/sm/ - Shotacon

Shota is love, shota is life

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(29.24 KB 277x400 Yaoi-gay.jpg)

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Shot on LOAD flatsims 05/01/2022 (Sun) 22:27:06 No. 10133
Just a reminder that LOAD (Lolicon Artist Directory) does have a Trap / Shota / Yaoi sections for helping you find some key artists for each. https://load.blogs.allthefallen.moe/2016/05/10/shota-yaoi-and-big-boobs-directories/ If you ever see great artists not covered on there let me know the names and i can add them.
(7.57 MB 1600x2675 YaoiShota 1.png)

(5.88 MB 1600x2233 YaoiShota 2.png)

Since I already posted as well in the Trapshota and Straight Shota boards I guess I'll include a Yaoi directory in here. Maybe a little outdated but still a good thing to start with.
(77.71 KB 768x272 SHoYaoiDirectory-768x272.jpg)

Always willing to add what is missing or wanted.
(30.34 KB 279x400 Yaoi-dilf.jpg)

Wow i forgot the A in shota. DOH

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