/qzBOTvPeQFY?si=xC_I0_sCu3xbKJvX (1:02:13) Ayunda_Risu https://www.youtube.com/live/Jt21t4bC4DM?si=YXWuRAqYCK48ZnZI (34:00) https://www.youtube.com/live/Gpv0GyCRXlg?si=hhfyNL6YQiM0JFo- (59:33) https://www.youtube.com/live/OqD-xYB2LRM?si=wodT8DA5ATwJsnQf (1:46:04) Others https://www.youtube.com/live/3K9FpElIBLo?si=zLxkcSC5oc-h2fP5 (54:31) https://youtu.be/IuMfzzjxnvk
>>81509 That's the guy that charges a shit ton for the scenes isn't it? Based on his pricing I should be charging quadruple digits once I finish my list... Anyway thanks for sharing these here. A lot of good unknown mentions. >>81508 Let her stay in Japan for as long as she wants lol
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Anyone have arts of Zentreya getting tickled? Paricularly her red haired dragon form
>>81509 Can you share the link for this website please?
>>81600 https://note.com/account_ryu This guy charges money though, the scenes I posted cost around 10 bucks. I only got the Holo EN & ID pack since I can't speak Japanese and I wouldn't understand the other ones anyway.
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