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Shota VTubers Anon 04/17/2022 (Sun) 16:03:19 No. 9978
do you watch any shota vtubers?
>>9978 Just two, Tatamaru and Seto Kazuya (pics related). I don't really pay attention to what they do on screen, but I like to put their videos as background noise while I do something else. In Kazuya's case, he does covers of songs (here's one of them), giving more variety to his channel, but most of the time he streams himself drawing art and talking with his viewers. Most of Tatamaru's videos are about him talking in Japanese about nothing in particular, and while I don't understand a thing, the videos make good background noise.
Tatamaru is super cute! Most shota vtubers seem to be rather nishe and smoll. That makes them hard to find. But there are more than I expected. I found out about Yukke, Fisky an Toki, some EN vtubers who fit the bill. And then there is linechu, who acts more like a femboy, but is clearly shota. And the only large one I can think of. And maybe no amnotasadist, who is also pretty cute. For japanese shota vtubers apart from tatamaru, there are lots of smol ones I checked out in the past, but kinda for got about again. Rhymu is one example. I also watched a collab of 8 shota vtubers together, which was truly adorable. It was like watching an animeboy sleepover where they were gaming together. Very wholesome stuff.
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>>9980 >Tatamaru is super cute! Most shota vtubers seem to be rather nishe and smoll This is the truth with most independent vtubers due to how saturated is the market, but with shotatubers things are 3x harder because they are a subniche of a subniche of a niche. I actually have been in the looking for channels that do something other than play meme games and chat about nothing, but I admit that I don't know where to look. What's the full name and channel of the catboy in your third pic by the way? Are he and the one in your first pic the same? >I also watched a collab of 8 shota vtubers together, which was truly adorable Were they part of a group or company, or just independent vtubers playing together? You reminded me that Seto founded a shota-only group named Ghost Crown (pic related) that has done a couple of collabs, but to be honest I don't find the rest of them as appealing as Kazuya. Also Linechu is a huge slut and I want to punish him by ravaging his ass.
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>>9981 They are different vtubers. The one in my last post is called catboyfisky on twitch. He seems a bit insecure, but has a soothing voice and a cute german accent. This shota group von seto could actually have been what i stumbled upon! The avatars seem somewhat familiar.
I know @halcyon_stream and @makinozomu
>>10015 >shotabot vtuber That's a pretty neat concept to be honest. Shotabots that look more mechanic than humanoid are extremely rare. But to be honest his voice is too deep and not "childish" enough for the avatar.
>>10022 interesting concept indeed! what other shotatubers can anon recommend?
Damn I wish I could be a shota vtuber... But I'm fucking 30
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anyone else here like kainen? expressive model and he's pretty friendly if you join his subscriber-only discord. dominant attitude usually but he says he's vers. has a sort of teen boy character to his voice so he's not committed to being full shotabait but that suits my preferences more tbh twitch.tv/kainen
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Mashiro is a Nijisanji shota who likes horror. His channel got suspended a while ago, so you'll have to stick to clips in the meantime.
@yumehoppe_mikan counts?

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