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Lost art Anonymous 10/28/2021 (Thu) 11:39:37 Id: e6f93c No. 5200
Time is cruel, post the art that you were able to rescue. First 5 images by color-arcano Last image by reati
Another of her past nicknames was "eritic", if I'm not wrong.
>>72598 She stated, after one/two years she created her account, that she actually was a girl and she did pretend to be a guy due to some reasons I don't recall really well, like being scared of feeling out of place as a girl in the space or something along those lines. I never said that "it's the truth" or that I believe it. I actually don't care that much, to be honest.
>>72598 more common than you think. there's plenty of women who detest the horny attention they get from spergs and would rather avoid it. not gonna assert she was definitely one of them because I don't know her, but it's not unheard of. I know of at least two. not outing them.
>>72606 I completely understand that sentiment and is probably why she chose to delete them in the first place. When I found them they looked way more realistic looking than the ones she decided to leave up and it felt so weird that I didn’t want to post them for this reason, lol
>>72613 The real question is why is her older artstyle completely different...
>>69686 Where is the 3rd picture from? It's amazing
Does anyone have a very old, like around early 2000's art piece of Ruby Heart from Capcom VS marvel 2 getting tickled tortured while tied up to the mast of her ship? If I remember correctly she was being tickled on her feet by feathers or a feather like instrument.
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>>72630 You sir are a miracle worker, thank you so much for the rare gem this is, may your bitches;waifus and W's be many a plenty, and your L's and pulls be few as zero. Also you happen to know who the artist is? I can't recognize the signature.
No problem dude. IIRC, this is scamwich.
I remember watch this on youtube but I can't find it anymore anyone still have this.
long shot but i remember seeing a picture of some anthro badass thug looking tiger with a pair of feet, toe-tied in stocks in front of him. he was tickling one of the feet and licking the other's sole, looking at the camera with some dialogue like "wanna take his place?". anyone remember this?
>>73872 >73872 ur the goat
Wondering if anyone has a specific picture by an unknown artist with a style similar to these attached. At first I thought it was Monokron or TheLittleBunBun from before both were deleted, but I can't really tell. Regardless, the pic was uploaded on DeviantArt and was called "Foot hypnosis is fun" or something very much along those lines. It was an Undertale pic involving Chara and Frisk undertaking exactly what the title describes, but that is the extent of my remembrance. Sorry for the shitty details, but if anyone could help. it would be much appreciated. If any more details are needed just ask.
Guys, does somebody have the works of shake-bomb? He deleted his deviantart and x account sadly :(
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Does anyone know what chujams old username used to be aside from bupboy64? I know a furaffinity archiver that shows artwork that got deleted and im dying to see his old bea santello picture he did.
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Does anyone happened to get pawfeather's totallytentacles #6? The store page is shut down now.
>>14703 https://mega.nz/folder/aVgQlBKI#nC76OuilLdfQPNEB9CINXA here is the archive again, it contains a bit of non-matheow in it, but the main folder has everything i've ever found and scrounged, it does get updated from time to time
i know its not tickling, but between these two pics, by zp92, there used to be some sketches he uploaded on his Tumblr before the purge, they were ONLY on his Tumblr, despite me searching far and wide for them, maybe someone saved them on a phone that isn't busted
>>76325 way too much caroo
>>75197 Do you mean the sketch of Salazzle giving a footjob or sumthin?
https://web.archive.org/web/20070125052453/http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/poisonousmonkeyart/main.html this guy's old website had a lot of art on it, but most of it's been long since missing. Anyone got an archive or anything?
Asking the same like above but with Maxwolf. https://web.archive.org/web/20001012112147/http://www.otterpaws.com/~maxwolf/ Does anyone have any pieces of his work?
Gripped chimp's old artwork is accessible through a stash link on his deviantart page
there's some chimp omitted from the reup. been looking for the potsworth and co, and penny gadget ones for a long time. you can see them on the bottom of the cartoons page on the archived site but they don't load. anyone got them?
>>76381 Here you go. If anyone has anything not in this archive (especially of the 3 guys in "Decisions, decisions"), please share. https://uploadnow.io/f/nNQmlNj
>>73982 should have staid lost
>>76618 >>76653 Anyone got a link? I can't find it on his da. It might be down.
Hey guys I’m losing my mind, does anyone have that picture of Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus (I think) being ticked together???
>>76669 I remember seeing some of his art years ago before they upped and vanished along with him. I hope he's doing okay, he's a great furry artist. Thank you so much for this.
Anyone have this video by Chromejulia?
>>76796 This is the same Maxwolf? I had no idea he was Archie on FA and Twitter/Blsky. I'm glad he's doing okay.
https://ert.fanbox.cc/posts had anyone got ert (originally ert 1989, a classic)'s fanbox stuff? He closed fanbox (it still exist but can't pay anymore) since 2023 Dec, and suddenly disappeared at 2024 Jan 30 I think it can be counted as lost so, is anyone got his fanbox stuff, especially for arts around 2021 Sep~2021 Dec?
There was an artist going by the name FFdart13 on DeviantArt. The account no longer exists. Please share any leftover art you have.

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