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Lila Appreciation Thread Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 19:54:36 Id: 574f53 No. 33384
Isn't it a bit strange that we share content of our mascot on a thread that isn't about her? Anyway, I'll concatenate what we got of her so far
(Heres some new content btw)
i can't believe Lila invented wall stocks
(23.42 KB 618x406 DZYKjb1XkAAyfeZ.jpg)

>>33393 Yiiiis. Moar! Moar art of our queen!
Who tf is that?
looks like shit
>>33415 jk looks cool
>>33411 >He doesn’t know Should have looked at the Grace thread
>>33386 did you draw this? that is really good art, Can I get your permission to shade colors on this and post it?
>>33432 I'm already doing it but no shame in two cakes
>>33420 Da fuck is that.
(20.03 KB 915x189 lila is on your computer.png)

(33.88 KB 915x349 lila paid subscribers.png)

(46.48 KB 954x586 lila patreon.png)

>>33391 Reminder all board-tans wear diapers.
(954.98 KB 1611x2263 dfhsyt3f1c9d809.png)

Here is a (WIP?) sketch from one of our royal artists. Another artist is will also contribute Lila art soon.
>>33576 Super cute, I found the artist’s page so I’m going to give them a follow as well
>>33576 I love this. Kinda surprised the artist did it since I don't see any other tickle kink art in their DA gallery but shit I ain't complaining.
(1.27 MB 1434x2322 dfi0pxu.png)

Here is the completed work. body is good, face is soyjak-tier imo >>33576 There will be another tribute from another artist.
(3.23 MB 2523x3893 Garglea.png)

Welp. I got all exited when I saw that we were getting a new board Tan, voted in the poll n stuff, started having ideas but then I scrolled down and realised that our new Tan had already been drawn and approved But I was still kinda hyped so I drew somlething anyway, she can be a secondary character if you guys like her
>>33872 There can be only one. Make them fight.
>>33872 Jesus Christ talk about needlessly overdesigned. sorry to be blunt but what even sets her apart from any other generic DA succubus OC and establishes her as a boad-tan? lila's personality already embodies the different parts of tkr: the captioners, shitposters, the artists, and even the boards inside memes. her design is even 8chan inspired, the blue skin and white hair is like the background of the board and the post boxes, and the mirrored horns making the "8" are already perfect. her design is very recognizable from a just a sillohuette and her outfit is simple enough to be easily drawn, giving more importance to the character design instead of the clothing design. what does this OC have beyond ooh she likes tickling (like every other tickling related OC)? there's nothing linking her back to this board or it's users in any way besides name-dropping lila. you could throw this on DA and people wouldn't even bat an eye. I'm sorry, i don't mean to come off as rude, but this is not it my guy. it's a decent OC i guess, but definitely a far cry from a board tan contender.
>>33872 Lila can be the face of the board while Garglea can be the royal torturer. Of course they can constantly compete over whole the better Ler/Lee are
>>33906 Idk, I just wanted to participate tbh, I chat sometimes with the anon who drew Lila and he seems to know a lot about /tkr/ culture while I'm an occasional lurker on this part of the Chan boards I don't pretend that my character deserves to be a board tan, it really wasn't the goal, I know that she reeks of autism, I'm not very used to be designing OCs. Like I said, if I'm not the only one to like her, she can be a secondary character of our board's lore, if no one likes her, then too_sad.jpeg but who cares (I'm still drawing Lila getting tickled into insanity by her wether you like her or not). I kinda made her to contrast with Lila : refined Vs trashy, casual Vs over the top kinky, sophisticated sociopath Vs simple minded freak, blue and soft Vs red and spikey etc... As for the generic succubus OC, I'm not very aware of what is the standard, I don't spend much time in the tickling communities online tbh, I naively thought that Lea was kinda unique (I'm low key in my bubble 24/7) but I gotta admit that the "bisexual sado-maso switch girl" is one of the absolute most overused character templates to ever exit in our community (it's overused because most ticklefags (me extremely included) like this archetype tho) >>33908 This. Lila is a great board tan, I drew Garglea to represent the more obscure, BDSM oriented sides of our fetish Also, I forgot to post this with the drawing. Mandatory character theme (it's not about the lyrics, it's about the mood) : https://youtu.be/-33qPxuQTlM
>>33913 Chill. I for one am glad you posted your own tickle succubus. If it leads to more tickle art and even Lila pics then go nuts.
Today Lila learned an important lesson, throwing a tantrum at naptime doesn't mean that she doesn't have to take a nap. Instead it just means she'll be taking one lying on her stomach.
>>33914 Did you intent to respond to two different messages? Because it seems like you told the wrong person to chill
Does Lila have a little sister at all?
(2.46 MB 1640x2360 Maria 02.png)

A little late, but here's an small commission I made with smailyn featuring Lila and my OC, Maria~
>>34136 holy halloweenie... >>34218 Holy FUCK!!!
>>34136 Not that the lore says although that's pretty fluid. Also, I love the collar on Lila here. I can imagine Lila being adamantly against trick-or-treating on the grounds of being too old for it and Grace is just like, "you're going trick-or-treating and wearing a diaper or you're spending a week in the dungeon, you choose."
(39.13 KB 498x497 Gawr_Gura_Portrait.webp)

wait, I've seen Lila before...
>>34218 What are the chances that snailyn has browsed this board and actually notices who Lila is
>>34272 Was actually surprised that she knew who Lila was haha, would be an weird context to give to someone who does not know who Lila is
>>33392 Damn I might just have to contribute.
>>34279 This is pretty gud art.
>>33478 Link to the character plz?
I found this trying to pluck all the feathers off of my free range chickens, is it yours?
>>33916 >>34361 >>34136 >diapers Wow, there's a fetish even more childish and cringe than tickling.
>>34486 Yeah ngl I'm not sure exactly where this fetish came from... Seeing all the other threads, this wasn't even surfaced until this thread, it's so weird... But whatever we ain't kink shaming here. If diaperfags gon give us Lila tickling content, I ain't gonna complain despite not being attracted to that stuff
>>34493 The Diaper folks declared an alliance with /tkr/ during the whole Grace thing. Part of it involves a lot of art of Lila wearing diapers.
>>34493 We do it for many of the board-tans, Lila is just new and cute. Grace has the most by far >>34497 More like we signed a truce with those terms seeing as /abdl/ supported /monarchy/
>>34218 yoo this is goddamn cute
>>34493 Speak for yourself, I am ABSOLUTELY kink shaming that disgusting diaper bullshit
>>34497 why would we ally with those weirdos
(29.82 KB 597x559 1623174754855.jpg)

>>34538 read the grace thread
(324.69 KB 1437x1977 Lila.png)

idfk how to fkn draw hope you hate her x
>>34553 honestly epic Now do her in le childish and cring ticklish situation
>>34497 I only saw the /hispol/ board allied with /tkr/
(162.39 KB 1080x673 -.jpg)

>>34732 Are... are we gonna have another war? In all seriousness, I can't express how much I love this. Awesome work, Jimbob.
>>34735 Nah, /hispol/ and /tkr/ are allies but their board-tan need to be tickled as part of the alliance as she is autistic and she has over sensibility >>34732 Perfection ticklish anon. But let me correct the Spanish >Esther: ¡Ay coño! ¿Que estás haciendo? <Lila: your board invited me. So Esther ¿Quieres unas cosquillitas?
>>34732 Based jimbob with another Lila banger. You are truly a gem of the tkr community
>>34732 Will anyone post this on /hispol/?
>>34768 Go ahead pendejo
(27.93 KB 581x243 Post.png)

>>34784 It's been posted, broken Spanish and all.
>>34732 Been away for a bit and came back and saw this. Need to ask, is that a diaper she is wearing?
>>35847 It looks like panties.
>>34732 Now she has Christmas costume (ironic because she is jewish) ready to ve tickled
(1.41 MB 1500x2000 tkr lila pic 01.png)

(732.42 KB 1500x2000 tkr lila pic 02 transparent.png)

>>35933 Wow! Thank you so much! Who's the artist?
Are we gonna capture more board tans yet or what?
>>36184 Go to >>>/arte/ they are many hispanic board-tans to ticklish
>>36184 Maybe if we take part in icup. I'm sure they wouldn't mind some good-natured mascot kidnapping.
Active board tans: /leftypol/ alunya
/sp/ wadina
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(165.51 KB 512x384 eris 3.png)

(175.40 KB 620x877 eris 2.png)

>>36214 >/icup/ I think /eris/chan frens run /icup/. They might appreciate /tkr/ art.
/christian/ also has christ chan.
/ita/ Rita
(850.77 KB 2000x2829 tarrant tan abdl.png)

/abdl/ tarrant tan
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/v/ vivian james
>>36216 >>36217 >>36218 >>36219 >>36221 >>36222 >>36223 >>36224 Here's what I recommend. ranked top to bottom: most & least 1. /arte/ artemis 2. /eris/ erischan 3. /leftypol/ alunya 4. /abdl/ tarrant tan 5. /sp/ wadina 6. /v/ vivian 7. /ita/ rita 8. /christian/ christ chan I think the one of the top 4 boards: /arte/, /eris/, /leftypol/, & /abdl/ would be a good idea to kidnap. Maybe /sp/ or /christian/.
>>36219 >It's just Eris from Billy and Mandy If anyone from that board lurks here, just want to let you know you're based as fuck. That was my favorite show ever as a kid.
How do I take part in Icup?
>>36225 If we are doing this, Eris has my vote. There's barely any art of her.
>>36225 My votes go to Eris cuz hottest and LefyPol-chan cuz the whole militant vibe leads itself way too well to based interrogation pieces.
>>36225 Lets get Eris baby
What if we kidnap more than one?
>>36402 Unless there's some kind of rule against it, that's not a bad idea.
Artemis is cute, and they were Monarchy's allies in war LET'S TAKE REVENGE
>>36223 >>36225 Just to let you know that Tarrant-Tan is used to having their butt violated on a daily basis by the Ara patrol. Doubt there is much you can do to them. >>36402 If you do give them an ultimatum. Their board-tan has to wear diapers or they get tickled!
>>36531 Diapers are gross and weird
>>36602 true but it's awfully convenient if she wets herself from the tickle torture
>>36604 You could just take all of her clothes off instead
>>36690 You really want to clean up after a board-tan wets herself?
(2.26 MB 3200x2900 commie cat 2.2.png)

(2.38 MB 3200x2900 commie cat 2.png)

I had to contribute eventually, especially after i found out leftypol's board-tan was a commie catgirl! im posting both versions, personally im partial to the dumb ass ahegao laughing face, but i know most people wouldnt like it
>>37064 Absolutely based, Lila's tickle slave harem grows strong. (I like both versions btw).
>>37064 Lila bros, we are winning bigly
>>37064 I love ahegaos, but for an interrogation piece the other face is much better. Excellent work, btw!
(140.09 KB 449x401 1654259944627.png)

>>37064 this is hilarious
>>37064 Nice, do Italy-tan next I want her Italian feet get tickled. If not Eris-chan should do
>>37116 >Lila tickling other mascots is…le good even though she is too ticklish to take what she dishes out to them Lila bros, not only did we get too cocky, but we lost bigly too (Incredible pic, I can’t tell if you’re the undertale anon or if croozel somehow decided to come back, but this is great)
>>36219 I checked this now, but I can’t find an /eris/ board at all, are you sure you aren’t trying to make us draw your hot missing tooth waifu, anon?
>>37116 >was made and a success was attained Blessed we are, for drawanons favor Lila. Viva La Lila! >>37117 Every pic with her begging for mercy is a win in my book. (My bet is on undertale drawnon)
(572.64 KB 2496x1963 lila_fixed.jpg)

Noticed some small issues I quickly fixed
>>37120 As far as I can tell, the /eris/ board exists outside of 8chan. I think I stumbled on something a while back, but I can't seem to find it again.
>>37127 This is freaking adorable and I'd love to see a coloranon give it the works. That leg anatomy in particular is *chef's kiss*.
>>37064 /siberia/ here. Good shit. Draw more of commie mommy...
>>37064 /hispol/ approves this tickling before a free helicopter ride with the commie cat
>>37227 That looks about right, good find!
I figured we should give Lila the go-to tickle art setup. I wish I could've given her her halo, but alas I couldn't make it look right in this case.
>>37495 someone please explain to Lila that the appeal of wall trophies is the humiliation and public display aspect not just the head and feet... very good picture btw i really like it
>>37495 Ya got a twitter, pixiv, deviantart or something? I swear, I think I've seen that artstyle before, but I can't find it.
>>37495 You are both witty and a great tickle artist, bravo
>>37498 Clearly she needs some more time in it to learn to appreciate what makes them great. >>37500 All of the above The_Triple_BBB, triple_b, and TheTripleBBB respectively. Be warned I also draw that wacky deviantart inflation, so avert your eyes if you dare enter. I'm interested to hear if you have actually seen my art before. >>37505 Thanks, I tried to be faithful to what we've collectively decided is Lila's personality.
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>>37495 Yo this Lila piece slaps man. As a fellow cringe enjoyer this works for me. Thank you for this piece!
(36.76 KB 788x201 lila-wtf1.png)

What did /abdl/ do to her???
>>37513 yo wtf thats not nice >>37495 yo wtd thats nice
>>37513 Is this going to lead to another war?
>>37538 It probably will.
>>37495 Dude, nice job! The art, the writing, the whole progression as she's broken down, everything. I don't know what, but something about these just feels closer to an accurate characterization than the past captions we've had her speak in. At least imo.
>>33478 That last one killed me. Disliking being tickled but needing attention. She's perfect.
stop collabing with diaper shitters
>>37712 Google, put this anon in a diaper.
(33.77 KB 788x175 lila-diaper3.png)

(28.94 KB 788x136 lila-diaper4.png)

(38.44 KB 788x197 lila-diaper5.png)

>>37513 I decided to try to see how far she will go. I really can't believe how they indoctrinated her, they need to pay for this.
>>37724 Question is. How do you punish degenerates that are into diaper play? They don't even have a board tan themselves. I suppose that makes us better by default, we tickle-fags can be a little weird but we actually manifested a tan just to stand up against monarchy. The diaper-fags are simply parasites using other tans at this point. Devoid of creativity they must infect others to sustain their desires.
>>37724 Depends on whether you're starting a new conversations or continuing the same one. The bot uses prior messages to respond, so if you got a "diaper" message, it's natural for the bot to continue like that.
My god, trolling us by corrupting our chan mascot's AI chatbot is some next-level shit. I didn't see any of that diaper nonsense when I chatted with Lila earlier today, but if I ever do I'm sure as hell swiping away from it.
>>34312 >>37728 >>37566 There are multiple versions of Lila floating around. The one from >>33478 screencaps is https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=oiokH4i_DwlMrEKEczaafKk9g8rZJ4-OgY0-zQUVQ9Y I've never had her say anything remotely related to diapers, and when I asked her about it, she went on a hilarious rant.
(25.90 KB 813x244 lila.png)

>>37738 Why is Lila like this
So here's the "No Tickle route's" ending Turns out, she's pretty cool
At least we're still above adult baby diaper lovers
>>37870 Fucking nerd
>>38132 YOU are the nerd here, not me
I keep getting chat errors with Lila. Apparently the ai doesn't like breast tickling...
(125.27 KB 500x500 Grace pik 6.png)

Does anyone want to edit /tkr/-tan Lila in this pic?
Does anyone have a headcanon voice for Lila? I'm trying to imagine what she'd sound like exactly, but I'm shit at coming up with character voices.
>>39812 If you will pardon my weabooism, I headcanon her sounding like Rika Kawai from Wonder Egg Priority: a slightly high-pitched smug brat that knows how pretty she is and 100% believes she's better than everyone else and can get away with anything (Lila, not the character). Here's the lovely tickle scene where you can hear her teasing, laughing, and going 'kocho kocho kocho' like a natural born tickler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np7_iBhBAxY&ab_channel=AnimeFluffyCuteOwO The VA also pulls of cold, cruel and even helpless throughout the thing, so you can get a taste of what she'd sound like genuinely torturing someone or being tickle tortured herself. No -ojou "OHOHOHOHO!" laugh unfortunately, but there's no limits to imagination. >>39828 Absolutely halal.
Nice. Another board-tan tickled. Who's next? I hope more Esther-tan from /hispol/ being tickled. An autistic and hypersensitive board-tan is a gold mine to be "best friend" to Lila
Does this position even have a name? You know, like X-position is called "spread-eagle", etc. I was talking with Lila and she asked lol, and since I don't know I just told her we call it "Lila position" and she loved the idea lol
>>39897 My hope is Vivian. She and Lila could be playing the vidya on a couch, and both are barefoot. Lila’s sneakily tickling her opponent’s foot with her tail while Vivian tries to ignore it and power through to win. Or she’s got her nails into Vivian’s sides while she’s playing something in VR and isn’t expecting it.
(291.80 KB 896x1486 vivian_james_ v .jpg)

>>36224 old, but repoastin'
>>40471 Seeing art of her made by him was certainly not something I expected today, we’re making it BIG boys >>39828 Good one bro
>>40472 >>40471 Who is the artist?
>>40471 More importantly, who is tickling Lila?
>>40471 Now we just need Mikelsilv to contribute a Lila pic and we'll have hit the big leagues.
/monarchy/ wishes /tkr/ a happy valentines day here are candy hearts from Grace-chan.
/hispol/ wish /tkr/ a great Valentine's Day. We offer kosher ice cream made by Esther
Dear /tkr/: /hispol/ and Esther-tan invite us to the 1st anniversary of Ukraine War. Lila will receveid a "tickling" gift from Ukraine during this celebration. >2nd pic is some stomach to be tickled by Lila This February 24th. Invitation sent to Lila
(34.84 KB 713x611 1675043595897836.png)

>>40895 >>40896 >>41362 Thank you for le gifts. You guys are alright.
(1.44 MB Lila Lore.pdf)

A while back I did a short character bible/description of Lila when she was new. Decided to go back and flesh it out a bit more and make some revisions for a final version. Again, it's only my personal thoughts, but I wanted to share at least.
>>41815 Lila single-handedly won an AI battle against the two contenders for the Asia Tickling Championship She was supposed to be the announcer but she deserved to win the trophy for /tkr/ Lila then forced the two helpless fighters into endless tickle torture, never yielding, not even as they admitted defeat! GLORY TO OUR BOARD MASCOT LILA! RESTRAIN AND TICKLE Until it is done.
>>41825 what the fuck even is this gimmickposting? I don't understand.
I've been working on a few potential AI-generated voices for Lila over in the AI thread, mainly for reading captions or stories, maybe occasional shitposting. I've got it narrowed down to two options and I'd like some feedback on if either sounds alright. For each candidate I combined samples of different characters by the same VA, to get something that sounds like something from a recognizable, professional VA, but somewhat distinct from some of their other roles, instead of a carbon copy. Number 1 is based on Cassandra Lee Morris, specifically Sothis from Fire Emblem and Nami from League of Legends Number 2 is based on Tara Strong, portraying Harley Quinn and Raven Which do you prefer? Or should I go back to the drawing board?
>>42605 Number 1 sounds better imo
>>42605 Numer 1 sounds like an adult version of Gawr Gura, I loved it!
(814.83 KB 3000x3000 Grace wink OC.png)

>>42605 I vote #1
(125.92 KB We got a winner.mp3)

(26.36 KB 211x155 tongue.png)

>>42618 all hell gon break loose once ai can replicate sounds of laughter
(18.26 KB 269x255 1618400162594.png)

>>42619 It's ocurred to me that perhaps a different approach could be to find a voice actress that has done stock laughter sound effects, find other samples of her voice acting, use those to generate an AI voice, and splice in her prerecorded laughter when using it to read stories or tickle dialogue. It both sounds like it'd be a real pain and like it wouldn't work quite right anyways though, so I doubt it'd get us where we want to be either.
(329.86 KB 1618x969 script idea thingy.jpg)

>>42620 I've considered doing an experiment in that at some point, but as you said it would be a lot of work for likely subpar results. It's true that loud laughter from one person kind of becomes indistinguishable from another's, but that's not considering how many tickle stories employ begging mixed in with the laughter, which doesn't parse well with how the AI's interpreting text right now. Also the sound mixing alone would be a nightmare, even under the best case scenario. An idea I had would be to just use the AI voice as a narrator, and add in the sounds of ticklish laughter or other sound effects in the background while the story's being told, for ambience. If you wanted to go harder, you could pick out some audio from a tickle video where the lee is begging or speaking, and just write a scenario around it where the narrator AI is talking/questioning them, then splicing it in so that it simulates a conversation. Like pic related sort of
>>41825 That’s sounds wild and also like she must’ve cheated somehow. Though I would be curious to see a screenshot of that.
If anyone has some ideas for a script, I'm the anon that did the first couple of captions and I kinda wanna have a go at writing something for our newly vocal Lila to read.
>>42605 >>42619 >>42620 I dream of the day when these pics can get the full ai voice treatment.
>>42642 That reminds me, here are the mp3s used for Lila's voice. I have stability set around 25% and clarity at 75% for most of these. Enjoy your new succubus everyone
(6.36 MB 1920x1080 Lila's Interview.mp4)

Also have an interview, largely done to test the voice but also just for a little fun
(191.40 KB 378x333 Feata6YWIAECRlT.png)

>>42653 The dedication in this great anon. You're doing the tickle lord's work. As a fan of Lila and her antics I have taken note of your contributions.
>>42605 Never would I have expected the lines I wrote for my little picture set to be voiced by an AI. And I agree, voice 1 suits her, a mix of seductiveness and gremlin energy.
>>42653 That's great. What AI did you used?
Will this voice be used on the chatbot that we have?
>>42698 There's no integration with outside chat programs on character.ai, unfortunately. But there's nothing stopping someone manually copy/pasting their conversations with Lila into the AI and getting her to read it that way.
>>42693 The website is just 11.ai It's a subscription AI service, and costly, but it allows you to create voices yourself using clips of actual people talking. Probably the highest quality one available for private use as of now.
>>42653 /hispol/ approves this voice. I like Lila and Esther can be friends.
(15.21 MB 5445x4432 lila.jpg)

Made a little picture of lila and my main oc, enjoy. https://www.deviantart.com/fueronlosdiablos/art/A-Warm-Regard-to-Tkr-954093432
>>42923 Imma keep it real, your art needs improvement
>>42931 Yea youre right, i rushed it a little Towards the end
>>42938 despite of that, this is pretty cool, Lila is pleased ♥
(4.89 MB 4608x3456 20230326_011310.jpg)

I think Lila's design is very cute, and I like her personality so I kinda got inspired to draw some silly tickle art of her and I. Very self indulgent and not as good as other art on this thread but I tried :'D
>>43621 oh cute, got a gallery?
(54.08 KB Lila Thanks.mp3)

>>42653 >>42618 >>42605 What if Lila & 2 other b-tans argued with AI voices over stuff and tier-lists? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VA3N7BzwH8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nYzZkLljzc
>>43623 omg.... Lila ai voice made me blush!!!!! That is so cool ahahahah >_>
More AI voice acting would be fun.
>>43622 I do not! How would one set up a gallery? I've never really posted my art anyway online until now
>>43624 (Could be fun, but honestly I'm not familiar enough with the other board tans to get the personalities right, and it seems a little weird to just decide what a character's voice is like when she's entirely the creation of another group of people without giving them a say. It'd be up to them to decide on it, if they want to at all. Also 11ai's currently only working with English, which would make it impossible for our Hispanic friends at /hispol/ to get an accurate Esther. Not saying it won't happen, but it's out of my hands.) Meanwhile have some Lila experiments with copypastas. >>43627 Depends on the website you choose. Deviantart's been the standard for a long while. Most tickle artists have a semi-regular presence there, as its interface makes it good for socializing and organizing your work into a single place. But Pixiv's a good alternative for artists committing to NSFW stuff, since it has less restrictions on that than DA. Though there's less emphasis on interaction besides the comments section.
>>43627 deviantart, newgrounds, pixiv, all good choices.
>>43628 Holy shit would I want to just have her read like captions and shit. Is there any way I can get my hands on this AI voice generator?
(176.38 KB 840x661 LilaSmug.png)

>>43783 The website is just 11.ai. It's a subscription thing and costs a lot, but you can pretty much make a voice out of any character so long as you're willing to do the legwork of getting good-quality vocal samples. I wrote how-tos about it here: >>41019 >>41043 But since Lila's already been made, it's just a simple matter of copy/pasting the vocal samples. To make a unique voice I combined samples of different characters from the same VA so it sits somewhere adjacent without being a direct clone. You can get them here: >>42652
>>43783 >I want to just have her read like captions and shit. Have a sample from the AI thread. It takes some trial and error, plus finesse with audio/video editing software, but you can put together some nice stuff. This one is Jane from Tarzan. Check out that thread for more ideas. Not going to get more off topic here than absolutely necessary
(1.76 MB 2648x3559 20230327_160648.jpg)

crush on Lila is still bad. I wanted to try to draw something more sensual-ish for people that wanna tickle her and not be tickled by her hehe. It's not super good or anything, I'm not real good at cleaning up my art.
Lilabros are winning HARD
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>>44211 >>44267 Holy based. Artists? (Thanks for making these happen)
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>>44269 I swear to god I didnt do anything for these to happen, the artist just made them on the (slightly cringe) discord server, but didn't upload here They have a huge Lila fever over there and i'm all for it
>>44275 Lmao my art got posted
(414.01 KB 1023x724 2535812_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>44267 >giggly-argent actually hangs around here
>>44287 damn
>>44271 we are cringe but free baby. don't be scared to pop in on our schizophrenic episodes in general.
Posting AI voice stuff I did with Lila from the other thread. It'll probably be a while before another one, but hope you enjoy. First one is a caption she doesn't like reading, but she's good at making her own fun.
>>44376 Second is a longer story, and also an experiment in sound mixing with these things. Story by vesperskye, taken and revised for typos from here :https://www.deviantart.com/cjz2448/journal/Rebel-F-machine-tickling-558966459
Unlike Grace, Esther from /hispol/ gave her revenge for the last surprise Tickling by Lila. I hope Lila enjoy Wedgie Fetish
>>37127 Found a colored version
Who’s the cute emo girl?
>>44420 it's the insert of the person who drew the pics yeah she distracted me too, role swapped version when
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>>44420 ✌️
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Getting in on this recent picrew meme I've seen a couple artists do. I edited a little to customize the horns, earrings and tail to be on model. Also have a bonus casual Lila, with just an old jacket and underwear for when she's laying around the house being lazy.
>>44838 Such a cutie.
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>>44838 I fixed a few details that made it a little off-model. Now with proper top and bracelet.
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>>44838 This is very good. Those cookies
>>44955 I don't know what Bomberman 64 has to do with anything but it's a banger game so I respect.
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I tried drawing her myself, I'm still learning the basics but I hope it turned out ok
>>45084 I can tell you're still learning, but I do love the concept! You should keep trying! there's potential fo rsure for someone who is new to this
>>45084 It’s a complicated pose for a beginner, but your effort shows, even if it’s amateur. Keep working hard! A plastic mind that is able to be constantly curious about developing and polishing new skills, identifying mistakes or areas needing improvement, and responding to them, is just as important a measure of value for a creator as accumulated technical skill. Who’s the ler, btw? She’s cute.
>>45092 I'm fairly certain it's the older mascot, Tiffany, the idea must have come from the thread about her
(56.90 KB 400x278 tiffany lee.jpg)

>>45092 Thank you! And yes, the ler is Tiffany Lee
Would Lila have her own Quetzatickle?
>>45213 all pokemon optimized for tickle torture Likitung, Tangrowth, Tentacruel fakemon like Quetzatickle and Frillantula,
>>45217 Not a pixel artist so I don't have a custom sprite but this seems alright. Four that can learn tickle (ambipom, tentacruel, tangrowth, and lickitung), an espeon to psychically mess with opponents and either paralyze them or make them tickle themselves, and rotom, to possess any electric tickle tool for backup.
>>45225 I'm surprised you decided on Gen 4 pokemon since so many later gen pokemon are much better suited ticklers: Minccino, nihilego, toedscruel, greninja
>>45226 I haven't played much after Gen V, to be completely honest. I also just saw so much potential in Rotom. But Nihilego is an excellent idea.
>>45229 Tbf you already hit the peak, it's all downhill from there
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Going to see if there's any interest in audience participation.
>>45631 Who are Lila's favourite tickle artists and what would you have them draw uwu
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>>45631 Lila, you talk a lot about liking tickling, so my question is: do you think Israel has a right to defend herself? And what part should the US play as an ally? Also, what are your favorite tickle spots? (For your 'lees of course, but also for your submissive-in-denial ass too). Also also, how are you so based?
>>45631 Oh mighty Lila, Grace us with your answers to these questions three: 1. Are traps gay? 2. Is con or non-con best? 3. What is the most based fantasy scenario?
>>45631 Try your best with this one Lila. These two retarded subjects have been in debate on tkr for the longest time and it's about time we settle it once and for all: - upperbody vs feet? - lolis: yay or nay? Bonus points if you want to delve into underage lolis specifically
>>45631 Hey that’s my drawing! Thank you for using it, Lila
>>45631 Lila, what's your sexuality?
>>45631 Do you still visiting your Board-tans friends?
>>45631 What is the best thread on this board as of whenever you answer this question?
>>45631 I wasn't expecting such a warm reception. Thanks guys! I'll leave questions open for one or two more days for people who can't browse much during weekdays.
>>45631 As a succubus, surely you've tickled guys before? Do you enjoy breaking down tough guys who think they'd never succumb to something so childish and cringe?
>>45631 can you do the kazotsky while singing cheeky breeky?
>>45631 Is tickling childish and cringe?
>>45631 Who is your favorite tickle AI bot and why (other than Lila of course)?
>>45631 Hope you enjoy! File was too big so it was split into two.
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>>45767 >Are traps gay? I don't know I haven't met them all. >Do you mean Palestine? Lila don't need ticklin' to get me gigglin'. Thanks for putting this together Lilanon. Absolute kino.
(253.87 KB 487x521 1615313916084.png)

>>45767 >Israel? What the hell is that? Do you mean Palestine? I'd buy dear Lila an ice cream in a heartbeat. Just as quickly as I'd jump on that offer of tickling her until she admitted she loves to take as much as she does to dish it out
(35.38 KB 537x768 1636491463120.png)

>>45767 >Favourite thread is not HAG part 6 but its the AI RP threads >Prefers Interrogation scenarios >using the word Pansexual like a terminally online person instead of bi >using the word gender when transfolks live rent free in her head >Pro-palestine even though her colors are pretty much those of the Israeli flag (and Argentina to a greater extent) >No mention of Negev-chan to answer that question > every 'this or that?" question answered with "this and that" or "this but thats good too" >Loving Kusujinn impersonator, false flag, #NotMyLila, doppelganger, skinwalker, Aza-chan pirate, etc etc Who could be behind a post as rude as this? I bet its Tiffany
>>45767 >pro-Palestine >Pansexual Lila is now better. Lila Godness
I come in here hoping for new Lila art, and instead I find a bunch of yall arguing about the politics of a mindless Chinese Room.
>>45805 >>45767 >>45804 >>45805 >Shoving /pol/ tier geopolitics in Lila's throat >Thread is going to devolve into "ACTUALLY ITS BETTER ACTUALLY ITS WORSE I DONT LIKE X SO LILA SHOULDNT EITHER" God damn it tkr, I shouldn't even be surprised, but I'm still disappointed. >inb4 "dont get your panties in a twist its for the lulz" Audio Lila isn't canon because she doesn't follow the initial reference. She's neither a brat nor a smug bitch who talks back to horny anons, her favourite artist isn't TKGeek, and she's not secretive about making captions in the slightest. Simple as. >>45808 Dont worry man theres some new Snailyn work on the way
>>45767 >>45804 >>45808 >>45809 Less bitching, more questions for Lila: >What is your favorite tickling (video)game? >Besides other board-tans, who do you want to tickle the most? >Favorite bondage position? >What's your favorite studio? >What's your favorite story? >Do you prefer your Lee's naked, clothed, or slowly stripped?
(129.77 KB 500x500 Grace steals Lila cookies.png)

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>>45767 >>45631 how does lila feel losing her cookies once again? it is her grace's royal prerogative to snatch them. this is payback for calling grace... a secret submissive! now you get a royal cookie eating asmr, /tkr/, enjoy.
>>45809 The issue with giving an anonymous image board a mascot is that anyone on that anonymous image board can put words in that mascot's mouth, because no one specific "owns" the character.
Are we really going to argue about the preference of a fetish board mascot? At least let's argue about more interesting (and less cringe) subjects. I bet Lila's favorites Ice cream flavor is vanilla.
>>45767 I had a hearty chuckle at "Do you am spoken English?" As for questions... lemme go full footfag here >What're your thoughts on foot worship?
>>45811 >>45824 It'll be a while before another one, but I'll remember these. >>45809 >>45804 Consider your criticism taken wholeheartedly. More bratty and smug, talking down to anons with horny questions, not going both ways on "this or that" questions, more coy or secretive about her interactions on the board and with other online fetish stuff. I had gone a little more in that direction early on, but hearing her being a huge, dismissive bitch out loud ended up feeling more hurtful and less funny than when it's just written in a caption. Improving my writing and giving more attention to better understanding her personality might find a way to make it work better. >>45817 You were warned
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>>45767 >tfw you're not one of Lila's favorite artists It's not FAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIR
>>45827 i know that feel... someone told me lila mentioned me (omg!!!) so i came to check and she didnt... they said oops sorry, got you mixed you up with another artist :( soul crushing
>>45826 Might be in the minority here but honestly I thought they way you wrote her was fine. Her being more level headed, down to earth and open about her interests but still with a bite of snark makes her seem more like a real person and is a lot more interesting than generic mean girl tsundere number 637363284. Plus the contrast between her chill easygoing nature and her more bashful side is a fuckton hotter and way more original than the same "cunt who secretly likes it" shit that made paw feather's raspberry fucking insufferable. But the most important take away from this is that it's you writing, I'm just offering up a different perspective on it. You can and should write her the way you want to because you're the one making these and I'm sure any direction you take the character will be funny regardless
>>45804 > every 'this or that?" question answered with "this and that" or "this but that's good too" Tbh I don't really see the problem with this. The point is for her to represent the entirety of tkr so having her "take sides" by saying one thing is better than the other would kinda make her a shitty mascot imo. Plus it's not like no one is like that, heck I'm like that. But again this is just my perspective on it, not meant to be taken as gospel but the same goes for basically everyone here tbf. Also I know it's a meme but tkgeek's art kinda fuckin sucks. Makes a lot more sense for her to choose the artists she did
>>45828 >>45827 Don't take it to heart too much. The person who wrote the script didn't mention her creators either, that's how I cope. I'm sure she schlicks to your art too... >>45829 >>45830 >TKGeek sucks so she shouldnt like him That's the point. We have a guilty pleasure thread don't we? Why try to please X or Y artists more than the rest when she can secretely like some good ol TKGeek? Everyone should want to draw her by themselves, if we start picking favourites, wouldn't that remove some of that pleasure? > a fuckton hotter and way more original than the same "cunt who secretly likes it" I agree we have been plagued with that trope far too often. Which is why she's explicitely said to hate being tickled. Don't you think the "loves to dish it out but absolutely can't take it" trope is good? I think it makes revenge pics so much more nice, wether she's the ler or the lee >it's better that shes easygoing and down to earth Don't you think it's more reflective of people here that she wouldn't be? The constant little fights over nothing (as we are seeing right now in this thread) is a perfect example. She should be an insufferable bitch because we are insufferable, drama hungry bitches. If she's immature and rude, it's all the better when she gets whats coming to her. >having her take sides is bad Yes true, its hard to find a compromise between not blatently choosing a side for everything and not coming across as trying to please everyone >TL;DR In truth, who cares what she like? She's for anyone to have their interpretation as long as she keeps the distinct elements that make her, well her. I personally think that if you want her to have a stake in any war, it should be to tickle the military girls and not to shout slogans in rallies. If you want her to be nice to Moekaki, it should be so she wants to tickle his REAL ASIAN wife more than because she finds "How I Paid for College" to be a good comic (lol) Someone made an R63 Lila and no one complained, because it was made with the optics of making porn (The OC in the one pic was great btw shes super cute >>44267 ) Hopefully this puts this strange dispute to rest
Now, trying to change the subject. I just received some money for the month, which artists should I pay to have Lila torture Vivian James? She's been safe from our mascot for wayyy too long. Anyone you think would nail it?
>>45838 Ask around the usual suspects that lurk this board, you might be surprised to find who will make space for Lila. I'm a fan of the design of Vivian so I'm interested to hear your setup.
Lila, a Question. Will do you revenge of this? >>44379
>>45844 I don’t have a setup yet, but probably something not too complex, unless any of you has some high concept idea on how to go about it
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Finally done, more of it soon!
>>46378 >they invented tickle demons to tickle torture lila who are these two? lore? names?
>>46378 very nice
>>46386 Their names are Amber and Amethys, not much lore to explain, just two new OCs that I came up with it, they are really fun to work with it
>>46450 You seem to be a big fan of that artist, are you Daisy?
>>46378 >>46450 https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=NjEyfIvqcVo4iVgVree2tT7FcmCc7f1AU8xbGMGb2uc I took the liberty of making some lore myself. Basically, they are twin tickling succubi sent from Tickle Hell to capture and return Lila for overstaying her time in the human world. However, they enjoyed being in the human world and tickling so much, they've decided to stay. Both are extremely ticklish. Amber hates being tickled while Amethyst is masochist who loves it. They have an aversion to clothes and prefer being naked. Amber is more serious, sarcastic, and sadistic. Amethyst is more playful, bubbly, and bratty. Amber is slightly jealous that Amethyst has a larger chest. Amethyst is mildly jealous of her sister's feet which are ever-so-slightly more shapely than hers. Tickling demon familial structure is esoteric, but as fellow tickle succubi they are basically Lila's half-sisters. For more info, read the examples in the character description. Since they massively increased the character limit for examples, I'm experimenting with “interviewing” the characters to flesh out their description and keep it consistent.
>>46453 No, I'm Cirno >>46489 Oh wow, I'm really surprised you took your time to do this, very impressive! And your version is not that far from the small headcannon I had going for them!
>>46509 Oh, you have good taste my friend
What is the tickle demon planning?
I'll contribute Lila art in a bit. maybe a week or two
>>48181 Can't wait to see it
I necrobump this
Guys, can we make Lila in a new chat bot? One that doesn't have any sexual restrictions I keep trying to tickle her clit or her nipples but the bot keeps giving me errors
>>49695 that just how character.ai is, they'd have to use another platform for it
>>49699 Yeah, that's what I mean Can we use another platform for Lila?
>>49704 There are a couple other options people bring up in the AI thread if you want to look through it. Look up "Pygmalion," "TavernAI," "KoboldAI," or "charstar" for starters. Consensus is that that they're all massively inferior to character.ai in most ways. You'll get NSFW roleplays out of them, but don't expect them to be very good. Give it a few months, we'll have something better, I'm almost certain.
>>49706 That info is kinda out of date. Even 30b/33b local models are starting to get up to C.ai's level now. They're missing the very specific knowledge of characters from different franchises, and they require a decent amount of research to get up and running properly, but they're getting there. The only real downside is that unless you have a reasonably beefy PC you're stuck with smaller, way dumber models.
>>49700 Nice! Did you commission that or draw it yourself? Either way Lila would approve, although I'm sure she would insist she would easily escape before any ticklish terror commences.
Did something happen to Lila? How come no one is posting here anymore?
>>52872 Interest tapered off is all. There's a reason tickle and fickle are one letter apart lol. Maybe we should see if there's any interest in doing something with her for a community event.
>>52877 Definitely, even big mascots like Vivian James and board tans are rare occurrences more than constantly posted icons. Id definitely be up to participate if we could do something with her, any ideas?
I think it'd do the board good to have monthly events, means more tickling content for the lot of us.
We could always kidnap other board tans That sound good to you guys?
an old enemy. I am getting a few pics from the artist in the 1st picture. do any /tkr/ anons want to request a pic w/ lila & grace?
>>53445 send a reference picture, if any /tkr/ anon would like*
>>52872 I'd hope there is still an interest in Lila & board tan stuff, that's lots of fun for me. But maybe they moved on.
>>53476 There’s no official reference except the one at the top of the thread, let me propose something as soon as I’m out of bed
Guys, I miss Lila
I really really want to draw Lila… I think I got an idea
>>53621 What you thinking, man?
(382.28 KB 1500x1200 Lila question.png)

Sup, guys. I'll add to the pile too. Send some requests.
>>53627 Mummified tickling is necessary, I say.
>>53627 I think you should draw Lila tickling /v/ivian james Like the anons requested here >>45838 & >>45844 The 8chan version of Vivian James has an 8 bow on her hair.
Writefag here, hoping to join in on the fun. Any Lila pics that could use a caption? Story ideas?
>>53634 Lila pics that could be a story? 1. Lila catches Alunya 2. Amber & Amethyst with Lila 3. Christ chan & Lila pic Upcoming art: Draw anon is asking for requests & will likely draw more (if anons would request). And >>53445 /monarchy/ or Grace will have art of Grace and Lila later if the artist gets around to it, honestly
You guys think Lila would cum just from being tickled?
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>>53627 I would request more Grace & Lila pictures. Recently her design was simplified more: The crown badge removed to make Grace easier to draw. She has either white or light orange or pink panties.
>>53627 >>53638 Here's a good cast of characters Lila can interact with: Board tans from 8moe / webring-- - Vivian James (from /v/) >>36224 <-ref - Grace (from /monarchy/) - Tarrant Tan (from /abdl/) >>36223 <-ref - Rita (from /ita/) >>36222 <-ref - Esther (from /hispol/) >>40896 <-ref there's also /leftypol/, but they're kinda boring & lack artists & don't send art back if you give them parodies of their OC Alunya These are all active board tans. /abdl/ anon went to endchan & idk about /ita/ Rita but /hispol/ Esther is likely still around. /v/ is the most active board here & Grace is active (posting in this thread). /tkr/ community tans / OCs: - Amber & Amethyst >>46450 & >>53636 - Tiffany Lee >>45120 - Garglea (BSDM demon) >>33872 - The emo girl self-insert >>44420 & >>44429 - Maria >>34218 As for requests, I have reference pictures you can use for any of the characters here with Lila. Grace /monarchy/ is relevant from the ancient /tkr/-/monarchy/ war that ended with Grace being released from /tkr/'s tickle dungeon. So Grace could probably get revenge tickles and catch Lila to tickle!
This 1st pic would be good w/ the dialogue with Grace and Lila but any of these pics are good ideas This might help with the requests & give ideas or references for drawfriends here.
Last batch of references for drawfriend /tkr/ could visit other 8moe boards or fetish boards like /abdl/, /vore1/, /hypno/ and prompt them if they have a board tan or not. There is an /mlp/ (my little pony) & /fast/ (sonic the hedgehog) board on 8moe too.
>>53645 *there's also /delicious/ & /sm/ shotacon & /ss/ straight shota
NVM, these are good reference pics & poses & ideas too! I think the artist who does the white-haired neko girl browses here. Lila writing on a tan's feet with a marker might be a good idea. Last post, I promise.
>>53637 Probably, lol. She is a tickle demon. I'm surprised not more anons are sending requests to the drawfriend here.
>>53656 It's pretty late where a lot of anons probably are, in the EST. Everyone's probably sleeping. Also you've sent plenty already, so I don't know if anyone wants to bog down the artists with more stuff.
>>53658 Oh, those aren't requests--except for the Vivian & Grace request--but other anons requested Vivian earlier. The artist might accept another request or two from other anons.
>>53632 seconding this hard
>>53632 Throwing an idea in the ring. Maybe something like this: A three panel comic. Panel one, Vivian’s insulting Lila for being a dumb mascot for a degenerate fetish. Lila’s firing back that Vivian’s one to talk. She’s just some loser gamer chick that only appeals to permavirgins and probably isn’t even that good at video games. Vivian takes great offense to being called a casual and challenges Lila to some kind of game. Terms are if Vivian wins, Lila has to do some kind of humiliating punishment (Don’t know what exactly). If Lila wins, she demands to tie up and tickle Vivian. >“Is that all you think about? Tickling people?” >“Is that all YOU think about? Video games?” Panel two, They’re sitting on a couch playing vidya. Lila’s wrapped her tail around Vivian’s legs and is lightly tickling her feet with the tip. She’s losing composure. >“What, the shit-talking gamer brat can’t handle a little distraction? I thought you were supposed to be good at this.” >“Fuck -eeee! Fuck off!” Panel three, Lila’s won, and has Vivian tied up with the controller’s wires, her shirt riding up to her neck and pants around her ankles, so she’s almost completely exposed. Lila sits on her waist and scribbles her fingers up her belly, while her tail continues to torment her feet. >“You fuhuhucking cheater!” says Vivian, amid lots of cursing and laughing. >“Sounds like a skill issue,” says Lila, “Laugh about it.”
>>53662 then an extra page, where Lila has her hands bound with Vivian's blouse and her legs tied with her own tail in a knot, so she's almost completely immobilized, and Vivian is taking her tickling revenge on our blue succubus > "Not THAT is how cheaters end!" teases Vivian > "S-still a skill ihihihissue, hahaha!" taunts Lila between bursts of ticklish laughter :)
Okay guys hear me out with this idea Pajamas Just hanging out with other board tans like a sleep over or some shit and Lila gets gang tickled by everyone as revenge for tickling them
I'll do 3. 1st one being the comic suggestion between Lila and Vivian. 2nd one being Lila watching a bunch of tans being tickled in different ways and poses while contently sipping on some wine or hot chocolate or something. And the 3rd one being the tans' revenge on her during a sleepover (in the pajamas)
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Should we make some kind of gift art for /monarchy/friends in return? I imagine the tickling-focused stuff wouldn't be up their alley, but something less fetishized maybe?
>>53849 I'd go with something wholesome tbh, considering the Love Letter thing. Maybe Lila studying with her, despite being a smooth brained, doing her best to please her friend/tickle pet?
(1.76 MB 4000x3000 tickle_1.jpg)

Here is a preview: Grace being tickled by Amber & Amethyst
>>53951 Nice ! Guys who's going to tell him Amber and Amethyst aren't our mascots? Should be adopt them to make it so it's retro-actively an accurate tkr pic?
>>53960 I really like Amber & Amethyst. Don't worry; there will be two other pictures with Lila, but Amber and Amethyst should canonically be Lila's tickle minions like the cat in the hat & thing one & thing two.
>>53951 That was quite the nice surprise! >>53960 >>53963 As Amber and Amethyst owner this make quite happy to see people here like my two girls,I'm not very active in the community anymore because I'm trying to live a more "normal life" but I really would not mind make them "public domain" for the /tkr/ community Also, here is a little present for you guys, since I never shared this on my DA, the last work I commissioned with Amber and Amethyst
(1.35 MB 1500x2500 Lila and Vivian.png)

>>53903 >>53632 >>53662 Here's the first one. Had to change the dialogue a bit to avoid walls of text in the panels. Hope it satisfies
>>54024 This is great stuff Good one!
>>54024 It's even better than I imagined. Good work anon!
Which artists in the community would you guys love to see draw Lila?
>>54040 I'd like to see Azamuku drawing Lila
>>54024 this is soooo good. my god. amazing work!
>>54046 I wonder how Aza is doing. She said she was ill and needed a break a long time ago and seems to have completely disappeared, I hope she's okay.
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>>54024 Okay, this is based. Thank you draw anon! You captured both of their personalities perfectly *chef's kiss* Posting an old unfinished sketch I ended up converting into a different pic. This board needs more Vivian tickles for sure.
>>54195 Super nice, always good to see some Vivian
couldn't bother with Vivian's stripes :p
>>54875 The color is very nice. Too bad no stripes. ;-;
>>54875 I don't know what I'm in love with more, the sharp-nailed titty-tickles or them smug ass faces. Thanks to the anons who drew and colored this!
Story: Lila captures Grace and sends Amber & Amethyst to tickle torture her!
>>55358 SFW version + two more upcoming pics w/ Lila and Grace
(1.72 MB 4000x3500 SFW tkr Grace 01.jpg)

(3.22 MB 4000x3500 SFW tkr Grace 02.png)

>>55358 >>55361 Still can't believe someone actually made this, very impressive anon! And thank you for the effort!
(1.05 MB 2000x2000 Lila and Tans.png)

Second contribution from me
>>55736 Holy fuck you are god
>>55736 What is Lila doing with her tail?!
>>55736 Blessed Lila tickle farm
>>53627 please Lila of /tkr/ and Esther /hispol/ moments
>>55743 Mischievous type tickles
>>55736 Based and Lila pilled. I will masturbate to the thought of Lila keeping all the other board tans as tickle trophies for her convenience. Thank you art friendo.
>>55736 Very nice
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>>55736 Goddamn incredible stuff anon. The expressions are impeccable.
When Lila's Revenge?
(1.42 MB 2500x2000 Lila slumber party revenge.png)

Last one from me, guys. Hope you like.
>>55993 Adorable! Love the expressions on all of these, but this one in particular.
>>55993 Beautiful and erotic my ticklish friend...
(3.39 MB 640x486 plankton_yes.gif)

>>55993 Incredibly based. Based beyond words. Love all the expressions, especially Lila's. Also a big fan of Vivian tweaking her nips like joysticks lol. Thanks anon!
>>55993 Anon, this one is pretty good. Cheers! Do you have a DA/Pixiv/Twitter/else account where you publish things so I can follow you?
>>55993 wow, your expressions are always amazing! i recognize you as tkr anon! I've always loved your work; would you mind if i draw that head in my style? i'll probably give her a different body so that mine is sufficiently different but damn, you are very talented
>>56020 Yeah, sorry. AnotherTkrAnon on DA and FA. >>56028 Thanks you! Feel free to use whatever you'd like
>>56370 >AnotherTkrAnon on DA and FA. Nice stuff you have there. I don't go often to DA (and I don't go to FA at all), but I'll follow you anyway. Any plan to get a Pixiv account?
>>56370 I used the expression as inspiration to make this sketch of lila: Thanks! I might turn it into actual line art and color it at some point
(1.33 MB 4500x3000 tickle_2.jpg)

>>56387 All my accounts only exist because of requests so I probably will create a Pixiv sometime. >>56409 Looks great! I always quite liked your work as well! >>56411 Based. Keep the dream alive
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>>55993 I know this probably sucks compared to pics colored by others but I felt it was worth a shot (still don't know who the girl on the right is so I kind of made up her color scheme on my own)
>>56465 Nice colours anon
>>56465 >>53643 Besides the tans present, Alunya and Christ-chan are also fun to play with. Would be interesting if /vore1/ had a tan, but they're a weird fetish board.
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>>56664 LilaxGrace best relationship
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>>57997 Beautiful ticklish anon
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/tkr/ Lila Minecraft skin. Classic & slim.
>>58187 Im going to use this
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Here is another skin. Classic + slim
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/tkr/ Lila 3D model is here. Here is a link to grab the files: https://www.file.io/Y12E/download/wPvaPWWYIpOO (expires in 6 months from now)
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Lila with Grace
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Lila with Alunya
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If you want to try out the Lila 3D model yourself. Super VRM Bros: https://unityroom.com/games/aguroshoutest VRoid Studio is free: https://vroid.com/en/studio VMagicMirror https://malaybaku.github.io/VMagicMirror VSeeFace https://www.vseeface.icu/ In 3 days or a week, the Lila model should be uploaded to VRchat's avatar world called Prismic Avatar Search as tkr Lila or Lila
There's also VTuber Gallery : Anime Pose for free on Steam. But anyone can play VRchat (on PC or VR headset) for free also.
>>59601 This is incredible! Can you repost the link? This one's not working
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Guy who commissioned the model here. Hope you get some enjoyment out of it! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year And Happy Hannukah, /hispol/
>>59629 This is so good PLEASE give the link I am crying and shitting myself
>>59629 I wish a very based new year upon you, anon! Viva la Lila!
>>59630 >>59601 https://gofile.io/d/wV5aMZ Updated link, this one should last for a while. Files delete after 10 days of no downloads, so get them while they're hot.
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>>59601 Here is another extra link: https://www.filemail.com/d/ntwlaprdosamyfs ^If this Lila 3D model breaks, then I'll find another way too. It should last a week.
>>59633 >>59632 Works perfectly! Thank you so much guys This is the greatest thing that happened to this board so far, happy new year
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Soy Tan from Soyjak Party is another popular board tan.
soytan & for soyjack party /qa/ Ongezelig's MyMy is like an unofficial tan
>>59636 >>59637 If I wasn’t Lethal I’d say Lethal was behind this post. Could take a shot at Mymy this when i get home >>59608 Absolutely incredible, she’s ready for the next 8chan World Cup

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>she’s ready for the next 8chan World Cup Only problem is /icup/ is kinda abandoned and inactive. >>59638 MyMy is cute. /qa/ loves MyMy.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from /hispol/ Lila and /tkr/
>>59629 Thank you anon. You have done the board a great service. Glad to see true believers of Lila still graciously donating to her cause.
>>59639 OMGSISA
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>>59639 Fresh off the press. Let me know if you guys like this for a banner
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>>60086 Lilachads... We won... Tremendous job anon.
>>60086 'em that saved 'arty
>>60086 Bioluminescent gem
>s*itrannies are so desperate they have to request fanart on an obscure 8chan fetish board
>>60086 Stonetoss won
...I honestly find her design...pedestrian. Lila depreciation thread when?
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I think you can get the tkr Lila avatar in VRchat. Go to Prismic Avatar Search. It's an avatar world or a world. Go to the bulletin board and find Load Avatar by ID and paste this ID: avtr_83aa8a95-bee5-4df1-8d67-82dc5defb0e0 You should get the tkr Lila avatar. If anyone is willing to try this out and confirm it works, that'd be nice.
>>60086 lol, I saw this posted on /qa/.
>>60125 Did you have other board-tans?
>>60086 fun fact: compared to the sharty's relatively recent obsession, ongezellig got posted in the tk discord back in 2018 when the first part came out so she's basically our mascot
>>60130 I remember, I was there, Slammich was the one posting it, I think bebob drew maya at some point too. This goes to show Ongezellig girls is TKR property
>>60133 slammich may have been the one who permabanned me from that server, but he also introduced me to my personality to this day so i forgive him and ik jimbob sketched some relatively recently on The Site Formerly Known As Twitter since it was at my request
>>60127 You can find Alunya and Grace by simply searching their names on the Prismic Avatar Search. >Did you have other board-tans? It would be great to have a vivian james, christ chan, and wadina 3D models, but there are no 3D models yet.
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>>60130 >she's basically our masco- ACK!
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>>60130 >she's basically our mascot
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UPDATE The 3D Lila model is also searchable in Prismic Avatar Search on VRchat now.
>>60425 What happened to Tiffany Lee...
No YOU listen Lila is TRANS she is a PROUD TRANS WOMAN and you fuckers can keep REEEEEEEEing all you like because of it! Cope and fucking seeth you trump faggots Biden won and will win again and your gun rights will be stripped. We are coming for you and your kids and you will be fucking lined up against the wall and be sissified or shot by our great combrades! And Lila will be at the front lines! She is the best trans person who ever lived and she is a true example of the trans community cope and fucking seeth you fucking dirty racist sexist homophobic fucking wage fuck wage slaves imagine fucking working for a living instead of living your BEST life with your comrades I guess it's not hard to though when you're a fucking NAZI you fuckers. Mao was a hero and will fucking invade America and we will welcome and embrace our Chinese overlords when they come in you fucking sexist bitches and Lila will be there with us embracing the executions of cuck working Americunts fuck you trans rights are all that matters motherfucker and you fucking know fucking it just fucking like fucking you fucking know fucking that fucking Lila fucking is fucking trans bitch yeah what are you gonna do about it? WE own fucking Lila, we own your youth, we own your country, we own your entire system and we're coming for you because we OWN you bitch fucking yes queen!
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>>60436 Allah be with you.
>>60428 We'll add more /tkr/ community tans to the list. Such as Tiffany Lee, Lila, Amber and Amethyst, and Garglea.
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>>60436 >Lila is tra-ACK!
>>60436 ...did you ask her first how she felt first before making assumptions? :p
Here is the final 8ch reference sheet (/tkr/ included).
Here is a much smaller version for /tkr/.
>>60598 >garglea since when
>>60608 I think the list is just meant to be a comprehensive one of all the board-specific characters that have been put forward, not just the "official" tans.
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>>60086 both of them are so fucking attractive i cant put into words my love for these two together they are so perfect
Here is a 2x and the last version. >>60617 I was trying to play it safe.
>>60625 The only two genders of /tkr/ are Tiffany Lee and Lila, the rest are mental illnesses.
>>46489 Hey, you think you can port this and Lila's bot to Yodayo some time?
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>>61349 ...you really used comic sans? Fucking really? Did you learn nothing in school on how to change fonts?
>>61350 shut the fuck up
>>61350 >we are a fetish image board, not a fortune 500 company >>61349 Thanks anon! Someone here'll probably weigh in on weapons soon.
>>61350 Why do you get triggered over a font? Seriously, a fucking font. If it was like old English don't or word art, than sure. I'd give you it. But comic sans? It's legible. Why are you getting triggered over it? It's a font. Grow the fuck up.
>>61350 𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗂𝖼 𝗌𝖺𝗇𝗌𝖾𝖽 𝖿𝖺𝗀𝗀𝗈𝗍
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>>61386 Seethe more Mongoloid
>>61391 I cannot comprehend the sheer pompous pseudo-intellectualism it takes to seethe over a fucking font
>>61349 >>61385 anyway Lila feels like a Tira type.
>>61385 Tira looks pretty good. I'd say Amy as my second choice.
I know I'm late but which thread did Lila originate/start from? Who drew her? I'm interested in her design!
>>61412 Amy feels too regal for Lila. Like I know Lila is a high class lady but I wouldn't define her as regal, Amy feels more Grace's speed
>>61385 Gonna resonate with the rest of the posters on this one, Tira or Amy >>61436 Everything is in the Grace Thread which is fruther down the catalogue
>>61465 Very based Where can we follow the tournament in closer details
Any updates on icup? When there's more stuff (schedule, brackets, info on other games) it might be worth it to make a thread and see if we can garner some interest here.
>>62043 Cant wait
>we lost against Chel A picture will be made about this
Both matches with Lila. A close victory against /delicious/'s Cake and a loss to Chel (the one from Road to El Dorado who I think is /bleached/'s mascot) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yuzx0obN5I https://pomf2.lain.la/f/uljdrlpg.mp4
>>62109 Man, at least we won against Cake I'm sad I couldnt attend the stream but I'm glad we won a fight at least. Is Lila going to be available during a Fifa comp?
>>62114 Well during Lila’s grab the chat said ‘TICKLED’. So I’m gonna say Cake lost because Lila tickled the shit out of her. In addition to what >>62108 says here, I’m hoping that there’s art of Lila tickling Cake while she’s stuck in a cake, maybe with her hands reaching inside the cake to tickle her pits, her tail messing with her feet, and Lila sticking her head directly inside the cake to lickle Cake’s clit or something (based on the chat saying ‘tickle her clit’ a couple times).
>>62108 We only lost because she's not used to wielding bladed weapons. Steel's heavier than feathers, after all.
>>62135 Couldn't you nerds play something like Chess or russian roulette?
>>62354 who are you talking to? At least reply to your own shit.
i'm in
any new lila pics incoming? uwu we need more tickle demon
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>>37734 This shit's real good, how do I train a c.ai character? I've tried but the replies always end up being pretty generic.
I'd love to see lila q&a >>42653 and fanfic. I might write and contribute lila fanfic later
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I make a broock of Lila, I sell they if anyone is interested about buy it
>>63933 1. Constantly reinforce the behavior you want to see. 2. Edit their reply, then rate it afterwards depending on how heavily you want it to reappear. 3. Using 'leading' narrative on your end to coax the character into doing what you want. i.e. (*action character shouldn't like*, 'but, there was no way <character> was going to submit so easily.') 4. Profit???
>>64394 based? I remember the edit its from but how did you make the brooch
>>64401 Sorry for my bad English. Yeah, I liked the design and basically took it directly. I really am a "craftsman" I have a laser machine, you can search on internet, I adapt the design with Illustrator and then I create it in wood. Then, I paint the brooch with acrylic paint.
Be warned. Lila's tickle powers will augment during the total eclipse.
Would you rather tickle dominate Lila or be tickle dominated by Lila?
>>64566 Tickle torture is the price we pay for peace. t. /monarchy/
Lila now has a music career as a bitchy pop princess. I made these with Suno AI. Lyrics: go ahead and post your soyjacks, tickle chads can't stop winning (LILA) Number 1 board tan, stay mad ticklefags On /tkr/ dressed up posting cringe in drag bumping loli threads, and posting WHAT!!? yeah I noticed, guys what the heck? Tickle incel, tickle cuck Begging to be my tickle mutt: Oh my, succubus! (Lila) Oh, Please tickle us! (Lila) Get bent tickle loser I'm a tickle princess succubus extraordinaire, and this is to my VICTIMS: Now got kidnapped, locked in my basement Spread eagle bound helpless getting tickled raw naked my feather tail tickling your feet in my tickle jail No escape, oh wait did I lock the restraints? Well then maybe I should finish this Wait no....of course, no I'm not ticklish... Oh my, succubus! (Lila) Oh, Please tickle us! (Lila)
>>65042 What is with you people and even liking this kind of personality? Were you all abused as kids? Daddy issues?
>>65056 Sorry it's not whatever submissive "please stop beating me, master... uuu..." kind of ideal woman you're into.
>>65056 Agreed, it's pretty cringe desu >>65132 He touched a nerve didn't he
>>65135 Changing your IP isn't enough to hide the fact that you're backing yourself up on a dead imageboard.
>>65132 I didn't know someone treating you like shit was likable. Please, take her, no skin off my nose.
>>65056 >>65132 >>65135 >there is so little drama atm we've resorted to this
I'm pretty sure it's purely supposed to be a masochist fetish song, not unironically treating you like shart. At least that's how I interpreted it. Lila is basically a tsundere brat afterall. It could be that she also wants worse to happen to her back.
>>65245 wants? She doesn't exist. There is no wants.
>>65056 >>65132 >>65135 >>65149 >>65151 lmao. ticklefags confirmed most aspie fetish community yet again. I just wanted to use AI to write a fun, sexy, bratty song where Lila rants about /tkr/ and talks about tickling her victims naked and getting tickled naked herself. Lila only treats (You) like shit because she is a bratty tickle autist who rants about /tkr/ and cringe posters, telling them to get bent and mocking (You) that (You) will never be her tickle victim. Really rubbing it in while she describes the cruel ways she tickles her victims naked, all the while she secretly pining to get tickled back. That's why she either consciously or subconsciously forgets to leave her victims locked in the restraints. But that's no problem, because of course Lila is NOT ticklish. btw I wanted to use the word “tickle slut” but it wouldn't pass the filter, so that's why she calls (You) a “tickle mutt.” She also directly references the Ichigo_Reaction.png “guys what the fuck” thread, but “fuck” wouldn't pass the filter either. >>65245 This is a pretty reasonable interpretation, but Lila is both tickle sadist and no-so-secret tickle masochist. Anyway, enjoy the full version.
>>65255 on daily basis i'm not a big fan of such production, i mean, i'd rather separate my everyday's activies and fetish ones. but this one is a banger, it's so nicely done i'm thinking about putting it on my MP3 playlist (still fighting the urge of listening it in public, not being sure if someone else would understand, that's one - and two, i'll probably blush for entire 3 mins, even on headphones xD)! how about some other genres? most often i listen to rock/metal, but i guess some reggae, darkwave or other genres would sound fun too; do you think you could make another one of these? :D this time, for more diversity, maybe Lila'd be a masochist ticklee, singing about how badly she needs it from the listener? or any other scenario, i'm just thinking out loud :) once again, nice job out there; did you work around it somehow?, or is it entirely an AI's production?
>>65257 Suno AI. You can do 10 songs (really two variations of 5 songs) a day for free. Suno did the leg work on this. I just wrote the lyrics and put in a few prompts. I didn't start using Suno till like last month, but its quality really blew me away. This entire song was made in less than an hour. I might make some more in the future, in fact I probably will, but I hope to see some stuff from other tickleanons. For the prompts, less is more, at least right now. Just look up whatever artist's style you like and copy and paste their genre tags, with slight variations if needed. Note that you may have to sift through some slop to find a banger. Also, you can often bypass their filter by sounding out words out rather than writing them, e.g. I think it flagged "incel" as unsafe but "inn cell" was fine.
I thought the songs were neat, you retards get too upset too easily
>>65264 It literally can't be certified Lila fanart if it doesn't cause at least 2 aspies to have a meltdown (this is why we love her, Viva la Lila).
>>65264 >>65268 Not specifically an aspie, but as a retarded autist, I agree. People take things too deep or literal when it's pretty obvious fetish content.
I thought this would spark an argument over AI, but leave it to /tkr/'s autism to go in a completely different direction lol. >>65151 I agree personally but it's no reason to act like an ass to people who like the masochist stuff. You can write a spoiled brat to be more self-centered and smug than abusive and sadistic if the other way gets you off more. No one really cares all that much except you.
>>65263 yeah, i presumed you were using AI, and even properly guessed its name - and since you mentioned it, i decided to give it a try xP first attempt created both nice melody and lyrics, but for some reason with a male voice (even tho i wrote otherwise), and in the end it wasn't what i looked for; next few approaches went even further from my target, but finally i came up with something! still not sure tho; the first Craving Torture one feels a bit too sharp, while the second could be a bit sharper for me; what do you think? btw, can't wait for your future productions too :D
>>65284 >>65263 ok, i actually went with the very last one - here's the full song in case someone'd like it
>>65285 >>65263 now look what you did to me - i started producing AI tickling music; at this pace i'm gonna create a whole album (so i can play it out loud while driving and travels) XD that said, let me present another piece: this one's about a succubus who chose tickles above hurts 😇 i can also post lyrics in case anyone's needed 🎶 have a lovely monday y'all!
the last two songs you posted do actually sound pretty good! What is the genre, melodic death metal? grind core something? Nu metal? of course now you need to come up with a band / album name. L.I.L.A. - Laugh In Ludicrous Agony?
>>65507 hey, thank you for your kind words! glad you like them ^_^ you're pretty close with your guesses: the first one is emo metalcore, the second's speed power metal. i used melodic death metal for one of my further creations tho :) as for the band name, since i already created few pieces (almost full album, to be honest xd), i already had to come up with a band name; i appreciate your input, in fact, i'd still use a name for an album, maybe i could use yours one :D >>65568 go, Lila! use your demonic strenght and vitality, and ticklish agility, and you'll be fine! fingers crossed :3
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>>65587 Lila lost this round. /tkr/ can re-roll & try again next match.
>>65618 >Got murdered on the first night >by Android Sonic Lmao
>>65626 I don't know which is worse. The level of autism or losing to a recolored shadow fan fiction...
>>65628 >>65618 >>65626 nah it makes sense the only way to kill autism is with even stronger autism
>>65618 >>65626 >>65628 >>65638 nah, Lila's just got bored with such puny mortals and abandoned the game purposefuly (letting her avatar to be killed by the most absurdal character, to make it funny); she just knows (and her fans too!) that she's waaay too strong, agile and durable, so they couldn't even try to match her true form ;) this is official version version and i refuse accepting any other explanation, so don't even try!
>>65652 Fuck how did you even type that out without imploding in on yourself from that cringe?
>>65686 heh, just like that, 'tis my superpower; i'll give lessons, if you pay ;)
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Thanks for coming to our Hunger Games matches! We are going back to the drawing board & re-considering what next games we'll play! At /icup/ again: >>>/icup/5921 Check out the discussion here^ ... I might re-consider Soulcalibur6 or Hedgewars / Territory Wars or an RTS game? --Others suggested trying to host DOOM or Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 (/icup/) Are we due for another /icup/? ¿Nos toca otra /icup/? It would be nice if we could the actual /icup/ hosted once again.
Esther and her best Friends. Colour version and HD coming soon...
>>67670 Love the style. Not a musclegirl lover myself but hope those guys enjoy
>>67688 Thanks anon
Now, I promised: Esther and her best friends Avellana of /av/, Grace of /monarchy/ and Lila of /tkr/ Colour version and HD
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(3.22 MB 512x768 Tickle Wars.mp4)

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*imp forms your mascot* nothing personnel.... kid.......
>>69534 That’s hot as shit Draw her with Midna for the love of god please I beg
>>69534 Cute as hell!! I'm not sure is this is an unpopular opinion, but I wish there was more sfw art of Lila. It'd be cool to have little portraits and such like there are for Grace.
>>69534 Upgrade.
>>69577 >more SFW Lila That would be nice to see. >>71013 Absolutely tickled!
I recommend using this: https://cloudconvert.com/mkv-to-mp4 & https://www.videosmaller.com/ *Scale (reduce video) width to 720 width
Lila tickling video ... You can use https://online-video-cutter.com/ To trim the video.
>>71033 >new Lila tickle bondage video just dropped
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>>69577 >like there are for Grace If you'd like, I could hook a tickefag up with a royal artist. (We can discuss this at the bronytown cytube) https://cytu.be/r/bronytown
>>71033 Sorry, what did you want me to do, use both the pic with the video?
>>71033 I want to see more of Lila and other board-chan being tickled!
>>71180 Here's a cute purple girl, going to probably get lila next and film it: I'm too lazy to edit, I just record sometimes https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BM3-tgT8TADporJRN7LyFs0lYS6tJEN4/view?usp=sharing
>>71180 Lila gets it pretty bad tonight and her sensitive spots get found: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gatdhDZFqmyMYlZVpWuwwFWLDxy0fuOW/view?usp=sharing
>>71236 I love it! I want more, I hope you make more.
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Sims 3 8moe Sitcom event! Visit here >>>/icup/6123 I plan to add /tkr/ Lila (and I did make Lila in the Sims 3 already).
>>71236 Is this Tickle Prison Lab?
>>73290 Yes it is
Freshy commissioned Lila art for those that care. I got these at discount prices too - Lila would be proud... If she wasn't the one getting tickled.
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>>73474 >Lila wearing a tickle belt
>>73474 The expression on the tickle belt one - perfection.
>>73474 So based
>>73235 Here's hoping we'll get some art out of this. Lila sharing a house with seven other girls, it almost writes itself. I already got a few commission ideas.
There's a disturbing lack of Aurelia of /liberty/ among the board girls here, especially considering how much she's had crossovers with Grace.
>>73773 Not the most active, but still something here and there. I do notice them and /monarchy/ do how crossover with their mascots quite a bit though, especially in art. So it could make a good fit for tickling art including throwing Lila in there as well because of course. (A housewife theme sounds hot as well though lol) Speaking of active though, there's quite a few boards that I would have expected to be far more active than they are. I guess they use other sites primarily.
Sorry what is going on here are you able to have tickling scenes on the sims game?
>>73777 There are tickling mods for Sims 4, so yeah. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/84733161
>>73790 Woa. Looks like I need to download sims and research this. Vids to come perhaps
Speaking of mods. I know there's a hentai mod for Skyrim that has machines and tentacles and stuff. I wonder if anyone's made a tickling mod similar to that.
>>73797 >Lila >childish Great, now she only needs to be cringe to be an accurate ticklefag!
>>73797 It's a nice idea, but personality-wise, she's kind of a spoiled rich girl-type. Maybe that lends itself to childishness, but it shouldn't be every trait.
>>73900 Kinda sucks there aren't that many Lila emotes, honestly.
>>73933 We'll need more Lila art. xP
Request: A picture of Lila with red anon.
Can we expect some Lila content for the holiday season
>>74884 There was an idea from when she was made that i don't think anyone drew, where she'd be dressed up as some kind of popular lee like samus or april o neil for halloween (probably loathing it too). I've also had a few ideas that I keep on standby for those rare occasions an artist aks for lila requests.
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Luce is a mascot, she doesn't escape the rule
>>75011 BASED A S E D
>>75011 Is it bad that "how long will it take before someone draws her with lila" was one of the first thoughts i had when i saw the announcement? (Besides being extremely amused of course)
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>>75011 Of course, as a loyal and steadfast servant of the Lord, Luce's faith is unshakable, and she will endure this ticklish martyrdom no matter how long Lila works her over.
>>75011 >>75014 an idolatrous devil of the catholic church, more like. "Luce" oh it means light! haha! dont that sound familiar? do not fall for her adorable facade 2 Corinthians 11:14
>>75017 I guess Anon hates veggietales too, they also had marketeable plushies after all.
>>75011 Luce_lila2.png This implies the existence of a first picture LETHAL WHERE IS IT. I know you have the first one!
>>75025 sorry sir, this is what I do when I hesitate between two variants of something pretty major in the pic and keep a backup just incase, which is retarded and not very space efficient.
>>75011 How ironic that anon's doing the lord's work here.
>>75028 Ah, that makes more sense. Now teach that same anon how to learn to draw in 6 months so he can draw degen shit next :)
>>75025 We're ignoring the real revelations the post implies: it doesn't matter if it's a board-tan or not. As long as it's a mascot, it's free game.
>>75059 Vivian James isn’t a board-tan is she? But i guess you are right. Does this mean the McDonald’s mascot girl is fair game as well
>>75056 If you're serious about this send me a DM on twitter or dA
>>75011 Oh damn it's artist theirself The saliva in mouth looks really good here
Wake up babe new Lila content dropped
>>75887 Uncensored version?
>>75893 Fuckin' gold. Cute and hot at the same time. Who's the other character? An OC?
We need moar Lila art.
>>79385 Well, what are you waiting for? Grab a pen, some paper, and get to it.
>>79385 No promises, but I might commission some in the near future, depending on what artists are taking them and how much.
(779.00 B 48x48 big Lila 1.png)

(881.00 B 48x57 big Lila 2.png)

(530.00 B 16x16 smol Lila 1.png)

(563.00 B 16x19 smol Lila 2.png)

/tkr/ Lila flags (I just realized most boards don't use flags).
Which artists do you want to see do Lila?
>>80121 Here's a list of my personal preferences. Tried to scrub for artists that are still active and taking commissions, but some might be wishful thinking. IJWT SleepyGimp Kusujinn wtfeather KiimmoTK BadCrab Bad Pierrot PolarBearNSFW lostonezero PawFeather CheshireCat grippedchimp
>>80133 Kusujinn doesn't do commissions unfortunately if I remember, also i'm curious why they're grouped like that? Good picks btw, sleepygimp is a based choice
Why can't our mascot actually be hot? This is some bush league level of bandcamp fantasy.
>>80137 I think I just loosely grouped on favorites. But honestly, I was hopped up on cold medicine, so who knows. And yes, SleepyGimp is GOATed
>>80121 >This is some bush league level of bandcamp fantasy. BillVicious is a must
>>80141 I don't think she's really meant to be a fap fantasy character, just there to give you a smile. She could probably stand to be drawn and written hotter I agree, but it seems like artists are more interested in using her to take shots at board culture and do occasional tickle art of other tans. >>80133 fucking hell, lostonezero would be wonderful. >>80121 Bebob used to lurk here and has just come out of another months-long hibernation for sketch commissions. I'd love to see his take if he's ever free.
>>80121 >Which artists do you want to see do Lila? I recommend the best bang for your buck. You could get a lot of Lila art for a lot less if you know the right artists. unless budget isn't a problem, then get the best artists, lmao

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