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Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum Anon 12/16/2021 (Thu) 00:35:05 No. 8514
Ok so I've just Started playing Ni No Kuni 2 and i NEED more lewd art of Evan! I'll share what i have but its just these 3 pics is the only stuff i could find on rule 34. I'd be grateful for anything on this cutie, truly!
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>>8514 Ni No Kuni was a complete sleeper even in Japan, and the sequel was totally ignored. These probably are the only decent porn pics of Evan since nobody knows of him and his game.
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And that's everything. Sorry for not being able to find more pics, but I managed to find two more things. - A (crappy) doujin featuring him, probably the only NNK will get: https://exhentai.org/g/1995951/bbd1ad5364/ - The game's collector edition's guide, full of art and maps: https://exhentai.org/g/1805023/71bb53659b/
>>8515 >>8516 Wow thats all huh? Suprising it was such a dud, its super fun and even though mechanically its very diffrent to one with Oliver, its very olished and pretty and so on. plus WHOA what a way to start a game... You'd think a gibli game would sell in Jpan at least...what gives? Was something else coming out at the same time as ni no kuni? But yes Oliver is cute but i can't imagine wanting my dick sucked by him as much as Evan, such a pretty boy in such a cute outfit. Only got the the sky pirates but so far so good!

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