/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Special Requests Thread 13 Anonymous 05/09/2024 (Thu) 12:00:41 Id: 61012b No. 65762
Previous thread was bump-locked: 51303 long shot but does anyone have any of erimoto's older self-oc stuff? like the 1k watcher stocker pic
Anyone have the Fnf one?

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(873.87 KB 1200x1200 117161386_p0_master1200.jpg)

Anyone have these?
Can anyone update Concernedbird's kemono? https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/53188264
Anyone got this from dazidentevil?
Does anyone have anything from the latest from Erimoto's Fanbox?
>>65771 Thanks!
(704.40 KB 1671x2160 k5obI1UcCeM.jpg)

>>65779 Bless you.
Anyone got twomario's April art
>>65762 Bumping for both this, Erimoto's self insert stuff, and also Codricor.
>>65772 Second this
(1.34 MB 2581x2512 eve1.png)

Anyone got the tickle version? https://www.patreon.com/user?u=79242367
>>65818 i will never understand why any of you enjoy mid tier art like this let alone beg someone else to pay for it
Since it got buried in the last thread, anyone have Gopher's Kim Possible set?
Does anyone have the other alts of the exposed feet by feeteraco
(2.79 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Yaro.png)

(3.33 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Ranni.png)

(2.63 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Raven.png)

(2.99 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Valerie.png)

(2.96 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Cynthia.png)

>>65829 They're on kemono
>>65831 I know but he added more
>>65831 He added them to his patreon
>>65832 >>65833 My bad. I didn't know Feeteraco made twenty more.
>>65837 It’s ok
>>65837 So do you have them
Anyone got this one?
Anyone got this new pice?
(4.38 MB 4021x6721 981383932.png)

(7.91 MB 7236x3596 981383934.png)

(11.15 MB 6124x6484 98138393.png)

(4.58 MB 4704x5753 981383931.png)

>>65860 The last one you asked for doesn't have a tickling variant
Anyone got these from badpierrot?
(226.92 KB 1200x630 aJiJC9thtI7lxVsSi12e60bM.jpeg)

>>65879 got this one pls? ty
>>65852 Seconding big time plz
(1.59 MB 2548x3507 31 DANIKA.jpg)

(2.15 MB 2790x2202 DANIKA PENCIL FEET.jpg)

(1.80 MB 5906x5906 06 DANIKA 1.jpg)

(2.33 MB 5906x5906 06 DANIKA 2.jpg)

(2.68 MB 5906x5906 06 DANIKA 3.jpg)

Everydaycomix made a tickle animation of this girl. Does anyone have it? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/10990273/post/97343862 >>65829 Seconding >>65879 Can you still post it? With all the pics Arisuyoku has made over the years, making a tickle edit shouldn't be difficult.
>>65831 Do you have the rest?
Also can someone update feeteraco with all the variants of his past pics
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Someone has this one from Kta_osushi?
(1.45 MB 1005x1422 image (21).png)

anyone have the polarbearnsfw velma comic?
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(1.09 MB 2480x3508 IMG_7288.jpeg)

Anyone doing Lady-Dino on SubscribeStar? Their Patreon and DeviantArt pages are censored to absurdity.
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(291.42 KB 986x1600 gfi8vpzJla8.jpg)

A old request
>>65961 thank you!
Anyone have twomario or dazidentevil?
>>65973 Or Teichikun's latest? That 'Ticklish in Dungeon' one looks great.
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(42.24 KB 600x367 118793613_p0_master1200.webp)

Anyone have this pls 🙏?
>>66051 It's already on the drive :D
>>66066 drive?
Anyone got electricchimeras samus animations? https://electricchimera.gumroad.com/l/vSqKl
(5.61 MB 3000x2568 _.png)

>>66084 Thank you.
>>65965 man can finally rest in piece now
(228.12 KB 750x1334 IMG_5191.png)

Anyone have the rest of these that isn’t posted on his kemono
>>66092 They're already posted bruh stop asking
>>66095 it's actually only part of them. there's actually 26 versions of them in that post. i think someone only got 6 because the little squares, that are previews you click on for the full piece, there was only 6 visible and the poster didn't realize there was more then 6
>>66095 Fr bro is turning into the new lapis with how much he’s requesting feeteraco
Anyone have Beeni's old artwork? I am missing a few esp the gender bent ones. Those were (imo) fire. Loved R63 for whatever reason.
>>66107 Seconding this, fem Giorno about to make me act unwise.
For those two annoying motherfuckers who keep asking for the alts to Feeteraco's "Exposed Feet Sticking Out". I only downloaded the one's I liked, if you want the rest, pay $10 for his Patreon. https://www.mediafire.com/file/4sus0yqc3g5fr3x/New_folder.zip/file
(2.69 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Amanda.png)

(2.89 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Juliette.png)

(2.94 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Neferpitou.png)

(2.64 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Mythra.png)

(2.90 MB 3000x3000 FeetGround Irida.png)

>>66106 Not to mention the similar speech pattern. All that's missing is "shh" and "don't talk here." >>66112 Thank you, anon.
(2.88 MB 3000x3000 FeetGround Ada.png)

(2.84 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Jane.png)

(2.75 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Layla.png)

(2.49 MB 3000x3000 FeetGround Misato.png)

(3.16 MB 3000x3000 FeetGround Pyra.png)

(2.62 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Jasmine .png)

Can someone at least update Eri's kemono? https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/47146034
>>66070 I'd like to know too.
Can someone please update Lefiya? It's been so long and they haven't gotten an update despite having alot of work uploaded on their fanbox https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/90412289
I am once again asking for your help in my unrepentant gooning. This one looks great.
>>66134 Thanks a lot man.
Codricor hasn't been updated in a minute
Anyone know raidenthedeoxys discord?
>>66173 Not in ages.
>>66257 Seconded
Please someone have this from Ghawkg 🙏?
>>66284 Hallelujah, thank you very kindly 👍
>>66284 That cutie deserves to have the bejeezus tickled out of her
Did anyone snag Kenden's Mega folder before it got taken down? I went to get it but it ended up failing and by the time I went to retry it had been pulled.
Can someone please update feeteraco on kemono he made gwen from total drama
(436.39 KB 750x1334 IMG_5197.png)

Anyone have this??
>>66007 This is Jager right?
>>66339 Yeah, he nuked everything then came back under a different name.
(569.12 KB 1080x1052 IMG_20240524_083649.jpg)

I don't know if I should post this here or in the translation thread, but does anyone have the this english version of Ppw's comic?
Does anyone have vestron8907's fake of Sidney Prescott, Sarah Connor and the chick from nightmare on elm street?
(2.17 MB 4905x4748 MAKA.png)

https://kemono.su/patreon/user/52129657 could anyone update him or post his exclusives? i love his art
Still on the lookout for the full versions of these pictures from Kanahiyori if anyone is able to help.
https://kemono.su/patreon/user/9363674 could anyone update SymbSymbTickles?
Can someone post his comics and exclusives, please? I really like his content.
(151.81 KB 828x1242 Lumine3.jpg)

Okay, this is the first time i'm actually posting, but does someone have this? I really wanted it, but it's been a while and nothing yet...
>>66403 second plz
I did the dumbest thing with that Genshin Pack, I bought it but didnt link my Gmail to Gumroad Essentially Losing it. I did get a screen shot of Kokomi though
>>66306 Seconding
Plz can someone update feeteraco on kemono.party
>>66477 Barefoot version?
>>66478 There isn't one
>>66503 Sketch one then?
>>66511 I'm guessing you also have Frenzy Plant, Pleasurus Payback, and Buried Sea Mommy?
>>66511 fckn feeteraco making me want to press my face into those slender yet succulent soles again
(4.64 MB MATR01.pdf)

>>66470 Would Love more f/m comics, if anyone has any
A mighty need...
>>65853 Seconding
>>66518 I like Dr Random but this was really disappointing.
Does anybody have Dr Random/ RandomGalaxy’s science of laughter comic series? Would love to be able to see it without spending $20 a month lol
With TicklyGiggles about to leave the community, anybody got this or fancy updating the Kemono?
>>66560 No clue why the pic got deleted
>>66562 Raco's Layla is a total footfag's dream. Tall, slender yet voluptous, long legs, huge meaty soles, teasy about feet and tickling. A bombshell for sure.
(53.10 KB 375x375 IMG_0904.jpeg)

Just checking if anyone has this one, if so thanks in advance!
(7.55 MB 4000x4000 Megaera [POLL WINNER].png)

>>66593 Thank you for sharing, much appreciated!
(31.87 MB 853x480 cortana velvetsteel.gif)

Hey there, I've been trying to track down the full video from ChromeJulia/VelvetSteel of Cortana getting tickled. The video has log been removed from kemono and I'm not sure where else to get it. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/57468419/post/59937036
>>66602 Here ya go!
>>66603 wow, thanks!
>>65762 Anyone got SymbionTickles latest stuff?
>>66624 Bump
Anybody got this from Ghawkg?
Anyone has this? Or anything else from Countfire Patreon, I like his stuff besides furry
>>66691 Seconding this and the rest of Counts stuff to be updated on Kemono
https://kemono.su/patreon/user/4778318 I just want this updated honestly :/
>>66704 seconded
Does anybody have the variants/ uncensored versions of these pics from SinisterSpaghetti?
>>66725 You can already find them in the drive links, they're on his Kemono :D
>>66693 Agreed, the count has new art that REALLY needs to be uploaded.
>>66726 Can you send the link here? It doesn't open properly when I click on it
(208.00 KB 1200x717 GMGZw3eWoAAKrZc.jpg)

Anyone have this
Anyone have this by master417? It's not on their kemono. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/8295269
Long shot but does anyone have the sole scratching video my Asmrlia26 ?
>>66838 second
>>66503 There is now
This please
(3.93 MB 2574x1460 ExclusivePic Mar2024(1).png)

(3.89 MB 2574x1460 ExclusivePic Mar2024(11).png)

(4.04 MB 2574x1460 ExclusivePic Mar2024(20).png)

(4.04 MB 2574x1460 ExclusivePic Mar2024(26).png)

(378.20 KB 700x1711 Fz40WZDWAAElvXJ.jpg)

(167.92 KB 722x1200 F--y_92boAApsxh.jpg)

Had some luck on a vk group but still a lot not out. Anyone got polarbear stuff? Hell, I'll take the fanbox censored versions even
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(823.41 KB 1280x720 Xw6nnmAI3IpGrx5n.mp4)

(508.46 KB 1280x720 __M-U9gfWWKiHqOI.mp4)

(235.84 KB 1280x720 MxIrSSKtPoV-BG4v.mp4)

Anybody has any of the videos from him? This stuff is amazing https://subscribestar.adult/elklord
>>66965 if that's BaronStrap under a new TK focused account then here https://kemono.su/patreon/user/26169088
>>66969 It isn't, and he has his own account. None of this stuff appears on Barons page.
>>66969 He isn't, his style is quite similar to Baron but they are different people. Also Baron quitted the dark type of stuff due to issues with patreon afaik
>>66965 Anything about this guys kemono? Its not baron
searching two videos from reflexology researching : reflexology project ep 7 and reflexology project ep 9
>>66989 Considering absolutely nothing from Subscribestar has been updated/indexed since January 2022, I'm gonna go ahead an say you will never see Elklords stuff on Kemono. Someone will have to share it directly if they're feeling nice or you'll have to sub.
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Anyone knows the source/artist? Would gladly buy the whole thing. Was posted on VK by some user but he doesn't know the source.
>>67026 Well, lets hope to someone sharing
>>66978 then wouldn't it make sense for those patreon issues to incentivise him to make a new account? So he can do the non consensual torture stuff he wants to make?
Does anyone have stuff from: https://twitter.com/guri0980 Doesn't seem like he has a fanbox or anything
>>67121 Thanks! Cute anime boy trying to be all tough while his obviously very soft and ticklish soles are tested by femme fatale is a killer scenario. Need more pics like that tbh.
does anyone have the new badpierrot sega dream cast stuff
>>66965 I have downloaded them
for the rest of the animations, they are too big so I have uploaded them here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OeLmxe7LCZDaRWYvfe4AKsBFjWMYAsqS?usp=sharing
>>67136 Mvp. Thanks dude.
(701.33 KB 1200x776 118538603_p0_master1200.jpg)

anyone have finished version of this? https://master417.fanbox.cc/posts/7892619
does anyone have alexiaNBC arts pls
>>67136 Amazing Thanks a lot man
Anyone have this from Cyrusia?
>>67240 Second this, looks cute. Also, does anyone have Codricor1's stuff, especially that Salem RWBY pic? I swear, their kemono hasn't been updated since March.
>>67241 Try checking their Fanbox section,it has everything up to the end of May last I checked.
>>67248 need more of team RWBY!
(509.14 KB 2048x2048 GPlmg4WXgAAiooj.jpeg)

Someone have this from Symbiontickles pls 🙏?
Anyway to get these videos? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/88674650
>>67133 Thanks so much, bro. You're the MVP.
>>67248 You are a scholar and a gentleman.
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(638.28 KB 750x1334 IMG_5222.png)

Anyone have all the alts of these. Feeteraco just updated them on his patreon
>>66838 Thirding because of the feeteraco pic
does anyone have this comic pls
(3.32 MB 4000x3000 Lana's mom sea shower.png)

>>67317 Still not gonna download the Redscript-esque drawing
>>67429 What?
>>67432 He's talking about the Marnie smelly feet set. There are no tickle alts, just super sweaty stinky feet. I don't blame him. Anyways, here are the other pics in the set of Lana's mom.
>>67266 second
>>67437 Do you have the 3 new sketches he made?
(1.57 MB 3000x3000 Inutade sketch.png)

(1.72 MB 3000x3000 Izutsumi sketch.png)

(2.71 MB 4000x4000 Pajama Juri sketch.png)

(1.41 MB 2200x3000 Carmine Big sis feet sketch.png)

>>67440 You mean these?
does anyone have this?https://fantia.jp/posts/2815279
>>67447 Do you have more of this artist's works? I love his art but literally everything is behind a paywall and my ass is broke
Does anyone have the PSD of this? The kemono link is dead. https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/15032923/post/4439898
Does anyone have the wtfeather kaguya pages 3-6?
>>67493 They're on the WTFeather dedicated thread :3
Always need more Portal tickles
(227.38 KB 1200x630 QU9hOSqdyoB77c0bwPb2MqEb.jpeg)

Someone have "June Artworks" from Twomario pls 🙏?
>>67488 you can go on kemono for their stuff
>>67492 I messed with it a bit but all the original layers are still there https://mega.nz/file/8NVhiIxL#aGYFdKAUr0S4eTnFWYW8M6PZFn9VgwHEODiTJBSOXTg
Anyone have this? Can't find a reupload anywhere. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/17213587/post/67568695
Can someone update dazidentevil? Hasn't gotten one since april
>>67628 Thanks blud. Didn't expect the file to be that big.
>>67600 Thank you!
Can someone update Homelessmonster on kemono?
Hey, does anyone have access to the ijwt MEGA file? Unable to access it from kemono.
Anyone got the alts for this
Seconded, but I'd also be happy about pretty much any of this artist's stuff.
>>67794 link doesnt work anymore
(276.46 KB 2048x2024 GQtfec_XgAAXNMh.jpeg)

Someone have this from Symbiontickles pls 🙏?
(132.80 KB 1200x630 7NP2KBwADwiYpKrGipBkgrI2.jpeg)

Someone have this from Arisuyoku pls 🙏?
Does anyone happen to have the uncensored versions of some of these works? https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/20942955/manga/%E3%81%8F%E3%81%99%E3%81%90%E3%82%8A
Anyone have the uncensored version of this pic from Unlimited-Tickles?
>>67794 >>67829 If that was the actual mega drive link, you're not going to get very far by straight up leaking it. Make a separate drive and upload there like the wtfeather one
>>67936 Thank you!! Any idea what's going on with the right (technically left) foot? Like wtf is that encasing around her foot
Anyone got the new arisuyoku stuff?
>>67949 My best guess is that the foot is being steamed, to make the skin more sensitive
(2.87 MB 2921x3031 vanilla 2-1.jpg)

(2.34 MB 2862x1794 blaze copy.jpg)

(2.85 MB 3960x3623 persona.jpg)

Does anyone have these full images?
Anyone have this bnn.fanbox.cc/posts/8038509
Can someone update feeteraco on kemono. I wanna see flannery so bad colored
>>68083 Are there any variants?
>>68083 Also do you have the other things he posted on patreon
(4.57 MB 4000x3800 Hula Lillie stocks shades.png)

>>68087 That's the only variant >>68093
(130.99 KB 1080x1440 FB_IMG_1719710755395.jpg)

>>65762 This picture is just begging to be converted onto a tickling picture
Does someone have jager's stuff?
>>68136 Don't have his stuff but he goes by this new pixiv now https://saulgoodman.fanbox.cc/posts/7466448
Figured i'd ask, but anyone got any Koikatsu tickling scenes that may have vanished from some authors galleries?
Anyone have any really good japanese pro wrestling tickling?
Does anyone have this full Hunter's Lair clip?
(3.02 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Leon Kenedy.png)

(2.44 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Amanda (fj).png)

(2.85 MB 3000x3000 FeetGround Samm.png)

(2.58 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Marge.png)

(2.48 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Yaro (fj).png)

(2.51 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Layla (fj).png)

(2.92 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Cookie.png)

(2.64 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Juliette (fj).png)

(2.50 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Blaze.png)

(2.62 MB 3000x3000 FeetGround Irelia.png)

(2.93 MB 3000x3000 GroundedFeet Velke.png)

>>65771 nice
>>68013 Seconding >>68103 God I love Feeteraco >>68117 I can see there being an alternate version where her boots and stockings are removed in a smaller panel. Her final dialogue would of course be changed from "You're not going to do anything!?" to "You're not going to tickle me!?" There should also be a sequel where the implied tickle slut gets what she wants.
Can someone update dazidentevil on kemono
>>68249 I'm trying, but I think there's something wrong with the importer (at least for some artists). Just enjoy these for now. >>68189
Came across yet another picture they could totally be converted to a tickle pic easily
>>67030 Found it The artist : https://gleen.fanbox.cc/
>>68427 Bonus
lads does anyone know if miskyz is still posting new tk art somewhere and how to view them. Or did they fall off the face of the earth entirely. some of their arknights stuff was peak tickle fantasy
>>68447 I'm at least aware he's no longer posting his stuff on the pixiv fanbox likely to avoid kemono
(717.50 KB 1399x808 GRgyPdzXkAAlaQx.jpg)

>>68447 He posts every now and then on pixiv, but his paid stuff is on afdan. Most of his arknights stuff is still accesible though.
>>68190 hey, whoever posted this. there anyway to post more Feeteraco or update his kemono please?
Did the AviJust's interactive things ever got released after the first two Overwatch ones? I never got the Street Fighter or second Final Fantasy ones. Anyone?
(344.09 KB 966x1250 o_1g34j4o1k56ujqbjjcllj19dcr.jpg)

Does anyone have all 3 files?
(1.46 MB 3500x3000 Claire Dearing tickled .png)

(4.36 MB 5000x2500 Tulip's Master curse sketch.png)

(1.83 MB 3000x3000 Geneva fj shade.png)

(2.41 MB 3000x3300 Scyl tickled.png)

(2.21 MB 3500x3500 Nezuko patotas .png)

>>68473 This is all he's done recently. He's working on a comic and a YCH currently
>>68512 thank youuu!
On my hands and knees begging for this
In case anyone doesn’t know nekohouse.su (run by the same people that run kemono) is available to upload Fanbox, Fantia, and SubscribeStar content to. Probably gonna be a while before stuff gets uploaded there though.
Anyone have this?
For the love of god, does nobody have ElklordArtists Gwen vid?
>>68570 Hard second.
(6.99 MB 3366x4434 IMG_3428.png)

Anyone have TkFeath's recent works?
>>68570 >>68572 Honestly his stuff kind of sucks. He uses the same VA for every girl, who gives the same lukewarm performance, that doesn't even try to match the reaction
>>68518 who's this?
>>68592 Damn, I'm glad someone said it. This vid would be too tier if it wasn't for the Luke warm reactions and half hearted laughing. So sad
>>68592 >>68594 voice doesn’t even sound like gwen (though i don’t much expect someone finding a va willing to voice tickle fetish anims who also happens to sound like gwen). dude should’ve got a va who did tifa in gopher’s tifa box, then it would’ve been a top tier vid
>>68592 If you've seen the previews you've basically seen his full vids. He's charging a lot for what's essentially a looped gif or a couple of extra seconds
>>68593 The character is Asa Mitaka, and the one being tickled is Yoru. They're both from Chainsaw Man.
>>68518 It is on the Kusujinn thread!
Anyone have this?
>>68592 I can't stand the VA he uses, it's such a terribly bad and sad excuse for a laugh. How she gets paid for this shit is beyond me. I like the scenarios he creates, but for me personally what really kills my boner is the feet model he uses. It looks horrible, like absolutely awful. Baron also uses it and it's an instant turnoff just looking at it.
Anyone have this Vanilla pic?
>>68595 You mean baron's tifa box? Or gopher did something with sound recently?
>>68592 >>68594 >>68595 >>68609 Not that anon, but in my opinion bad voice acting is still way better than no voice acting at all. It's fair to criticize the performance and muting it is also an option if it bothers you so much that it detracts from your enjoyment.
humbly requesting psd files from they who shall not be named
>>68644 Disagree. A bad voice is worse than no voice at all. It's like Badcrabs work with the god awful cringy ass dialogue. The moment you see it, you tie it to the piece and can't really see it for what it is without. I have that same feeling with voices. But like I said, even if I mute it the feet model still looks horrible so there's no saving it.
(5.53 MB 3365x4167 IMG_3458.png)

>>68651 Good lord that man is good at making feet look fleshy and tender. Thanks for the share
(98.71 KB 1200x988 120278619_p6_master1200.webp)

Anyone have this or any of Gopher's recent works?
Anyone have this?
>>68708 Seconded
(679.00 KB 2550x3300 20240714_110310.jpg)

Another potential tickle pic conversion
Does anyone have any if mmd_kojirou's works? I heard he had some tickling animations but can't get access to them https://kemono.su/patreon/user/37004679?q=Miku
(999.31 KB 1200x789 120575710_p0_master1200.jpg)

I know it just released, but I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could share this pic 🙏
>>68817 Seconding this please.
>>66343 Bumping because dlsite has ligma
Anyone have Holo from Spice and Wolf by Starlite Knight
Does anyone have any of Chromejulia's works? Looking for the Tatsumaki tickled in the basement one in specific
>>68817 Same here 🙏
If anyone has chromejulias patreon animations with sound that’d be great
Does anyone have this
Does anyone have a nylon tickling drive link? they're on C4S and a lot of their videos arent public.
(5.37 MB 4676x2700 IMG_3453.png)

Far as I’m aware there’s no kemono for LethalTK anyone got his “premium” version of the “Rebecca’s add-ons” drawing from deviantart? Locked behind some deviantart subscription type shit
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anyone have this? this oc is the one and only reason as to why I follow this artist
>>66838 Found posted on the comics/art sharing section of tickling art/tickling comics over on vk. It’s too big to post the file so here’s the link to the page I found it instead. I didn’t need an account to see it so the rest of you shouldn’t either; https://m.vk.com/topic-42291453_39988064?offset=9960
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>>68887 I made it public, It was way for me to hide a little raffle back then. It's not open anymore so I don't see the point in keeping it hidden anymore It's just an anticipation version, hope you like!
This is a long shot, but has anyone subscribed to Salpin's Fanbox since he came back? https://www.fanbox.cc/@salpin He used to focus a lot on tickling, but then quit to go draw manga. From what's on kemono it looks to me like he hasn't done any tickling or foot stuff since he came back, don't want to pay to find out if someone else has already done it.
(8.82 MB 3508x2480 zzzz_tickle_doom_text.png)

>>68936 Thank you 🙏 You're amazing
>>68922 I feel incredibly blind, what exactly is the difference between these two pics?
>>68964 One has lighting
Can somebody please update homelessmonster on Kemono?
Anyone have this
Does anyone have an archive of G3's works? Every once in a while a record appears on ehentai, but it gets wiped in about a day. His kemono doesn't have too much of his work either if I remember correctly
anyone have anything from hunters lair?
Anyone has this from arisuyoku? It's a 3-picture sequence, apparently about tickling >:
Anyone have this by hatsukidashio please?
>>68964 Looks like very, very, very slightly different skin tone... God knows why
>>69022 I saw that the outline was a little different, like the sun shining over her.
>>68936 Do you have the Topaz pic?
Anyone got these Pirata3 arts?
>>69027 Got the second one. Love F/M foot tickling, such a shame that it's not so common.
Anyone have this artwork of Chromejulia's? The link isn't working. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/57468419/post/53621988
>>68968 >>69022 Wow yeah I see it now, I wasn't even looking at the top outlines of her cuz it's not at all the focus.
Anyone have this?
https://www.pixiv.net/users/12409485 Anyone got work from Kazemaru15000? I don't even think they have a kemono up.
>>69101 Second this 😁
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Does somebody have Loz DiD sketchbook 10?
https://x.com/orange8619/status/1796515284012200265 Can someone with QQ acc find out how much this video cost?
i know this isn't the right spot, but Titoffcourse, a great animator who only used Boosty for a while just updated his Patreon with every single animation he's done, and there's a TON of decent length and really cute animations. if someone is paying for his Patreon, hopefully his most expensive one, can someone update his kemono or post some of his new videos here?
>>69108 Gorgeous, thanks. I wish the rest of the main girls were present but those are two great ticklees.
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Posted this on the rip artist thread but I might as well try here too. Does anybody remember hibanayuiyui? I really liked his art and I'm really sad he just disappeared off the internet near entirely. Thankfully I saved a majority of his images I came across but man, I'm really sad he isn't around to make more. Wish I knew why he left. Anybody happen to have the full thing of the footjob thing he had on his fanbox?
>>69128 Oh and for that matter, anything else he had exclusively on his fanbox?
Anyone have the set for this picture from Madao17th?
Anyone have ticklingoscars the residents of us coming? Hasn't been updated since 2023 December on Kemono
>>66107 Isn't this the retard who """quits""" making fetish art like 5 times a year
>>67781 50mb limit is gay and I'm not solving 12 captchas so here's a sweaty footjob alt and tickling alt
Anyone got the new art feeteraco made on his patreon
>>66403 Anyone have
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Anyone have Kazemaru15000 fanbox stuff?
>>69161 Are they all similar? If not, you should put it in a drive
If anyone has the july 2023 set from polarbearnsfw and specifically this one image from the december set, I'd much appreciated it
Anyone got Tira's pic of Charlie and Maggie (Hazbin Hotel) from their Pixiv Fanbox...?
Anyone have avijustfeet's video?
>>69254 What specifically do you want?
>>69267 The silence in the library and aunt Cass and elastagirl
>>69268 Or any other videos if you have them! I don't see any of them but I'd like those two the most
>>69268 The Silence in the Library videos take up a massive amount of data so I’ll figure out how to send them later. Gonna ask if anyone has this or any of erimoto or G3’s other stuff in the meantime. Elastigirl and Aunt Cass stuff: https://filetransfer.io/manage-package/Zz9Mko1C
>>69272 Getting a 404
>>69272 The link only gives a 404 error page
This one hopefully works, if it doesn’t someone tell me a file hosting site that doesn’t require making an account that works. Link expires 6 days from now. Cass and Elastigirl videos: https://filebin.net/y8cg5esnd6gtzmln
Anyone have this?
>>69279 Hey, do you by chance have fighting for a cloud?
>>69279 Thanks, they downloaded!
>>69279 Fucking beautiful man. Do you have any of the Tracer videos where she's a Lee? Would kill to see those
>>69279 Thanks a lot dude! Was wondering if it's no bother do you have access to the sombra tracer and claire vids or are those too much of a hassle right now?
I have everything from Avi (except stuff from this month). Practically everything takes an insane amount of data that my PC doesn’t have much storage space for so I’ll just share routinely, or if someone else who has them wants to do it that’d be great. >>69293 I’m pretty sure Fighting for a Cloud has already been posted in full already by someone else, besides the recent 3rd part so just download from there
>>69324 If its not too much trouble would you be able to post the Stellar Blade one from Avi? Please and thanks!
>>69338 I just happen to have this pulled up. Stellar Blade, expires in 6 days: https://filebin.net/n5z3212won1728ml
>>69324 kindly asking for yor and ada video if that's okay.
>>69338 Do you have fighting for a cloud 2 please?
does anyone have the latest stuff from kusujinn?
Could anyone add Quinnstix’s discord to kemono?
Does anyone have HomelessMonster's latest pics?
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Does anyone have the new comic of bluishfeather of Whim getting tickled?? I've seen someone updated his patreon but didn't uploaded this
>>69358 Yor and Ada below. Yor tickled and Yor vs Chun Li also included as a bonus cause why not. I’ll post the other requests routinely but don’t expect me to post any of the interactives as they are several gigabytes each to upload. Also ask for more specific titles of stuff cause I’m just gonna search based on title and not all videos have the characters in the file title. Yor Videos, expires in 6 days: https://filebin.net/0fd6jhjo9d5mg8ta
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>>69492 Casually uploads ALL the yor videos. You're the best
>>69313 >>69322 All Avijustfeet Overwatch stuff (may be missing random ones that don’t have OW or character names in the title). Does not include the Tracer and Sombra one from this month, which I do not have. Also doesn’t include the interactive game which was too much data to upload. Overwatch vids, expires in 6 days: https://filebin.net/yzacnhvw77urqx8x
Anybody got the full/uncensored/variants etc. versions?
>>69560 do you happen to have this? It's an animation.
>>69578 I probably have it since I have everything from Avi (except this month’s stuff), but I already posted everything with Yor in the title above so it’s probably part of something else. Please follow request instructions because I have no idea what this is and I’m not gonna check every mp4 to figure out what it is.
>>69578 >>69581 https://www.mediafire.com/file/lfqjddckyx1sjaj/Tik_Tok_compilation.mp4/file It's from the TikTok compilation they did 2 years ago. It's really is just two frames of Yor and a couple frames of the hand, but hey, there's some other stuff in there too as a consolation prize. Catbox doesn't work for me. Mediafire free accounts expire in 14 days
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Before any of you ask
>>69355 Damn I missed this. Said it expired in 6 days but it's already gone. Any chance of a reupload?
Does anyone have this newer 3D artist that recently posted lancer artoria?? I cant find it for myself just foot stuff no to
>>69492 any chance you could upload the yor forger tickled parts 1 and 2 again since it says there were too many requests for it?
>>69640 For that matter, does anyone maintain a drive of all of Arisu's stuff?
does anyone have catfight comic by IJWT?
>>69720 Seconding
(419.32 KB 827x1000 GtBMxeXApKGK8FCkrv6BrraJ.jpeg)

Thought I may as well upload the only really good pic (IMO) from TwoMario's July collection. The rest is just dumb tickling methods or furries/OCs/crazy obscure characters.
>>69801 It doesn't matter, you can post them here
>>69801 Are there literally any women in the new batch
>>69801 I'm an adult I can make my own decisions on whether it's good or not
anyone have this
Put everything I have from Avi which is completely up to date including stuff from July now onto this Mega. Probably missing some stuff that Avi deleted from their archive which I’m too lazy to cross-check what’s missing and re-add. *Does not include any of the full interactive games due to taking up too much space to add on the free plan, left the demos there just because. https://mega.nz/folder/UCUl3KhA#gAmnb9M1Hp2tsdIlqBdym
>>69957 It asks for a decodification key
>>69957 decodification key pleaase
>>69850 Lol cool, so you have the pics?
Anyone have Holo by Starlite Knight aka Starlitewarrior
Can anyone share all of the pages of this series? https://bocyo-bocyo.fanbox.cc/posts/8188687
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>>69272 Here's the erimoto pics
>>69957 When I copied it missed the last character lol https://mega.nz/folder/UCUl3KhA#gAmnb9M1Hp2tsdIlqBdymw Just in case it gets taken down later I’ll probably take it down in 24-48 hours for safety, if anyone wants it just ask again and I’ll re-post a new link.
>>69983 Thanks for sharing! >>70008 I can actually fit one interactive with the space left so which one should I put, I have everything except the latest one
Erimoto dropped a new Pic of Lady Deadpool
>>70012 The latest meaning the Tifa/Aerith one? If so then the only one that I don't think has been uploaded before is the RE one with Claire.
>>69957 Do you have the Last of Us stuff?
>>68570 >>68592 Does nobody have the gagged version? It would fix the bad voice acting problem.
>>70008 You can try putting the interactive games on another account..or mediafire..please! :D
(1.49 MB 854x480 tickle 1.mp4)

(1.54 MB 854x480 tickle.mp4)

Does anyone have these videos? It's Sloannner on C4S but I thought someone might have a drive or something
Anyone having this?
>>70008 link is down
this server has a tickling channel in it (tier 1) but you need premium. supposedly if five people join through this link then I can get access, and from there I can post whatever I find unless any of you already have access I figure somebody might as well try https://discord.gg/BJgP9Xqpwg
Anyone got an archive of dp1up’s nsfw art he made on twitter before he disappeared
>>70088 This looks like a pyramid scam my dude
>>70111 it worked but this is everything. they're all like 5-60s clips and none are from omegle... disappointing but had to see it for myself just in case
>>70129 Unfortunately most of these groups are like this. Very rare to find anything worthwhile. Thanks for biting the bullet anon.
Does anyone have this grippedchimp comic?
>>70129 can you post the middle one from the second pic? The one with the blonde girl on her knees
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Anyone able to share the uncensored please?
>>70008 Can you send another link? This one's down.
Does anyone have the Rey Tickle Abuse set by WooouTK? It’s not on Kemono
fyi there's this guy posting every single work from juzi and his other friend that has basically the same style (i can't remember his name) the archives are password protected but the passwords are on the post. you have to create an account to view the images on full res or download them, but it's all here! enjoy! https://tickler.top/notes/9wnyde1zk2yk04lc https://tickler.top/notes/9wjlosajk2yk02ys
>>70226 a lot of the files seem blank but there is a lot of stuff here. thanks for the share anon
could someone please add this one to kemono or share his images here? Thanks in advance! https://saulgoodman.fanbox.cc/posts
>>70129 Could you also post the most upper and the middle one from the bottom? (both from the first pic, they appear to be amateur clips)
>>70226 I've downloaded some files, but when I unzip them it says the images can't be viewed, and the filesize for them seems way too small. Anyone else encountering this problem?
>>70250 Nevermind, just figured out you need to create an account for both the tickler.top website as well as the file hosting website.
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does anyone know the artist?
>>70059 Seconding this
anyone have this?
>>70268 >>70122 >>70123 子贡橙子 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/77960070 https://x.com/zigongchengzi/media They delete a lot of their old stuff. If you're interested I can share them
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Does anyone have Kazemaru15000 art? There’s no kemono for them
Does anyone have any of GermanJail's videos?
Please post 子贡橙子 futa stuff he had some crazy futa tk like two-three years ago,love the sand one
>>70282 thank you, yes please!
(269.17 KB 851x1200 113105467_p3_master1200.webp)

https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/4170810 Anyone has this dude stuff?
>>70329 Not really helpful, but I used to subscribe to this guy a while back and gave up because of how little he releases. Should have saved the stuff I had access to before unsubscribing.
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Anyone have this?
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>>70341 Not gonna lie, you pretty much got the whole Charlie pic in the preview...which I really wasn't impressed with.
Anyone have the latest kiimmotk patreon image?
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>>70342 Do you have this one pls?
>>70356 Do you also have the Lucifer Morningstar pics? Figured it was worth a shot
>>70371 I can do you one better. Have the entire top tier folder. It was recently updated, so it should stay up for a while. https://mega.nz/folder/vUNT1IqT#DeeQgTEbylce7RwliV1dqQ
>>70372 Even better! Thank you so much!
>>70372 Do people actually prefer seeing variants? it's fine but i'd personally rather the artist put more time and effort into a single image
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(4.15 MB 2134x1850 psdPatreonPic2 Aug2022 (1).png)

(4.15 MB 2134x1850 psdPatreonPic2 Aug2022 (4).png)

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>>70377 I can take it or leave. Shop for what you want, y'know? Unless you're in the business of archiving an artist's entire career like some of us are (and you'll need the disk space), there's no point in saving every single variant of pic if one particular combination is all you're looking for. I get that most times the variants can tell a building narrative, but it gets ridiculous when something as innocuous as a different toenail color would compound the number of variants in the pool by another exponent. Half of a solution is to provide the psd layers file for people to make there own custom variants and that works for some. But that's kept behind high tier pledges and in truth, most people don't bother and just want a set of images to download. I think Pawfeather had a digestible format for his variants tier. 6 pages of 4 panels saves you from having to download 24 individually. The first half showcased the unique variant elements (cloths, gags, tickling tools and bodily conditions like sweat) and the second half was various combinations of them. There's a balancing act between the number of variant elements and the number of combinations of the elements the artist officially releases, and that ranges of artist to artist. Kidetic/Kusujinn does 4 to 8 which I think is perfectly fine. 8 to 24 is a reasonable assortment like wtfeather (though recently they've been pushing that upper boundary). But 30+ you start getting diminishing returns imo. Like, I only save a fraction of any Lostonezero pic, if at all. And I'm not even going to get started on file sizes, I'll just say double digit megabytes is pushing it. All in all, my two cents is take what you like, make your own if you want. I get why artist make variants, but sometimes it can feel like an easy way to 'pad out' a mediocre piece. Polarbearnsfw, Briel7, ijustwant-tickles and even Sir-Bombers are artists I think are more zoned in making interesting single scenarios, more dilemmic scenes for characters involved. But then we'd get to the topic of appealing artstyles and tastes in this fetish so I should save that spiel for another thread.
>>70411 Those are some very good points. with artists like Kiimmo, they were great but it starts to feel like quantity over quality as the artwork begins to diminish overtime in favor of 30+ exports. it's why polarbear, ijwt, briel7 etc feel more special, even if it's not your taste, at least it's art, not a product
Anyone got anything from SymbionTickles, BadPierrot or Kinetic? I've seen the most recent stuff on Kemono but it's due for an update.
>>70059 Thirding
Feeteraco updated his patreon with a lot of new stuff. hoping someone can post it here or update Kemono. there's a 25 pic thing on his patreon, looks promising and long.
Is there a colorized version of this?
(2.01 MB 4444x2500 xmen teaser.jpg)

Does anyone have the unblurred picture from Bad Pierrot?
Anyone have this from Tira?
>>70426 yeah, same person. turns out i was wrong. i was on Countfire's patreon, not Feeteraco's patreon. my bad
>>70440 Second this
>>70372 can you rehost or repost somewhere, link dead
>>70471 https://mega.nz/folder/zZkRQBiT#DeeQgTEbylce7RwliV1dqQ It was once again updated. Happens every week
>>70366 Bumping this up again. Does anyone have these?
>>70482 Thank you!
Anyone got this Pic by Starlite Knight aka Starlitewarrior. Kemono.party is under staffed right now
anyone have bnn
>>70501 *Sigh* when you see a talented artist do tons of foot stuff yet about 8% of it is tickling...what a waste.
>>70509 Maybe he just likes feet, what's wrong with that?
>>70515 Welcome to the tickling boards, my guy, did you take a wrong turn? And I never said there was anything wrong with it, but you are going to find a bunch of people who like tickling her. To the artist it's a great piece, and that's fine; to me (and many of the people on this thread), it's a good pic but a missed opportunity.
>>70515 Tickling art*
Does anyone have this pic specifically? It's from last year and for some reason it's not available on Tadashibaka's kemono even when there's newer stuff there.
>>70520 Yeah but like he doesn't do it for this board. It's not a "waste of art".
>>70577 In my eyes, it's a wasted opportunity; that is all. Now calm it.
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I'm still hoping that someone will share the English version of Kusuguri Paradox by ppw
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>>70076 >>70185 I honestly forgot to take it down and like 2 weeks later it got taken down at some point between when I posted and now lol, seems like it got taken down in like 2 days or so. I’ll post a new link that’s current and up to date with August’s stuff now too once I get a new account going since the other one got flagged. If anyone has a better file sharing service where it can’t get taken down let me know too. If the link gets taken down again I may just post links based on request since probably less likely to get taken down and making new and keeping track of those accounts is annoying.
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Is anyone have this ?
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Anyone have any of YDalfgan's f/m tickling comics? His kemono hasn't been updated in awhile and they're missing pages and comics
Does anyone have a full chizuuf archive anywhere? I remember she had some gorgeous socked tickling pics but I lost access to it all ages ago.
(1.35 MB 1278x665 Capture.PNG)

anyone have the full video of this girl from StimulatingReflexology?
>>70643 Anyone?
Anyone have this comic?
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Please does anyone have this
>>70929 Absolute Legend
>>70936 I have access to Link_BELOVED's/こーじ fanbox but that comic is nowhere in there. Apparently, they deleted all of their stuff prior to January, 2021. I can't even find their normal Pixiv account anymore either
>>70854 I second this.
anyone have this persons sets/archives or are able to access them? they have a boosty and discord they have their archive in
>>71009 Who would pay for AI stuff? lmao
>>70936 Second this
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Does someone have this please?
>>71011 precisely why i asked here
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>>71052 Here ya go
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>>71068 Do you have this too anon 😅?
Would anyone happen to have the tickling versions of Mai, by this guy? I've been trying to find away to get past the subscriber block, but no success. https://www.deviantart.com/goddessescartoon
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>>71090 No probs. I had hoped it would be a better tickling method, but the expressions are still cute.
Anyone have the pic of Kandenrem's Kandy being buried and tickled?
>>71068 May I ask if you had more variants of them? Like full set (I think there's 5 paid variants on Fantia?) Sorry I used 8chan for first time
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>>71109 I thought I or someone else posted it already xd
>>71068 Thank you so much!
>>71122 From what I've gathered, it's way easier to get stuff from fanbox as a non-japanese, so if it's available only on fantia you might have to ask the artist to also post it on fanbox.
>>71130 I see, so maybe I will give up them as well Weirdly, Tira kinda put mostly different work between Fantia and Fanbox...
>>71133 Yeah, I don't know what the deal is. Maybe he just forgets to update both them. Either way, just requesting for an update in the comment box might be enough, like the guy below did https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/121512942
>>71138 I will try to DM and see he will do something
Does anyone have the tickle videos from Dear_Gogi?
Excuse me, some of you will have this image complete, the artist is bnn2020
>>71068 Also, in addiction I want to ask is there more variants in Fanbox? Fantia said there's 5 paid variants: Barefoot Tickle, Sock Tickle, Barefoot Lick, Sock Lick, Barefoot Afterwards But there's only 3 of them, so I'm curious
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>>70643 There's 21 photos and a doc (in Chinese but I'll put it here too), here you go!
(5.40 MB 3508x2480 6.png)

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(Oh wait, the doc is 100MB which is too big, I'll give up posting it)
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>>65765 Here you go!
Even though it's a very old one, anyone had this? It's the very rare Daiyousei tickle I could found https://orutana0.fanbox.cc/posts/169656
>>71155 Thanks.
(464.78 KB 623x623 121789279_p0.jpg)

Anyone subbed to Redscript? Looks like the dude finally made another tickle pic that isn't gross
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>>71173 Here you go!
>>71177 Thanks! Shame we can't see her reaction to all that tickling but the concept is still super hot
>>71177 She’s obnoxious as hell, particularly in season 2, so this is nice. A shame some of the feet here lean a little into the gunk direction, but thankfully it’s not as overt as some of his other pieces. >>71152 Her using the miracle mallet to enhance Marisa’s sensitivity is awesome.
This anyone?
>>71154 Oh my god, the way this artist drew Reimu's bangs in front of her eyes and the way her feet are tied and how soft her soles look makes me want to thrust my cock in between them.
Hey does anyone have the Reimu set before Marisa???
(4.18 MB 3508x3125 reimu(1).png)

(5.10 MB 2480x3508 reimu(2).png)

(5.95 MB 2480x3508 reimu(3).png)

(6.23 MB 2480x3508 reimu(4).png)

(6.56 MB 2480x3508 reimu(5).png)

>>71202 You're lucky, I had it before he deleted fanbox link
(6.69 MB 2480x3508 reimu(6).png)

(6.36 MB 2480x3508 reimu(7).png)

(6.86 MB 2480x3508 reimu(8).png)

(6.50 MB 2480x3508 reimu(9).png)

(6.63 MB 2480x3508 reimu(10).png)

(6.74 MB 2480x3508 reimu(11).png)

(6.20 MB 2480x3508 reimu(12).png)

(7.01 MB 2480x3508 reimu(13).png)

(2.78 MB 2480x3508 reimu(14).png)

(3.24 MB 3508x2480 reimu(15).png)

(3.73 MB 3508x2480 reimu(16).png)

Also, since I asked many stuff, if anyone want any of ぱすぴ's fanbox post in 500JPY, ask it here, I had all of them
>>71215 Honestly man it would be incredible if you posted what you have
>>71220 Well, there's really lot of them, and might even be a spam if I actually posted all So I'll put if anyone asked
Anyone got stuff from れにる
>>71222 Perhaps u could put them all into a google drive folder?
>>71225 Sounds not too safe, google will do something on my account of detected something sus, but I might think of another way, wait for me
>>71226 What about Mega? If I remember correctly their encryption doesn't let them spy on your files even if they wanted, but I'm not sure. Either way, a Mega account is much more sacrificable than a Google account
>>71227 Alright, I putted them in MEGA, it's much safer I think? https://mega.nz/file/NCJz2RgK#Vo1A_rrP4bK4zS5cS9y3qJ9TJq_ieryq_oohrCbxqRI
>>71012 seconding this
Does anyone have Rottenheart10’s MEGA file? It never works on Kemono, or he never updates it
Would be super grateful if anyone has works from bibi/비비 that they can share. thanks in advance. https://bibi0v0.fanbox.cc https://www.fansky.net/bibi
(180.42 KB 1200x630 UD2bMwoeKDXJ506ozthljYyY.jpeg)

>>70643 seconding this, but perhaps with yuugi? https://saulgoodman.fanbox.cc/posts/7287414 everything he posts is truly wonderful, he actually has an understanding of characters and what happens. art is creme de la creme too. >>71150 >>71211 THANK YOU for these too
(5.71 MB 3508x2480 1.png)

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(6.00 MB 3508x2480 5.png)

>>71257 Here you go (this one only had 5 images)
Does anyone have this image set?
(909.80 KB 1200x769 IMG_0307.jpeg)

Anyone have the full version of this from bumin9qb/キシロキ’s fanbox
I edited the eye closed on the 2nd image because of personal preference.
>>71283 https://fantia.jp/posts/250196 Did you had this one too? I think he sorted all Fantia stuff to Fanbox's earliest post so maybe you had them too?
(387.58 KB 828x893 IMG_1909.jpeg)

Worth a shot. Anyone?
(2.62 MB 5494x7500 IMG_6169.jpg)

(2.44 MB 5494x7500 IMG_6170.jpg)

>>71350 Got it somewhere, not from me but here it is
>>71352 Thanks these are great!
>>71367 Am I the only one to notice that Kusujinn's feet are getting more neanderthal/Tarzan because I cannot fap to those feet
Can somebody please update HomelessMonster on Kemono? Dying to see the variants of his most recent pics
>>71372 Only a footfag can look at such an image where a girl with big boobs is being tickled, and focus on her feet. Jokes aside, I think they are only a bit weird in this image, I haven't seen anything like this in his other recent art. Even here I think it could be just for showing how much she stretches her toes to stand due to the restraints or something. It could even be that the pose model's feet looked like that.
(1.44 MB 2849x3032 aaMsK73PAtfALLd0nERptlfL.jpeg)

(260.14 KB 810x1067 jSYUgauuxnW2X5RMhuEkCwcP.jpeg)

>>71340 There you go
(1007.28 KB 1080x1520 Screenshot_20240829-153128~2.png)

(839.90 KB 1080x1531 Screenshot_20240829-153153~2.png)

Would like to see the tickle versions of this 2 cuties.
Let me ask for these too, though I'm not sure how many of them had tickle variants
>>71402 thx, the different tools seems really good!
do you happen to have the variants for these as well?
Might be a bit of a long shot but does anyone have this story from the TMF? https://www.ticklingforum.com/threads/who-the-f-ck-is-tickling-me-f-f.273857/ The op deleted it a few years after posting and I couldn't find anything on the wayback machine.
care to share the variants? please and thank you.
>>71392 Thank you very much anon!
>>71399 Man get the loli shit outta here
I still can't understand why people are angry about fictional loli, they're not even real and it's just feet (and tickling)
Anyone had this from voarl10?
Could anyone who's subscibed to aster-effect get the NSFW variants of this, please?
>>71452 For some unknown reason the webp files ended up lost in ether even though they were attached.
>>71431 You're welcome
>>70226 anyone knows what happened to the site?
>>71498 long story short, the site is based on another site, gongyun, that's their vk: https://vk.com/gongyun The site is like what he said, will had some artist's fanbox avalible with password which is also in the post (there's also some fanbox is buy from the admin of site and required some "point" to buy, currently it's only avalible to buy in china platform) And something happened few days ago so they must change the site's download address from pan.gongyun.xyz to pan.gongyun.org The community also changed from tickler.top to tickler.cc, so change to link to tickler.cc will work
Anyway, anyone had these fanbox? First one made some of best tickling vids and second...well it only had 1 video but I'm still trying https://lacertid.fanbox.cc/ https://wmsz15bq.fanbox.cc/posts/7918935
Anyone got any of these from Tira? Would really appreciate it <3
>>71567 It's at above >>71105
(5.68 MB 4638x5670 122050924_p0.png)

Anyone got TickleLisa's stuff? I'm really only interested in the Wordgirl pic https://ticklelisa.fanbox.cc/
I would give my third nut for the uncensored version of this pic
(639.89 KB 1100x951 4xvmr34j3DpmMT4vOMQAQprZ.png)

>>71594 Here's your Wordgirl
Give me a direct link and I'll try
>>71603 care to share bloosom and pokegirls pic too, please? And thanks anon
Does anyone have a drive of TicklingOscars? Their kemono hasn't been updated cause of the pixiv importer thing. Would really appreciate it
(1.59 MB 1200x1718 a2MQ6XFIg0zs4Oh9LgBWpw9H.png)

(637.44 KB 1100x953 M9HCM1HsyzUEbwiYXHbLTj0h.png)

>>71613 Sure, no problem
>>71620 Thanks a lot anon I appreciate it
>>71594 may i ask for the Margo one?
>>71620 Damn I wish he'd use another artist. This guy draws feet horrendously.
>>71620 Got the Lisa ones?
>>71594 Do you have the Ino and Sakura pic too anon 😅?
The new Rin and Saber pic form codricor?
>>71657 Second this
Oh right, and this too
>>71631 how would you prefer they look like then
>>71657 >>71659 Thirding!
>>71700 nta but he always draws feet really long and knobbly looking, not really my cuppa tea
On the lookout for these two full pictures if anyone can help out.
does anyone have this from tira's fanbox?
(207.63 KB 1024x768 IMG_4822.jpeg)

Anyone have this?
(370.57 KB 600x541 gftkbf2.gif)

(493.57 KB 600x540 gftkbf.gif)

Anyone know who the artist is to these gifs?
(240.25 KB 1148x1148 IMG_4883.jpeg)

Does anyone have this?
>>71752 seconding
I know already asked this in other thread but may I ask if anyone had Arako's Fanbox? (https://arako.fanbox.cc/)
>>71429 i second
>>71689 Second
>>71846 Thanks! Did you had the Shikanoko one too?
>>71724 Ah, I learned that blue spoiler is really spoiler, sorry for founding that late and asked again 💀
>>71451 Second this
>>71676 Second this as well
And asking one more (man I'm greedy)
>>71743 Seconding
>>71752 where did you find this? even with reverse searching j can’t find it anywhere on the internet.
Does someone have Moekaki pics? Hi kemono page hasn't been uploaded in ages
>>71882 Seconding
Anyone have the Loona one?
Anyone have this pls 🙏?
Does anyone this by Starlite-Knight aka Starlitewarrior
Does anyone have the Ochako x Himeko animation by Meteorreborn? https://www.patreon.com/posts/toga-foot-update-110908008
>>71958 Second this, looks great
could anyone update kandem's kemono? it's been a while since it's been refreshed
(5.62 MB 4400x1980 IMG_4307.png)

>>71958 >>72003 Kinda boring but here u go
>>72022 Wasn't the requester but blessed. I want to bully Power so bad.
>>71676 Third this
>>71979 Seconding so hard
>>71057 Bumping
Anyone got newest Tira work? https://terentiran.fanbox.cc/posts/8537323
>>72109 Seconding. On my knees. I'm not into terato but i'm morbidly curious
(50.89 KB 600x338 122322679_p0_master1200.webp)

Anyone have this from Terentiran fanbox?
>>72022 Thanks ☺️
Anyone have Okkusen-Ivanorf's Misato Katsuragi set?
>>72022 Solid ticklees being tickled with good expressions and work on the feet is never boring. Also, cross ankled tickling is best tickling.
>>72109 oh we need a hero for this
Anyone have Kusujin's Grace pic and Mirko pic?
>>72109 Seconding. Thirding. I need this
>>72109 Disgusting.
Anyone have Elklord's new animation? I saw the preview and it looks pretty good.
(169.89 KB 480x768 caf534e7-s.jpg)

May I ask if anyone has this novel? It was once sold on Amazon Kindle Store, but it's no longer public now. I really love the writting style of the author しゅんかち, so it's heartbreaking that there's no way to buy it.
>>71731 >>71703 bumping the codricor pics
Anyone have any of Kneecoxx’s folders, or like a whole file of them? Her Kemono still requires passwords
Can somebody please update Homelessmonster on kemono? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/2619131 https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2619131
Does anyone have the uncensored version of the Goku tickling by SunnySoles?
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(8.25 MB 4000x2000 IMG_4352.png)

Does anyone have any of YDalfgan's works? Pixiv importer looks dead
https://tickling-videos.net/ticklingandlaughingexperiences-a-matter-of-unfinished-business/ This studio looks really good to me. Does anyone have this clip or any other clips from them? It would be much appreciated.
>>72196 Thank you so much, it's very appreciated. I wonder why Vanilla and Wave have three toes while Sticks and Shade have four.
(7.54 MB 4000x4000 Xenomorph_NO_DIALOGUE.png)

>>72144 IKR?
>>72273 I love u. Also is there a dialogue one?
>>72273 Based
>>72274 Before my membership ran out I did see a dialogue version so I hope someone else has it to post here. I think she also adjusted the colour of the soles too
(190.53 KB 1280x740 IMG_4661.jpeg)

Begging hard
>>72347 Beg harder baby, cause I'm about to put you in that same scenario and make you beg to get out
https://www.patreon.com/user?u=28815941 put it on the list, guys!
Please do
There was this specific Yor Forger animation I am looking for. The basic premise was her leg being forced up in the air, while the ler was tickling right in the middle of her sole
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>>72347 >>72363 No need for them to beg harder because im here
can anyone post twomario's last few months??? will trade feet pics for it :3 (19F)
PLEASE TELL ME someone has that new codricor picture with Tae now I'M the begging guy
>>72200 Seconding this
>>72410 No worries
>>72417 >>71703 Anon, I beg of thee...
>>72417 >>71731 >>71703 anon if you have them please! I WILL BE THE NEW BEGGING GUY!
I have the follow up of the succubus and bunny girl if you’d like that
>>72423 Some good ones in that August folder 👌 any idea who the ticklees is blindfolded and laughing her head off while she gets double teamed?
>>72423 (Pic 5... she's getting tentacles in the pits and feathers on her soles)
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I got you
Anyone have the new pawfeather comic?
(5.91 MB 3508x2480 Rin_and_SAber_anticipation.png)

(7.73 MB 2480x3508 tickle_zhu_yuan.png)

Guys I got them from a discord server Unfortunately I didn't had other, but take these!
>>72451 thanks so much anon!
>>72451 >they're all kino My eternal gratitude with thee, anon.
>>72451 You are a hero and a scholar.
Hey guys, anyone have this?
>>72476 Second, they are so cute
>>72498 Second!!
Anyone got concernedbird's recent stuff?
Anyone have anything from Kolliart? https://www.patreon.com/kolliart
(7.32 MB 4000x4000 Xenomorph [POLL WINNER].png)

Does someone have the caption version ? It was posted here in a caption thread I believe but I can't find it anymore
>>70464 Posting these here in case Kemono's importer never works again
does anyone have tickle me robyne and mikes videos from a long time ago.
I don't normally make requests here but I gotta ask if anyone has these sets please. https://basil.fanbox.cc/posts/8581026
I'm slow, what's going on with Kemono again? I've been seeing artists outside of the tickle sphere getting their shit dumped there but it seems like our stuff specifically isn't being posted. Or am I just retarded and imagining shit?
>>65762 Late, but I guess I’ll continue the tradition that the request that starts these threads get fulfilled. Only have the censored one.
>>72720 All good, if you come across the uncensored version or any other art of her old self-insert (such as the tentickles one) make sure to please post it!
>>72700 do you have the last two updated pages of the Wrong Hole comic please?
>>71149 Alright I finally founded way to buy fantia and I'm posting all variants here
Does anyone have Doylemob2's stuff?
>>72636 Do you have the pages trappeddreamer’s Friends comic?
>>72700 Got the miscellaneous sketches he made?
Anyone have this from sawasa12?
(1.88 MB 3000x3000 Brazilian Miku sketch.png)

(1.40 MB 3000x3000 Layla Ajua boceto.png)

(2.70 MB 3500x3000 Layla Ajua 2 boceto.png)

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(161.11 KB 1920x1080 GW_b8YCW8AAro8q.jpeg)

(1.12 MB 1280x720 twittervid.com_bfa69d.mp4)

Does anybody have this animation? Looks so fucking hot
>>72834 From meteorreborn
(24.16 MB 1280x720 VID_20240922_020515_043.mp4)

Anyone have this video?? Please??
>>72856 Second
>>72848 Thank you so much
Anyone have くっコロアーミー2 from ボチョボチョ (bocyo-bocyo) by any chance? I'd buy it myself, but DLsite stopped taking PayPal again recently and I don't want to register on any other site I can't read.
>>72808 Second
please please please
>>72869 seconding
So looks like Juzi's entire kemono got flagged thus the lack of uploads. https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox/creator/14214373 If anyone is interested, I'm gonna gather all the recents from the pixiv so can someone compile it into a Google Drive?
(99.81 KB 682x406 IMG_2176.jpeg)

>>72848 what the actual fuck are the toga noises, one of the worst things i’ve heard in my life
>>72921 you clearly never heard Toga's voice. literally sounds EXACTLY like her crazy ass voice and one of the hottest foot worship animations around. have some damn class.
Anyone have this from ijwt-art?
(1.53 MB 2650x3000 Loona 3.jpg)

(2.30 MB 2650x3000 Bild_2024-09-24_184627289.png)

(2.26 MB 2650x3000 Bild_2024-09-24_184653781.png)

(2.27 MB 2650x3000 Bild_2024-09-24_184704895.png)

(2.29 MB 2650x3000 Bild_2024-09-24_184714334.png)

(8.86 MB 3490x4508 Penny [POLL WINNER].png)

>>72903 Fanbox had been stopped working at June 29th in Kemono, you can found them at gongyun (https://vk.com/gongyun) or I'm not sure if e-hentai had newest
>>72947 looks like a scam where you need to pay some sort of currency to accses and it's all in chinese, fuck that
>>72949 Nah, I used that site for like few months and tried to contact with the owner (I live in place that people are able to use some Chinese) Long story short the paid one are buyed by the owner of site and yep only Chinese can buy currency, we gonna ignore that While there's some of other contents like Juzi fanbox and older posts that's not buyed from site owner are free
I think if you can't download free contents that's because you're logged out?
For additional info the site owner had vote of who's Fanbox to buy at both vk and telegram Can only hope he will make some way for non-chinese to pay like PayPal because his cost are 100 JPY->1 CNY, that means a 700 JPY fanbox content only cost 7 CNY = 1 USD
Anyone have this from Bad Pierrot pls 🙏?
(105.12 KB 720x970 Screenshot_20240925-125900.png)

(189.19 KB 720x1006 Screenshot_20240925-125839.png)

Anyone have this from DazidentEvil pls 🙏?
This looks really good
>>71391 /tkr/ has many footfags
>>73027 Found it in discord server (again) Although from file name, it's not full set (1st 2nd 7th and 9th pic)
(honesty I'm not sure if they are, just guess from original filename)
(46.22 KB 600x287 122764382_p0_master1200.webp)

Anyone have redscript's newest? It looks like it might be good.
>>73043 what discord server?? if i may ask
>>72805 >>72806 >>72807 I can't believe no one has said thank you for this
>>73043 Even if it's not the full set thanks a lot!
>>73054 There's a discord server that had lot of tickling arts (ftom everywhere including fanbox), I might check if there's public link to put it here after I back to home
(1.60 MB 3508x2480 fate artoria yanemu.jpg)

(60.63 KB 823x864 fate artoria yanemu preview.jpg)

>>73103 Alright https://discord.gg/5CcMMvUm Will only avalible for 7 days
(1.31 MB 1371x817 122804305_p0.png)

does any kind soul has this piece from kimmotk? https://kiimmotk.fanbox.cc/posts/8585109
>>73110 The invite is paused apparently
Good, too many of you mfers are in there now.
So many requests for Kiimmo's stuff yet no interest in posting which makes me think it's just one broke simp or Kiimmo themselves trying to drum up interest
>>73119 Aw man, and I just saw this too. I want in
>>73110 Can someone from the server unpause it?
>>73110 you are a saint
>>73123 and you are a piece of shit.
>>72990 Seconding Daz's stuff
>>73110 Will this be unpaused?
>>73168 I'm sorry to break it to you, but it was unpaused 10h ago, I don't know if they paused again.
>>73171 They did, it sucks
When’s the next time it’ll be unpaused?
>>73045 seconding this
>>73222 According to the DA post featuring this, the others are currently sketches right now. Still, I’d be curious to see them.
Anyone have more of this? Would love to see more
>>73262 Realbaresoles videos are incredibly easy to find on almost any video sharing site. I know most are on spankbang, all are all over the place on VK, etc. Dude is super insufferable, people take great pleasure in sharing his stuff whenever possible because of how he generally acts. Also, sorry to break the illusion, if you had any, but none of his videos after like the first year or two since they began are actually candid. He 100% pays models. It's pretty hilarious to read his posting on ticklingforum or mousepad, sometimes. When people call him out on his shit he tends to shut down or act like a weird boomer. Check it out if you ever get bored. But yea, I'd say VK is your best bet. Even youtube, if you search hard enough.
>>73268 If I may ask, do you happen to know some site/playlist where I can find some of these videos in bulk? Mind linking them if u have some?
>>73189 Seconding
>>73222 Second this cannot believe he's finally got round to doing it
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(370.60 KB 851x526 Becca cat licks-1.jpg)

Anyone have this from Redscript??
>>73320 Those are super cute, thanks for sharing.
(2.02 MB 1729x2495 aqua 2.jpg)

(1.87 MB 3300x2550 sagiri.jpg)

>>72912 Shamelessly asking about this, the one recent piece from them is actually wanna see
>>73325 Seconded
>>73345 Thanks ☺️, do you have this too 😅?
(1.47 MB 1500x2100 abigail.jpg)

(1.52 MB 1500x2100 adler.jpg)

(1.53 MB 1500x2100 molly.jpg)

>>73383 I think he was a bit lazy with those, but here you go
Hey, thanks for sharing bad-pierrot's art. Do you think you could grab these pictures too. Thanks again for your uploads, been dying to see these.
>>73387 Second this

(875.69 KB 1145x1057 mrs_turner_by_red2870_d8mn47w.png)

(272.76 KB 2282x2063 Trixie Beeni.jfif)

(878.65 KB 1057x1185 vicky_by_red2870_d8srv2o.png)

Well, I'm not sure if that's the correct thread, but creating a new one for this purpose didn't sound necessary. I'm looking for art from Oddparents, since most you can find on deviantart is rather cringe
>>73428 Here's one.
Thanks for the Perriot uploads. Keep up the great work
Yo, anyone got this video from elklord?
does anyone have a drive with more of elklord's stuff? shits amazing
(249.51 KB 827x1380 IMG_5598.jpeg)

(153.37 KB 1019x784 IMG_5597.jpeg)

Anyone have??
Most of Elklord's Stuff is on rule34video: https://rule34video.com/models/elklord/
>>73570 Please?
Does anyone have Damsel Pack Exposed' Series by Starlitewarrior aka Starlite-Knight?
anyone have any of the new comic pages by Yourhardnerdcollectr?
Hello there! We probably all are familiar with the model named Fra, she appeared in some Octopus videos, but I think the model also have an instagram. Anybody know where to find it? What is her @?(I am trying to see if she did other types of modelling) I came across with it a couple of months ago but I forgot to save it lol
(193.92 KB 1280x740 IMG_5161.jpeg)

>>72869 >>73636 Seconding these.
searching for stimulating reflexology tickling vidoes
>>73656 seconding this
>>73570 I really wanna see Lindsay
(7.73 MB 3508x2480 kikuri.png)

>>73636 Thirding this. I need to see Mikan get her revenge.
>>73698 Thank you so, so much! You're the best!
(4.35 MB 2699x2175 Mikans_revenge_1.png)

does anyone have the Russiangirlsindistress - Yuno tickles bramble with all her power vid?? cant find it anywhere
>>73733 Yes, thank you again! Or as well, if you're a different anon! Either way I'm so appreciative that both of these are here for us!
Anyone have this?
Does anyone have this one and the other genshin ones from dazfrog?
(9.39 MB 3940x2160 preview.png)

>>73838 I do
>>73840 we need it
Anyone got this from badpierrot?
Anyone got this from master417?
Anyone have any files of Kneecoxx’s stuff?
>>73861 Second this
>>73840 DazFrog? Is that you? Where are all of your Tickle Animations?
(1.39 MB 3300x2550 Yor.jpg)

(143.30 KB 720x955 Screenshot_20241011-172620.png)

>>73874 Thanks anon ☺️, do you have this too 😅?:
>>73867 Hi! When I figure out a nice way to animate tickling I'll do tickling animations specifically
>>73840 >Pic Goddamn, you really needed to make art or animation of this hag getting tickled, I want to see this gilf get wrecked
(2.15 MB 3300x2550 Kefla.jpg)

(530.99 KB 1170x2532 IMG_5626.png)

Also does anyone have this
>>73838 seconding please
(4.39 MB 2500x1827 IMG_4677.png)

Before you gooners ask
>>73916 You know what that could be fun, love this geriatric hoe
The day Dazfrog figures out tickling animations my life is his. I like that his animation style is a little bouncy kinda like zzz's animation
Anyone got nnewset Master417's work? The veyle one
somebody have the renfaire videos from reflexology research?
Anyone have this french tickling video? Or inthecrack butt hole tickling videos?
Sorry forgot the screen shot. Inthecrack butt tickling videos ( with mia malkova) . Alyssa meets jordy for extreme tickling ( french tickling ) https://www.clips4sale.com/fr/studio/905/29885025/alyssia-meets-jordy-for-an-extreme-tickling-topless-hd-wmv
>>73977 Seconding, also put the preview
Been meaning to ask but does anyone have tira's stuff? He's got one of the best expressions when it comes to characters being tickled. https://terentiran.fanbox.cc/
>>70854 Thirding this. It's been two months already.
>>74084 First is >>72756 I had access to 2023/07 500JPY and 2023/10 800JPY works on fantia And the pic below is from discord server
>>73110 Could we get another discord invite?
(13.59 MB 7191x2823 monika no oil onom.png)

(13.60 MB 7191x2823 monika copy4.png)

I am begging all of you to not skimp over Momo Ayase from Dandadan. This is the PERFECT situation for tickling.
>>74169 Found over at VK, no source. Wish she was laughing but honestly based on her personality this seems to fit her better.
(1.31 MB 1946x1259 IMG_4857.jpeg)

>>74171 I can finally contribute lmfao here you go
>>74172 Do you have this too 😅?
Does anyone have the uncensored versions of Goku Tickle Machine by SunnySolesArt?
(7.23 MB 1000x700 0001-0088.gif)

>>73916 Sorry, I couldn't get her hair to not act stupid with physics, i'll have to try her again. >>73962 Wish granted
>>74178 My 1200 yen life is yours. Great first animation my only gripe would be that the toes are a bit static though Lynette's toes are tied it could look like she's struggling to close them like how WBH does it.
>>74185 I have yet to grasp how to have both toe ties and toe scrunch without making it a pain to animate, but I understand
(208.77 KB 1200x630 UCddtmzao7iqqSOXq0MJ8NbY.jpeg)

>>74094 Do you have this anon 😅?
>>74186 reasons why not being toe tied to begin with is superior B)
>>74187 > 😅 Sadly no, I'm only able to access fantia by myself while he didn't post things there
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>>74190 So do you have this? Sorry if it's too much 😅
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>>74195 Fantia had a system called back number, which is you had to pay money (mostly for 1 month) to see old works in a single month, so I didn't had all of them But anyway, let me send all I had First is the top one, founded in discord server too (I'm also checking the blue sock one above to see if it's full res, because they both looks weirdly small)
And yes, I had part of things you asked, definately not all of them because it's too expensive
>>74241 Thanks ☺️
Anyone have any videos from GermanJail?
>>74241 >>74240 >>74239 >>74238 >>74237 Thank you so much for sharing
>>73927 >>73874 Can you share the one with NiGHTS?
Hey does anyone have "Lesbian bound, tickled, fingered"? I know it's a long shot but it was pretty hot. they had this chick tied up in a knealing position, oil all over her feet, gagged and was getting fingered while tickled. it used to be free but the cucks of the website that used to own it put it behind a pay wall here is that website: https://allfetish.org/kingdom-of-feet-slaves-in-lesbian-bound-tickled-fingered/
Anyone have these from Bad Pierrot and Feeteraco?
does anyone have the new part of The Count's Castle comic that he just posted? Chapter 5 of his comic series?
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>>74309 Thank you!
>>71367 >>71725 This time asking twice got you something new. Enjoy.
So I'm sure plenty of us have seen at least one Solefully Yours clip at one point or another. There are some nice ticklees but one in particular, QA blonde with frizzy hair and some really soft, pink feet, always stood out to me. Her laugh really gets me going and she's appeared in a few clips, but I cannot find the one pictured where she is barefoot and having the crap tickled out of her. I think it may be connected (could be a separate vid) where she has her bare feet in a headlock and again is having her bare soles tickled mercilessly. If anyone has this clip or knows where to find it, I'd seriously appreciate it.
>>73110 Is another invite possible mayhaps?
>>74321 Bump
Anyone got the alts for this? Oda sometimes does tickle stuff so I'm praying
>>74321 Bump
Looking for a picture set I saw a long time ago. I think it was by TickleSpots, but I might be wrong and I can't see it on their profile. It was a girl who had been kidnapped, only her feet were visible and it was set up like an Instagram/other social media feed with her friends/family in the comments asking if she was okay and stuff.
>>74403 That's the one, thank you
Does anyone have bill vicious’s latest stuff after ( beach battle part 1)
https://discord.gg/aKUjTg82 invite link for the discord y'all wanted, 7 days again
(278.31 KB 1200x630 GzOYn0QpBj3ywpwUCcsInZ5u.jpeg)

Anyone got this? The Drive hasn't been updated with it yet.
>>74425 Thaaanks, but Invitations are paused :c
>>74525 Second this please
Anyone got this please?
>>74566 Since you mentioned it, I also hope someone has the full of this too
>>74579 it is, at above
>>74581 I'm not seeing it in this thread
>>69128 Bump to this because he was an amazing artist
>>74605 Nvm found it >>70929, replying so anyone else looking for it can find it easily
anyone? Thanks
(55.82 KB 1080x1920 GWPkNXcaQAAJJvb.jpeg)

anyone have this guys stuff?
Anyone got L_Losrick's fanbox? I think there's no place to found his work post April or May
>>74687 Second
Gonna ask if anyone has Basil's stuff, he mostly focuses on Gura/Vtuber stuff from what I've seen. https://basil.fanbox.cc/posts/8767238
>>73108 Did we ever get the full set for this? I can't see it.
>>74613 This would be amazing
(1.19 MB 1170x2532 IMG_5649.png)

Anyone have this from feeteraco
(344.90 KB 596x462 req.PNG)

requesting this
>>74763 Second, those are excellent expressions
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Hey guys, anyone got SymbionTickles latest stuff?
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Anyone got this from dazidentevil?
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anyone got the new juzi?
I'm a big fan of Meg, the shark girl OC. The creator of this OC seems to have pretty much zero online presence whatsoever, but he very recently commissioned Kanden to draw her so he must still be around. Kinda hard to actually find pics of Meg, since her creator doesn't seem to have any pages on any sites anywhere (I've seen some artists saying Meg belongs to someone going by "Sauce_E69", but searching that yields no results), so I'd love it if we could round up all the pictures of Meg getting tickle tortured in existence so we can have them all in one place. Maybe even put them in a google drive folder or something. Also, if anyone has the full pic that Kanden drew of her, would appreciate it if anyone could post it here. Other than that, please post any Meg tickle pics you can find. Thanks in advance to anyone who contributes.
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Anyone have this picture set by Araghen?
>>74789 I believe gongyun (https://vk.com/id772785672) would had them
>>74566 Check his newest post, there's a google link at description The password is ggst
>>74820 Could you pass the link anon? Can't view his posts without being a paying member
>>74821 You don't had, the link is under pixiv post
>>74824 Alright thanks, turns out I was blind
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Anyone got these 2 from homelessmonster’s patreon
Anyone have this pls 🙏?
>>74852 Second
>>74855 Third
>>74820 Do you have the password for the September files?
>>74855 Holy crap, fourth. Looks amazing
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>>74880 just this one, sorry
>>74880 I downloaded it from here. https://gytk.lat/KWsGMH x9fxpa This is a private storage tickler.cc and why the last folder with art was available, I don't know. Now it is also unavailable. Maybe I just downloaded it before the server owner set restrictions.
>>74877 Great stuff, thanks a bunch! Those look great, didn't expect so many images.
>>74883 Generally you had to pay them to get points and exchange it, so maybe it was a mistake from them Anyway it's a good stuff
>>74873 Unfortunately no
>>74887 sorry but im blind...can you show the link please?
Anyone can update the Twomario Google drive for the past few months??
>>74855 Do you have the genshin impact one?
>>74895 Seconding this please
>>74786 Seconding this
>>74855 Posted on a certain discord server
Anyone have this pls 🙏?
>>74926 Thanks bro.
>>74926 Do you have this?
>>74829 Can you post the file? I refuse to make an account for Pixiv
>>74926 Oh, though it's a bit low at resolution, Bernie is completely cute
>>74956 Higher res (upscaled) I’ll probably fix it later if HD isn’t shared
>>74962 Aw, such a cutie is Bernie x
>>74962 Holy thx
>>74870 Seconded
Someone have this from Kolliart Patreon?
(7.58 MB 3385x3851 October Exclusive.png)

>>74993 >Bugs and blood How the fuck would anyone find this hot
>>74992 >>74993 Do you have the exclusives from July August and september?
>>74994 dumbass, because it's the 4 hottest characters from RE8 that people find sexy doing foot fetish stuff. how about stop being a hater, fuckass?
>>74996 >Justifying jacking off to blood and bugs Even niggers have more standards than you.
>>74997 Little pussy boy can't handle a bit of blood? A few scary bugs? Grow up retard
>>74998 >Less standards than a nigger.
>>74993 Thank you! Can you also post the NSFW version? >>74995 Seconding this
(18.93 MB 600x450 dej2wvj.gif)

>>74994 Based retard bait.
>>74997 Just for you I jacked off to it.
>>68875 Second. What's the artists name? Couple places I can look
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Does anyone have this from feeteraco
>>75057 Right here. Big fan of this one, look at those big ass ticklish feet. She's REALLY getting worked over good. Poor Snorvoir indeed.
(315.64 KB 1654x2048 GUOyrN7bsAAFLll.jpeg)

>>74785 Anyone got this...?
>>75065 name on kemono?
>>75072 jaxhesc5
Anyone got these Tira post? He didn't post it to fantia really broke me
Oops, accidentally post it twice because first one didn't display on me at first
>>75029 TKCENTERSTUDIO on Deviantart or T.K CENTER STUDIO on Patreon
Does anyone have a pic of Codricor's Ale and Master417's Eria bound and tickled by ghosts in an asylum? It wasn't drawn by either of them, and I haven't been able to find a trace of it since it was first uploaded about 2-3 years ago
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Anyone have this from Bad Pierrot pls 🙏?
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>>75114 You the GOAT
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Does anyone have the full image?
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>>75101 got you buddy
Anyone got this from badpierrot?
Anyone have the newest Kolliart?
>>71283 do u have more of his pics ?

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