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Is is gay to like yaoi? Anon 11/10/2020 (Tue) 14:30:22 No. 2988
I'm a heterosexual. I have no interest in men, nor do I watch gay IRL porn. But I love yaoi hentai. What about you guys?
You're bi-curious. Get off the internet & figure it out. Porn is just going to confuse yourself more.
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>>2988 An aspect that must be considered to define "how gay are you" is the reason you consume yaoi. What kind of characters do you like? Why do you find the characters attractive? Do you read/watch these works for the plot or for the sex? All forms of yaoi are gay to some degree, but there's a difference between liking yaoi because the plots are good and because the characters are hot, just like there's a difference between liking men with heavy feminine features (like traps and most shotas, who sometimes look like little girls) and men that look like they were ripped from an ad for male hygiene products. The former hint a possible bisexuality since you like both male and female features, while the later would put you on the more homosexual side of the sexuality spectrum since female features are less present in these kinds of men.
>>2988 This reminds me of an old Talks at Google video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-A8GvUehq4 Interesting video, fun stats, but one sentiment that the presenter has is that straight males are almost exclusively the audience for shemale porn. Homosexual men are largely not interested in it. He has a few possibly explanations for this but like >>2994 said, it could indicate you're a little gay or bi, but you could just as easy be straight as an arrow. Men's porn consumption is weird, pretty physically focused, and what you fap to may or may not indicate anything else about your sexual orientation. Unless you fap to bara, then you gay as hell nigga.
What does it matter. I don't really worry about labels or whether some polfag blowhard approves of it. >>2995 >Men's porn consumption is weird, pretty physically focused as opposed to what? and how is that weird?
>>2996 As opposed to women's taste in porn, which generally tend to lean more toward erotic literature and, for lack of a better term, have a more emotional focus. And "weird" in that male homosexuality could be reductively be called "liking dicks", but guys don't have any problem with shemales and traps.
>>2998 Women are fucking weird. Their fetishes are a lot more violent & rough but at the same time their idea of eroticism is still very sensual. Look at romance novels. They're tantalizing but the content of the book is like rape, rough sex, or straight up BDSM. Women are impossible to understand.
>>2995 I don't see how what you like sexually in drawings affects your sexuality at all. Just like how liking loli/shota doesn't make you a pedo.
>>2988 You could argue your interest is just voyeuristic, nothin wrong with that.
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Like other anons said, figure it out - although if you say you're straight, you're straight and it's not really that complicated. That's where the confusion of porn and reality can hurt and mislead people into false beliefs about themselves if they go down a porn rabbit hole. One explanation is that you might simply like "moe" features found in shota/yaoi. I can find Laharl from Disgaea cute or Reg from Made in Abyss absolutely adorable. But I also find Jahy from "Jahy-Sama Won't Be Discouraged!" cute. That doesn't change the fact that I know that big eyes with small features, and a delicate frame for a body are what constitute a cute or youthful appearance. If you study art for a while you notice patterns such as the baby-face bias which is why anime fans love moe and watch it so much while western cartoon fans might be attracted to the ponies from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic without knowing why. I personally don't consume porn since I know it can confuse and distort what I find attractive, so if you feel you need a break from yaoi go for it and then see where you're at.
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Not if you just like shota and in your head canon they are actually females with pseudo-penis and false scrotum, but actually have womb inside their cloaca(not anus).
>>3009 If you don't watch porn, then why are you on a forum dedicated to nudes and hentai of shota?
>>3043 I think he means he doesn't watch live action porn.
>>3043 >>3044 Shotas for me are like cute cat videos for moms on facebook. They're cute, innocent and pure - so I mainly stick to the SFW thread(s).
I'm hetero and can't even stand the thought of anal, let alone yaoi/traps whatever. >>2994 That's makes no sense. I'm probably mentally ill, but I'm glad this "confusion" I hear about so much isn't one of my issues.
>>3050 Most people who like incest porn aren't interested in actually having incest. The pornography you consume may or may not have anything to do with your sexual orientation or preferences.
>>3051 Incest isn't a sexual orientation. Look up the Westermarck effect. Siblings who've never met are just as if not more likely to be attracted to each other. I don't find any of my own immediate relatives attractive, but if they fit into my preferences, I don't know why I wouldn't find their body attractive.
>>3051 Indeed.
>I'm a heterosexual. I have no interest in men, nor do I watch gay IRL porn. But I love yaoi hentai. I diagnose you with woman
>>3084 (just a joke, no bully)

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