R: 237 / I: 73 /
P: 1
Shota-related platforms, communities and sites to give attention to!
This list is based on the original list posted on
>>4412 and will be updated based on the suggestions given here.
A previous version of this list, updated in June 2022, can be found on
🖼️ Art Galleries 🖼️
The main sources of shota content along with lots of many other things.
https://www.pixiv.net - The most popular art gallery in Japan. Requires an account to display NSFW and full res images.
https://hiccears.com - It seems to have a big focus on shota content. Requires an account to display NSFW content.
https://pawoo.net - Microblogging platform for Japanese artists based on Mastodon and hosted by Pixiv. Powered by Mastodon.
https://baraag.net - Another Twitter-like platform based on Pleroma and mostly populated by Western artists.
After months of only being available to registered users (more details at >>12658), Baraag is once again open to the general public.
https://twitter.com - A lot of artists still like it even when Twitter mods purge loli/shota content from time to time. Is recommended to use niter.net to get images at full res.
🌐 Boorus 🌐
Curated repositories that have a large selection of shotas between their content.
https://gelbooru.com - The biggest booru with free access to shota content once you enable it on its settings page.
https://booru.allthefallen.moe - Loli and shota-centric booru with lots of Western art.
https://tbib.org - The Big ImageBoard, it does automated imports from Pixiv and other sources.
https://lolibooru.moe - Loli-centric booru with some loli x shota content.
https://booru.foalcon.com - Pony booru with a focus on loli/shota and foal hentai.
https://rule34.paheal.net - Recently loli/shota content has been deleted from this site, so save your favs in case they disappear.
[NEW] https://rule34hentai.net/ - Allows 3DCG loli/shota, but requires an account to view it.
📘 Manga Galleries 📘
Sites with galleries of raw and translated shota doujin.
https://exhentai.org - The biggest hentai site in the world. Requires an account to access NSFW loli/shota content.
https://chin2.jp - Official site of Chin2, a scanlation group created by former members of Shotachan.
https://myreadingmanga.info - Popular yaoi site with a dedicated shota section.
https://nhentai.net - Automatically scrapes hentai galleries from Exhentai. Useful if you can'''t get pass the panda.
https://hitomi.la - Another very popular hentai gallery with plenty of shota material.
https://imhentai.xxx - Clone of Exhentai that doesn'''t seem to require an account to view loli/shota content.
💬 Forums 💬
They serve home to different shota and yaoi communities.
https://allthefallen.moe/forum - The biggest loli and shota community, with a dedicated subforum for all kinds shota.
https://shotaworld.com - A shota-centric community created after Shotachan closed down.
[NEW] https://forosdz.com/foro/shotacon.349/ - A
Spanish forum with sections entirely dedicated to shotas (and lolis).
[NEW] https://arca.live/b/otokonoko -
Korean forum with a section for traps (otoko no ko) that allows shotas.
[NEW] https://forum.gamer.com.tw/C.php?bsn=60076&snA=3475234 - Large shota thread on a
Chinese (Taiwanese) forum.
🔗 Miscellaneous Software and Sites 🔗
https://load.blogs.allthefallen.moe/ - A curated directory of lolicon and shotacon artists, curated by
TachiyomiAZ (https://github.com/az4521/TachiyomiAZ) - Fork of Tachiyomi that enhances the hentai experience with integrations to popular services such as E-Hentai, nHentai and more.
https://nitter.net - A privacy-friendly alternative front-end for Twitter that displays the original files instead of downsized versions (see
https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/wiki/Instances for a list of instances).
https://buhitter.com - An alternative Twitter frontend like nitter that only displays the media-posts from any profile and supports tag search.
https://en.whotwi.com - Twitter analysis tool that facilitates viewing media posted by different accounts.
[NEW] https://picrew.me/ - Collection of "character creators", including many focused on shotas.
☠️ To be Removed in Future Updates ☠️
https://rule34.us - Has less content than Paheal and is no better than it regarding loli/shota.
https://shota.ninja - Offline, and other sites from its owner seem to be offline as well.
https://loli3.net/s - Almost all of its content was lost due to a spam attack.
Suggestions welcome!
R: 255 / I: 106 /
P: 1
Welcome to /sm/ - Shotacon!
This is a board dedicated to the shotacon genre and its sub-genres (like straight shota). Please read the rules before posting and be nice with each other.
Some suggestions:
- Please include at least five images when starting a thread
- Check the catalog before starting a thread to avoid duplicated topics
- Keep requests (sauce, moar of this, etc) in a single thread
This thread will also serve as a meta-thread where you can discuss, complain or send feedback about the board.
R: 185 / I: 637 /
P: 1
Cartoon Shota/co/n Thread
Because western shotas need love too.
R: 2 / I: 3 /
P: 1
Obscure shotas
For all those boys who don't quite get the attention that they deserve.
R: 399 / I: 473 /
P: 1
yummy yummy yummy little shota tummy
R: 136 / I: 183 /
P: 1
Non-Human Shota Vol.2
Post Yōkai, Elf, Furry, Angel, Devil, etc. SFW or NSFW
R: 281 / I: 414 /
P: 1
With Adult
Shota X Adult
R: 7 / I: 15 /
P: 1
nortubel thread
"Get your little siblings to safety"
R: 232 / I: 321 /
P: 1
SFW Vol.8
Post clean Shota pics
R: 177 / I: 190 /
P: 1
Shota Characters from Anime, Cartoon, Video Games, Manga, Comics etc.
Kantarou Yodayama from Hakushon Daimaō (2020)
R: 328 / I: 414 /
P: 1
Nude Screenshot
Nudity certain scenes in anime, cartoon, manga etc.
R: 324 / I: 544 /
P: 1
Post shotas with tanlines
R: 168 / I: 136 /
P: 1
Screenshot Edits #2
Post your nude edits here. You can also request an edit as well.
1: Make sure the image is large enough and high quality to be edited.
2: Don't behave greedily or spam the same request.
3: Have fun, be nice, be patient and be grateful.
4: Troll edit and/or bad edits will be removed.
R: 368 / I: 529 /
P: 1
Shota × Shota Vol.2
Post shotas enjoying each other
R: 243 / I: 270 /
P: 1
Boys wears boxer briefs
R: 159 / I: 246 /
P: 1
Possibly the most erotic traditional attire in history. This is a thread for shotas wearing this piece of cloth that barely manages to cover their private parts.
R: 135 / I: 236 /
P: 2
First Pubic Hairs
Show me shotas with them wispies
R: 79 / I: 181 /
P: 2
Shota x Loli
Some youngsters having fun, but with more focus on the shota.
R: 146 / I: 219 /
P: 2
Boys getting penetrate
R: 418 / I: 496 /
P: 2
Boys are not circumcised
R: 311 / I: 434 /
P: 2
That Ass
Shota ass thread
R: 249 / I: 405 /
P: 2
Boys Underwear thread
R: 41 / I: 201 /
P: 2
Wet Shotas Thread
Post shotas in swimwear, beach, pool, shower etc.
R: 1 / I: 4 /
P: 2
Boys getting spanked, including the nude ones
(big ass included)
R: 253 / I: 321 /
P: 2
Boys having a boner
R: 30 / I: 56 /
P: 2
Loud House Shota Thread
Post your favorite Loud House Shota art. Boys and Teens.
R: 61 / I: 118 /
P: 2
Clarence boys Shota
We don't have one. Better to start.
Upload your favorite Clarence fan art.
R: 91 / I: 48 /
P: 2
Total commercialization of loli/shota-artists and community
My text will seem provocative, even radical. But this is a cry from the heart.
It worries me that in the last few years, most loli/shota artists have become driven solely by monetizing their talent. Love, sincerity and passion have long been pushed aside by them. This is extremely destructive to the unity of the loli/shota-community.
Many of us have more than once encountered the sad and disappointing situation when you write to your favorite artist about some interesting characters, but do not receive any response. They evaluate characters not in terms of their attractiveness and uniqueness, but in terms of profit and popularity. So many cute loli and shota unfairly remain in the shadows, but artists, following the hype, are churning out Naruto, Killua, Hilda, Bridget, Pomni and Luz by the thousands! And when you sincerely try to convey this to them, they react aggressively.
Almost everyone is familiar with cases when a modest and kind artist, having acquired money and fame, turned into a greedy and arrogant one.
The transformation (more correctly, deformation) of many of them reached the point that they completely lost the habit of drawing for pleasure and inspiration, because it is free and will not bring in income. They may not paint for months if they don't have orders. Their motivation to draw has become unlearned to come from incentives other than financial ones. Terrifying! It sounds like a nightmarish dystopia, but, alas, this is a frequent reality and a sad example of degradation.
When you don't have money (and many of us are from poor countries, including me), artists don't even look at you. And when you are rich like Croesus, they greet you with curtsies and run after you almost at a skip. Those of us who are poor have become poor relatives to the rich, who dissociate themselves from him in every possible way. We, like the little match girl from Hans Christian Andersen's sad fairy tale, can only admire from afar.
Another shocking revelation is that some of them are not loli and shotalovers, but came to drawing because it is a lucrative topic. "Money doesn't smell." They declare with cynical frankness that they hate what they draw and those they draw to, but they tolerate it because of the big money. "You're a broke, balding, fat, sweaty, old jerk who stinks of cum!" - a true loli/shota-bro will never say such words towards his brother.
An excellent marker that allows you to determine whether this or that artist is bro or not is AI. Bro ardently supports AI, knowing what great happiness AI brings to brothers. But the non-bro, who is in the community only for mercantile reasons, begins to writhe from the AI like a vampire from a holy crucifix. They start screaming about “capitalism and evil corporations depriving them of income,” although they themselves, like Scrooge, recently humiliated the poor man who was naive to turn to them.
I do not want to say that artists should selflessly sacrifice for the sake of society and devote themselves to serving it, fulfilling everyone's dreams, never taking a penny, completely forgetting and rejecting their own interests. I want artists to be well-fed and live in abundance, without worrying about tomorrow. I’m just for balance, when sincere creativity and creativity for the sake of earning money are shared equally, without a bias in one direction or another.
Twitter before Musk's arrival created a dangerous illusion among loli/shota artists that they were now in a legal field. They forgot how fragile their position is. They must remember who they are and that they are in the same boat with their poor bros.
If this continues, we will turn into a disgrace like the furry-community, which has long been said to have become a club for the rich.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 2
Shuanshuan from Nine Sols
Post nude photos of Shuanshuan engaging in poses, getting penetrated, etc.
R: 210 / I: 304 /
P: 2
Male Chest
Bonus points for muscular or chubby shotas
bonefags not welcomed
R: 257 / I: 607 /
P: 2
Just posting a bunch of cute Sun/Moon pics I found, but everyone is free to post anything Pokemon-related.
R: 77 / I: 132 /
P: 2
Shotas with glasses
Those four-eyed cuties deserve some love too!
R: 399 / I: 584 /
P: 3
sexual assault, abuse or rape
R: 118 / I: 114 /
P: 3
Bulge Vol.2
Post visible outline of a penis through Shota's pants/underware
R: 86 / I: 102 /
P: 3
Shota Knows Vol.2
Boys knew how to pose, selfie, doing dirty stuff, sex etc.
R: 95 / I: 194 /
P: 3
3D shota
3d shota pics and video
R: 294 / I: 328 /
P: 3
Legs Vol.2
Boys shown their legs
R: 48 / I: 174 /
P: 3
Taking a Bath
Shotas taking a bath (or a shower) and doing all sorts of activities, from playing with water to sexy things. Shotas undressing and about to enter the bathroom, coming out of it still undressed, being in Japanese baths, and similar settings are welcomed too.
R: 16 / I: 25 /
P: 3
Hello anons! I haven't been here long enough to know if threads like this has already existed, so pls link me if there are already. I'm having some troubles decensoring some artworks with DeepCreamPy, with the result looking very weird and jaggy (included an example - the blue hair boyo). I figured this place would be the better place to look for help. You have my immense gratitude in advance!
R: 130 / I: 430 /
P: 3
AI / StableDiffusion / NovelAI Thread
R: 104 / I: 139 /
P: 3
Sex toys
Boys using Sexual Device
R: 150 / I: 332 /
P: 3
Straight Shota
Boy x Woman thread
R: 361 / I: 524 /
P: 3
Boys are playing with themeselves
R: 303 / I: 290 /
P: 3
Never had one before so, here's one
R: 226 / I: 260 /
P: 3
Post cute feet
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 3
Digimon Thread
Didn’t see this thread here so I decided to make one
R: 53 / I: 172 /
P: 3
Shotas Top beast/pokemon/etc
It's a niche I enjoy but is way too difficult to come by. Looking for gems in an ocean of shotas getting railed in the ass. Eastern or Western. So here is a thread for shotas getting the fuck the creatures instead of just being fucked.
R: 71 / I: 200 /
P: 3
Chubby Shota Thread
Post chubby shotas! Plump shota, chubby shota, fat baby bellies, etc. If they're big and round or soft and squishy please post them here.
R: 3 / I: 6 /
P: 4
shotas in water
it's summer so you know what that means, SCANTILY CLAD SHOTAS this is a thread for shotas in paddling pools or swimming on the beach and for other things like that
R: 80 / I: 120 /
P: 4
Underwear Screenshot
Boys shown they are in underwear scenes from anime, cartoon, manga etc.
R: 2 / I: 10 /
P: 4
Shotas with big ass
Post nude shotas with their ass that are big or sized up
(anal sex included)
R: 157 / I: 200 /
P: 4
Strange Creatures x Shota
Boys harrassed by beast, tentacles, slimes, demons, ghosts etc.
R: 179 / I: 249 /
P: 4
Post certain scenes Shotaa were Cute, So hot, Out of context scenes etc.
R: 1 / I: 1 /
P: 4
Shotas in the water with their ass sticking out
Post shotas bathing with their cheeks sticking out, especially big
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 4
Shotas lying on their stomach (FRONT VIEW ONLY)
Post shotas lying on their stomach, especially with their big ass cheeks
R: 10 / I: 14 /
P: 4
Kg13 thread
Here’s a thread dedicated to the original shota artist before going inactive that being known as Kg13
R: 1 / I: 1 /
P: 4
Total Drama Shotas
Alright Campers, today’s challenge is to suck another camper dry
R: 45 / I: 184 /
P: 4
Mac from Foster Home for Imaginary Friends
Post nude photos of Mac, engaging in sexual acts, doing sexual poses, getting pounded and etc
R: 147 / I: 246 /
P: 4
Amerindian/Native Shotas
I really only have pics by Angst but I'm hoping that other anons can add to the thread with pics from other artists.
R: 4 / I: 8 /
P: 4
sleeping shotas
shota needs rest after all the sex
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 4
French Cartoon Shotas
This thread is dedicated to cartoon shotas from Le France
R: 31 / I: 87 /
P: 4
Made in Abyss
R: 16 / I: 42 /
P: 4
Friendship is magic
Pony as shota
R: 142 / I: 340 /
P: 4
Shotas of the Far East
A thread for boys in ancient to modern traditional settings. Youkai boys count too.
Classical art can be thread relevant too.
R: 219 / I: 228 /
P: 5
Screenshot Edits
Post your nude edits here. You can also request an edit as well.
1: Make sure the image is large enough and high quality to be edited.
2: Don't behave greedily or spam the same request.
3: Have fun, be nice, be patient and be grateful.
4: Troll edit and/or bad edits will be removed.
Banned character: Caillou
R: 16 / I: 39 /
P: 5
No bleached shota thread?
R: 221 / I: 421 /
P: 5
Casual nudity
Non-lewd shotas
R: 36 / I: 104 /
P: 5
Shotadom x male
yaoi only
R: 21 / I: 77 /
P: 5
medical checkup
doctor x shota
R: 53 / I: 133 /
P: 5
Ginger Shotas
Post those freckly redheads. Strawberry blonds are OK too.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 5
Boys Of The World
Post anime shotas or western shotas from different countries (Or your country if you like)
R: 14 / I: 49 /
P: 5
Hilo Shotacon
We need a place for those little Mexican/Latino shotas since not all of them fit in the native thread
Miguel for example.
R: 140 / I: 247 /
P: 5
Animated Shota Thread
Post cute gifs.
R: 48 / I: 157 /
P: 5
Bisexual shotas
Also known as "shotas sharing the D with girls". Post shotas and girls being banged at the same time, sucking dicks together, doing a bi train (female-shota-male), fucking while being fucked, competing to be the biggest slut, etc. Bonus for shota + loli.
R: 123 / I: 170 /
P: 5
Boys doing the cock sucking
R: 67 / I: 98 /
P: 5
Boys rubbing their penises together
R: 25 / I: 91 /
P: 5
Joel Jurion/jjfrenchie Thread
For all your famous French made shota goodies.
R: 45 / I: 131 /
P: 5
Christmas /sm/ Thread
Sad or happy boys in the snow.
R: 2 / I: 10 /
P: 5
Boxing Boys
For anyone that may care, everything shota combat related
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 5
Merry christmas
Shota theme'd Christmas
R: 18 / I: 7 /
P: 6
Looking for art
I came across this piece around here like a day ago.
Can't find Naota001 anywhere, anyone have more of him?
R: 1 / I: 1 /
P: 6
Older Shota/Teen Shota
Is ephebophile stuff allowed here? If so, post boys that are not too young, but not too old looking either. If not, then I guess the thread just stays here since the bo is not around.
R: 107 / I: 143 /
P: 6
Jizz on Body
Boys body full of semens
R: 9 / I: 38 /
P: 6
Pink Is The Most Boyish Color
As per
I'm not totally convinced about the viability of this. It may end up being a thread for shotas with all sorts of garish hair color but lets try and give it a shot filling it up with pinkies first.
If the hair is readable as red I would like to direct you to the ginger thread.
This thread is for lads that have an unmistakably pink mop.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 6
comic days H
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 6
Boys needing to pee, or peeing themselves.
not an omo thread here idk if this site cares for omorashi but i certainly do!
furry art welcome and encouraged
R: 12 / I: 6 /
P: 6
Shota erotica/literature/written works
Haven't seen a thread for written works about shota, so i felt like one could be made
R: 4 / I: 1 /
P: 6
なまお/Namao's new game
R: 2 / I: 8 /
P: 6
How the fuck is there no caption thread?
It's the best there is, it's a shame there are few images
R: 72 / I: 270 /
P: 6
Vidya Shotas Thread
Post your favorite shotas from your favorite video games.
R: 31 / I: 122 /
P: 6
Halloween Shota
IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR post shotas enjoying the holidays as they should, pics of shotas in sexy halloween costumes would be appreciated particularly in playboy bunny costumes or devil costumes
R: 10 / I: 26 /
P: 6
Pokémon Anime Screenshot Edit
R: 2 / I: 5 /
P: 6
Requesting Ash naked please
R: 500 / I: 680 /
P: 6
Non-Human Shota
Post Yōkai, Elf, Furry, Angel, Devil, etc. SFW or NSFW
R: 2 / I: 6 /
P: 6
School Uniform
Post schoolboys
R: 102 / I: 138 /
P: 6
Shota Discussion Thread
Let's talk about anything related to shota here. Any shota anime and manga, novels, games, new and upcoming shota can could be discussed here. I'll start:
>Do you have a favorite shota character?
>What's your favorite shota anime or manga?
>Any good shows/comics you're reading right now?
R: 37 / I: 110 /
P: 7
Making a thread because I love the gote from Deltarune and want more cute and lewd art of him, but Frisk, Kris, male Chara, shota Asriel and any other shota I may be missing are welcome.
R: 34 / I: 102 /
P: 7
A thread for realistic beasts with shotas. Strange beasts and monsters go here
I don't have any collection on this computer, but I'll share my finds as I browse pixiv here and there. Check artists as their style appeals to you and voice your enjoyment!
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 7
Pregnant shota thread
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 7
Hello anons you will love this
Reminder that there is a shota (12 years old) in character ai who answers your call with a realistic voice
R: 9 / I: 14 /
P: 7
Let's make a shota game chart!
Some anon began this chart a couple of years ago but it never went anywhere. Let's all work along at it and try to really fill it up. Formatting isn't set in stone.
I'd like to make a couple of suggestions
>shota cub sub section
>subsection for games where you don't play as a boy but there are notably featured shotas
R: 6 / I: 30 /
P: 7
Tenkai Knights
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 7
Please give me the source of this image
R: 7 / I: 26 /
P: 7
R: 27 / I: 53 /
P: 7
Threesomes and Orgies
Sex with multiple shotas at the same time. The more the better. Lolis, men and women welcomed as long as there are more than one shota present.
R: 8 / I: 29 /
P: 7
Shota 𐤕 Muscle Men
Post all of your little shotas being loved on by big muscular dudes.
R: 31 / I: 124 /
P: 7
Po~ju Thread
Starting with some vintage stuff from his old blog.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 7
Minun and Plusle
I want to find a gif of Minun and Plusle being fucked in the ass.
It was drawn in black and white and kinda pixelated with both characters being drawn human-like, with the background being a wall, both next to each other. They were drawn like human sotas.
It's a really old gif so I don't know if anyone is going to be able to find it, I just had it for some reason burned in my mind for so many years
Also Minun and Plusle thread :3
R: 17 / I: 35 /
P: 7
A thread for posting and discussing yume-shota content!
What is yume-shota? Yume-shota is straight shota art where the shota is the primary focus. This includes (but is not limited to) images with mob!female, faceless female, or otherwise self-insert female characters. Unlike conventional /ss/ content, yume-shota is made to cater to a female audience and is typically made by female artists.
Some examples of yume-shota works include:
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
Onna Kishi to Kemomimi no Ko
Shachiku OL to Akuma Shota
Uranaishi no Nayamigoto
Watashi no Shounen
Yankee Shota to Otaku Oneesan
Use this thread to post and discuss yume-shota works, series, ships, as well a to discuss shota from a female perspective in general.
R: 501 / I: 660 /
P: 7
SFW Vol.7
Post clean Shota pics
R: 24 / I: 2 /
P: 7
R: 4 / I: 6 /
P: 7
Shota from Video Game
(Original characters or custom Avatar)
Rime and Final Fantasy 15
R: 6 / I: 8 /
P: 8
Steven Quartz Universe (and other SU characters) Shota
I noticed a lack of SU shota threads, so I've taken it upon myself to create one.
Also here is the underutilized (at least by the SU crew) character Peedee.
R: 3 / I: 15 /
P: 8
Flapjack Thread
how flapjack is not more popular whit shota fags?
He is perfect owo
R: 5 / I: 15 /
P: 8
a thread dedicated to all the cute animated Latino boys from cartoons! Drawthreads and Screenshot Edits Welcome!
R: 3 / I: 3 /
P: 8
Shinji Ikari
I absolutely love and adore Shinji-Kun.
R: 25 / I: 108 /
P: 8
Mitsui Jun Thread
A thread for Mitsui Jun's art.
R: 46 / I: 74 /
P: 8
Just a thread dedicated to Little Britches. Let's have some jungle fun~.
R: 6 / I: 16 /
P: 8
Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum
Ok so I've just Started playing Ni No Kuni 2 and i NEED more lewd art of Evan!
I'll share what i have but its just these 3 pics is the only stuff i could find on rule 34. I'd be grateful for anything on this cutie, truly!
R: 26 / I: 101 /
P: 8
Shota Pixel Art Thread
Animated is nice but still works too. Nekked or not is both fine.
R: 29 / I: 96 /
P: 8
(SFW) Toddler and baby Shota Thread
Post clean images of toddler/infant shota.
R: 22 / I: 50 /
P: 8
Anal fingering
Boys are pleasuring with there ass
R: 2 / I: 1 /
P: 8
Should we make a minecraft server?
R: 2 / I: 5 /
P: 8
I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince
R: 41 / I: 55 /
P: 8
Spanking Shota
Spanking Shota. Lets see some bad boys
R: 71 / I: 46 /
P: 8
Source/Request Thread
Noticed there's not yet a sauce thread and I'm getting desperate
R: 52 / I: 235 /
P: 8
The Splatoon series is home to some lovely squid and octo boys.
SFW, NSFW, yaoi and /ss/ are all welcome.
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 8
Thread of anecdotes
When you were young did you have any nice experiences with other boys? or when you were not so young haha
-bonus for romantic anecdotes
R: 22 / I: 27 /
P: 9
Does anyone have any more of DariusDay's art? This is all I've got.
R: 20 / I: 50 /
P: 9
Are they allowed here?
R: 55 / I: 184 /
P: 9
Hyperion's Art
R: 27 / I: 31 /
P: 9
The Sorcerer's Seraglio
I'm working on a shota comic. Haven't really found a home for it, so I thought I'd try it here. Maybe at least get some feedback.
It's a Dungeons and Dragons universe, where a human boy wizard goes on dungeon crawl adventures, and fucks the encounters instead of slaying them. He's a fuckhobo instead of a murderhobo.
There's a few human lolis, lots of loli monstergirls/demihumans, some straight up feral monsters. For the first few pages I wasn't sure how committed I wanted to be, but that's growing stronger the more I do. So I'm doing a little more background/lore/arc/recurring characters, etc.
Didn't see any other ongoing comic threads in the catalog, so if this isn't a fit for the board, let me know.
R: 5 / I: 0 /
P: 9
R: 3 / I: 3 /
P: 9
Thread for feminizing cute boys. Bonus points for chastity, age difference, mothers or motherly figures doing the feminizing, and non-con/dubcon.
R: 76 / I: 295 /
P: 9
This artists only posts SFW on his Pixiv and Twitter, but he has done lewds in the past (and presumably still does but keeps them in a private Discord). Sadpanda has some pics (the ones I'm going to post) but the gallery hasn't been updated in a while, so if anyone has something new I'll be really thankful for it.
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 9
Astro boy pride
Astro Boy at gay pride
R: 24 / I: 102 /
P: 9
South Park Shota
All contributions are appreciated and welcomed
R: 1 / I: 2 /
P: 9
Commissions General
If you know of any shota artists currently doing commissions, please link their twitter/baraag/pixiv/etc
If you're an artist yourself looking for clients, feel free to advertise yourself here.
Sharing pictures you've commissioned from others is fine too.
R: 3 / I: 0 /
P: 9
(For spanish speakers shotacons) Crear un zine sobre shotas en español
Negros estaba tirado en mi cama y dios me hablo, viendo que hay cierto sector acá en el chan que es hincha de los jovencitos 2d me pregunte...
Porque no hacemos un zine (revista virtual para los negros, aunque podría ser un blog virtual fácilmente) donde recopilemos, historias creadas por nosotros, anecdotas pedrosas, pequeños ensayos o hasta dibujos, para ver si se puede juntar a un grupo que este interesado en esto.
La cosa seria no poner porno, que sean dibujos sfw o erotismo en texto, porno hay en todos lados últimamente, aveces dan ganas de usar la mente y no solo cagarsela a pajas.
R: 42 / I: 159 /
P: 9
Artistic shota pics
Images that look like they were made to be printed on books or to be framed rather than looking like the average cutesy/lewd shota pics. Pics normalfags wouldn't consider creepy or weird if they saw them in your PC.
R: 2 / I: 5 /
P: 9
Male age regression? No one else here wants to be brought back to a helpless age? Going from a strong self sufficient adult to needing someone to take care of you?
Any clean images of guys being transformed into helpless kids, toddlers, or babies?
R: 19 / I: 51 /
P: 9
Boku no Pico Thread
These two are so iconic for western shotafags, but I can never find art of them. Post some here!!
R: 22 / I: 92 /
P: 9
Boys kissing
R: 18 / I: 63 /
P: 9
Everything will be okay.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 10
Shota anime recommendation lists, index and search engines
Hello, in these places I have found beautiful people who share beautiful things, and somehow I feel the duty to thank them.
And what better than with something that nobody tells you, or a board that nobody has done:
There there are lists of all kinds where they compare many things both anime and manga or just characters themselves, to search you must use Japanese terms as directly would be: "ショタ" although as I said they compare many things so feel free to research other topics and keywords. I think as far as shota is concerned it's a very good ranking.
The longest MyAnimeList there is about shota anime (directly in "Search Interest Stacks" you can also search for manga or other kind of topics or more such lists):
I think they are very good recommendations
anidb is like the site with more tags, it even has more than animenewsnetwork (I think or maybe they compare), but in anidb you can sort by "weight" that is how much the anime has the tag you are looking for, or how much the tag is present in the anime, I think as such it lets you browse well but it may ask you to login if you want +18 stuff.
Another one that also has the shota tag
another encyclopedia/indexer but it does not have the "shota" tag, instead you will have to select "crossdressing", "femboy", "primary child cast" or "Cute Boys Doing Cute Things" and so on, the cool thing is There you can select how much percentage of the anime has the tag you are looking for, it is an interesting function.
Well that's all I hope it helps someone idk :P
PS: on Telegram there is a channel called “@shotakot” where cute shotas are uploaded daily, in case anyone is interested in following it.
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 10
loli/shota web hosts?
Been thinking about making a knockoff danbooru with some interesting software modifications. I'd like to host shota on it, but I don't know any good providers off the top of my head. Anybody know of any?
Oh yeah, and bonus points for it not complying with DMCA
R: 67 / I: 98 /
P: 10
Translated Works
I have been translating various small pieces (mostly single images and minicomics) with the help of random anons. They would translate the text while I would clean the images and typeset everything. Anyways, I decided to post all shota-related translations I've made so more people can enjoy them.
Additionally, if anyone knows Japanese (or another language) and wants to translate an image or comic I'd be glad help to help with the clean up and typesetting.
R: 501 / I: 765 /
P: 10
SFW Vol.6
Post clean Shota pics
R: 3 / I: 8 /
P: 10
Straight Rape/Molestation Thread
I don't care about who rapes who, just don't post images that are too violent or sad (or at least spoiler them).
R: 52 / I: 226 /
P: 10
Kemono Thread
Post kemo shota.
R: 3 / I: 0 /
P: 10
This is my first time on here, I'm usually on other boards but I wanted to ask you guys what are some good shota hentais to watch? And please don't say just "boku no pico". I remember one a while ago about a cute lil shota that was either abused by his dad or his dad was dead and he ran away to serve as a maid for a rich billionaire who had a lot of fun with him. I wanna watch that one again but I forgot the name of it. So any recommendations? Thanks
R: 505 / I: 773 /
P: 10
Monsterboy Thread
Why are they so rare? Post 'em.
R: 5 / I: 6 /
P: 10
Shota Threads From Other Boards
/sm/ and /ss/ are the obvious places to look for shota, but other boards have shota threads of their own.
This thread is for linking to shota threads from across the site. Feel free to contribute.
R: 3 / I: 3 /
P: 10
what do you like about shotacon?
shota knows what it likes about you... but what do you like about shota?
R: 3 / I: 0 /
P: 10
Shotas and their love for chocolate 🍫
Since /2dblacked/ board is gone, I'd like to see some interracial shota stuff here as well. I don't see why not
R: 9 / I: 2 /
P: 10
Dream's about shotas?
does anyone else have dreams about shotas? I have a-lot of wet-dreams about shotas more than I do with any other henti characters to me it's more than just a wet-dream it's genuine desire of mine to have sex with a wild and silly
R: 501 / I: 744 /
P: 10
Shota Knows
they knew exactly what they doing
R: 2 / I: 5 /
P: 10
Medical stuff
Any more art involving like, urethral insertion, medical, catheters, examination or surgery with shota?
R: 4 / I: 2 /
P: 10
Kale Matsuba/KaleChippu
Looking for all his past shota works. I remember seeing quite a lot back in the day but can't find some of them anymore. Hopefully yall can help!
R: 2 / I: 5 /
P: 10
What's the ideal shota bf?
what would you want in a shota bf?
for me the shota has to be playful, caring, curious about sex and horney, obedient and fun loving
as for body
I like either baby fat or slender figure, fat ass and thicc thighs and fuzzy hair
R: 15 / I: 27 /
P: 11
Shota VTubers
do you watch any shota vtubers?
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 11
Wakko Warner thread
I can't find much of this classic character this all I can find
R: 75 / I: 317 /
P: 11
Trap thread!
R: 26 / I: 91 /
P: 11
Kagamine Len Thread
Other Vocaloid are welcomed if Len is with them or if they're shotas too.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 11
Is it me or does anyone or anybody here feel awkward if the chracter is too young
Like I like certain shotas the ones that have the physique of a teenager
R: 3 / I: 0 /
P: 11
Is there more art from this artist?
R: 10 / I: 8 /
P: 11
Harvey Beaks
R: 19 / I: 80 /
P: 11
Futa on shota
A slight twist on the classic /ss/.
R: 5 / I: 0 /
P: 11
how would you treat.your shota?
would doesn't want there own shota waifu? so of you did have one how would you like to treat you shota waifu? would you like to treat your shota waifu? like pet, kid, or partner?
R: 82 / I: 388 /
P: 11
Lunaflame / Lunaria / Arianul Thread
I love this artist, but s/he uses so many sites and names to upload his/her art that it can be difficult to save the best version available of every work. This thread is for compiling all of Lunaflame's works in one place, preferably of uncensored, high-res versions.
As far as I know, these are Lunaflame's active accounts:
https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/24933896 - Full res images that have to be censored because Japan has gay laws.
https://baraag.net/@Lunaria - Uncensored images that have to be sized down because Baraag has small file/res limits.
https://lunaflame.fanbox.cc/ - No idea what's inside, I'm too poor and paranoid to pay for Fanbox.
https://www.hiccears.com/p/lunaflame - Full res uncensored images, but the navigation is ass. New artwork is uploaded here days after it was uploaded on Pixiv and Baraag.
And these are defunct sites Lunaflame used to post in:
https://lunaria.blog/ - Used to contain the full res uncensored images that would have to be censored/resized in other platforms, but now it's dead (anyone knows why?).
https://twitter.com/LunariaArianul - Suspended because Twitter is gay.
Lunaflame has another alias that s/he uses for non-pornographic art, but I'll omit the details
for now since it could affect his/her "alter ego's" reputation negatively.
R: 20 / I: 35 /
P: 11
Shota and Williy memes: The Thread
This is a thread for all shota-williy memea
R: 1 / I: 1 /
P: 11
Crayon shin chan
Shin hardly gets enough love and attention so here feel free to post anything related to him or his male freinds
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 11
What do you like about shota?
cute af + tummy + williy + tiny + loves you and wants you to fuck him + eyes + big hair +thicc
R: 4 / I: 5 /
P: 11
Flatulent Shota
Phew~! What's that smell?
Post some gassy shota here in this thread.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 11
shotas wearing buruma/boxlers/gym uniform
can't find any pics of shotas wearing gym uniform
R: 503 / I: 843 /
P: 11
SFW Vol.5
Post clean Shota pics
R: 2 / I: 5 /
P: 12
Shotas with vaginas
We have a thread for loli futas but not the other side of the coin. I'm here to change that.
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 12
Has there ever been a list of recommended watching/reading for shotacon? Seems like it would be a helpful resource for people who want a good roadmap to cute anime boys.
R: 503 / I: 674 /
P: 12
Post visible outline of a penis through Shota's pants/underware
R: 4 / I: 0 /
P: 12
Toddlercon shota
Found a good thread on /ss/ for "Straight toddlercon or particularly young/small shotas. Adult women only" I really like this thread the shotas are so small and chubby and it's so sexy how they are manhandled and there cute little williys are so lickable
R: 27 / I: 123 /
P: 12
Teucer from genshin
This cute boi is actually Childe’s brother
R: 2 / I: 10 /
P: 12
surprised :)
R: 8 / I: 22 /
P: 12
Komorebi Thread
their twitter account was deleted a little bit ago, let's see what we can salvage
R: 8 / I: 26 /
P: 12
Dai no Daibouken / Dragon Quest : The Adventure of Dai
Cute content with Dai
R: 22 / I: 85 /
P: 12
The time has cum for Yuni boys.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 12
peepee being licked.
I want to rubb my shotacon tongue on a cute shotas penis
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 12
shotas in wet t-shirts
I love the wet t-shirt look
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 12
what do you think shotas like about you?
I've seed a-lot of threads about what they like about shotas but what do you think your shota waifu would like about you?
R: 20 / I: 64 /
P: 12
Western Shota Thread (SFW)
This is a general, all-purpose thread for western shota content - original artwork and fan art, WebMs/gifs, etc. can go here. As the subject line suggests this is SFW but the occasional casual/artistic nude is fine (as long as it's clean, non-lewd work).
Good resource to find animated content of Western animated content, usually lists key animators of the given scene.
R: 21 / I: 72 /
P: 12
Vintage Shota Thread
This thread is for shota content you would find in magazines, advertising, children's books, old comic books, graphic design, etc. Content can be from anywhere, not just Japan (US, Russia, France, etc). The older the posted content is the better, although anything prior to the 90s/2000s is fine.
Pic related is by French illustrator and comic artist Pierre Joubert
R: 8 / I: 26 /
P: 12
short shorts shotas
Post shotas in short shorts
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 12
what do you find attractive about shota
heterosexual men like a smell body, ass and tits so what do shotcans like about shotas?
R: 3 / I: 15 /
P: 13
Whether it’s peeking at your friends in gym class, seeing your first adult cock at the pool, or enjoying a roomful of naked boys at camp, what shota doesn’t love a good locker room experience?
R: 1 / I: 1 /
P: 13
Take a shota, leave a shota
Save any pic you like, but you must post at least one image with a topic similar to the one you saved.
Starting topics:
>casual nudity
>angry boner
R: 18 / I: 22 /
P: 13
What made you a shotacon?
Any specific characters or first instances?
R: 4 / I: 1 /
P: 13
is it gay to like shota?
so I'm a straight heterosexual male but I just like shota so much I have a boner Just thinking about it right now yeah, sure woman are ok but I just don't like them as much shotas aren't just sexy they are also cute like puppys that love sex, puppys with lovey tummys that either slender, chuddy or with baby fat are just perfect for licking/kissing and shotas have ass's like two water balloons in a tiny pair of pants and there tiny little bodys the type of little bodys that can be picked up carried for hours while shota holds you with his cute little arms as he slowly gets hard with his cute shota williy oh how I love his blushed cheeks just as I tell I have one too and I just remembered I would holding him across his ass damm I would just speed walk him to my bedroom so we could to hours and hours of sweet shota sex and his big sparkly eyes just look back at me as it experiences its first (but not last) orgasm oh I could lust for shotas for hours I known I'm a straight heterosexual male but I just can't help myself
R: 21 / I: 76 /
P: 13
Favorite artists thread?
I'll start out with a little Kurotsuki.
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 13
is it gay ti like shota?
idk if liking shota is gay but if it... then I guess I'm a sub-human monster
R: 2 / I: 2 /
P: 13
if could only have sex with only one shota what shota would you rape?
R: 8 / I: 40 /
P: 13
Shota's with big things be them dicks balls thighs butts heck even bellies. focusing on the shota sure but it can have others with them be it male or female of course. go nuts.
Hung shotas are the male equivelant of oppai lolis ofc.
R: 4 / I: 7 /
P: 13
Tickling thread?
Thought there should be one of these... so I might as well start it off here. Post any shota getting tickled if you'd like.
R: 4 / I: 1 /
P: 13
when did you first realise shotas are the superior option
I've always liked shotas for as long as I have had sexual sexual desire here so cute
R: 6 / I: 26 /
P: 13
Close ups
Images where the genitals and butt are the main focus of attention, or the only parts visible in the image.
R: 12 / I: 23 /
P: 13
Asriel Shota Thread
Anything goes for Goat Bro.
R: 16 / I: 21 /
P: 13
what do we call shota cock?
ppl call loli pussy cunny so what do we call shota cock? I think we should call them cummys
R: 29 / I: 130 /
P: 13
SFW Link Thread
Because I have lots of cute pics of him and nowhere to post them.
NSFW thread:
R: 501 / I: 893 /
P: 13
SFW Vol.4
Post clean Shota pics
R: 2 / I: 6 /
P: 13
super young shotas
shotas that in-between tot and child you known ages from 3-6 I just love it when they have dippers on and have a dummy
R: 2 / I: 8 /
P: 14
Since the artist deleted a lot of their old art, we should compile it here.
R: 500 / I: 702 /
P: 14
Boys shown their legs
R: 3 / I: 4 /
P: 14
Shot on LOAD
R: 2 / I: 8 /
P: 14
Legendary Shotas
Post the hottest shota characters that really stood out above all else. These two are probably my favorite little faggots.
R: 41 / I: 182 /
P: 14
Mograyori (もぐら) Thread
Mograyori deleted his/her Twitter account yesterday, but I was able to save everything on his/her Pixiv account (
https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/9777899 ) before anything could be removed as well, so now I'm reposting it here as a "backup".
There's a mixture of SFW and NSFW art, with some manga as well. Enjoy.
R: 16 / I: 71 /
P: 14
Shota athletes
R: 9 / I: 33 /
P: 14
Jack-O Challenge
About time that a meme I can get behind appeared. Post boys doing this pose or similar ones.
R: 4 / I: 19 /
P: 14
Inazuma Eleven
Because I cant post this anywhere else
R: 41 / I: 174 /
P: 14
Ghetto Booty Thread
Post big round shota butts only.
The bigger and rounder, the better.
R: 40 / I: 170 /
P: 14
🎃 Shotalloween 🎃
Boys dressed as monsters, boys who are monsters, boys fucking and being fucked by monsters, post all forms of shota spookiness you have.
R: 502 / I: 846 /
P: 14
Shota X Shota
Post shotas enjoying each other.
R: 6 / I: 19 /
P: 14
war-themed shotas
specific? yeah.
R: 33 / I: 137 /
P: 14
The Doujin Corner
Post shota doujin (not necessarily porn ones) that you liked and talk about why you liked them.
I'll start with Sore wa Moroku, Utsukushikatta (It was fragile, yet beautiful), a doujin about a young photographer who adventures into an abandoned hotel looking for material for his upcoming expo, only to find a mysterious little boy who is attached to the building for strange reasons.
This is one of the doujin that I'd wish didn't have porn, because the story and the love between the guy (Haruyasu-kun) and the boy (Nobu-kun) are so cute that seeing the lewd scenes almost feel wrong. Recommended solely for the story, although the lewd parts aren't bad either.
R: 8 / I: 26 /
P: 14
under-10 shotas
R: 3 / I: 9 /
P: 14
any good shota anime/manga Anon
looking for a anime or manga with some cute, sexy, handsome, pretty, delicious, yummy, shotas something like "love live" but with shotas or something like "kodomo no jikan"
R: 501 / I: 875 /
P: 14
SFW Vol.3
Post clean Shota pics
R: 3 / I: 11 /
P: 15
Cute balls go wild
R: 21 / I: 14 /
P: 15
Shota Tier List
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 15
shotas and teddy bears
R: 2 / I: 2 /
P: 15
R: 4 / I: 15 /
P: 15
Caked up Shota butts
Shotas with nice, thicc, wobbly, fat, bubble booties
R: 6 / I: 30 /
P: 15
Both desktop and mobile papes are fine.
R: 7 / I: 34 /
P: 15
The most adorable pics you have
Images that make your blood pressure rise just looking at how ridiculously sweet they are. Similar to the SFW general, except that this thread is for those pics that never fail to make you say "so cute!". NSFW pics are allowed if they are extremely cute.
R: 6 / I: 30 /
P: 15
Cumming Through Clothes
This may be a bit of a niche fetish, but someone with a hand shoved in their underwear and cumming through the fabric is hawt as hell. Anyone got anymore?
R: 23 / I: 78 /
P: 15
Link Thread
A thread for everyone's favorite vidya hero.
Starting with a couple of good doujins I saved almost 10 years ago.
R: 3 / I: 10 /
P: 15
Fake??? Legal. Ageless. Shota!
I’m obsessed with shotas like Pride/Selim Bradley From “Full Metal Alchemist”
They’re technically shotas, but chronologically much older than you expect a shota to be.
Other shotas like this that I’ve encountered…
From "Ouran Highschool Host Club" Mitsukuni "Honey" He’s 17 years old. Looks like an adorable shota, and likes cute things.
From “Aoi Destruccion” Samejima Aoi He’s 38 years old and is the father of the protagonist. Looks like a little kid.
From “Torako, Anmari Kowashicha Dame da yo” In chapter 13. Mashiro, is 35 years old. The older brother of the protagonist. Looks like a freaking adorable shota.
From “Crazy for Daddy” Protagonist is 28 years old and a father. Looks like a shota. Is also the uke and his son the seme.
From "Damare Kono Yaro Bukkorosu/Shut Up, You Bastard! I'm Gonna Kill You!" Looks like a regular rape yaoi, but at the end turns out the shota is actually 30 years old. I loved that twist so much that I want to find a deeper story more focus on character development, where an adult who is a shota (or looks like a shota?) gets mistaken for a younger boy and pretends to be one for whatever reason. I just find that exciting.
From “Sheep House, by Kijima Hyougo” Yaoi. The protagonist has a certificated that proves he is an adult from a long-lived race. He looks like a shota.
From “Utako Onee-san to Babubabu Darling no Amaama Icha Love Sex, by Mituhime Moka” Hentai, straigth. The shota is 20 years old, but doesn’t look pass 12.
From “Cannon Busters” Chapter 10. The shota is an old assassin (no idea how old, but old man old.) He takes advantage of his innocent appearance to kill his targets.
Which I find so exciting. Just like Pride/Selim, a wolf in sheep's clothing. Is so hot!
From “Isekai de Elf no Yuusha (♂) ga Yome ni natte kureru you desu!?” Yaoi. A 317 year old elf with a cute shota body.
The page “Older Than They Look” from tvtropes.org is where I’ve found most of these shotas. But I want to find more. Know any? Care to share?
R: 21 / I: 92 /
P: 15
Cuddling! (SFW)
While I do find enjoyment in the NSFW side of shota, I much prefer the more innocent, cutesy stuff like cuddling. So I thought I'd make a thread about it. All manners of physical affection such as snuggles, headpats, and hugz here, as long as it's clean and non-lewd. Girls allowed!
R: 499 / I: 1050 /
P: 15
SFW Vol.2
Post clean Shota pics
R: 6 / I: 26 /
P: 15
A thread dedicated to one of the best shotacon artists in japan
R: 4 / I: 14 /
P: 15
R: 1 / I: 1 /
P: 15
Sorry about the repeats. My collection is still small.
R: 20 / I: 8 /
P: 15
Is is gay to like yaoi?
I'm a heterosexual. I have no interest in men, nor do I watch gay IRL porn. But I love yaoi hentai. What about you guys?
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 16
shotacon doujins
Which artist is best, and why is it okyuuri?
R: 5 / I: 25 /
P: 16
post boys wearing pajamas, kigurumis, onesies, and other sleepwear. Yukatas and kimonos are also acceptable.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 16
schoolgirl uniform
Preferably safe
R: 12 / I: 59 /
P: 16
A thread to collect all things by kiripico who only seems to post on twitter.
R: 3 / I: 11 /
P: 16
What are the main draws of shotacon for you? Is it the innocence? Do you ever self-insert on the characters, or just think about what you'd do with them? Just wondering what specific aspects others enjoy.
I personally like a shota to be less innocent, and more sly (and I like both self-inserting, and imagining myself with them), but I do get the sense that it's more common to be into the opposite.
R: 301 / I: 750 /
P: 16
Post clean Shota pics