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Tickling Captions 6: Gaelstorm Anonymous 07/20/2023 (Thu) 05:20:01 Id: 6e7a35 No. 49911
Let your cruelty shine.
When we last left off, a technologically adept anon managed to bend chatgpt to their will to create various tickling captions. Is this the start of a new generation of captioning? https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rARxF25eL05zBRUbMmi__AkK1w6JKAIt
Rollin the dice on this one. Can't wait to see what the internet can breed.
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Leaving some stuff here
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would still like to see if anyone familar with hiveswap/homestuck lore would be willing to take a crack at these
I'd also like to see someone make captions for these images of susie from deltarune that alienshade made a while back.
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Maybe caption Illya from Fate Stay Night being ticked? Idk

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'Tickling captions' what a joke, this tread is more like 'Tickling images' lol
>>50553 Literally one guy used to write 90% of the captions in these threads, everyone else on this board is too lazy to put in an ounce of effort but they'll still post dozens of pics in the thread begging for someone to caption them.
>>50557 I was gonna give you shit for not giving the other captioners enough credit, but I really do think if you were to pool the efforts of all of them together you'd still get just about 40-50% of his entire output, so that's not even that insanely hyperbolic. Tri was just that fucking ridiculous. No wonder things have stalled since he got life in that tickle torture facility for all his many crimes.
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For whom does the bell toll?
>>50634 Tri.
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Can someone do a teasing caption?
I'm trying to get that one fag that wrote a couple of the RWBY Captions to do it again. Give some more RWBY Pictures that might or might not get selected (Alternatively, Yugioh with Alexis also works too.) I'll ask him if he literally has seen anything that isn't shit.
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>>50665 He already did a caption for the 4th picture with Neo and Ruby in the last thread.
Might do some caps as an introduction to short-form writing. Throw some of your most brutal, perilous pics my way or sift through the old cap threads to find unloved gems. I want something juicy as inspiration
>>50705 i really like this set from the arknights thread
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Figured I'd give it a crack. If anyone here has any pointers lemme know. I have big doubts that this is gonna format properly though, and I seldom write M/F stuff, if I write at all.
>>50705 Here's a couple of options, one mid-tickling, one anticipation. Whichever appeals to you more, you can victimize a wholly innocent creature, or a couple of cops.
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>>50707 name? >>50716 who are the two cops? pigs deserve the victimizing >>50732 3rd image is pretty hot, are these characters or just a random drawing?
>>50737 Oh, I forgot not everyone knows this specific anime. It's Rally Vincent and "Minnie" May Hopkins, from Gunsmith Cats.
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Made a caption, new to this, but I had fun doing it, let me know what ya'll think.
>>50769 Nigga shut the fuck up and go back to your containment thread. I would've legit done a caption for an Apex pic but your hyper turbo autism fucking ruined it.
>>50785 Interesting, not a bad take at all. This may be a personal thing, but I think it could use a little less buildup. I sort of get weirdly impatient having to go through the whole "I'm here to test a new form of torture that causes no pain at all" spiel, it feels like I see it in every single tickle story trying to feel "realistic" when I think you could just get away with starting with Nanachi in the chair. Also, you need a little less of the "forcing laughter in between every word" thing. It makes it hard to read a single line of dialogue. Just because a character is trying to speak through laughter doesn't mean you need to stuff "hahahaha" and "hehehehe" through every single word. The way I usually do it is I write fragmented sentences that get interrupted by laughter and I only do "thihihihis" stuff very sparingly. Doing it way too much is as annoying to me as just massive all-caps paragraphs of "HAHAHAHA"s.
>>50797 Oh okay! gotcha! thanks for the feedback, If i make another caption i'll try to learn from it. I'm alot more familiar with RP, so I've never really written a straight story. Thanks again!
>>50737 t’s a random drawling, I believe I found on Twit— ah! my mistake, it’s called X now
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To combat this drought of tickling captions and because I was horny for some trap tickling. I made this as my first caption. Would love to hear some feedback and suggestions.
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Extra horny today so have another one.
>>50836 >>50835 How do you add captions to pictures like that? Asking for a friend.
>>50873 I personally use Photoshop, but I’m sure there’s an easier way
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>>50717 So I got the RWBY only fag to write for this picture.
>>50873 I just used MS Paint for those, too broke to use anything else.
I know it's weird but I think the concept of venom that only causes severe tickling is a really hot and unique concept. Love to see someone play with it
>>50884 Quality over quantity, simple but creative. Thank you for the gift, it turned out quite well. It's funny, your style of storytelling is familiar to me, since it's a bit similar to the way Tri did it.
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Made another one, I should probably post this in the loli bread but whatever.
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>>51164 Need that sauce on pic 3
>>51165 Not that anon but I did it a while ago for the Lila thread
Less tickling and more imagination, but I thought maybe some anons would appreciate a blanker slate compared to outright tickling pictures
>>51164 Source for the 4th?? The Genshin one!!
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>>51193 Dunno, I just found it on tickling art/tickling comics vk and decided to repost it here.
>>51278 About the left one, I have no idea about its background story, but on Pixiv it has the tags: おねロリOlder girl/loli 母娘mother and daughter If someone wants to make a caption. Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/109730239
>>51857 I could make some suggestions? It's just that I can't understand how you get the GPT chat to be so explicit and creative.
>>51874 Well you could make some suggestions. I will only do stories for pictures I like tho and I already have a somewhat long list for my next pictures, so no promises. I tried to do some kind of instructions, maybe you can use to create your own stuff
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Perhaps someone could do a caption to this one?
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Yes yes! More F/M POV tickle captions!
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Posting a non-tickle pic in case anyone is interested in captioning it
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Found this and thought it could be used for a caption. I was thinking maybe some horror-themed POV F/M tickles with this scary nun lady as the ler. Anyone down for that?
>>50732 would love to see a caption for those first two
>>52453 Thats Shenhe and Camilla right? I will try it. Do you want a longer or shorter caption/story? Any other details?
>>52454 First one isn't Camilla, but if he doesn't reply I'm gonna yoink it and give you something that does feature Camilla. Anything is fine, whatever you feel like and "if" you feel like it to begin with :P
>>52454 The first one is Narmaya from Granblue Fantasy and yes, the second is Shenhe
>>52454 I’m not be the same person, but I am the one who posted those two, so I would also like to see one of them captioned if your willing, would like it to be long if possible.
>>52290 Pretty good.
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>>52456 Considering I wrote this with ChatGPT, I hope you like it. Definitely one of the better ones
>>52290 This is one of my favorite pictures of all time, so I was thrilled to see someone do such an in-depth caption for it. I think it's interesting that you decided that picture was the end of the story, while the full story itself is more of a prelude of how each victim got there. Definitely gives it a good bit of variety as to how each victim breaks down and what methods are used on them. Maybe this is just a weird personal thing but it always grates on my nerves when a story like this spends so much time on the whole "ohh, we have these captives and we want to torture them, but we can't do anything painful, so we must find a method that doesn't not cause pain and leaves no marks, and we have found that method in TICKLING, which seems silly and childish but I think they will find--" etc. etc., it just feels like the writer is trying way too hard to be "serious" about things and I've heard it a hundred times. I GET IT, I am here to fap to victims getting tickle tortured in inhumane ways, I don't need a full paragraph of explaining why they're tickling them rather than electric shocking their genitals or something, the reason is "because the tickle torture is hot". It just feels like everyone copy-pasted the same thing and I have to get through it before I get to the good part. I just wanna skip that, just give me a psychopath who's using their status and power to get their rocks off on captives by making the torture their personal fetish. Overall, I think it's really good, it has some good variety and really delves into some fun ideas. I kind of wish the Russian woman had more remarks on how big her feet are compared to the rest, but that's a personal desire. The tone just has a weird edgy feel to it that, while it makes sense for the setting, just feels like a teenage boy wrote it and thought it was "epic". I prefer my inhumane torture agents to be more matter of fact about their work, I guess.
>>52483 Definitely get what you mean in the whole "TICKLING is the answer, it's all about TICKLING" as this obsessive concept. Any story that is like "this is a world where everyone just tickles each other" feels really boring and I immediately stop reading, not really sure why but it just feels off to me. I want tickling to be something the ler stumbled upon after seeing the victim in a perilous situation. See her foot stuck? Tickle it. See her hands trapped above her head? Tickle her pits or her stomach that's exposed due to her predicament. See her stuck crawling through an air vent? Tickle her feet while she's trying to focus. I want my tickling to be opportunistic. A spur of the moment choice that becomes torture once the ler finds out how effective it is. In that way, I sort of understand why writers often go for the "it's not REAL torture, it's just childish tickles!" because they want to validate tickling as a torture method, but like you said, we all already know that. God I wish there were more stories with women in peril being tickled without mercy.
>>52483 Writer of the caption here and fair enough I suppose (can’t really make heads or tails of those nitpicks tbqh). Glad you somewhat liked it I guess.
anyone interested in an arcane caption?
>>52475 Ohh thats incredible work my friend, thank you so much!!! Always jealous how people can make ChatGPT work like that.
>>51895 Tried my hand at using this anon's ChatGPT instructions at making some captions and it honestly works fairly well even without much information. From my experimentation, the appearance and personality you can just copy and paste from the character wikis if the character is mainstream enough and add some of your own elements if desired, which is what I did for this prompt. Did it based off this image of Rise Kujikawa. The intro of this one is a bit out of place but the rest of the story is fine for the most part. Better than anything I could write at least. Included the prompt I used at the beginning as well. For anyone familiar with Persona 4, it might make more sense or maybe less sense I guess.
>>52564 Glad to see someone use my instructions. The more you use ChatGPT the better you get with it and know which prompts work or wont work. I already did 32 Pictures and there is still room for improvement. My next one will be Narmaya or Shenhe, depending on who I will find more information about, probably wont get to it until Friday tho
>>52475 >>52564 >>52596 Honestly these should be in the AI thread since you're using AI to do it.
>>50835 >>50836 These rrally hit the spot, anon~
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Hey, guys who use PDFs to write longer form captions with the image as a reference, how do you actually make a PDF with your text and insert the image throughout? I can only get it to put a full image on its own page. I had an idea to string a few similar pictures together into a full story with the images changing as the story progresses but I'm having trouble doing that.
>>52818 I did my stuff in Libre Office or Word and just used print to pdf. For multiple images, just place them in the document and set them up so text is placed around them.
I found a list from an anon who made several captions and put them on a drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rARxF25eL05zBRUbMmi__AkK1w6JKAIt
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The thread's really quiet. Perhaps some more images are needed?
>>55803 I assure you, more pictures is not what the thread needs to survive.
>>55827 Writers can only tolerate captioning the same generic anime girls for so long.
Here you go, Anons. Fresh off the press.
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This one looks like it has a story behind it...
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Decided to do this one from the previous thread
Man, if someone could replicate the sheer value of naruto's bathhouse dilemma from indigobunny but with a female character, that would be peak
>>56897 Short but sweet. Would love more in this style So I somehow put this together with a couple shitty apps which is why the quality sucks, sorry bout that. Also, this is only part 1 because I kinda ran out of space. But let me know what you think about the writing. If someone likes it, I'll post part 2 as well. If not, I'll post it anyway
>>57151 b e a utiful. part 2 when?
>>56987 Fun fact, this art is from a story that DOES give context for it. https://gurinita-blog-2nt-com.translate.goog/blog-entry-519.html?_x_tr_sl=ja&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp&_x_tr_sch=http The illustration would be right at the start of the chapter.
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>>57161 thanks, glad you like it! Somehow it became a trilogy. Did my best but the quality is still shit lol. Also small warning, ended up a little bit dark maybe
>>57189 Fuckin beautiful mate, just disappointed it had to end. wonderfully done!
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Still my favorite obscure one.
Speaking of favorites, anyone still has that caption where the girl is tickle tortured in some virtual reality? Pic was her in a sitting position naked and blindfolded I think. Super spicy one, sadly got lost when the domain changed
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>>57260 This one, maybe?
>>57271 Thank you, that's the one
Captions are one thing, how about dialogue edits?
>>57506 This dialogue edit is amazing, so much better than the original. Not every character has to enjoy the tickling and Erika definitely wouldn't. It's hard finding more of his work to edit since he draws the girls obviously enjoying the tickling but these ones could use from some different dialogue I think
>>57540 I don't even hate the girls loving it, just how awful the text is. The art isn't bad but I can't stomach all that 'feather my feet until I orgasm' stuff. I'd like to see more dialogue edits from other people, if anyone else does this.
Caption material for lois lane
Anyone have the caption of indeedee please?
>>58242 This one?
>>58248 Exactly, thank you!
In the vein of asking for old captions, does anyone have thar one caption of the pov being pinned and tickled by a jiangshi? It was really cute honestly.
>>58338 There were two versions of it, and I'm not sure which one I have, but here's one.
>>58379 This is version I was thinking of! Thank you! Soft tickles are underrated in these. asareballticklestbh
Hey guys, I'm looking for an old captioned image from a year ago. The image is an artwork from Juzi that has a girl restrained in an X-shape bondage while being stimulated in her clit and tickled in her belly, armpits, and feet. The caption is simple but about bullying an unfortunate victim.
I'm looking for a comic of Zelda tickling Link. I know it was posted on here once, just don't remember what thread it was
>>58738 wrong thread buddy but I gotchu
>>58730 This one?
Since we're looking for old captions, anyone have the caption of the pic on the left? It was a pit focused caption and it gave my pitfag self one of the biggest nuts of my life.
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>>58751 Here you go
>>58751 By the way, who is the artist?
>>58756 Just as good as I remember, Thanks fren
>>58757 Idk either I got the pic from this twitter account https://twitter.com/jpk1138ecchi?s=09 The artist is either long gone or doesn't draw tickling anymore
So, maybe this one is a more difficult request, but let's see. Captions with chubby lees, please? Tri wrote them really well, I only have the one of the robot girl and the dragoness ones, anymore I should know about?
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>>58929 I'm aware of two dragoness ones actually, and I'm also sure there's a follow up pic that I don't have have and I don't recall if it ever was captioned. I'm curious about the robot girl one though...
>>58944 Yeah, there's a follow up, it is in the previous thread and was made by Gael. The one I'm referring to with the robot girl is this one is this one
>>58954 When Tri posted it, he talks like he wrote another one about her before this one. I'm kinda curious how it was since it seems that it was in a thread already erased and I can't find it
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Although the thread looks kinda dead in new captions terms, I'm going to throw a request to try my luck. I saw this character on Twitter some time ago, and I thought that a caption with her would be amazing. Maybe she's trying to seduce someone for her daily work and she finds someone with a new fetish that he convince her to trie. Maybe it can be a session pretty intense with focus on her chubby belly and big butt, but she likes it in the end, something like that
>>58955 I requested that one. Here's the two buildups. Good taste Anon.
>>58972 They are very good ones dude, you're the one with good taste!
Y'know the truth is that I would absolutely write some captions for pics. The only thing stopping me is that I don't know how to, from a technical standpoint.
>>58975 You can always do as some people here has have done and just write a document with the caption and putting the image on top of the document. Or maybe you can create a Google presentation on drive and put the image on one half and in the other the text over a black back, and then just take a capture of it (just tried it and looks good to me). It would be great to see some new captions around here, would you consider doing this one if you finally start doing some, please? >>58958
>>58750 Yup! Thanks that was so great
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I think I managed to figure it out, what do you guys think?
>>59014 pretty good, although a little short
>>59028 Yeah it's more of a test than anything else lol
>>59028 It's a caption, it's not supposed to be a novel-length story.
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Alrighty, second one's longer this time. Thoughts?
>>57545 Right??? His dialogue is fucking awful
I might come back to doing these sometime. This time not on my phone lmao
Some gentle femdom. Feedback is much appreciated.
Hi all, I know some of yall like to do stories when you're feeling motivated. Would love to see a story inspired by this with a few specifics. I was thinking that it involve a girl by the name of Bianca. Young 20s, good student, great student even. Brilliant girl, but very introverted. Goes to her classes, sees her very close friends, but prefers to do her studies or watch her shows rather than go out. However one day this very ticklish girl ends up in the hands of a not so nice man. And thus the poor sheltered and quiet girl is turned into a notepad for her owner. And thus, if someone else could take this and run with it, I'd be forever in debt
>>59303 mf asked for a porn novel of his irl friend and thought we wouldnt notice
>>59343 I'm so glad I'm not the only one who found it weird, strange details considering the pic
>>59343 Girlfriend, sure but who gives a fuck mate lol
>>59303 he genuinely killed the thread with this creepy ass shit HAHAHA
>>59623 if i say i want it too i'll be accused of being him
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Can someone caption this with a "regret" concept? With this girl signs up for tickling, thinking it will be a fun new experience, but it ends up being way worse than she thought it would be. unfortunately for her, she signed away her right to safe word, and would be tickled until whoever is keeping her there decides she's had enough
>>59705 S tier pic. Guess I'll do it, that is if nobody else wants to. Can't say when I'll get to it though. Anything specific you want included?
>>59718 emphasize her attempts to get out while covering it up with some dismissive corporate language, along with making it more cruel because of her protests. that's the best part in these
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>>59705 Here's my attempt at something somewhat in that direction. I took inspiration, but did my own thing, so your mileage may vary.
Taking requests, no guarantees however
>>60166 Sure, I've had an itch for a story involving teleported body parts, if you can get something working with either of these two that'd be cool
>>60166 Perhaps this one: >>51913
Anyone have the caption of this one? >>59750 This is excellent.
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Okay, I legit don't know how to write captions. It ends up being a short novel with an added jpeg every time. It's not even finished actually, will upload the rest soon. Anyway, today's victim is a criminally neglected JJK cutie, Momo Nishimiya. Story is set in S1, starting after her epic loss against Nobara's trusty squeaky hammer.
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>>60820 I gotchu.
>>61253 It's good to see a good story after so much time. To be honest, it's a little bit too much to my personal liking, but how it's written, God. The teasing, the descriptions. Truly good man, hope you bring us more stories in the future
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>>61262 Thank you, great to get some feedback! But yeah, it's way too much. Tried to keep it short and sweet initially but at some point I just gave up lol. I'll do better next time. Anyway, here's the rest
>>61387 Oh, no no, don't get me wrong, I love that you did it so long. I always enjoy a good long story. I was talking about the tickling, It's a bit too much for my personal liking. I'm more keen on those soft tickle stories, or at least, if they are this extreme, I prefer it if the lee is enjoying it. But, I'm sure there are a lot of people in this board that love your writing this way. I think you did a great job, I hope we can see more of you in the future
>>61395 Ah now I get it. That's cool, not everyone likes this stuff. I just always find myself cooking up some more or less fucked up scenarios, this one was pretty tame in comparison. I get you though, a well written story with playful/sensual tickling can be great. I find it a bit more challenging from a writer's perspective to create that sort of atmosphere but who knows, I might explore that in the future. Anyway thanks again, I'm really glad you enjoyed the writing despite me being so mean to Nishimiya lol
caption pls
>>61387 Holy shit man this is so good. You must've written just straight up stories before right? If not, please do. Would love to see you give more popular anime girls this treatment, but if not, thanks for this one brother.
Wish there was a way to see caption threads 1 & 2 from 8kun. There were some good ones on there that never got posted to here.
>>61747 Tysm mate! No these were my first ones, but there's going to be more. And definitely more cute anime girls involved! Think I'll be uploading those to DA though, because I'm simply unable to write in caption format
Does any sweet lovely, sexy anon have all the old captions stored?
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Sorry for being a beggar, but someone needs to post the old captions from thread 4 please. Just realized the thread is gone and some great Tri works with it. In particular I would like to request the one he did for pic attached, plus the ones with Hermione and Luna in the tentacle pit
>>64649 Damn. Man really did write essentially horror stories with tickle fetish themes, huh?
Has anybody saved the old RWBY captions that Tri made? Those were gold.
>>64670 The golden age of the tickling caption thread
>>64691 You are absolutely right, they were good times.
>>64691 > Tri, the legend - some say he saw Fetish Dolls Laughing and thought it was a documentary. Anyway, this has been brewing for a while. Tried my hand at it.
>>64728 I love it. The picture really lends itself to captioning, and you did an outstanding job capturing the playful yet sadistic tone conveyed by it
>>64732 Thanks homie. I'm sorry to say that there won't be much out of me as it took 6 threads worth to come up with that one. Much unlike... >Tri, the legend - some say he once headbutted Kujman in the chest, and when asked about it, he responded "I don't play Pokemon"
>>64734 I get it lol. It takes me like forever to finish a single caption, and this maniac would pump out three in a single day sometimes. He was like the Henry Ford of tickling captions, if Ford made Lamborghinis
Speaking of Tri, or captions in general, anyone got a drive or something with all the captions? I lost the pc I had them all saved on recently and obviously only got access to the ones here.
>>64767 There used to be a fairly large drive iirc but it was also on the old thread
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Anyone have the caption associated with this picture?
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>>65238 Thanks mate
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There used to be a caption of this in the previous threads. Anyone still have it?
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>>65601 I was LITERALLY just rereading this one. Like, not five minutes ago. >inb4 anon is in my walls I'm a bit unnerved, I will admit.
Hey ya'll! This is my first time taking requests, so please, go ahead and give me some good ones, thanks. Yes, I'm aware there's a million unanswered requests in this and a bunch of old threads, but no, I don't care. Give me some good new stuff, would you kindly? Sorry.
>>65992 I will take advantage of the kind offer and choose this one. This scenario has been repeated several times and I never get tired of seeing it with different types of drawings from different artists, but this is my personal favorite. The characters are Shinobu Kocho and the older sister demon spider who fights her from the Demon Slayer anime.
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>>65992 I'll bite. Here's a few options to choose from, whichever piques your interest most I'll be happy to see
>>65992 ill put in some of my favs, why not
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>>65992 Thank you for taking up the mantle and providing for the people. Whether you choose one of these or not, I'm simply looking forward to seeing what you do! Also have to second >>65999 because it's such a great set up
>>65992 Perhaps one of these three? >>51913 >>55803 >>30473
>>66004 Sauce on the 2nd to last pic with the foot writing? Saucenao came up with nothing
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>>65999 I second this
>>66000 I went for this one! I think it came out okay. Do you like it? This was fun! I like a lot of the other requests too, so I'll probably write some more later.
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>>65992 A new captioner?! Then I'll pitch some.
>>66021 Absolutely fantastic work
>>66021 Fucking nice
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>>65999 This one was selected by right of trips and popular demand! What do you think? >>66032 >>66043 Thank you, thank you!
Anyone in this here thread open to doing furry pics? Cause I got some that could use captioning.
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Still would love to see a caption of this
>>66053 Depends on the pic, but I might be game
>>66021 >>66050 >>66052 Holy shit you boys are fucking cooking. Really, really good stuff. Everytime I see these I wish guys like you just fully wrote stories because they're always so juicy and well done
>>66057 Alrighty here ya go. Tried to get a little somethin of all varieties here. If none tickle your fancy, that's quite alright. Also, hello again /tkr/. It's been too long.
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>>65992 I’ll give a couple
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>>65992 I'll bite. One cute and one cruel. Second has this to go off of from Pixiv >A good student recognized by the whole school was retaliated against for refusing to help a delinquent in her class who cheated on the exam, and was subjected to corporal punishment in a dark abandoned warehouse...
>>66052 You made my day Scholar, thank you for your kind gift. Quite good and extensive, I liked the level of detail about Shinobu's thoughts and it was stimulating to read the mocking comments of the spider demon, who clearly enjoyed having a demon slayer who has the rank of Pilar at her mercy. You described the scene very well, making the reader understand that the characteristic smile that Shinobu used as a mask to hide her intense anger towards the demons had now been replaced by the face of a poor, ticklish, giggling girl, who can't stop bursting into painful, uncontrollable laughter. However, I would have really liked to know how Shinobu got into that humiliating and cramped situation, to have some context about what led Shinobu to be wrapped and trapped in that cocoon of cobwebs with her feet being tortured mercilessly by the spider demon. Maybe it was an ambush that she didn't see coming? Or maybe she was too confident in her abilities and underestimated her opponent? Even so, again I thank you very much for listening to my request, it is gratifying that you have taken it into account and published it in such a short time, offering it to anyone interested, since it seems that I was not the only one who wanted justice to be done to this wonderful drawing by the artist Wtfeather, since your story complemented very well by telling an alternative scenario where the agile and beautiful butterfly ended up tangled and tied by the sticky and resistant cobwebs of a cunning and cruel spider full of hunger and eager to delight with the small and soft feet of a pillar as sarcastic as Shinobu, hurting her pride by being defeated by a demon that does not even belong to the 12 demonic moons.
Any chance someone familiar with undertale could make a caption for this?
(2.04 MB Kaguya.pdf)

>>66076 I like all of these. Here's what I came up with for the second one! It ran a little long, so I just made it into a pdf, sorry. Thoughts? >>66063 Thanks! I think I'd probably be terrible at that lol, I get really impatient with my ideas and prefer to move on to different things all the time. I appreciate the thought though. >>66083 Of course! And I didn't really think that much of the context, I like the idea of it just being a little snippet of a bigger thing with poor Shinobu having been captured and tickled for days on end by that point, that's about it.
>>66100 >Image of Chika being tickled by Hayasaka >Writes a story about how ticklish Hayasaka is based, Hayasaka is best girl
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>>66050 >>66052 Thanks for keeping this place alive guys. I'm particularly in love with the KnY caption because I spend an unhealthy amount of time daydreaming about tickling the lights out of Shinobu, but I enjoyed both immensely. Made me remember why the caption thread used to be my favorite back in the day. I hope there's more to come
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Possible caption idea
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Did this caption today, would enjoy some feedback
Does anyone have a folder with the caption from the old threads saved?
>>68182 Very nice anon! That was a fun read, and I'm not even a fan of Rebecca
>>68182 That's hot as hell
Posting this for anybody who feels like writing a particularly wicked caption for Priscilla from Dark Souls
Does anybody have any of the old captions from the older threads. I remember there was one about like some cat girl being tickled to insanity but I can't find it anymore
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>>69368 You can also do this one of priscilla as well
>>68290 >>69753 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VHhIvReuhSqdw4vf6p3AnLKH_Z-VCXrF Not a complete archive (or a very organized one) but it's something
Would love to see a story/caption of this character since they dont have many and dont get enough attention :(
>>70586 Thanks alot anon
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Can someone do a caption for this? It's my art comm from WBH.
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Here, I wrote a POV one.
>>71532 This one's pretty good.
>>71532 Phenomenal. The GIF part caught me off guard. We need more caps like this. Good work OP
>>70586 Thx a million for posting this anon. Been looking everywhere and I was losing hope
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Hey! I'm here to ask for some requests. No repeats from earlier in the thread please, if you'd be so kind. Hit me up, lets see if I can cook up anything good. >>71535 >>71678 Thank you, thank you! That means a lot.
>>72258 >>66079 Still would like a caption for the student pic, but you don't have to if it's not your style
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>>72258 Here, my request.
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>>72258 Mayhaps?
>>72258 Not to overwhelm you with options but I couldn't pick one so just pick your favorite and roll with it
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>>72258 Here, obviously it’s just one but I’m sure a story can come from this by someone
>>72258 Just gonna re up >>66065 as opposed to offering up more furfaggotry (though lord knows I got plenty of that)
>>72266 Checked. Rebecca is a fun 'lee to fuck up. Thank you all for the requests!

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Figure I might as well offer some inspiration
>>72304 Do you happen to have a platform, or at least had one in the community in the past? You remind me of someone
Sup, I'm trying to find an old caption I've made on the first /tkl/ board. Something about shared senses tickling while the consciousness of the girl was trapped in a jar while the physical body was being tickled. I lost my original draft so I am hoping I could get it back.
>>72655 Sounds like the exact type of deranged tickle autism that I'm lookinf for here. Hope someone has it saved
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>>72655 >>72662 Here. Thank this guy for sharing the drive link, I'd say it has almost every caption >>70586
>>72647 Oh hey. I haven't actually, like at all, all writing I've done has been here, in the captions thread. All I've written has been heavily influenced by old captions though, so it's probably very reminiscent of those, tbf.
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Would be interested in seeing something for this
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Don't know how many people here are arcane fans but I'm desperate for a happier ending if someone is up to the task
>>76268 It's heavily implied Jinx is still alive, anon. Her vision of Silco telling her this will never end until she learns to walk away, Caitlin examining the remains of the monkey bomb and looking at a map of the hexgate's vents, smirking a bit like she realized something.
Still hope this gets a caption one day
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Taking advantage of the Christmas theme...
>>72272 source on 3rd?

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