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Artists You Hate 9: The Saga Continues Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 01:25:51 Id: 187ce3 No. 76716
Y'all know the rules. Let the autistic drive of hating on fags, retards, and everything in between continue. Ended on kron so let the new thread start with kron.
>>80742 Come back repulsionswitch we miss you.
i actually can't believe this cunt is back, he's burnt every bridge he had, he's tried to "revitalize" his page thrice, yet he remains a petulent loser who tries to steal people's money by tracing over pre-existing art.
>>81306 I only remember this guy constantly DMing me about his prices, eventually had to block that little autist. His art is pretty shit. All he does is trace over existing art and make poorly drawn tentacles and shit I didnt know he had more to him though, what do you mean by "burned his bridges"? Did he even have some sort of good reputation at first?
>>81306 wdym back did he ever leave? He's just like a cockroach he'll be there til the end of time.
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>>81366 >cries about art block and hasn't drawn anything for years >instantly draws a high effort comic about how these "rumors" are false. [X] Doubt.
>>81366 Jesus Sharky, the extreme sensitivity over what amounts to a minor criticism. Dude ain't uploaded in years yet cared enough about what two randos said on an anon forum to go full shaded. Bro's cooked.
>>81366 Even KRON wouldn’t do this, This is 100 percent true.
>>81374 The rumor, that is.
>>80456 This because I said I try to be easy to work with in relation to artists? Are you that socially retarded? You ever actually sit and wonder why you spend 90% of your life in your room?
>>80456 Also the conversation was around the original post talking about a male tickle artist. Noone said anything about simping to exclusively female artists. How fucking stupid are you?
>>81374 >Even KRON wouldn’t do this, well yeah, it would require finishing a drawing.
Seeing this board pop up always prompts me to check up on the dead horse that is Moekaki. Wtf is this AI posting? He's trying to say the joke is that it's slop but he still sat there and generated hundreds of images to put on his Patreon. At least he admits it's better than his art
>>81399 moe's been wilin' ever since he felt like his daddy elon betrayed him. I'm actually very curious to see where he goes
>>81314 before the tracing findings he was vibing, apparently he was in talks with other belly artists like DQ and even got a role as a moderator in a big tickling server, it was only when people realized how slimy he was that he had a complete mental breakdown, losing the mod status, a bunch of artists droping him and telling him to eat shit, and now nobody worth a damn hangs out with him, only people who don't know any better. >>81321 there was the whole thing about him pretending to be another artist or a "reuploader", but when that sank he just pretended he was back, thinking he fooled anyone
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>>81399 Dipping into AI knowing how pathetic it is an artist to try and pull you out of a shadowban with engagement is a new level
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No thanks, I don't need this AI slop on my feed. Good luck with your followers
>>81418 I don't get it? It's such backwards logic. Starting to think he has a humiliation fetish
Who do you think are some artists with inexplicably high Patreon/Fanbox membership prices?
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>"drama" >Same old shit about Moekaki, HL, Caroo, Kampfer, etc.
>>81427 >Goes to hate thread >Sees hate I mean what did you think was gonna be the topic?
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>>81428 What? That copypasta isn't even relevant to my post, lmao
>>81427 This Moekaki shit is new tho so your point is irrelevant. Maybe he should get his life together and stop being the train wreck we can't look away from
>>81414 Thats all psychotic behavior, do you know what server it was? I kinda wanna see how that all unfolded, same with the reupload account if thats still kicking.
>>81431 Your mind is gonna be blown when you go into any of the old threads and ctrl+f for moekaki69
>>81432 i am not sure because i wasn't there, but i remember someone posting him going insane over someone calling him out, to the point he started spamming @everyone on the server in paragraphs
>>81492 If I remember correctly, it was in the server created here on 8chan https://8chan.moe/tkr/res/44119.html
>>81492 >>81493 Oh yeah I remember that. It wasn't so much of a breakdown more so a complete power trip cause I don't think anyone did anything to prompt the complete shitshow that happened that day. The server was dead for a while but I think he had admin or something and immediately he started spam pinging, deleting channels, timing out people who would speak up. I left but I've checked back in a few times and its the same thing daily. Best case: Asshole, Worst case: Schizophrenia. He's Certainly a nutjob.
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>>81506 Bluesky is for faggots. You can honestly do your part in helping the community and making it better by literally just letting the worst of the worst propagate there and let them fester, like a tumblr containment field. Let them have their hugbox. Don’t move there, don’t post there.
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>>81511 >>81506 DC is just mental in general. Does he even count as a tickle artist even? On the subject of blue sky though, can’t believe I’m saying it but honestly kron has the most grounded take on it that I agree with 100 percent. It sorta speaks my thoughts exactly. It’s just some watered down HR circlejerk. I refuse to post my art there, because of the reasons in picrel
>>81512 >Kron >Grounded Choose one.
>>81512 >grounded take No, this is just basic common sense. Monokron might be the smartest tard in the special ed room, but at the end of the day, he's still a tard.
>>81506 In all seriousness, it’s funny to watch all these artists bitch about leaving twitter/X, only to get little to no engagement on bluecry, then to run back and bitch about not getting the engagement because the commoner doesn’t give a shit about their leftist TDS bullshit. I’ve found that Twitter has gotten infinitely more bare-able because there’s a lot more eastern based artists on my feed now, a lot less people bitching about politics. I took a look at what the artists that tried to flock to blue sky were doing and it’s literally 80 percent bitching about trump or musk.

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