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(3.18 MB 2000x1980 052901.png)

Shota Characters from Anime, Cartoon, Video Games, Manga, Comics etc. Anonymous 05/30/2020 (Sat) 12:38:46 No. 85
Kantarou Yodayama from Hakushon Daimaō (2020)
(894.05 KB 2424x2542 053012.jpg)

Youngster from Pokemon Sword & Shield
(1.14 MB 3477x2291 053147.jpg)

Freddie & Patrick Alexandre Leonard Arge they are from Gundam Build Divers Re:RISE
(537.82 KB 900x636 053119.png)

Jinpei Jiba from Yo-kai Gakuen Y: N to no Sōgū
(2.22 MB 1920x2420 82195133.png)

Ash/Satoshi and Goh they are from Pokémon anime series
(492.37 KB 1181x1748 78839181.jpg)

Iruma Suzuki from Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun
(239.12 KB 1500x1888 060902.jpg)

Voyager from Fate/Requiem
(468.61 KB 2112x1900 060901.jpg)

Suzuki Masaru the Shota Virtual YouTuber
(1.11 MB 2480x3508 81045514.jpg)

Kuro from Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (video game)
(452.94 KB 830x550 061001.png)

Rikiya Ryuuzaki & Koutarou Kirigakure the are from Genki Bakuhatsu Ganbaruger
(1.55 MB 1300x1570 061610.png)

Camper from Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire/Pokemon Masters (video game)
(2.16 MB 1500x1060 82359496.png)

Dai from upcoming anime remake of Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai (2020)
(245.34 KB 1623x1316 79600543.jpg)

Yuzuhiko Tachibana from Atashin'chi
(375.12 KB 899x1182 82426254.png)

Daichi Haruka from Madō King Granzort
(1.16 MB 2048x2732 062104.png)

Ohmori Menzaburo from Yu☆Gi☆Oh!꞉ Sevens
(136.62 KB 1200x900 062204.jpg)

Koko from Pokemon Movie: Koko
(601.30 KB 2591x2428 062501.jpg)

Van from Ninjala
(513.61 KB 3356x2422 062907.jpg)

Conan from Conan, the Boy in Future
(302.06 KB 2048x1522 070401.jpg)

Musashi Kazama from Grander Musashi
(191.18 KB 2000x1600 070504.jpg)

Raiga Kudō & Kūga Kudō they are from Tomica Kizuna Gattai Earth Granner
(93.74 KB 967x953 070702.jpg)

Fujino (Top) from Atashin'chi
(893.03 KB 1176x1878 829233403.jpg)

Yuuga Oudou from Yu☆Gi☆Oh!꞉ Sevens
(1.12 MB 1466x1688 827779870.png)

Feiron (left) and Reiji (right) they are from Engage Soul (video game)
(775.58 KB 849x1200 829645730.jpg)

Rian from Engage Soul (video game)
(774.67 KB 1000x1070 071605.jpg)

Kai Ijuuin, Hiro Ryugasaki & Kazuki Shindou they are from Shadowverse (anime)
(1.59 MB 3024x4032 830424961.jpg)

Romeo & Alfred they are from Romeo no Aoi Sora
(2.80 MB 1668x2224 830508891.png)

Kennosuke (EP.4) from Mashin Eiyūden Wataru Shichi Tamashii no Ryūjinmaru
(324.90 KB 1128x1400 83096468.png)

Shinnosuke Nohara from Crayon Shin-chan
(302.93 KB 827x1169 072201.jpg)

Genta Kojima from Detective Conan
(608.05 KB 807x900 83144310.jpg)

Daigo Shigeno & Hikaru Satō they are from Major 2nd
(1.91 MB 1518x2069 83177252.jpg)

Kosuke Ochi from Hikaru no Go
(243.39 KB 900x821 832126034.jpg)

Namida Umeboshi & Nobuhiko Ueda they are from Urayasu Tekkin Kazoku
(280.06 KB 742x809 073006.jpg)

Dex Oyama/Dex Ogreon from Mega Man Battle Network
(193.35 KB 675x900 833742060.jpg)

Sandayuu Koma from Yo-kai Gakuen Y: N to no Sōgū
(790.13 KB 1468x1940 080202.jpg)

Tatsuhisa "Rook" Kamijō from Yu☆Gi☆Oh!꞉ Sevens
(120.74 KB 1674x1347 080205.jpg)

Rudoido (ルドイド) from Mercstoria (video game)
(232.71 KB 1874x1714 080802.jpg)

Hikaru Asahi & Hyūga Asahi they are from Beyblade Burst Sparking

(15.63 KB 300x400 24108028.png)

(1.27 MB 1753x1240 50814454_p0.jpg)

(1.34 MB 1378x2039 66955234_p0.png)

Ikki from the Medarot games and anime.
(1.36 MB 1378x2039 66955234_p1.png)

(541.29 KB 1280x800 1354316328308.png)

(122.61 KB 400x600 colla0100.jpg)

(515.31 KB 1052x1484 081502.jpg)

Morty Smith from Rick and Morty
(858.53 KB 1003x1186 836953890.jpg)

Daida from Osama Ranking
(461.98 KB 1174x1211 84397948.png)

John from Pokemon: Twilight Wings
(1.29 MB 1158x1637 84464776.png)

Cocomo Perot & Malibu Perot they are from Galaxy Angel series
(147.03 KB 700x976 102801.jpg)

Nils from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade (video game)
Wada-kun (和田くん) from WataMote
(249.27 KB 750x1000 870282840.jpg)

Lime Ashiya from Yo-kai Watch Jam꞉ Yo-Kai Academy Y
(589.48 KB 1200x1696 87034700_p1.jpg)

Kabane from Monster Jihen
(582.27 KB 877x1240 031001.jpg)

Shiki Tademaru (Left) & Homuramaru Nowaki (right) they are from Kemono Jihen
(123.23 KB 481x589 a9f1b44162e11779.png)

Lincoln Loud from The Loud House
(183.49 KB 675x900 891304830.jpg)

Shin Arata from Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion Z
(230.11 KB 1000x1000 891348940.jpg)

Kezuru (right) from Mazica Party
(6.59 MB 4961x7016 865947170.jpg)

Satoshi from Black Channel
(534.34 KB 1246x1315 97e2fce0242884e7.png)

Hogarth Hughes from The Iron Giant
(158.37 KB 1200x1200 041602.jpg)

Manta Oyamada from Shaman King
(261.22 KB 815x1015 397423230.jpg)

Takashi Horimachi from Uchuujin Tanaka Taro
(230.11 KB 1000x1000 Mazica Party 89134894_p0.jpg)

Kezuru from Mazica Party
(2.11 MB 1565x2472 89196901_p0.jpg)

Reg from Made in Abyss
(230.76 KB 480x640 2840783_p0.png)

>>85 Sasuke from Sasuke (サスケ) 1968. As an aside, if anyone knows where I can find it, there was a pixiv image that I lost the link to, where it was drawn in the show's style, but it was the "afterwards" of him having a mallet stuck up his ass, and there was a bit of blood. Anyway, I cannot find it and I think it was removed because it wasn't censored.
(1.11 MB 1000x1143 902342921.png)

Abuto Usui (right) from Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion Z
(3.11 MB 1500x2119 902996080.jpg)

Hanabi Ōmagari from Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion Z
(224.50 KB 800x1225 59371167_p0.png)

Nate Adams/Keita Amano from Yo-kai Watch
(183.38 KB 595x842 904872880.png)

Kappei from Ninjala
(112.09 KB 900x1200 907582445.jpg)

Nagara Anjō from Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion Z
(356.33 KB 900x900 910968790.png)

Kariroku (カリロク) from Merc Storia (video game)
(570.23 KB 2000x2400 092005.jpg)

Fuuta from Poketoon (EP.6)
Razputin Aquato from Psychonauts
(105.89 KB 1000x1333 93197059_p0.jpg)

Hiro Amanokawa from Digimon Ghost Game
(281.92 KB 1668x1400 935184111.jpg)

Kotarou Nomura & Hiro Amanokawa they are from Digimon Ghost Game
(36.50 KB 1030x1055 ongvqw74QA1w7sz8xo1.png)

Kiyoshi from Hanazuki: Full of Treasures
(757.99 KB 583x613 111501.webm)

Kyousuke Yotsuya from Mieruko-chan
(586.97 KB 1217x1347 9330c672161f810b.png)

Jake Long from American Dragon: Jake Long
>>8787 Artist?
(288.91 KB 734x1108 011101.jpeg)

Gregory from Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach
>>8803 i have so much porn of this rascal
>>8799 JerseyDevil
>>8804 what's with the bad western porn?
(5.68 MB 3050x3587 021201.jpeg)

Two random npc from Pokemon Legends: Arceus
(362.65 KB 848x1200 961900260.png)

Tsutomu from Gotcha Force
(251.73 KB 1000x1020 960617986.png)

Rock/Megaman from Rock/Megaman series (video game)
(354.91 KB 1200x1704 962155991.jpg)

Tōya Sagami From Chikyūgai Shōnen Shōjo
(10.13 MB 6047x8598 950361741.jpg)

Yuuto Sakurai from Senpai ga Uzai Kōhai no Hanashi
>>8804 The only good one is the one on the top right What's with these people and giving this boy a huge duck and a weird huge ass?
(617.51 KB 1440x1920 969041660.jpg)

Boy Pokémon Trainer From Pokémon Scarlet and Violet (video game)
(1.55 MB 1779x2189 978335161.jpg)

Kengo Tateuri from Waka Okami wa Shōgakusei!
(258.17 KB 1400x2545 979213011.jpg)

Taishi Koiwai from Drifting Home
(138.97 KB 424x600 123272l.jpg)

(135.97 KB 1400x700 drifting-home-anime.jpg)

(484.99 KB 1170x658 Drifting-Home-1170x658.png)

>>10100 >Drifting Home Looks interesting. Is the kid with the red shirt a boy or a girl? He looks really feminine for a boy, but too masculine for a girl.
(3.51 MB 2000x2400 980064231.jpg)

Yuzuru Tachibana from Drifting Home
(187.16 KB 1310x2048 050203.jpeg)

Light Tenryu from Shadowverse Flame
(1.06 MB 1334x2299 981300713.png)

Gimmy Adai from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
(1.22 MB 1142x1417 986804230.png)

Subaru Makabe from Shadowverse Flame
(319.55 KB 1006x1629 5c4286c82ea6539e.png)

Marco Diaz from Star vs. the Forces of Evil
(17.28 MB 3800x3500 988007381.png)

Taiju Togakushi (Left) from Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion Z
(78.17 KB 900x900 Rudy by Bort in color.mp4)

Rudy from Chalk Zone.
(354.48 KB 990x1400 940162580.jpg)

Ichihashi Kei from A Vacation With The Ponytailed Tanning Boy
(2.55 MB 1867x2000 062301.png)

Bojji from Osama Ranking
(203.88 KB 1371x1195 979659150.jpg)

Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes
(796.34 KB 1564x1047 11ab38babdc10505.png)

Valentino Calavera from Victor and Valentino
>>10862 it looks so cute and it's penis is so small I just want to shove my pedo face on his cute little willie and play balls and then put his entire willie in my mouth and taste his cute brand new shota cum and lick his cute body all over
(1.16 MB 1800x2500 1002231621.jpg)

Yuuri from Saikin Yatotta Maid ga Ayashii
(417.39 KB 1132x1831 253cc57bdd7c5ce8.png)

Tyler Nguyen-Baker from Turning Red
(945.12 KB 1000x1449 1003002130.png)

Damian Desmond from Spy×Family
(121.09 KB 600x800 1005639202.jpg)

Bondo Taira from Me & Roboco
(7.79 MB 3307x4677 1009357610.png)

Tatamaru The Shota Virtual YouTuber
(2.44 MB 1500x2121 090601.png)

Susumu Sonosaki (left) & Dai Mugen (right) they are from Saikyō Kamizmode!
(269.55 KB 1448x2048 Fc3fLzIacAEPofo.jpeg)

Kosuke, Yuzuru & Taishi from Drifting Home (Ame wo Tsugeru Hyôryû Danchi)
>>11911 those phis DESERVE a licking
(821.10 KB 1300x1758 093003.jpg)

Kōsuke Kumagaya from Drifting Home
(395.07 KB 800x600 110101.png)

Denji (young boy) from Chainsaw Man
(1.03 MB 1269x1433 112502.jpg)

Izumi from 魂これ (Tamashī kore) (Video game)
(1.26 MB 1240x1754 121801.jpeg)

Roy from upcoming new Pokemon anime series replacing Ash/Satoshi
(234.94 KB 1536x2048 122602.jpeg)

Inukawa Mameta from Mob Psycho 100
(784.77 KB 1200x1500 773791881.png)

Kaito Odagiri from Bokura Wa Mahou Shounen
(952.09 KB 1500x1302 1007829070.jpg)

Reia Sento from Z/X Zillions of Enemy X (card game)
(3.55 MB 2048x4179 1055255050.png)

Cikapasi from Golden Kamuy
>>13570 Very erotic >8chan extreme
(756.36 KB 1382x1901 1057363180.jpg)

Yuta Sakurada from Onii-chan wa Oshimai!
(112.86 KB 1280x905 032704.jpg)

Minato Senkawa (top) from Onii-chan wa Oshimai!
(91.82 KB 619x670 1064994834.png)

Tsubasa Ichinose from Ichinose-ke no Taizai
(979.09 KB 1158x1637 1084658010.png)

Yuhi Ohdo from Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Go Rush!!
(853.03 KB 3000x3000 1092616990.png)

Bell Daikokuten from Beyblade Burst QuadDrive
(1.12 MB 1030x2233 1093662640.png)

Elio Solis from Elio
(264.26 KB 1107x1873 1b94f86740ac4fb9.png)

Victor Calavera from Victor and Valentino
(1.61 MB 1237x1675 080401.png)

Kotetsu from Demon Slayer
(1.21 MB 1728x1152 1108190352.jpg)

Kieran (left) from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
(1.48 MB 2000x1968 1114076780.png)

Suwa Mitsuo from Perman
(1.74 MB 4000x3000 1114551421.jpg)

Crispin/Akamatsu from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
(748.67 KB 768x1024 1116350820.png)

Satoru from Natsu-Mon! (video game)
(292.19 KB 1221x1698 0a0c63a9152521db.png)

Joey Felt from Atomic Puppet
(950.32 KB 646x907 1.png)

Phil Deville from All Grown Up
(882.50 KB 1393x2233 12.png)

Jake Long from American Dragon: Jake Long
(179.97 KB 320x240 5427795-5883169198-tumbl.gif)

Aang from Avatar the last airbender
Bill Murphy from F is for Family
(98.32 KB 992x818 F3VEzYNbcAAUmfa.jfif)

Steve Smith from American Dad
(243.27 KB 500x382 1462484546315.png)

Danny Fenton from Danny Phantom
Yoh Asakura from Shaman King
Twister Rodriguez from Rocket Power
Dipper Pines from Gravity Falls
(472.57 KB 800x1500 111601.gif)

Cody from The Rescuers Down Under
(372.88 KB 579x819 1150913960.jpg)

Gawain Nanami from upcoming anime adaptation of Rising Impact exclusively in Netflix
Andy from Advance Wars
(775.83 KB 1181x1756 fea9039219969a86.png)

Carlino Casagrande from The Loud House and The Casagrandes
(3.31 MB 3600x3242 1178126840.png)

The Yuzuki brothers they are from Yuzuki-san Chi no Yonkyoudai
(834.38 KB 1450x1700 91759038_p1.png)

Aaron Mitchell from The Mitchells vs. the Machines
(672.21 KB 752x1062 1184883081.jpg)

Yaiba Kurogane from upcoming Anime remake of Y∀IBA
(196.22 KB 901x1200 051101.jpg)

Ryota & Taisei (children) they are from Shinkalion꞉ Change the World
(683.27 KB 1095x1411 1189724640.png)

Ten from Shinkalion꞉ Change the World
(259.79 KB 1840x2048 052403.jpeg)

Ekusu Kurosu & Bird Kazami they are from Beyblade X
(795.83 KB 1075x1518 1190115100.png)

Adachi Sho, Ichikawa Kyotaro & Kanzaki Kenta they are from The Dangers in My Heart
(132.17 KB 850x509 061601.jpg)

Yu-yu Kondo from Cardfight!! Vanguard overDress
(11.65 MB 3600x4800 1192634000.jpg)

Mahito Maki from The Boy and the Heron
(673.98 KB 1057x1493 1205605240.png)

Hōjō Tokiyuki from The Elusive Samurai
(1.08 MB 1126x1509 1220844310.png)

Hojo Kunitoki from The Elusive Samurai
(615.72 KB 1057x1493 1205605240.png)

(1.06 MB 1126x1509 1220844310.png)

(5.23 MB 2551x4047 1225063960.jpg)

Nezu Kojirō from The Elusive Samurai
(2.39 MB 2894x3403 DarkWolf790815.png)

(1.63 MB 3325x3432 DarkWolf790828.png)

(1.84 MB 2894x4093 DarkWolf790826-2.png)

(1.66 MB 4093x2894 DarkWolf790903.png)

(1.95 MB 2894x4093 darkwolf790904.PNG)

Digiboys round one: Adventure!
(1.53 MB 4093x2894 DarkWolf790909.png)

(1.50 MB 2894x4093 DarkWolf790910.png)

(1.64 MB 2894x4093 DarkWolf790913.png)

(1.69 MB 2894x4093 DarkWolf790925.png)

(1.62 MB 2894x4093 DarkWolf790926.png)

>>18152 Digiboys round 2: 02 and Tamers!
>>18152 >>18153 These would have been a lot better if they dicks also had their hoodies, what a fucking shame...
>>18152 >>18153 Artist page?
>>18163 >everything behind a fanbox paywall Dump more instead since you have access.
>>18173 A commissioner provided these, I don't have access.
>>18176 Damn.
(9.31 KB 280x147 m-Tjg7Dy.jpg)

>>18185 Cricket Green from Big City Green. This is a preview of Dandi's most recent drawing, of Cricket in his undies: https://dandi.fanbox.cc/posts/8718666
>>18268 And before anyone asks, no, I do not have access to the full pic, as I can't pay to see it due to circumstances beyond my control. Please understand.
(609.88 KB 1054x1554 0c1a6b3efe87ba1d.png)

Bart Simpson from The Simpsons
>>1664 >>1665 Who will do the next thread?
(1.55 MB 1620x2160 126308000_p0.jpg)

Wataru and Kakeru, two aspiring "RyuTubers" from Mashin Souzouden Wataru
>>19329 cuties!
(2.50 MB 1902x2734 126702927_p0.jpg)

Ban Yamano and Jin Kaidou from Danball Senki
(1.57 MB 1015x1335 1269412242.jpg)

Rafal from Orb: On the Movements of the Earth
(3.28 MB 2039x2894 1274738321.jpg)

Ryota,Taisei & Akane they are from Shinkalion꞉ Change the World
Carl Clover from BlazBlue.
(12.16 MB 4961x7016 127166744_p0.jpg)

>>19808 I still can't believe they supposed to be in middle school. All of them look like high schoolers in the anime. If they made them look younger, they would get 5x more fanart.
Chris from The King of Fighters.
(1.01 MB 3054x2715 baeb73aab231e02d.png)

Peedee Fryman from Steven Universe

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