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VTubers Anonymous 12/14/2021 (Tue) 00:42:04 Id: 0e4815 No. 9225
Post any stuff you got involving Vtubers
Who is this Akane person? They seem harmless enough but I see them everywhere getting commissions and I feel like I'm out of the loop. Are they well known or do they just throw their money at every artist?
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I forgot to add my screenshots but they get commissions a lot. I'm just curious.
>>79788 As far as I know, Akane Nomura doesn't have a huge audience, she just likes tickling and commissions a whole lot of art. I doubt she makes anywhere near enough money from streaming to pay for that.
>>79797 She does lol, her simps give her plenty of money to afford all of this.
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I decided to make a few of my own tier lists since it's been a while since the last one. I'm nowhere near as dedicated as that last anon so this isn't anywhere as thorough, just some stuff off the top of my head, but there are some things on here that are missing from his list. Blue outline - seems to have some kind of interest in tickling Red outline - has said tickling is a fetish for her, a turn on, or has rated it highly on a tag tier list
>>79929 Last anon here, nice list! I would definitely like to see the proof for a couple of the new entries here. I'll come back later today with a few of my own findings because some placements on this list need some updating. Thanks for the hard work anon o7
>>79983 Ask which ones you'd want to see, but some of them might be from Twitch vods that are gone by this point.
>>79990 I'm curious about yocci, shondo, saruei and the girls surrounding marimari. And also Polka unless it's that one giant new years collab cuz I know of that. My adjustments: Shylily is super ticklish: https://youtu.be/y6KhiIzGZTk?t=3896 Giri too: https://youtu.be/ZzfihJlqqOE?t=10989 (follows claims of girl_dm not being ticklish anymore) Happy to say Sinder is indeed ticklish: https://youtu.be/C53YYyjhhs4?t=15123 but I would like to know where she denied it (since this one is obviously a gag) And Pippa is ticklish too but she's probably going into the Resistant tier since Lumi failed in doing so: https://youtu.be/xUf71dRCWqo?t=3087 imagine unlisting it as if it's going to escape me pfff I'll be putting all of these in the spreadsheet too
>>79997 oh and chromu please! i also see a png of her tier list so please tell me it's somewhere out there
>>79997 Unfortunately all the ones you're asking for are ones I don't have a link to since they're old mentions from Twitch. Yocci was just a quick mention that she doesn't like people touching her stomach area because she's ticklish there, nothing too interesting. I don't watch Shondo but I've seen people who do mention that she hates being tickled multiple times, so she's probably said it in multiple streams. Saruei said she's interested in BDSM but would never actually try it because she's terrified the guy tying her up would tickle her while she's defenseless. Twitch vod is gone but it was fairly recent (within the last 4 months I believe). It might be on her archive channel but I didn't find it when I looked. Could've just skipped that specific video by accident though. Girl on the left of Marimari is Beribug and she actually talked about tickling fetish for a while, which was triggered by that Japanese version of the Metal Gear torture scene where Snake gets tickled instead of electrocuted. She said she'd consider doing tickling videos for enough money but would have trouble handling it. Girl on the right is Nimu, a Spanish speaking vtuber. She actually got tickled on stream and laughed like crazy (might qualify for very ticklish). Polka is from the giant collab, so nothing you don't know. Chromu is from the tag tier list. Vod is nowhere to be found as far as I'm aware but her tier list has been posted elsewhere and she placed tickling in her second highest tier. Sinder did a tag tier list on her fansly where she did basically the same gag as your clip. I know it's a joke which is why the tier is "Supposedly not Ticklish". Chances are everyone there is lying about it. https://coomer.su/fansly/user/717101518569873409/post/729816904658591745 (03:08:50)
>>80003 Bummer. I really hate Twitch for deleting VODs. I even remember seeing that Saruei rant and now there's no trace of it anywhere. I guess I'll have to tryhard it. Thanks for all the info!
>>79929 clip of fillian mentioning it?
which stream did amelia watson insinuate it? The only clip I is she talking about who is ticklish
>>79929 Do you have the proof for cecilia? Where is said that she is ticklish?
>>79929 >mint and shondo... i beg where
>>80551 >Mint Just ctrl + f "Pomu" and you'll find them in this thread
>>80578 Mint would never talk about anything like tickling anyway. She hates us
>>80578 just imagine the ghostly giggles
>>81123 Cecilia definitely has a fascination for tickling at this point, the Collab just started and her first instinct was to ask Raora If she's ticklish. And also asked Mumei about it and pressed her it she was ticklish https://youtu.be/KaA4Gewc8w0?t=34552 And also tickled Gigi when they were supposedly together in Japan during arm wrestling (though Gigi denies she lost and it does seem like Cecilia made that up) https://youtu.be/IEodEE6Sbg8?si=fAzO_fh9iCsZ8LqZ I don't think it's a fetish thing, but more of an icebreaker kind of deal, since Cecilia is known to be pretty extrovert and isn't scared to push past the comfort zone of the other Hololive girls in order to get them talking.
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If no one's going to try and scientifically find out where Biboo is ticklish before I lose my mind I'm gonna have to pull a Thanos.
I also got this article off of a Japanese website where some guy has been collecting mentions for vtubers, most of this stuff isn't new or too exciting but there's a few good clips in there (Raora mentioning she's extremely super ticklish and some other). 【Holo EN】 FUWAMOCO https://www.youtube.com/live/Ux-LD0uM0YQ?si=8ENRvryn9d2U8RnO (6:26) https://www.youtube.com/live/DjnwwLIZdKw?si=KKNKF_khTxyE0Dfu (1:12:19) https://www.youtube.com/live/3PFyuPcp-Fw?si=zZtPXzu0KT2eNi30 (2:58:57) https://www.youtube.com/live/VrD5vI_hpRs?si=vjmKfpn96XaSSqsy (1:47:07) https://www.youtube.com/live/Y1_TrjK0090?si=OgerYJBwpvhJoZvU (2:11:43) https://www.youtube.com/live/vco43BSneQU?si=WBSqCUrBQXtYo_hl (3:00:32) https://www.youtube.com/live/7v8s3ITgpLA?si=k4dBnGkci5tSrv-a (1:56:52、2:19:22、2:28:51) https://www.youtube.com/live/tQ9PWGMTkXo?si=7A_FTzFaIl8VSjeV (1:09:26、1:14:42) https://www.youtube.com/live/ajHtwrw3pZo?si=K5auUorx8bKBfjgh (2:33:45) Takanashi Kiara https://www.youtube.com/live/r9ORdU0cDhc?si=AyLvZQiKPgaRUPcY (1:53:02) https://www.youtube.com/live/27ShFArUF6A?si=qcsqWsHuuUEYQJPW (1:48:49) https://www.youtube.com/live/2SwmNlif4QI?si=L9b8TcCzlLcgAh_c (3:20:11) Mori Calliope https://www.youtube.com/live/aq-uAtTNCTs?si=SUrH6HU52Ydo6pqG (1:37:55) https://www.youtube.com/live/2DuCTivGi4I?si=tAmxmNU-7Cz8fUwz (30:51) https://www.youtube.com/live/q3E1AYthjWw?si=ERdOYv84MVaPop2d (3:37:37) Koseki Bijou https://www.youtube.com/live/ZV47e39yyMU?si=HKJKqNTlBOKYHLnr (3:17:42) https://www.youtube.com/live/G0ZndoA_U7A?si=tffHvAbM0wzXcxwQ (24:12) Shiori Novella https://www.youtube.com/live/LTIq_0ykLVA?si=378S9PuqWkUv_xYa (2:08:54)
[Expand Post]https://www.youtube.com/live/beOA7f3EV9o?si=x03vmFpB6RhYM4ul (13:40) https://www.youtube.com/live/As_Hp-WEzcs?si=ml-mcvhomzZq1Do4 (34:44) Cecilia Immergreen https://www.youtube.com/live/GPOZbcBz_xE?si=YlgwVhD-KMIdkqNF (1:25:32) https://www.youtube.com/live/993FrK34KiI?si=vgfyyINmPaGx40G9 (2:01:07) https://www.youtube.com/live/RK6_8WCcIDA?si=B3elGXpTKYSfpKIY (3:14:57) https://www.youtube.com/live/BxFmIPk15cI?si=U5d1wl3vuKR3z_SE (56:19) https://www.youtube.com/live/SAdndMvNK98?si=AF7_bn6zhduNHrfa (1:41:32) https://www.youtube.com/live/SQHkrCWoVMc?si=BUQGtcbOzxBEHM-k (15:46) Others https://www.youtube.com/live/BTCy_B3g3KM?si=8xDouWSVu3IFdEZz (53:03) https://www.youtube.com/live/h58GDofFy_8?si=lqKVJ4_1X5M1INe5 (1:42:02) https://www.youtube.com/live/PJtapc2_7ok?si=4cNA7WJ23sOFUL4L (1:50:36) https://www.youtube.com/live/urMWdWlzDCw?si=NyzzShsyNChyezcT (40:17) https://www.youtube.com/live/onEp_9enFXk?si=-2iylDehqpUt9PmY (1:31:53) https://www.youtube.com/live/gPMp1cwedak?si=GfgWCsBSVGjwpTpk (1:38:55) https://www.youtube.com/live/99a2uYVxXi0?si=R7Fjc6csKKnC4g3j (29:50) https://www.youtube.com/live/9GTlWDJlw3U?si=e1QVs5OkOEXF1oez (1:43:53) 【Holo ID】 べスティアゼータ Vestia Zeta https://www.youtube.com/live/3Qa61eNHwXc?si=iH_Q9ndfx8esgnV1 (1:22:44) https://www.youtube.com/live/gp32mNsiTUQ?si=cFAlmT9oTyjzDPBA (16:01) Pavolia_Reine https://www.youtube.com/live/9dle45P5MjM?si=1aDzuySuKtW3d9HA (10:07) https://www.youtube.com/live/P1rg7Tymgj0?si=HDLIRW1dapJHHBy5 (20:45) https://www.youtube.com/live/1ZccyjsPsKM?si=EULLRP_rytOTAw-V (20:51) https://www.youtube.com/live/aLei4gQSVBQ?si=PY3Q712LuXnifumN (5:12:08) Kaela Kovalskia https://www.youtube.com/live/qEB7PUckZC0?si=YUj_yjP6auyo7OuV (27:47) https://www.youtube.com/live/2eFsGHta1x8?si=Ouo6A0Myj8ZcTmOl (4:41:39) https://www.youtube.com/live/Grxn-XL7bHM?si=gZnfqprEa_awaFsM (47:50) https://www.youtube.com/live/HqboSxUOabo?si=WTX6qNy_nTsf0PEF (1:52:59) https://www.youtube.com/live/yK461D2tC2Q?si=Vb4P1CJ3Uj_TpdEm (20:06) https://www.youtube.com/live/qzBOTvPeQFY?si=xC_I0_sCu3xbKJvX (1:02:13) Ayunda_Risu https://www.youtube.com/live/Jt21t4bC4DM?si=YXWuRAqYCK48ZnZI (34:00) https://www.youtube.com/live/Gpv0GyCRXlg?si=hhfyNL6YQiM0JFo- (59:33) https://www.youtube.com/live/OqD-xYB2LRM?si=wodT8DA5ATwJsnQf (1:46:04) Others https://www.youtube.com/live/3K9FpElIBLo?si=zLxkcSC5oc-h2fP5 (54:31) https://youtu.be/IuMfzzjxnvk
>>81509 That's the guy that charges a shit ton for the scenes isn't it? Based on his pricing I should be charging quadruple digits once I finish my list... Anyway thanks for sharing these here. A lot of good unknown mentions. >>81508 Let her stay in Japan for as long as she wants lol
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Anyone have arts of Zentreya getting tickled? Paricularly her red haired dragon form
>>81509 Can you share the link for this website please?
>>81600 https://note.com/account_ryu This guy charges money though, the scenes I posted cost around 10 bucks. I only got the Holo EN & ID pack since I can't speak Japanese and I wouldn't understand the other ones anyway.
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