/sm/ - Shotacon

Shota is love, shota is life

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(298.97 KB 500x283 dj_kid_by_joyfool-d7b6hdp.gif)

(57.21 KB 268x393 anime.gif)

Animated Shota Thread Anonymous 06/06/2020 (Sat) 05:54:30 No. 300
Post cute gifs.
(269.51 KB 260x357 44321034_p0.gif)

(3.66 MB 540x304 1571865712795.gif)

(272.96 KB 640x360 1575339801376.gif)

(417.09 KB 334x500 1567654723072.gif)

(1.52 MB 650x349 1554955230654.gif)

SFW or NSFW? Because I have both.
>>660 Either.
(1.65 MB 516x290 1542066622514.gif)

(1.66 MB 480x270 152483481476.gif)

(987.33 KB 500x382 1532073295874.gif)

(975.81 KB 350x446 1566943704889.gif)

(267.84 KB 500x646 1582280547976.gif)

>>784 ok. have some cute
(2.13 MB 560x420 68825851_p0.gif)

(2.67 MB 960x540 1406334419100.gif)

(2.14 MB 960x708 1409710481914.gif)

(664.83 KB 1000x408 1458512200182.gif)

(1.12 MB 450x687 1458513517162.gif)

And now some lewds
(2.62 MB 700x506 1458513586951.gif)

(415.97 KB 420x425 1458513789009.gif)

(32.92 KB 160x160 1561769321895.gif)

(47.58 KB 550x400 1579670061855.gif)

(515.36 KB 720x720 file.gif)

(661.71 KB 880x660 70263408_p0.mp4)

(130.84 KB 396x560 80448484_p0.webm)

(1.39 MB 1000x722 1540877835267.webm)

(17.89 MB 324x450 82061346.gif)

Do you know how to download ugoria from pixiv? My old method doesn't work anymore and I can't figure out how without using a online program.
(2.33 MB 400x382 061901.gif)

>>800 px downloader
(14.70 MB 600x775 68021783.gif)

>>786 >Second gif How is his penis so low? >>800 That's pretty hot. There needs to be more focus on shotas having wet dreams. >>820 >>821 There's more to this, but it's locked behind a 600 yen pay wall.
>>800 Use Px Downloader (https://rndomhack.com/2016/01/15/px-downloader/) to make a gif, and then ezgif.com to optimize it and decrease its size or export it to a better format like webm or mp4.
(7.94 MB 900x800 Dipper Pines by Enookie.gif)

(232.55 KB 691x604 Dipper.gif)

(9.50 MB 550x400 Mac by Enookie.gif)

(251.75 KB 697x530 Macgif1.gif)

(216.52 KB 937x609 Mac50.gif)

(599.66 KB 720x540 mode seven 000.gif)

(13.28 MB 445x429 146.gif)

(21.67 KB 592x336 081301.webm)

(1.09 MB 1124x1688 44f407eb6393c637.mp4)

(170.28 KB 560x314 84818218.webm)

>>819 Does anyone have the sauce for these? I love the art style
>>2784 Those are Aogami's animations. I'm not exactly sure where I found them because he posts all over.
(2.35 MB 600x630 82540411.webm)

(11.38 MB 600x800 80401969_0.gif)

(6.87 MB 360x270 82846533_0.gif)

Sorry if the gifs are too heavy. I can't into file optimization.
(11.29 MB 450x600 81020518_0.gif)

(7.75 MB 500x500 82572448_0.gif)

(10.50 MB 600x800 80285115_0.gif)

(8.65 MB 400x400 81600411_0.gif)

(9.93 MB 600x800 80616258_0.gif)

(9.58 MB 500x400 81971574_0.gif)

>>2912 >>2910 >>2913 >TFW not a catboy serving their masters all day
(2.00 MB 800x1132 da9d43422ee94006.mp4)

jjfrenchie ftw
(1.25 MB 600x925 ezgif-3-103bf8c30deb.gif)

(6.46 MB 400x566 84124007.gif)

(11.30 MB 801x579 00021.gif)

(293.60 KB 640x360 5kpRtoX34gMOKOGj.mp4)

(205.30 KB 1280x720 _tatamaru-MwbD1kDf4KSRuU_9.mp4)

(15.21 KB 500x502 sssherpi-ETJTpmLUUAAaNLC.mp4)

(3.93 MB 480x360 Kay2.mp4)

(7.89 MB 1280x720 PbP0ZJ1tWHOY1jWs.mp4)

(235.17 KB 546x560 EUG_jsdUMAAJRJB.mp4)

(13.47 MB 1280x720 YKY6gzvEV5SgYy6n.mp4)

(87.66 KB 560x364 040205.gif)

(396.95 KB 495x560 88872213.gif)

(10.36 MB 1523x2000 040402.gif)

(1.20 MB 397x560 84675861.gif)

(1.90 MB 560x315 85177457.gif)

(1.54 MB 560x315 88219097.gif)

(2.05 MB 560x315 87136858.gif)

(2.02 MB 560x315 88576844.gif)

(1.02 MB 560x315 89109213.gif)

(1.20 MB 560x315 89184318.gif)

(1.23 MB 560x315 89488253.gif)

(3.43 MB 560x407 86610739.gif)

(6.62 MB 560x315 84818218.gif)

(9.58 MB 960x600 051101.webm)

>>5222 what is this game?
>>5311 >>5312 The gifs are from https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/18704911 The 3DCG video seems to be from one of these multiplayer VR games, but no idea which one is it.
>>5313 The VR one is not from a multiplayer game, it's actually from: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/72195178
>>2557 Anyone got the sauce for this?
>>5731 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/18704911 I'm considering making a "source sharing" thread.
(2.74 MB 980x720 2f1de0b360be6dbe.mp4)

>>1792 Where's this from?
(1.71 MB 720x1149 071301.gif)

(4.39 MB 800x640 91301505.webm)

(813.11 KB 600x338 072101.gif)

(9.45 MB 1920x1080 f14f531e177236be.mp4)

(27.64 MB 900x1080 data.mp4)

>>7056 That's amazing, thanks for sharing!
(1.04 MB 560x315 92387134.gif)

(47.15 KB 530x298 data.mp4)

(8.03 MB 384x560 93949539.gif)

>>8162 Pretty cute face. Who's the artist?
>>8165 [pixiv /users/45448735]
>>7928 Where's this from?
(12.80 MB 777x1080 94200510.gif)

(1016.81 KB 560x420 94632504.gif)

(1.17 MB 700x720 0fb65c6f9b6a5faa.mp4)

(920.53 KB 850x592 121101.webm)

(7.49 MB 565x800 121402.gif)

(808.13 KB 560x315 95477563.gif)

(1.15 MB 676x1000 011201.gif)

(1.23 MB 596x389 1413102996150-4.gif)

(307.89 KB 480x360 76069324.gif)

(1.44 MB 396x560 87479925.gif)

(401.00 KB 950x1136 Eurofighter14.EPdJCCHU8AEa94K.mp4)

(22.21 MB 1980x1400 95218971_uncensored.mp4)

benis :DDD
(7.52 MB 2000x1196 012701.gif)

(1.78 MB 1806x1080 95817904.webm)

>>9040 Here's a webm of the same animation.
(21.12 MB 1673x1080 96170384.gif)

(4.59 MB 720x1164 031001.webm)

(5.56 MB 800x450 031002.webm)

>>9507 Good stuff
(180.13 KB 1280x720 ThirstyFearlessLeafcutterant.mp4)

(502.72 KB 1280x720 ActualRipeImpala.mp4)

>>9601 Here are the actual videos.
(5.37 MB 452x700 96367293.webm)

(1.06 MB 677x1080 91291025.webm)

(1.53 MB 450x588 89909599.webm)

(1.09 MB 1280x720 96127899.webm)

(853.30 KB 1200x675 91385268.webm)

(664.52 KB 900x900 88740512.webm)

(1.53 MB 900x900 88106832.webm)

(561.08 KB 1688x700 87991742.webm)

(250.11 KB 990x990 87528730.webm)

(311.21 KB 720x1080 87365242.webm)

(1.42 MB 800x640 91301505.webm)

(636.24 KB 950x1020 89111748.webm)

(1.03 MB 772x1080 88435822.webm)

(678.33 KB 481x700 91794213.webm)

(823.61 KB 560x315 95477563_p0.gif)

(907.10 KB 581x541 93443027.gif)

(2.11 MB 900x492 85178789_p0.gif)

(2.19 MB 900x900 83584690.gif)

(2.52 MB 581x541 93442646.gif)

(8.35 MB 384x560 93949539.gif)

(685.80 KB 1100x850 040601.gif)

(557.08 KB 560x420 042101.gif)

(602.60 KB 560x420 042102.gif)

(495.85 KB 560x420 042404.gif)

(492.41 KB 560x420 042405.gif)

(2.27 MB 560x420 051101.gif)

(2.40 MB 560x420 051102.gif)

(2.40 MB 560x420 051103.gif)

(2.41 MB 560x420 0511004.gif)

(193.22 KB 500x700 052201.gif)

(1.03 MB 600x500 053102.gif)

(483.71 KB 750x500 converted cloudconver.gif)

(956.06 KB 750x500 converted ezgif.gif)

(51.87 KB 750x500 ezgif.com-gif-maker.mp4)

Hey anons, any of you know a good way to convert videos to gif? (Preferably using something online) I've been using ezgif.com but I noticed that it can only handle files with a resolution up to 800 pixels, if not it will resize them. I tried using other converters like cloudconvert.com or convertio.co, but both of them make the gif look grainy, like you can see on examples I posted, ezgif does not have that problem. I wanted something to use for files with a resolution higher than 800px, I know that mp4 and webm are better codecs for animation in general but I still prefer gifs for small animations with less that 20s.
(472.77 KB 560x315 071101.gif)

(472.89 KB 560x315 071102.gif)

(466.87 KB 560x315 071103.gif)

(4.26 MB 420x236 072301.gif)

(24.80 MB 420x236 072302.gif)

(5.10 MB 946x1400 082803.gif)

(399.30 KB 560x420 090901.gif)

(2.07 MB 1056x1178 animationShota.gif)

(2.82 MB 1500x1000 093001.webm)

(409.35 KB 989x862 ba1.gif)

(754.08 KB 1170x785 103718216.webm)

>>820 Sauce on this?
(2.78 MB 808x1100 020302.webm)

(2.00 MB 560x336 105172971.gif)

(1.97 MB 720x540 105725278.gif)

>>13782 Who didn't
>>13782 It's really kind of cute.
(632.66 KB 800x450 95075294_p0.webm)

(342.55 KB 1066x600 97086661_p0.webm)

(517.38 KB 800x449 98647673_p0.webm)

(529.83 KB 608x1080 105982275_p0.webm)

(845.54 KB 800x449 101838835_p0.webm)

(462.15 KB 1000x562 92162090_p0.webm)

(479.24 KB 700x393 94616199_p0.webm)

(105.56 KB 1000x786 Bortbort1.dd024f16071e80a7.mp4)

(675.94 KB 1330x899 83110394_p0.webm)

(4.77 MB 1280x1080 101937158_p0.gif)

(1.77 MB 672x464 bloo.webm)

(2.84 MB 740x736 blootwo.webm)

(289.70 KB 1280x1080 101937158_p0.webm)

(153.81 KB 720x550 Padoga.1488832.gif)

(250.27 KB 720x540 2kenoru.2a46203849ccc491.mp4)

(109.63 KB 212x300 106390468.gif)

(13.14 MB 718x1000 106520100.gif)

(760.32 KB 718x1000 106520100_p0.webm)

(5.13 MB 411x560 105027801_p0.webm)

(684.58 KB 804x1080 104297760_p0.webm)

>>14029 >13.14MB gif Tip, if you're using Pixiv Toolkit to download ugoira animations from Pixiv, set the convert tool to FFmpeg so you can generate webm that can be uploaded anywhere. The default convert tool has a weird bug that makes it generate webm with incorrect MIME types that aren't recognized by Lynxchan and other sites.
(221.51 KB 388x560 040201.webm)

(628.02 KB 1418x1080 106791573.webm)

(41.50 KB 1420x568 040701.webm)

>>10463 You got the sauce?
(27.82 KB 500x600 041101.webm)

(4.97 MB 720x540 042001.webm)

(146.47 KB 960x538 d100b67e082d10f7.mp4)

(105.74 KB 960x538 0794c52d0060fa04.mp4)

(145.08 KB 960x766 f2d4551180e2b460.mp4)

(102.92 KB 960x914 11f9d95b1e61aa3f.mp4)

(107.10 KB 960x684 f7c5d2637a5eeaf3.mp4)

(123.42 KB 960x538 d4d0e81e1ddee253.mp4)

(120.18 KB 880x960 ea7c9dd9de7aeca8.mp4)

(143.00 KB 680x960 0b9707c69e54930a.mp4)

(83.61 KB 530x960 e41d8560d93547f7.mp4)

(75.84 KB 530x960 514296448a700b2f.mp4)

(87.99 KB 960x904 448842398f6a8192.mp4)

(146.80 KB 960x536 5b872c485e331d19.mp4)

(134.32 KB 960x664 8a952986eca7997d.mp4)

(96.79 KB 960x534 166f039655cb8eee.mp4)

(1.23 MB 563x800 072101.gif)

(77.03 KB 1000x580 093002.webm)

(70.60 KB 1080x1080 091603.webm)

(21.32 MB 640x360 112330177.gif)

(9.89 MB 800x1024 112753946.gif)

(1.98 MB 540x960 110401.gif)

(17.35 MB 676x1000 113326887.gif)

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