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(238.50 KB 584x827 Run-boy-(old-art).png)

(7.92 MB 3543x2224 Hard-shot.jpg)

(590.42 KB 1134x917 test_by_xgotikox_d5h24qc.jpg)

(2.17 MB 1818x827 Young-scout.png)

Amerindian/Native Shotas Anonymous 06/09/2020 (Tue) 08:34:55 No. 414
I really only have pics by Angst but I'm hoping that other anons can add to the thread with pics from other artists.
(417.82 KB 709x945 Soft-snack.png)

(4.86 MB 2873x1772 Troubled-Waters.png)

(550.27 KB 1082x1181 George-and-Poranga.png)

(617.23 KB 849x945 Smile!.png)

(615.97 KB 762x945 Mayan-Guardian.png)

(756.36 KB 1179x1535 Tahitian-boy.png)

(960.02 KB 1181x835 Diver.png)

(386.01 KB 1088x1181 Deer-boy.png)

(1.41 MB 643x1181 Fierce-Injun.png)

(2.12 MB 977x1311 Riding-Wild.png)

(56.20 KB 428x917 Native-american-boy.jpg)

(937.88 KB 994x1417 Little-Shaman.png)

(435.60 KB 1036x1181 Born-indian.png)

(941.82 KB 1417x1050 Snake Friend.png)

Missed one.
(1.07 MB 4706x4706 tribalboy.jpg)

>>416 Hey, who done the hawaiian boy?
(276.55 KB 694x886 Illustration13.jpg)

>>416 gave the polynesian shota a try.
(487.97 KB 1500x1800 Ee9E8BPWoAA7BRh.jfif)

(490.77 KB 1500x1800 EfaQqY2XkAANMq0.jfif)

(632.73 KB 1500x1800 84763895_p0.jpg)

>>2624 Same person that's done most of these. He goes by Angst/xGotikox.
>>2785 >xGotikox He was, cannot find ANY archives at all!
>>2870 Yeah it looks like he erased his dA account recently. I don't know why. His Hiccars page is still active or at least it was just the other day.
(460.48 KB 1790x1602 YVDFIaC.jpg)

(179.69 KB 479x1181 154870837845.png)

>>4474 >>922 >>545 >>417 Why are Xingu boys so fucking hot?

(148.65 KB 886x1024 bbb-886x1024.jpg)

(676.58 KB 1000x1000 uduramori_100.jpg)

Another thing not talked on here, boys wearing penis gourds
(393.76 KB 778x1000 135.jpg)

(292.25 KB 1000x776 55.jpg)

(421.66 KB 778x1000 141.jpg)

>>4479 anymore art by this guy?
>>4483 He seems like he's disappeared.
(152.04 KB 670x1000 53054499_p0.jpg)

(130.16 KB 670x1000 53054499_p1.jpg)

>>4489 well that sucks
>>4530 I think his page on Hiccears is still there but the last thing he posted was the Rajin and Fujin shotas.
>>4536 Do you have the source of the 4th picture? (The one with the orgy on the park)
>>4559 Well I can tell you I know the artist is MisterD but I have no idea where anon found it.
>>4536 >spoiler Cute Kuruminha. >>4559 >>4560 I found it: https://jabarchives.com/main/post/13081 Mister D (the guy behind Camp Sherwood, in case you don't know him) on The Jab Archives, in case you want to see more of his art. https://jabarchives.com/main/profile/misterd
(2.50 MB 2545x2075 5alIgBH.png)

(187.87 KB 1022x1563 1595383498203.jpg)

(1.56 MB 1852x1399 1587009184386.png)

(663.18 KB 1444x925 mPtDhAz.jpg)

>>4561 >>4563 Thanks lads.
>>4715 Did you find him? Where is he posting now?
(452.60 KB 942x1772 T283Zmu.png)

(92.89 KB 900x821 0zWO3xk.jpeg)

>>4721 i don't know where he is. These are just images from pinterest that were archived
(811.31 KB 945x722 Mystery-in-the-jungle.png)

Good news, it looks like he's started posting again at hiccars.
>>4737 I really want some more Xingu boys stuff from this artist. Mostly one with a ten or twelve year old boy and his father (who could be the chief) where both the boy and the dad are erect (erections pocking through their belt things like seen here >>4479 and both cocks are uncut) where the dad is teaching the son how to masturbate.
>>4737 i wish someone would archive his stuff
>>4741 Isn't that kind of what we're doing here?
(137.02 KB 1143x800 3EHrDX5.jpg)

>>4762 >>4731 These are females you fool!
(572.72 KB 665x1181 starhunter_by_xgotikox-d9nxzfl.jpg)

(631.27 KB 2837x3000 E1-ZIzaUUAIBukl.jpg)

>>5340 Where'd you get the first one from?
>>5360 DeviantArt
>>5363 Recently?
>>5364 got it through the web archive
(159.40 KB 1032x1457 053102.jpg)

(705.50 KB 1200x1600 01e840f3194c3a79.png)

(1.03 MB 1200x1600 9586fa9efe8542b3.png)

(1.33 MB 1200x1600 1771a3b8d30ee8ba.png)

(850.24 KB 1450x1130 013a4706b07c3fe1.png)

(481.51 KB 1665x984 8f68684c8d8b1c99.png)

(1.18 MB 1478x1109 356abc1f9a96bd54.png)

(1.17 MB 1478x1109 0602a8c7453050ae.png)

(1.18 MB 1478x1109 4c26319e903f394c.png)

(538.08 KB 904x1403 5166e336353623b1.png)

(916.77 KB 1054x1554 faacdd3b6428552a.png)

(758.07 KB 1054x1554 451b4e68dbf12817.png)

(765.42 KB 1054x1554 576e942936a555f2.png)

(190.62 KB 1600x1906 cdesign.jpg)

(128.78 KB 1200x1500 haiwatha.jpg)

(47.30 KB 600x764 51288712_p8.jpg)

(149.36 KB 1471x1762 51288712_p14.jpg)

(4.70 KB 123x200 717064433.jpg)

(40.77 KB 600x671 51288712_p15.jpg)

(37.86 KB 292x900 51288712_p4.jpg)

(1.90 MB 2080x2954 69228843_p0.jpg)

>>6417 Nice thumbnail, retard.
>>6419 >>6417 What is this, shota for ants?
(221.67 KB 1426x1028 d9adbf211a24cb1bc5a.jpg)

(133.27 KB 922x1181 Increasing Strength.png)

(214.34 KB 1181x835 indian_diver.png)

(41.95 KB 479x1181 indian_wrestler.png)

(64.66 KB 668x945 indian_slave.png)

>>6417 Post removed since a higher res version of the same image is in the OP. I also managed to find more pics from that artist (Angst) in a Spanish anime forum after going through a lot of searches.
(70.23 KB 686x1181 art15.png)

(218.91 KB 1299x863 4ea8129e4c7a1b7fc983c.png)

(119.50 KB 827x767 bfaa492bc1eb6c25c.png)

(236.99 KB 667x945 ce630bc2e275917a.png)

(485.20 KB 1078x1654 curumins_comic.png)

Lynxchan's anti-duplicate file filter is disabled here because it sucks ass, so apologies if I repost files that already were posted here.
(174.47 KB 668x945 indian_fucked.png)

(145.10 KB 964x891 indian10.jpg)

(600.65 KB 1181x835 Initiation.png)

(249.90 KB 1440x1535 Inuit Boy.png)

(198.63 KB 1009x945 Mayan lesson.jpg)

(151.26 KB 893x992 missionary.jpg)

(43.96 KB 1437x992 Poranga.png)

(281.46 KB 1004x1654 Safari Fun.png)

(133.20 KB 919x1535 Hakim.png)

(74.86 KB 1085x1535 Sumo boy.png)

Last batch of non-repeated pics. Last 3 pics are hidden because they don't fit the topic completely but still are worth posting.
Here are some boys from "The Road to El Dorado"
>>7035 Personally, I like the one in the yellowish green loincloth. I find him kind of cute.
>>7036 He is cute.
(538.26 KB 2048x1536 150291954553.jpg)

(639.11 KB 2048x1536 150291318178.jpg)

>>7037 Damn right he is! I just wish there was more art of him, including NSFW. It's a shame since he only appears for a few seconds in the movie. Hell, he doesn't even have a name.
(4.30 MB 1835x2257 Loincloth Boys #1.png)

I have this Pocahontas storybook that was released by Disney in 1995, and on one of the pages, there are these two Native American boys, one chubby and one younger, both wearing generic native breechcloths.
(1022.95 KB 1003x1416 091201.jpg)

(77.56 KB 941x436 E_Y6yRSVcAQkskD.jpg)

(112.38 KB 800x1130 101005.jpg)

(151.18 KB 1500x2362 WetTribalShota.jpg)

(135.83 KB 1400x992 InitiationRitual.jpg)

(397.13 KB 2400x3393 TropicalShota.jpg)

(7.00 MB 3000x2498 Mowgli1.png)

(3.33 MB 2400x2743 Mowgli2.png)

(1.03 MB 5600x4000 935949740.jpg)

Has there ever been a native shota shown seducing the missionary kid? I have a big At Play in the Fields of the Lord fetish.
>>8335 He's really cute.
(1.07 MB 1231x2587 947225141.png)

Angst seems to be deleting things from his hiccears so archive what you can
(550.43 KB 1000x1000 77556008_p5.png)

>>8499 What's his profile?
(7.00 MB 3000x2498 Mowgli1.png)

>>8512 Here, I saved everything I could find there (just 36 pics of 47 that were submitted according to the stats page) and uploaded it to catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/5vy9ry.7z There probably is more art elsewhere (like in this own thread), so it may be good to have a separate thread for collecting his art.
>>8513 Make one then.
>>8513 I just realized Mowgli has two right feet.
(1.04 MB 868x1228 953027480.jpg)

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(1.04 MB 2700x2700 011102.jpg)

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(195.78 KB 600x721 63373873_p7.jpg)

(155.87 KB 475x800 63373873_p8.jpg)

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(179.84 KB 800x814 63373873_p10.jpg)

(1.16 MB 1754x1122 957346230.png)

(840.01 KB 1400x1820 962067902.jpg)

(1.22 MB 1200x1221 966033930.png)

(82.90 KB 1463x2048 031802.jpg)

(279.85 KB 2249x2997 032502.jpg)

>>9386 improved it
(216.64 KB 1809x2048 051201.jpeg)

i love tribal shota butt
>>10300 Where do you keep finding new things of his?
>>10301 he started posting on hiccears again also read filename
(366.86 KB 1000x1556 983141682.jpg)

(849.91 KB 1400x1820 96206790_p0.jpg)

(831.04 KB 1400x1820 96206790_p1.jpg)

(840.01 KB 1400x1820 96206790_p2.jpg)

(2.29 MB 1336x3220 96494135_p0.png)

Anyone knows the name of this character? I have seen a lot of artists draw him.
(7.03 MB 2480x3508 98564299_p1_jpg.png)

(5.51 MB 2480x3508 98564299_p0_jpg.png)

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(4.52 MB 2480x3508 98733426_p1_jpg.png)

(2.97 MB 2480x3508 98733426_p2_jpg.png)

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(5.27 MB 2894x4093 95489853_p4_jpg.png)

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(4.78 MB 2894x4093 95489853_p6_jpg.png)

(437.96 KB 1080x1080 2da577d0064fa5d8.jpg)

(2.69 MB 1507x2126 993153420.png)

Has any artist ever done a gender swapped Lilo?
>>11596 Yeah but I forget his name. He stopped drawing nudes
>>11601 Do you have his drawings?
(488.10 KB 1437x994 93911441208c2bbd.png)

(1.03 MB 1377x1280 42391938_p0_jpg.jpg)

(6.02 MB 2222x2222 TribalPrisoner_1.png)

(5.34 MB 2222x2222 TribalPrisoner_2.png)

(5.38 MB 2222x2222 TribalPrisoner_3.png)

(5.39 MB 2222x2222 TribalPrisoner_4.png)

(206.88 KB 1748x1181 1017788480.jpg)

(817.11 KB 1440x1440 88701467351ed559.jpeg.jpg)

(195.51 KB 1366x2048 111201.jpeg)

(456.72 KB 642x704 36014255970_9a2865bf5d_o.jpg)

(5.51 MB 1868x3111 nativeboyo.png)

(491.17 KB 1097x1984 43959520.jpg)

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(4.50 MB 2071x3432 1111225220.png)

(520.87 KB 1066x1500 082802.jpeg)

(2.15 MB 1200x1200 1136921590.png)

Thinkin about a friend of mine who’s native and used to skinny dip in the lake near his house and play around naked all the time as a kid. Says one time in the summer he went two weeks straight without putting on clothes
(532.87 KB 900x1081 84351641_p0.jpg)

>>4563 It's there any more of these? Really got me interested.

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