/sm/ - Shotacon

Shota is love, shota is life

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Drawthread Anonymous 06/27/2020 (Sat) 11:36:08 No. 864
Never had one before so, here's one
(202.43 KB 503x478 HarveyBigArt.png)

(129.25 KB 608x448 20200625_224631.jpg)

(165.67 KB 570x521 20200625_224643.jpg)

Requesting Harvey Beaks leaning against a tree, naked and masturbaiting
>>879 It's just occured to be that I probably should have included a reference for posing. Anyone want me to add one?
>>864 Resquesting Soul Evans, Black Star and Kilik Rung (f.l.t.r.) from Soul Eater in the communal shower comparing their dicks. Please give Kilik the biggest one with him being proud of it while Soul and Black Star are nearly the same size, admiring Kilik.
(28.50 KB 268x335 IMG_0046.jpg)

(15.35 KB 250x250 image3.jpg)

(257.91 KB 475x318 Ralph_EP100.png)

(304.39 KB 477x317 Emily_EP100.png)

I've got a few requests I figured I'd post here on a whim; even though I'm more into loli stuff I've got a few shota focused things. 1) Jason trying on his sister Kim's underwear [panties reference included]; extra credit if Kim catches him and gives him a spanking 2) multiple choice- Ralph and Emily: either Ralph masturbating to Emily's upskirt shots, Ralph getting a hand/blowjob from Emily, or Ralph being fucked by his Nidorino while Emily shoves a strapon in his mouth/ass (depending on which end the Nidorino is fucking); dealer's choice
(155.61 KB 425x599 425px-9-Volt_-_WarioWareGold.png)

(50.82 KB 537x496 wI9dd (1).png)

Requesting 9-Volt from the WarioWare series (first image) playing video games in nothing but his helmet and tighty-whities. >Second image is for pose reference
(341.14 KB 1024x1448 chen 5.jpg)

(695.08 KB 1675x2400 poju marcy_dog.jpg)

Requesting shota Chen presenting his tight butthole while wearing a filled condom or a plastic chastity cage that has cum dripping out.
Requesting 6 year old Flim Flam nude and doing a doggystyle on his adoptive Father Scooby Doo anthrofied, lose the collar, and with huge muscles, pecs, and humanoid penis on the bed please.
(381.32 KB 648x864 on-the-farm-color02.png)

(489.76 KB 1066x864 face studies.png)

Drawfag here, just posting some stuff I've been working on.
>>2929 These are cute! Good work!
(172.07 KB 960x1440 p12604965_e_v8_aa.jpg)

requesting Dennis Nesbit from Sally Bollywood sitting on the toilet reading an issue of "The Guardians" comic
This may not be the right place to ask but is anyone familiar with Loomi? I remember him from the former 8chan /shota/ board in at least since 2016 or 17? He used to do art and even has some of his on Gelbooru, simply by the tag "Loomi" (25 images there) His Pixiv id is 17230659, if i'm not wrong He doesn't seem to be present on the internet anymore
>>3188 His Pixiv account still is up, but he hasn't posted anything in years and I can't find him on Twitter or Baraag. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/17230659
(118.80 KB 437x1280 Ben_turns3.png)

requesting Ben Tennyson from the orginal Ben 10 being caught sitting on the toilet like in the pic of his cousin Gwen on the right but having him playing a handheld game or something while he's on the toilet
(207.46 KB 704x1136 1604591003531.png)

(494.62 KB 483x560 Carly 2.png)

(1.22 MB 798x900 Carly 1.png)

(621.61 KB 1539x1333 Pose I like them to be drawn as.jpg)

Requesting Lincoln having sex with Carly Miller from Family Bonding as they're both naked.
(135.45 KB 725x1216 18)_Gus_Porter.png)

(161.21 KB 430x1200 ToiTRTC12-6.jpg)

requesting Gus from The Owl House peeing in a thunderbox which are the type of toilets id image they'd have on the Boiling Isles (or in The Owl House itself) as it's a Medieval/Renaissance age meets the Modern age type world and that type of toilet in the pic on the right fits that type of scenario
requesting Pepito from Madeline getting fucked really hard
>>3618 Like the comic
(452.03 KB 1261x1716 1539124521377.png)

(107.41 KB 735x665 DextersFriends.jpg)

(478.64 KB 1066x800 Falcor_1.png)

(428.49 KB 1066x800 Macabros_1.png)

(495.84 KB 1066x800 Valerian_1.png)

anyone wants to fulfill the wish of those anons in that near four year and a half old post?(inside the black box in the /co/ cap, also the names are not their names, they are not named and those are the names of their tabletop characters in the episode)
>>3629 and extra pic for how the brown hair boy looks without the hoodie and more of the asian red clothed boy body, since its not very visible in neither of the pics i previously posted.
(2.02 MB 1978x898 Digimon Junpei Request.png)

Requesting JP from Digimon Frontier naked mid Spirit Evolution with a chubby body and an uncut erect cock.
requesting John from Pokemon Twilight Wings having some alone time in his private hospital ward Masturbating whilst lying on his bed
How come Shota drawthread are so lifeless?
>>3894 I don't know but the /fur/ drawthread is just as dead. I wish there was some way to rectify this.
(189.57 KB 614x580 d8r8azd.png)

>>3894 >>3895 Most actual artists are going to be on boards specifically made for artists. Hiccears/pixiv for shota, inkbunny/FA for furry. They're happy hugbox communities where you're not allowed to be an asshole to the artists, not allowed to "steal" their work, and where they actually might get attention and money for their efforts. Every once in a blue moon prominent artists would show up on drawthreads on old fullchan. I remember Harmarist of gcub fame once did a few random sketches in a cub thread as requests of responses. Pic related was one he actually did for me, when I posted some intentionally cringy comment about lewd things I'd do to Alex. But after not too long, he left because it was annoying as hell. Drawthreads are always the same. Usually one or two autistic fags requesting the same shit over and over and over. "Plz draw this character in this pose doing this thing plz." When it doesn't happen they'll keep requesting the exact same thing, again and again in subsequent drawthreads. Why would any artist bother putting up with this nonsense? They can go somewhere else and have more artistic freedom, and possibly get paid for what is effectively commissions. You want to rectify drawthreads, disallow requests of any kind. Maybe quarantine them into a stickied "request thread" that every artist who bothers poking their head in here will hide and ignore. There are ways to do good requests that artists will like, but that's hard to define and even harder to enforce, so a blanket ban is the best method. You're just not going to be able to stop these actual retards spamming their garbage requests and killing the threads. It might work.
>>3896 >You want to rectify drawthreads, disallow requests of any kind. Maybe quarantine them into a stickied "request thread" that every artist who bothers poking their head in here will hide and ignore. There are ways to do good requests that artists will like, but that's hard to define and even harder to enforce, so a blanket ban is the best method. You're just not going to be able to stop these actual retards spamming their garbage requests and killing the threads. It might work. That might help. I wonder why /v/ and /delicious/ don't seem to have problems in their draw/request threads though?
>>3901 Not sure why loli would be any different, other than (in my experience) people into shota are a lot "thirstier", so to speak. They're more desperate for content, because there is so much less of it compared to loli which is EVERYWHERE, even normalized and enshrined in fanservice. There are also more artists doing loli (and adult moe which is basically the same) so any doing shota quickly get mobbed. It's a bit like wondering why you see homeless people begging for food on street corners but not rich people. /v/, I have no idea. That's not a community I'm a part of so I can only guess. I do know a LOT of people into vidya are content creators as well as consumers, while the grand majority of people into porn only consume it. So it could be there are just more people making vidya artwork to begin with, same reason as above.
>>3905 >/v/, I have no idea. That's not a community I'm a part of so I can only guess. I do know a LOT of people into vidya are content creators as well as consumers, while the grand majority of people into porn only consume it. So it could be there are just more people making vidya artwork to begin with, same reason as above. Well /v/s drawthread does usually end up being the Vivian and family and gondola request thread rather than what you might expect for a dwarthread on /v/ would be. It's actually very comfy and is basically an outpost of >>>/loomis/ .
>>3894 Because the board is very little known, even compared to similar boards (such as /delicious/). Artists can't come and share their art here if they don't know this place exists. If you want to have more activity, not just in drawthreads but across the entire board, you need to spread awareness about this place on more active communities like ATF and baraag and maybe even 4chan /cm/ and /y/, assuming they don't attempt to ban you as soon as you go there. >>3901 Both /v/ and /delicious/ (and /loomis/ and /co/, to add more names) have old established communities with people that know and followed each other during the troubled times that happened during the original 8chan's closure, 8kun's failure to bring boards back and subsequent exodus, Julay's implosion, etc., while /sm/ and other boards were almost completely lost multiple times and became forgotten by many. /loli/ and /h/, for example, are nowhere as active as /delicious/ either because they don't have a recognizable "brand" and staff. Most people prefer to go where known names go rather than adventure to strange places by themselves, is just part of the human nature and it happens with online communities as well.
>>3908 Old 8chan's shota board wasn't even that populated before the time of troubles.
(1.74 MB 742x1416 53452324.png)

>>3908 That makes sense. There are a lot of people who don't know this place exists at all. There are a very, very small number of communities left that still allow shota; there are several (7chan comes to mind) that allow loli but not shota for reasons nobody can explain. Many have given up. But it's a dangerous game to publicly advertise, considering the immense number of trolls and hackers who are anti's out there, looking for somewhere to cause trouble. We might bring in some fresh faces, sure, but we could also bring the hoard. And as has happened EVERY SINGLE TIME, board owners when faced with pressure from concerted attackers, will cave to their demands and remove /sm/ but nothing else. Fact is, shotacon is a niche within a niche within a niche. Most consumers of porn are men, most men are into IRL (adult) porn rather than hentai, those who are generally aren't into cartoon kids, and of those who are most are of course going to be straight. If we assume 50% of men regularly consume porn, 10% of those consume hentai, 1% of those consume pedo-bait hentai, and 5% of those are gay, that maths out to 0.0025%. We could literally be looking at a situation where fewer than 100,000 men worldwide are even into shotacon. And of those, how many are going to speak English, have reliable computer/internet access, and be savvy or lucky enough to find this place? I guarantee, if anonymity wasn't a thing, I'd have been continuously running into the same ~50 people in various shotacon communities for the last 18 years. (I wonder how many people remember me as CandleJack, Matchbox Prince, or holy shit maybe even Dragonite from ol' 12chan back in the day.) Pic unrelated, but Marulk is cute so I do wish there was more lewds of him.
So damn lifeless around here. What's the point to even have a drawthread if no one is going to draw requests?
(819.53 KB 1176x1631 44260811_p0.jpg)

>>4099 I try to find and post content and start threads I think people would be interested in. As for this thread in particular - /sm/ just isn't at the size for a drawthread. I think it would be different if we had an "art dump" thread where drawfriends can freely post their work on their own time without having to worry about finishing a request. But that would also mean we would need artists who know about this board in the first place.
(152.98 KB 630x861 guspiss.png)

>>4114 Your art is always nice HFPS
This request may be a bit unusual, but its for a character i intend to play in an upcoming ero-roleplaying campaign run by a friend of mine. My request is for essentially what it says on the title, a hung shota scottish highlander warrior. I'd like something similar to the pose in the reference image, but i'm not picky. My only real requests are that he is blonde, shirtless (athletic build preferred), and has a large cock that is visibly hanging below his kilt. If he could be wielding a traditional scottish claymore as well, that would be an added bonus. I will be very thankful to whoever (if anyone) picks this up!
>>4114 Holy crap, an actual delivery
>>3921 I'd like to comment here and say that you're right. I have been looking for an active /sm/ board for some time, only after accidentally stumbling onto here through a series of lurking and clicking links. Every /sm/ board I've known before have always fallen to the wayside or outright deleted to the point where I honestly didn't think they existed any more on the surface web before finding this board. Even still, it's obviously not very active, probably from it being a bitch to find this place since I could only access it via a crosslink on a different board. Consider me one of the people in the lucky category to have made it here. I like that there is still some decent discussion though, as little as it is. It's kinda comfy, something I miss from the old days. Also Marulk is very cute, would love to see more of him too.
>>4178 I've said multiple times, shota boards should be combined with loli boards. But the shota people are paranoid that the loli fans will drive them away, and the loli fans are paranoid that the shota fans will drive them away, and both separate boards suffer for content.
>>4179 >the shota people are paranoid that the loli fans will drive them away Probably true. Loli fans, being straight men, are almost universally homophobic, and also tend to have a huge victim complex despite being far and away more mainstream. They have nothing to gain by allowing shota; their boards are already popular and active. The only thing that would happen is like what happens when you have a furry board that also allows cub, but isn't focused on it. We get ONE containment thread drowned in a sea of loli, and fuck you if you dare make another one. Just look at /tot/. There's nothing that says that it can't be both boy and girl toddlers, but aside from one thread that's for SS, it's ALL GIRLS. It even says in the title that it's for "smaller lolis".
>>4194 >their boards are already popular and active. Not really. It's a few autistic assholes posting a lot of shit, but it's not real popularity. Look at the drawthread, just a few dicks spamming the same boring requests over and over, probably from different IPs.
I know you are concerned about the slow activity of the board, but I must ask that you continue this conversation in the meta thread to avoid derailing this thread further. Meta posts made up to this point will be kept, but new meta posts made after this post will be deleted (because I can't move individual posts to the meta thread). >>4194 >Just look at /tot/. There's nothing that says that it can't be both boy and girl toddlers, but aside from one thread that's for SS, it's ALL GIRLS. It even says in the title that it's for "smaller lolis". To clarify, shota content is totally allowed on /tot/, and the only reason there isn't a gay male tots thread on the board is because no one has shown the interest to create one. It's the same on this board. /ss/ and furry/cub/kemono content are allowed to have more than one thread just like yaoi shota. There are no "contention threads", as the OPs are expected to be the ones to set the content they want to have in their threads. If you have any problems related to the board, its threads, users or staff, let me know in the pinned thread.
Requesting Boun from Raya and the Last Dragon naked with an uncut erect cock
(1.31 MB 1600x900 Breehn and Jeff.png)

Requesting Breehn and Jeff from Clarence both naked and close to each other.
(274.40 KB 1200x1200 jeffbreen.png)

>>4556 Wow, Thanks! Looks great.
Resquesting Ritsu, Sho and Teruki comparing their dicks.
(1.13 MB 1018x1004 cai.png)

Requesting King Cai from Gravity Rush >fully nude/naked, king hat is optional >with big ass and thick thighs doing anything sexual if you include Kat, make her a futa either hatefucking him or being forced to fuck him
>>4617 hot
(39.71 KB 282x484 Paintball_Benny.jpg)

(32.86 KB 181x235 Paintball_Mike.PNG.png)

Requesting Paintball Benny fucking Paintball Mike.
(396.98 KB 342x731 Benny 7.png)

(464.06 KB 365x755 Benny 6.png)

(2.79 MB 1600x900 Benny 3.png)

Requesting Benny Stein from The Loud House to be naked and tied up. He's about 15.
>>4290 Don't want to spoil anything, but I found this on Rule 34.
(4.20 MB 3286x1504 Edo Period Boy Request.png)

Requesting this Edo Period boy from the anime Senbon Matsubara wearing just his fundoshi with a visible erection rubbing his fundoshi where his cock is showing.
(268.53 KB 280x489 Lincoln (2).png)

(2.44 MB 1600x900 Lincoln 1.png)

(152.14 KB 1024x1366 The pose I like him to be drawn.jpg)

Requesting Lincoln to be in his late teens as he's in his underwear having an erection.
>>4114 >>4556 >>5108 So far just these 3 are done. I would like to see more, draw pals.
>>5593 My Boun request was not done, I just found it on Rule 34.
>>5593 I'd like to see better requests.
>>5738 >>5739 >>5740 Same request. You're so greedy.
>>5738 >>5739 >>5740 You need to stop, retard.
>>5741 >>5742 Excuse me assholes!
>>5746 You're the asshole for uploading lame and brain-dead requests like these. Do you really think anyone would waste their time drawing a kid character that no one cares about anymore being fuck by dog humanoids?
>>5750 Piss Off!
You can make similar requests, just put them in a single post the next time to avoid cluttering the thread. No need to be rude about it.
>>5752 Alright, next time I will, I apologize. It won't happen again.
(1.44 MB 1600x812 Jeff 9.png)

(447.14 KB 422x806 Eugene 3.png)

(208.59 KB 1120x1151 89934459_p1.jpg)

Requesting Jeff getting fucked by Eugene The Mailman as he's on top.
(626.04 KB 1280x777 ClipboardImage.png)

(163.57 KB 600x466 ClipboardImage.png)

Requesting Cardamon in Reverse Piledriver Postion
(44.14 KB 450x450 _6cje2Gj.jpg)

(1.21 MB 900x1302 ClipboardImage.png)

A request if this thread is still alive or not: I want to see this shota in the same position as the boi in a doujin I read some time ago. Sorry I couldn't get a good enough full body reference of the shota in question in advance.
(673.50 KB 576x867 Alberto_Luca.png)

requesting Alberto Scorfano from Luca in his human form sitting on a toilet like the one on the right which are kinda what the toilets are like in places like Italy
>>6194 BRUH!
>>6194 >>5856 Requests like these are why there's no drawfriends here.
>>6197 I don't think there's hardly any drawfriends around here at all. Mostly they do loli stuff.
>>6197 Would you stop blaming anyone that this is lifeless? I agree with you the Alberto toilet one is gross.
>>6197 >>6196 >>6198 They are but a lot of the requests are stupid or just plain weird.
(459.69 KB 556x563 Can't get it in.png)

(217.56 KB 423x696 Chandler McCann.png)

Requesting Chandler behind Lincoln and forcing him to cum while Lincoln is naked. Chandler have a evil grin and say: "Let's see if you're not a queer, Lincoln Lame."
>>2929 More examples of your art?
>>864 Some big request: Requesting all boys from Assassination Classroom's class 3-E standing nude in a row like the Danganronpa boys.
Requesting Psycho Kid from Snafu Comics (first image) bending over to show off his tighty-whities. (Second image of Elmo bending over is for pose reference.)
(970.07 KB 2000x1931 benny.jpg)

>>6780 Looks great. Thank you.
(389.91 KB 766x629 ClipboardImage.png)

(17.80 KB 516x548 ClipboardImage.png)

(703.01 KB 850x742 ClipboardImage.png)

(656.15 KB 850x742 ClipboardImage.png)

(682.03 KB 850x742 ClipboardImage.png)

Requesting sequel panel where Asgore (Deltarune) submits to bed and fucks his son Kris.
(2.19 MB 1796x1037 El Dorado Boy #1 Reference.png)

Requesting some draws of this boy from The Road to El Dorado (the one in the yellowish green loincloth). First, a full body draw of him, SFW with a cute smile. Second, a draw where he has his loincloth lifted to one side showing his under part of his cloth with a visible erection as he rubs it. Third, him naked except for his necklace where he's siting on the ground masturbating his fully erect cock (uncut) with his eyes close, and mouth slightly open (almost like a pleasured moan).
>>7039 Wow that kid is ugly
>>7048 If you think he's ugly, then shut the hell up!
>>7054 >If you think he's ugly, then shut the hell up! No, he looks deformed.
(2.02 MB 1792x1684 Ben X Papa (Hunter).png)

(1.94 MB 1908x1524 Ben X Papa (Exile).png)

(2.66 MB 1936x2072 Ben x Papa.png)

Requesting 1.Hunter, no collar and doing a reverse stand and carry position on Ben nude, while giving him abdominal bludge with dialogue Hunter: Oh Ben, you're a tight puppy. Ben: Oh papa, give me your pee pee! 2.Ben nude and doing a missionary position on Exile no collar, while holding his huge penis and with dialogue. Exile: Oh Yah Ben, good puppy thrust your pee pee in me. Ben: Oh yes papa, I feel you. You're so tight. 3.Ben Tennyson (Classic) nude and doing a doggystyle on his adoptive father Blitz (Road Rovers) no collar and with huge muscles pecs, and huge humanoid penis and balls with Dailouge. Blitz: Yeah! Yeah! Yess, Ben that's a good boy. Hump on my butt butt with your pee pee, that's a good puppy. Ben: Oh Papa, your butt butt is so tight.
(14.66 KB 321x307 FB42O5dWUAEqVIX.jpg)

if anyone's still doing this thread, here's one 1. this extra from foster's home for imaginary friends nervously showing off their pp and their butt (separate pics), with some chub to their tummy and a cum edit where they've been cummed in with cum leaking out
Requesting Nate and Bear from Yo Kai Watch as robot both showing off their naked robotic bodies with human-like erect robot cocks.
(15.72 KB 452x678 jino.png)

Requesting Jino from Power Battle Watch Car and naked get fucked tentacles
>>7039 Sounds fun, let's see if we can do about it.
(197.53 KB 832x1674 dorado_boy-1.png)

(136.75 KB 1057x1694 dorado_boy-2.png)

(181.83 KB 1787x1257 dorado_boy-3.png)

>>7039 >>8314 The wait is over and the set is complete. Enjoy comrade...
>>8452 It got done?! Well, I never! I'm so proud! Thank You!
>>8457 You're welcome comrade, it's glad to see you love it...
(1.75 MB 900x1302 ClipboardImage.png)

(432.21 KB 1802x1151 char_sheet.png)

My last attempt was useless so I'm going to see what I can do with a ref sheet this time. I'd love to see Maiku be attacked by tentacles like the ones seen in this doujin I read a few months ago.
(129.72 KB 410x715 image_2022-01-02_180821.png)

am i allowed to post doodles?
(1.54 MB 1277x1735 HBundressreference.png)

Requesting Harvey Beaks naked and playing with himself
(2.39 MB 1600x900 Really anons.png)

(593.59 KB 540x661 I want that boy....png)

(1.46 MB 1223x1088 security guy.png)

(150.92 KB 750x750 1634253930823.jpg)

(435.83 KB 1046x1390 13.jpg)

Requesting a 3 panel comic of Lincoln getting rape by The Security Guard from The episode Legends based on Guts' rape scene from Berserk.
Requesting a full body SFW draw of my anime/ manga version of Mowgli from The Jungle Book, based on an deactivated Deviantart users art. This Mowgli has spiky brown hair, yellowish eyes, brownish skin, and wears a jungle necklace with tiger or wolf's tooth and a brown loincloth.
(154.78 KB 935x284 20220208_050611.png)

requesting Elvis Riboldi masturbating like this
Sad to see no one drawing anything...
>>9295 Yeah, what gives?
>>9313 Maybe dead thread?
>>8806 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜 𝚜𝚎𝚎𝚖𝚜 𝚏𝚞𝚗, 𝚕𝚎𝚝'𝚜 𝚜𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚞𝚝.
Requesting Adam Lyon from my gym partner's a monkey wearing what yuuta from oide yo kei mizuryu land has on
(184.94 KB 332x478 Craig Undies.png)

(854.90 KB 1920x1090 Back_to_the_Kindergarten_206.png)

Requesting Craig in place of Steven.
(87.49 KB 1920x1080 cocks.jpg)

>>9397 Little red anon shotas.
(473.73 KB 412x813 Anderson 3.png)

(521.57 KB 496x712 Anderson 5.png)

(765.71 KB 632x870 Anderson 4.png)

Requesting Anderson standing up naked while looking out from a big window.
(339.62 KB 1920x1080 dicks.jpg)

(667.94 KB 600x800 adam lyon.png)

>>9332 Adam a cute.
(485.53 KB 445x613 Ryan 9.png)

(483.85 KB 384x746 Kiss me, Ryan - Copy.png)

(108.70 KB 694x1066 128946090951.jpg)

Requesting Ryan Miller on his hands and knees naked but still wearing his glasses and have cum on his face.
(378.44 KB 679x553 gball.png)

>>864 Requesting Gumball Watterson scuba diving / snorkeling underwater, nude or wearing a speedo. Exploring something, finding a treasure, getting tentacled from a sea creature, getting blowjob from Darwin or a diving Anais, or peril.
(98.91 KB 293x339 ClipboardImage.png)

(222.04 KB 850x680 ClipboardImage.png)

(393.67 KB 850x850 ClipboardImage.png)

Requesting 2 pics feature Miles Tails Prower from Sonic The Hedgehog 1:Tails presenting his ass like in the ref in the second pic 2: Tails giving anon a footjob like the ref in the third pic
(483.02 KB 446x699 Kid Lynn Sr. 1.png)

(2.05 MB 1600x804 Kid Lynn Sr. 3.png)

(2.22 MB 1600x900 Kid Lynn Sr. 2.png)

(31.50 KB 474x728 OIP (4).jpg)

Requesting Lincoln's dad, Lynn Loud Sr., when he was a kid standing up naked while blushing.
(1.10 MB 1080x1920 Lynn Sr..png)

(165.54 KB 800x549 Lynn Sr. sks.png)

>>9901 He's cute, here ya go.
>>10428 Thank you for this.
Requesting Bull peeing, using Terry (Tsubakura) as a urinal. Bull's skull neckless is crammed up his Terry's butt. He's been defeated.
Requesting Ness (Earthbound) fully nude (except with that) looking at Anon's huge penis while in a position of the request image. Please and thank you
Any old request you still want to see done? I see a lot of nice old reqs but maybe the ORs aren't around anymore.
>>10613 >>5390 and >>5856 have been around a long time and no one did them yet.
>>10613 How 'bout these: >>923 >>4566 >>6482
>>10428 Cute stuff, anon.
(652.44 KB 520x900 Jeff 8.png)

(2.06 MB 1600x900 Jeff 9.png)

(712.22 KB 756x832 Yellow_Tie_Employee.png)

(491.59 KB 1120x1200 98884765_p0_master1200.jpg)

Requesting Jeff cleaning the Yellow Tie Employee's back as they're both naked.
>>10613 I'd like to see one of these done, please. >>8814 >>8017 >>5145
>>8806 I'll pay anyone to do this request.
(105.34 KB 337x358 Iori_Miyamoto.png)

(243.52 KB 516x655 Miyamoto_Iori.png)

(687.63 KB 834x1002 Iori_Miyamoto_anime.png)

(6.60 KB 200x275 100275.webp)

>>864 Requesting Iori Miyamoto from record of ragnarok showing his cute shota butt, cock and balls like pic related
I would love to see this woman, Aki, as a futa fucking Leo's ass hard like in the reference. As well as an alternate version, with Aki cumming, and Leo's belly bloated with cum.
I'd hate to see the drawthread die, so... here's a spicy request: The boys of Boku no Pico in an orgy with the futa girls of Futabu
Or, if that's too many people at once, then here's something a bit more simple: Sumika from Futabu with Coco from Boku no Piko. I headcanon the two are brother(or sister?) and sister, and that Coco can take all of Sumika's huge dong, be it orally or anally. And that's what I'm requesting: Coco either taking Sumika up the ass, or in the mouth.
>>11605 >>11606 Disgusting....
(1.90 MB 1712x908 Ame Diaper Request.png)

Requesting Ame from Wolf Children (at age 4) wearing just a diaper (plain white with blue tabs) in #1, a full body draw with a cute smile (no wet or mess), #2, him relaxing by wetting himself, #3, him rubbing his wet diaper while he has a visible erect under his diaper.
>>11606 >>11605 >>12444 >>11346 This type of garbage is why we don't have any artists around.
>>13073 What is this suppost to be?
Requesting any or all of the UAB girls rule 63'd into shotas. Especially the main 6.
(622.99 KB 1200x1789 cardamon.png)

>>5936 it was a little hard to do the pose, so im sorry if it's not the best.
I request the shota from Big Hero 6 stuck inside of a giant sushi (and obviously naked).
(783.62 KB 1776x1000 1518728574942.jpg)

>>13237 You'd be better off making your own cast, like having Sporus instead of Aisha, as for setting... i don't know, france perhaps?, for some reason i keep thinking of Louis XVII, as dark as that is(pic related)
(359.40 KB 563x842 344343.png)

>>13378 Little shit deserved to die like that for being a Mamafag instead of a Papachad.
(55.79 KB 571x760 Cute boy.PNG)

>>3629 I would like to impregnate him too :DDDD
>>3629 Nice. I thought I was the only one who wanted to snuggle with the green hoodie cutie. This is truly a Place of Friends.
(311.82 KB 1000x1460 TheCollectorNP.png)

(36.70 KB 358x450 the-thinker_u-l-eqrtj0.jpg)

Requesting the Collector from The Owl House using a potty and not being happy about it
(817.10 KB 1330x851 Harvey.PNG)

>>8795 I couldn't decide, so I drew two.
>>13399 >>13479 Not my requests, but I hope you do more.
(823.19 KB 820x864 Ness.PNG)

>>10503 There you go.
>>13399 grand, thank you
(1.01 MB 1920x1080 Cardamon After Oral Sex.png)

>>13294 >sorry if it's not the best. It's good, thank you. Since the thread isn't dead... Requesting Cardamon messy* after rough oral sex. *(sweat, drool, stray pubes etc.)
>>13480 Thank you! Glad you enjoy em
(608.42 KB 867x942 Cardamon.PNG)

>>13533 I hope you like it!
>>13634 Not OR but perfect
>>13635 Thanks! It's fun doing this :DD
(864.43 KB 991x790 miguelandytheodrawthread.png)

>>864 requesting Miguel + Andy + Theo in a 3-way
>>13640 Too fucking ugly.
(651.95 KB 991x790 mattslidderdrawthread.png)

>>864 slidder-top matt-bottom
(564.01 KB 767x727 fivemitchdrawthred.png)

>>864 mitch-top five-bottom
>>13634 Not my request, but nice work. Can you do my request?
(8.97 KB 256x400 12168865-256-k290280.jpg)

how about something with the boy in the moon?
Glad to see some activity on this board.
I wonder if anyone can do one of my requests that haven't been done on here. I still have the Mowgli, Ami, Yo Kai Watch boys, J.P. from Digimon, and Edo Period boy ones. Just take your time, there's no rush.
>>13634 I'm the OR and this exceeded my expectations... It's stunning, thank you so much Milky. It's great.
>>13479 Not OR, but I really like the poses and that you kept him small and cute. Do you have any place where you post your art?
(284.40 KB 1239x1614 812tI9k8y3L.jpg)

(546.51 KB 1284x1306 80992723_p0.png)

(126.66 KB 800x872 50439689_p0.jpg)

Requesting this remade as a shota.
>>13684 Wouldn't it be better to rely on a man image? Don't ask which one, I don't know about old porn.
(507.57 KB 900x900 86705793_p0.jpg)

>>13687 I just liked the image and I realized that it had been referenced multiple times. There's nothing particularly female exclusive about the pose. I've seen shotas drawn in the same pose. Even the whole wardrobe is rather androgynous by 90s standards except for the earnings. A rule 63 drawing wouldn't need to really change much other than to lose the earnings and the bikini bottom.
(996.48 KB 666x1144 lincolnbobbyarturodrawthread.png)

>>864 Bobby Lincoln and Arturo from The Casagrandes with My dad isn't home meme but with Lincoln fucking Arturo
>>13667 Thanks to you for the great idea! Glad to hear you like it!
>>13701 You're the same idiot who asked for this request on 4Chan. https://boards.4chan.org/y/thread/2993336#p2997044
>>13634 >>13525 >>13479 >>13399 Why stop? You guys maybe our only shot to bring any life to this thread.
>>13767 I drew all of those!. I would like to draw some more, but sadly i'm a kinda busy.
Requesting Milhouse riding on top of Bart Simpson while kissing on bed. Thanks.
(87.25 KB 408x496 Max_AG_2.png)

Requesting Max (Pokemon) naked and sucking viewer's dick while being butt fucked by Ash Ketchum.
(98.15 KB 380x380 Ness_SSB4.png)

(135.16 KB 500x500 Lucas_SSB4.png)

Requesting Ness (Earthbound) riding on top of Lucas (Mother 3) sitting in a chair both naked. Please and thank you.
Requesting Marco Diaz from Star Vs The Forces of Evil getting jumped by Anon while wearing only the Santa Hat.
>>13768 I'd love to see this one from you: >>4566 You're doing great!
(96.34 KB 405x598 9volt.png)

>>13989 OR here, thanks!
(867.49 KB 1124x646 five x mitch bodyguard.png)

requesting five x mitch fucking in a bodyguard position
>>8806 I just like to see this made.
>>864 Requesting Western shota lewds of Rangi Jones, a character from the animated movie "Footrot Flats: The Dog's Tale" (1986), an adaptation of a comic strip by New Zealander cartoonist Murray Ball. To give some context, he's a native boy who helps at a sheep farm, is a talented rugby player, and has had (unrequited) crushes on adult women in the source material. Anons are free to come up with the poses, clothing and scenarios which better fit their tastes, but I personally would prefer it if the character was shirtless, and with a naughty/horny facial expression. It would also be appreciated if special focus was given to his crotch and/or butt.
>>3299 I made this request almost 3 years ago, and no one had done it.
So, are there any drawanons left who still check the board, or have all of them decided to move to "greener pastures"?
I hope any artist comes here. I have a request that been here for years now.
Requesting Cardamon in a Coppertone parody. Crab tugs at his swimsuit, revealing his tan line.* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coppertone_(sunscreen) Give Cardamon's butt big cleavage for the Crab. *Bonus: Alt images for with and without tan lines.
>>15195 Fuck that.
Requesting winston form (the Loud House) like in the reference image please
(523.75 KB 532x868 Andybangs.png)

Requesting Andy Bangs from We Bare Bears. Nothing specific, draw him however you wanna draw him. It'd be nice to see some new art of him.
Is this place still active?
>>15904 With garbage like this, not likely. >>13651 >>13996 >>13786 >>13785 >>13784 >>13783 >>15697 >>10485 Plus, most artists are on /cake/.
The loli community is a lot more accepting of different artstyles. It helps that, unlike shota here, they have their separate board for western stuff. Just like it happened with 4chan's /y/ drawthreads and I see it here, most people fucking hate cartoons and are very vocal about it. People get pissed about it and drive potential activity away, as if the presence of these cartoon requests prevents their anime requests from being delivered (kek, as if). Yes, most cartoons have ugly designs. Is that genuinely the only reason?
(1.15 MB 2496x2628 1703894816680375.png)

(449.26 KB 1599x1681 1703381509789566.png)

(672.31 KB 1178x1828 20240223_203030.jpg)

Requesting Blueberry from Onirism wearing the punk rock outfit with either of these scenarios. 1. Blueberry giving a thighjob like in the reference pic. 2. Blueberry getting spit roasted with him enjoying it.
>>16585 That's a guy?
>>16590 Yeah he is, his actual outfit he wears are boy clothes.
>>16585 Yeah, not happening.
(1.38 MB 2000x995 ReoRef 2.png)

(428.84 KB 600x800 ReoDollRef.png)

Requesting anything with Reo Miyao from Bokutachi no Ikita Riyuu. SFW or NSFW doesn't matter but for NSFW I prefer solo/straight, nothing gay This series/character has almost no art so anything is alright, even his doll form. He's really bratty so maybe that could be worked with I will draw something back for you if you draw him we can do a trade, but don't expect too much quality here's some art examples; https://catbox.moe/c/flpzzu
Requesting Lincoln rubbing face on his Uncle Lance's chest. Also, they're both naked.
(2.50 MB 1818x1044 El Dorado Boys Request.png)

I got another El Dorado boys request. Requesting some art (both SFW and NSFW) of these two boys from The Road to El Dorado? The skinny one with the Yellowish Green loincloth and the chubby one with the orange and teal loincloth. Here's what I would like with them. #1 - A SFW draw #2 - Both with erections under their loincloths as the skinny one feels the under the chubby one. #3 - Both giving each other hands jobs with uncut erect cocks #4 - The skinny one is anal fucking the chubby one doggy style #5 - Both with their eyes closed ejaculation while masturbating
(490.42 KB 964x1188 ardilla shota.jpg)

(278.80 KB 1630x1000 naked furry cub boys reference.jpg)

Requesting the squirrel Shota boy in the first image, while he is completely naked. (please forget to draw him without the cap)
(492.43 KB 800x1278 1708900529250613.jpg)

(529.30 KB 1085x1812 Shota Kitten.jpg)

Requesting a Remake/new version of the first image, which is a Shota Kitten Boy, showing his penis and testicles.
(175.64 KB 1589x758 1545890290736.jpg)

Requesting a Sexual Education Anatomy Poster with Oscar (boy from the Italian cartoon Atchoo!) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXxyg1092Vb76S9vGolHZUsuG-0PsDuhu
>>16984 >>16958 >>16955 More shit that no one will do. I would never draw that crap.
(696.28 KB 1950x2550 img033.jpg)

>>16958 >>16955 Bit rough, but it is what it is. >>17092 Well, sometimes one gets bored.
(792.76 KB 1925x3053 img034.jpg)

(1.18 MB 3157x2409 img037.jpg)

>>16585 More rough sketching.
>>17168 OR of The Squirrel Boy. Thank You Nice work
(698.36 KB 1400x1800 NessCas (LuNess).png)

>>13785 I love them both!
(90.94 KB 993x908 1478199790220.jpg)

Requesting Carl Gould (Rabbit boy with Asperger syndrome from Arthur) While he was in his underwear, and in the same pose as on the right side image. https://arthur.fandom.com/wiki/Carl_Gould
(369.03 KB 1902x2004 boys.jpg)

requesting the 2 boys in the left image (the one with green and orange spiky hair and the other with a blue bowl hair cut) done similarly as yugi >both naked, with similar proportions as yugi >showing their spread asses, anuses, dicks and backs to viewer >both their heads are turned, so they look at viewer >both their asses are huge >one of them might have lotsa butt freckles optional: both boys have multiple lipstick marks in their ass cheeks, that are colored green and blue
>>17244 bonus for hags to the sides
>>17241 not the requester but this looks nice
(772.81 KB 1644x2023 img038copy.jpg)

>>17252 Trash.
>>8806 This request have been here for 2 years. Anyone like to do it?
Aladdin Jehoahaz Abraham from Magi Labrynth Of Magic. Aladdin is in his Magnoschdatt uniform. His shota soles are oiled up and glistening. Hes giving a footjob to an ikemen. Its nighttime and theyre in his room.
>>4147 bump for this request
>>17252 Good job
Requesting nate from Nate is Late ple
(1.31 MB 2867x2100 img039.jpg)

(1.51 MB 1107x2312 img040copy2.jpg)

>>14283 Probably not exactly as you wanted. >>17271 You are welcome.
Fully naked boy - Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum (character of game Ni No Kuni II) have sex with Roland Crane.
i wonder if anyone tried to get this thread to be seen more like, would it be weird if someone on baraag told shota artists about this thread? >>17346 i think it looks nice not the requester
(1.40 MB 1371x893 1702238805709539.png)

Requesting Ronal (the skinny blonde hair and blue eyes one) and Alibert (the chubby black hair and brown eyes one) from the Danish animated movie "Ronal the Barbarian" wearing those loincloths/ jockstraps/ g-strings like the ones in the movie (the ones that show off a bulge in the front and expose the butt a little in the back). Both wearing brown headbands, brown wristband, brown armbands, brown jockstraps/ g-strings, brown legbands, and brown sandals. Ronal also wears a brown harness connected to his jockstrap, while Alibert doesn't, and Alibert's jockstrap is different from Ronals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX6WTAYSz-s&pp=ygUZUm9uYWwgdGhlIEJhcmJhcmlhbiBtb3ZpZQ%3D%3D
>>17363 This was my request! Who are you, copycat? But I would like to see this done by anyone. I've been requesting this for years now.
>>17363 these are grown ass men tho not shotas
>>17168 You got any blog or gallery?
>>17355 >would it be weird if someone on baraag told shota artists about this thread? No, in fact, it might help. There's endless artists on /cake/ but, for some reason, it seems like even shota artists are avoiding here.
>>17395 i have a baraag but i swear the site made me invisible
(607.96 KB 1260x1570 35e8929cb1c041b0.png)

(1.03 MB 1945x1845 c77f19f037cd5617.png)

I made these ones
>>17346 >You are welcome. Thanks, I like your art and the way you shade his hair. >>17458 Cool, I found your Baraag. We need more artists here.
>>17458 Gorilland?
>>17458 looks awesome also, could you tell other artists about this thread?
>>17474 Most if not all the artists I know are into loli only tho, but I'll try
>>11072 I heard you guys needed drawfags. I need more practice so let's brush some dust off of some of these requests
>>17521 Good drawing
>>17349 they're cute!
>>17521 >>17523 not any of the requesters but these look good do you have an account anywhere?
>>13684 here's another >>17522 >>17524 thank you! I don't have any social media
>>17521 >>17523 >>17547 Incredibly clean work anon, would you be interested in a trade? (I'm >>16765) It's fine if not, no worries. Just figured to shoot my shot since I like doing trades but there's not much anons here that don't do western shit only lol
>>17547 Nice! I may or may not be the original requester. I can't remember. Regardless you did an amazing job.
>>17554 Thanks! I can for sure do a trade with you. For your half perhaps a shota Kuya from NU Carnival? He is a mischievous and somewhat sadistic fox boy. Sorry he doesn't have much art to go off of. Pic on the right is his regular adult version so you can see certain shared details of his design better. sfw or nsfw is up to you! >>17555 Thanks and lol I imagine most people have completely forgotten about their requests here
(405.01 KB 650x1110 Untitled773_20240702043443.png)

>>17558 Omg of course!! What a cute design. He canonically wears a skirt that's so adorable.. I went for something cutelewd, hope it's alright. Sorry for the small delay also I'm very bad with specifics, but anything solo and not-gay with Miyao >>16765 works. I really like his fangs so some focus on them or maybe something with how skinny he is like lifting his sweater and showing his skinny ribs/nipples, I really like his bodytype.. Ultimately it's up to you though lol, I can even give you another character from the same series too if Miyao's design doesn't speak to you Some extra Miyao colored panels too just in case; https://catbox.moe/c/4p39y3
>>17576 omg you drew him so cute! Thank you soo much I love him!! His underwear... TOT No worries about the delay. I haven't had time to work on yours in the past few days but I finally finished it. Hope you like it!
>>17580 Holy shit anon, you absolutely blew it out of the water! Thank you so much for drawing him.. Boy ribs so based... Thank you for including an alt too! I really like the way you drew his hair and his face he looks great in your style. Saved and cherished <3 This was a very fun trade I really enjoyed it, if you'd like to do more at one point I'm available anytime, hopefully it brings a little activity to the thread lol this place is a desert most of the time
>>17523 I haven't been here for about a month, because I didn't expect to see a response to my request. When I came here today, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this amazing drawing! Thank you so much! You are like a star that illuminated this half-abandoned place with the glow of your talent. It is such a joy to see that someone in our mercantile times can create sincerely, from the heart, driven by sympathy for characters and ideas, and not by the criteria of their popularity and profitability. Wandering through Twitter and Pixiv, I was very disappointed in the artists. Many of them met Evan and Roland with coldness and rudeness. Even because of numerous rejections, I began to have OCD, as if Evan and Roland are actually ugly, and I just do not see it. Forgive me if I involuntarily confuse you with my verbosity and enthusiastic emotions. It's just out of sincere joy and gratitude.
(18.03 KB 707x793 untitled (4).png)

>>17596 I'm really glad you liked it! I would be happy to trade again sometime :) just been busy recently >>17734 Thanks so much for your kind words. It makes me super happy to know I can spread a little joy just by having fun drawing shotas lol. I'll keep working hard to improve and draw here when I can!
>>17758 I really loved it, thank you anon!! I'd love to trade again, you can just tell me what you'd like for my part and I'll get to it since I'm a slower artist haha, I've been a bit busy too > <;; But since I request only the same series, idk if I should let you choose a character from it that speaks to you the most or just req one specific thing Here's my ref master album, you can ignore the girls and choose which male character you like the most from it (although a lot of them are not shota-like they're all the same age except the Puppetmaster lol); https://catbox.moe/c/18ek6o I like everyone, especially the more unconventional characters but Miyao has my heart so there's no "wrong" choice, my only real requirement is solo/straight no katter who you choose since mlm/yaoi makes me uncomfortable. If you can't choose, I'd like something with Keigo since he's the closest to a shota the series has, maybe him wearing pale blue boxers that match his little suit or him jerking off to mature underwear like a lace bra/panties.. But ultimately I'll leave the character choice up to you if you feel like it Cute Evan doodle! Drawing Kuya was really fun, I forgot to mention it last time but when I saw the shota ver canonically wears a skirt I knew exactly what I had to do.. Sorry for the really big post orz
>>17762 You can draw another Kuya if you want or modern or classic Pit. Pose is up to you I'm not picky :) Thanks for trading again! I should be able to draw my half soon
>>17762 finished :)
(376.46 KB 373x537 Rudeus_-_Yuka_Fujikawai.png)

(555.83 KB 603x1211 Rudeus_Child.png)

(83.63 KB 674x1309 RudeusAnime.png)

rudeus from jobless reincarnation wearing briefs please.
>>17798 is cute >>17799 wrong
Shota Hans Frei has sex with a goatherd guy.
(20.19 KB 200x258 William_Quester.png)

Requstin' William From Gawayn Getting Creampied After Sex >Spank Mark and Sad Face
(66.88 KB 443x999 IMG_6045.jpg)

(49.61 KB 485x847 donny_dog.jpg)

Requesting a new version/remake of the first image, which is a Shota (Golden retriever) Dog Boy, being totally naked (except for his cap)
>>17800 >>17839 >>17845 >>17923 Never. Your taste is garbage.
>>17946 >>17799 Why and what for are you here? Are you a troll or a hater? Are you offended by something? Otherwise, I don't understand why and what for you leave such posts.
>>17992 And tell me if you're the sperg that writes like this.
>>18001 Got it. You're a troll and a hater who only came here to attack. I've reported your posts and will be complaining to the moderators whenever I see you.
Made this one yesterday
>>18020 Is this the samurai boy? It's super cute.
>>18020 Great work, very clean and detailed. >>17946 >>18001 Let people request/deliver whatever they want, asshole. As if the board wasn't dead enough, there's people like you trying to make things worse.
>>18001 here I was asking >>17946, not >>17992. Sorry for the confusion.
>>18020 >>17458 Nice drawings, but guys, I apologize, you seem to not understand the essence and meaning of this thread. This is not a thread for advertising yourself and a personal gallery, but a thread for drawings on requests.
(385.78 KB 1129x1357 got that dawg.png)

>>17923 I don't do furry often but,hey
>>18032 Not OR But you did a really good job
Requesting Charly getting Anal beads pull out of his anus like this picture but feel free to draw him without his cap or keep it on
(143.18 KB 436x510 ChichiShower.jpg)

(80.70 KB 751x641 Ex7fCr6WgAkn31S.jpg)

(963.04 KB 1250x1795 Chi_Chi_Goat.png)

(2.23 MB 2560x1444 DA_BATHROOM.png)

Requesting a new version (remake) of the first image, but with the art style of The Amazing World of Gumball. The image (the first) is Chi Chi (the goat version of Gumball) while he is bathing in the shower https://theamazingworldofgumball.fandom.com/wiki/Chi_Chi
Don’t be impatient, be grateful!
Give the artists some time & don’t fight! If you spam, you get no art or get banned!
Patience is perfect because when you request some Shota stuff, give the artists some time & don’t argue over them taking so long
It seems that there are no artists left here. They don't need us, just like our beloved sweet boys. Because, alas, the vast majority of artists love not shotacon, but money. Yes, the truth is cruel: those whom we consider shotalovers are not actually shotalovers, but draw shotacon only because it is profitable. And they hate us and consider us "perverts". It's just convenient for them to make money off of rich shotalovers.
holy shit you niggers are autistic
>>18356 >holy shit you niggers are autistic Look for food elsewhere, you feeble-minded troll.
*sigh* what’s next?
>>18387 WHAT do you want?
It looks like this thread is completely abandoned... However, loliconists are experiencing the same crisis on their boards. Because the artists have exchanged lolis and shotas for money, leaving their poor brothers to their fate.
>>18708 Considering how annoying some fucking autists in here are, I'm not surprised
>>18712 You have some kind of abnormal fixation on autism. You're like a conspiracy theorist who sees the Illuminati at work everywhere.
(547.62 KB 1080x1080 119326911_p0.jpg)

>>18723 You can't really call an "abnormal fixation" by me mentioning it once... >inb4 samefag It is the first time I'm posting on this thread but it is obvious that I'm not the only one that these type of behaviors really annoys, but tbh I was just shitposting... Most likely the reason that this thread is abandoned is because almost no modern shota artist visits imageboards like this or 4chan, hell even regular anons are scarce here.
>>18729 >or 4chan Explain /cm/ and NO, there never existed a big agglomeration of shotacons on the internet ever. Besides trapfags.
(280.07 KB 626x1499 based.jpg)

>>18732 /cm/ is for the >UwU soft boys <3 type of person... Probably none of artist those artist even know that you can post NSFW shota on /b/ and, even if they knew, they would not even bother to go through the sea of garbage that is posted on /b/ just to look for a shota thread with almost no content/engagement for them. Also... >what is (was) shotachan? >what is baraag?
>>18729 What "behavior"? In this thread people just post their dreams in hopes that someone will respond. But some assholes come and insult them. >Most likely the reason that this thread is abandoned is because almost no modern shota artist visits imageboards like this or 4chan, hell even regular anons are scarce here. Because 90% of so-called shota artists are actually hucksters who draw only for money. Any real and self-respecting shota artist knows about these sites. But the hucksters are not interested in them.
>>18746 >Gibe me me free shit or u a shit It's amazing how you fags prove my point
>>18750 Listen up, asshole. This thread was created for those who can't pay. So that they can post their dreams and ideas here, and artists, if they like someone's idea, can draw it. But you, a huckster, don't understand that. Besides, you're not even a shotalover , you're a troll and a hater of shotacon. Go to your schizoid /to Pizzagate fans, sanctimonious normie with your maniacal idea of ​​a crusade against shotacon.
>>18750 No true shotalover would call his fellow faggots.

(78.64 KB 348x601 rocco1.jpg)

(57.11 KB 354x512 Mont1.jpg)

(49.52 KB 382x476 Zipper1.jpg)

(55.73 KB 304x401 Bingo3.gif)

Requesting a remake/new version of the first image, which is of Rocco Rabbit, Montgomery Moose, Zipper Cat, and Bingo Beaver (The Get Along Gang) with the 4 of them playing Strip poker. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1HH6ZLIwd4&pp=ygUYdGhlIGdldCBhbG9uZyBnYW5nIHBpbG90 source/origin of the first image: https://www.deviantart.com/greatkitty2000/art/Request-Get-Along-Gang-Boys-Playing-Cards-849912486
>>18062 Let’s see if i can start a friendly european cartoon crossover war with that one Charly (L&V) superfan by requesting a french forgotten but underrated shota which is Valérian from the obsucre french cartoon Raymond giving Charly anal sex >im not sure if I’m going to do this for fun, lol >>864
>>18752 As a true shotalover myself, A shotalover must stay strong!
(758.32 KB 2096x1596 Chi Chi (Gumball) Shower.png)

>>18101 In a Gumball mood, so why not?
>>19637 Welcome to the drawthread!
>>19637 NOT OR but, excellent work ;)
(7.41 MB 3508x2480 Gumball and Darwin.png)

>>9817 And the other Gumball one. I thought of doing the tentacle thing, but I thought some sibling action would be better. I'll try to see if I can do some other request in the upcoming days when I have some free time. This place looks a bit empty.
So, is anyone even interested in getting their art done here? I've only drawn two pictures, but I don't think the requesters have even seen them. I have no desire to waste my time doing anything else if they're not going to show back up.
>>19694 Yes! I’m intrested here! I hope there’s some grateful people after their deliveries
>>19695 Is there any particular request you want done? Hopefully something that's not too complex.
>>19696 >>19281 Yes, this is my crossover request.
>>19694 So have you ever tried drawthread at Rule34? here’s the proof here, >>>/rule34/1918
>>19697 Well, I'll see if I can tackle it one of these days.
>>19699 Thanks Dr. Poletariat! Your a real pal in all of 8chan!
Have you tried delevering requests with the delivery anchor at the Drawthread at /rule34/? >>>/rule34/1920 >>19699 You should give it a try Dr. Proletariat!
>>19701 Not entirely sure what that means, tbh.
>>19702 Wait, no, I thiiiiiiiiiiink I got it.
>>19702 You know, the delivery anchor is for artists who deliver the finished requests to the people who requested their favorite characters
>>19703 Man, those spammers are so annoying these days on /delicious/.
>>19703 Shall you give it a try someday? I’m sure this would make requesters so happy
Requesting Ollie Chen from The Ghost and Molly Mcgee getting caught or walked on when he's sitting on the toilet like his Girlfriend, Molly Mcgee in the image on the right.

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