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Shota Tier List Anonymous 08/23/2020 (Sun) 22:23:10 No. 2016
Let's see how's the taste in shotas of this board. https://tiermaker.com/create/shota-tropes-traits-379484
it really depends on the character but.. yeah
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I am surprisingly not picky.
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>>3369 Here are a list of my favorite shotas and their defining characteristics. Nagisa Shiota: Sweetheart, trap, mature, abused Chihiro Komiya: Mature, bratty, trap Hani-senpai: Peppy/happy, innocent baby Gon Freecss: Peppy/happy, hyper, ditsy, innocent Killua Zoldyck: mature, tsundere, top
>>3370 >Killua >top Nah Killua is way better as a bottom
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>>3371 I imagine that Killua is a submissive bottom, but only for Gon (because he's his best friend and possible love interest :3c) and for his brothers (as an effect of years of abuse and "training"). He probably acts dominant with everyone else, even if at the end he still takes their dicks. The only scenario where I can see Killua being more dominant than Gon is one where Gon knows absolutely nothing about sex or masturbation and Killua decides to "teach" him, which considering Gon's innocence/ignorance for a lot of things, is perfectly possible.
>>3376 Considering Gon is shown to be clueless about sex a few times, I wouldn't be surprised. After Gon learns how to have sex though, I can see Killua going along with anything Gon wants, whether it be topping or bottoming. I can definitely see Gon being a top and a power bottom too.
>>3376 idk this video screams im a bottom to me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaKnRCp9ZRA
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Most of the time it's the sidekick, or second main character, I fall in love with. Often the protagonist's best friend or someone he looks up to. The one who doesn't personally give a fuck about saving the world but will anything for his best friend.
I was gonna make a thread about this but I guess it makes better sense to just write it here. What do you guys think it's best. >Shota that gets NTRd by adult or adult that gets NTRd by shota? I was just learning that Asians have in average really small dicks, to the point I had a dick just as big as an Asian adult when I was 12 and I ended up average in my country (15cm). So technically, with the correct conditions a shota could totally NTR an asian adult, but at the same time I heard a girl can take about 1cm of dick per year of age without stretching her inside and up to 2cm per year at max stretching to the end of puberty, so with some effort, a loli can also take an adult cock (Of course, this isn't as easy or common to measure, I assume asian girls also have shorter vaginal canals) and with enough practice, she would be unsatisfied by a shota.
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>>7564 I think you have a "little brother" complex, judging by your preferences for defenseless and "pure" shotas who want to be like their "big bro/sensei/sempai/etc". That's ok, I have it too. >>7580 >Shota that gets NTRd by adult or adult that gets NTRd by shota? I hate NTR/cuckshit and would prefer if both the shota and the adult just fucked the third partner (or each other, for extra lewdness) and called it a day. Shotas who cuck tend to be sociopaths who eventually will commit a serious crime, and cucking a shota (specially with his mother or best friend) is simply cruel.
>>7587 What about shota2 cucking shota1 and shota1's dad because shota1 was a bully?
>>7592 Shota2 rapes shota1 to assert dominance until he becomes his boyfriend/cumslut, then both proceed to fuck shota1's parents.
>>7564 > I think you have a "little brother" complex, judging by your preferences for defenseless and "pure" shotas who want to be like their "big bro/sensei/sempai/etc". That's ok, I have it too. Okay, you got me ;-) BTW, got any favorite characters in this category?

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