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Tickling Captions 6: Gaelstorm Anonymous 07/20/2023 (Thu) 05:20:01 Id: 6e7a35 No. 49911
Let your cruelty shine.
Posting this for anybody who feels like writing a particularly wicked caption for Priscilla from Dark Souls
Does anybody have any of the old captions from the older threads. I remember there was one about like some cat girl being tickled to insanity but I can't find it anymore
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>>69368 You can also do this one of priscilla as well
>>68290 >>69753 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VHhIvReuhSqdw4vf6p3AnLKH_Z-VCXrF Not a complete archive (or a very organized one) but it's something
Would love to see a story/caption of this character since they dont have many and dont get enough attention :(
>>70586 Thanks alot anon
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Can someone do a caption for this? It's my art comm from WBH.
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Here, I wrote a POV one.
>>71532 This one's pretty good.
>>71532 Phenomenal. The GIF part caught me off guard. We need more caps like this. Good work OP
>>70586 Thx a million for posting this anon. Been looking everywhere and I was losing hope
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Hey! I'm here to ask for some requests. No repeats from earlier in the thread please, if you'd be so kind. Hit me up, lets see if I can cook up anything good. >>71535 >>71678 Thank you, thank you! That means a lot.
>>72258 >>66079 Still would like a caption for the student pic, but you don't have to if it's not your style
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>>72258 Here, my request.
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>>72258 Mayhaps?
>>72258 Not to overwhelm you with options but I couldn't pick one so just pick your favorite and roll with it
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>>72258 Here, obviously it’s just one but I’m sure a story can come from this by someone
>>72258 Just gonna re up >>66065 as opposed to offering up more furfaggotry (though lord knows I got plenty of that)
>>72266 Checked. Rebecca is a fun 'lee to fuck up. Thank you all for the requests!

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Figure I might as well offer some inspiration
>>72304 Do you happen to have a platform, or at least had one in the community in the past? You remind me of someone
Sup, I'm trying to find an old caption I've made on the first /tkl/ board. Something about shared senses tickling while the consciousness of the girl was trapped in a jar while the physical body was being tickled. I lost my original draft so I am hoping I could get it back.
>>72655 Sounds like the exact type of deranged tickle autism that I'm lookinf for here. Hope someone has it saved
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>>72655 >>72662 Here. Thank this guy for sharing the drive link, I'd say it has almost every caption >>70586
>>72647 Oh hey. I haven't actually, like at all, all writing I've done has been here, in the captions thread. All I've written has been heavily influenced by old captions though, so it's probably very reminiscent of those, tbf.
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Would be interested in seeing something for this
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Don't know how many people here are arcane fans but I'm desperate for a happier ending if someone is up to the task
>>76268 It's heavily implied Jinx is still alive, anon. Her vision of Silco telling her this will never end until she learns to walk away, Caitlin examining the remains of the monkey bomb and looking at a map of the hexgate's vents, smirking a bit like she realized something.
Still hope this gets a caption one day
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Taking advantage of the Christmas theme...
>>72272 source on 3rd?

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