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Cartoon Shota/co/n Thread Anonymous 09/25/2020 (Fri) 01:00:55 No. 2444
Because western shotas need love too.

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Comic boys are welcomed as well.
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(158.96 KB 1280x561 142057547800.jpg)

(305.13 KB 1800x1834 YamiaxChoboNormal.jpg)

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A shame it was Tim and not Demian who came out as bi. I would have loved to see more porn of him (and Jon).
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(679.23 KB 836x984 62478401_p30.jpg)

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(197.49 KB 614x723 73571689_p0.png)

(269.07 KB 583x799 73571689_p1.png)

4th and 5th pics are the previous parts of >>2445's last pic by the way.
Yeah these are nice. Thanks anon
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(321.92 KB 1126x2500 3501288_JerseyDevil_maxsci4.png)

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(90.55 KB 800x655 dip.png)

Been a bit rusty lately so I'm doing some warmup rough sketches.
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(196.61 KB 700x898 vsdrawfag.Lincoln_Bobby_01.png)

(758.78 KB 1700x2200 vsdrawfag.Req_Tanner_01.png)

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I need request ideas for how to lewd the new shota Mr. Mxyzptlk.
(278.71 KB 2146x2250 MissFafa99.FT9Bv30WUAALX95.jpg)

(1.04 MB 1957x1780 VincenzoNova.FT4i-csXoAE0n-W.jpg)

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(605.64 KB 1764x1176 EsbaitbroXd.18ca158ef28bc388.png)

>>11704 Pair him with The Collector from The Owl House, another shota reality bender. Make them kidnap anon and use magic on his body (make it bigger/smaller, turn it into a horsecock, make anon a monster or even another shota) for their enjoyment.
>>11705 Wouldn't be a bad if The Owl House wasn't such a shit show. Ironically hate Disney's gay grooming bullshit made by self inserting women.
(235.17 KB 2048x1536 elio.jpg)

(77.46 KB 501x642 Elio judges you.jpg)

(251.85 KB 1200x1774 1662862935482363.jpg)

(259.27 KB 1024x768 boi.png)

(139.67 KB 1250x1329 kun_ru_kun.FcaW3pIX0AAInzz.jpg)

New Pixar film about a boy who accidentally travels into space and becomes an "ambassador for Earth". The calarts-style face doesn't convince me, but I'm confident it will look better in fanart.
(222.54 KB 2048x1229 FZr7hvPaAAAWJWO.jpg)

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(704.81 KB 1000x1186 1663161815800508.png)

(456.21 KB 1117x684 1663042706344631.png)

Anyone has the HD version of that bumper where Ben is taking a shower? The dude who made it made the channel private after several people pointed out that Ben's dick was fully visible. It was really cute and smol.
>>11794 That's a pretty specific rare request. Try 4chan's archives maybe?

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(116.17 KB 1080x1080 Fbgf6uJUsAEldy0.jpg)

(1.27 MB 1604x1973 FT7VDKdXEAA6SI5.jpg)

The Collector is really the only good thing to come from The Owl House.
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(643.11 KB 3300x2550 FUD3GaOWQAAYT_E.jpg)

(277.17 KB 1494x2048 FX4UtGdXwAIK66z.jpg)

(583.56 KB 744x1052 FazukhNaAAAzWIj.jpg)

(471.05 KB 2048x2048 Fbt4-91akAA7vuU.jpg)

>>11835 Surprisingly though still no art of the My Adventures with Superman Mr. Mxyzptlk despite being a very similar character. Maybe once an actual trailer drops & shows him then people will start making art. In the meantime, more DC boys.
(128.08 KB 932x1422 FbUXTxHaUAAEHNS.jpg)

(179.30 KB 1606x2048 Fc3Gg_vagAAguAH.jpg)

(194.60 KB 1668x2224 Fc8KQF0agAIWnIx.jpg)

(182.91 KB 1668x1460 Fc75ysCagAEihG_.jpg)

(212.56 KB 1710x2048 FcH1LjmakAAdtUj.jpg)

While I've found a surprising amount of Super Sons & some Jason art, there's surprisingly little porn.
(439.97 KB 1960x2048 FctAIAAaEAAKBoY.jpg)

(120.65 KB 2048x1430 Fcx09E5aEAQ6pj5.jpg)

(196.06 KB 1359x1168 FcYMOs6agAYvr7S.jpg)

(76.36 KB 1440x900 FSLCIceVUAAvrns.jpg)

(303.94 KB 2224x1668 FVIVY-AX0AEpvnI.jpg)

>>11836 >>11837 >>11838 Seeing these, I'm wonder, are there any comics/stories, not fannart) about totally straight boys doing totaly straight things?
>>11839 Well there's the obvious Super Sons material available & upcoming. Otherwise I can't really think of anything specifically with a boy duo being close friends.
(151.43 KB 709x612 124921410813.jpg)

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>>11839 There's this old comic Niklas and Friends about a bunch of young boys who act in the gayest ways imaginable (this without even showing anything sexually explicit) despite not being homosexual. They act so gay that pride parades in San Francisco look heterosexual in comparison. http://niklascomics.net/index.php?menu_id=31&lang_id=2 https://exhentai.org/g/160102/fa02e0ab5e
>>11841 some sexually explicit edits of this old comic have been posted on some forum a long time ago
>>11849 And you don't have them? For shame.
>>11841 Some of the comics include full-frontal nudity (of both boys and aliens). Here are a few panels from the comic Summer Storm.
>>11880 The Fatal Pair Of Swim Trunks
(274.92 KB 1818x2048 FdG35FkaMAAyroH.jpg)

(169.31 KB 2024x2048 FdHIu3MaIAEsoT8.jpg)

(278.48 KB 1967x1904 FKR8exSVkAABI3r.jpg)

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(111.26 KB 770x1024 FODZNPCagAMvFSe.jpg)

(30.00 KB 500x387 s-l500.jpg)

do any of you bros ever came across someone who could pull off a "Johnny Quest" style? I've had a very lewd comic idea for the longest time involving Johnnny finding the fountain of youth that's guarded by some underground mesoamerican shota civilization run by a p*do spanish conquistador.
(325.90 KB 790x1200 gdwfb9mbk9d81.jpg)

>>11840 I really wish Super Sons had their own alt-universe like Teen Titans Go! and the Super Pets. John coming off as gay would have hit closer to home if we slowly saw him grow and show hints of being attracted to older handsome men like Nightwing and Damian getting all uppity thinking John finds him "cooler" lol so much potential ruined by that fucking egghead of Bendis. I hope his corpse rots in the lowest ring of hell once he kicks the bucket.
(1.63 MB 2362x2362 FdgxbWGVEAIRvhR.jpg)

(1.92 MB 2362x2362 FdgxbVzUUAI0OFx.jpg)

(1.62 MB 2362x2362 FdgxbWDVsAAPQvO.jpg)

(1.94 MB 2362x2362 FdgxbWBVEAAsSUm.jpg)

>>11928 Jon, like Tim, never needed to be gay but they could've at least actually TRIED to do it right. Build up the friendship between Damian & Jon, have them grow up together, & then as teens you can lay seeds of real genuine feelings even if unrequited. It's kinda like how Stranger Things strongly hints Will is gay in the newest season & you can buy his feelings for Mike because you've seen them grow together in the show over the years. Basically the only thing left now for Super Sons is the new animated movie coming out. Which probably won't be great but will still be miles better than TTG & Super Pets because they're actually taking it seriously Yeah Bendis is pretty universally reviled for good reason. If either of the big two comic companies actually listened to fans, he wouldn't still keep getting hired.
>>11930 A bit of an unpopular opinion, but I don't think Jon would have developed feelings for Damian that way. Maybe he would be visibly embarassed/flustered if Damian decided that they should skinny dip together, but I think Jon would show signs of sexual attraction towards someone else because him and Damian pretty grew up together like brothers. Maybe I'm biased because I find incest icky and consider close friends to be family.
>>11930 sauce on the artist? I hope s/he draws lewds too.
>>11945 You never heard of young boys experimenting with their friends or cousins? Even childhood friends of a boy & girl will develop feelings for each other despite growing up together. It's almost like knowing & getting along with a person for a long time allows romance to better blossom. >>11946 https://nitter.net/ruby8311141/status/1574062808471195650
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Only good thing about The Owl House, coming through.
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(154.94 KB 743x1369 negao2469.FiJWHTCWIAEUsWj.jpg)

He's still the only good part of Owl House.
(122.51 KB 1033x1076 negao2469.FZWXvGjXEAgcod0.jpg)

(404.48 KB 1257x1650 jarklor.7c0e699c0560b94e.png)

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Gay ass niggas!
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(652.47 KB 900x1650 1548097938269.png)

Spider-boy Spider-boy Adult cocks are his toys
Seriously though for a character that's had very limited appearances even now, he's had a decent handful of fanart & lewds so far.
(429.65 KB 666x1587 1689130408930737.png)

(329.84 KB 1456x2578 1688482992194895.png)

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>>15133 >>15134 >>15135 >>15216 I hope he keeps getting new art. He's top tier husbando material.
(589.50 KB 1211x1713 Tachi_Hyon.216ada44df75b945.png)

(606.38 KB 1211x1713 Tachi_Hyon.cfee837fb8f8a52a.png)

(692.61 KB 1211x1713 Tachi_Hyon.20597378464e90e5.png)

(698.44 KB 1211x1713 Tachi_Hyon.4295ab1ed30831de.png)

(685.41 KB 1211x1713 Tachi_Hyon.ee32960a3921fff6.png)

>>15216 Artist?
(687.15 KB 1211x1713 Tachi_Hyon.ada8a69ff4c3cb92.png)

(709.02 KB 1211x1713 Tachi_Hyon.29a3f840f3900619.png)

(646.72 KB 1211x1713 Tachi_Hyon.ceccf231c8340948.png)

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(742.04 KB 919x1300 hazedoesart.b7dbb44e6c41cd8b.png)

(186.73 KB 646x887 Maxygoof.9b12eacc2b0f6325.png)

(376.31 KB 1663x1247 cradle.e35184db2f6a03ad.jpeg)

(217.85 KB 1350x2048 KonanSaurus.F1wQwRtaEAE3UZp.jpg)

(2.04 MB 3000x4000 109393117_p0.png)

(1.87 MB 1992x2048 1690478643913406.png)

>>15247 Gotta get something worthwhile, if even just an idea, out of modern Spider-man comics. Won't get it from Peter when the editorial & writers hate him. Won't get it from Miles when he's too much of a Gary Stu. >>15249 https://baraag.net/@Dary/110845406969304709
>>15260 He's amazingly cute and he even has a neat looking costume to boot.
(430.93 KB 2400x3200 F26hRBGaUAAse0q.jpg)

(385.38 KB 2400x3200 F26hkkYbkAAepzO.jpg)

(442.33 KB 2400x3200 F26h-fmaUAA7Tyl.jpg)

(431.16 KB 2400x3200 F3hu5v_bsAIeKR8.jpg)

Kid Venom with a little Bailey as a bonus.
(393.83 KB 1078x1924 11d0d68ba6031ca2.png)

(267.50 KB 1144x1432 77a3a832a830d287.png)

(292.19 KB 1221x1698 0a0c63a9152521db.png)

(453.63 KB 1322x1569 5f93031db09a1407.png)

(557.07 KB 1098x1889 7c6f0904f5b92bb3.png)

More Bailey.
More boy star, please.
(640.66 KB 1417x1855 1699073053917614.png)

(770.47 KB 1417x1855 0miu0r.png)

(2.86 MB 2400x2317 7c83vv.png)

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(1.17 MB 2234x3714 3ba229950d213f9e.png)

(199.05 KB 1202x1724 936ee50323a0082d.jpeg)

>>16266 Doubled up on the Lilandy picture. My bad.
(2.55 MB 1200x1200 Marco_giant_POV.gif)

(253.94 KB 5200x4200 Marco_spread_redux_BG.png)

(89.73 KB 1500x4200 Marco_nkd_enf_1-2.png)

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(74.20 KB 2040x2400 Marco_nkd_vector_alt_1.png)

(108.27 KB 3400x2600 Marco_Diaz_pinup.png)

(49.21 KB 1280x1700 Marco_nkd_enf_2-2.png)

(38.11 KB 1400x1500 Marco_giant_POV_redux.png)

>>16402 >>16403 >>16404 >>16405 There's an inconsistency here that makes them look traced.
(81.88 KB 388x594 mcboy2.png)

(198.48 KB 481x636 valerian3.jpg)

(187.28 KB 687x940 spork.png)

Dexter's friends are cute. CUTE.
Love Mac.
(111.88 KB 319x509 f454dab0983e8482.png)

>>16563 Daaamn.
>>16562 Are those last two by Vee?
>>16568 It is Vee.
(2.08 MB 1102x3366 8brkrp.png)

(1.92 MB 1148x1080 1711056658568312.webm)

(410.98 KB 1275x1650 1711324804438104.png)

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