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Find that Art Anonymous 09/29/2021 (Wed) 16:21:41 Id: 80ee91 No. 1958
Thread for finding specific artist or art you might’ve lost or forgotten. Start off by asking if anyone knows the artist for this.
>>1958 this looks like tkltkltklyou's work
>>1962 I agree, but all of his non foot tickling stuff just has no online presence. I wanna see it all, but it’s like he just deleted it all
Source of these?
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>>1958 Can comfirm it's tklyou. I managed to find really few of those. I think he had a C4S with image pack of those, but it was like 15$ for 3 pictures, and I'm not even sure if it's still online, or if there are pictures there still not uploaded, he don't think he did much of those.
I remember there was a continuation to this (at least 1 more page). Anyone has it?
There were two pictures of tangrowth. One where its holding hilda above it and tickling her on her belly. Another one of it tickling gardenia on her belly while having her arms wrapped and held up.
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Anyone know the artist of the pic
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>>2064 Here's references I can't find the artist or full pictures itself
Also might want to post it and tag it on the ticklebooru https://ticklebooru.booru.org
I've asked for this in few incarnations of these boards already, but I'm still on my quest. I'm looking for a mainstream tickle interrogation scene from early 2000s webcomic, which was scifi parody. It had a page where a Darth Vader spoof had captured a Princess Leia type character. He goes to see her in torture chamber, where she is locked in stocks and a torturer is tickling her feet with a feather as she laughs hysterically. The villain asks the torturer if the prisoner has talked, and torturer answers no. He is ordered to stop and the villain begins to interrogate the prisoner personally, and after catching her breath she says that she's been trying to tell them that they forgot to ask her any questions to begin with. What a funny gag about a ticklish woman laughing so hard she could not talk even if she wanted to and even then she would not know what to say! Also hot as hell. I remember the page itself quite vividly but have no idea what it was actually from. I'm pretty sure it was some mainstream webcomic, not direct fetish stuff. I haven't found even a mention of it from any mainstream forums but I'm also pretty sure I haven't just made it up by mixing it with other fetish art in my adolescent brain.
>>2216 I saw this relatively recently, actually. I think on 4chan? sorry, I didnt save it, I thought the girls feet looked weird
>>2232 At least you confirmed I haven't imagined it. You have my forgiveness, like a lot of lost tickling media of my teens I've rediscovered it probably won't be as hot as it was as a horny teenager.
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>>2018 here ya go
>>2242 Amazing! Thank you very much!
>>2309 Thank you!
Well, in some threads people is talking about lord reckless, so i ask for lost works of Lord-rekless, specifically for his hiena OC
Does somebody have something from Vikafizzy ? Particularly from these girls in >>3192 >>3194 Some anon told me in >>3206 that the artist made some good pictures but then delete them. Thanks!
>>3191 How are there people that fap to this nightmare fuel?
>>3262 some people really do hate themselves. You can fap to literally the cutest, prettiest, woman imaginable on the internet and we still get stuff like this pop up
This is a long shot since it's old as fuck and written, but I'm gonna try anyway. A long ass time ago, I wanna say between 2003 and 2008, I read a story on either TMF or TickleTheater about a guy who isn't into tickling being forced to watch his wife get tickled. I've been looking for years but there are very few people degenerate enough to enjoy both tickling and cuckshit. I don't remember any more plot details, but if you have the faintest clue what I'm talking about please help.
>>4325 This doesn't match your premise exactly, as the husband here is way into tickling and his wife never let him do it. But then she researches the fetish more, gets really into it, and tricks him into being bound and forced to watch as another guy tickle tortures her. https://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?316240-Story-I-Found-On-Literotica-(To-be-continued-by-me)-Ellie-s-Decision
>>4477 I've seen this one before, it's not bad but definitely not the one I remember.
Looking for a Peni Parker one that was done by Badpierrot. I think it's been nuked off the face of the earth All I remember is that it had Peni stuck on a web with a spider-like thing tickling her, and iirc the background was purple
>>4594 That's the one, you have my thanks
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Anyone know the artist?
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>>4779 Can't find the artist I'm afraid, but here's two more for your collection.
>>1962 tkltkltklyou is a cunt. He creates fake tickling videos with voice modulation and video tricks to make it look like other people are involved but is actually hiding the fact that he's alone and miserable doing all said content by himself.
It had just (straight and directly) implied tickling, but I'll wish for it anyways. Years ago, I remember stumbling upon a Deviantart account which included a 3D art series about two sisters who are held chained against the wall of a medieval style torture chamber for unclear reasons. The descriptions told story of the sisters with a comedic tone, there were there to be tortured but they constantly kept bickering and trying to get each other into bigger trouble just out of spite and overall seemed to consider the whole imprisonment and torture thing just a major inconvenience. It had one part where one of the sisters "accidentally" slipped how her sister can't stand being tickled which resulted into the sister in question freaking out, and - after some banter between the sisters and the guard - being dragged away for several days of tickling in the special tickle torture chamber of the dungeons. The other sister was happy that she would get few days of peace and quiet now. Does anyone else recall seeing such thing? I can't find it from the DA for the death of me and would not be surprised if the artist has deactivated. In another installment of the same series that I remember the sisters suddenly realize that their mother has also been brought in and chained between them, and she naturally starts motherly nagging about the circumstances of the girls. Then, one of the girls wakes up and realizes it was all just a dream, and tells about it to her sisters who shudders and comments that having to stand mom there too would be true torture.
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Anyone got old Heroine Universe poser art comics? This vk album https://m.vk.com/album-42291453_256096464 has plenty, but it is incomplete and unsorted.
Artists for these?
I know their art is super simplistic and not all that good looking. But they once had a few pieces of art of Jenny XJ-9 and one with Wendy from Gravity Falls in a magic saw in half box. Anyone have those arts saved because I can't find them anywhere anymore.
Does anyone know where this is from?
>>6249 fella named dogmatic2122 they were mostly a pee artist, iirc. they were just kind enough to draw a non-pee variant of this one heres a better res
Does anyone have this drawing by the artist Bad-pierrot entitled "Raven's Revenge", but in better resolution?
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I've been looking for this artist for months now. Does anyone know who they are?
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Anyone know where this picture with Saber and Mordred in a tickle fight belongs from?
>>6848 DDD on pixiv and sadpanda.
>>6849 Thanks Anon!
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>>1958 Don't know if this counts because it's writing instead of art but figured i'd give it a try. There's these stories that used to be on MTJ Publications (Knight takes Queen, Queen takes Pawn, and Happy Center) that were taken down at some point, and I can't find them in any of the usual comic drive folders. Anyone save any, or are they even worth saving?
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>>7126 I have Queen Takes Pawn, I thought I had Knight Takes Queen but I think I passed on that one, I was more interested in f/m. I've never seen Happy Center, unfortunately, so it seems this is all I can give you.
>>7202 Not the one who asked, but man I thought queen takes pawn and knight takes queen were lost forever, I saw npeople searching them for years, You're the real man; thanks so much dude.
>>7204 I just feel bad now that I don't think I ever got KTQ, purely from an archival standpoint.
>>7202 Thanks anon, really appreciate it! Don't worry about the others, it was already a bit of a stretch that anyone would have bought these and still have them. I'm sure they're not gone forever though, someone's gotta have them.
>>6681 Yes, I know them. It's actually me. This is one of my older pictures when I was just starting out with posing and 3d models. I don't think it's that good really, but good to know you like it I guess.
There's an old FirefoxSF piece, at least I think it was him. It's been so long I could just be misremembering, but there's an old pic of this four-armed bug(?) girl tied down with two people digging little back-scratcher things into all four of her underarms. I've been looking for this pic in every archive of FFs work that I can dig up but have never been able to find it again. at this point I'm wondering if I hallucinated it
>>7286 Could you be misremembering this by Sir Bombers?
>>7291 That's a good one (thanks), but it was in a black and white style, and she was laying on a bed.
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>>7292 not the pic but is this the four armed character in question?
>>7294 THAT'S the girl! At least, I'm pretty sure. This must have been like 8 years ago at this point.
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Drew it the best I could remember. I remember there being an old thread with a creepy monster like woman being posted there. She had pale white skin, red hair and red around where her disfigured arms and legs is. I forgot the name of the character but I think there was a tickle pic or two of her. If anyone remembers the name of her may you tell me?
>>8122 My initial guess would be the witch from left 4 dead, but she doesn't quite match your description and I can't find the other tickle pic of hers I remember seeing
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>>8122 I now the pic you speak of, I drew it. sadly it may be long gone, I'll have to go digging but I don't have high hopes of finding it.
>>8132 her name is jessica, btw creepy statue by a russian artist who got waifu'd by /x/
>>8133 That's her! Thanks :D
Does anyone have an old pic from TickleFanatic? It's a Machoke being tickled by Haunters, thankss
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>>8226 that thats not the one I drew
Source pls
https://www.deviantart.com/princecommissions I stg I remember this artist having a picture with girls from huniepop, did deviantart take it down or something?
Does anyone know the artist for this drawing?
>>9122 looks like this guy's work https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/62576917 its all loli shit, so be forewarned
Old pic on Deviantart I found- I dont remember the artist and I've been trying to find the pic for a long time now- might just be gone entirely but uh. Picture Description: Red Dragon character w/ white hair sleeping in bed / another red dragon character with darker hair licking their feet. Had some small story with it too- artist wasnt a fetish artist at all. But had a couple feet things between those characters. Lucky scavenger hunt to anyone who can find it!
>>10076 https://8chan.moe/tkr/res/7572.html#q7572 Literally go this thread. It's the same board
>>10076 Glad you like it, I did it a few weeks back for the tickling FJ thread :)
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Does anyone have the old Tats McCree picture where she is locked in stocks and tickle tortured for information by back scratchers on her soles as she screams she doesn't know? I recall that it was official pic but I could not find it from TMF or DA.
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>>10591 Did you mean this one?
There's this tickle pic of Ryuko I saw on Pixiv with her feet double-team tickled by brushes with hearts appearing above Ryuko. I don't remember the artist and I've been trying to find it for ages.
>>10606 I swear I know what you're talking about but I don't know the artist
Been looking for this picture for a while, i cannot find the original lower res version that made me go on the hunt, basically, its a furry with his feet infront of the camera, they're crossed i think, the boots are on the bottom left of the screen next to the soles, and theres a watermark in the very bottom, it's a red fox but the feet are black and pink, please someone help me find this, peice or the artist.
Forgot to specify the waternark is at the bottom right, the entire pic has a thin black border, i think he was wearing a camo type outfit, and his feet were on a table.
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>>10606 This one?
>>10595 Not that one, but thanks for it too. The picture I'm after had no visible ticklers (just tickle tools and sppech bubbles) and had her both feet locked in same stocks.
No clue if anyone will know what I'm talking about, but I remember this image of a girl with kind of a goth/punk style being tickled by a bunch of disembodied arms, with one of them coming up between her legs and flipping the bird to the viewer. It was in a distinctly Western style and I think the girl had a bellybutton piercing. It was posted on Deviantart for sure but it was from a non tickling artist so I've lost it.
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>>10641 Is it this one?
>>10666 That's the one. Thank you anon.
>>10668 Welcome :)
>>10621 That's the one. Thanks anon
It's probably by a long shot but over a year ago I saw this art on twitter of a girl being tickled everywhere by disembodied hands while being suspended by a bunch of ropes. It was highly erotic but when I checked out the artist apparently he/she also draws guro art. The image was in black and white and I think the artist was Japanese.
hi, im looking for Zelda getting tickled in Stocks, it was a drawing by the artist Monokron, does anyone have it?
There's a picture I saw a while back of Ibuki and Sakura from Street Fighter. Ibuki was tickling Sakura while she's suspended upside down, with Sakura's body bound by ropes. Her tanuki Don was also tickling Sakura's belly button with a backscratcher. Does anyone have it saved? The person also made revenge art with Ibuki in a TickleAbuse-esque position if that makes it easier.
>>10926 You are an actual godsend, thanks so much. These pics were both my faves, especially the first one. Ibuki ninja trickery and cheekiness lends herself so well to these sorts of scenarios.
Does anyone know of a picture with Tails' feet about to be tickled in stocks with him trying to hide his feet from the hands? I saw it on Furaffinity ages ago, but it seems to have been deleted.
>>10936 Did you check e621
>>10950 I've checked. It isn't on there
>>10936 by twomario?
Anyone got a sauce?
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Does anyone know the source of this comic? Its name? Or where I can find the rest of it?
>>11316 It's utterly tickling-free, but if you're a footfag it's good shit still. Go nuts fren https://nhentai.net/g/199924/
>>11316 Aoi Tiduru - Ashi ga Suki Nano? Do You Like Feet? https://nhentai.net/g/199924/
>>11296 Thanks anon
This picture used to be on deviantart. It was a ninetales tickling a vaporeon and another pokemon with her tails. There was a caption as well I think
Anybody got the dialogue version of this piece by Shadow-Aspect?
>>11895 When I saw the thumbnail I first thought you put a caption on this. I think the use of text boxes alongside their character profiles is nifty and spices up the piece. Thanks for finding this.
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Hi I recently found this gif on a Discord server, the original poster said he found it on an old 4chan thread but it didn't contained any info about the original autor or anything Does anybody knows the source or who was the original author? Thank you in advance
I once saw an animated machine tickle torture for one of the Fairy Tail girls that wasn't Lucy. It was someone with twin tails. I thought it was from Cesar3o0 but it isn't on his site at all. The person who showed it to me said that the audio came from the girl's actual voice actor, but I'm sure he was lying. The audio was really damn good and convincing though.
I am looking for a picture where Loz did made of a figure of asuka Langley from nge in a summer outfit
and if anyone could find it, I would be grateful
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Anyone have the picture of this figure of asuka who lost one zero made? She was tied up by blue tape
Anyone remember a tickling comic with a group of girls who would go on adventures through bio-altered tickle animal dungeons? I only remember two of them, each themed differently. One avian, one aquatic. Artist seemed to have a thing for tickling with obscure animal parts, wattle, pleopods, etc.
Anyone got the sauce for this?
>>2188 ジョニオ. Google Translates to Jonio. Unfortuately, their Pixiv account has been deactivated.
This Image of Nami from One Piece. I've seen this here more than once. Who is the Artist?
>>13152 reati1
Anyone know source of this pic?
Who is the Artist? pls
Anyone know the sources of these two?
And this one too?
>>13332 The artist for this closed his DA account, I think it's traced from a Pixiv image.
>>13327 The original uncovered sketch was done by Proraindancer, dunno about the colored one.
>>13332 TicklishSpot was the artist.
I find this website more helpful than Google: https://saucenao.com/index.php
Does anyone have the picture by Cochomint where sakura is being tickled like this guy? It's not on his pixiv anymore
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I saw a collection of images in pixiv in the style of https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/93756205 earlier today - same art-style, girls trapped inside slimes and tickled, multiple pages, each with a different girl, but I can't find it anymore. Any clue?
Does anyone have the song that came with this picture? I have looked everywhere and can't find it
>14997 You don't want it. It's made by some tranny who talked about tickling to random kids
>>14519 No one asked for your moralfagging, either post it or fuck off
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Does anyone have the one tickle pic troubleist did? Think it was called the mighty feather and had a woman with huge feet in stocks getting tickled by another with a feather. All of his old works resurfaced in the past few years except that one!
I honestly don't care i just want to get the video cause no one seems to have it.
>>14497 Where is that picture from? Do you know the context?
Does anyone know who is the artist of this one? I can't find it on saucenao.
>>14564 The context was its a song that was made by a youtuber named ticklishclara, it was a tickling parody of the song say so by doja cat.
>>14497 She deleted all her videos, it's long gone >>14522 >Pedo who likes trannies Yikes
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I have a folder of artwork dedicated to finding the original artists, even after an extensive search using Google, Saucenao, Yandex, even e-hentai. I'll start with monochrome images.
And the rest.
>>14704 1. Scamwich 2. Looks like Mandell 4. Looks like Nessonite 5. Looks like Darkharp >>14705 3. Chadpet
>>14704 The 4th one is Synful Pryde. Old artist from 2001-2010 https://www.angelfire.com/anime5/animefantasies/TickleRoom.html You can find some of his work here in the god-awful website Alex on page 2 is an example
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>>14704 >>14721 4. should be from Pryde
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Thanks for the help so far. Moving on to colored pics. I believe the one of Sam from Totally Spies is an edit.
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>>14771 The second one is clearly tickling though
>>14938 Just to let you know, the tails image is actually a tickling animation. Your other claims do hold up, however.
>>14942 okay, i'm reasonable, i got fucked on this one.
>the entire thread got purged but the feet stuff bruh
>>14992 >Wtf bros I can't believe they deleted all the derailed bullshit but not the on topic stuff
Based mod cleaning the trash.
>>14768 The samurai one is from Pawfeather’s Worlds Collide comic
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Ok! Moving on!
>>14768 Second one's Monokron's, I believe. >>14769 Same for the fourth one here. >>15022 First one is by Pirata3.
>>15008 Really? Damn, looks different (and better tbh) than his usual stuff.
>>14942 Looking for the artist/creator? I believe it's Komikussunda.
>>14770 I also would like to know the source of this.-
Some old stuff from my old HDD that I'm trying to clean out. If someone has some of lost RamRamE/Kkroe art, that would be nice.
Looking for the artist of this gallery: https://e-hentai.org/g/284410/5529f5b88f/
Looking for the artist of this piece
I'm looking for a comic/comic cover at least from HotToonDog that used to be on MTJ publishing, i think it was called the ticklish flower shop gal. HotToonDog is still on MTJ but most of his comics were taken down, leaving only 2. if anyone has it could they please post it here? and yes i know the artstyle isn't the most appealing to most but i like it, it's kinda unique.
These both have that 12 days of Christmas sticker so I can only assume there are 10 more. Also the artist would help clue us in
I have been trying to find that piece of art for a few days now but I have been unable to. It was on pixiv, a girl who I thought to be asuka from senran kagura (but could be ganaha hibiki from idolmaster) being tickled either with feathers or with paintbrushes while wearing a bikini (blue?) and I think I remember a scarf. She was being tickled on her feet, sides, and armpits I think.
God damn it, I thought I had this saved but apparently I did not. Does anyone have that one pic with with the khorne warhammer girl getting tickled in stocks? It was made by Matheow045 before he nuked his stuff... Again... I am lucky enough to have the URL saved. https://www.deviantart.com/matheow045/art/Captured-champion-of-Khorne-908341588
>>16759 Here you go friend
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>>16776 Bad ass of you anon! Thanks!
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Alright! I'm Back! Still searching for artists.
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>>16823 Almost positive the last one is by twomario and colored by someone else. >>16824 Here's the original Seiba one: https://www.deviantart.com/dokuro-sama/art/Medea-s-Special-Collection-Artoria-Pendragon-781473197 Your version was colored by the based individual known as Color Anon 2 in our very own color thread.
>>16823 The Tsuyu one looks like a coloring of one of TwoMario’s pieces.
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Does anybody have that mellowtk comic called L.A or Lovely Angel?
Anyone know where this is from? Im pretty sure the artist is jimbobadob, but im having trouble finding exactly where they posted it.
>>17405 it's definitely jimbobdabob, but I don't think he posted it anywhere but here
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Does anybody have the whole pic?
>>17477 thanks
>>17477 does anyone have more of that eudetenis guy's art? i've seen a couple pieces here and there and they're all pretty great but searching for him never works out since it seems like ticklings not his thing and most of his tickle art is few and far between. theyre all scattered across various sites like DA, pixiv, and gelbooru
>>17491 I've looked into this before. I don't think he does much art that isn't commissions, and almost all of it is posted by the commissioner rather than themselves. It is very hard to find a single source for all his art, even image aggregators like Rule34 just have whatever people have posted rather than a full collection.
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>>17475 In a similar vein, does anyone have this picture of Dawn by Quinstixx?
>>17502 all the banner images are in the general thread
>>17504 Oh wow, much appreciated.
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May anyone help find the artist of this drawing?
>> 17886 The Artist used to be called CocyoCocyo, but now goes by the name DunaRyu on twitter. Here's some of their old Art. https://www.dlsite.com/maniax-touch/work/=/product_id/RJ029488.html This is their new name. https://mobile.twitter.com/DunaRyu/media Extra: So I found this which seems to be his old website, the menu itself has been deleted, but the pages can still be accessed if you know the link. This picture also has a story attached to it. http://nikuman2929.h.fc2.com/cg/007c.htm
>>17922 Thank you!
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>>18005 second one's raspberryjoseph, though he only posted it on /co/, nowhere else
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Found this on twitter but dont remember the artist
>>18016 I second this, that deer girl is pretty damn hot.
There was an artist I believe used to post on Tickletheater whos main work was some pervy scientist or something and he had three girls going through some sort of gauntlet full of different animals that tickled and pleasured them. If someone could find that I would be eternally grateful. It's really some of the hottest tickle content ever created.
>>18016 To me (the guy who posted this here a day or two ago), it almost looks like something repulsionswitch wouldve drawn after he switched to thicker lines because of a wrist injury or something, but i doubt repulsionswitch would return on twitter of all places. Any ideas on how to find this thing?
It’s a long shot , but I remember a photo on deviantart that I can’t find anymore. It was penny attacking ruby (rwby) armpits from behind saying something like laughter means yes keep going.
There was a really old picture of Ms Krabappel getting tickled with "I like my feet tickled" written on the blackboard. Anyone have it?
>>18008 If it's not too much to ask, could someone link to the exact post/thread where they posted it?
>>18880 it was for Ms. /co/ 2020, good luck trying to find which thread.
I once came across a hentai doujinshi with a scene of one girl holding a boy's arms behind his back while another girl tickled his nipples with calligraphy brushes. I've forgotten what the title is. I think it was english translated because I think I remember the phrase "bothered while I do my homework." Does this sound familiar to anyone? I think I found it after reading a doujinshi called "Shitsuke" because it also has a brush tickling scene. I don't know if that helps.
(Pic related) Looks like Arlioth deleted a few of his older works. One I'm looking for is very similar to this one : ochaka is a similar stock and setup, letting people tickle her for money in a comic strip, she is tickled and licked by that frog girl.
Anyone got the art of Mamabito getting tickled by ants(artist is NoveltyMan) Or art of Adeleine holding her laugh from her feet getting drawn by Kirby and Bandana Dee or someone else(unknown artist)
Does anyone remember an artist called like “Rouge Baron” or something similar? He disappeared years ago, and I’m either curious if someone still has his art, or if anyone even remembers him
Can please someone help me find araghenxd on kemono and ehenti
>>19171 Same here I'm trying to get my hands on this
Does anyone have the picture jimbobadob made of these 2?
(366.31 KB 1000x1008 Maka in stocks.jpg)

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(630.15 KB 1782x2160 fTI7EFwI0lw.jpg)

I'm back. Still looking for the artists. Thanks.
>>19644 the third drawing really reminds me of Sketcher92, almost sure that's him. https://www.furaffinity.net/user/sketcher92/ Last one is Pabuluz/Pabu-luz/KingRiek https://www.deviantart.com/pabu-luz
Does anyone have Higher quality versions of Briel7's art of the Hyperneptunia girls being tickled? It was Nepgear being tickled by mechanical tentacles in a backback, Vert trapped in sand and being tickled by mechanical tentacles, Plutia tickling a tied up Neptune, and Blanc in stocks, I don't remember seeing a Noire one but I could be wrong. It seems Briel7 deleted these from Deviantart and Pixiv, and his Hentai-foundry is straight gone, I've only seen lower resolution versions on e-hentai.
>>18998 Second this, really any and all of arlioths old tickle works of ochako
>>18998 >>19939 Here. And couple others I see are missing parts. I could go through my archive vs the da gallery and upload the missing here if asked
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>>19938 There were only four Hyperneptunia pics, all the ones u mentioned minus the Noire. That doesn't exist. As far as resolution goes, the ones on ehen match what I got from da: x900 and x1000. Don't think you'll find any bigger. On a separate by related note, I found this Briel7 commission. Didn't knwo they still did comms or if this was done a while ago and only now uploaded by the commissioner about a week ago. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/97657372
I remember a pic of Ashley from Warioware tied up, with her socks on by Twomario, but can't find it
>>20026 you got a link to the ones on e-hentai?
>>16823 idk if you're still searching for them anymore, but i'm pre sure the third one is Tera-Soul. https://www.deviantart.com/tera-soul/gallery
Does anyone know where it's from?
>>20282 I am. Thanks. I think it's Tera-Souls too, but I haven't confirmed.
>>20286 Omg yes please could anyone help wth this manga, ive been looking for it for AGES and i could NOT find any page online, please help
>>20286 http://fullusedbook.blog119.fc2.com/blog-entry-1915.html?sp "lilith"? i guess, nothing online apparently
does anyone have this one drawing? it was basically this OC called razzora, recreating kind of this pose from jungle book. (i know cringe, but it was a really good drawing i swear). the artists name was hypnofood and it was like the one tickling drawing he ever did before annihilating his account, and since the guy mainly drew vore from what I gather, no one bothered to save that picture. there's a chance I'm misremembering and it might have been fan art? but it did get deleted the same time that guy deleted his account. been looking for that drawing for a good while now!
>>21234 here you go.
(31.57 KB 960x273 IMG_20220513_161658.jpg)

(30.75 KB 960x885 IMG_20220513_161717.jpg)

This was part of a series of other images does anyone have the rest?
Does anyone know any ways to unpixeal any art cus now I'm seeing shit where fucking tickling is being pixelated
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>>21352 here you go anon
>>21354 Thanks!
I remember way back on DA there was an artist, NicholeTickle. Cute self insert, did a lot of tickle pics with her then disappeared out of nowhere
>>21275 youre a fucking lifesaver anon thank you so much
looking for a drawing. it's pirate themed, and there is an owl/bear hybrid(i think?) character tied to a palm tree and another character i can't remember, i think it's also a bear is tickling her belly and is asking her a lot of stupid questions like what her name is, where did she come from, what's her favorite food, etc. does anyone know what I'm talking about or have it? i know it must be up still i just don't remember who the artist is or what the drawing was titled. thanks!
looking for an old briel7 pic called ELSA and ANNA (Frozen) Destroyed by Umbrella corp. can't seem to find it anywhere
>>21456 I got your back
>>21461 thank you
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The last of "Pending Artists" batch.
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(187.89 KB 1268x1148 Tiffany Lee tickled feet.jpg)

(5.71 MB 5000x2800 Tifa Anticipating - dazstudio.jpg)

And the last 5.
>>22093 The Sakura pic looks like solletickle's style, but I couldn't find it on DA (there's a reuploader but I imagine you know about it: https://www.deviantart.com/ticklinganime/art/Sakura-Tickling-619113581) The third pic looks like it might be kidetic, but it was probably in black and white and I couldn't find the original, I don't even know the character's name sadly. The colorist is https://vk.com/photo637127885_457239361
(11.02 KB 300x168 download (3).jpeg)

Anybody have this?
>>20021 Would love that tbh anon :)
>>22109 The character is Yoruichi Shihouin from Bleach
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>>22149 ok I've been checking the old board's color thread, they didn't know the artist's name either, but they talked about another bleach pic with a character named Rangiku and an FMA pic that was also colored by someone else (I believe it's this one) thread link if you think it can help https://8kun.top/tkr/res/11572.html
>>22163 the Rangiku pic is signed, I think it says Iney? Couldn't find anything under that name however. The colorist is still Nancy Nguyen on VK https://vk.com/photo637127885_457239362
I remember seeing this Freedom Planet webcomic on the original 8chan of Carol hanging upside down from a tree, with Lilac teasing her belly and finishing off with a raspberry. Does anybody still have it?
(2.02 MB 2000x3000 01.png)

Anyone know who the artist for this is?
does anyone have Croozel's stuff? Specifically the Airy and Krystal pics, but I appreciate whatever you got. this is the only one I have saved
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Anyone know the artist for these? I only know I got them from Twitter and thought I followed the artist, but now I can't find them anymore.
Anyone know the artist for this?
(350.53 KB 1050x1200 EuMOGskVoAYYgRf.jpeg)

Is there a colored bea version of her being tickled by the robot? She can be seen in the pic but I can't find if there's a full version with her.
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does anyone have the video for this? the creator seems to have deleted it
>>22809 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeGbqg7OcVE best you're gonna get is this lower quality vid of it
>>22809 Only thing I have is the swf-file
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Been looking for an old TKGeek pic from back when he used to do fakes. It was Selena Gomez after performing barefoot at the 2013 MTV Music Awards (pic related) being tickled in her trailer after the show. I remember her saying something to the extent of “please stop, my agent said it would help boost the ratings” and the description said “after performing Come and Get It, somebody came and got her.” I remember it was higher quality than most tickle fakes, may have even used her real feet, I don’t quite recall.
>>22163 Pretty sure the artist is Ralavik. >>22093 I think Sakura is Oekaki tickles, who goes by some other name these days.
>>22916 dude, thanks! With your help I found out that on the "old stuff" thread someone posted a lot of pics by this guy, including the black and white originals >>780
(5.47 MB 2480x3508 ClipboardImage.png)

This is one hell of a long shot. I'm looking for Unlimited-Tickles's uncensored Yoruichi pic, it used to be on their tumblr back before the purge. Hopefully someone from back in 2015-2016 saved it to their collection https://www.deviantart.com/unlimited-tickles/art/Yoruichi-The-Tickled-Goddess-Shihouin-537090667
There used to be a vid of the tickling scene from Euphoria and now it’s completely gone. Anyone know where to find?
Anyone know the artist and/or where to find them? Their signature is in the bottom left but I cannot make it out.
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Hello there. Does anyone know where can I find this part from the comic HIPFC of Moekaki? I remember there were like two pages and one day they disappeared out of nowhere
>>23383 Second this, it's so sad this dude only made a handful of pics and the then vanished. I've busted to that may one sooooo many times
>>23683 Looks like Eudetenis. There isn't a central repository of their work as far as I can tell, it's mostly commissions posted by the commissioners.
So this is a longshot I know, but I remember this one piece from way back. It was a babysitter getting tickled in stocks with her arms restrained over her head by two kids (really narrows it down huh). Was wearing a shirt but her belly and pits were exposed, I think the belly from the shirt being pulled up. Lots of different tickle tools tickling every inch of her and oil on the feet and little details .Lee had long brown hair I think, was crying, had sorta anime-manga style Pencil and color pencil drawing, fairly rough and amateur, but there was definitely raw talent. proportions and perspective were lightyears more accurate than most tickle art not touched up by computer, and the level of detail and intricacies of the whole keep it in my mind after all these years (Think I first came across it in like 2008ish)
Anyone got the counterpart to this with the X-men Evolutions version of Rogue and Jean?
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>>23929 Thanks bro
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a few years back, I believe it was SharkyB who posted a sketch in a discord of Lili Stormstout being tickled by some other blizzard characters a la heroes of the storm, and he never finished or posted it anywhere again did anyone happen to snag it
There was a pic of lenore from castlevania that she was being tickled by another woman whos i dont know but i remember she was telling lenore that she is the most beautiful vampire she has ever seen anyone has it ?
[copied from another thread because this might be a more appropriate thread] Okay this might be a long shot, but maybe someone has this twitter art saved: About two years ago I saw a tickle art on twitter. It was drawn by what I remember to be a Japanese or Chinese artist. It was a girl, blindfolded and suspended by ropes, being tickled by floating hands. The art was in black-and-white but clean and the girl was hot (slender, tall, kinda resembling typical hot anime girls) The thing is, the artist is actually a guro-artist (mainly draws gore) and that tickle pic is probably the only one of its kind. I stumbled across the art by viewing branches of liked posts and I wasn't able to trace it back. I gave up last year after weeks of looking for it but I suddenly remembered it again. Any leads would be great!
Anyone has bosart.eu stuff?
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Does anyone have the picture in this fanmade yugioh care. The character is Mizore from Rosario Vampire.
>>23586 If you mean the hbo max show, if you can tell me the season/episode I can record and upload it somewhere
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Some Anon published here >>25288 an umojar/badpierrot's art, Anybody knows where it comes from?
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>>22166 I know this is really late, but I recently found this in one of my folders.
>>26128 Cute
>>4779 I only know a lot of his work was/is posted here http://i-bbs.sijex.net/tickling/0/
>>26128 Holy fuck thank you so much!
anyone know who made this?
>>26369 PirataNo3
Found this in a rar of random art today. Obviously a copy of the Digimon scene, but it's pretty well done. Anyone know who the characters are or who did this?
One day I find a drawing of Dr-Random-Art on Gibi ASMR getting tickled in stock. I can't find her anymore. Someone have the picture please ?
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Is there absolutely anything of Gwyndolin? I get no feet kinda hampers the whole tickle thing but he is genuinely so cute, I'd adore to see him get tickled. Is there anything out there or do I gotta drill a hole in my wallet for an artist online?
I'm hoping some RPG fans might be able to help me with this old Kusujinn piece, I know the middle girl is Aika from Skies of Arcadia but who are side girls right next to her?
>>27326 Oops, forgot the art
>>27327 Left one is Kid from Chrono Cross. Right one I don't know lmao
(72.83 KB 700x900 S5_Lun.webp)

>>27327 >>27341 right is Lun from Suikoden 5 (I loved her, and miss that series like you wouldn't believe)
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Does anybody have this?
Guys i need your help to find a very rare piece of art made by this guy https://www.deviantart.com/ticklishescapee Back in the days he made a pic of carmelita fox showing her soles being tickled, i don't remember if there were any tools or just fingers, Idk But i remember that i used to nut a lot on that pic lol. That pic used to be in his gallery under the scraps folder but unfortunately there's not anymore. Recently that pic just randomly popped in my mind and since then i've been searching everywhere (archives, forums and every fucking booru existing, but i can't find anything). I regret so much now that i didn't download it. So in conclusion, does any of you maybe have a slight chance of having or at least remembering that specific pic? I'd be very thankful if any of you does. With love. - a random pathetic coomer.
P.s i even left a message to the artist in question, still no response for now
>>27619 Nevermind, he answered and i have now, i just can't delete the posts, so...
>>27635 you gonna post it, or
>>27645 Yes, sorry
I was reminded of an old pirate themed tickle torture anticipation pic from years ago but could not find it anywhere anymore. It had couple of girls tied on deck of a ship with ropes, and a bit older pirate lady was standing by them with a feather in her hand, and just seeing it made one of the girls cry. It might have been illustration for a story. It was anime styled, but I think drawn by a western artist.
Does anyone know who made this?
>>28147 I believe it’s https://www.deviantart.com/ps61ap that made that one seems like his art style
I'm suddenly reminded of this one piece with this one girl who I think is Aoko Aozaki wearing a straightjacket getting her feet tickled. There's at least two variants, the anticipation and the actual tickling. I'm hardly well-versed in Nasu's works, but given her brown hair Aoko's appearance was when she was in Mahoyo. If I remember correctly, that was the only tickling art from that artist. Their works are on kemono already, if it helps.
>>28254 This girl?
I think i remember there being other images to go along with this one by raspberry joseph, does anyone have them or am i mistaken?
>>28584 the jucika one? it's on his deviantart
>>28589 He has a da page?
Anyone have the tickle alts of this pic from Dazidentevil? Btw, the character's name is Becky.
(3.86 MB 4961x3508 Becky Tickles 2 (Daz).png)

(3.94 MB 4961x3508 Becky Tickles (Daz).png)

>>28890 Thanks! Do you have the ones with tanned soles?
>>28892 Unfortunately I do not, just the two I posted. Hopefully someone else has them.
>>1958 Does anyone have this old pic of Alice from the American McGee Games having her striped socked feet tickled? it used to be up on Tickletheater before it shut down
Does anybody have the tentickles pic from Erimoto99 where she had her OC being tickled? I can’t find it on her page anymore
>>29020 describe what it looked like
Anyone have the Blake version of this?
>>29043 Bound Bandit went on hiatus, bit fucking annoying they purged their DA and twitter...
>>29021 It was a picture from her tentickles/tentickles chamber series and it had her OC Eri in it
>>29137 Thank you
>>29020 Seconding this. theres also a pic where her self-OC was in stocks and had pens drawing on her feet, was for like 10k watchers or something
I don’t know the artist name, but I remember there being a girl and a guy being captured by some country people I think, the guy was having his dick tickled with a electric toothbrush I think while the others were talking about the girls “tootsies” feet.
Does the guy who made all of these (pretty sure its the same one person) have a place where they post these other than this board? I remember them having a twitter account at one point, but i think its gone now.
>>29973 I think he's shy
Surprised how this 12 year old video was still up on YouTube, but hey I found a piece that was lost to time.
I am trying to find a picture of Diana Cavendish from LWA who is getting her feet tickled by feathers while she is in her bed wrapped by her sheet. The image was on deviantart and on pixiv but the artist deleted it 😕
Anybody know who made this comic? only have a snippet.
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(1.73 MB 956x1454 ``.png)

There was an old pic of Karis and Chalis from Golden Sun being tickled together - I think in a set of double stocks with Chalis' hands being free and Karis' being trapped. If anyone has the one I'm talking about I'd greatly appreciate it.
There was this old art piece in English where two girls were tied to a frame surrounded by a few ticklers. The one on the left was getting tickled and laughing, and the one on the right was having second thoughts about it watching the other one get tickled. And one of the ticklers told her that it's okay because look how much fun the other girl is having. Anyone have this or any idea where it's from? It's reeeeally old so I'm not putting my hopes up, but hey it's worth a try...would be very grateful if someone actually had it
>>31793 Not the requester but pretty sure this is not it...I know what OP is talking about, double stocks means they're BOTH with their feet in it, usually facing each other...I've probably seen it too but no idea where it would be either
Was wondering if someone had the original Tickling in Space comic or knew where to find it. (Not the one that’s just writing, I’m talking about the actual comic one)
Kinda farfetched, but does anybody have or know about the Mezato from Mob Psycho drawing by Ps61AP? I swear I remember seeing it somewhere but maybe my memory sucks. Pic since they seem to have deleted drawings
>>21437 here you go >>30288 artist was PawsNFurs, but he's deactivated his DA a while ago. here's the rest of the pic
Does anyone have the colored version of this?
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(749.95 KB Makoto tk.pdf)

>>33289 I can do you one better: giving you the colored version AND shamelessly shilling the caption I made for it a while back.
>>33294 Thanks a lot! Really enjoyed the caption as well
I'm looking for a Solettico drawing involving Carine. Thanks in advance.
>>33273 Thanks!
>>33365 thisn?
That's the one! Thanks for sharing.
(47.42 KB 664x296 voodooshit.jpg)

>>29046 Anon, I have good news for you
does anyone have Tydos lost art? it was a bunch of great stories
Does anyone have ancient Tomb Raider tickling pic where Lara is in her classic outfit, tied to a chair, and fights back laughter as a feather just slightly touches her thighs?
>>1958 not sure if this is the place, but there was a story on DA that was up about ~1.5 mos ago with a crossover from multiple anime franchises (Spy x family, MHA, etc) with yor getting tickled- anyone remember it or am I just crazy
(27.15 KB 360x270 Lara+Croft-1 (1).jpg)

>>33862 Damn, thank you! It's still great. Too bad it's so small, but as far as I remember I have never seen it in bigger resolution anyways.
Does anyone have the uncensored version of this? I've checked exhentai and scoured his tumblr snf kenmo already. It's from 2015.
>>33749 >>33864 God dammit not this shit again. We already had a thread derail over this pedo crap.
>>34500 thread was not derailed until you said this
>>34512 It wouldn't be derailed if pedo faggots would stick to their containment threads and stop ruining shit for everyone else. Same with the /m shitters.
>>34516 This board isn't called female tickling, it's just tickling.
>>34516 Yeah you had me at the start but then no, your fragile heterosexual insecurities don’t mean shit here.
(443.45 KB 203x199 1612731867192.gif)

could you no? can you just stop before one of you faggots derails it to talk about trannies?
Does anyone have the full collection of Big But worth To Tickle images from orochitickles?
Does anybody have any of Toonforger's old stuff? Making Missy's Feet tickle in particular.
>>34516 I'm going to find you and suck your dick so good you'll never be able to get hard to anything but /m ever again
Okay, so I'm an idiot and posted this in the wrong thread. I don't know who it's by, but does anyone have that picture of Kurapika getting his feet brushed? He's wearing his Yorknew City attire. I found it twice but like an idiot never saved it.
found this on the pic below is you thread... anyone know the source?
does anyone have a picture, i THINK it was from xptz a few years ago, where it was serbrina tickled at like a magic show, and the magician guy had a white cube for a head? iirc, she was in that "cutting in half" magic trick boxes.
Does anybody have solettico's old stuff? It seems to have disappeared off the internet
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I dont know if this counts as lost art, but when matheow045 had a twitter account, he posted this image as a teaser. I dont know if he ever released the full thing, and his twitter is gone now. anyone have the full pic?
>>35284 Someone needs to have this probably
Anyone have the tickle edit of this pic? Red2870 seems to have deleted both that and this image from his gallery.
Does anyone have that image caroo did on da of one of those blue dog people from the first episode of the samurai jack revival being tickled? I cant find it anymore.
>>36286 thisn?
>>36288 Yeah, thanks
anyone have a pic by redheadxilamguy of xero tickling bessie? guy's a fucking turbo autist and he deleted the pic after getting called out.
does anybody know the source for this?
(734.68 KB 1200x1007 66190486_p1_master1200.jpg)

>>13686 Here
Source of this pic?
>>36597 Is that Creepy Susie? >>37132 Japan
i might be confusing or misremembering things, but wasn't there a foot tickling drawing of the princess from ace combat 7? her private airplane was behind her i think. i remember in the drawing the PNG dog was drawn as an actual cardboard cutout and placed next to her. can't really find it so I'm not sure if this is something i actually saw or some kind of fever dream...
>>37132 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/5597422 that 127 pic set? its in there
>>37164 Why is the dog so much more realistic looking than the humans?
>>37224 Because it's literally a real-life video of a dog sitting still put into the scene. https://acecombat.fandom.com/wiki/Cossette's_dog
I'm looking for a picture of an anthro character getting her clit tickled by a feather wheel and a speech bubble from someone off screen that reads "that's right, just relax and let the soft feathers do the work" or something like that.
>>37190 There’s something very uncanny valley about the art in that gallery; It’s unsettling to me.
>>37657 I know what you're talking about. I believe the character is Mina(?) It was on zp92's old FA account, but i can't seem to remember the name. I know it had the word "kid" in the middle though. Will lyk if i can find it
Would appreciate help finding a comic about some space monster that got free and tickled people to get bigger or sth. Thanks.
>>37694 Are you talking about the Lynn comics made by RedScript77? I think he deleted the originals but they've been archived: https://comixxx.net/comics/61c70c743c5bac3ceeec2e28-artificial-being-lynn
Higher quality versions of either of these would be greatly appreciated.
Does anyone have that darkspeed picture with Kat tickling Michelle with her feet?
(1.97 MB 2471x1356 80116.png)

Wasn't there a sketch/wip to this drawing? If so, may someone share it?
Anyone recognize these?
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>>37164 disregard that, i suck cocks. i realized i literally imagined it based off this pic.
(1.34 MB 1240x1754 FlZ9TvGaAAE1pCk.jpg)

Who is the artist?
>>39093 Thank you anon. It is on his twitter. Apparently the colored version is in his fanbox.
Might be a long shot, but I'm curious if anyone might have Red2870's first Other Mother pic, one where she's in a pair of stocks, hands and feet secured. I checked the Wayback machine but the best I could get was the blurred thumbnail on the side bar of old DA.
Anyone know the source for this?
>>39533 Other than my deepest darkest nightmares?
Does anyone have the 'Tatsumaki Tickled in the Basement' video from chromejulia? It disappeared along with other content on their Vimeo account after their apparent 'death' last year
Does anybody have solettico's old stuff? The waybackmachine doesn't have almost anything
(113.66 KB 826x968 1533602540021.jpg)

Anyone know the author of this? Sauceano wasnt helpful. Theres a "Kaito" watermark but it led me nowhere.
>>37014 You're a god
>>34701 Here.
>>40411 holy fucking shit. ive been looking for this pic for actual literal years!!! where did you find it?!!!
This is going to be such a long shot, but years ago in the early deviantart days, there was this artist called magical-aimee, or something like that. She always made such cute art, but then she deleted everything and suddenly disappeared. I guess some things never change eh? Heck if anyone even remembers her art I'd be pretty surprised.
>>40479 I only got these, I feel like there are more out there
(516.75 KB 1024x1064 callie_briggs_tickled.png)

>>40489 You can still find a lot of his old artworks through boorus and the wayback machine. Its a little disperse, since he went by a lot of aliases over the years: x-p-t-z, xptz, fireclub, circlecentric, flyingboss (heck, even putting xptzstudios and xptz-studios gives you different results), but there are some good-res stuff to find. That being said, reached a dead-end whitout finding quite what i was looking for, managed to help a fellow tickle-anon on the way tho.
Saw this img in another thread and it unlocked a memory of this artist from a long time ago who vanished pretty quickly. I think it's a long shot, but if anyone has saved images of their work I'd be eternally grateful.
>>40526 That artstyle looks vaguely familiar. Its a lot more creative of a pose than what I remember most of their work being like, but it reminds me of an old artist from DA, Screampunk.
>>40529 Screampunk is now Nitropunk and only on pixiv now I realize. Can’t find anything pertaining to Kylap Jenna except a deviantart link to an account that no longer exists though. Maybe Jenna was a precursor or alt of Nitro? The eyes are drawn differently but that thick line work is just so similar…
Does anyone have the completed pic of Maya Fey here? I swear it was uploaded during the height of the tickle hell meme last year.
i hate to ask but can anyone post Sammy aka smolknismofox's art with humans getting tickled? i know they're a hot topic on the sun and moon cult thread but i think some of his work is hot when it's humans being tickle tortured, and he locked his twitter recently so i can't get em
>>37742 That Naruto one is an oldie of mine from the OddTickles days! I searched high and low and couldn’t find it so I did my best to recreate it just for fun. Hopefully someone has the real original somewhere!
>>40623 based G&B, knew you lurked here
Does anyone know who made this or where it belongs?
Anyone have Tallulah from Arknights getting tickled by Originium Slimes? I can't seem to find it anymore
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Does anyone have (or have a recollection) of some old 3D renders where several drow women are tickle torturing human and elf prisoners in their dungeon? I'm pretty sure there were multiple render with different victim and dungeon setup by the same dude. I'm also pretty sure they were from early 10s but I might be wrong.
Requesting sauce on video plundered from another thread
>>43514 Dude this is disturbing even without sound.
>>43429 Holy shit. That image alone is captionable af. >>43514 @chlorotkled >>43515 Yeah. My dick wouldn't be able to handle it with insane loli laughter noises.
>>43516 Sounds hot actually, if anyone has any clean mp3's of loli laughter I can add it via clideo
>>43514 This just looks like a Koikatsu loop to me.
>>39599 literally all of their shit is gone, dude
I saw an artwork on here within the last year or so, forgot to save it and now cannot remember what thread it's buried in, so hopefully someone can help. It's an artwork of a guy wrapped up in vines, you can see his feet but not his face, and he's getting his cock tickled. I think there might have been some text, too, but I can't for the life of me remember what was being said.
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anyone this artist?
I remember that there was an Anya Forger piece made by marcelinhofoot on DeviantArt back in March with different variants, but apparently he deleted them on his DA account and his Patreon account. idk if anyone here has it (or even knows what I’m referring to lol) I actually managed to get a hold of the artist, but he has no inten
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Very old, but maybe someone knows artist or has some more of their stuff?

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Deaathtraap and a bunch of other artists did a collab on fa recently, but not all of the artists who participated were listed. I checked through the list of artists and couldn't seem to find the one responsible for this part, does anyone know who made this part and if they have any other drawings of them online?
>>15022 Can't help with the others but the Yoko one was a drawthread request by kochokocho-kun
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>>30058 A bit smaller, but here it is in colour.
so there was an mha short comic where jirous captured by a villain with a tickling quirk. it was on da but is no longer there.
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So here's a very long and over the horizon shot- anybody got an old MTJPub story called The Man-Trappers? Disappeared from their store years ago and couldn't really help when contacted directly.
>>45298 You have?
nope trynna find it
Someone help me find this?? It was TWACC's old now deleted DeviantArt account
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Found it
Just started playing Omori, and I was wondering if anyone knows where that one picture of Basil is. It was called something like "Hihihekomori". Last I saw, it was on Deviantart.
There was this fan Dragon Maid manga I think that had a 2 or 3 pages of a drunk Kobayashi tickle Kanna with her holding in her laughter, but Tohru wanted to be tickled by Kobayashi instead so she tickled Tohru. Now I can't find the pages
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>>44920 I found some more from http://i-bbs.sijex.net/tickling/140/ I could swear that I saw all pictures by that guy in Pixiv but
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>>46157 *but could not find it at least right now.
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>>2216 Oh wow, I randomly found it. Looks nowhere as decent as I remembered, but oh well. http://oosterwijk.comicgenesis.com/d/20031121.html
Rather than lost art, does anyone have the story that was included with this pic? It was titled "May's Answer to the Ticklish Question" The dude who made it, Mysterio0, purged his DeviantArt and now I can't find a single trace of it anywhere. I remember it coming in a PDF file, really fucking good premise and story.
>>46195 Here you go
Looking for an anticipation piece where a blonde girl is chained up in a dungeon with her arms above her head, wearing a dress and sleeves, leaving her armpits bare and about to be tickled by brushes coming from out of view. Whole thing had a bluish hue to it, if that helps. Used to be on Pixiv and I'm fairly certain on a few threads here, but I can't for the life of me find it...
Does anyone remember Wifenapper? the guy looked like he had a lot of potential and his ideas were really cute, plus he liked drawing slightly chubby milfs but he just dipped one day and deleted everything... Would anyone happen to have any of his stuff saved? i know its not the best but i remember liking his stuff a lot back in the day
>>46220 im retarded, thanks anon. wish he'd come back still though
Hi all, this is a pretty vague pic but I hope someone can find it. It's one of those "behind the wall" tickle pictures where the lees feet, in this one it was a small anime girl, had her feet stuck through the wall with nothing but a picture of her hanging above them. Pretty standard foot tickling image, but the thing that made it stand out was that all of the tools were very small on her feet, like hairbrushes the size of your thumb, paintbrushes, etc all being controlled by small mechanical hands which were also tickling I think. Just a bunch of very small tools all attacking these feet. I can't find it due to it being so vague, but it made me love the idea of 10 small tools vs 1 or 2 big tools. If anyone finds it or even knows what I'm talking about it would be greatly appreciated.
anyone have korvy's stuff? apparently he deleted all his tickleporn without explanation and his gallery's full of nothing but 'vanilla' /d/ shit now
(4.79 MB 3964x3277 Bunker Busted by Bebob4999.jpg)

There was a drawing made by Artist Bebob4999, where Star Butterfly and Jackie Lynn Thomas were tied to a couple of chairs while their feet were tickled with magical tools. Behind the girls was the antagonist Toffee who had Star's magic wand in her hand and he was using it to torture them. Also, Star had a ballgag so she couldn't cast any spells to her wand. By the way, I think the scenario was based on the chapter when Toffe captures Marco and takes him to his lair so that Star can rescue him and Toffe can get Star's magic wand. For a better reference, the following drawing also made by Bebob is extremely similar to what I'm looking for, only instead of the blondes, it would be Star and Jackie:
>>47272 I don't think bebob drew this, I believe it's an edit/trace someone else made of the pic you posted.
>>47273 Need to know sauce I need to fuck that lizard
>>47304 I dunno the artist. if you mean what series, its Star Vs the Forces of Evil. the Lizard is Toffee, one of the main villains of the series. Arguably the only good villain of the series.
>>47273 Thanks you Anon!
(2.16 MB 3571x3508 85822206_p0.jpg)

I'm looking for several tickle pics of this or very similar Oni-girls that were apparently all taken down from pixiv by the artist. I'm especially looking for a sequence of pics with just the feet locked in some kind of machine with text on a monitor on the right side which comments on the Oni getting weaker and more sensitive and her even tried to break out with cracks in the bonds getting bigger.
Does anyone have the uncensored version of this?
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Does anyone know where this comic is? all I got is this is apparently Black Widow
With the movie/series wrap finally releasing next month, I was doing something like my 8th rewatch of The Venture Bros. There was a very well-done piece of art just a few years back of Triana Orpheus being tickled at magic training school that I can't seem to find anymore, nor do I remember who the artist was. I originally saw it on DA, but tag searching has brought up anything yet, so maybe it was never properly tagged. If anyone knows where to find it, I would greatly appreciate it!
>>48153 I think I remember that pic, I'm pretty sure it was FireFox who drew it.
>>48153 Hey yeah, so, kemono is being a bitch, but uh, is this it? https://kemono.party/patreon/user/6696635/post/22235944
>>48176 That'd be it, I'm surprised it turned out to be AfterDarkBog as I love a lot of their old work. My memory just failed to connect the dots. Anyway, thanks a lot! Go Team Venture!
>>48256 You got it man. Check the link for full res, I couldn't open it for whatever reason. And just to put it out there, are these two literally the only Venture Bros. tickle pics worth their salt out there? I know the show isn't exactly huge, but I'm still shocked and appalled.
there was a mary jane ticklle comic on da where she was tickled by i believe the tinkerer and was very fateful to the comics style i remember shes tickled by the feather and the ler at some point says "such ticklish tootsies" anyone know what im talkin about?
>>48849 This one? It was commissioned by the Tickletown/Agencies guy ages ago, according to him from an actual ex-Marvel artist who wanted to remain anonymous.
I have been searching for "Tkltkltklyou"s work, a lot of it seems to simply be lost to time as they have no online presence it seems I was able to find a Google Drive with tons of their stuff, but even then there is a lot missing. Some YouTube channels also have some of their videos I wonder if there is anywhere else to find more of it? Or more that is like it, perhaps Their Clips4Sale is still around at least, but I know for a fact there are still videos that aren't on there
does anyone have the jessie from pokemon tickle comic from hikariangelove theyre the same person who did this comic if it helps
thank you! any idea why they took it down?
so Ive been trying to find this piece of jiro tickle art but i cant find it. i cant find the original artist, however i can tell what happens. jirous tickled by a villain called the tickler whose tickling disables her quirk. shes wearing a deep dope shirt in it i believe. And it was released sometime in 2019 or early 2018 if you think you have it let me know!
if anyone finds that jirou pic ill personally send 10 dollars
>>49212 I'm going to assume you've already looked though the Lost Media thread >>16287 and this reply >>16382 with the drive link. If you happen to find anything more of the tkltkltkl guy I'd share it there rather than here, as this one is specifically for finding art. However, more related to that matter, he has done drawing like the one on the OP >>1958 and the zip >>2010 shared. This pic is one of them but I remember for certain there were a tonne more. All crudely but simply drawn freeform storyboards and all largely the same premises, like the videos. More of these would be welcome too
Back when Josie the ticklish pussycat website was a thing, there was a whole art section. Does anyone remember its artwork? It had some really good foot tickles that I've never seen again
There was this artwork of an utterly helpess Lady Maria in a tickle machine on deviantart that might have been deleted. I remember it being intense and had a story attached to it as well. Anything on that?
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Anybody know which artist drew this?
Once again asking if anyone has a picture of Kurapika getting his feet brushed? He's the only character in the art if that helps at all
Does anyone have this image in a higher quality, or while I’m at it, VikaFizzy’s old deleted artworks saved?
>>52482 I have some of his works, hope that someone saved other ones https://mega.nz/folder/HAM2RIqK#rBwIH1z1RWU36HJWObkuig
(415.54 KB 579x1000 Takane-Lui_pr-img_02.png)

I'm looking for an image that was wiped from Imgur that I don't remember where I found. It had Takane Lui from Hololive naked and lying down while hands reach in to tickle her as she tries to resist, with two versions: one where her eyes are open as her armpits are tickled, and one where her eyes are closed and she's struggling harder as the hands tickle her sides. The image width is longer than the height, and I'm pretty sure I found it somewhere on this board.
Does anyone have the piece where Hercules is getting lickled on his armpit and tickled by Hades?
Anyone know where this gif come from please?
>>52685 Thanks so much! I only ever saw the last two, I didn't know there were two more to the set.
I know that's from MichaellaBrown but what's the story of that pic? Can't find it on their accounts
Hello, I’m looking for a picture of a girl with brown hair, in a yellow dress, cuffed to a bed in mitten like restraints, spreadeagled, wearing a blindfold and gag, I believe she was being tickled, but she might not have been, does anyone know what I’m talking about?
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anyone know the source to this image
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Does anyone have the full picture or know the source of the picture?
>>52699 Ngl I'd love to see a revenge pic Diggin those earrings tho
Does anyone have any idea about this?
Does anyone have the art where Tighnari is tickled by Cyno? I cannot find it.
>>52699 Try checking their favorites. Sometimes they do commissions and don't post them to their account, but usually has them in their favorites/likes.
>>52699 Seeing this reminds me of a similar image with a teacher tickling a student. Tried looking for it but couldn't find it myself. I remember it from deviantart years back. It had a teacher holding up a goth girl's foot and tickling it at the front of the class. I think it had "Babinski Reflex" written on the board behind them. Anyone know it or where I could find it?
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Looking for a Pixiv artist. I think he may have deleted his account.
>>55406 Not deleted but it seems like they had purged their older works https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/78913888/artworks
>>55407 Thanks for helping me find the artist. pitty they purged their older stuff.
Does anyone have the Knives Kidnaps Kim drawing by Bound Bandit from DeviantArt that was deleted?
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Does anyone know who the artist of this is and what the other parts of the comic are?
Anyone remember a photo that had Mulan getting tickled by women who were brushing her in a tub? Scene was set in this pic. I'm pretty sure it was her sides and armpits being tickled, with her tits exposed but idk. It used to be on DA but got removed a few years ago i think. Greatly appreciated if anyone show me the photo again
>>55888 Found it in the Disney thread, moron
You'll need to be a real collector to have this one. There was once an image of Rosusonniku's OCs, Erusa and Asure (pictured left and right) being tickled naked/topless in stocks. Unfortunately, I've never seen such a prevalent artist nuke their OCs off the internet so thoroughly. Still, if it happens to be in your harddrive, I'd much appreciate it.
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>>55896 You mean these ones?
>>55990 Godlike. I salute you, sir.
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I recall an edit made to this BAC page from Laughing Pines 1 where someone colored it made the ticklee Yenny. Even if it was just to make her hair blue, having it be Yenny adds something to it
i have no idea where this image came from found it while randomly going through my fap collection, would love to see the rest
>>56287 You probably mean this one from Grippedchimp.
>>56288 https://nhentai.to/g/60367/96 Note: The Doujin is not fully focused on tickling...also Incest and Loli warning for those hate em! (Also has a depressing ass story wtf.....)
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Anyone know where this gem is from?
Does anyone have the uncensored version of this by Pabu-Lad?
>>56823 thank you!!!
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Anyone have either of these pictures/variations from Kanahiyori's dropbox last month? Given their tendency to delete everything at the end of each month, finding anything from them is difficult.
I remember there used to be variants of this picture, does anyone have them?
>>7268 Did you ever make a part 2 of that or nah?
>>57202 I'll take anything more from this artist that anyone can find
Anybody remember these artworks? Basically it was two of HomunculusLover’s art which involved some girl named Fleet(?) tied to a chair naked and homu’s oc/sona was tickling her with a feather in the pussy The second art is where fleet gets their revenge by tying homu’s oc/sona upside down also getting tickled in the pussy with a feather Thanks in advance!
I’ll describe this one as best as I can. It was a girl sitting with her legs spread as two other girls brushed her feet with soap and water. The girl was gagged and looking up in agony as tears streamed down her face while the two other girls were brushing her feet looking at each other. Had a maroon-black background. Saw it floating around somewhere here. Used to be the first image when you searched up feet tickle on deviant art. Any help would be appreciated. I think the characters were from Pokémon
>>57303 No this ain’t it, king. The artworks/characters I was talking about wasn’t Anyma, in fact this art is waaay before Anyma ecen existed but homu’s oc that i was talking about was the short red-haired girl with glasses, slinding a featger in Fleet’s (brown haired girl and a different person’s oc) pussy, who is tied to a chair with her legs spread
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Does anyone have this in better quality? It was deleted from Deviantart Knives Kidnaps Kim from The-Bound-Bandit
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Anyone know who these artists are?
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>>57304 This is the first thing that came to mind, is this it? It's from the long defunct くすぐり大好き人間の集まりブログ
Does anyone have the photo from Jager that had Asuna being tickled? I recall there being a colored variant of this
>>57953 This is it, you are such a blessing
This is kind of an open ended one but does anybody have some of bebob4999's old art? I know most of his stuff is up im just kind of curious what his earlier artworks looked like before the officer jenny one he has up
Old, obscure artist request. And I mean, like, from fucking 2002. Anyone remember Okari? Would love to find the DoA or Silent Hill drawings he did if anyone has that.
Does anyone have some of Sp0rel0rd's old art? I've been feeling rather nostalgic for some of the stuff that's gone. Like that Hermione one that worked in flash, and all the boogeyman alts. It'd really make my day if someone saved those especially. Thanks in advance!
I remember juzi https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/14214373 had an older work featuring Noel Shirogane and one other person before it got deleted for reasons unknown. Don't suppose anyone has that saved?
does anyone have a higher quality version of this Blaze pic by XPTZ? it got removed off of DA and I've been trying to find it since
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>>58755 Here you are. The reason can't be more clear since Hololive claimed Taiwan as a country and juzi is a ccp-supporter.
Hello everyone. I have discovered caches of thumbnails for some good stuff which was removed from Pixiv. I'd like to know if anyone has saved these. By the way, my saucenao account retains the info-lookup capability for 1 to 2 days, in case someone need it. The first batch is from 咸の鱼(https://www.pixiv.net/users/14416355) and 汐羽(https://www.pixiv.net/users/57790290).
>>58776 From うえだ しろ(https://www.pixiv.net/users/25051608) (1/2)
>>58777 (2/2)
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>>58781 Sorry, 3 batches. (2/3)
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>>58782 (3/3)
>>58783 Some other good images (1/2)
>>58784 (2/2)
>>58785 (3/3)
>>58787 To prevent spamming, I only kept what I thought was the best part. Again, if anyone needs the info lookup feature, please ask before my account expires!
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>>58776 What a coincidence...
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>>18241 Second this. All hand drawn and colored, old pervy scientist guy. The artist put a lot of effort into these comics and they came out amazing.
>>58798 Wow, greatly appreciated!
anyone has the pic about Fujimura Taiga by Meteotickling?https://www.pixiv.net/users/22821322 he deleted this one for along time.
>>58774 Juzi is a ccp supporter? Where did you get that info (genuinely curious) That means zero chance of the artist drawing hololive pics sad
>>59743 He's Chinese and living in China. It would be weirder if he wasn't a CCP supporter.
>>59743 From one of his SNS account which has been deactivated now.
>>59739 This one?
Anyone got more of Koochiekoochietoons deleted stuff or at least some of this stuff in higher quality, I could swear there was one with Keira from Jak and Daxter but I could only find one with Tess
>>59828 yeah, thx bro, really appreciate it!
>>47269 Oh wow, I remember this! I would love to see if someone had some of his stuff saved
There was a picture that looked like manga/hentai style, of a male trapped in a floor with his dick and hands sticking out and his dick was tickled and all he could do was laugh and watch in horror. Does anyone have that picture? I'd describe it better if I could
There once was a writer on deviantart called PurpleCloak before they were purged. Was not strictly a writer who did tickling (General bondage and DID was what they did) but they had a few. I even remember that they wrote some for some kinktober. Hoping that someone had those stored away though I wouldn't be opposed if someone had their other stuff since it's all lost media by this point but their tickling fics are preferred.
does anyone have this but higher quality
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Classic FTKL pics. BTW can anyone help me out? Few days ago there was this black and white art of Black Cat tickling Mary Jane Watson's feet. I can't seem to find it anywhere here now.
Edited last time by Flatty on 01/16/2024 (Tue) 18:08:22.
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Anyone have the set this is from
Looking for an image that I can't seem to find anywhere. Rick & Morty art. The mother and daughter are both on upright tables/benches. The mother is in the process of being tickled with her arms above her head, and the daughter is watching with a scared look on her face as the little robot from that one episode is removing summer's shoes. Rick is also in the shot. Either talking to the robot, or to the girls. I'm not exactly sure which.
Does anybody have the artwork where it’s a shirtless guy blindfolded with orange and blonde hair tied to a bed and tickled by a slime monster? It shows three different versions of his face, him first resisting and then crying laughing
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>>43429 It is me again. I found them from TMF's new Tickletheater archive. They were made by BrendanBkr.
Anybody got that one image of that girl on a showstage getting tickled as a punishment for hiding somewhere she shouldnt have during hide and seek? I think it was based on a FNAF fan game or something
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Does anyone have this animation made my Knismotik way back of Tsuyu? I looked everywhere, and even tried contacting Knismo about it, but the guy is impossible to reach.
>>1958 Anyone got art from Inky125? Their deviantart account is archived on wayback but no full res images, only thumbnails.
(7.62 MB 1280x720 Knismo Tsuyu.mp4)

>>61389 My man, appreciate it.
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Does someone have the full picture of this?
Was anyone able to save the art by rmddum that just got taken down where a blonde girl is tickled with a blindfold and gag with suckers on her nipples?
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anyone got 万之助/mannosuke/manshijo's old arts? his old arts was taken down with his fanbox and never get a repost. this one is all i can found
>>62076 Thanks anon, appreciate it. Do you also have no panties variants?
I hope someone has this one maaaann
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For those interested in Kouji's work, he has recently started to repost his older work on PixivFanbox.
anyone has one pic about Vivi from OnePiece? i remember that was tickled by some ghost hands, few years from Deviantart but cannot find now. thx
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Someone has more art from this artist?? It seems much of his works are lost media.
MichaellaBrown made a Mitchells vs. the machines tickle pic featuring Katie Mitchell having her feet tickled by her brother under her desk. There was some cute dialogue, with Katie saying she DID enjoy the tickling, but still wanted him to stop so she could focus on her work or something like that. Is there ANY possibility someone might have saved it?
>>62519 Oh Hell yeah dude, that's exactly the one! Thanks a bunch
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This is one of the banner images for /tkr/ and I have failed to find the full image, I also remember somebody made a caption with the full image in one of the old ass caption threads. Any help would be appreciated.
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>>62545 the caption
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>>27918 From TMF's TickleTheater archive.
Does anyone have one of CeeAyBee/CAB's latter comics that was about an ethot who participates in "kidnapping challenge" and then gets kidnapped for tickling for real? I haven't spotted it in any of the collections of his work online.
A while ago I don't know how I managed to save all the pages of a comic made by the artist StarEvolet, who hasn't published in quite some time. In said comic, Star Butterfly appeared trapped in stocks being tickled by her best friend Marco. However, for some reason most of the pages were deleted, but I managed to find pages 1 and 3 in a secondary drive account, but it no longer allows me the option to show the file location to download the rest of the missing pages, I think there were 16 or 17 in total, does anyone have them?
>>63073 Thank you so much! I thought I would never find it.
Does anybody have the horde version of this pic?
Anyone know the artist behind this? South park pics are usually terrible but this is great. Think i found it posted on a thread here a while back but no other info.
>>63487 I think he's only on Discord, one of those loli types
I’m looking for this image of “Jack the ripper” from fate after she’s been tickled,her feet are in stocks and mostly b/w besides her green eyes I have no idea who’s the artist does any bro have the sauce??
>>63665 Is it this one? The original artist is DDDIndustry, but was colored by someone in one of the coloring threads here.
>>63499 really want someone to just post abunch of his work here, someone did a bit but it was only a little, but I know there's more
>>63668 could you find where is this pic from? ddd's works has too many, i'm sure that is not exist in StockParty2
THANK YOU!!!! :)) yes thats the picture of her, you saved me a headache bro🙏
>>63499 Well I'll never find that. Saw one on pixiv called douchebag that I thought might be it, but he had one of those redscript style galleries that make you want to puke most of the time, so hopefully wasn't the same.
Trying to find the full versions of a few pictures from Kanahiyori made over the last few months if anyone here can help out. Probably safe to say nearly all of their stuff is considered "lost" given how often they delete everything from their Fanbox.
Does anyone know who drew this?
Source for this? I know who drew these, but were they part of bigger comics or what? Found here: https://www.ticklescenes.com/tickle-torture-stocks-pillory-history/
>>63941 https://www.dascomics.com/yenny-lopez I wanna say it's around 2003. Regardless, no idea how to get these, does any have an archive of all the comics?
>>63669 I wouldn't know what's his, unless he mainly does South Park stuff, so i probably missed those. Do you have of the few that were posted?
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>>64023 Here is stuff someone else posted in another thread
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>>64024 and here are my own saves of his art
>>64028 Holy shit anon I now love you. Going to add them to my Visk folder
>>64027 Oh damn, i have seen some of these before but never made the connection. Thanks for posting it!
Not sure if right place to ask but I remember a post on deviantart around 2016-17 from an artist i cant recall. The pov showed 1 foot sole facing viewer that was propped up on a tail belonging to the foots owner maybe? There was a frog/toad thing or maybe a snake that was licking the sole with a very long tubuler tongue. I remember the post having a sketch, lineart, color, shade variants. I would love to haer if anyone else has seen or maybe knows what im talking about. I have scoured Deviantart for a while but I assume the account goy deactivated or the post was purged. srry for the yap just dont know were else to ask a question like that lol
>>64028 Where can I find this artist anon?
Not a huge deal if nobody finds it but I'm looking for a really old drawing of Melody from the Little Mermaid 2 being tickled by Ariel. It was on deviantart a long time ago. I forgot the artist's name. It isn't even very good by my current standards, but sometimes I get slightly obsessed with trying to see old tickle art from years ago that I can't find. It was like drawn with markers, scanned and then colored with the paintbucket tool in Photoshop or maybe MS Paint.
>>64515 Guy's name was Metarix777, FetishistArtist later. Don't have the image but I'm like 90% sure someone on this board was looking for it and it was posted, if I'm misremembering I apologize
Does anyone have PawFeather's Gauntlet of Laughter e-novel? I've been looking for it for years and can't find it. It hasn't been available on his side for like a decade at this point.
Can anyone help me with this one? Saucenao came up with nothing
>>64618 Artist seems to be redscript so look around
Does anyone have that one from LethalTK where Mei from Overwatch is getting her feet tickled in a machine and it's being broadcast as Chinese propaganda? It's called 'Free Hong Kong, but Not Mei'. It's locked behind a paywall on his DA.
>>64712 And while I'm here, I'd also appreciate the 'Covid Chan' one. Also by LethalTK
>>64712 >>64713 I never examined the Mei one was like that. Weird
Does someon have the pic of Yellow (from Pokemon) tied to a bed and tickled by Jessie and her pokemon? It was on Asa's stash
Does anyone have two e-novels from PawFeather, "The Interrogation of Iris Setter" and "Man & Beast #1"? PawFeather says that they are not available on his site anymore and when asked for purchase information, he never responded? Would really appreciate it.
>>7286 Still holding out the vain hope, three years later, that one day this pic will be rediscovered.
Does anyone know who's art this is?
This is gonna be a longshot, because I'm a bit fuzzy on the details. There was a woman in a kind of wall-trophy situation at a party, where she was talking to either a friend or an old colleague of hers While she's talking to this friend, she starts to get tickled on the other side of the wall. She asks for help, but the guy just leeaves both were a bit on the older side I think I've been trying to find this one for years now, but I'm not sure if it's even real anymore or if it's just something I've dreamt up
Hi guys, hoping someone can help me finding this old video, I'll try my best to describe it. The video would start with a brunette girl sitting behind a desk. A man suddenly coming and starting to viciously worship her feet, devouring them. While the man was busy worshiping them, with his eyes closed from pleasure, the woman make a signal and a man, dressed as postman if I recall correctly, sneaks from behind her, after being hidden during the whole time. The video would end with the man still worshiping her feet. I don't know if there was more of it, but the video would end like this. I remember seeing it on dailymotion, long time ago.
I have heard of an old picture of Sora and Mimi from Digimon, unsure of which one was ler and which was lee. One of them was tickling the other's feet tied to a tree stump, and the tree stump had an antennae or satellite sticking out of it. If anyone has or recognizes this, let me know.
>>65077 Pontus997 on Deviantart
>>64028 The day this anon returns with more Visk art is another day I will be super happy
>>65721 Ah. Yeah I mostly just remember seeing said art on Deviantart way back so I forgot about that. I only remember people mentioning Tickletheater being very old and long gone. Even back then.
Hey, does someon have the pic of Yellow (from Pokemon) tied to a bed and tickled by Jessie and her pokemon? It was on Asa's stash
does anyone have the uncolored version of chaos-omegas pics? he scrubbed his gallery clean and he does not reply to anyone. only the colored versions someone else posted exist now
>>65970 nother one
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The artist of this particular piece is Soumendaze, and the character is Ryuuge Kisaki from Blue Archive. I swear I remember this piece having a few different parts in chronological order, with the tickling getting more intense with each part, if that makes sense. Except now I can't find them. Maybe they never existed and I'm going completely insane. The artist does have a fanbox on Pixie, but I don't want to buy it without knowing if it has what I'm looking for. In the case that I'm being retarded and this is actually the only version of this image, there's one other thing I'm looking for that I KNOW exists. Another pic of the same character I'm pretty sure, MIGHT be the same artist but might not be, but it was feet tickling instead. Also had the same kind of reaction from the character, she's managing to keep a straight face but she's also blushing intensely, breathing heavily, and very obviously holding back laughter, so even though she's not laughing out loud you can still clearly tell she is very very ticklish. If anyone has what I'm looking for, please post it here, or at the very least if you know where I can get it, direct me there if you can. Thanks in advance to anyone who has any answers for me.
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>>66370 From what I understand, that was the only picture that's available, since the commissioner on skeb only requested for her holding back her laughter. I also can't find a post of this pic on their fanbox either, which leads me to conclude that this is the only one available. As for your second request, are you looking for this series? There's another Kisaki pic I can think of, but there's no feet tickling in that series.
>>66373 That is exactly the Kisaki feet tickle pic I was thinking of. Using that in a quick Google lens search, I was able to find the sauce along with the rest of the pics in that series, so thanks a bunch for that, appreciate it! But what was that other Kisaki tickle pic you mentioned? Was it another upper body tickle pic, or something else? When I thought I remembered the pic I posted having alts, maybe I was actually remembering a different pic entirely for some reason. If it isn't any trouble, could you post it here?
Hi does anyone remember a tickle image of these girls from Shuffle ? I remmeber they were stocked and tickled by an peacock feather
>>66391 I think that second link is the one I was looking for. Thanks a bunch :)
Does anyone have Boneboneking's Nichijou drawing, had Yuuko tickling Hakase trapped in a blanket burrito
>>66629 got you sempai
Does anyone have more of the uncensored art from EthanTK?
A really long time ago, there was a deviantart user by the name of "iamtickler" who has long since deleted their account, and traces of most of their art. Does anyone have any of their work? Particularly any of the three Mario Bros princesses.
Looking for a while for a comic I saw on pixiv years back. It was black and white, very sketchy, and by a Japanese artist. The premise was a girl went to a massage parlour that was basically a guy duping her into getting tickled. She was lying face down and it had both upper body and feet, and some stuff involving oil I think. The girl in question might have been a witch, or possibly a Touhou girl. There was an english translation of the text. A bit of a long shot, but if anyone has it or knows what I'm talking about, I'd love to see it again
There used to be an amazing AoT tickling story on DA until recently, a trilogy about Mikasa being interrogated by Annie in a dungeon setting. I'm talking real S tier, fantastic fucking tickle torture, unironically peak fiction. Artist name is idontwanna99. For unknown reasons, he deleted all his shit. My question is does anybody have the stories saved, or maybe knows him on any other platform? I fucking NEED my fix of cute plush Eldian soles tickled
I'm trying to find some of the older stuff made by Nitropunk when they went by Satur1n-Erotica. Particularly those featuring Naga the Serpent from Slayers, they made a good few tickling/DID pictures with her but I can't find any of them except for these two. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>67243 This one?
Pretty sure it's been brought up once or twice already but I'm trying to find this one by Jager/ Jageticklelover/ caoyue or whatever (now solesgoodman) cause all his old stuff got wiped from existence. I remember it being one of those .psd files with the layers you can sort through and change stuff around with, but all I can find is pictures of it
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>>67420 Don't know if 8chan won't let you share psd files and rars if you IP jump too often so here's a link instead https://mega.nz/file/3FoSzb7L#7mHn3CAOItPwmqugNyngOTV6-jRgT9Jo8c6XElQvpU0
>>67421 Holy fuck thank you you fuckin legend!
I'm looking for a Totally Spies gif I remember from DA a few years ago. From what I can recall, all of the spies had been captured by the villain Helga Van Gullen, I believe. She's relentlessly tickling Alex, who's begging for her to stop. Helga says that she'll stop if she agrees to help her torture the other girls, to which Alex complies without hesitation. If I remember correctly, the artist also made some other gifs of a similar nature, so if anyone has this or any of the other ones, I'd appreciate it a bunch.
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>>67522 It was made by FenixFantasies. His DA got purged because his stuff was too NSFW I guess, so he moved to posting his stuff on Patreon for free, but that Patreon is gone now too. Seems the only platform he's still on is Twitter, which is how I was able to get this. He posts only about once a month, but he does still seemingly make and post new animations.
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>>67318 Man, thank you! Nice fucking job anon. You wouldn't happen to have parts 2 & 3 as well?
>>67547 Found them, enjoy.
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Does anybody have the colored version of this Maho Minami pic? It was done by a kind anon who posted it in the coloring thread on one of the older boards.
Does anyone have the art from xptz that is either Rouge tickling Cream while she is holding on by one foot, Cream getting her feet tickled by Vanilla or the Digimon art of Mimi and Biyomon getting tickled Realized I posted this in the wrong thread before
Anyone has the old deleted twitter art by meteotickling? One of them was a nitori kawashiro picture, which had both tickling and some electricity stuff too. Theres also a couple of lost fanbox pics, i recall there was a meiling one too. I have looked everywhere for them but i couldnt find them
Can someone tell me who the artist for this is? Their signature is in the bottom corner but I can't read that shit, the handwriting is abysmal
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/aine81qt2vvr1/Askad This is a fanbox post from this pixiv user: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/81858122 It was up for maybe 3 days before he deleted his fanbox, enjoy
>>69550 Thanks a lot!
>>58627 Bump
anyone know the artist who made this? Tryna find all their stuff.
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>>70525 Not sure of the artist, but I have this alt.
I remember a long time ago there was some realistic art about a woman named lizard loydd and she was the world champion in tickling or something like that. It was her getting her sides tickled by some european chick and it was formatted in a newspaper. Anyone have any idea of this? It was on deviantart
There's an image I've been looking for, but I can't seem to find it, I think it was on deviantart. It was this drawing of an emo/goth boy being tickled by 2-3 other guys, and I think either his ankles or wrists were tied up with a headphone cord. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Have anyone archived some of Kiki (from Kiki's Delivery Service) tickle on dA and LittleBunBun's arts? Lot of Kiki's art got nuked and LittleBunBun's account also got nuked too
Been trying to find this image forever. It’s art (not mmd) of miku being tickled by Luka (I think) and miku has swirly eyes. I think Luka was saying something along the lines of “you’re enjoying it aren’t you” but I might have translated it using google so I don’t remember if it was in English or Japanese.
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Does anyone know the source or the entirity of this image? This is the only part i can find
>>74723 looks like kusujinn's work
>>71463 you creep
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>>71463 I've got some
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Does anybody has more works from kravendude?
>>74735 Ayo thanks so much man
There was a pokemon tk art that involves a girl (probably a gym trainer) getting positioned in a Ditto chair, her feet were stretched out in front and theres a Ferret around her feet, tickling her with its tail. And theres even a Lickitung nearby. Theres also a game dialogue that says something like: Ferret uses Tickling! It is very effective! Does anyone know the art and where i can find it?
>>74767 By divjustice, you can also check the story attached to the picture, he always makes one. https://www.deviantart.com/divjustice >>74767
>>74768 Much appreciated Anon! Thanks!
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Does anyone know the sauce of this image? I know theres a signature there but i cant seem to find it still, forgive my dumbness :(
I'm unsure of if it's a tickle or footfaggery vid but I figured I'd try my luck here. Video of Leilani Lei being kidnapped by a Raven cosplayer before having her feet lickled. Tried checking Leilani's archives on multiple sites to no avail, and looking up Raven also brings no results. I'm like 99% sure neither of their names were listed on the video, and Raven isn't actually referred to as Raven, instead something like 'the devil'.
>>74850 It's done by Kinggun/KGun, unfortunately they deleted their works. If you want the images I saved before he deleted them you can find it here. https://mega.nz/folder/0WFFXbBL#HEeEuDhWIj5fS12Wh9skow
anyone know who made this? found it posted to rule34 back in 2015
>>75398 might be bluebun? who was oddtickles back then? not sure though
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>>79358 Don’t know who made it but I have this saved from a long time ago.
>>75403 what a delightful change a smile brings. Stupid Japanese and their lack of emotions in fucking and shit.
There was an artwork of Pascal, Sophie and Cheria from the game Tales of Graces F in stocks and having they’re feet tickled but for whatever reason the artist deleted it and I was wondering if anyone had it, it was kinda recent but after a few days it was gone.
>>75403 Someone made a colored version back in the old coloring threads we used to have.
does anyone have this?
Trying to find artwork of the steam sale girl that was posted here but I don't remember where. Help appreciated
>>75398 I dunno, my archives say it's someone who called themselves Rayzik
somebody in some other thread I can't find posted what looked like an updated version or redraw of this comic. anybody know what I'm talking about or got a link? https://imhentai.xxx/gallery/188549/
There was an art of a boy with hazel hair who is strapped to a bed and his feet are locked in stocks while getting tickled and kissed by a woman in a green dress. Struggling to find it but saw it on this board before. Anybody knows what I'm talking about?
Hey Looking for the previous version of Pic related, which was with Samsung Sam instead
i am sorry guys, do yoi ahve the tickle fakes regarding horror characters, from scream (sidney prescott) and nightmare on elm street, that Vestron did a while back?
>>78043 You mean this one?
https://ert.fanbox.cc/posts had anyone got ert (originally ert 1989, a classic)'s fanbox stuff? He closed fanbox (it still exist but can't pay anymore) since 2023 Dec, and suddenly disappeared at 2024 Jan 30 I think it can be counted as lost so, is anyone got his fanbox stuff, especially for arts around 2021 Sep~2021 Dec?
>>74726 late reply but thx
anyone got this in better res?
>>79249 this was drawn that nigga who got arrested trying to tickle a kid at the park yes.
that's fucking crazy, thanks
looking for a manga of a nun offering her feet to be tickled. Pretty sure it was posted here with an ehentai link but I can't find it for the life of me.
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>>79423 Nigger what the fuck is this.
>>79424 It's a gag for the one page, this comic is one of the best you'll read, I promise you. Non-Jumpscare Link: https://e-hentai.org/s/276fc4fa9d/566087-1
I'm looking for some hi-res pics of Moritaka from Housamo, drawn by the artist M_ikky I'm hoping to find the files originally posted on Pixiv if possible, as the ones from e621, eHentai and other websites seem to be low-res versions that come from tweets the artist made. There are 6 pics, with 3 of them featuring foot/paw licks, light bondage and tickles respectively and the remaining ones being alts of those. Thanks in advance!
Did anyone manage to save a copy of a story LaughingCrusader-09 wrote called: Ever-seen Kiki-s Delivery Service Aunty Nat? It came with this attached photo from the movie An American Rhapsody. https://www.deviantart.com/laughingcrusader-09/art/Ever-seen-Kiki-s-Delivery-Service-Aunty-Nat-619803918
>>79603 If you ever find it please do share ive been looking for it forever
There used to be a drawing of Demi being tickled by Drixx and he was upside down with the Drixx's dick in his mouth but i cant find it anymore does anyone have it?
Iam looking for a picture. I mean it was a comic. where Mavis Dracula und Gwen Tennyson being hogtied and tickled by goblis or some magical creature's. Does anyone have this?
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Guys, does anyone know the sauce of this one? Are there more variations of this? like one with tickling? been tryna find it for so long, to no avail...
>>79778 In his fanbox most likely, so good luck
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>>79817 Yeah thank you
>>65044 2nded. I've been looking for Iris for years. I actually bought the other one, The Gauntlet of Laughter but I didn't really care for it so I didn't bother with the others.
Can someone give me a source for this

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