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Tickle Prison Laboratory Tickle Prison Laboratory 07/12/2023 (Wed) 22:16:14 Id: 988aa6 No. 49438
https://www.patreon.com/Fuwakusucado https://twitter.com/fuwakusucado/status/1679010890958483456 It is ready and it is glorious! And since he seems to be open for implementing a character import/export functionin the future, let's share some custom character ideas.
>>49438 Wonder if you'll be able to implement MMD models in the future...has he mentioned anything about that?
>>49443 I don't know. but I don't think that's how these models work
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Alien girl for all you Xenofuckers out there like myself. Absolutely love this game, been waiting for it to come out for a while now. I hope the developer can recognize how much support he will get for an interactive game like this.
Oh, nice! Time to sub to his Patreon.
Mans should make bank being like one of the only 3d tickle sims with a form of quality
>>49447 >Alien girl for all you Xenofuckers out there >literally just a grey skinned human with long feet anon it's fine if you're into that but thats hardly xeno, come on thats like calling a girl with cat ears a furry
>>49478 Yeah, you're right. Just trying to do what I can with what's available... Can't wait for more customization in the future though. :)
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If only we can mod some Skyrim style skin textures.
When I load up the game and I click either 'play' or 'character creator' the game crashes, anyone had the same issue and came up with a solution? I've already updated NET framework, but it didn't help
>>49519 Have you tried obvious things like running it as an administrator?
>>49522 Yeah, even checked in apps & features, but since it's not a programme you install, but run it straight after you unzip it, there isn't much I can do
I have the same problem. Not sure what is going wrong.
Someone posted his patreon to kemono but its already taken down, you can still -technically- find the game on kemono, but, please guys, consider supporting this guy if no one else. This game and what he's done is probably the best tickle game content we have got that wasn't just a quick nut and the project gets abandoned, and if he's actually going to keep working on it he deserves all the support.
>>49527 Amen
>>49527 I haven't even gotten it from there since I'm saving up for it. If the guy makes bank from this then other people will give it a try as well and just imagining the possible scenario where someone like elektratouch released something of this quality... then I'm all for saving a few bucks for it.
>>49525 If you have a second desktop/laptop that's your only option (as for now, he said that he'll try to fix it)
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>>49530 >'Saving up for it' >It's only $5 to join the Patreon and download Damn. Inflation that bad huh?
For $5 I can't complain, it's decently hot. The character, outfit and tool options are limited. But the animations and tool movements/placements are really nice and don't have that cheap tickling the air feel. Building up the girl to the breaking point is hot and the laughs are believable though again limited in choices. It's easy to make the game bug out by doing stuff like changing the girl's position from idle to dance while having her in one of the bondage positions. This would be fantastic with a basic story framework and the girl being put through the various tickle tortures while a taunting voice interjects occasionally. But yeah, got about the same fap's worth I'd hope from a $5 clips4sale purchase.
>>49519 >>49525 I have the same problem as you guys (game crashes upon pressing start or character creation) and windows error log is reporting a problem with the file lib_burst_generated.dll in the plugins folder (specifically it can't seem to access it for some reason. It's definitely not read only or blocked or anything). I don't really know what to do with this information as I don't have the tech knowledge to continue, but just in case anybody else who is smarter than me can make use of this information I thought I'd share it here. He said on his patreon that he will hopefully get another version out today that might fix it.
>>49663 I messaged him on Twitter. He says it's a known issue with older hardware. He's currently testing a new version that fixes it
>>49664 He did and it works like a charm
>>49443 importing custom models would make this GOTY
Ok am I missing something? When I load up the game my girl is just standing in an empty room. No devices or tools are available. I can't change environment or anything. Pressing R brings up a hand and I can tickle her, but I can't change her position at all.
>>49438 Seeing as there's a patreon now and possibly future updates, what kind of features are you hoping for? I'd love more position options (inversion tables and racks ftw) and devices (spinning brushes, tickle lasers, maybe see-through tickle boots).
>>49725 someone needs to tell him to add cat ears as an accessory that you can tease or rub and the girls would react accordingly... I think that would be funny haha...
I feel like people are going to pester this guy into non existence with suggestions since its a rare thing to see a 3d game focusing on this Like some people gonna need to relax and breathe
>>49774 That's part of the joy of having a Patreon. People pay you so they want you to do what they want. Why do you think so many formerly excellent artists only put out a couple of mediocre pictures based on polls every month now?
>>49774 >paying a monthly subscription to be a bug tester for an alpha that's probably years away from an actual release you're damn right I'm gonna ask for what I want this guy's gonna get a couple hundred off me
Alright boys time to share files. Reply to this post if you want some hot new custom bitches to tickle, I have many to share and I know how the file storage system works
>>62038 You got some examples in regards to what you mean by "custom"? I'm curious to see what you mean
>>62040 Well they're "custom" because I created them lol. Check it. I'm going to upload a zip here of my characters, all you have to do is extract them to the below sub folder path and make sure they have a unique number in the filename: \Tickle Prison Laboratory_Data\Save Here's the .zip file. Try these girls out and let me know what you think? https://filebin.net/m7cc14w2f85eajzx
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Post absolutely diabolical tickle torture setups you guys have made in the game. Share how evil you can be! I put this short stack latina babe through hell, with her gigantic fat fucking ticklish tits getting the worst of it. Spinning brushes working over practically every inch of her defenseless boobs. All on max speed by the way. Also, the wiggling fingers doing spider tickles on her belly, thighs, and hips are all on max speed as well. Left the game running with her stuck like this while I went and played some Elden Ring for a few hours.
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Also, I kinda forgot to turn it off before going to bed that night. She wasn't doing too hot when I found her the following morning. Oops. Poor girl.
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I just wish there were more devices to match the aesthetic of the dungeon room.
>>67228 and i wish there were more possible girls to tickle at once; they could even tickle each other and/or themselves :D also: omg, could i get your character? she's sooo cuuute 🥺🥺
this game is fun, but I would like more cell options, a straitjacket, and toe cuffs.
>>67222 Please share your save files immediately!
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Give us a futanari setting. I apologize for nothing.
Also this thread has a bunch of edited audio clips that are perfect for this game https://8chan.moe/tkr/res/60404.html
>>67305 oh, I actually did personally message Fuwakusucado on Patreon a while back, asking him about the possibility of adding a muscular body option or dickgirls. This was his response: "Muscles and futanari are both things that I have wanted to add, but haven't found the time for it yet.. But I do like those things as well so I will definitely add them at some point." So yeah, if you're a fan of defenseless futas getting milked dry while their entire bodies are mercilessly attacked with tickles, just wait. It will probably be a while, but it's IN HIS PLANS. >>67257 He has also specifically mentioned that he IS going to try to implement tickling multiple characters at the same time at some point. This probably won't be easy to implement, so it also might be a while. But he has confirmed that this is on his to-do list. >>67260 You want my characters? I apologize for not being very computer smart, but if I just drag and drop my "Save" folder here, will you guys be able to download it and use the characters I've made? Will that work, or do I need to upload it some other way?
>>67309 Hey there, if you just upload your save files in a zip folder, that would be great. You just have to put them into your own PC and make sure there are no conflicting numbers. They share a lot of characters on the discord group
>>67330 can I even upload a zipped folder here? I just tried and it said the file format is not allowed by the server. Again, sorry for not knowing my way around a computer.
>>67309 Honestly while I do hope they add all that, the thing that the game should probably focus on the most right now would be general appearance customization. Our character options are very limited.
Do you have a link to the discord?
>>67272 thank you very much! 😊
Anybody have some good laugh files for TPL?
>>67542 I have some, will upload later in a .zip file you can have them stored anywhere on your computer and just add them in-game. I have far too many lol.
This gym leader from pokemon is a smokeshow and I've created my version of her in the game. Hit me up if you're interested!
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>>67676 Relevant screenshot
>>67677 Weren’t these all already posted to the audio media thread? I mean I’m all for one stop shopping but pretty sure these plus tons more are over there https://8chan.moe/tkr/res/60404.html
>>67678 Nice! I'd use her
>>67677 thx these a re good!
>>67698 I'll upload her for you here in a zip, you just have to rename the number to a unique one that isn't in your save folders yet
Anyone else down to drop their own characters for downloading? Would love to torture some other peoples OCs/recreations
>>68316 Here's my rocket babes, I think. These girls should be a hot brunette and a pink haired rocket babe from Pokemon Go. Happy to share more, especially if other people share character creations here. Just drop the files in the "Save" subfolder for the game, and make sure the number is not already taken: https://www.mediafire.com/file/slz916qkj2bajj5/girls.zip/file
New version out on Patreon.
>>68457 someone have it? pls :)
>>68457 What's in the update?
>>68457 its not on kemono
>>68316 iight. https://mega.nz/file/YpUQBAZJ#3W_sBnQ4gIGLosaC1Fi0BaWLIBM8tE8zfMaitLx_abg My OCs, an attempt at making DBS Bulma, and some audio clips I use. Have fun
>>68461 >Mostly sound customization options. You can change the "laugh resist" noises or turn them off entirely. Basically it allows you to add in screams, begging, lighter giggling, moans, trying to hold back laughs, all that stuff. >A few more clothes/accessories, one with different pattern options (a bikini top). There are more of these to come, apparently. >New hair part >New dance animation A little underwhelming, but he says next update he hopes to put out an overhaul to face customization, which is sorely needed imo.
>>68517 Dude, can you upload the newest version on mediafire or megaupload? That sounds dope as hell with begging options etc!!!
Just dropping a character in here. Tanned, redhead elf. Jogging outfit, business wear, and obligatory harem outfit. Have fun. https://filebin.net/tz8lm6ef1gsess2w
Are there any feet licking options in this game?
>>68539 One of the tickling tools is a tongue, yes.
>>68541 Awesome! Time for me to download this.
has this game ever updated past last year? i unsubbed to the Patreon last year, trying to see if it's worth it to re sub. if yes, what got added?
>>68611 so much has been added, get it on kemono
here is my OC, hope this works https://filebin.net/oegt7fwplil9za6l
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>>68774 the file's no longer available :( >>68981 where the link!, i need her in my game!!
>>69111 sure thing! have fun with her :d https://filebin.net/oikr0ds362gwmqc6
>>69111 post some action shots when you get em! I'm gonna start screen recording some short sessions
I'm having trouble loading custom laugh tracks to the game. They never seem to load. Is there a specific file directory I'm supposed to put them into to get this to work? Also,here's a green alien chick. Comes with Princess outfit, bunny suit, and space bartender outfit. https://filebin.net/q95cm7qhagcjy215
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>>69184 I think you uploaded the wrong girl
>>69119 thank you very much :D >>69167 i'll think about that when i return home and lay my hands on that game again ;)
>>69261 Now THOSE are some cat eyes. Gonna record a dual session tonight with the green & purple alien sisters I have saved
>>69270 Here's another clip of some of the characters from this thread getting fucked up. Sorry if it's not creative enough with positions etc: https://www.mediafire.com/file/z3ccdei7m8e89xh/tagteam_tickling.mkv/file
>>69288 Nice can we get more clips
>>69295 Hell yeah, throw me a photo of a character you wanna see! My game has 101 custom characters lol, a few duplicates but yeah. Lots of babes. I also wanna show ya'll a split screen where two twin alien girls get it
Anyone know of any tickle videos that might include a lot of begging or the lee trying to hold back her laughter? I'm thinking of making some laugh resist tracks out of them.
>>69318 Could you maybe show your collections of your babes ? :D
>>69346 Nice I know right it's hard to find. Maybe I'll do some video searching tonight in my collection because it's hard to find sources for that. I'm thinking of one video where Jade indica tickles holly heart strapped naked to the rack, face up. And the video stats with jade saying she was gonna make Holly beg, then Holly sort of shit talks and caves very quickly with begging and screaming. So fucking hot. I'll upload here maybe late tn if I remember
>>69351 Sure!
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>>69351 Ask and ye shall receive. Let me know who you wanna see get it good
>>69248 Was originally going to hold off on uploading the werewolf until a muscle slider was introduced, and maybe a tail. Happy accidents, I suppose.
>>69443 The big eared purple ne and the green one with the glasses are both some hotties :3 :d
>>69455 Dude you have no idea, I've been fantasizing about chicks like this since I was a kid lol. It's because of math blaster, and before I had tickle porn, I was imagining girls that looked like these two. They're my favourite, they are twin sisters the purple one's name is Katelyn and Sabrina is her green sister. I will hopefully have some time tonight for a session with these two!
>>69455 This one was very long in comparison, 32 mins of these twins gettin it good: https://youtu.be/7KfmbajMNR4
>>69570 Damn thats another great one! You are seriously doing gods work brother :3 Love it !!
>>69582 My pleasure! What was your favourite part? Maybe I'll start like a youtube channel or something and post more of these ongoing? Not sure where to post to get eyeballs on this, just cause I think it's super hot and more people should get to enjoy. I tried signing up for pornhub but it's lame and you have to be an "official content partner" bleh
>>69582 My pleasure! What was your favourite part? Maybe I'll start like a youtube channel or something and post more of these ongoing? Not sure where to post to get eyeballs on this, just cause I think it's super hot and more people should get to enjoy. I tried signing up for pornhub but it's lame and you have to be an "official content partner" bleh >>69582 >>69618 Also, thoughts on adding text elements underneath? Like maybe in the description of each video, I'll put timestamps of my favourite moments and add some text for some shit talk or something? Shit like "oh yeah, you like that? You want it more right here? Or should I expose your sister's titties and tickle them all over?"
>>69619 There wasn‘t a specific part that did it for me, it‘s the vid as a whole that makes it so great. By starting slowing and going full berserk mode torwards the end is just perfect, keeping on clothings and removing them on and on has such an great effect, like first there are shoes on, then some tickles in socks before completely removing them and torturing the shit out of these two cuties :3 Well I‘m not sure where you can post these but I think youtube will strike them sooner or later and that would be just sad. I mean you could try and look how long it gonna takes but I don‘t have experience with that :c These text elements would add for sure some extra spice, I would totally like that! But for you… it‘s a lot of work to do so, and you are already doing so much :D At this point I have to thank you for it so far !
>>69622 thanks so much for your feedback! I agree, it's so hot with slow progression, clothing removal to reveal and expose new ticklish spots... so hot! :) The text element is barely extra work, I would love to add to it! Maybe I'll drop by tonight with more stuff hehe
>>69619 The text idea makes me want a story mode or challenge mode or something for the game lol. You'd play the role of interrogator and be given a time limit, and have to use specific tools to find and tickle weak spots to get the 'lee to talk before it runs out. There'd be back and forth banter through text boxes and you'd have to select the right options to coerce an answer or make them give away their weak spot or something. That's probably a lot of work though, but hope it gives you an idea or two to consider.
>>69637 >You'd play the role of interrogator and be given a time limit, and have to use specific tools to find and tickle weak spots to get the 'lee to talk before it runs out. There'd be back and forth banter through text boxes and you'd have to select the right options to coerce an answer or make them give away their weak spot or something. >>69637 Damn that's a good idea, yeah I'm not the creator of the game but I'm decent with tech. You could realistically add an LLM on the backend of this and then somehow construct that mechanic within the game, having an LLM would take a lot of work out of it.
>>69622 Let me know if you're open to trying out a discord chat with the game on live for you and you try to make requests?
>>69637 Damn that‘s a great idea, sounds super fun! :D I would be happy if there are more customization options for more different looking girls. >>69642 Well if there is some time for that, we could try that!
>>69645 Agreed & the creator is working on an overhaul. >>69645 I am available around 11:15pm EST, how does that work?
>>69645 >>69622 https://youtu.be/EDvIOgJCneE Let me know thoughts on this one. It may have gotten a bit hectic with the collage, but I wanted to show some revenge & domination tickles! The creator is working on an in-game update where a girl can tickle another one, but that will probably take a long time.
>>69651 That‘s good to hear! I mean it‘s already a masterpiece but imagine all the stuff he is going to add. Oh I see, you are from the other side of the globe :d Will be a hard to manage that >>69653 Damn another great one! Revenge tickles are always great! :D but I‘m not a fan of long toenails, i like that other chick being destroyed better! Maybe showing one pic after another fits better for the vid, easier to follow what‘s going on, but still it came out great :D
>>69658 >>69658 Thanks for the feedback & agreed! The blue woman is modelled after a comic as well, but it's not as accurate because it actually takes a lot of time to match colour, body, facial features, etc. How is maybe 2am to 4am EST compared to your time? I'm usually up late doing this stuff and also working a bit, gaming, journaling, etc.
>>69660 That‘s something I like when the character model looks like a fictional char from another source, I also like modeling them :D Around that time I usually start working
Hey, so sorry if this was mentioned or answered earlier in the thread but can anyone share how to save custom characters? I've recreated the same character about 3 times but she just will not save. At first I thought it was because the same bugged out when I was trying to make an outfit, but afterwards I ignored the outfit and just tried saving, however it still wouldn't save. Anyone got any pointers?
Nevermind it seems like my question was answered for me, I think the character creator in vr is just kinda buggy. Did it on the desktop version and all was fine. So sorry for the double post <:)
>>69671 Glad you got it figured out
>>69667 I have something new for you all today, have a look and let me know any feedback & requests! VIDEO HERE: https://youtu.be/7s25gkKfqPI Revenge is a dish best served ticklish. There was a comic strip that I saw where she got to have her way with another woman, tickling her all over. She deserved to get the same tickle treatment, tenfold. Her pink sister got fucked up yesterday. Now it's time for a tickle revenge on this green beauty.
>>69696 Another great one! The comic-and-text-intro fits good and the game tickles afterwards are just perfect. You nailed it again and that char really looks similar to the one in the comic. Good job!!
>>69701 Thanks! Let me know if any famous hot cartoon girls you'd like to see. I was thinking od princess peach, but maybe more someone who doesn't have too much art
>>69708 Personally I'd love to see Princess Peach.
>>69708 Well princess peach would be a good one.
>>69708 I beg you to do Rosalina
>>69752 Excellent, happy to see some requests here! I have some hot ass shit for peach, let me tell you. May be a tickle rivalry developing....
>>69752 Great idea, and I have some good stuff with her. Any material you know of with her as the tickLER would be dope.
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>>69752 >>69752 Here are their in-game 'sprites' keep in mind I'm pretty limited with clothing and accessories, but it's still pretty fun. I also tried to vary different aspecets of their face and body slightly so they don't look exactly alike. The creator's working on more face customizations. More to come! Peach is up first.
>>69784 >>69784 >>69734 Here she is, let me know feedback and any other ideas :p https://youtu.be/q-DXZgINnvc
>>69784 The characters look fine even with those limited options. >>69787 Video already deleted from youtube…
>>69793 Ok i will check this out :)
>>69809 Hope you like it! It was hot to make :) I have some crazy art of bowsette fucking her up so may have to make a bowsette
>>69815 Was waitin for this game to include furry chars (for reasons that are all too obvious) but think you might be willing to give Human Loona a shot? I actually did try to make her in game a while back but I'm curious to see your take on her.
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>>69859 Yeah it's gonna take a while, let me know thoughts/changes on this one? I was inspired by another reddit gothic version too
>>69793 Hmm I don‘t know why but i can‘t find/see it there either.. Even with the link it‘s not working. I saw that you posted green and purple vid like 2 hours ago but I can‘t watch that Something is fishy here
>>69864 She looks absolutely fantastic :D
>>69871 >Even with the link it‘s not working. I saw that you posted green and purple vid like 2 hours ago but I can‘t watch that You have any good alternative sites to upload to?
>>69752 Seek and ye shall find, I present Rosalina. Sorry this one is a bit shorter: https://vk.com/video691377580_456239039
>>69875 It still says „access restricted“. So I still can‘t see anything even tho we are friends there
>>69876 Gotta be a regional thing, VK is a strict russian sort of website
>>69876 UPDATED LINK: Princess Peach https://dai.ly/k4v6spo50RMyUUBdyn2
>>69864 Not bad at all! For comparison, this was my version. I didn't even try to go for the side shave so your use of the Ponytail was pretty clever
>>69879 UPDATED LINK: Purple Girl & Green Girl https://dai.ly/k3hA5OGDmWdlLGBdyQg
>>69881 UPDATED LINK: Tagteam with Wolf Girl & The Pale Alien Girl https://dai.ly/k1drvEdZ10GjGSBdz7Y
>>69882 NEW VIDEO: Grey Demon Chick: https://dai.ly/k4dANHc8DTUKaLBdzhw
>>69882 That wolf girl is cute. If I could suggest putting her with Loona perhaps? Juuuust a thought :V
>>69885 You want em side by side? What position you thinking?
>>69886 One of the tickle machines perhaps? Either table, tube or the wall one? Really I'm good with anything that makes em all exposed. Also what audio files are you using for these?
>>69887 Just random audio files, I have a lot saved but I do try to pick a specific voice and change pitch for each character. You can send me any suggested mp3's
>>69889 I was actually gonna ask you to send them to me lol. Also, I have a character request but I don't feel comfortable posting it here cause it's kinda sorta based off a real person. Got a burner email and/or discord by chance?
>>69890 Sure, I have to dig around but it won't take too long. Try classysins@proton.me
>>69894 All the rest of the audio is in this thread: https://8chan.se/tkr/res/60404.html
>>69878 >>69879 >>69881 >>69882 >>69884 All of these vids are fucking perfect! Masterpieces!! You are doing a fantastic job and dailymotion works fine. Thank you! >>69864 >>69880 These two chicks are some cuties aswell :3 Would love seeing them getting wrecked :d
>>69880 They make for hot sisters, send me the file for your version? Here's mine >>69880 >>69896 Ah crap, looks like they're all getting booked for nudity :| I guess just Google Drive?
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>>69898 Here's Loona the Human
>>69898 Aaah shit you‘re right … that sucks yo !! Well I guess google drive it has to be
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>>69899 Thanks, here's my version of her:
>>69889 On the topic of audio files, I could never get them to load. Do they have to be in a specific file directory to work?
>>69956 I have my audio clips in their own folder/sub-folders where the game's .exe file is.
>>69961 Thanks for this, curious to see who we have for new tickle victims here! I'm uploading all my vids to Google Drive now, then I'll have to remove a few to keep my free storage plan lol
>>69971 Hey it's cool that you do videos and all but have you considered not zooming so hard on every single thing? Some of the angles are legitimately incomprehensible
>>69974 Don't watch them if you don't like it, or package your feedback in a less condescending manner. Happy to stop uploading.
>>69978 Alright let me package it differently. I believe your videos would be twice if not thrice as good if you put aside the POV aspect and went for more conventional angles and composition. The 3D models are not great on their own so the more you zoom into them, the more you can see how they fall appart. It gets even more complicated when your camera work gets crowded by props. I am genuinely impressed by your dedication to do these vids and some people seem to like them but 40 minutes is a loss for you and for your viewers. Most IRL tickle vids last 10 minutes and people only watch up to five of them. If you lowered the time and picked up Sony Vegas you'd be able to keep only the best parts and build scenarios by cutting more precisely between two instances of the game rather than have two windows open with one lagging because it's not considered active by your computer. I do not want to embarass you, I just think you could make great vids so I'm pushing you to do better in the future. Does this make sense to you?
Just downloaded the game and after ten minutes of fiddling I have no clue how to add devices or tools or whatever. Holding r and hovering can do hand tickles but that's about it. What witchcraft have you been using to figure this out??
>>69985 Thanks, but I like the POV and it's not a loss of time because I just record whatever I'm enjoying at the moment, zero video editing required. If I were doing this for money, different story. I already too enough editing etc for my full-time work so not trying to get too much better than this
>>69994 Press r once to toggle "tickling mode" then click once on the spot after picking the tool?
>>69971 thanks for the videos, it worked perfectly :D
>>70010 No worries, do you prefer a full-body perspective, or zommed in to POV on the body part? Just going to gain consensus for the next vids
>>70011 hmm I´d say it depends on the scenario. A good mix would bring some spice for example if you tickle just one body part, a zoomed view is nice or if you tickle the chick all over the body, then you show some full-body view and then zoom in again on some parts you feel the most. That`s what I would say cause I do the same haha but it`s just my opinion and you can do the way you feel the most. I like your videos so for me, both options are cool :D
>>69642 Not the video maker but I actually just did this with someone in the development Discord. Was super fun! So if you were still interested...lol
>>70011 I feel like the full-body perspective needs to be shown in order for me as a viewer to truly connect with the suffering she's experiencing. When it's close-up shots it's just too... abstract
>>70204 Sounds good, will keep in mind for future vids
>>70168 What's your time zone & availability?
>>70280 Eastern Time and my availability varies. Technically it's any time after 7 PM Eastern but my schedule is kinda hectic.
>>70281 Drop your username here if you're comfortable? Or you can email it to me: classysins@proton.me
man this thread devolved into gay faggotry real fast. Buncha dudes jackin off in discord calls together, embarrassing
>>70358 Fuck you, faggot. I haven't done any "jackin off in discord calls together" I just like sharing my videos so go suck a dick and contribute something of value to this forum instead of asshole judgements.
>>70379 Calm down, no one is taking your dicks away.
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(165.81 KB 256x802 Lila_TKR.png)

Still hoping that the next update brings some more options to the table. I've been trying to make other characters related to the tickling community with mixed results. Lila could definitely use a demon tail, and Anne needs a witch hat. These are more or less placeholders, but I figure if I'm going to post pictures, I may as well drop the files as well.
(165.81 KB 256x802 Lila_TKR.png)

(2.85 KB Save_8.json)

>>70692 Sorry. the file for Lila got cut off there at the end.
>>69971 Any plans to reupload these at any point?
>>70708 sure, but search this thread for my vk.com profile
>>70693 Hope you enjoy this, more to come, or maybe someone else can tickle her more: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KtFMU_FcMTUbPxuOFhvbrRaxNcToYFfG/view?usp=sharing
Anyone got more of those audio clips?
V0.21 is out. anyone got a link?
>>71039 What's in the update?
>>71043 From the first line on the patreon post it says the face customization update got done which is why it took so long
>>71039 Just sub to the patreon. Look I'm all for pirating and all but, big you're going to support anyone in the community let it be this guy. He's doing God's work. The game is already top tier for a tickling game and I for one want to see that it looks like in another year.
>>71053 I agree. Honestly I'm on the fence about sharing my own file of it. Probably shouldn't. However, I'm drolling just from imagining what it'll look like after a few dozens of updates. Imagine if it ever makes modding possible. Infinite possibilities for characters. Creator deserves full support.
>>71054 Can you at least show us some screens and give us a few details of what's been updated? What kind of features have been added to the face options?
>>71062 Basically there is 5 times the face customization. It's not all the same face anymore. You want an Asian oc that looks asian? You can do that. You want a black girl that actually looks black? You can do that. There are now presets for eyes, lashes, eyebrows, nose, etc. and now they all have multiple sliders to customize them. Other than that we got a new lab setting, a new wall machine with a screen, and an electric toothbrush. That about covers it I think.
>>71014 Damn, a good one, she is a cutie :)
>>71053 new setting and wall machine with a screen, nice
>>71077 Some cuties are about to get real fucked up
(2.22 MB 1920x1080 Screenshot (13).png)

(2.25 MB 1920x1080 Screenshot (14).png)

(2.20 MB 1920x1080 Screenshot (15).png)

really hot extreme scene
anyone have the new tickle prison dungeon?
>>71306 Its on kemono
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(367.51 KB 485x946 Urbosa.png)

I made Urbosa if anyone is interested. Could use a good laugh and resist audio file for her though. A great future update would be a muscle or tone slider

(2.03 MB 1653x1346 Screenshot 2024-08-28 002143.png)

(6.48 MB 1920x1080 facecustomshit.mp4)

>>71062 Basically a shitload of sliders for face customization. Obligatory new tool (electric toothbrush) and new machine (with a screen on the back, so you can see the girl's face and torso while you're tickling her feet) >>71053 A lot of what's been added is stuff that was suggested on the patreon-exclusive discord. Which is, if nothing else, a good incentive for people to pay lol.
1 More OC and Audio of Desire from Tickle Abuse. Love her laugh https://mega.nz/file/A40B2LDC#h2EE08IIZ89E-lGFNEXjYAyf8c97z9F4RHAF3pxyul8
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Kinda liked this goth elf enough to share it with the class. Comes with two casual outfits and a catgirl maid cosplay.
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>>72716 Second part with her hair down. Includes secretary office wear, a sort of sporty athletic outfit, and a little devil costume.
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(666.31 KB 646x754 RE3.png)

(9.13 KB Save_13.json)

Also, here's an update of an older creation if anyone here missed out on her originally. Tan skinned red elf with sporty outfit, office wear, and belly dancer outfit.
(312.67 KB 373x605 RE4.png)

(413.05 KB 427x700 RE5.png)

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(9.31 KB Save_14.json)

>>72718 The update includes a ponytail version with a few more casual outfits, but also a bunny suit.
(655.80 KB 524x862 Chains.png)

(867.59 KB 819x758 Pillory.png)

(587.79 KB 571x765 Underbrush.png)

Game updated with a couple new devices (Chains and pillory), some tweaks to the tools to allow you to pause and adjust them, and body hair for the bushwhackers out there.
Anyone with actual video cause I can't program for shit and these still shots do nothing for me.
>>72956 Green girl gets messed right up: https://vk.com/video691377580_456239042
I was sad that I was not going to be able to get the newer versions because Kemono is down, but then I realised I do have money and can just get it by paying for it Plus it's only like 4 bucks
>>72983 Shill
>>72983 Word
anyone knows whats in the new update 0.22? Wanna make sure its good before i buy another month
>>73072 Someone said it in above, there's lots of updates probably hold off til the next one for now but it's only 5 bucks.
>>73282 I want to see this but do I seriously have to sign in?
>>73297 Yeah, what's the best way you'd rather have it? I can't upload to youtube
>>73384 Anywhere else I don't have to put my phone number for an account. Hell just send the file or upload to some cloud storage thing
does anyone have a download link for 0.22 of the game? kemono hasnt updated
Beth from Rick & Morty is sensitive and ticklish: https://vk.com/video691377580_456239044
(1.55 MB 1 LL.mp3)

(459.57 KB 1 LL Resist.mp3)

This is the first laughing track I made for the game and resist one for when that update happened. They are from a Last Laugh video.
>>73692 no access. Bad
(7.96 KB Save_47.json)

An attempt at Shermie from King of Fighters. It kinda sucks having to choose hide her eyes, but no ponytail or have it but her show her eyes.
>>73521 Kemono is fucking dead unfortunately. You now have to rely on the pity of strangers via asking.
yeah this link works. where did u get it from if u dont mind me asking?
anyone know how to enable custom audio? when i choose the file it just uses the default one
>>74396 x2 (xD)
>>74396 I bought it
(480.22 KB 1198x900 Skathar.jpg)

My Githyanki harem girl Skathar. Love the new facial adjustments you can do now.
>>74713 Now we just need audio of Lae'zel laughing.
>>74716 Record tasha's hideous laughter maybe?
(143.49 KB 200x142 IMG_1923.gif)

So let me get this straight…people are sharing game character files because others are just that lazy or indifferent that they can’t take 20 minutes out of their CLEARLY very busy schedule to create a character model worth fapping too? I could say I’m surprised…but around here, nah…nothing surprises me anymore
>>74755 Are you complaining on /tkr/ that people are sharing their stuff rather than just hoarding it to themselves? I'm legitimately curious about what the hell you're bitching about and why.
>>74755 You think everyone knows how to model and program? I know you tech bros live in bubbles but get some fresh air.
New update dropped. I paid to get the last one but this one looks like clothes bug correction mostly, based on what I could read so I might wait till the next update to buy again.
>>75311 thanks you so much :D
(486.94 KB 1600x900 OMGWHY.jpg)

FYI this is what happens when you crank up every face setting to 100...I apologize for nothing and have a good day.
(486.52 KB 1600x900 LOL.jpg)

>>75379 Aaaaaand all of them down...
(337.44 KB 772x766 IMG_2819.png)

>>75379 >>75385 That's actually pretty fucking funny, and simultaneously kinda hot as in-game models. Don't ever change, anon.
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Rouge the Bat Cosplay. If only there were calf-high boots with defined heels...
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Updated Succubus, Rouge, and added Maki Genryusai from Final Fight/CvS2.
>>75385 Me chinese, me play joke. Me go pee pee in your coke.
>>73384 Could you upload it to Google drive maybe?
>>73384 Or mega?
>>76372 I think I have them all on Google Drive try this link for Rosalina: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xJSVadB3arn91427R6fgWiDZThtrXHdx/view?usp=drive_link
>>76383 Yeah the link works but I only see the one video, can you share the whole drive?
new version released!
>>76889 anything fun this time?
>>76891 'multiple characters' feature
>>76889 I just want to say, before anyone asks, please pay the $5 and just support this project. I'm all for pirating but this game needs to be supported.
>>76894 I'm the first one who will run to throw money at the developer as soon as he adds some futa content.
>>76894 Yeah, I saw the update yesterday and was about to come here and see if anyone had posted it ... Then just paid 5 bucks because it's well earned.
>>76903 He is actually working on that.
Here's a look at some multi-girl tickling below, link expires in 2 days: https://streamable.com/dpx7a5
With the new update, is there a way to choose where characters are positioned in the room so they’re not right next to each other?
Oh you can move them alright. This is the best update since custom audio.
Hi everyone, anyone have Tickle Prison Laboratory v0.24? pls..xd
>>76894 >I just want to say, before anyone asks, please pay the $5 and just support this project. I'm all for pirating but this game needs to be supported. Many people on this board seem to aggressively hate the idea of financially supporting artists. There seems to be an unwritten rule or expectation that if you've ever pirated anything, then you're not allowed to ever just buy anything anymore because it's somehow 'immoral' that you pirate from one artist, but buy products from another, and I really hate that mindset. Or maybe it's just trolls trolling.
>>77056 If there was ever a person to support with a couple bucks, this is the guy
>>77059 This. Game Dev can cost a lot of money. If we don't support him financially, he won't be able to make more updates to the game.
Tickle Prison Laboratory V0.24 is now available on Kemono https://kemono.su/patreon/user/3080475/post/117512804
Does anybody care to share their custom audio and character save folders?
>>76966 Share some of these characters? Especially green hair. Love one sock on, one sock off tickling dunno why
>>77204 That's great and all but......seriously just spend the $5.
>>77208 I will spend money on the game when it's finished, I won't subscribe for the current version so he can add more stuff next month.
>>77208 Where do you think we are buddy?
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>>77209 >>77210 I'm guessing the point of anon is EXACTLY that we should support the game before it's even done. While I understand that it can be frustrating to have to pay every month just for an update to come later, this is the literal only quality game in existence that appeals and focuses on OUR fetish other than awkward japanese RPGs and super small projects that were abandoned. If you wanna pirate it, go ahead, pirating is not evil. I've gotten it from kemono a few times when I was broke too. But I'd at least support every now and then it if I were you and had the chance to. It's not like it's expensive. And it's in our best interest. I'm pretty sure no one here cares about being ethical, neither do I. The point is just that, as *tickle fetishists*, it is literally in our best interest that the creator of this *tickling* game gets support.
>>77218 I'll support a release with free updates, I am not paying for updates. If he cannot provide that, I have no interest in paying.
>>77218 Developers don't need a cushion. That's the whole point of taking a risk. Something the industry at large forgot which is NECESSARY in order for innovation to thrive. But if you want slop, slop away. That never changes.
>>77224 >>77221 this isnt just "developers" tho its like one of the only cases where we've gotten a decent tickling game to play with if u ask me they deserve the cushion
>>77208 stop being an annoying moralfaggot
>>77209 Cool then I guess there is no need to play it till its finished right?
>>77224 By all means pirate the slop. I don't give a fuck if you pirate. This game, however is not slop. I'm just saying we should support the stuff that is actually top tier. It doesn't matter though, give any half assed reasoning you want. We all now that y'all just want the shit for free and have no intention of ever paying for it, so stop the bullshit.
>>77218 This 100%. This is the best non Japanese tickling game I have seen in almost 20 years of being involved with this fetish. Pirate whatever you want. All I'm saying is this guy should get a pass. Its not countfire.....or some overpriced garbage that gets pumped out every month. This is something actually good.
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Here's some characters I put together. I shared Urbosa a while back, made some minor tweaks since then 0- She-Hulk inspired, large woman 4- Tall blue alien girl 9- Urbosa (Zelda) 10- Wii Fit trainer
Does anyone have good laugh files for this game? I'm kinda growing bored of the two options the game offers
>>77260 Thanks!
>>77267 I have a huge folder that I just grab random stuff from, will add maybe late tonight if I have time after work
>>77267 Theres a whole thread for that https://8chan.moe/tkr/res/60404.html
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>>77206 These are all the characters that I currently use. Each one has three outfits though a few of the secondary outputs aren't as thought out. The one sock thing can't be done in character creation but you can just pull one sock and shoe off.
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oh, guess you can't upload that many at once.
I'm surprised none of you made a teacher to break. Two different files representing a whole story. At first, she's stubborn and tougher to break. But the second file has her more disheveled and broken, folding under the slightest bit of pressure. Files to follow, have fun putting the pressure on this one.
(5.19 MB 2559x1439 SPOILER_image.png)

So ya, the multiple-character update is pretty fun.
any chance u could share the characters in the tube
(1.63 MB 1254x904 jaheiraprison.png)

I made Jaheira from BG3 to the best of my abilities. I think I broke her because after setting the tongues to lick her feet and the dildo on max speed for awhile, I got rid of the dildo and she just kept cumming from the foot licking.
I have a bunch of audio files that I use for this game that I made from a different videos I could post some but I'm not sure people are interested. It's too bad there's not like, a thumbs up system on this board so I know without someone needing to reply to me. The audio is I use have both laughing and left resist components taken from the same video.
>>78497 I'm interested
>>78497 I am interested as well.
>>78497 please share
>>78497 I'm also interested
(1.02 MB Tia Resist.mp3)

(3.24 MB Emo.mp3)

(701.02 KB Emo Resist.mp3)

(1.43 MB Tia.mp3)

Thanks for the interest! ...and this time I'll actually post it to the right place... These first two sets are from a tickle abuse video where they tickled an emo girl (I don't think she ever came back because it was pretty crazy) and from a UK tickling video of Tia.
(935.11 KB Chinese Resist.mp3)

(745.32 KB Blonde Resist.mp3)

(3.00 MB Blonde.mp3)

(1.91 MB Chinese.mp3)

Next we have audio from one of my favorite videos of all time. It's a blonde woman from a Czechoslovakian video. And then there is one of a Chinese woman but I have no idea where I got it from. She's more of a screamer if you like that kind of thing. I would post more but I can only do four at a time as they are set of two and I don't want to flood the board. Especially after posting in the wrong place my accident the first time.
New version out!!!
I see it says new clothing and a new device but that's all I can see. I only buy again for major updates.
>>78658 I wonder what device it is
Looks like the new device is a bed and there's also a new environment which is a bedroom. And the new clothing appears to be a Santa outfit... Which seems a little bit late but still looks cute I guess.
is the MEGA link on kemono broken for anyone else?
>>78698 not working for me either
This is my first time coming back to this game in a while and it's improved quite a bit. The skirt choices are still pretty terrible and I wish the face customization was a bit better but you can still get some pretty good results.
>>78728 Any way we could get you to drop the file for that model?
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>>78730 I made these 3 today but on the newest version of the game, I don't know if they'll work on older versions. I didn't use any of the santa outfit parts so if those were the only new additions then they might.
(1.34 MB 1366x768 Screenshot (981).png)

new update is sick, I was waiting for the bed for a long time!
Just wish there was a little bit more furniture or life in the new environment though, it looks kinda empty. Anyway, just gonna drop this santa-themed character here!
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Haven't customized anything for this game in over a month. With the latest updates, I can finally make my favorite character: Blaze Fielding from Streets of Rage.
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There hasn't been nearly enough custom characters shared here. Let's fix that and send in some custom characters, and let's make it a game. You send in a custom character and a screenshot of the previous posters character getting tickled, the next poster doing the same. I'll start
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>>80435 Sure, I'll play.
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>>80437 I posted this one a while back but I want to play.
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>>80480 Somebody got ahead of me, but nevertheless, here's that bossy demoness getting wrecked. >>80481 She's not getting a rest for a loooong time. Anyways, here's my admittedly basic attempt at that Vanessa pirate chick from The Bazaar.
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(3.07 MB 1499x1185 Save.PNG)

>>80483 She is perfect! I like her; I really do! Me and her had quite some fun. She enjoyed herself a little bit too much ;) to the next one: have fun with my guurl :3
(9.98 MB 1920x1080 TickleLabTest.mp4)

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>>80500 Oh, I'm sorry, were we only supposed to do one at a time? Well, at any rate, let me know if you'd like a proper video out of this. In the meantime, here's some of my gals. Take your pick.
>>80503 I didn't expect another fox to get posted so soon. And yes, I'd love a proper video of this (if you end up using my fox use the clothing preset 3). Anyways, here is another one of my characters.
>>80530 I posted her a while ago, but I made Urbosa (with a couple bonus outfits) and I'm proud of how she came out.
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>>80532 >>80530 both chicks liked it alot. not mine but she is also pretty nice!
Creator of the game really needs to raise the bar on customization. I like the game a lot, and I think it's hot, but often times I can't stop but be annoyed at how any character you make looks the same (mostly when it comes to body/face shape) unless you put insane effort into minimal details. Some body type presets like they have in villain sim would be cool.
>>80534 Here's a Wii Fit Trainer
>>80536 She was having trouble keeping still while doing her poses, so I had to give her a hand.
Here's mine. Inspired by a certain trio of magical girls famous for a certain tickle scene.
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(2.36 MB 1767x1151 tres_magia.PNG)

>>80541 3 cuties getting their dose :3
(1.96 MB 1410x930 sailor.png)

New update out, is it any good?
>>81518 yea I wanna know too, so that I can decide if I should buy it or not
>>81518 no idea, no kemono upload yet and I can't read the update list because its locked behind paywall
Features -Added new foot model replacing the old one. Foot shows extra wrinkles from curled toes which can be disabled from settings. I think I’m happy with the new model, I may still update the textures if I feel like it. -Added customization for foot sole and sole blush color. They have an opacity slider next to the color selection. If not enabled the sole color is automatically lighter with darker skin. Custom sole color is enabled under the skin color picker -Updated foot animations, has a little more movement, might still change it more later Clothing -Added leggings with a stirrup version. It’s in the underwear>stockings category. -Added pattern rotation slider Hair -Added hair parts: front parted long, medium, short front pixie back straight short I’m still working on more hair parts. -Some front and the latest back hair parts now have scale adjustments, will add this to more parts whenever I can. -Can now enable a gradient with a second color. This is only for the separate hair parts and isn’t available for older hair sets for now. Hair gradient is enabled under the hair color picker Other -Can scroll through tools with ctrl+scroll, you can find all current shortcuts in the help menu found in settings
>>81531 Any images for the new foot model?
>>81531 I suppose if you like feet it's worth it but... As a pitfag, it's probably a pass. Let's see what we get next update.
>>81531 anyone mind uploading it to kemono? Cool stuff, but don't think worth paying for this time
>>81539 seconded
No pics? We need a hero who has the new update to show us what changed!
>>81562 Frankly I'm not surprised. For the amount of patreon money they must be getting I kind of expected more. At least a good amount of new outfits but oh well. I suppose I shouldn't expect much if it's just a solo dev Although it would be really helpful if they hired someone
>>81562 Here's the new foot model from the Patreon. It's subtle but definitely a big improvement. Animations are slightly improved as well.
(29.85 MB 1920x1080 Gobbo Thief Gets Got.mp4)

PoV: You're a thieving shortstack gobliness who got caught breaking into the wizard's tower, and subsequently became the first ever target of Malcontent's Meticulous Mummification, Deviant's Deplorable Dungeon, and Trickster's Tireless Tickling, all cast with Permanence...
>>81571 They're making $1,380 per month. No way they're even living on that themselves, nevermind hiring someone.
>>81573 It's been forever since footfags like me got thrown a bone with the game and honestly I'm pretty satisfied this time around. Direly wishing we'll get more foot animations and tweaks as stuff comes in - it's decent feet for a solo artist making a game, they're just now passing the threshhold of fappable imo, but could have a lot more done with them. I'm fine waiting for a new turn so long as it isn't another two years. Not a pitfag but i recognize the ones on the model aren't the best. Here's hoping you guys get something similar pretty soon.
>>81573 Thanks! Better for sure. The feet were the worst looking part of this game's models before.
>>81587 >For the amount of patreon money they must be getting I kind of expected more. At least a good amount of new outfits but oh well. can anyone share a mega upload of the game? I have nothing in the bank rn and will pay up in future updates
Version 0.26 is on kemono now.
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I present a goblin thief who, being of misshapen and exaggerated proportions like most of her kind, must get by with stirrups because footwear is so hard to come by that fits. Even less that accommodates her long, pointed nails.
>>81593 Much love to whoever uploaded
>>81604 She's very cute, may have to make a more "humanized" version of her
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Love the new update <3 Here's my attempt at making a cow-girl of sort!
the feet sole customization was soming I asked fro like alomst 9 months ago. i love giving all my darker skin models pale pretty soles. it's so hot.
Anybody else having problems with custom audio? I tried wav, ogg, mp3. Nevermind, nothing even works in preview, it just defaults to the standard laughs.
>>81669 It has to be mp3, has to be in the "save folder" under a subfolder called "laughs" for me. Then, when you select the laugh from the right-hand character menu while in-game, you must upload from the game's file manager. Then, scroll to the very bottom within these settings and click on the laugh so it's dark. There should be a little save icon near the character's name where it will save the adjustments you made.
>>81593 Maga link is dead, anyone got the file?
>>81816 Thanks Anon!
>>81713 Thanks to that Anon too
>>81621 this chick is a babe and will be getting fucked right up, probably with another hottie watching close by

Quick Reply