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Find that Art Anonymous 09/29/2021 (Wed) 16:21:41 Id: 80ee91 No. 1958
Thread for finding specific artist or art you might’ve lost or forgotten. Start off by asking if anyone knows the artist for this.
>>75398 might be bluebun? who was oddtickles back then? not sure though
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>>79358 Don’t know who made it but I have this saved from a long time ago.
>>75403 what a delightful change a smile brings. Stupid Japanese and their lack of emotions in fucking and shit.
There was an artwork of Pascal, Sophie and Cheria from the game Tales of Graces F in stocks and having they’re feet tickled but for whatever reason the artist deleted it and I was wondering if anyone had it, it was kinda recent but after a few days it was gone.
>>75403 Someone made a colored version back in the old coloring threads we used to have.
does anyone have this?
Trying to find artwork of the steam sale girl that was posted here but I don't remember where. Help appreciated
>>75398 I dunno, my archives say it's someone who called themselves Rayzik
somebody in some other thread I can't find posted what looked like an updated version or redraw of this comic. anybody know what I'm talking about or got a link? https://imhentai.xxx/gallery/188549/
There was an art of a boy with hazel hair who is strapped to a bed and his feet are locked in stocks while getting tickled and kissed by a woman in a green dress. Struggling to find it but saw it on this board before. Anybody knows what I'm talking about?
Hey Looking for the previous version of Pic related, which was with Samsung Sam instead
i am sorry guys, do yoi ahve the tickle fakes regarding horror characters, from scream (sidney prescott) and nightmare on elm street, that Vestron did a while back?
>>78043 You mean this one?
https://ert.fanbox.cc/posts had anyone got ert (originally ert 1989, a classic)'s fanbox stuff? He closed fanbox (it still exist but can't pay anymore) since 2023 Dec, and suddenly disappeared at 2024 Jan 30 I think it can be counted as lost so, is anyone got his fanbox stuff, especially for arts around 2021 Sep~2021 Dec?
>>74726 late reply but thx
anyone got this in better res?
>>79249 this was drawn that nigga who got arrested trying to tickle a kid at the park yes.
that's fucking crazy, thanks
looking for a manga of a nun offering her feet to be tickled. Pretty sure it was posted here with an ehentai link but I can't find it for the life of me.
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>>79423 Nigger what the fuck is this.
>>79424 It's a gag for the one page, this comic is one of the best you'll read, I promise you. Non-Jumpscare Link: https://e-hentai.org/s/276fc4fa9d/566087-1
I'm looking for some hi-res pics of Moritaka from Housamo, drawn by the artist M_ikky I'm hoping to find the files originally posted on Pixiv if possible, as the ones from e621, eHentai and other websites seem to be low-res versions that come from tweets the artist made. There are 6 pics, with 3 of them featuring foot/paw licks, light bondage and tickles respectively and the remaining ones being alts of those. Thanks in advance!
Did anyone manage to save a copy of a story LaughingCrusader-09 wrote called: Ever-seen Kiki-s Delivery Service Aunty Nat? It came with this attached photo from the movie An American Rhapsody. https://www.deviantart.com/laughingcrusader-09/art/Ever-seen-Kiki-s-Delivery-Service-Aunty-Nat-619803918
>>79603 If you ever find it please do share ive been looking for it forever
There used to be a drawing of Demi being tickled by Drixx and he was upside down with the Drixx's dick in his mouth but i cant find it anymore does anyone have it?
Iam looking for a picture. I mean it was a comic. where Mavis Dracula und Gwen Tennyson being hogtied and tickled by goblis or some magical creature's. Does anyone have this?
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Guys, does anyone know the sauce of this one? Are there more variations of this? like one with tickling? been tryna find it for so long, to no avail...
>>79778 In his fanbox most likely, so good luck
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>>79817 Yeah thank you
>>65044 2nded. I've been looking for Iris for years. I actually bought the other one, The Gauntlet of Laughter but I didn't really care for it so I didn't bother with the others.
Can someone give me a source for this

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