/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Nipple tease, tickle and rub Anonymous 06/23/2023 (Fri) 17:31:32 Id: cb666e No. 48442
so i recently found out that nipple tease is hot - it's kinda like tickling, but in another dimension, and you moan instead of laughing (tho it sometimes tickles too, making a great combo!), that's why i thought this place might be perfect ask a question: do you guys know any fine sites, pictures or artists with such content? but i don't mean doing any harm to nipples, like pulling or pinching, only light touch! so far, i found these: - BluishFeather: https://www.deviantart.com/bluishfeather - kinda obvious pick, focused on tickles; - White Stew: https://twintail.mhx.jp/ - focused on nipple tease, but made few tickle pics as well; - 39tei: https://nhentai.net/group/39tei/ - entirely nipples; - Parity Nyuu: https://e-hentai.org/tag/group:parity+nyuu - this one is gold, since he combines tickling in general, nipple tease AND tickle fights! ...but the more the merier, right? ;)
teasy teasy!~
Nipple stuff is one of my biggest fetishes. Let me see what I've got. Is licking and sucking okay?

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thank you, guys, for posting such wonderful stuff! <3 if we're talking about single pictures, let me share few more with you (with sources): 1. badwolftickler: https://www.deviantart.com/badwolftickler - mostly focused on cute tickling, sometimes includes nipples; 2. ShadowTickler33: https://www.deviantart.com/shadowtickler33 - usually focused on nipple tickling; 3. TicklingShinigami: https://www.deviantart.com/ticklingshinigami - if removed that pissing here, we've got another gold; luckily, he's mostly focused on tickling and nipple tease (actually, would someone happen to have more and/or uncensored pics? pretty please *.*); 4. wtfeather: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/937942 - few fetishes, mostly tickling, sometimes nipps. the fifth one is from one of the mangas i posted before (39tei); decided to tease you a bit with something that doesn't contain literal tickling...~ do you know any other comics and/or authors like this (beside the ones i already posted)? :) >>48500 > Is licking and sucking okay? yeah, i guess it's ok; can't wait to see more~
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>absolutely my favorite kind of tickling >it's getting barely any posts because footfags are sliding it again Life as a UBchad is suffering
>>50067 Being meguka is suffering
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>>50067 >>50087 >>50104 i understand your disappointment and i kinda feel similarly about this thread (tho i actually like all body parts tickling, maybe except for nose and ears), but please, keep your posts related to the topic ;) also, why wouldn't you attach some cool, pretty or cute pictures that refers to thread, even when you write something else - just to add something nice in terms of the subject :D that said, let me introduce another author i found recently, Tanaura Honpo: https://nhentai.to/group/tanaura-honpo - focuses on tickling, but doesn't omit nipples as well, especially in further parts of the story ;) meanwhile, i found these comics from 39tei: - https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01028667.html - https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01042013.html/?translation=RJ01042014 is there any kind soul who'd buy them and share in this thread? they're not that expensive, but i just don't own a credit card (didn't need it so far); pretty pleease? :3
>>50126 Holy shit I didn't realise those has been translated. The Japanese versions are all on exhentai already.
>>50165 Do you have the link to those? I could not find it on exhentai just some of the artists previous works
>>50174 I think those two specifically are missing from exhentai unfortunately. If you search for 39tei it shows all the others though... I think?
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"I can milk these tits"
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>>50937 What demon magic did you use to make this PNG animate like a gif and how tf do I download the gif version???
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>>48442 > it's kinda like tickling, but in another dimension, and you moan instead of laughing (tho it sometimes tickles too, making a great combo!) People often underestimate how ungodly ticklish nipples can be on some people; females and even males. I’ve had at least two girlfriends who’s nipples were hypersensitive and I needed to be so gentle with or else they’d bust out laughing. One thought it was kinda fun, the other kicked me in the balls when I did it on purpose in bed. She claimed it was an accident but knowing who she was I didn’t believe her.
>>60101 yo got any info on the first one? Asking for a friend

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Damn, source of the Danganronpa ones (2nd and 3rd ones)
>>61881 >>61911 I meant to quote these
>>61912 Found them on pixiv.
>>62115 >>62226 Sauce on the last two?
>>62255 If you meant the black-haired woman with the red top, here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116251096
>>62258 Thanks mate, had a suspiciona it was AI-generated, but looks damn good tbh
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For context, these girls are all being tested for how ticklish their boobs are, the numbers above them are rating how ticklish their boobs are on a scale of 1-10. Girl in purple hair on the far right is having a rough time...
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Literally the least ticklish spot on the body
>>76340 Unhinged take.
Found something on my old drive Anyone know the source?
>>76486 Chifusa
>>75827 Ah, I remember Commissioning Feral from Mati0la that day! Still have the alt too! Got some more art of her getting tickled too! Also if you are wondering where she's from, She from Taimanin Asagi Battle Arena!
>>76486 Manyuu Hikenchou
I've only had two long term girlfriends and both had exactly the same thing where their nipples were unbelievably ticklish if they weren't horny. I'd always assumed this was pretty standard for women First one was in first year of college. A tiny ginger with an enormous rack - and the only person I've tied up and tickled without having to pay for it Her nipples were always the last place I'd go to when tickling her because I knew that's when she was most likely to tap out so didn't want it ending before I was ready to shoot my load - which she'd oblige with a BJ whilst still tied up Happiest fucking times of my life, no question
>>78757 >the only person I've tied up and tickled without having to pay for it Rip.
>>62115 The one in the middle there was part of A YCH commission, Which I also had partaken in!

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