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Lila Appreciation Thread Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 19:54:36 Id: 574f53 No. 33384
Isn't it a bit strange that we share content of our mascot on a thread that isn't about her? Anyway, I'll concatenate what we got of her so far
>>73797 It's a nice idea, but personality-wise, she's kind of a spoiled rich girl-type. Maybe that lends itself to childishness, but it shouldn't be every trait.
>>73900 Kinda sucks there aren't that many Lila emotes, honestly.
>>73933 We'll need more Lila art. xP
Request: A picture of Lila with red anon.
Can we expect some Lila content for the holiday season
>>74884 There was an idea from when she was made that i don't think anyone drew, where she'd be dressed up as some kind of popular lee like samus or april o neil for halloween (probably loathing it too). I've also had a few ideas that I keep on standby for those rare occasions an artist aks for lila requests.
(843.61 KB 1700x1080 luce_lila2.png)

Luce is a mascot, she doesn't escape the rule
>>75011 BASED A S E D
>>75011 Is it bad that "how long will it take before someone draws her with lila" was one of the first thoughts i had when i saw the announcement? (Besides being extremely amused of course)
(35.74 KB 437x532 20241030_011909.jpg)

>>75011 Of course, as a loyal and steadfast servant of the Lord, Luce's faith is unshakable, and she will endure this ticklish martyrdom no matter how long Lila works her over.
>>75011 >>75014 an idolatrous devil of the catholic church, more like. "Luce" oh it means light! haha! dont that sound familiar? do not fall for her adorable facade 2 Corinthians 11:14
>>75017 I guess Anon hates veggietales too, they also had marketeable plushies after all.
>>75011 Luce_lila2.png This implies the existence of a first picture LETHAL WHERE IS IT. I know you have the first one!
>>75025 sorry sir, this is what I do when I hesitate between two variants of something pretty major in the pic and keep a backup just incase, which is retarded and not very space efficient.
>>75011 How ironic that anon's doing the lord's work here.
>>75028 Ah, that makes more sense. Now teach that same anon how to learn to draw in 6 months so he can draw degen shit next :)
>>75025 We're ignoring the real revelations the post implies: it doesn't matter if it's a board-tan or not. As long as it's a mascot, it's free game.
>>75059 Vivian James isn’t a board-tan is she? But i guess you are right. Does this mean the McDonald’s mascot girl is fair game as well
>>75056 If you're serious about this send me a DM on twitter or dA
>>75011 Oh damn it's artist theirself The saliva in mouth looks really good here
Wake up babe new Lila content dropped
>>75887 Uncensored version?
>>75893 Fuckin' gold. Cute and hot at the same time. Who's the other character? An OC?
We need moar Lila art.
>>79385 Well, what are you waiting for? Grab a pen, some paper, and get to it.
>>79385 No promises, but I might commission some in the near future, depending on what artists are taking them and how much.
(779.00 B 48x48 big Lila 1.png)

(881.00 B 48x57 big Lila 2.png)

(530.00 B 16x16 smol Lila 1.png)

(563.00 B 16x19 smol Lila 2.png)

/tkr/ Lila flags (I just realized most boards don't use flags).
Which artists do you want to see do Lila?
>>80121 Here's a list of my personal preferences. Tried to scrub for artists that are still active and taking commissions, but some might be wishful thinking. IJWT SleepyGimp Kusujinn wtfeather KiimmoTK BadCrab Bad Pierrot PolarBearNSFW lostonezero PawFeather CheshireCat grippedchimp
>>80133 Kusujinn doesn't do commissions unfortunately if I remember, also i'm curious why they're grouped like that? Good picks btw, sleepygimp is a based choice
Why can't our mascot actually be hot? This is some bush league level of bandcamp fantasy.
>>80137 I think I just loosely grouped on favorites. But honestly, I was hopped up on cold medicine, so who knows. And yes, SleepyGimp is GOATed
>>80121 >This is some bush league level of bandcamp fantasy. BillVicious is a must
>>80141 I don't think she's really meant to be a fap fantasy character, just there to give you a smile. She could probably stand to be drawn and written hotter I agree, but it seems like artists are more interested in using her to take shots at board culture and do occasional tickle art of other tans. >>80133 fucking hell, lostonezero would be wonderful. >>80121 Bebob used to lurk here and has just come out of another months-long hibernation for sketch commissions. I'd love to see his take if he's ever free.
>>80121 >Which artists do you want to see do Lila? I recommend the best bang for your buck. You could get a lot of Lila art for a lot less if you know the right artists. unless budget isn't a problem, then get the best artists, lmao

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