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Shota is love, shota is life

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Screenshots Anonymous 05/28/2020 (Thu) 15:26:53 No. 19
Post certain scenes Shotaa were Cute, So hot, Out of context scenes etc.
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>>20 >>19 Movie name?
>>21 Weathering With You
>>22 Nice. Thanks.
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(438.26 KB 224x225 pride.gif)

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(959.94 KB 500x281 Nothing_gay_here.gif)

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(695.17 KB 294x233 luke.gif)

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any ballbusting in recent shota mc kids anime?
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>>20 Fucking chad
(271.52 KB 1280x1440 010305.jpg)

>>461 The last gif, what's the source, pls? I remember seeing this one a long time ago, I think on 7chan, and I remember someone saying that the subtitled dialog and the blushing was fake
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(1.21 MB 1398x1040 191113160347.png)

Male Pokekid from Pokemon Sword & Shield. Lil' boy needs more fanart. >>3689 Is from Zetsuen no Tempest (episode 4 to be more precise), and yes, the subtitles and blushing are fake. You can see the real scene here: https://animeplyx.one/episodes/zetsuen-no-tempest-episode-4/ (min 13:20)
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(644.14 KB 959x504 Youngnaruto.png)

>TFW you will never stare into a boy's eyes full of love for you
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Note: the long hair girl is a boy
>>4849 We just have to take your word for it, seeing how there is nothing to even suggest it's a boy.
(305.83 KB 2048x1536 050901.jpg)

>>4869 He's a boy: https://kemonojihen.fandom.com/wiki/Akira He's feminine as fuck because his older brother tried to hide his identity as a male because they are extremely rare yuki-onoko (male yuki-ona) doomed to be milked to death by their all-female village.
>>4394 What's this from?
>>5200 Pazudora
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New shota on the block
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(1.75 MB 480x360 g5nhsx.mp4)

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>>8433 sauce?
>>8490 Lupin III Part 6 (2021) EP.8
>>8495 thank you anon!
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Don't know how I didn't think of this sooner.
>>11809 I still need to start watching season 3.
>>463 That HxH gif is iconic. Gon is such an adorable little slut
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>>12060 >>12061 >>12062 >>12063 >>12064 >>12065 Where is this kid from?
>>13128 It's from a Peter Pan adaptation, I believe.
>>13150 Dosen't look like Peter Pan to me
>>13150 >>13151 Peter Pan was my first thought too but I'm not sure.
>>13152 No after looking I'm pretty sure it's not Peter Pan but it still looks like something from World Masterpiece Theater.
>>12060 god that's one fuckable shota (i need to commission him getting raped by General Blue after I get my Shota Trunks and Ben 10 drawings) General Blue was my crush as a shota so I must commission as many shotas as I can getting raped by him.
(245.72 KB 1463x841 020302.jpeg)

>>13342 I want to put my hand inside
(1.01 MB 636x360 032401.webm)

>>14027 Love the split-second joke that makes you think Satoshi is farting in the tub until Pikachu surfaces.
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(6.84 MB 853x480 VicButt.gif)

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>>15824 What the?!
(13.41 MB 1280x720 111805.webm)

>>15888 What is this from? I love it.
>>15893 Yuzuki-san Chi no Yonkyoudai. the 7th Heaven (TV US) of anime/manga
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(6.87 MB 800x450 TamacolleBoys.gif)

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>>19655 He's such a cutie, though there isn't much fanart of him, sadly
(25.15 MB 2048x6144 021101.png)

Go! Go! Itsutsugo Land
(2.70 MB 1280x720 030901.webm)

>>19992 He really is a faggot...

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